
April 28, 2015 - June 09, 2015

Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
Date: Apr 28, 2015
That's what I'm thinking. I can't see well enough to tell minute differences. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama I have always heard that, but years ago when I was building dirt bikes - 2 stroke - I would check the plugs after a plain "ride," and then do a run at a specific speed or load to check the jetting, and I couldn't see the difference. Perhaps an expert with a magnifying glass could, but in my laymans experience, the plugs sort of were what they were. For instance, putting in brand new plugs, going out and doing a test, and then pulling them and looking at them, there was not enough accumulation to tell much of anything. Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Apr 28, 2015
From: Jim Baker <jimbaker(at)npacc.net>
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
UmVhZGluZyBwbHVncyBpcyBoaWdobHkgc3ViamVjdGl2ZS4gUHJvcGVyIHdheSBpcyB0byBwaWNr IHlvdXIgb3BlcmF0aW5nIFJQTSB0byBiZSBldmFsdWF0ZWQsIHJ1biBhdCB0aGF0IHNwZWVkIGZv ciBhdCBsZWFzdCA1IG1pbiB0aGVuIGN1dCB0aGUgaWduaXRpb24uIFByb2JsZW1hdGljIHdpdGgg YWNmdCBzaW5jZSB5b3UnZCBiZSBsYW5kaW5nIHBvd2VyIG9mZiwgbm90IGhhcmQgYnV0IG5vdCBp ZGVhbCwgZWl0aGVyLiBUaGVuIHlvdSBoYXZlIHRvIGV2YWx1YXRlIHRoZSBjb2xvciBvZiB0aGUg Y2VyYW1pYyBkZWVwIGluIHRoZSBpbnN1bGF0b3Igd2VsbC4uLi4uZ29vZCBsdWNrIHdpdGggdGhh dC4KCkVHVCBpcyBtdWNoIHNhZmVyIGFuZCB3YXkgbW9yZSByZXZlYWxpbmcuIEkgaGF2ZW4ndCBy dW4gaW50byBhIHBlcmZlY3RseSBqZXR0ZWQsIGNhcmJ1cmV0ZWQgdHdvIHN0cm9rZS4uLi5ldmVy LiBUaGVyZSBpcyBhbHdheXMgYSBsZWFuIHNwb3QgaW4gdGhlIGZ1ZWwgY3VydmUgc29tZXdoZXJl LiBJIGZseSBhIHR3byBzdHJva2UgYnkgdGhlIEVHVC4uLi4udGhhdCBpcyB0byBzYXksIHRoZSBF R1Qgd2lsbCB2YXJ5IGRheS10by1kYXkgc28gaWYgSSd2ZSBjaG9zZW4gdG8gZmx5IGF0IDExNzUg RiB0aGVuIHdoYXRldmVyIFJQTSB0aGF0IGhhcHBlbnMgdG8gYmUsIHRoYXQncyB3aGF0IEkgZmx5 LiBZb3UgY2FuIGdldCBhIGZhaXIgYW1vdW50IG9mIFJQTSBzcHJlYWQgc29tZXRpbWVzLgoKVGhl 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________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: N58SG Sold
From: "west1m" <west1m(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Apr 28, 2015
Lookin' forward to seeing Steve's new MKIII! -------- West1m Hastings, MN Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441457#441457 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: Apr 28, 2015
OK, had a good flying day today. Temp when we started flying was low 60's. MKIII Classic, 582, 2 people, 1@200 lbs, 1@185. Full throttle climbout, 6300 rpm, 50 mph, EGT 1000. Water temp constant at 140 in all situations. Cruise 1075-1100 EGT, stayed very constant, no appreciable variability. RPM varies 5500-5900. (Lots of lift & sink across the low hills) Airspeed averaged 65. Temp later in the day 70, no change in any of the above numbers, airspeed on final approach at a couple different strips was 60, EGT 1000 @ 3000-3800 rpm. I fly cruise airspeed until time to throttle back, dump the flaps, and reset the trim. Final numbers, 1.5 hours total, 7 gallons used. Last landing of the day before I took the pictures had time on final of probably less than a minute at 3-4k rpm, burst of power on short final. Landing, turning around and taxiing to the hangar took probably around a minute and a half, was at a low rpm, EGT was at 900. Pulled the plugs and took several pictures, this one is the most accurate in terms of how they actually looked. Interestingly, the plugs at the PTO end were lighter and more reddish, the ones at the mag end were a bit darker and more grey. Numbering from left to right, #1 is closest to the mag. #2 is also mag end cylinder, but closer to the PTO end, #3 is the PTO side cylinder, mag end, and #4 is PTO side cylinder, PTO end. Have no idea why the difference. Based on everything I have seen today, and on the way the plugs look now (IMO slightly on the rich side of ideal) I think that once summer gets here with much hotter temperatures, I will raise the needle clip by one notch to lower the needle and lean it a tad, and in the fall drop it back down to its current position to richen it a bit in the winter. Not sure that this establishes any sort of jetting/load/EGT/spark plug doctrine or proves anything, I just found this whole topic interesting and wanted to pursue it. Maybe it will be food for thought, and as Beauford says: worth what ya paid for it. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441475#441475 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/p1040455_medium_124.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
Date: Apr 28, 2015
Well today the wind was light and variable and it was 60 by noon. Headed to the airport. By the time I got launched into the air, it was nearly 2PM. Rough and bumpy! Just enough thermal action to make it not pleasant. Went up to 1500' AGL and it only got worse. Dropped back to 800' and it was a little better. Did some playing around at different RPM's and airspeeds. 5500 was yielding about 60 to 65 indicated. Nosing over and unloading the engine would spike the EGT. I have reset the alarm to 1190 Saw it jump to 1220 once. Quick application of throttle or enricher takes care of it. Flew for about 30 minutes between 5 and 6K. Not much fun so headed back. EGT spike again, added full enrich to keep it cool. Kept some power on all the way to the ground and made a nice landing. Back to idle, tail down, engine quit! WTH??? Turns out I just forgot to take off the enrich and I flooded it. Got it going again and taxied back to the hangar. Decided to add 1/2 of pitch to the prop. Messed around with that for a while, had a soft drink, visited around some. Then could not stand it any longer, had to go back up. Was able to get 6300+ on takeoff and it still climbs like a scalded cat. Air was a little smoother, so decided to go for a ride. Flew up to my house ~20 miles away. At 5500 I was getting a consistent 65 MPH indicated, 600o would get me to 70. In the thermals if I nosed over to keep from climbing, I could easily see 70-75 MPH. Air was still rough enough it was hard to maintain speed AND altitude. So I would work on one, then the other. Even at 5000 RPM I was still seeing 60 MPH or more and the EGT was running in the mid to upper 1100 range but no alarms going off. Back to the airport, if I pulled power into the high 4000 range and nosed over, I would get an alarm. Just as I was struggling to get down for a landing, I noticed that the wind had shifted and was now on my tail. Go around time! Circled and got lined up for the opposite end and still had some trouble getting down, even with some fairly aggressive slips. Backed down to the3500 range and nosed over, then the ground came up fast. Airspeed was at 50 so all was well, added some power and rounded out for a fairly decent landing. So all in all, the mid-range lean problem is much smaller than it was and even though I moved the prop a little towards a cruise setting it did not affect the climb at all. I want to get up in some really smooth air to do more testing before making any more changes. 1.8 hours on the tach and a good day! Thanks for all the advice and input. This is going to be FUN! Stuart ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Apr 29, 2015
From: Jim Baker <jimbaker(at)npacc.net>
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
This a single point egt setup? Jim Baker 405 426 5377 -----Original Message----- From: Richard Pike <thegreybaron(at)charter.net> Sent: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 8:55 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question OK, had a good flying day today. Temp when we started flying was low 60's. MKIII Classic, 582, 2 people, 1@200 lbs, 1@185. Full throttle climbout, 6300 rpm, 50 mph, EGT 1000. Water temp constant at 140 in all situations. Cruise 1075-1100 EGT, stayed very constant, no appreciable variability. RPM varies 5500-5900. (Lots of lift & sink across the low hills) Airspeed averaged 65. Temp later in the day 70, no change in any of the above numbers, airspeed on final approach at a couple different strips was 60, EGT 1000 @ 3000-3800 rpm. I fly cruise airspeed until time to throttle back, dump the flaps, and reset the trim. Final numbers, 1.5 hours total, 7 gallons used. Last landing of the day before I took the pictures had time on final of probably less than a minute at 3-4k rpm, burst of power on short final. Landing, turning around and taxiing to the hangar took probably around a minute and a half, was at a low rpm, EGT was at 900. Pulled the plugs and took several pictures, this one is the most accurate in terms of how they actually looked. Interestingly, the plugs at the PTO end were lighter and more reddish, the ones at the mag end were a bit darker and more grey. Numbering from left to right, #1 is closest to the mag. #2 is also mag end cylinder, but closer to the PTO end, #3 is the PTO side cylinder, mag end, and #4 is PTO side cylinder, PTO end. Have no idea why the difference. Based on everything I have seen today, and on the way the plugs look now (IMO slightly on the rich side of ideal) I think that once summer gets here with much hotter temperatures, I will raise the needle clip by one notch to lower the needle and lean it a tad, and in the fall drop it back down to its current position to richen it a bit in the winter. Not sure that this establishes any sort of jetting/load/EGT/spark plug doctrine or proves anything, I just found this whole topic interesting and wanted to pursue it. Maybe it will be food for thought, and as Beauford says: worth what ya paid for it. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441475#441475 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/p1040455_medium_124.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
Date: Apr 29, 2015
There are probes for both cylinders (and heads). The page I was using on the EIS shows Altitude and Rate of Climb so it only shows the hottest cylinder. Adding the small amount of pitch did increase the head temps by a few degrees, but they are staying below 400. This is a single carb setup and the rear cylinder runs a few degrees warmer than the front. Stuart -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Jim Baker Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 5:30 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question This a single point egt setup? Jim Baker 405 426 5377 -----Original Message----- From: Richard Pike <thegreybaron(at)charter.net> Sent: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 8:55 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question --> OK, had a good flying day today. Temp when we started flying was low 60's. MKIII Classic, 582, 2 people, 1@200 lbs, 1@185. Full throttle climbout, 6300 rpm, 50 mph, EGT 1000. Water temp constant at 140 in all situations. Cruise 1075-1100 EGT, stayed very constant, no appreciable variability. RPM varies 5500-5900. (Lots of lift & sink across the low hills) Airspeed averaged 65. Temp later in the day 70, no change in any of the above numbers, airspeed on final approach at a couple different strips was 60, EGT 1000 @ 3000-3800 rpm. I fly cruise airspeed until time to throttle back, dump the flaps, and reset the trim. Final numbers, 1.5 hours total, 7 gallons used. Last landing of the day before I took the pictures had time on final of probably less than a minute at 3-4k rpm, burst of power on short final. Landing, turning around and taxiing to the hangar took probably around a minute and a half, was at a low rpm, EGT was at 900. Pulled the plugs and took several pictures, this one is the most accurate in terms of how they actually looked. Interestingly, the plugs at the PTO end were lighter and more reddish, the ones at the mag end were a bit darker and more grey. Numbering from left to right, #1 is closest to the mag. #2 is also mag end cylinder, but closer to the PTO end, #3 is the PTO side cylinder, mag end, and #4 is PTO side cylinder, PTO end. Have no idea why the difference. Based on everything I have seen today, and on the way the plugs look now (IMO slightly on the rich side of ideal) I think that once summer gets here with much hotter temperatures, I will raise the needle clip by one notch to lower the needle and lean it a tad, and in the fall drop it back down to its current position to richen it a bit in the winter. Not sure that this establishes any sort of jetting/load/EGT/spark plug doctrine or proves anything, I just found this whole topic interesting and wanted to pursue it. Maybe it will be food for thought, and as Beauford says: worth what ya paid for it. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441475#441475 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/p1040455_medium_124.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
Date: Apr 29, 2015
I believe it is normal for the PTO cylinder to run warmer than the Mag cylinder based on the cooling system configuration. Over the years I discovered Rotax two stroke engines were tuned at the factory for 0 to 1500 feet ASL on a 70F day. To keep temps in the green, all that is necessary is prop the engine/aircraft correctly. I also discovered if I propped the engine/aircraft to just bump the red line, 6500 rpm, wide open throttle, straight and level flight, all parameters were happy and I got the best performance, climb and cruise, with a fixed pitch/ground adjustable prop. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama This is a single carb setup and the rear cylinder runs a few degrees warmer than the front. Stuart ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Jerry Scrabeck" <skrabekk(at)charter.net>
Subject: 5 inch tube
Date: Apr 29, 2015
I=99m still hopeing to find someone who has a 5 inch .058 6061 alum. tube to replace my twinstar=98s broken spar.need 12 ft,. 4 in.Any information on manufacturers or retailers also appreciated. Jerry ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
Date: Apr 29, 2015
Airport elevation is 1940' so that would make me think that the factory setup would run rich but that is not what I am seeing. I have checked the carb and all the parts are original sizes. Total time on the engine is only 20 hours, so I am inclined to leave things about where they are until I get another 20 or so on it. If I do anything, it would be to add another little bit of pitch. In ND we are the state of wild temperature changes so there is likely to be at least some variation from day to day. Stuart -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of John Hauck Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 8:39 AM Subject: RE: Kolb-List: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question I believe it is normal for the PTO cylinder to run warmer than the Mag cylinder based on the cooling system configuration. Over the years I discovered Rotax two stroke engines were tuned at the factory for 0 to 1500 feet ASL on a 70F day. To keep temps in the green, all that is necessary is prop the engine/aircraft correctly. I also discovered if I propped the engine/aircraft to just bump the red line, 6500 rpm, wide open throttle, straight and level flight, all parameters were happy and I got the best performance, climb and cruise, with a fixed pitch/ground adjustable prop. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama This is a single carb setup and the rear cylinder runs a few degrees warmer than the front. Stuart ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "George Myers" <gmyers(at)grandecom.net>
Subject: 5 inch tube
Date: Apr 29, 2015
I have a 5=9D twinstar tube 14=996=9D long. George Myers 1500 IH 35 South San Marcos, TX 78666 512-353-4860 Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm Sat 9am to 3pm From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Jerry Scrabeck Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:41 AM Subject: Kolb-List: 5 inch tube I=99m still hopeing to find someone who has a 5 inch .058 6061 alum. tube to replace my twinstar=98s broken spar.need 12 ft,. 4 in.Any information on manufacturers or retailers also appreciated. Jerry ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: Apr 29, 2015
[quote="John Hauck"]I believe it is normal for the PTO cylinder to run warmer than the Mag cylinder based on the cooling system configuration. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama [quote] Is that for air cooled or water cooled? I can see that for aircooled on a pusher, but how would that work on a 582? The water temp ought to be 140 on both cylinders since that was what my new probe in the head was claiming. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441516#441516 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Apr 29, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: 5 inch tube
Jerry Hope you understand my position...once I began to think about shipping...I could see that I did not have the ability to get it to you safely... It is wrapped and in the barn...if you know of someone who can pick it up... I do not know of anyone...Travis tells me that , and I think I told you. the only plant is in Ohio and they require 1000 lb order to run the 6 and 5 inch tubes.. Not sure about that..but a search of the web did not turn anything up... Herb On 04/29/2015 10:40 AM, Jerry Scrabeck wrote: > Im still hopeing to find someone who has a 5 inch .058 6061 alum. > tube to replace my twinstars broken spar.need 12 ft,. 4 in.Any > information on manufacturers or retailers also appreciated. Jerry > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question
Date: Apr 29, 2015
Air cooled. jrh -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Richard Pike Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 4:56 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Firefly/447 RPM question --> [quote="John Hauck"]I believe it is normal for the PTO cylinder to run warmer than the Mag cylinder based on the cooling system configuration. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama [quote] Is that for air cooled or water cooled? I can see that for aircooled on a pusher, but how would that work on a 582? The water temp ought to be 140 on both cylinders since that was what my new probe in the head was claiming. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441516#441516 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: 5 inch tube
Date: Apr 29, 2015
Check with an irrigation company. They use 5 and 6 inch 6061T6 for their circle irrigation systems. The only problem with attempting to obtain a tube from them is the condition of the tube after it leaves the mill. They don't baby them the way we airplane builders do. They will be scratched and dented. If you could find one with minor flaws, could probably be polished out. I see a few specimens that have been saved and are still flying, although I don't think I would want one on my mkIII. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 5:14 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: 5 inch tube Jerry Hope you understand my position...once I began to think about shipping...I could see that I did not have the ability to get it to you safely... It is wrapped and in the barn...if you know of someone who can pick it up... I do not know of anyone...Travis tells me that , and I think I told you. the only plant is in Ohio and they require 1000 lb order to run the 6 and 5 inch tubes.. Not sure about that..but a search of the web did not turn anything up... Herb On 04/29/2015 10:40 AM, Jerry Scrabeck wrote: I=99m still hopeing to find someone who has a 5 inch .058 6061 alum. tube to replace my twinstar=98s broken spar.need 12 ft,. 4 in.Any information on manufacturers or retailers also appreciated. Jerry ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: N58SG Sold
From: "Watkinsdw" <david.watkins0(at)gmail.com>
Date: Apr 30, 2015
Hi, Gang, The gentleman from Minnesota has decided not to buy my Mark III Classic, so if anyone knows of an interested party, please forward this information. I've tried to attach a picture, but not sure it stuck! I have lots of pictures and an equipment sheet that I'll be glad to forward off-list. Thanks, Dave Watkins 954-608-5423 david.watkins0(at)gmail.com Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441547#441547 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/april_30_flyer_100.doc ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Re: N58SG Sold
Date: Apr 30, 2015
Shucks! Thought for sure it was sold. Yep, that is the same flyer I saw tacked over the urinal in the porta-pottie near my tent at Lakeland. ;-) john h mkIII Athens, Tennessee -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Watkinsdw Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 11:41 AM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: N58SG Sold Hi, Gang, The gentleman from Minnesota has decided not to buy my Mark III Classic, so if anyone knows of an interested party, please forward this information. I've tried to attach a picture, but not sure it stuck! I have lots of pictures and an equipment sheet that I'll be glad to forward off-list. Thanks, Dave Watkins 954-608-5423 david.watkins0(at)gmail.com Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441547#441547 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/april_30_flyer_100.doc = Photoshare, and much much more: = = = ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "George Bearden" <gab16(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: RE: Kolb-List Digest: 12 Msgs - 04/29/15
Date: Apr 30, 2015
> still hopeing to find someone who has a 5 inch Jerry, my buddy here in Fresno has three(3) tubes. All new and properly stored. He is getting out of aviation after 70-some years. Gimme a call or txt at (559) 287-5983 George ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: second chantz chutes
From: "crankpot" <bobg379(at)yahoo.com>
Date: May 02, 2015
Ok i talked to John dunlap and everything seems fine. I pulled the canopy from my canister to inspect it as he instructed and it looked and smelled like brand new. He says he'll inspect and test the fabric and lines for strength and if they pass will rebuild my canopy into his new system for $1495. BRS wouldnt even touch it as they claim after 24 years you must buy their new $4000 system. Will report back later. -------- 1984 kolb ultrstar Former 1997 kolb firestat Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441612#441612 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: N58SG Sold
From: "Watkinsdw" <david.watkins0(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 03, 2015
I received an inquiry about my Mk III via "private message" last week from a lister who is looking for a very clean Mk III that he can feel comfortable flying his wife and kids. Can't seem to find the address. Hoping that he received my reply. If not, please resend your request. Thanks, and clear skies to all! Dave Watkins MkIII Classic Pompano Beach, FL Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441654#441654 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: N58SG Sold
From: "Db4spd" <dboothe3(at)bellsouth.net>
Date: May 03, 2015
That would be me. I am new to the site but have been lurking for a while. I have been reading up on the Kolb line of aircraft and leaning toward building my own. It is obvious one can save a ton of money by buying this particular plane. I will PM you again. Thanks Derek -------- Getting back into light aircraft building and flying Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441656#441656 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: 250# pilot to heavy to solo Kolbra?
From: "w0odi" <woodyz1957(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 03, 2015
Ralph B wrote: > Larry, as far as your up front max weight of 260 lbs, it's not a problem. My wife and I weigh about 400 lbs (total weight of course) ahead of the cg and yes the nose is a little heavy, but I always have enough up elevator to make safe landings. I would recommend the Rotax 912uls (100 hp) for max performance and the added weight aft of the cg to offset your weight if you are concerned about it. I have my weight and balance sheets on file if you are interested. > > I have made several videos with my wife and I flying the Kolbra. She does all the video from the rear seat and yes you will be able to fly yours from the front. If you would like to see any of these videos they are here on my youtube channel: > > https://www.youtube.com/user/flyguy8294 > > > > > > > Thanks Ralph I have watched most of your videos and really enjoy them.. but you guys are polar bears.....I am from missouri and it doesn't get that cold very often down here Thank The Lord.... any way I just wanted to thank you for your kind reply and Dennis told me you fly a regular firestar and you are some lighter than me but he mentioned you said it flew fine with your weight.. Thanks again for your comment on this.. > > Larry > > Ralph Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441657#441657 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: what kind of seat do you have in your Kolb Firestar II
From: "w0odi" <woodyz1957(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 03, 2015
I just would like to see what kind of a seat you have in your Kolb Firestar II.. I am 6'2" and 260 and I sat in one recently and it seemed like i was leaning way back is that normal? I won't bee needing the room for the second seat since I am to heavy for passengers.. I hope to see some pics of your seat configurations..or any ideas on how to make it more comfortable for me.. I tried to ad a pic dunno if it worked or not..... my wife told me I looked like a bull in a china shop...lol Thanks Larry Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441658#441658 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: what kind of seat do you have in your Kolb Firestar II
From: "w0odi" <woodyz1957(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 03, 2015
try again Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441659#441659 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 04, 2015
From: william sullivan <williamtsullivan(at)att.net>
Subject: Re: what kind of seat do you have in your Kolb Firestar II
I have an old original Firestar, and when sitting on level ground it gives the impression of leaning way back. I have the sling seat. When flying yours, the tail will come up above level, and the seat will seem normal. Try sitting in it while the tail is lifted up a few inches above level. Bill Sullivan Windsor Locks, Ct. original FS, 447 -------------------------------------------- On Sun, 5/3/15, w0odi wrote: Subject: Kolb-List: what kind of seat do you have in your Kolb Firestar II To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Date: Sunday, May 3, 2015, 11:58 PM "w0odi" I just would like to see what kind of a seat you have in your Kolb Firestar II.. I am 6'2" and 260 and I sat in one recently and it seemed like i was leaning way back is that normal? I won't bee needing the room for the second seat since I am to heavy for passengers.. I hope to see some pics of your seat configurations..or any ideas on how to make it more comfortable for me.. I tried to ad a pic dunno if it worked or not..... my wife told me I looked like a bull in a china shop...lol Thanks Larry Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441658#441658 Forum - - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - List Contribution Web Site - -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: what kind of seat do you have in your Kolb Firestar II
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: May 04, 2015
Owner is about 5'11" and 260 pounds, likes this seat real well. http://oh2fly.net/oldpoops/FSII%20seat%20page.html With this windshield getting in and out was easy. http://oh2fly.net/oldpoops/Latch.html Check the last picture on this page - 2 tubes made it much more difficult. http://oh2fly.net/oldpoops/Panel.htm -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441671#441671 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: what kind of seat do you have in your Kolb Firestar II
From: "George Alexander" <gtalexander(at)att.net>
Date: May 04, 2015
w0odi wrote: > - S - N - I - P - > I am 6'2" and 260 and I sat in one recently and it seemed like i was leaning way back is that normal? I won't bee needing the room for the second seat since I am to heavy for passengers.. > > I hope to see some pics of your seat configurations..or any ideas on how to make it more comfortable for me.. > - S - N - I - P - > Thanks > Larry Larry: You and I are about the same dimensions... and I have a FS II. While I don't have a picture of my seat configuration, I'll offer this: Refer to the attached in-flight picture. Bill Sullivan is correct about sitting upright when the tail comes up to flying stance. and Assuming that you are average proportions for 6'2" (legs & torso) you may encounter a problem (minor) with your knees sticking up. I tend to fly with my legs flayed to the outside to give maximum throw of the stick for the ailerons. As you can see in the picture, I don't have/need a full enclosure. The remedy for this situation would be to reconfigure the seat to move it back. The biggest issue in doing this would be to move the tube that runs horizontally behind the seat back. While it does serve the purpose of being a stop for the seat back, its primary purpose (according to Dennis Jackson, Kolb's master welder) is to minimize the collapsing of the cage should it opt to become a lawn dart. One thing that helped a little was to reduce the padding in seat (both bottom and back). I replaced the foam the builder had use with the 1" memory foam. Probably only gave me an additional 1/2" to 1" in both pieces, but every little bit helps. Also gave consideration to moving the rudder pedals forward, but with size 13 shoes, there's only so much room in that nose pod. Bottom line, the near standard configuration has not been a problem for me and I've been flying this FS II for over 10 years. If you are planning to do a lot of cross country with 2-3 hour legs, your results may vary. Here is the link to a YouTube video with the camera mounted under the wing. May be able to see how it is. As the Turtle Man would say..... "Live Action" https://youtu.be/dOte07vGiEg "Worth what you paid fer it." Beauford William Tuton III -------- George Alexander FS II R503 N709FS http://www.oh2fly.net Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441680#441680 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/georgea_fsii_124.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
From: WhiskeyVictor36(at)aol.com
Date: May 09, 2015
Subject: Re: Dennis Souder permissions
Try this _flykolb(at)pa.net_ (mailto:flykolb(at)pa.net) Bill Varnes Original Kolb FireStar Audubon NJ Do Not Archive In a message dated 5/9/2015 10:32:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, thegreybaron(at)charter.net writes: --> Kolb-List message posted by: "Richard Pike" Does anyone on the list have a current email address or phone # for Dennis? Do not archive -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=441930#441930 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Dennis Souder permissions
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: May 12, 2015
Talked to Travis at Kolb; everything is cool. Matt Dralle - you can delete this thread, thanks. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442059#442059 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 15, 2015
Subject: Horizontal stab position
From: Tony Malins <malins888(at)gmail.com>
My Kolb flew again yesterday, and the test pilot, another Mk3x owner, commented that the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer appeared to be set too high on the boom. Could someone send me some photos of one correctly fixed. Aussie Tony ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Horizontal stab position
Date: May 14, 2015
Tony: Can you send us a photo of your horizontal stabilizer? What was the test pilot's observation of the horizontal stabilizer based on? Was it, by chance, because the aircraft needs nose up pitch trim? john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tony Malins Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 5:27 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Horizontal stab position My Kolb flew again yesterday, and the test pilot, another Mk3x owner, commented that the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer appeared to be set too high on the boom. Could someone send me some photos of one correctly fixed. Aussie Tony ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 14, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Firefly quick build and Danny Day
Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle. Likely in a box that went to the L.A. county landfill! :-) Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 14, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: New Firefly quick build
Here is a pic of the quick build cage..Just got the vert stab and rudder installed this evening.. Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Horizontal stab position
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: May 14, 2015
Dude, I'll do you better than that: here is what's left of the blueprints that tell you exactly where they are supposed to go. The front of the horizontal stab is even with the top of the boom tube. Parts of the blueprint are missing: the mice got hungry. True story. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442118#442118 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/p1040481_medium_170.jpg http://forums.matronics.com//files/p1040480_medium_172.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Horizontal stab position
From: "Frankd" <FDucker(at)aol.com>
Date: May 15, 2015
Hi Tony, Before you change anything, how did the plane fly? I had an issue like this on my MkIII Xtra that made the aircraft unsafe to fly, but if the flight went well on your aircraft maybe there are no changes to be made. Now, like John H mentioned, if the aircraft needed full up trim then maybe the Horz Stab angle is set incorrectly. But all these planes are a little different to each other and I would review the flight handling first before making any change. Also, make small changes using washers, etc, if you can, until you get it dialed in. Safe flying. FrankD N1014S, MkIIIXtra. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442132#442132 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 15, 2015
From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day
if you give me the diameter of the tail spring =C2-I may have a pice of 7 0_75 alum also Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went to the L.A. county landfill! :-)=C2- Herb S - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 15, 2015
From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day
Herb I have a set of new =C2-firefly axils ,a folding wing holder, the pa rt that sits on the boom tube and can sew a seat for you. I also have a win d screen =C2-call or email off list for moor info=C2-=C2- the Danny D ay thing is a mystery to me! Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went to the L.A. county landfill! :-)=C2- Herb S - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Horizontal stab position
From: "Rex Rodebush" <jrrodebush(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 15, 2015
The L.E. position of the horiz. stab. has been changed several times since the Xtra came out. I set mine per instructions from Brian at TNK and it has worked great. I think it was given in degrees using the motor mounts as a base. He also gave me the wing angle based on the same. I used a digital level. Call Travis or Brian for information. Rex (will have my 40 hours flown off by this summer) Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442140#442140 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 15, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day
Quite a few small parts missing...and I was promised a box of parts from California that were left behind...gonna wait on that ...... plus I will be at the Kolb factory next week...so will save shipping...Herb On 05/15/2015 07:59 AM, Malcolm Brubaker wrote: > if you give me the diameter of the tail spring I may have a pice of > 70_75 alum also > Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker > Michigan Sport Pilot Repair > *http://michigansportpilotrepair.com* > <http://michigansportpilotrepair.com/> > LSRM-A, PPC, WS > Great Sails - Sailmaker > for Ultralight & Light Sport > (989)513-3022 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > *From:* Herb > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM > *Subject:* Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day > > > > > > Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks > back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which > have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial > number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to > know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly > quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I > suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be > sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... > I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and > keep the 447 for it... > > Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. > tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle. Likely in a box that went to > the L.A. county lb-List" > target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-Lista > href="http://forums.matronics.com/" target="_blank">http://forums.mat > &nbs//www.matronics.com/contribution" > target="_blank">http://www.matronics.co================= > > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 15, 2015
From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day
thes parts I have are new 10 years old =C2-never installed=C2-=C2- I got them from an estate sail in Michigan ill sell them cheep=C2- so let m e know Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 3:29 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Quite a few small parts missing...and I was promised a box of parts from California that were left behind...gonna wait on that ...... plus=C2- I w ill be at the Kolb factory next week...so will save shipping...Herb=C2- On 05/15/2015 07:59 AM, Malcolm Brubaker wrote: if you give me the diameter of the tail spring =C2-I may have a pice o f 70_75 alum also Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.com LSRM-A, P PC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022 =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went t o the L.A. county lb-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Naviga tor?Kolb-Lista href="http://forums.matronics.com/" target="_blank">http ://forums.mat =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2 - =C2- &nbs//www.matronics.com/contribution" target="_blank">http://w ww.matronics.co================= ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 15, 2015
From: chris davis <capedavis(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: firefly cables
=0AHi KOLBERS as you may know i am building a handicap Kolb Firefly . it id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwas a Fiestar fat and fast .I have a r equest does anybodyvhave a picture of thier Firefly cables after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they go overfour pulleys then under four pulle ys then into the fusalage tube .My prblem is thwt ill-=0A=0A=0A-cant fi nd a plan or an explanaton -of how the first four are rigged TRAVIS has s ent me plans and a new construction kanual as I.had to move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapeared Travis said they use washrs to pace th em but the angle seems wrongvthe cables -don travel strait over the pulle y when you run them throughvth next set so a PIC or two would help a lot TR AVIS Said tha BRIAN -changed the design since the plans were drawn?=0A=0A Thankq you CHRIS DAVIS=0A=0ASent from Yahoo Mail on Androidk=0A=0A ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 16, 2015
Subject: Re: Horizontal stab position
From: Tony Malins <malins888(at)gmail.com>
Thanks for the info Rex. Will do that. Cheers Tony On 16/05/2015 12:54 AM, "Rex Rodebush" wrote: > > The L.E. position of the horiz. stab. has been changed several times since > the Xtra came out. I set mine per instructions from Brian at TNK and it > has worked great. I think it was given in degrees using the motor mounts > as a base. He also gave me the wing angle based on the same. I used a > digital level. Call Travis or Brian for information. > > Rex (will have my 40 hours flown off by this summer) > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442140#442140 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: firefly cables
From: "Ducati SS" <hiwingflyer6219(at)yahoo.com>
Date: May 16, 2015
Go to page 7 of this list and open Kolbd detail photos. Pictures of stick connections, turn buckles and boom pulley. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442165#442165 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: firefly cables
Date: May 16, 2015
Here are some greatly reduced images. Hopefully they are what you need. If you want to see the original files email me directly and I can send them to you. They are about 1.5 MB each. Stuart From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of chris davis Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:30 PM Subject: Kolb-List: firefly cables Hi KOLBERS as you may know i am building a handicap Kolb Firefly . it id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwas a Fiestar fat and fast .I have a request does anybodyvhave a picture of thier Firefly cables after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they go overfour pulleys then under four pulleys then into the fusalage tube .My prblem is thwt ill cant find a plan or an explanaton of how the first four are rigged TRAVIS has sent me plans and a new construction kanual as I.had to move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapeared Travis said they use washrs to pace them but the angle seems wrongvthe cables don travel strait over the pulley when you run them throughvth next set so a PIC or two would help a lot TRAVIS Said tha BRIAN changed the design since the plans were drawn? Thankq you CHRIS DAVIS Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android k ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: MKIII Classic construction drawings online
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: May 16, 2015
I hope this will be a useful resource. http://oh2fly.net/oldpoops/Lexan%20rear%20enclosure.html -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442170#442170 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Jules <delaunj53(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Kolb-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 05/15/15
Date: May 16, 2015
I am trying to reschedule to attend but will probably be late. On May 16, 2015, at 2:03 AM, Kolb-List Digest Server wrote: * ================================================= Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive ================================================= Today's complete Kolb-List Digest can also be found in either of the two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version of the Kolb-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor such as Notepad or with a web browser. HTML Version: http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 15-05-15&Archive=Kolb Text Version: http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 15-05-15&Archive=Kolb =============================================== EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive =============================================== ---------------------------------------------------------- Kolb-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Fri 05/15/15: 8 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 08:58 AM - Re: Horizontal stab position (Frankd) 2. 10:00 AM - Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day (Malcolm Brubaker) 3. 10:05 AM - Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day (Malcolm Brubaker) 4. 10:51 AM - Re: Horizontal stab position (Rex Rodebush) 5. 12:30 PM - Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day (Herb) 6. 01:28 PM - Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day (Malcolm Brubaker) 7. 08:30 PM - firefly cables (chris davis) 8. 10:49 PM - Re: Re: Horizontal stab position (Tony Malins) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Horizontal stab position From: "Frankd" <FDucker(at)aol.com> Hi Tony, Before you change anything, how did the plane fly? I had an issue like this on my MkIII Xtra that made the aircraft unsafe to fly, but if the flight went well on your aircraft maybe there are no changes to be made. Now, like John H mentioned, if the aircraft needed full up trim then maybe the Horz Stab angle is set incorrectly. But all these planes are a little different to each other and I would review the flight handling first before making any change. Also, make small changes using washers, etc, if you can, until you get it dialed in. Safe flying. FrankD N1014S, MkIIIXtra. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442132#442132 ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day if you give me the diameter of the tail spring =C2-I may have a pice of 7 0_75 alum also Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went to the L.A. county landfill! :-)=C2- Herb S - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Herb I have a set of new =C2-firefly axils ,a folding wing holder, the pa rt that sits on the boom tube and can sew a seat for you. I also have a win d screen =C2-call or email off list for moor info=C2-=C2- the Danny D ay thing is a mystery to me! Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went to the L.A. county landfill! :-)=C2- Herb S - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Horizontal stab position From: "Rex Rodebush" <jrrodebush(at)gmail.com> The L.E. position of the horiz. stab. has been changed several times since the Xtra came out. I set mine per instructions from Brian at TNK and it has worked great. I think it was given in degrees using the motor mounts as a base. He also gave me the wing angle based on the same. I used a digital level. Call Travis or Brian for information. Rex (will have my 40 hours flown off by this summer) Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442140#442140 ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Quite a few small parts missing...and I was promised a box of parts from California that were left behind...gonna wait on that ...... plus I will be at the Kolb factory next week...so will save shipping...Herb > On 05/15/2015 07:59 AM, Malcolm Brubaker wrote: > if you give me the diameter of the tail spring I may have a pice of > 70_75 alum also > Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker > Michigan Sport Pilot Repair > *http://michigansportpilotrepair.com* > <http://michigansportpilotrepair.com/> > LSRM-A, PPC, WS > Great Sails - Sailmaker > for Ultralight & Light Sport > (989)513-3022 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > *From:* Herb > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM > *Subject:* Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day > > > > > > Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks > back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which > have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial > number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to > know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly > quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I > suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be > sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... > I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and > keep the 447 for it... > > Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. > tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle. Likely in a box that went to > the L.A. county lb-List" > target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-Lista > href="http://forums.matronics.com/" target="_blank">http://forums.mat > &nbs//www.matronics.com/contribution" > target="_blank">http://www.matronics.co================ > > > * > > > * ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day thes parts I have are new 10 years old =C2-never installed=C2-=C2- I got them from an estate sail in Michigan ill sell them cheep=C2- so let m e know Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 3:29 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Quite a few small parts missing...and I was promised a box of parts from California that were left behind...gonna wait on that ...... plus=C2- I w ill be at the Kolb factory next week...so will save shipping...Herb=C2- On 05/15/2015 07:59 AM, Malcolm Brubaker wrote: if you give me the diameter of the tail spring =C2-I may have a pice o f 70_75 alum also Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.com LSRM-A, P PC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022 =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went t o the L.A. county lb-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Naviga tor?Kolb-Lista href="http://forums.matronics.com/" target="_blank">http ://forums.mat =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2 - =C2- &nbs//www.matronics.com/contribution" target="_blank">http://w ww.matronics.co================ ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ From: chris davis <capedavis(at)yahoo.com> Subject: Kolb-List: firefly cables =0AHi KOLBERS as you may know i am building a handicap Kolb Firefly . it id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwas a Fiestar fat and fast .I have a r equest does anybodyvhave a picture of thier Firefly cables after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they go overfour pulleys then under four pulle ys then into the fusalage tube .My prblem is thwt ill-=0A=0A=0A-cant fi nd a plan or an explanaton -of how the first four are rigged TRAVIS has s ent me plans and a new construction kanual as I.had to move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapeared Travis said they use washrs to pace th em but the angle seems wrongvthe cables -don travel strait over the pulle y when you run them throughvth next set so a PIC or two would help a lot TR AVIS Said tha BRIAN -changed the design since the plans were drawn?=0A=0A Thankq you CHRIS DAVIS=0A=0ASent from Yahoo Mail on Androidk=0A=0A ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Horizontal stab position From: Tony Malins <malins888(at)gmail.com> Thanks for the info Rex. Will do that. Cheers Tony > On 16/05/2015 12:54 AM, "Rex Rodebush" wrote: > > > The L.E. position of the horiz. stab. has been changed several times since > the Xtra came out. I set mine per instructions from Brian at TNK and it > has worked great. I think it was given in degrees using the motor mounts > as a base. He also gave me the wing angle based on the same. I used a > digital level. Call Travis or Brian for information. > > Rex (will have my 40 hours flown off by this summer) > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442140#442140 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Jules <delaunj53(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Kolb-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 05/15/15
Date: May 16, 2015
I am trying to reschedule to attend but will probably be late. On May 16, 2015, at 2:03 AM, Kolb-List Digest Server wrote: * ================================================= Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive ================================================= Today's complete Kolb-List Digest can also be found in either of the two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version of the Kolb-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor such as Notepad or with a web browser. HTML Version: http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 15-05-15&Archive=Kolb Text Version: http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 15-05-15&Archive=Kolb =============================================== EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive =============================================== ---------------------------------------------------------- Kolb-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Fri 05/15/15: 8 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 08:58 AM - Re: Horizontal stab position (Frankd) 2. 10:00 AM - Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day (Malcolm Brubaker) 3. 10:05 AM - Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day (Malcolm Brubaker) 4. 10:51 AM - Re: Horizontal stab position (Rex Rodebush) 5. 12:30 PM - Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day (Herb) 6. 01:28 PM - Re: Firefly quick build and Danny Day (Malcolm Brubaker) 7. 08:30 PM - firefly cables (chris davis) 8. 10:49 PM - Re: Re: Horizontal stab position (Tony Malins) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Horizontal stab position From: "Frankd" <FDucker(at)aol.com> Hi Tony, Before you change anything, how did the plane fly? I had an issue like this on my MkIII Xtra that made the aircraft unsafe to fly, but if the flight went well on your aircraft maybe there are no changes to be made. Now, like John H mentioned, if the aircraft needed full up trim then maybe the Horz Stab angle is set incorrectly. But all these planes are a little different to each other and I would review the flight handling first before making any change. Also, make small changes using washers, etc, if you can, until you get it dialed in. Safe flying. FrankD N1014S, MkIIIXtra. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442132#442132 ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day if you give me the diameter of the tail spring =C2-I may have a pice of 7 0_75 alum also Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went to the L.A. county landfill! :-)=C2- Herb S - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Herb I have a set of new =C2-firefly axils ,a folding wing holder, the pa rt that sits on the boom tube and can sew a seat for you. I also have a win d screen =C2-call or email off list for moor info=C2-=C2- the Danny D ay thing is a mystery to me! Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went to the L.A. county landfill! :-)=C2- Herb S - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Horizontal stab position From: "Rex Rodebush" <jrrodebush(at)gmail.com> The L.E. position of the horiz. stab. has been changed several times since the Xtra came out. I set mine per instructions from Brian at TNK and it has worked great. I think it was given in degrees using the motor mounts as a base. He also gave me the wing angle based on the same. I used a digital level. Call Travis or Brian for information. Rex (will have my 40 hours flown off by this summer) Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442140#442140 ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Quite a few small parts missing...and I was promised a box of parts from California that were left behind...gonna wait on that ...... plus I will be at the Kolb factory next week...so will save shipping...Herb > On 05/15/2015 07:59 AM, Malcolm Brubaker wrote: > if you give me the diameter of the tail spring I may have a pice of > 70_75 alum also > Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker > Michigan Sport Pilot Repair > *http://michigansportpilotrepair.com* > <http://michigansportpilotrepair.com/> > LSRM-A, PPC, WS > Great Sails - Sailmaker > for Ultralight & Light Sport > (989)513-3022 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > *From:* Herb > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM > *Subject:* Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day > > > > > > Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks > back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which > have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial > number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to > know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly > quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I > suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be > sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... > I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and > keep the 447 for it... > > Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. > tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle. Likely in a box that went to > the L.A. county lb-List" > target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-Lista > href="http://forums.matronics.com/" target="_blank">http://forums.mat > &nbs//www.matronics.com/contribution" > target="_blank">http://www.matronics.co================ > > > * > > > * ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ From: Malcolm Brubaker <brubakermal(at)yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day thes parts I have are new 10 years old =C2-never installed=C2-=C2- I got them from an estate sail in Michigan ill sell them cheep=C2- so let m e know Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.comLSRM-A, PPC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022=C2-=C2-=C2-=C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 3:29 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Quite a few small parts missing...and I was promised a box of parts from California that were left behind...gonna wait on that ...... plus=C2- I w ill be at the Kolb factory next week...so will save shipping...Herb=C2- On 05/15/2015 07:59 AM, Malcolm Brubaker wrote: if you give me the diameter of the tail spring =C2-I may have a pice o f 70_75 alum also Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker Michigan Sport Pilot Repair http://michigansportpilotrepair.com LSRM-A, P PC, WS Great Sails - Sailmaker for Ultralight & Light Sport (989)513-3022 =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Firefly quick build and Danny Day Trying to locate Danny Day...mentioned in an UL news article a few weeks back... Engine rebuilder in Phoenix Arizona...I have two engines which have had the Rotax label removed and his name and probably a serial number engraved on a copper plate installed in its place... I need to know the history of these engines.. for I bought them and a Kolb Firefly quick build and a Trike from an estate in LA County California...I suspect that they are fresh rebuilds or low time engines...but cannot be sure...one is a 447 that looks new...the other is a nice running 503... I plan to sell the trike and and the 503 and finish the Firefly...and keep the 447 for it... =C2- Thus far , I am missing motor mounts, rudder and elevator cables. tail wheel rod, seat webbing,right axle.=C2- Likely in a box that went t o the L.A. county lb-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Naviga tor?Kolb-Lista href="http://forums.matronics.com/" target="_blank">http ://forums.mat =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2 - =C2- &nbs//www.matronics.com/contribution" target="_blank">http://w ww.matronics.co================ ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ From: chris davis <capedavis(at)yahoo.com> Subject: Kolb-List: firefly cables =0AHi KOLBERS as you may know i am building a handicap Kolb Firefly . it id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwas a Fiestar fat and fast .I have a r equest does anybodyvhave a picture of thier Firefly cables after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they go overfour pulleys then under four pulle ys then into the fusalage tube .My prblem is thwt ill-=0A=0A=0A-cant fi nd a plan or an explanaton -of how the first four are rigged TRAVIS has s ent me plans and a new construction kanual as I.had to move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapeared Travis said they use washrs to pace th em but the angle seems wrongvthe cables -don travel strait over the pulle y when you run them throughvth next set so a PIC or two would help a lot TR AVIS Said tha BRIAN -changed the design since the plans were drawn?=0A=0A Thankq you CHRIS DAVIS=0A=0ASent from Yahoo Mail on Androidk=0A=0A ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Horizontal stab position From: Tony Malins <malins888(at)gmail.com> Thanks for the info Rex. Will do that. Cheers Tony > On 16/05/2015 12:54 AM, "Rex Rodebush" wrote: > > > The L.E. position of the horiz. stab. has been changed several times since > the Xtra came out. I set mine per instructions from Brian at TNK and it > has worked great. I think it was given in degrees using the motor mounts > as a base. He also gave me the wing angle based on the same. I used a > digital level. Call Travis or Brian for information. > > Rex (will have my 40 hours flown off by this summer) > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442140#442140 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 16, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: firefly cables
Stewart On my first Friefly, the sling seat allowed my rear end stretch the sling seat enough to touch the cables...Is that what you see? Herb On 05/16/2015 10:09 AM, Stuart Harner wrote: > > Here are some greatly reduced images. Hopefully they are what you need. > > If you want to see the original files email me directly and I can send > them to you. They are about 1.5 MB each. > > Stuart > > *From:*owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *chris davis > *Sent:* Friday, May 15, 2015 10:30 PM > *To:* Kolb-List Diget Server; .Kolb-List(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Kolb-List: firefly cables > > > Hi KOLBERS as you may know i am building a handicap Kolb Firefly . it > id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwas a Fiestar fat and fast .I > have a request does anybodyvhave a picture of thier Firefly cables > after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they go overfour pulleys > then under four pulleys then into the fusalage tube .My prblem is thwt > ill > > cant find a plan or an explanaton of how the first four are rigged > TRAVIS has sent me plans and a new construction kanual as I.had to > move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapeared Travis said > they use washrs to pace them but the angle seems wrongvthe cables don > travel strait over the pulley when you run them throughvth next set so > a PIC or two would help a lot TRAVIS Said tha BRIAN changed the > design since the plans were drawn? > > Thankq you CHRIS DAVIS > > Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android > k > > * * > * * > *< - The Kolb-List Email Forum Use the Matronics List Features Navigator to browse* > ** > ** > ** > *http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List* > ** > ** > *http://forums.matronics.com* > ** > ** > ** > ** > *http://www.matronics.com/contribution* > ** > * * ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 16, 2015
From: chris davis <capedavis(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: firefly cables
Stuartthank you for the pics they are very clear Ithonk that I can nloe the m up on my compiter I have A wuestion the two brackets tjay hpld the pulley s Arethey parrilell. To the cross bar?Mine appear to be at about 26-30 degr eeup on the outsideand that seems to be the reason that the cables dont run true to the pulleys .I will check out your picms on the big screen a.d if I cant figure it out i will write you off list and ask you to send me the f ull original files . Thanks again CHRIS=0A=0ASent from Yahoo Mail on Androi d=0A=0AFrom:"Stuart Harner" =0ADate:Sat, May 16, 201 5 at 11:18 AM=0ASubject:RE: Kolb-List: firefly cables=0AUu=0A=0AHere are so me grefttplpatly reduced images. Hopefully they are what you need.=0A=0A- =0A=0AIf you want to see the original files email me directly and I can sen d them to you. They are about 1.5 MB each.=0A=0A-=0A=0AStuart=0A=0A-=0A =0AFrom: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-serve r(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of chris davis=0ASent: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:3 0 PM=0ATo: Kolb-List Diget Server; .Kolb-List(at)matronics.com=0ASubject: Kolb -List: firefly cables=0A=0A-=0A=0A=0AHi KOLBERS as you may know i am buil ding a handicap Kolb Firefly . it id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwa s a Fiestar fat and fast .I have a request does anybodyvhave a picture of t hier Firefly cables after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they go ov erfour pulleys then under four pulleys then into the fusalage tube .My prbl em is thwt ill-=0A=0A-=0A=0A-cant find a plan or an explanaton -of how the first four are rigged TRAVIS has sent me plans and a new constructi on kanual as I.had to move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapea red Travis said they use washrs to pace them but the angle seems wrongvthe cables -don travel strait over the pulley when you run them throughvth ne xt set so a PIC or two would help a lot TRAVIS Said tha BRIAN -changed th e design since the plans were drawn?=0A=0AThankq you CHRIS DAVIS=0A=0ASent from Yahoo Mail on Androidk=0A=0A- -http://www.matronics.com/Navigator? Kolb-Listhttp://forums.matronics.comhttp://www.matronics.com/contribution -=0A=0A ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: firefly cables
Date: May 16, 2015
Herb, Not that I have noticed. Guess I will have to have someone look at it from the side while I am in the seat. I did install the seat as tight as I could get it, but it does stretch a little when I am in it. It also "recovers" in a couple of hours. Did you have the sling on the top of the tube at the back of your butt, or did it wrap under it? Stuart From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:26 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: firefly cables Stewart On my first Friefly, the sling seat allowed my rear end stretch the sling seat enough to touch the cables...Is that what you see? Herb On 05/16/2015 10:09 AM, Stuart Harner wrote: Here are some greatly reduced images. Hopefully they are what you need. If you want to see the original files email me directly and I can send them to you. They are about 1.5 MB each. Stuart From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of chris davis Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:30 PM Subject: Kolb-List: firefly cables Hi KOLBERS as you may know i am building a handicap Kolb Firefly . it id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwas a Fiestar fat and fast .I have a request does anybodyvhave a picture of thier Firefly cables after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they go overfour pulleys then under four pulleys then into the fusalage tube .My prblem is thwt ill cant find a plan or an explanaton of how the first four are rigged TRAVIS has sent me plans and a new construction kanual as I.had to move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapeared Travis said they use washrs to pace them but the angle seems wrongvthe cables don travel strait over the pulley when you run them throughvth next set so a PIC or two would help a lot TRAVIS Said tha BRIAN changed the design since the plans were drawn? Thankq you CHRIS DAVIS Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android k < - The Kolb-List Email Forum Use the Matronics List Features Navigator to browse http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List http://forums.matronics.com http://www.matronics.com/contribution ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: firefly cables
Date: May 16, 2015
Chris, Not they are not parallel to the tube, they are angled up a little. I had some trouble getting the pulleys into the bracket. Bryan at the factory said it was fine to "bend" them a little to get things to line up. I also had to use different bolts that were called out in the plans. A bit of a trick figuring it all out, but it worked fine in the end. Stuart From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of chris davis Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2015 9:25 PM Subject: Re: RE: Kolb-List: firefly cables Stuartthank you for the pics they are very clear Ithonk that I can nloe them up on my compiter I have A wuestion the two brackets tjay hpld the pulleys Arethey parrilell. To the cross bar?Mine appear to be at about 26-30 degreeup on the outsideand that seems to be the reason that the cables dont run true to the pulleys .I will check out your picms on the big screen a.d if I cant figure it out i will write you off list and ask you to send me the full original files . Thanks again CHRIS Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android _____ From:"Stuart Harner" Date:Sat, May 16, 2015 at 11:18 AM Subject:RE: Kolb-List: firefly cables Uu Here are some grefttplpatly reduced images. Hopefully they are what you need. If you want to see the original files email me directly and I can send them to you. They are about 1.5 MB each. Stuart From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of chris davis Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:30 PM Subject: Kolb-List: firefly cables Hi KOLBERS as you may know i am building a handicap Kolb Firefly . it id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwas a Fiestar fat and fast .I have a request does anybodyvhave a picture of thier Firefly cables after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they go overfour pulleys then under four pulleys then into the fusalage tube .My prblem is thwt ill cant find a plan or an explanaton of how the first four are rigged TRAVIS has sent me plans and a new construction kanual as I.had to move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapeared Travis said they use washrs to pace them but the angle seems wrongvthe cables don travel strait over the pulley when you run them throughvth next set so a PIC or two would help a lot TRAVIS Said tha BRIAN changed the design since the plans were drawn? Thankq you CHRIS DAVIS Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android k http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List http://forums.matronics.com http://www.matronics.com/contribution ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 16, 2015
Subject: Re: firefly cables
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Stuart Harner wrote: > Herb, > > > Not that I have noticed. Guess I will have to have someone look at it fro m > the side while I am in the seat. I did install the seat as tight as I > could get it, but it does stretch a little when I am in it. It also > =9Crecovers=9D in a couple of hours. > > > Did you have the sling on the top of the tube at the back of your butt, o r > did it wrap under it? > > > Stuart > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ > > I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't feel all that good with the sling bottom. I riveted a thin alum sheet onto the framework for the seat and put me a nice temper foam pad down to sit on. I would hate to set down HARD and end up with a suppository. Larry -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 17, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: firefly cables
over the top Stuart... as you say the seat webbing sags a bit , no matter how tight..and the space between that and the cables is small.. The original builder of my new Firefly project added a reinforced aluminum pan between the two seat cross members.. Pretty heavy..and I am considering going back to the sling seat...He made some good touches but all add weight... For one he built an aluminum storage box to fit into the triangular space behind the fuel tank,( a good place to carry tie downs, oil and a small mixing tank)....and he fully enclosed the fuselage including a door on the Right side to access the fuel and the storage box.. I will need to have the box loaded when I do the wt and bal... Another touch that I like is a couple of cro molly tie downs added to the far outboard end of the wings...they are at the end of the leading edge tube and would have been better placed if attached to the ends of the main spar...I always used the lift struts to attach tie down rope... Gonna be interesting at weigh in time... 285 to 290 is as heavy as I want with full enclosure ..Herb On 05/16/2015 11:16 PM, Stuart Harner wrote: > > Herb, > > Not that I have noticed. Guess I will have to have someone look at it > from the side while I am in the seat. I did install the seat as tight > as I could get it, but it does stretch a little when I am in it. It > also recovers in a couple of hours. > > Did you have the sling on the top of the tube at the back of your > butt, or did it wrap under it? > > Stuart > > *From:*owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *Herb > *Sent:* Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:26 AM > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Re: Kolb-List: firefly cables > > Stewart > > On my first Friefly, the sling seat allowed my rear end stretch the > sling seat enough to touch the cables...Is that what you see? Herb > > On 05/16/2015 10:09 AM, Stuart Harner wrote: > > Here are some greatly reduced images. Hopefully they are what you > need. > > If you want to see the original files email me directly and I can > send them to you. They are about 1.5 MB each. > > Stuart > > *From:*owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *chris > davis > *Sent:* Friday, May 15, 2015 10:30 PM > *To:* Kolb-List Diget Server; .Kolb-List(at)matronics.com > > *Subject:* Kolb-List: firefly cables > > > Hi KOLBERS as you may know i am building a handicap Kolb Firefly . > it id the second Kolb Ivhave buit my firstwas a Fiestar fat and > fast .I have a request does anybodyvhave a picture of thier > Firefly cables after they leave the stick and rudder pedals they > go overfour pulleys then under four pulleys then into the fusalage > tube .My prblem is thwt ill > > cant find a plan or an explanaton of how the first four are > rigged TRAVIS has sent me plans and a new construction kanual as > I.had to move my roject from Fl. To Ma. And somehow it disapeared > Travis said they use washrs to pace them but the angle seems > wrongvthe cables don travel strait over the pulley when you run > them throughvth next set so a PIC or two would help a lot TRAVIS > Said tha BRIAN changed the design since the plans were drawn? > > Thankq you CHRIS DAVIS > > > Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android > k > > * * > > * * > > *< - The Kolb-List Email Forum Use the Matronics List Features Navigator to browse* > > *http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List* > > *http://forums.matronics.com* > > *http://www.matronics.com/contribution* > > * * > > * *http://www.matronic================ > http://forums.matronics.com- List Contribution Web generous > nbsp; --> http://www.matronics.com/c > * * > <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> > <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Large head aluminum rivets
From: "herbgh" <herbgh(at)juno.com>
Date: May 17, 2015
Just noticed that Aircraft Spruce has 100 large head eight by eight aluminum rivets for 22 dollars and change...Likely the same rivet for sale on EBay 1000 for 28 bucks... I have 6 wings to cover and paint...guess who will get my business.? :-) Herb http://www.ebay.com/itm/1000-Aluminum-POP-Rivets-Large-Flange-1-8-x-1-8-Grip-Quantity-Price-Breaks-/360556490046?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53f2d76d3e Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442205#442205 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 17, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: reinforcing tape
Wondering also if this glass weave reinforcing tape would be suitable for the underlayment for the large head rivets on the ribs? would need some sort of hole punch to make the rivet holes...Herb http://www.ebay.com/itm/12mm-Glassweave-Reinforcing-Tape-5523613-/331411251241?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4d29a66029 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: reinforcing tape
Date: May 17, 2015
Is it safe to substitute a non-aircraft product in critical component? john h mkIII Titus, Alabama Wondering also if this glass weave reinforcing tape would be suitable for the underlayment for the large head rivets on the ribs? would need some sort of hole punch to make the rivet holes...Herb http://www.ebay.com/itm/12mm-Glassweave-Reinforcing-Tape-5523613-/3314112512 41?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4d29a66029 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 17, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: reinforcing tape
John The Poly Fiber half inch Dacron reinforcing tape is almost a dollar a yard...so looking for a suitable substitute seems in order...but safety should always be the main concern...certainly... Then again...I have 6 wings to recover.. That said , if one could find a suitable material of similar or better breaking strength...then I would have no problem using it.. The poly fiber tape is a cross weave dacron polyester.. near as I can tell.. not all that strong...and does not have to be given the 17 rivets that hold it to the ribs... top and bottom , if I counted correctly.. Very easy to use however.. I am reminded that the Mini Max I flew for 60 or more hours used no reinforcing at all..just the fabric covering glued to the ribs... similar wing loading to the Firefly... I would not try that on a Firefly given the minimal area of the metal ribs... Always considering options and alternatives......:-) Thinking about rib stitching....Herb On 05/17/2015 07:07 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > Is it safe to substitute a non-aircraft product in critical component? > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > > > > > Wondering also if this glass weave reinforcing tape would be suitable for > the underlayment for the large head rivets on the ribs? would need some > sort of hole punch to make the rivet holes...Herb > > > http://www.ebay.com/itm/12mm-Glassweave-Reinforcing-Tape-5523613-/3314112512 > 41?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4d29a66029 > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: reinforcing tape
Date: May 17, 2015
Is rib stitching recommended for 5/16" round tube ribs? john h mkIII Titus, Alabama I am reminded that the Mini Max I flew for 60 or more hours used no reinforcing at all..just the fabric covering glued to the ribs... similar wing loading to the Firefly... I would not try that on a Firefly given the minimal area of the metal ribs... Always considering options and alternatives......:-) Thinking about rib stitching....Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 17, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: reinforcing tape
Haven't gotten that far...maybe not? Just went to the Poly Fiber site to see a short video on rib lacing...but it was a standard rib..not tubular... Figured out why prices are as they are...Ceconite,Poly Fiber and Randolph coatings are owned by Consolidated Aircraft Coatings... :-) Herb On 05/17/2015 08:51 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > Is rib stitching recommended for 5/16" round tube ribs? > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > > I am reminded that the Mini Max I flew for 60 or more hours used no > reinforcing at all..just the fabric covering glued to the ribs... > similar wing loading to the Firefly... I would not try that on a Firefly > given the minimal area of the metal ribs... > > Always considering options and alternatives......:-) Thinking > about rib stitching....Herb > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: reinforcing tape
Date: May 17, 2015
When I talked with Travis at Kolb he said that either would work just fine, do what I wanted. Personally I think not having a bunch of 1/8" holes in 5/16" tube is stronger, but I have no proof either. Stuart As always, worth what you paid for it. :) -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of John Hauck Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2015 8:51 PM Subject: RE: Kolb-List: reinforcing tape Is rib stitching recommended for 5/16" round tube ribs? john h mkIII Titus, Alabama I am reminded that the Mini Max I flew for 60 or more hours used no reinforcing at all..just the fabric covering glued to the ribs... similar wing loading to the Firefly... I would not try that on a Firefly given the minimal area of the metal ribs... Always considering options and alternatives......:-) Thinking about rib stitching....Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: reinforcing tape
Date: May 17, 2015
Herb, I rib stitched and it was quite easy to do. Used the Poly Fiber reinforcing tape that was wider than needed. The nice part about the Poly Fiber tape is that it has adhesive on one side so I cleaned the fabric with MEK then just stuck the tape down. Next, I used a small finish nail held in vice grips and a propane torch to heat the nail. I could melt through the tape and the fabric at every hole location. This made the stitching go MUCH easier. I was cheap and used a piece of welding rod to make my own needle. I kept a pair of pliers handy so that I could modify the bend(s) in the needle as conditions dictated. There were a couple of places on each rib that required some creative thinking about how to make the next stitch, but it was kind of fun. It took a couple of ribs to get the technique down and to get into a rhythm but after that it went quite fast. I figured layout time was about the same as for rivets and melting the holes was way faster than drilling all those ribs so I had time to spare in the stitching time which admittedly would take longer than pulling the rivets. Rivets are fine. I just didn't want to really screw things up by drilling lots of holes in small ribs, call it the chicken factor. Two big advantages for me with stitching is the easy removal if needed and slightly smaller "bumps" under the tape. Personal preference. I have some tape and almost a full roll of stitching cord left over. If you are interested in it send me a private email. I will have to go to the shop to check quantities. Stuart -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2015 8:29 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: reinforcing tape John The Poly Fiber half inch Dacron reinforcing tape is almost a dollar a yard...so looking for a suitable substitute seems in order...but safety should always be the main concern...certainly... Then again...I have 6 wings to recover.. That said , if one could find a suitable material of similar or better breaking strength...then I would have no problem using it.. The poly fiber tape is a cross weave dacron polyester.. near as I can tell.. not all that strong...and does not have to be given the 17 rivets that hold it to the ribs... top and bottom , if I counted correctly.. Very easy to use however.. I am reminded that the Mini Max I flew for 60 or more hours used no reinforcing at all..just the fabric covering glued to the ribs... similar wing loading to the Firefly... I would not try that on a Firefly given the minimal area of the metal ribs... Always considering options and alternatives......:-) Thinking about rib stitching....Herb On 05/17/2015 07:07 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > Is it safe to substitute a non-aircraft product in critical component? > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > > > > > Wondering also if this glass weave reinforcing tape would be suitable > for the underlayment for the large head rivets on the ribs? would > need some sort of hole punch to make the rivet holes...Herb > > > http://www.ebay.com/itm/12mm-Glassweave-Reinforcing-Tape-5523613-/3314 > 112512 > 41?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4d29a66029 > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: reinforcing tape
Date: May 17, 2015
Rib stitching is normally used on ribs with a cap strip or flat edges. Tubing presents a problem with a tiny apex on a small tube edge. The stitch on a 1/2" cap strip is a flat 1/2" wide flat stitch. If you make a 5/16" or 1/4" stitch on a 5/16" round tube, the stitch will pull the fabric and reinforcing tape down and around the top half of the tube, causing a dimple, stressing the fabric at the stitch. Doesn't look very professional and may not be as strong as a cap strip stitch. That is why fabric rivets were developed for round tube ribs. I have personal experience working with a friend's Kolb Slingshot with rib stitched wing fabric. Not long after the Slingshot started flying, the prop began drumming the inboard fabric enough to loosen the stitching and allow the fabric to balloon above several inboard ribs. Caused a severe vibration and an uncomfortable drumming noise. Took several test flights to discover the problem. I flew close behind and above the Slingshot. At that time I saw the fabric had pulled loose and was ballooned above the ribs. Didn't make me feel good. I had flown the Slingshot earlier in the day at the request of the owner to see if I could ID the problem. Flying it, I could not. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama Haven't gotten that far...maybe not? Just went to the Poly Fiber site to see a short video on rib lacing...but it was a standard rib..not tubular... Figured out why prices are as they are...Ceconite,Poly Fiber and Randolph coatings are owned by Consolidated Aircraft Coatings... :-) Herb On 05/17/2015 08:51 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > Is rib stitching recommended for 5/16" round tube ribs? > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: reinforcing tape
Date: May 17, 2015
Don't believe fabric rivets weaken the rib, but make it stronger. Once the rivet is pulled, there is no longer a hole. The wing and rib is constructed with holes, gussets, flanges, and rivets. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama When I talked with Travis at Kolb he said that either would work just fine, do what I wanted. Personally I think not having a bunch of 1/8" holes in 5/16" tube is stronger, but I have no proof either. Stuart As always, worth what you paid for it. :) ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: reinforcing tape
Date: May 17, 2015
A small pencil tip soldering iron works great for burning rivet holes in the fabric and tape, plus burning drain holes in wings and control surfaces. Hope the other 99.9% of us that built according to the Kolb Manual didn't screw our wings up. ;-) john h mkIII Titus, Alabama Herb, I was cheap and used a piece of welding rod to make my own needle. I kept a pair of pliers handy so that I could modify the bend(s) in the needle as conditions dictated. There were a couple of places on each rib that required some creative thinking about how to make the next stitch, but it was kind of fun. Rivets are fine. I just didn't want to really screw things up by drilling lots of holes in small ribs, call it the chicken factor. Two big advantages for me with stitching is the easy removal if needed and slightly smaller "bumps" under the tape. Personal preference. Stuart ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
From: "Carolina Flyer" <joe.a.lawson(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 18, 2015
I have a source that has these rivets for 500 for $14.62 just I case you do not need 1000 http://www.autotoolworld.com/Marson-40214-Abl42A-AlumAlum-Blind-Rivet-Packaged-Pack-Of-500_p_123414.html -------- Kolb Firestar II 503 C-Box / RK400 Soon to have a Rotax 670 DCDI with a C-Box and RK 400 Clutch Challenger II 503 Tall Drive Location : Buffalo South Carolina Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442220#442220 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 18, 2015
From: mojavjoe(at)comcast.net
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
Wicks has 3/8 dome head x 1/8 rivets at $6.62/100 ----- Original Message ----- From: "Carolina Flyer" <joe.a.lawson(at)gmail.com> Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 3:18:54 AM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets I have a source that has these rivets for 500 for $14.62 just I case you do not need 1000 http://www.autotoolworld.com/Marson-40214-Abl42A-AlumAlum-Blind-Rivet-Packa ged-Pack-Of-500_p_123414.html -------- Kolb Firestar II 503 C-Box / RK400 Soon to have a Rotax 670 DCDI with a C-Box and RK 400 Clutch Challenger II 503 Tall Drive Location : =C2-Buffalo South Carolina Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442220#442220 =========== =========== MS - =========== e - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2--Matt Dralle, List Admin. =========== ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 18, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
Free shipping and no tax...likely makes the Ebay merchant cheaper..? I just ordered 500... Herb On 05/18/2015 02:18 AM, Carolina Flyer wrote: > > I have a source that has these rivets for 500 for $14.62 just I case you do not need 1000 > http://www.autotoolworld.com/Marson-40214-Abl42A-AlumAlum-Blind-Rivet-Packaged-Pack-Of-500_p_123414.html > > -------- > Kolb Firestar II > 503 C-Box / RK400 > Soon to have a > Rotax 670 DCDI > with a C-Box and > RK 400 Clutch > > Challenger II > 503 Tall Drive > > Location : Buffalo South Carolina > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442220#442220 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 18, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
500 for 16.52 on Ebay. Herb http://www.ebay.com/itm/500-Aluminum-Rivet-Large-Flange-1-8-x-1-8-Grip-/361248909505?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item541c1ce8c1 On 05/18/2015 06:07 AM, mojavjoe(at)comcast.net wrote: > Wicks has 3/8 dome head x 1/8 rivets at $6.62/100 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > *From: *"Carolina Flyer" <joe.a.lawson(at)gmail.com> > *To: *"kolb-list" > *Sent: *Monday, May 18, 2015 3:18:54 AM > *Subject: *Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets > > > I have a source that has these rivets for 500 for $14.62 just I case > you do not need 1000 > http://www.autotoolworld.com/Marson-40214-Abl42A-AlumAlum-Blind-Rivet-Packaged-Pack-Of-500_p_123414.html > > -------- > Kolb Firestar II > 503 C-Box / RK400 > Soon to have a > Rotax 670 DCDI > with a C-Box and > RK 400 Clutch > > Challenger II > 503 Tall Drive > > Location : Buffalo South Carolina > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442220#442220 > > > bsp; -=============== > > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 18, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Danny Day
Had a long talk with Danny Day...Rebuilt some engines for Homer Kolb back when!! Retired engine builder in Phoenix now...Had an accident that left him disabled.. So I got the poop on the engines that I have.. As to the wing covering...since I will likely sell the Firefly in a year or two...will go with the standard covering method... By the way.. Mild soap and water the best way to clean the Poly Tone paint? Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Danny Day(Poly Tone)
Date: May 18, 2015
Herb, I would think that even fairly strong soaps like Simple Green or Dawn would be fine for Poly Tone. You would want to stay away from harsh chemicals that are used as solvents like MEK, Toluene, etc. Poly Fiber has a cleaner that can be used I think they call it 310. Aero-Thane (the shiny stuff) on the other hand should be impervious to most chemicals. Oil and gas stains should come off with a good soap. Bugs are a different story. The Poly Fiber manual recommends waxing with a good Carnauba wax. Which reminds me, as soon as it gets warm enough, Serenity needs a bath and wax. If I did only the leading edge and the nose cone would that be a "bikini wax" ? :) Stuart >>>>>>>>>>> By the way.. Mild soap and water the best way to clean the Poly Tone paint? Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 18, 2015
Subject: Lithium Battery Update
From: Rick Neilsen <neilsenrm(at)gmail.com>
I purchased a Aerovoltz Lithium Iron Phosphate battery last summer. As I discussed last summer the battery is incredibly light. I received comments that lithium batteries needed to be recharged often so I left the battery in the plane last winter in Michigan. The engine started just fine this week with no recharging. I have ordered a balance charger and plan to balance the cell voltages from time to time. Last summer there was a discussion about Lithium batteries being sold in AH equivalent capacities. This is true so if you have concerns about battery powered devices continuing to run after the alternator quits you may want to order a larger battery no matter what type of battery you purchase. Note! There is a notice on the Areovolts web site warning that Rotax voltage regulator model 866 080 should not be used with these batteries. They report that these regulators have been known to fail and over charge. Apparently there was no fire but a melt down. Again worth what you paid for it. Rick Neilsen Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC =9CWith or without religion, you would have good people doing good th ings and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.=9D - Steven Weinberg <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/86758.Steven_Weinberg> ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Danny Day(Poly Tone)
From: "George Alexander" <gtalexander(at)att.net>
Date: May 18, 2015
[quote="stuart(at)harnerfarm.net"]Herb, I would think that even fairly strong soaps like Simple Green or Dawn would be fine for Poly Tone. ......S N I P...... Stuart > >>>>>>>>>> > > There has been discussion and cautionary statements against using Simple Green (Regular variety) where it will come in contact with anything aluminum. Supposedly they make a blend that is OK with aluminum. Dawn works great..... particularly if there is any petroleum based crud on the surface. -------- George Alexander FS II R503 N709FS http://www.oh2fly.net Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442265#442265 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: reinforcing tape
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: May 18, 2015
John Ol' Buddy, hate to do this to ya, but... rib stitching a Kolb 5/16" rib has worked for me for 18 years, and counting. I rib stitched my MKIII wing, vertical fin, rudder, horizontal stab, elevator and ailerons when I built it, and none of the ribs, stitches, or anything else is showing the least bit of problem in any sense whatsoever. It works just fine. And we are still buds John, OK? Get a big pot of coffee, a good friend, a couple of spare needles that you can bend up or modify to fit around the drag strut or anything else that might be inside and in the way because you still want everything to line up good - go for it. Takes about 90 minutes to 2 hours per wing wing once you and your helper get the hang of it and get into rhythm. Good times, good memories, thanks Greg, thanks Muff, for being there to help me. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442277#442277 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 18, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Danny Day(Poly Tone)
The "crud" is mostly aluminum oxide deposited by my fingers..some shipping dirt...Herb On 05/18/2015 03:56 PM, George Alexander wrote: > > [quote="stuart(at)harnerfarm.net"]Herb, > > I would think that even fairly strong soaps like Simple Green or Dawn would > be fine for Poly Tone. > ......S N I P...... > > Stuart > > >>>>>>>>>>>> >> > > > There has been discussion and cautionary statements against using Simple Green (Regular variety) where it will come in contact with anything aluminum. Supposedly they make a blend that is OK with aluminum. > Dawn works great..... particularly if there is any petroleum based crud on the surface. > > -------- > George Alexander > FS II R503 N709FS > http://www.oh2fly.net > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442265#442265 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Re: Danny Day(Poly Tone)
Date: May 18, 2015
Yeah, I wouldn't want to get any liquid where I could not wipe it off right away. Certainly not get it wet enough to creep in under fabric. That is just asking for trouble. My choice for light dirt and oily substances would be Dawn in a small bucket of water with a sponge and a clean towel for drying. Stuart -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of George Alexander Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 3:57 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Danny Day(Poly Tone) --> [quote="stuart(at)harnerfarm.net"]Herb, I would think that even fairly strong soaps like Simple Green or Dawn would be fine for Poly Tone. ......S N I P...... Stuart > >>>>>>>>>> > > There has been discussion and cautionary statements against using Simple Green (Regular variety) where it will come in contact with anything aluminum. Supposedly they make a blend that is OK with aluminum. Dawn works great..... particularly if there is any petroleum based crud on the surface. -------- George Alexander FS II R503 N709FS http://www.oh2fly.net Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442265#442265 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 18, 2015
Subject: Noise Canceling Ear Buds
From: Rick Neilsen <neilsenrm(at)gmail.com>
I purchased a set of Bose noise canceling ear buds QC20i The i is for IPhone. They list for app. $300 but I found a set new on E-Bay for $220. I purchased them primarily for better noise canceling on long commercial air flights. For grins I tried them under my Sigtronics headphones that I had installed the Headphones noise canceling kit and went flying in my VW powered Kolb MKIIIC. I have been using the passive sony ear buds under my headphones for years but wanted a bit more. The results are impressive. I could still hear the engine but it was just a purr. That big VW demands to be heard. I turned the noise canceling off in the headset only and couldn't tell much difference. Then I turned only the Bose noise canceling off, big difference . The only issue is they have a much lower impedance than the Sonys which makes the radio and side band too loud. I turned the intercom all the way down which helped but need more. I ran out of time but will try the radio volume also. There is a volume control on the Bose units but that only controls the IPhone volume. I'm going to look for a inline volume control that could fit between the intercom out and the Bose if the radio volume doesn't help. As always worth what you paid for it. Rick Neilsen Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC =9CThere was a time when religion ruled the world. It is known as the Dark Ages.=9D - Ruth Hurmence Green <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/170734.Ruth_Hurmence_Green> ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Patrick Ladd <patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Lithium Battery Update
Date: May 19, 2015
Hi, for what its worth. I rigged a small solar operated battery charger on the roof of my hangar. Totally trouble free apart from having to wipe the muck off the panel occasionally. Battery was always fully operational. Pat From: Rick Neilsen Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 9:43 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Lithium Battery Update I purchased a Aerovoltz Lithium Iron Phosphate battery last summer. As I discussed last summer the battery is incredibly light. I received comments that lithium batteries needed to be recharged often so I left the battery in the plane last winter in Michigan. The engine started just fine this week with no recharging. I have ordered a balance charger and plan to balance the cell voltages from time to time. Last summer there was a discussion about Lithium batteries being sold in AH equivalent capacities. This is true so if you have concerns about battery powered devices continuing to run after the alternator quits you may want to order a larger battery no matter what type of battery you purchase. Note! There is a notice on the Areovolts web site warning that Rotax voltage regulator model 866 080 should not be used with these batteries. They report that these regulators have been known to fail and over charge. Apparently there was no fire but a melt down. Again worth what you paid for it. Rick Neilsen Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC =9CWith or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.=9D - Steven Weinberg ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Noise Canceling Ear Buds
Date: May 19, 2015
Do the Bose plug into the cell phone jack on the Sigtronics? john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Rick Neilsen Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 9:14 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Noise Canceling Ear Buds I purchased a set of Bose noise canceling ear buds QC20i The i is for IPhone. They list for app. $300 but I found a set new on E-Bay for $220. I purchased them primarily for better noise canceling on long commercial air flights. For grins I tried them under my Sigtronics headphones that I had installed the Headphones noise canceling kit and went flying in my VW powered Kolb MKIIIC. I have been using the passive sony ear buds under my headphones for years but wanted a bit more. The results are impressive. I could still hear the engine but it was just a purr. That big VW demands to be heard. I turned the noise canceling off in the headset only and couldn't tell much difference. Then I turned only the Bose noise canceling off, big difference. The only issue is they have a much lower impedance than the Sonys which makes the radio and side band too loud. I turned the intercom all the way down which helped but need more. I ran out of time but will try the radio volume also. There is a volume control on the Bose units but that only controls the IPhone volume. I'm going to look for a inline volume control that could fit between the intercom out and the Bose if the radio volume doesn't help. As always worth what you paid for it. Rick Neilsen Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC =9CThere was a time when religion ruled the world. It is known as the Dark Ages.=9D - <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/170734.Ruth_Hurmence_Green> Ruth Hurmence Green ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Lithium Battery Update
Date: May 19, 2015
Me too, Patrick. Odyssey batteries last a very long time since I installed a solar powered charger and conditioner. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Patrick Ladd Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 3:30 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Lithium Battery Update Hi, for what its worth. I rigged a small solar operated battery charger on the roof of my hangar. Totally trouble free apart from having to wipe the muck off the panel occasionally. Battery was always fully operational. Pat ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 19, 2015
Subject: Re: Noise Canceling Ear Buds
From: Rick Neilsen <neilsenrm(at)gmail.com>
John The Bose ear phones plug into my intercom. I have a 1/4" to 3.5mm adapter that allows me to plug into the intercom. My Sigtronics headphones don't have a cell phone plug. Rick Neilsen redrive VW Powered MKIIIC On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:41 AM, John Hauck wrote: > Do the Bose plug into the cell phone jack on the Sigtronics? > > > john h > > mkIII > > Titus, Alabama > > > *From:* owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto: > owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *Rick Neilsen > *Sent:* Monday, May 18, 2015 9:14 PM > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Kolb-List: Noise Canceling Ear Buds > > > I purchased a set of Bose noise canceling ear buds QC20i The i is for > IPhone. They list for app. $300 but I found a set new on E-Bay for $220. I > purchased them primarily for better noise canceling on long commercial ai r > flights. > > > For grins I tried them under my Sigtronics headphones that I had installe d > the Headphones noise canceling kit and went flying in my VW powered Kolb > MKIIIC. I have been using the passive sony ear buds under my headphones f or > years but wanted a bit more. The results are impressive. I could still he ar > the engine but it was just a purr. That big VW demands to be heard. I > turned the noise canceling off in the headset only and couldn't tell much > difference. Then I turned only the Bose noise canceling off, big differen ce. > > > The only issue is they have a much lower impedance than the Sonys which > makes the radio and side band too loud. I turned the intercom all the way > down which helped but need more. I ran out of time but will try the radio > volume also. There is a volume control on the Bose units but that only > controls the IPhone volume. I'm going to look for a inline volume control > that could fit between the intercom out and the Bose if the radio volume > doesn't help. > > > As always worth what you paid for it. > > > Rick Neilsen > > Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC > > =9CThere was a time when religion ruled the world. It is known as t he Dark > Ages.=9D > - Ruth Hurmence Green > <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/170734.Ruth_Hurmence_Green> > > > * - The Kolb-List Email Forum -* > > * --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List * > > * - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS -* > > * --> http://forums.matronics.com * > > * - List Contribution Web Site -* > > * Thank you for your generous support!* > > * -Matt Dralle, List Admin.* > > * --> http://www.matronics.com/contribution * > > > * > =========== onics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List> =========== =========== om/contribution> =========== > > * > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 19, 2015
Subject: Re: Lithium Battery Update
From: Rick Neilsen <neilsenrm(at)gmail.com>
I'm trying to get a discussion going on lithium batteries. Lithium batteries loose app. 10% of their charge per year so storage maintainers aren't as necessary. They do appear to have cell voltage imbalance issues when charging. I would assume as the technology matures on board balance chargers will be more available if not standard. The batteries last longer if cell voltages are balanced from time to time. I found a lithium balance charger on amazon for $55 and the required 4S (this is a 5 contact connector for the 4 cell 12 volt lithium batteries) balance charging cable ends with pig tails. The cable ends come in a ten pack so if anyone needs a pair of them I will have a few for the cost of shipping. Rick Neilsen Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:50 AM, John Hauck wrote: > Me too, Patrick. > > > Odyssey batteries last a very long time since I installed a solar powered > charger and conditioner. > > > john h > > mkIII > > Titus, Alabama > > > *From:* owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto: > owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *Patrick Ladd > *Sent:* Tuesday, May 19, 2015 3:30 AM > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Re: Kolb-List: Lithium Battery Update > > > Hi, for what its worth. I rigged a small solar operated battery charger on > the roof of my hangar. Totally trouble free apart from having to wipe the > muck off the panel occasionally. Battery was always fully operational. Pat > > > * > > > * > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 19, 2015
Subject: Fly In David City Nebraska
From: Duane Ransdell <radiobluebook(at)gmail.com>
Hi Everyone, Just thought I'd throw this out there if there is anyone close. We're having a flyin also known as the Annual Nebraska Ultralight Gathering (ANUG) at the David City Nebraska airport (93y) on July 10th, 11th and 12th. Camping is available to the north west side of the field. Fuel including 87 octane and 100LL will be available at the regular airport rate. Prizes given for furtherest flown to the event and best aircraft. I plan to be there with with the Aeronca Champ giving rides as much as possible. Wish it was with my Kolb, but it won't be ready by then. Hope to see you there. Cheers! Duane ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 21, 2015
Subject: Fwd: New video
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
We got some badly needed rain recently. Pretty close to the first this year. our little creek swelled up well beyond its banks with all of the recent rain. (see attached picture below) I was curious whether or not the Sheep head range behind us got any of it, and was hoping that there was enough to fill the ponds up there. We have had a pretty serious drought for the last three or four years, with every thing drying up last year. Our normal water for the year is reputed to be 4.5 inches. Not a whole lot. The rain that we got was in excess of 1 inch. It appears that most of it sunk into the ground where it belongs. The weather abated enough that I rolled out the Kolb to get a first hand view. https://vimeo.com/128531834 password - owyheeflyer The video is in 1080 HD, so if your connection is a bit slow and jerky, after you start it, pause it and let the down load get far enough ahead that it will run without jerking, or reduce the file by clicking on the highlighted "HD". Since I needed to get up to 6000 feet, I began my flight using my HACman system that allows me to adjust my fuel mixture, thus leaning it out. The normal fuel burn listed for for the HKS is 3 gph. I ran the engine at max cruise of 5800 RPM's for most of the flight. After arriving back at the hangar showing 66 minutes on the meter. However there was warm up and taxi time in there as well. Even so I saved 1/2 gallon of fuel by using it. Larry -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Patrick Ladd <patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
Date: May 22, 2015
Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always interesting that is a shame. Pat From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AM Subject: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video We got some badly needed rain recently. Pretty close to the first this year. our little creek swelled up well beyond its banks with all of the recent rain. (see attached picture below) I was curious whether or not the Sheep head range behind us got any of it, and was hoping that there was enough to fill the ponds up there. We have had a pretty serious drought for the last three or four years, with every thing drying up last year. Our normal water for the year is reputed to be 4.5 inches. Not a whole lot. The rain that we got was in excess of 1 inch. It appears that most of it sunk into the ground where it belongs. The weather abated enough that I rolled out the Kolb to get a first hand view. https://vimeo.com/128531834 password - owyheeflyer The video is in 1080 HD, so if your connection is a bit slow and jerky, after you start it, pause it and let the down load get far enough ahead that it will run without jerking, or reduce the file by clicking on the highlighted "HD". Since I needed to get up to 6000 feet, I began my flight using my HACman system that allows me to adjust my fuel mixture, thus leaning it out. The normal fuel burn listed for for the HKS is 3 gph. I ran the engine at max cruise of 5800 RPM's for most of the flight. After arriving back at the hangar showing 66 minutes on the meter. However there was warm up and taxi time in there as well. Even so I saved 1/2 gallon of fuel by using it. Larry -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 22, 2015
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
Patrick Ladd patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com 3:10 AM (4 hours ago) to kolb-list On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: > Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes > it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always > interesting that is a shame. Pat > > *From:* Larry Cottrell > *Sent:* Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AM > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Kolb-List: Fwd: New video > > > Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound > track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder > in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner > and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer > screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the > narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like > and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt > that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that > in mind if I ever do another. > Larry > > > -- > *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email > address before sending.* > > * > > > * > > -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Fwd: New video
Date: May 22, 2015
The vocal did make it more difficult for me to hear and understand your commentary. Would have been alright had the audio not been as loud as it was. Also, I caught myself listening to Willie, at times, and missing out on what you were saying. Great video. A few years back the desert flooded during the time I had my airplane out there. Certainly changed the normal appearance of the normally dry desert. Everything is so green. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 8:35 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Patrick Ladd patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com 3:10 AM (4 hours ago) to kolb-list On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always interesting that is a shame. Pat From: Larry Cottrell <mailto:lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AM Subject: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that in mind if I ever do another. Larry -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 22, 2015
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
I guess I am guilty of really liking the song well enough to have possibly cranked up the sound loud enough to hear it. :-) Larry On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 7:52 AM, John Hauck wrote: > The vocal did make it more difficult for me to hear and understand your > commentary. Would have been alright had the audio not been as loud as it > was. Also, I caught myself listening to Willie, at times, and missing > out on what you were saying. > > > Great video. A few years back the desert flooded during the time I had > my airplane out there. Certainly changed the normal appearance of the > normally dry desert. Everything is so green. > > > john h > > mkIII > > Titus, Alabama > > > *From:* owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto: > owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *Larry Cottrell > *Sent:* Friday, May 22, 2015 8:35 AM > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video > > > *Patrick Ladd patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com * > > 3:10 AM (4 hours ago) > > to kolb-list > > > On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd > wrote: > > Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes it > difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always interesting > that is a shame. Pat > > > *From:* Larry Cottrell > > *Sent:* Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AM > > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > > *Subject:* Kolb-List: Fwd: New video > > > Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound > track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder > in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner > and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer > screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the > narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like > and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt > that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that > in mind if I ever do another. > > Larry > > > -- > > *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email > address before sending.* > > > *get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List * > > *tp://forums.matronics.com <http://forums.matronics.com>* > > *_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution * > > > -- > > *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email > address before sending.* > > > * - The Kolb-List Email Forum -* > > * --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List * > > * - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS -* > > * --> http://forums.matronics.com * > > * - List Contribution Web Site -* > > * Thank you for your generous support!* > > * -Matt Dralle, List Admin.* > > * --> http://www.matronics.com/contribution * > > > * > > > * > > -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: "George Alexander" <gtalexander(at)att.net>
Date: May 22, 2015
> > > Larry Cottrell wrote: > > Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that in mind if I ever do another. > > Larry > > -- > If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. > > No complaints here Larry. Videos in all respects continue to be great to watch (and hear). -------- George Alexander FS II R503 N709FS http://www.oh2fly.net Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442450#442450 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 22, 2015
From: william sullivan <williamtsullivan(at)att.net>
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
Larry- Please do without the music. I can't hear either the commentary or the engine. -------------------------------------------- On Fri, 5/22/15, Larry Cottrell wrote: Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video To: "kolb-list(at)matronics.com" Date: Friday, May 22, 2015, 10:03 AM I guess I am guilty of really liking the song well enough to have possibly cranked up the sound loud enough to hear it. :-)Larry On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 7:52 AM, John Hauck wrote: The vocal did make it more difficult for me to hear and understand your commentary. Would have been alright had the audio not been as loud as it was. Also, I caught myself listening to Willie, at times, and missing out on what you were saying.Great video. A few years back the desert flooded during the time I had my airplane out there. Certainly changed the normal appearance of the normally dry desert. Everything is so green.john hmkIIITitus, AlabamaFrom: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 8:35 AM To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New videoPatrick Laddpatrickjladd(at)hotmail.com3:10 AM (4 hours ago)tokolb-listOn Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote:Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always interesting that is a shame. PatFrom: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AMTo: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that in mind if I ever do another.Larry -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-Listtp://forums.matronics.com_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. - The Kolb-List Email Forum - --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - --> http://forums.matronics.com - List Contribution Web Site - Thank you for your generous support! -Matt Dralle, List Admin. --> http://www.matronics.com/contribution get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Fwd: New video
Date: May 22, 2015
Keep doing what you are doing. Impossible to please us all. ;-) Don't let the desert dry up before I get out there. Be nice to run the trails without the dust. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 9:03 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video I guess I am guilty of really liking the song well enough to have possibly cranked up the sound loud enough to hear it. :-) Larry On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 7:52 AM, John Hauck wrote: The vocal did make it more difficult for me to hear and understand your commentary. Would have been alright had the audio not been as loud as it was. Also, I caught myself listening to Willie, at times, and missing out on what you were saying. Great video. A few years back the desert flooded during the time I had my airplane out there. Certainly changed the normal appearance of the normally dry desert. Everything is so green. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 8:35 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Patrick Ladd patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com 3:10 AM (4 hours ago) to kolb-list On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always interesting that is a shame. Pat From: Larry Cottrell <mailto:lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AM Subject: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that in mind if I ever do another. Larry -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. - The Kolb-List Email Forum - --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - --> http://forums.matronics.com - List Contribution Web Site - Thank you for your generous support! -Matt Dralle, List Admin. --> http://www.matronics.com/contribution get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: "Larlaeb" <larlaeb(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 22, 2015
Great video! Loved it and enjoyed flying with you as always. Thanks, Allan Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442466#442466 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: "Leland.Lam" <wadelamoreaux(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 22, 2015
Larry, Thanks for taking all of us on your flight. Always nice to watch your Videos and listen to your commentary. Leland Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442469#442469 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "George Bearden" <gab16(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: commentary or not?
Date: May 23, 2015
> Keep doing what you are doing. So, what is the down-side to giving two versions? ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 23, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: commentary or not?
reminds me...have a 90 year old buddy...half the time when I call, he fusses about my phone audio...:-) Tells me to get another phone.... Finally, he bought a hearing aid...:-) Herb On 05/23/2015 02:49 AM, George Bearden wrote: > >> Keep doing what you are doing. > So, what is the down-side to giving two versions? > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 23, 2015
Subject: Re: commentary or not?
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
I have to admit that I have considered just taking 5 minutes of flight and leaving the roar of the engine as it is, just to see if that would help the hearing impaired, and to see who would complain. :-) I am just as pleased that I have been able to resist that impulse- so far. The down side to doing two videos is that while I have a 10 mbs of down load, I only have 1 mbs of upload (DSL in the least populated county in the state.) This last video took a bit more than 2 hours to upload. Plus the damn things are pretty large files. The last I checked I have 104 videos on Vimeo, and on my computer. Its easier to listen to Pat bitch. :-) Larry On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 1:49 AM, George Bearden wrote: > > > Keep doing what you are doing. > > So, what is the down-side to giving two versions? > > -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: commentary or not?
Date: May 23, 2015
If Patrick wasn't bitching, Patrick would not be breathing. He is just like a Army Private. If he ain't bitching, he ain't happy. Love you Patrick. Glad John Williamson and I got to spend time with you and Wendy at Monument Valley some years ago. Larry, make the videos just like you like them. After all, they are yours. You do the work. We watch and enjoy them. To all the Veterans on the Kolb List I wish you all a very happy Memorial Day. Remember those that gave their all so that we can enjoy the freedom we enjoy in America. Nowhere else on earth can people build and fly their own airplanes with the freedom we can. Never forget that. Loading the 5th wheel to head NW to the Rock House, then North to Alaska. Been 18 years since I made a road trip up there and 11 years since I flew. Hope to see some of our Kolbers along the way. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Larry Cottrell Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 8:52 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: commentary or not? I have to admit that I have considered just taking 5 minutes of flight and leaving the roar of the engine as it is, just to see if that would help the hearing impaired, and to see who would complain. :-) I am just as pleased that I have been able to resist that impulse- so far. The down side to doing two videos is that while I have a 10 mbs of down load, I only have 1 mbs of upload (DSL in the least populated county in the state.) This last video took a bit more than 2 hours to upload. Plus the damn things are pretty large files. The last I checked I have 104 videos on Vimeo, and on my computer. Its easier to listen to Pat bitch. :-) Larry On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 1:49 AM, George Bearden wrote: > Keep doing what you are doing. So, what is the down-side to giving two versions? -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List FORUMS - _blank">http://forums.matronics.com b Site - -Matt Dralle, List Admin. target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: commentary or not?
From: "joe" <okjoek2000(at)yahoo.com>
Date: May 23, 2015
I never post here, just read as I don't have a Kolb and have very little hope of getting one. I used to think I would be able to pull it off but there have been some set backs both financial and health. I met with Frank Goodnight once, he is not that far from me, to get to fly in a Kolb but there was a problem and we didn't get to fly it, I did get to sit in it though, he since has sold it I believe. Still hope someday to get to go up in one. As I don't get to fly I absolutely love it when people post videos and Larry's are some of my favorites. I have no complaints about background music or not, my problem is just not enough of them! Joe Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442490#442490 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Patrick Ladd <patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
Date: May 23, 2015
Hi Larry Sorry if I appeared to be bitching. Let me say that A) I loved the video as usual. B) the background music was at about the right level. It was merely that the vocal was distracting like trying to listen to two conversations at the same time. I would rather listen to your commentary.What you were saying was much more interesting. I am always fascinated by your comments about the rains, or lack of, what the grass is doing, the wild horses etc. Interested too in the fact that you can fly so far without seeing anyone. Unfortunately the UK is not like that. Of course it hasn`t been like that here for hundreds of years but the last 50 years has seen towns and villages expanding. All the fields and swimming holes which my gang used to roam over, birds nesting, building dams and so forth are under concrete now. I liked your little aside that you were looking to shoot something for your raptors. Could we some some pictures some time? Keeping hawks is something which has always fascinated me. Unfortunately I have a strong aversion the touch of fur or feather, alive or dead. I just puke, so although I have read a fair amount of stuff about flying hawks and falcons and even flown a a couple of hawks from the wrist (protected by the usual glove) I couldn`t take it up as a sport. When I was flying gliders I have been rescued from landing out a couple of times by joining a hawk or a buzzard in a thermal and scraping away so I view them as flying friends. Cheers, keep the videos coming. Pat From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:34 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Patrick Ladd patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com 3:10 AM (4 hours ago) to kolb-list On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always interesting that is a shame. Pat From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AM To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that in mind if I ever do another. Larry -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 23, 2015
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
Pat, I probably should send this back copy, and will send you another that is on the subject of falconry by bcc, but there are a couple of points that I feel need to be touched on. Besides there isn't a whole lot going on with the list any way. Firstly, I am not offended by your comments, I fully understand your frustration, and I take all comments as constructive criticism. I like to make the movies, and I want them to be as good as I can make them. I like music, and find that motor noise is something that has to be lived with when flying, but not when watching. I also admit that I especially liked that song and forced it into that clip only because I like it, not that it fit. Am I sorry, nope! The main reason that I am using Vimeo instead of You tube is that I can make the vids private, and can use music without all the hassle of copyrite problems. Since I am not trying to make money from them, and they are restricted I can use any music I want. It is difficult to find music that will fit however. Next, my reasons for cheering the rain that fills the ponds that nourish the game birds, means that there will be enough of them to hunt WITH my falcon, not for my falcon. My "sport" hunting is with the Falcon , not a gun. Nothing against it. Just too easy. https://vimeo.com/113760833 - password- owyheeflyer Warning- the only flying you will see in this video is not with a Kolb. Delete if necessary, I promise to not do it again. Larry On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: > Hi Larry > Sorry if I appeared to be bitching. Let me say that A) I loved the video > as usual. B) the background music was at about the right level. It was > merely that the vocal was distracting like trying to listen to two > conversations at the same time. I would rather listen to your > commentary.What you were saying was much more interesting. I am always > fascinated by your comments about the rains, or lack of, what the grass is > doing, the wild horses etc. Interested too in the fact that you can fly so > far without seeing anyone. Unfortunately the UK is not like that. Of course > it hasn`t been like that here for hundreds of years but the last 50 years > has seen towns and villages expanding. All the fields and swimming holes > which my gang used to roam over, birds nesting, building dams and so forth > are under concrete now. > I liked your little aside that you were looking to shoot something for > your raptors. Could we some some pictures some time? Keeping hawks is > something which has always fascinated me. Unfortunately I have a strong > aversion the touch of fur or feather, alive or dead. I just puke, so > although I have read a fair amount of stuff about flying hawks and falcons > and even flown a a couple of hawks from the wrist (protected by the usual > glove) I couldn`t take it up as a sport. > When I was flying gliders I have been rescued from landing out a couple > of times by joining a hawk or a buzzard in a thermal and scraping away so I > view them as flying friends. > > Cheers, keep the videos coming. > > Pat > > > *From:* Larry Cottrell > *Sent:* Friday, May 22, 2015 2:34 PM > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video > > Patrick Ladd patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com > 3:10 AM (4 hours ago) > to kolb-list > > > On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd > wrote: > >> Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes >> it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always >> interesting that is a shame. Pat >> >> *From:* Larry Cottrell >> *Sent:* Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AM >> *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com >> *Subject:* Kolb-List: Fwd: New video >> >> >> Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound >> track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder >> in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner >> and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer >> screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the >> narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like >> and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt >> that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that >> in mind if I ever do another. >> > Larry > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> -- >> *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email >> address before sending.* >> >> * >> >> get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >> tp://forums.matronics.com <http://forums.matronics.com> >> _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >> >> * >> >> > > > -- > *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email > address before sending.* > > * > > href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List ">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List > href="http://forums.matronics.com ">http://forums.matronics.com > href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution ">http://www.matronics.com/c > * > > * > > > * > > -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: "KelleyT" <toadkelly2000(at)yahoo.com>
Date: May 23, 2015
Larry, Thanks so much for sharing that wonderful video. I really can't think of a better use for such an aircraft. I noticed you said you had to climb up to 6000' and am curious at what elevation you are starting at? I am seriously considering getting a Kolb this year and our starting elevation is about 5000' in the area of Colorado that I would prefer to fly in. I have a lot of stuff to learn yet in terms of which aircraft model and engine combination might be best. I'll be doing a lot more reading and research before purchasing. I also look forward to more of your posts to see how you are getting along with your new engine. Again, thanks. Kelly Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442498#442498 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: WhiskeyVictor36(at)aol.com
Date: May 23, 2015
Subject: Re: commentary or not?
John h. Thank you John, for thinking of all the vets We love what they did and are still doing every day. One of them, Bill Varnes Audubon, NJ 85 Kolb FireStar USAF 59~63 In a message dated 5/23/2015 10:05:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com writes: To all the Veterans on the Kolb List I wish you all a very happy Memorial Day. Remember those that gave their all so that we can enjoy the freedom we enjoy in America. Nowhere else on earth can people build and fly their own airplanes with the freedom we can. Never forget that. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 24, 2015
From: Tony &Heather Oldman <aoldman(at)xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
Dont be sorry Larry, fying is flying. I love your vidio's. It is hard to be lieve from this side of the world that you loo/k forward to so little rain .. 1 inch the cause of floods? , we can get that over night and not even not ice=C2-in the morning . Our average rain fall is abot 30" The west coast of the south Island gets about 3 to 6 mtrs thats 36 to 72 inchs . They star t to dry off if there is no rain for two weeks . On our side of the coast w e can go 3 months without much rain but things get very dry.If we are forca st for 100mm { 4 inch } over 12 hours we get a river may rise warning. =C2 -It is really interesting to visit your part of the world through your vi dio's . I love your commentries ,dont mind the music either. Regards=C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2-Tony=C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2-MK111 classic =C2- =C2- On Sunday, 24 May 2015 5:22 AM, Larry Cottrell wrote: Pat, I probably should send this back copy, and will send you another that is on the subject of falconry by bcc, but there are a couple of points tha t I feel need to be touched on. Besides there isn't a whole lot going on wi th the list any way. Firstly, I am not offended by your comments, I fully understand your frustr ation, and I take all comments as constructive criticism. I like to make th e movies, and I want them to be as good as I can make them. I like music, a nd find that motor noise is something that has to be lived with when flying , but not when watching. I also admit that I especially liked that song and forced it into that clip only because I like it, not that it fit. Am I sor ry, nope! The main reason that I am using Vimeo instead of You tube is that I can make the vids private, and can use music without all the hassle of c opyrite problems. Since I am not trying to make money from them, and they a re restricted I can use any music I want. It is difficult to find music tha t will fit however. Next, my reasons for cheering the rain that fills the ponds that nourish th e game birds, means that there will be enough of them to hunt WITH my falco n, not for my falcon.=C2- My "sport" hunting is with the Falcon , not a g un. Nothing against it. Just too easy. https://vimeo.com/113760833 =C2-- password- =C2- =C2- =C2- owyheefl yer Warning- the only flying you will see in this video is not with a Kolb. Del ete if necessary, I promise to not do it again.Larry On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Patrick Ladd w rote: Hi LarrySorry if I appeared to be bitching. Let me say that A) I loved the video as usual.=C2- B) the background music was at about the right level. It was merely that the vocal was distracting like trying to listen to two conversations at the same time.=C2- I would rather listen to your comment ary.What you were saying was much more interesting. I am always fascinated by your comments about the rains, or lack of, what the grass is doing, the wild horses etc. Interested too in the fact that you can fly so far without seeing anyone. Unfortunately the UK is not like that. Of course it hasn`t been like that here for hundreds of years but the last 50 years has seen to wns and villages expanding. All the fields and swimming holes which my gang used to roam over, birds nesting, building dams and so forth are under con crete now.I liked your little aside that you were looking to shoot somethin g for your raptors. Could we some some pictures some time?=C2- Keeping ha wks is something which has always fascinated me. Unfortunately I have a str ong aversion the=C2- touch of fur or feather, alive or dead. I just puke, so although I have read a fair amount of stuff about flying hawks and falc ons and even flown a a couple of hawks from the wrist (protected by the usu al glove) I couldn`t take it up as a sport.When I was flying gliders I have =C2- been rescued from landing out a couple of times by joining a hawk or a buzzard in a thermal and scraping away so I view them as flying friends. =C2-Cheers, keep the videos coming.=C2-Pat=C2-=C2-=C2-From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:34 PMTo: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Sub ject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video=C2- | | Patrick Ladd=C2-patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com=C2- | | 3:10 AM (4 hours ago) | | | | | to kolb-list | | =C2-=C2-=C2-On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always interestin g that is a shame. Pat =C2- From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22 , 2015 2:11 AM To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Kolb-List: Fwd: New vi deo =C2- Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound trac k to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder in th e finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner and mo re vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like and was more int erested in the vocals.=C2- I am curious if any one else felt that the mus ic was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that in mind if I ever do another. Larry =C2- =C2--- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email addre ss before sending. get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution =C2--- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email addres s before sending. href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List">http://www.matronics. com/Navigator?Kolb-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email addres s before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Patrick Ladd <patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
Date: May 24, 2015
Larry, I am pleased that I asked. What a superb blog and the video is great. You must be unique in releasing your birds back into the wild. I know that the merlin which was only flown by `ladies` was `whistled down the wind` at the end of the season as it was considered too much trouble to keep them over until the next season, but a fully trained bird had so much time invested in the training that they were kept in the mews until they were too old to hunt. Do you get hawks migrating through Idaho? We get the beginnings o f the great migration across Europe here in the South of England. Just for a few days each year there are goshawks and sparrowhawks and the occasional peregrine everywhere you look. Then unfortunately they fly across Europe where the French and the Italians in particular shoot at everything that moves and slaughter small birds,including singing birds, by the thousand. One of the unforeseen consequences of motorways is that hawks have taken up residence in the grass strips between the carriageways and can often be seen hunting. Of course they are not disturbed by pedestrians as the traffic stops anyone getting on to the central reservation and they have learned to live with the traffic. Salisbury Plain, near my home, which is to a great extent put aside for army ranges is used by falconers. It is mainly treeless so the bigwinged falcons are favoured and again because civilian access is limited the bird life has flourished. Thanks again. Pat From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 6:22 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Pat, I probably should send this back copy, and will send you another that is on the subject of falconry by bcc, but there are a couple of points that I feel need to be touched on. Besides there isn't a whole lot going on with the list any way. Firstly, I am not offended by your comments, I fully understand your frustration, and I take all comments as constructive criticism. I like to make the movies, and I want them to be as good as I can make them. I like music, and find that motor noise is something that has to be lived with when flying, but not when watching. I also admit that I especially liked that song and forced it into that clip only because I like it, not that it fit. Am I sorry, nope! The main reason that I am using Vimeo instead of You tube is that I can make the vids private, and can use music without all the hassle of copyrite problems. Since I am not trying to make money from them, and they are restricted I can use any music I want. It is difficult to find music that will fit however. Next, my reasons for cheering the rain that fills the ponds that nourish the game birds, means that there will be enough of them to hunt WITH my falcon, not for my falcon. My "sport" hunting is with the Falcon , not a gun. Nothing against it. Just too easy. https://vimeo.com/113760833 - password- owyheeflyer Warning- the only flying you will see in this video is not with a Kolb. Delete if necessary, I promise to not do it again. Larry On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Hi Larry Sorry if I appeared to be bitching. Let me say that A) I loved the video as usual. B) the background music was at about the right level. It was merely that the vocal was distracting like trying to listen to two conversations at the same time. I would rather listen to your commentary.What you were saying was much more interesting. I am always fascinated by your comments about the rains, or lack of, what the grass is doing, the wild horses etc. Interested too in the fact that you can fly so far without seeing anyone. Unfortunately the UK is not like that. Of course it hasn`t been like that here for hundreds of years but the last 50 years has seen towns and villages expanding. All the fields and swimming holes which my gang used to roam over, birds nesting, building dams and so forth are under concrete now. I liked your little aside that you were looking to shoot something for your raptors. Could we some some pictures some time? Keeping hawks is something which has always fascinated me. Unfortunately I have a strong aversion the touch of fur or feather, alive or dead. I just puke, so although I have read a fair amount of stuff about flying hawks and falcons and even flown a a couple of hawks from the wrist (protected by the usual glove) I couldn`t take it up as a sport. When I was flying gliders I have been rescued from landing out a couple of times by joining a hawk or a buzzard in a thermal and scraping away so I view them as flying friends. Cheers, keep the videos coming. Pat From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:34 PM To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Patrick Ladd patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com 3:10 AM (4 hours ago) to kolb-list On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 3:10 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Excellent video as usual. Background music is fine but the vocal makes it difficult to hear the commentary. As the commentary is always interesting that is a shame. Pat From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 2:11 AM To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Kolb-List: Fwd: New video Keeping a similar comment from you in mind when I was adding the sound track to the video, I was again surprised that the sound track was louder in the finished project than the original. The picture quality is cleaner and more vivid than was noticeable than what was showing on my computer screen as well. I personally did not have any problem in hearing the narrative, but then again, I already knew what the narration sounded like and was more interested in the vocals. I am curious if any one else felt that the music was more of a distraction than help. I will try to keep that in mind if I ever do another. Larry -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List">http://www.matronic s.com/Navigator?Kolb-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: May 24, 2015
Thank you Larry for all your videos, including the one with Jessie. When I was younger I was fascinated with the idea of falconry. Good to see someone who actually does it. As far as the music, your choices in instrumental music suit me perfectly, I often get on YouTube after watching your videos and try to hear other selections by the artists you use. It broadens my musical horizons. Since you asked, I prefer instrumentals, but how ever you choose to do it is all good for me. Thank you for posting and sharing them. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442524#442524 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 24, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
Richard and all... A little Willie Nelson never hurt anyone...!! :-) Herb (half way through building another Firefly...Wings to cover..engine to mount and instruments to hook up...more than 90% done and 90% to go...) On 05/24/2015 07:25 AM, Richard Pike wrote: > > Thank you Larry for all your videos, including the one with Jessie. When I was younger I was fascinated with the idea of falconry. Good to see someone who actually does it. > As far as the music, your choices in instrumental music suit me perfectly, I often get on YouTube after watching your videos and try to hear other selections by the artists you use. It broadens my musical horizons. > Since you asked, I prefer instrumentals, but how ever you choose to do it is all good for me. Thank you for posting and sharing them. > > -------- > Richard Pike > Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) > Kingsport, TN 3TN0 > There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442524#442524 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Fwd: New video
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: May 24, 2015
[quote="Herbgh(at)nctc.com"]Richard and all... A little Willie Nelson never hurt anyone...!! :-) [quote] LOL! My wife and I have been Round Dancers for years, and this is a Willie Nelson/Toby Keith song I have often thought about choreographing into a 2 step. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arXuLdzVfQQ Meanwhile, years ago Willie came to Kingsport for a free concert, and he was so totally in the bag - as in: totally in the bag... - we just gave up and went home. Some things are not worthy to be endured no matter who is doing what. Sigh... And to all our Veterans - Have a great day. And if you are so minded as to lift up a glass in remembrance of your particular fight against evil forces - Thank you and may God Bless you. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442546#442546 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Brad Nation <nationcap(at)comcast.net>
Subject: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House
Date: May 25, 2015
Anyone planning on attending the Kolb Fly In this coming June 27th? Brad Nation MKIII Xtra N952DK ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 25, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House
I will be there...flying or driving...Herb On 05/25/2015 09:41 PM, Brad Nation wrote: > Anyone planning on attending the Kolb Fly In this coming June 27th? > > Brad Nation > MKIII Xtra > N952DK > > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House
Date: May 25, 2015
Who, what, when, and where? Folks need info. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Brad Nation Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 9:41 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House Anyone planning on attending the Kolb Fly In this coming June 27th? Brad Nation MKIII Xtra N952DK ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 26, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House
I looked on you tube and got my first glimpse of the Kolb hangar... 2014 open house.. Did not see any announcement of this years open house...Herb On 05/25/2015 10:20 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > Who, what, when, and where? > > Folks need info. > > john h > > mkIII > > Titus, Alabama > > *From:*owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *Brad Nation > *Sent:* Monday, May 25, 2015 9:41 PM > *To:* Kolb-list > *Subject:* Kolb-List: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House > > Anyone planning on attending the Kolb Fly In this coming June 27th? > > Brad Nation > > MKIII Xtra > > N952DK > > * * > * * > ** > * - The Kolb-List Email Forum -* > ** > ** > ** > ** > ** > * -->http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List* > ** > ** > * - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS -* > ** > ** > * -->http://forums.matronics.com* > ** > ** > * - List Contribution Web Site -* > * Thank you for your generous support!* > * -Matt Dralle, List Admin.* > * -->http://www.matronics.com/contribution* > ** > * * > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Lanny" <donaho1(at)verizon.net>
Subject: Fw: Parting out Firestar II
Date: May 26, 2015
From: Lanny Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:41 AM Subject: Parting out Firestar II I will consider offers on anything I left to sell. It will be the price we settle on, plus actual shipping costs, on items small enough to ship. Large items are pick up only. You will pay the price agreed upon, I will ship, and scan the shipping receipt, so you can see the actual cost of shipping. After you receive your item and are satisfied, you will reimburse me for the shipping cost. Already sold are the Rotax 503, BRS and Landing gear. The Cage and fuselage tube are trash, and can not be used. Parts of interest I still have are, 2, five gal. fuel tanks with dual fuel senders and gauge, streamline struts, Wheel pants (broken but repairable if you can do fiberglass work.) Tail feathers, Wheels and tires with go cart brakes, Right wing, all good. Left wing has damage to wing tip but is repairable. Bendix / King KX99 radio. NEW Telex 50-Digital Noise Cancelling headset. Open flat bed trailer. Lowrance Airmap GPS. Too many smaller items to list. E-mail me off list, if you are interested in anything listed, or need something not listed. Please, serious inquiries only! Lanny Fetterman donaho1(at)verizon.net ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 26, 2015
From: "Jack B. Hart" <jbhart(at)onlyinternet.net>
Subject: Re: FireFly Page Is Back UP
Tommy, Thank you for your comments about my FireFly page. The reason it has taken so long to answer is that I broke my leg and my email computer is in the basement. Still have to get rid of the boot. Good luck on your project. Where do you live? Jack B. Hart FF004 Winchester, IN --------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Hello Jack Hart. Thank you for your FireFly page. I am the owner of FireFly 0058. It is without an engine right now as thieves took the Rotax 447 before I got it. I am now in process of getting a Hirth 2702 installed by Matt Dandridge at Rec Power. Your pages are just so interesting and filled with great ideas and skills well demonstrated. One day I would like to meet you. Tommy > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Re: FireFly Page Is Back UP
Date: May 26, 2015
Had I known that, I would have sent you a lap top. Was wondering what happened to you. Sorry to hear of your accident. I can certainly empathize with you and a broken leg. Broke my knee/tibia/hand 5 years ago. Darn it. Caused me to miss MV 2000. ;-) john h mkIII Titus, Alabama -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Jack B. Hart Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 9:40 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: FireFly Page Is Back UP --> Tommy, Thank you for your comments about my FireFly page. The reason it has taken so long to answer is that I broke my leg and my email computer is in the basement. Still have to get rid of the boot. Good luck on your project. Where do you live? Jack B. Hart FF004 Winchester, IN --------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Hello Jack Hart. Thank you for your FireFly page. I am the owner of >FireFly 0058. It is without an engine right now as thieves took the Rotax 447 before I got it. I am now in process of getting a Hirth 2702 installed by Matt Dandridge at Rec Power. Your pages are just so interesting and filled with great ideas and skills well demonstrated. One day I would like to meet you. Tommy > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Lanny" <donaho1(at)verizon.net>
Subject: Forgot to add address for parting out FSII
Date: May 26, 2015
2074 Old Reading Rd, Catawissa Pa. 17820 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Bradley Nation <nationcap(at)comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House
Date: May 26, 2015
There is a link on Kolb=92s main web page and here=92s a link to the airport open house; http://www.london-corbinairport.com/open-house.html <http://www.london-corbinairport.com/open-house.html> Brad > On May 26, 2015, at 5:31 , Herb > wrote: > > I looked on you tube and got my first glimpse of the Kolb hangar... 2014 open house.. Did not see any announcement of this years open house...Herb > > On 05/25/2015 10:20 PM, John Hauck wrote: >> Who, what, when, and where? >> >> Folks need info. >> >> john h >> mkIII >> Titus, Alabama >> >> From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com ] On Behalf Of Brad Nation >> Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 9:41 PM >> To: Kolb-list >> Subject: Kolb-List: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House >> >> Anyone planning on attending the Kolb Fly In this coming June 27th? >> >> Brad Nation >> MKIII Xtra >> N952DK >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> - The Kolb-List Email Forum - >> --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List <http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List> >> - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - >> --> http://forums.matronics.com >> - List Contribution Web Site - >> Thank you for your generous support! >> -Matt Dralle, List Admin. >> --> http://www.matronics.com/contribution <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> >> >> >> >> > > > <http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List> <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Kolb Fly In and Airport Open House
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: May 27, 2015
Yellowbird1, that link refers to 2010. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442591#442591 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
From: "Aircraft Spruce Info" <info(at)aircraftspruce.com>
Date: May 27, 2015
We noticed the recent postings regarding the price of blind aluminum rivets that we offer on our website. These are our p/n 09-18900 and are priced at $22 for 100 rivets. These rivets are from Poly Fiber. As an alternative, we also have p/n 09-04580 which is the same size rivet and we offer them in bags of 500 for $19.65. Aircraft Spruce Customer Service Dept. custservice(at)aircraftspruce.com Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442595#442595 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
16 dollars and change from Ebay... Just bought 500... By the way...the Poly Fiber price tells one everything they need to know about that brand.... Herb On 05/27/2015 11:39 AM, Aircraft Spruce Info wrote: > > We noticed the recent postings regarding the price of blind aluminum rivets that we offer on our website. These are our p/n 09-18900 and are priced at $22 for 100 rivets. These rivets are from Poly Fiber. As an alternative, we also have p/n 09-04580 which is the same size rivet and we offer them in bags of 500 for $19.65. > > Aircraft Spruce > Customer Service Dept. > custservice(at)aircraftspruce.com > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442595#442595 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
Date: May 27, 2015
.22 compared to .04 a piece. Highway robbery. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Aircraft Spruce Info Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:39 AM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets --> We noticed the recent postings regarding the price of blind aluminum rivets that we offer on our website. These are our p/n 09-18900 and are priced at $22 for 100 rivets. These rivets are from Poly Fiber. As an alternative, we also have p/n 09-04580 which is the same size rivet and we offer them in bags of 500 for $19.65. Aircraft Spruce Customer Service Dept. custservice(at)aircraftspruce.com Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442595#442595 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
John I will spend 2000 dollars quicker than I will spend 2 dollars... what concerns me more is the cost of the parts and beyond that is the quick response from someone with Aircraft Spruce about the cost of those rivets...who told them? do they monitor these lists? I own the Thatcher CX4/CX5 list at Yahoo and have never had a response when a company is criticized. Guess they must sponsor/Monitor this list? Must say..the folks at the Aircraft Spruce in Ga. are friendly and give good service...but cannot see me doing business with them in the future...given the high cost of doing business. http://conaircraft.com/ That is the company who owns Poly Fiber,Ceconite and Randolph.... Cleaning out the garage preparatory to covering the wings on my new to me Firefly...(Poly fiber process...:-) ) Herb On 05/27/2015 12:03 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > .22 compared to .04 a piece. Highway robbery. > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Aircraft Spruce > Info > Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:39 AM > To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets > > --> > > We noticed the recent postings regarding the price of blind aluminum rivets > that we offer on our website. These are our p/n 09-18900 and are priced at > $22 for 100 rivets. These rivets are from Poly Fiber. As an alternative, we > also have p/n 09-04580 which is the same size rivet and we offer them in > bags of 500 for $19.65. > > Aircraft Spruce > Customer Service Dept. > custservice(at)aircraftspruce.com > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442595#442595 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
.03304 each....from isellrivets in Texas... ORDER DATE May 18, 2015 ORDER TOTAL US $16.52 Free shipping *Order 361248909505-661145964023!474330785012* Leave feedback <http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?LeaveFeedbackShow&useridto=isellrivets&transactID=661145964023&item=361248909505&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2665>View order details <http://payments.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewPaymentStatus&transId=661145964023&itemid=361248909505&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2673> More actions<http://www.ebay.com/myb/Summary?MyEbay&gbh=1#> 1 item sold byisellrivets <http://www.ebay.com/usr/isellrivets?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2754> 500 Aluminum Rivet Large Flange 1/8 x 1/8 Grip <http://www.ebay.com/itm/361248909505?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT> 500 Aluminum Rivet Large Flange 1/8 x 1/8 Grip <http://www.ebay.com/itm/361248909505?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT> ( 361248909505 ) Delivered on *Fri, May 22* Tracking number: *Tracking number*9400115901432363076871 Add note ITEM PRICE: US $16.52 On 05/27/2015 12:03 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > .22 compared to .04 a piece. Highway robbery. > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Aircraft Spruce > Info > Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:39 AM > To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets > > --> > > We noticed the recent postings regarding the price of blind aluminum rivets > that we offer on our website. These are our p/n 09-18900 and are priced at > $22 for 100 rivets. These rivets are from Poly Fiber. As an alternative, we > also have p/n 09-04580 which is the same size rivet and we offer them in > bags of 500 for $19.65. > > Aircraft Spruce > Customer Service Dept. > custservice(at)aircraftspruce.com > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442595#442595 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
Date: May 27, 2015
Commercial enterprises, large and small, that use this List for their profit, rubs me the wrong way. I make a donation every year to keep the List operating. I have never seen any of the businesses that advertise on "our" List ever make the donation List. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 1:31 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets John I will spend 2000 dollars quicker than I will spend 2 dollars... what concerns me more is the cost of the parts and beyond that is the quick response from someone with Aircraft Spruce about the cost of those rivets...who told them? do they monitor these lists? I own the Thatcher CX4/CX5 list at Yahoo and have never had a response when a company is criticized. Guess they must sponsor/Monitor this list? Must say..the folks at the Aircraft Spruce in Ga. are friendly and give good service...but cannot see me doing business with them in the future...given the high cost of doing business. http://conaircraft.com/ That is the company who owns Poly Fiber,Ceconite and Randolph.... Cleaning out the garage preparatory to covering the wings on my new to me Firefly...(Poly fiber process...:-) ) Herb On 05/27/2015 12:03 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > .22 compared to .04 a piece. Highway robbery. > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Aircraft Spruce > Info > Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:39 AM > To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets > > --> > > We noticed the recent postings regarding the price of blind aluminum rivets > that we offer on our website. These are our p/n 09-18900 and are priced at > $22 for 100 rivets. These rivets are from Poly Fiber. As an alternative, we > also have p/n 09-04580 which is the same size rivet and we offer them in > bags of 500 for $19.65. > > Aircraft Spruce > Customer Service Dept. > custservice(at)aircraftspruce.com > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442595#442595 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
Imagine the chilling effect if Spruce had said" do not like the unfavourable comments"...out lawyer will be in contact....Herb On 05/27/2015 01:51 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > Commercial enterprises, large and small, that use this List for their > profit, rubs me the wrong way. I make a donation every year to keep the > List operating. I have never seen any of the businesses that advertise on > "our" List ever make the donation List. > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb > Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 1:31 PM > To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets > > > John > > I will spend 2000 dollars quicker than I will spend 2 dollars... > > what concerns me more is the cost of the parts and beyond that is the > quick response from someone with Aircraft Spruce about the cost of those > rivets...who told them? do they monitor these lists? > > I own the Thatcher CX4/CX5 list at Yahoo and have never had a > response when a company is criticized. Guess they must > sponsor/Monitor this list? > > Must say..the folks at the Aircraft Spruce in Ga. are friendly and give > good service...but cannot see me doing business with them in the > future...given the high cost of doing business. > > http://conaircraft.com/ That is the company who owns Poly Fiber,Ceconite > and Randolph.... > > Cleaning out the garage preparatory to covering the wings on my new to me > Firefly...(Poly fiber process...:-) ) Herb > > > On 05/27/2015 12:03 PM, John Hauck wrote: >> >> .22 compared to .04 a piece. Highway robbery. >> >> john h >> mkIII >> Titus, Alabama >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com >> [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Aircraft Spruce >> Info >> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:39 AM >> To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com >> Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets >> >> --> >> >> We noticed the recent postings regarding the price of blind aluminum > rivets >> that we offer on our website. These are our p/n 09-18900 and are priced at >> $22 for 100 rivets. These rivets are from Poly Fiber. As an alternative, > we >> also have p/n 09-04580 which is the same size rivet and we offer them in >> bags of 500 for $19.65. >> >> Aircraft Spruce >> Customer Service Dept. >> custservice(at)aircraftspruce.com >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442595#442595 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
Date: May 27, 2015
I'll reserve comment on that one. I don't take threats lightly. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 1:56 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets Imagine the chilling effect if Spruce had said" do not like the unfavourable comments"...out lawyer will be in contact....Herb On 05/27/2015 01:51 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > Commercial enterprises, large and small, that use this List for their > profit, rubs me the wrong way. I make a donation every year to keep > the List operating. I have never seen any of the businesses that > advertise on "our" List ever make the donation List. > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb > Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 1:31 PM > To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets > > > John > > I will spend 2000 dollars quicker than I will spend 2 dollars... > > what concerns me more is the cost of the parts and beyond that is > the quick response from someone with Aircraft Spruce about the cost of > those rivets...who told them? do they monitor these lists? > > I own the Thatcher CX4/CX5 list at Yahoo and have never had a > response when a company is criticized. Guess they must > sponsor/Monitor this list? > > Must say..the folks at the Aircraft Spruce in Ga. are friendly and > give good service...but cannot see me doing business with them in the > future...given the high cost of doing business. > > http://conaircraft.com/ That is the company who owns Poly > Fiber,Ceconite and Randolph.... > > Cleaning out the garage preparatory to covering the wings on my > new to me Firefly...(Poly fiber process...:-) ) Herb > > > On 05/27/2015 12:03 PM, John Hauck wrote: >> >> .22 compared to .04 a piece. Highway robbery. >> >> john h >> mkIII >> Titus, Alabama >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com >> [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Aircraft >> Spruce Info >> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:39 AM >> To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com >> Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets >> >> --> >> >> We noticed the recent postings regarding the price of blind aluminum > rivets >> that we offer on our website. These are our p/n 09-18900 and are >> priced at >> $22 for 100 rivets. These rivets are from Poly Fiber. As an >> alternative, > we >> also have p/n 09-04580 which is the same size rivet and we offer them >> in bags of 500 for $19.65. >> >> Aircraft Spruce >> Customer Service Dept. >> custservice(at)aircraftspruce.com >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442595#442595 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Re: Large head aluminum rivets
Date: May 27, 2015
I don't know about their sponsorship but don't think it is relevant either. Past dealings with them have been....shall we say less positive than yours. I tend to look elsewhere first. John H is right, I think jumping into a thread like this is pushy on their part and I will remember that. YMMV -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Dennis Rowe Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 4:53 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Large head aluminum rivets Easy here guys, I believe Spruce has sponsored Matts fundraiser drives with gifts for years. All their message said was "yeah, we have these rivets from so and so that may be overpriced, but we also sell these more reasonable price rivets that are equivalent. To me, I appreciated the info and have always found Spruce to be a great source for aviation products with great prices and better service. Am I missing something? Dennis "Skid" Rowe Mk3, Rotax 670, Leechburg, PA ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: FW: Matronics Kolb forum
Date: May 27, 2015
Kolbers: Got a note from Jim Irwin, President, Aircraft Spruce, in response to a post I made on the Kolb List reference the extremely high price of rivets. Thought it only fair to share it with you all. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: Jim Irwin [mailto:jimirwin(at)aircraftspruce.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 5:42 PM Subject: Matronics Kolb forum John, I saw your posting on the forum and wanted to let you know that it was not Customer Service's intent to use the list for profit. I think they just wanted to point out that the rivets Herb was referring to are from Poly-Fiber and our prices is based on their cost to us, and that we do have a much cheaper alternative available. The implication in the original post was that Aircraft Spruce was gouging their customers with the 22 cent rivets, and this is certainly not our intent. We appreciate the orders you place with Aircraft Spruce and look forward to continuing to serve you. Best Regards, Jim Irwin President Aircraft Spruce ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
Subject: Re: FW: Matronics Kolb forum
From: Richard Girard <aslsa.rng(at)gmail.com>
Guys, For what it's worth I tried to get aluminum fabric rivets from Hansons and the price was more than Spruce and I'd have to buy a 1000 to get it. I've always found that McMaster Carr is hard to beat. Rick Girard On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 7:39 PM, John Hauck wrote: > Kolbers: > > > Got a note from Jim Irwin, President, Aircraft Spruce, in response to a > post I made on the Kolb List reference the extremely high price of rivets. > > > Thought it only fair to share it with you all. > > > john h > > mkIII > > Titus, Alabama > > > *From:* Jim Irwin [mailto:jimirwin(at)aircraftspruce.com] > *Sent:* Wednesday, May 27, 2015 5:42 PM > *To:* jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com > *Subject:* Matronics Kolb forum > > > John, > > > I saw your posting on the forum and wanted to let you know that it was not > Customer Service's intent to use the list for profit. I think they just > wanted to point out that the rivets Herb was referring to are from > Poly-Fiber and our prices is based on their cost to us, and that we do have > a much cheaper alternative available. The implication in the original post > was that Aircraft Spruce was gouging their customers with the 22 cent > rivets, and this is certainly not our intent. > > > We appreciate the orders you place with Aircraft Spruce and look forward > to continuing to serve you. > > > Best Regards, > > > Jim Irwin > > President > > Aircraft Spruce > > * > > > * > > -- Believe those who are seeking the truth, doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: quit while you are behind!!
Is anyone thinking what I am thinking? Maybe I am the last to know? Companies must subscribe to services that scan the net looking for keywords...kick them to the proper subscriber? sort of a mini CIA? I well understand that all our browsing is followed...by a host of services that fill our mail box with goods and services from subscribers...or worse...!! Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
From: Charlie England <ceengland7(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: FW: Matronics Kolb forum
I don't care to see commercial use here, either, but it's hard to fault someone for correcting misconceptions or untruths about themselves. And since Hanson's name came up... I had a serious problem with them a number of years ago. They shipped me defective rivets. The rivets had incorrect length break-point length on their anvils (the 'nails'). When pulled, the anvils would consistently break leaving ~3/32" of anvil sticking out of the head. Now anyone can have a defective product slip through now and then, but.... I spent days of fighting with them over the phone, with me offering to send images of the problem, and offering to send the bad rivets back at my expense. They never believed me, and never accepted my offer to show them the problem rivets. They finally shipped replacements, after I'd lost far more in time than the original cost of the rivets. And it wasn't a small order. I'm positive that the only reason they finally sent replacements was because I was costing *them* more than the rivets were worth. Charlie On 5/27/2015 7:48 PM, Richard Girard wrote: > Guys, For what it's worth I tried to get aluminum fabric rivets from > Hansons and the price was more than Spruce and I'd have to buy a 1000 > to get it. I've always found that McMaster Carr is hard to beat. > > Rick Girard > > On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 7:39 PM, John Hauck > wrote: > > Kolbers: > > > > Got a note from Jim Irwin, President, Aircraft Spruce, in response > to a post I made on the Kolb List reference the extremely high > price of rivets. > > > > Thought it only fair to share it with you all. > > > > john h > > mkIII > > Titus, Alabama > > > > > > > > *From:*Jim Irwin [mailto:jimirwin(at)aircraftspruce.com > ] > *Sent:* Wednesday, May 27, 2015 5:42 PM > *To:* jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com > *Subject:* Matronics Kolb forum > > > > John, > > > > I saw your posting on the forum and wanted to let you know that it > was not Customer Service's intent to use the list for profit. I > think they just wanted to point out that the rivets Herb was > referring to are from Poly-Fiber and our prices is based on their > cost to us, and that we do have a much cheaper alternative > available. The implication in the original post was that Aircraft > Spruce was gouging their customers with the 22 cent rivets, and > this is certainly not our intent. > > > > We appreciate the orders you place with Aircraft Spruce and look > forward to continuing to serve you. > > > > Best Regards, > > > > Jim Irwin > > President > > Aircraft Spruce > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: quit while you are behind!!
Date: May 27, 2015
Big Brother is watching. Makes one feel violated. I have been a member of the Kolb List for 17+ years. First time I have experienced anything like this. I always felt our List was more or less private, although not technically so. Nothing like being bugged. Is Aircraft Spruce a member of the Kolb List? john h mkIII Titus, Alabama -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9:08 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: quit while you are behind!! Is anyone thinking what I am thinking? Maybe I am the last to know? Companies must subscribe to services that scan the net looking for keywords...kick them to the proper subscriber? sort of a mini CIA? I well understand that all our browsing is followed...by a host of services that fill our mail box with goods and services from subscribers...or worse...!! Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: quit while you are behind!!
Date: May 27, 2015
Big Brother is watching. Makes one feel violated. I have been a member of the Kolb List for 17+ years. First time I have experienced anything like this. I always felt our List was more or less private, although not technically so. Nothing like being bugged. Is Aircraft Spruce a member of the Kolb List? john h mkIII Titus, Alabama -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9:08 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: quit while you are behind!! Is anyone thinking what I am thinking? Maybe I am the last to know? Companies must subscribe to services that scan the net looking for keywords...kick them to the proper subscriber? sort of a mini CIA? I well understand that all our browsing is followed...by a host of services that fill our mail box with goods and services from subscribers...or worse...!! Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
From: Charlie England <ceengland7(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: quit while you are behind!!
You should feel violated, because Big Brother is definitely watching, but his name ain't Aircraft Spruce. He's much more of a Patriot (Act). You don't need some sophisticated NSA grade web crawler to find references to a particular item or company; it's built into every decent email client and forum application. I'd be surprised if there weren't Spruce employees that at least read the archives, along with a lot of other vendors who sell to homebuilders. Don't you think that someone from TNKolb is reading? I know that Van's Aircraft guys monitor lists and forums dedicated to RV's. They don't hype their stuff; they offer assistance and occasionally offer corrections if incorrect info shows up. It's in any vendor's best interest to monitor lists like this, because we're going to tell our friends what (and who) works and what (and who) doesn't. And it's usually in our best interest, as well, because most vendors will use that info to make improvements in their products or service. Just another opinion.... Charlie On 5/27/2015 10:46 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > Big Brother is watching. > > Makes one feel violated. > > I have been a member of the Kolb List for 17+ years. First time I have > experienced anything like this. I always felt our List was more or less > private, although not technically so. > > Nothing like being bugged. > > Is Aircraft Spruce a member of the Kolb List? > > john h > mkIII > Titus, Alabama > > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb > Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9:08 PM > To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: Kolb-List: quit while you are behind!! > > > Is anyone thinking what I am thinking? Maybe I am the last to know? > > Companies must subscribe to services that scan the net looking for > keywords...kick them to the proper subscriber? sort of a mini CIA? > > I well understand that all our browsing is followed...by a host of > services that fill our mail box with goods and services from > subscribers...or worse...!! Herb > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 27, 2015
Subject: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
I got this from a friend of mine that lives on the Oregon Coast. I have never seen anything remotely like it. Any thoughts from the group. It looks scary to me. Larry ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Alexis <parker.toby92(at)gmail.com> Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:02 PM Subject: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic Hey Larry I am trying to find out if this is something you might know about My cousin and uncle are wanting to buy it but they need to find out more about Kolbs and if this sound like something that would work My cousin is Ron Wallace I believe his address will be with this .. If there is and input that you can provide they would like to hear it Toby ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ron Wallace <ron(at)worldpiper.com> Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:31 PM Subject: Kolb Anphib pic Toby, I=99m interested in buying this Kolb and am wondering if you know an yone that owns one, especially that is an anphib like this one. I=99d li ke to chat with them. =8B -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "George Bearden" <gab16(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Aircraft Spruce
Date: May 28, 2015
I am not at all upset that AS posted a msg to our group. They don't harangue us with ads, they don't get in arguments on-line, they simply offered information on a live topic. Yes, I too am not happy about the Big Brother idea either. I think everyone on here except me is certain they are talking about the specific correct rivet needed for the Kolb wings. I read a story about a guy who used rivets with the correct metal in the rivet, the correct shaft dia., the correct head diameter, but they didn't work because the lower edge of the rivet heads was sharp and cut through the fabric. I am probably the only one who is not certain that we are all talking apples/apples with all the different sourced rivets. I agree with Charlie's statement earlier. I am guessing that the cost of the rivets is high because it isn't a standard item. I am guessing they just don't sell tons of them. They have to keep track of the parts via computer and warehouse, they have to pay flooring costs to have them on hand, the have to physically store them... then try to make a profit w/o alienating everyone in sight. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Patrick Ladd <patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: rivets
Date: May 28, 2015
Gosh you guys sure have hair triggers. Give the guys a break. If you were supplying goods to the aircraft industry wouldn`t you keep an eye on the literature? These days that includes lists and blogs. I don`t see any `Big Brother` in that. Just good business practice. They saw an item being criticised for being over priced and just pointed out that it was being compared to a different product and mentioned the fact that they also sell cheaper ones. Seems reasonable to me. It appears that they support the sponsorship deal. Seems to show good intent. An old saying occurs to me. Something about `With hold your verdict until all the evidence is in` Incidentally its no good sending me posts telling me that I am wrong a I am off to Norway for seven days in the morning. Cheers Pat ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic
Date: May 28, 2015
Doesn't look like there is much Kolb left in that one. I would not touch it. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Larry Cottrell Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 12:07 AM Subject: Kolb-List: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic I got this from a friend of mine that lives on the Oregon Coast. I have never seen anything remotely like it. Any thoughts from the group. It looks scary to me. Larry ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Alexis <parker.toby92(at)gmail.com> Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:02 PM Subject: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic Hey Larry I am trying to find out if this is something you might know about My cousin and uncle are wanting to buy it but they need to find out more about Kolbs and if this sound like something that would work My cousin is Ron Wallace I believe his address will be with this .. If there is and input that you can provide they would like to hear it Toby ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ron Wallace <ron(at)worldpiper.com> Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:31 PM Subject: Kolb Anphib pic Toby, I=99m interested in buying this Kolb and am wondering if you know anyone that owns one, especially that is an anphib like this one. I=99d like to chat with them. =8B -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: quit while you are behind!!
From: "Jason Omelchuck" <jason@trek-tech.com>
Date: May 28, 2015
I don't believe they are "monitoring" websites, like all good businesses they have services (web crawlers) that notify them when their name is mentioned in any web text. You could get the same service on your name and every time someone mentioned your name on the web, they would send you a link to where it was mentioned. Its not like they have to sit and read all the forums to see who is saying what about them. FWIW Jason Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442671#442671 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 28, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: quit while you are behind!!
What I thought...Some sort of subscription service.. for instance,,,if my 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee was rear ended and the gas tank exploded, perhaps Fiat,Chrysler would like to know..:-) Herb--out to the newly cleaned garage to cover Firefly wings...should keep me of of the list and out of trouble/controversy for a while...:-) On 05/28/2015 09:27 AM, Jason Omelchuck wrote: > > I don't believe they are "monitoring" websites, like all good businesses they have services (web crawlers) that notify them when their name is mentioned in any web text. You could get the same service on your name and every time someone mentioned your name on the web, they would send you a link to where it was mentioned. Its not like they have to sit and read all the forums to see who is saying what about them. > > FWIW > Jason > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442671#442671 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 28, 2015
Subject: Re: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic
From: Rick Neilsen <neilsenrm(at)gmail.com>
Wow that looks really neet. I think I see a Kolb Firestar under there. The hull seems to be designed to keep spray from the prop. The cockpit and forward folding wind screen is nice. I would want to see it takeoff and land on water. It even has one of the old Kolb trailers. Get some one that knows Kolbs to check it out but go for it. Rick Neilsen Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC =9CWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. Wh en many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.=9D - Robert M. Pirsig <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/401.Robert_M_Pirsig> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:06 AM, Larry Cottrell wrote: > I got this from a friend of mine that lives on the Oregon Coast. I have > never seen anything remotely like it. Any thoughts from the group. It loo ks > scary to me. > Larry > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Alexis <parker.toby92(at)gmail.com> > Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 10:02 PM > Subject: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic > To: Larry Cottrell > > > Hey Larry I am trying to find out if this is something you might know > about My cousin and uncle are wanting to buy it but they need to fin d > out more about Kolbs and if this sound like something that would work My > cousin is Ron Wallace I believe his address will be with this .. If there > is and input that you can provide they would like to hear it Toby > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Ron Wallace <ron(at)worldpiper.com> > Date: Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:31 PM > Subject: Kolb Anphib pic > To: Toby Parker > > > Toby, > > I=99m interested in buying this Kolb and am wondering if you know anyone > that owns one, especially that is an anphib like this one. I=99d like to > chat with them. > > =8B > > > -- > *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email > address before sending.* > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 28, 2015
Subject: Re: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
While it does look interesting at first glance, I would wonder about its "sea worthiness", not to mention of what its like to fly. I don't see that the gear legs, and wheels move out of the way. I wonder what the effect of sticking one of those suckers in the water if there was a bit of chop on the water. Is it still a ground loop? Maybe a bit of a cross wind.? Lets see- 14 foot wings compared to a 2 foot at its widest, bottom that is most likely shaped into a wide Vee? I also notice that there is no N number. It looks like a lot of work with very little thought. I could be prejudiced since I live in the Desert.????? Larry --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 9:13 AM, Rick Neilsen wrote: > Wow that looks really neet. I think I see a Kolb Firestar under there. Th e > hull seems to be designed to keep spray from the prop. The cockpit and > forward folding wind screen is nice. I would want to see it takeoff and > land on water. It even has one of the old Kolb trailers. Get some one tha t > knows Kolbs to check it out but go for it. > > Rick Neilsen > Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC > =9CWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many > people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.=9D > - Robert M. Pirsig > <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/401.Robert_M_Pirsig> > >> =8B >> >> >> >> >> >> -- >> *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email >> address before sending.* >> > > * > =========== onics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List> =========== =========== om/contribution> =========== > > * > > -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 28, 2015
Subject: Re: Fwd: Kolb Anphib pic
From: Rick Neilsen <neilsenrm(at)gmail.com>
Larry Look at the gear legs as they go into the cage. It looks like they could be retractable. There might be an issue with this being a LSA with retractable. Some manufactures call the gear repositionable and the FAA goes along with LSA. The lack of N number could be a bigger issue but? Rick Neilsen Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Larry Cottrell wrote: > While it does look interesting at first glance, I would wonder about its > "sea worthiness", not to mention of what its like to fly. I don't see tha t > the gear legs, and wheels move out of the way. I wonder what the effect o f > sticking one of those suckers in the water if there was a bit of chop on > the water. Is it still a ground loop? Maybe a bit of a cross wind.? Lets > see- 14 foot wings compared to a 2 foot at its widest, bottom that is mos t > likely shaped into a wide Vee? I also notice that there is no N number. > It looks like a lot of work with very little thought. I could be prejudic ed > since I live in the Desert.????? > Larry > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- > On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 9:13 AM, Rick Neilsen wrote : > >> Wow that looks really neet. I think I see a Kolb Firestar under there. >> The hull seems to be designed to keep spray from the prop. The cockpit a nd >> forward folding wind screen is nice. I would want to see it takeoff and >> land on water. It even has one of the old Kolb trailers. Get some one th at >> knows Kolbs to check it out but go for it. >> >> Rick Neilsen >> Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC >> =9CWhen one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When >> many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.=9D >> - Robert M. Pirsig >> <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/401.Robert_M_Pirsig> >> >>> =8B >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email >>> address before sending.* >>> >> >> * >> >> get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >> tp://forums.matronics.com <http://forums.matronics.com> >> _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >> >> * >> >> > > > -- > *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email > address before sending.* > > * > =========== onics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List> =========== =========== om/contribution> =========== > > * > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Dennis Rowe <rowedenny(at)windstream.net>
Subject: Re: quit while you are behind!!
Date: May 28, 2015
I agree Charlie, this doesn't rise to the level of big brother with me, so much worse things to get my panties twisted over. Dennis "Skid" Rowe Mk3, Rotax 670, Leechburg, PA > On May 28, 2015, at 12:55 AM, Charlie England wrote: > > > You should feel violated, because Big Brother is definitely watching, but his name ain't Aircraft Spruce. He's much more of a Patriot (Act). > > You don't need some sophisticated NSA grade web crawler to find references to a particular item or company; it's built into every decent email client and forum application. I'd be surprised if there weren't Spruce employees that at least read the archives, along with a lot of other vendors who sell to homebuilders. Don't you think that someone from TNKolb is reading? I know that Van's Aircraft guys monitor lists and forums dedicated to RV's. They don't hype their stuff; they offer assistance and occasionally offer corrections if incorrect info shows up. > > It's in any vendor's best interest to monitor lists like this, because we're going to tell our friends what (and who) works and what (and who) doesn't. And it's usually in our best interest, as well, because most vendors will use that info to make improvements in their products or service. > > Just another opinion.... > > Charlie > > > >> On 5/27/2015 10:46 PM, John Hauck wrote: >> >> Big Brother is watching. >> >> Makes one feel violated. >> >> I have been a member of the Kolb List for 17+ years. First time I have >> experienced anything like this. I always felt our List was more or less >> private, although not technically so. >> >> Nothing like being bugged. >> >> Is Aircraft Spruce a member of the Kolb List? >> >> john h >> mkIII >> Titus, Alabama >> >> >> >> >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com >> [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Herb >> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 9:08 PM >> To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com >> Subject: Re: Kolb-List: quit while you are behind!! >> >> >> >> Is anyone thinking what I am thinking? Maybe I am the last to know? >> >> Companies must subscribe to services that scan the net looking for >> keywords...kick them to the proper subscriber? sort of a mini CIA? >> >> I well understand that all our browsing is followed...by a host of >> services that fill our mail box with goods and services from >> subscribers...or worse...!! Herb >> >> > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: kinne russ <russk50(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: rivets
Date: May 28, 2015
Bon Voyage, Pat! =97 got your trout rod with you? Russ > On May 28, 2015, at 7:47 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: > > Gosh you guys sure have hair triggers. Give the guys a break. If you were supplying goods to the aircraft industry wouldn`t you keep an eye on the literature? These days that includes lists and blogs. I don`t see any `Big Brother` in that. Just good business practice. > They saw an item being criticised for being over priced and just pointed out that it was being compared to a different product and mentioned the fact that they also sell cheaper ones. Seems reasonable to me. > It appears that they support the sponsorship deal. Seems to show good intent. > > An old saying occurs to me. Something about `With hold your verdict until all the evidence is in` > > Incidentally its no good sending me posts telling me that I am wrong a I am off to Norway for seven days in the morning. > > Cheers > > Pat > > <http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List> <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Patrick Ladd <patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: rivets
Date: May 29, 2015
Hi Russ, no such luck. A weeks cruise. Southampton to Stavangar first leg. Its raining and blowing up a hooghlie at the moment and the temps in Norway are way down. Taking my wheelchair but don`t anticipate getting around too much. Sit on the boat and read and draw. Shame. this is the first time I have ventured abroad since I was taken ill 5 years ago on the eve of going to the States.. Tal;k to you in a week. Pat From: kinne russ Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:57 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: rivets Bon Voyage, Pat! =97 got your trout rod with you? Russ On May 28, 2015, at 7:47 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Gosh you guys sure have hair triggers. Give the guys a break. If you were supplying goods to the aircraft industry wouldn`t you keep an eye on the literature? These days that includes lists and blogs. I don`t see any `Big Brother` in that. Just good business practice. They saw an item being criticised for being over priced and just pointed out that it was being compared to a different product and mentioned the fact that they also sell cheaper ones. Seems reasonable to me. It appears that they support the sponsorship deal. Seems to show good intent. An old saying occurs to me. Something about `With hold your verdict until all the evidence is in` Incidentally its no good sending me posts telling me that I am wrong a I am off to Norway for seven days in the morning. Cheers Pat class="">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List class="">http://forums.matronics.com class="">http://www.matronics.com/contribution ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Pitot Source
From: "Leland.Lam" <wadelamoreaux(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 29, 2015
Ok Kolbers I have a dilemma that I need advice on. I am installing an MGL altimeter in my Mark III and it comes with the integrated ASI. I already have an Airspeed indicator so the question becomes: 1) Can a single Pitot ram air source be split to drive two ASI? 2) Ignore the MGL ASI and use the old analog ASI already in the plane. 3) Install an additional Pitot tube. It would be nice to have a redundant system, but I am not really all that excited about installing another pitot tube. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442764#442764 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Pitot Source
From: Charlie England <ceengland7(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 29, 2015
> >Ok Kolbers I have a dilemma that I need advice on. I am installing an >MGL altimeter in my Mark III and it comes with the integrated ASI. I >already have an Airspeed indicator so the question becomes: > > > 1) Can a single Pitot ram air source be split to drive two ASI? > 2) Ignore the MGL ASI and use the old analog ASI already in the plane. > 3) Install an additional Pitot tube. > >It would be nice to have a redundant system, but I am not really all >that excited about installing another pitot tube. > > >Read this topic online here: > >http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442764#442764 > > Or 4: remove the old a/s indicator... -- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 29, 2015
Subject: Re: Pitot Source
From: Martin Koxxy <martinkoxxy(at)gmail.com>
I have seen several specs for instruments that use pitot pressure saying that one pitot for several instruments is OK. Makes sense when you realize that a pitot system does not actually move air, but rather transmits pressure. The only downside is that you give up redundancy (clogged or disconnected tubing, leaking fittings). BTW, do not try to blow out obstructions without disconnecting the instrument(s). That goes for the static port as well. On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 11:35 AM, Leland.Lam wrote: > > Ok Kolbers I have a dilemma that I need advice on. I am installing an MGL > altimeter in my Mark III and it comes with the integrated ASI. I already > have an Airspeed indicator so the question becomes: > > > 1) Can a single Pitot ram air source be split to drive two ASI? > 2) Ignore the MGL ASI and use the old analog ASI already in the plane. > 3) Install an additional Pitot tube. > > It would be nice to have a redundant system, but I am not really all that > excited about installing another pitot tube. > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442764#442764 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Pitot Source
Date: May 29, 2015
If I were to have redundant ASI systems, I would not want them tied together for the sake of redundancy. Past experience: 1) Forced the rear end of a bug into the pitot tube while on takeoff roll. Airspeed was up, rotated and started climb out. Glanced back at ASI and it was at 0! I would want the second pitot tube several inches from the first so that a really big butt bug couldn't plug them both. The odds of spearing a bug on takeoff, fairly large. Spearing two on the same flight? 2) Child of passenger crawled under the wing and broke the pitot tube after I had checked in on pre-flight. Little bugger "put it back" so as to cover up the damage. It worked fine until we were in the air. In this case, the kid probably would have busted two pitot tubes if he could have...... There is no substitute for the "seat of your pants". :) Stuart -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Leland.Lam Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 1:35 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Pitot Source Ok Kolbers I have a dilemma that I need advice on. I am installing an MGL altimeter in my Mark III and it comes with the integrated ASI. I already have an Airspeed indicator so the question becomes: 1) Can a single Pitot ram air source be split to drive two ASI? 2) Ignore the MGL ASI and use the old analog ASI already in the plane. 3) Install an additional Pitot tube. It would be nice to have a redundant system, but I am not really all that excited about installing another pitot tube. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442764#442764 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Pitot Source
From: "Leland.Lam" <wadelamoreaux(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 29, 2015
Thank you for all of the replies. I was happy with just one ASI, but I needed an altimeter and since the MGL has the ASI built into it I was hoping to utilize this function. I am flying in and out of a Class D under the Mode C veil of PHX, so I have had to add a few things into the airplane to keep the controllers happy. Many thanks to you all, Leland Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442779#442779 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: Pitot Source
Date: May 29, 2015
How does one tell airspeed by the seat of their pants? john h mkIII Meridian, MS There is no substitute for the "seat of your pants". :) Stuart ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 29, 2015
Subject: Re: Pitot Source
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
I tell by how big a bite I am taking out of my shorts. :-) It helps to err on the side of TOO FAST. :-) Larry On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 6:18 PM, John Hauck wrote: > > How does one tell airspeed by the seat of their pants? > > john h > mkIII > Meridian, MS > > > There is no substitute for the "seat of your pants". :) > > Stuart > > -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Pitot Source
Date: May 29, 2015
Yeah, when I smucked that bug with the pitot, I must have been doing 90 MPH when the Chief got back to earth. J Actually, probably not. Years later, I realized that after the runway was made, I never look at the ASI. It took a question from a fellow pilot about what speed I touch down at. I realized I couldn=99t answer it because I never look at the panel when I touch down, I am concentrating on the runway at that moment. I have to force myself to look inside. Stuart From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 8:00 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Pitot Source I tell by how big a bite I am taking out of my shorts. :-) It helps to err on the side of TOO FAST. :-) Larry On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 6:18 PM, John Hauck wrote: How does one tell airspeed by the seat of their pants? john h mkIII Meridian, MS There is no substitute for the "seat of your pants". :) Stuart -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List FORUMS - _blank">http://forums.matronics.com b Site - -Matt Dralle, List Admin. target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Pitot Source
Date: May 29, 2015
The friction causes them to heat up. :) Altitude too: Grass stains mean you were too low and ice means you were too high. Attitude too: Sun burn means you were upside down. Brown stains means, well you can imagine that one! Stuart -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of John Hauck Sent: Friday, May 29, 2015 7:19 PM Subject: RE: Kolb-List: Pitot Source How does one tell airspeed by the seat of their pants? john h mkIII Meridian, MS There is no substitute for the "seat of your pants". :) Stuart ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: New Firefly quick build
From: "Mcabbage" <Mc(at)americanbuilding.com>
Date: Jun 01, 2015
Looks great! Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442868#442868 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: new Serenity video
Date: Jun 01, 2015
Hi Everyone, I have been practicing with my Firefly and with a Garmin Virb Elite camera. Not real good with either, but things are advancing. The recordings of the flights are watched over and over as a review on days that the weather doesn't want me to fly. This is proving to be very helpful. Was out last Wednesday morning, it was perfectly calm air. Did some air work, checking on hands off flight. Have a slight roll to the right and a pretty good yaw to the right. I found the left aileron was hanging a little low, so corrected that but won't know how much it will change things until the next flight. At 5800 RPM I am getting an indicated air speed of about 63 MPH. I am also getting a really consistent fuel burn of just under 3 gallons per hour. This pleases me a great deal. (Rotax 447/Warp Drive 60" 3 blade) EGT problems have mostly gone away. I just apply a little "choke" when reducing RPMs into mid-range. On landing approach I turn that off just before adding a little power for final touch down. At Y19 there is 400' of the grass runway between the main runway and the taxiway. I was able to get in and out on that little bit last week. The takeoff and landing was edited down to a minute and a half. The file is a .MP4 and is 88MB in size. Take a look if you so desire: http://www.harnerfarm.net/serenity/videos/TandL%20%282%29.mp4 Stuart ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: My Mk III Classic is still available
From: "Watkinsdw" <david.watkins0(at)gmail.com>
Date: Jun 02, 2015
Greetings, Kolbers, My Steven Green-built MkIII Classic is still available. It was built in 2001, and has about 770 hours on the airframe and the 100 hp Rotax 912 ULS. The compression test in May showed a maximum of 3 lbs. drop in the cylinder pressures, which is phenomenal. This Kolb has always been hangared, has a BRS, Mode C transponder, and comes with many extras. It will be sold with a fresh Condition Inspection. If you or anyone you know is looking for a fine MkIII, please contact me off-list. The asking price is $23,500. Thanks for your support, Dave Watkins david.watkins0(at)gmail.com 954-608-5423 PS. The attached photo shows the previous engine, not the 912. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442901#442901 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/image_892.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
From: kinne russ <russk50(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: rivets
Date: Jun 03, 2015
Believe it or not, I remember Stavanger with pleasure! Would love to see it again but doubt I ever will. Say hello to the town for me Have fun & keep a flask on the wheelchair. Eliminates squeaks and squawks. Fair winds, Russ > On May 29, 2015, at 5:32 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: > > Hi Russ, > no such luck. A weeks cruise. Southampton to Stavangar first leg. Its raining and blowing up a hooghlie at the moment and the temps in Norway are way down. Taking my wheelchair but don`t anticipate > getting around too much. Sit on the boat and read and draw. Shame. this is the first time I have ventured abroad since I was taken ill 5 years ago on the eve of going to the States.. Tal;k to you in a week. > > Pat > From: kinne russ <mailto:russk50(at)gmail.com> > Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:57 PM > To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: Kolb-List: rivets > > Bon Voyage, Pat! =97 got your trout rod with you? > Russ > >> On May 28, 2015, at 7:47 AM, Patrick Ladd > wrote: >> >> Gosh you guys sure have hair triggers. Give the guys a break. If you were supplying goods to the aircraft industry wouldn`t you keep an eye on the literature? These days that includes lists and blogs. I don`t see any `Big Brother` in that. Just good business practice. >> They saw an item being criticised for being over priced and just pointed out that it was being compared to a different product and mentioned the fact that they also sell cheaper ones. Seems reasonable to me. >> It appears that they support the sponsorship deal. Seems to show good intent. >> >> An old saying occurs to me. Something about `With hold your verdict until all the evidence is in` >> >> Incidentally its no good sending me posts telling me that I am wrong a I am off to Norway for seven days in the morning. >> >> Cheers >> >> Pat >> >> >> class="">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >> class="">http://forums.matronics.com >> class="">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >> > > > > > href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List">http://www.matronics .com/Navigator?Kolb-List > href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com > href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c > > <http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List> <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
From: "Mcabbage" <Mc(at)americanbuilding.com>
Date: Jun 03, 2015
Hi All Just starting a rebuild of a new to me FS2 and I am in the process of disassembly. I am trying to remove the bolt holding the elevator control mechanism to the elevator it is rusted stuck in place to the bolt and was wondering if i could cut the tubing and bolt and just replace the tubing that appears to be inserted threw the tubing attached to the elevator? Are they supposed to sliding on each other? Mine are rusted together. Rust never sleeps! Thank you Mike Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442956#442956 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/20150603_191416_1_122.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 03, 2015
From: Charlie England <ceengland7(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
On 6/3/2015 6:49 PM, Mcabbage wrote: > > Hi All > > Just starting a rebuild of a new to me FS2 and I am in the process of disassembly. > > I am trying to remove the bolt holding the elevator control mechanism to the elevator it is rusted stuck in place to the bolt and was wondering if i could cut the tubing and bolt and just replace the tubing that appears to be inserted threw the tubing attached to the elevator? > > Are they supposed to sliding on each other? Mine are rusted together. > > Rust never sleeps! > Thank you Mike > Have you tried some of the more powerful rust dissolvers? (50-50 mix of acetone and automatic transmission fluid works amazingly well.) If it were mine, I'd also at least try a 2 jaw gear puller to see if it could push the bolt out (after the home-built rust cutter treatment). Charlie ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Stuart Harner" <stuart(at)harnerfarm.net>
Subject: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
Date: Jun 03, 2015
Yes, acetone/ATF is a fantastic mix. It takes time to soak through. Also heat it with a torch and then cool it off. Heat/cool cycles work to break the rust loose. Alternating the heat/cool, soak routine and be patient, it will come loose! Stuart -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Charlie England Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 7:44 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism On 6/3/2015 6:49 PM, Mcabbage wrote: > > Hi All > > Just starting a rebuild of a new to me FS2 and I am in the process of disassembly. > > I am trying to remove the bolt holding the elevator control mechanism to the elevator it is rusted stuck in place to the bolt and was wondering if i could cut the tubing and bolt and just replace the tubing that appears to be inserted threw the tubing attached to the elevator? > > Are they supposed to sliding on each other? Mine are rusted together. > > Rust never sleeps! > Thank you Mike > Have you tried some of the more powerful rust dissolvers? (50-50 mix of acetone and automatic transmission fluid works amazingly well.) If it were mine, I'd also at least try a 2 jaw gear puller to see if it could push the bolt out (after the home-built rust cutter treatment). Charlie ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
From: "Mcabbage" <Mc(at)americanbuilding.com>
Date: Jun 03, 2015
Thanks will give it a try! -------- 2007 Firestar 2 503 Moster 185 flattop PPG/Sky K2 Paraglider Trike Buggy Soaring Trike & Northwing Stratus XP Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=442963#442963 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 04, 2015
Subject: Need measurement on M3X with 912
From: jody morgan <jodymorgan(at)earthlink.net>
Hey All, I'm building a M3X planning to mount a Suzuki 4 cyl engine on it. I need the distance from the center of the prop hub to the top of the main boom tube to see what I have to do to get the prop at the same height as the 912. Hope that makes sense. Thanks, Jody ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Colin Hudson <colin.scott.hudson(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Need measurement on M3X with 912
Date: Jun 04, 2015
Jody I have a factory built M3X with a Jabiru 2200 in it. It's 38 1/4". Scott Hudson N424AL Sent from my iPhone > On Jun 4, 2015, at 10:21 AM, jody morgan wrote: > > Hey All, > > I'm building a M3X planning to mount a Suzuki 4 cyl engine on it. > I need the distance from the center of the prop hub to the top of the main boom tube to see what I have to do to get the prop at the same height as th e 912. > > Hope that makes sense. > Thanks, > Jody > > 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
From: "Mcabbage" <Mc(at)americanbuilding.com>
Date: Jun 04, 2015
I finally cut them off with a die grinder after talking with Bryan at Kolb. The tubing is just spacers so easily replaced. However the remaining bolt is frozen inside the elevators so bad I can't twist out the bolts even with vice grips! So I'm soaking in the Acetone mix tonight hopefully I don't have to remake the elevators. Thanks guys I appreciate the suggestions. Mike -------- 2007 Firestar 2 503 N203SD Moster 185 flattop PPG/Sky K2 Paraglider Trike Buggy Soaring Trike & Northwing Stratus XP Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443054#443054 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/20150604_191024_191.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: Jun 04, 2015
https://imageresizer.codeplex.com/ http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-xp/help/digitalphotography/resize-digital-pictures http://microsoft-powertoys-image-resizer.en.softonic.com/ Sigh... -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443062#443062 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Patrick Ladd <patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: rivets
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Hi, back from Norway a couple of hours ago. Storms in the fiords. Where we were supposed to go ashore by lighter was scrapped. Disappointed by fiords. Was expecting steep sided gorges and all we got was small islets as if in a large estuary. Good cruise companions though. One couple were yacht charterers and had been about a bit. drank a lot and good shows on board and NO KIDS. Super crossing coming home. Like a mill pond. glad to be back. Just finished writing a jazz horror story. About 40 pages single side A4. Would you like it? Can send attached to e-mail. Pat From: kinne russ Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 10:35 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: rivets Believe it or not, I remember Stavanger with pleasure! Would love to see it again but doubt I ever will. Say hello to the town for me Have fun & keep a flask on the wheelchair. Eliminates squeaks and squawks. Fair winds, Russ On May 29, 2015, at 5:32 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Hi Russ, no such luck. A weeks cruise. Southampton to Stavangar first leg. Its raining and blowing up a hooghlie at the moment and the temps in Norway are way down. Taking my wheelchair but don`t anticipate getting around too much. Sit on the boat and read and draw. Shame. this is the first time I have ventured abroad since I was taken ill 5 years ago on the eve of going to the States.. Tal;k to you in a week. Pat From: kinne russ Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:57 PM To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Re: Kolb-List: rivets Bon Voyage, Pat! =97 got your trout rod with you? Russ On May 28, 2015, at 7:47 AM, Patrick Ladd wrote: Gosh you guys sure have hair triggers. Give the guys a break. If you were supplying goods to the aircraft industry wouldn`t you keep an eye on the literature? These days that includes lists and blogs. I don`t see any `Big Brother` in that. Just good business practice. They saw an item being criticised for being over priced and just pointed out that it was being compared to a different product and mentioned the fact that they also sell cheaper ones. Seems reasonable to me. It appears that they support the sponsorship deal. Seems to show good intent. An old saying occurs to me. Something about `With hold your verdict until all the evidence is in` Incidentally its no good sending me posts telling me that I am wrong a I am off to Norway for seven days in the morning. Cheers Pat class="">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List class="">http://forums.matronics.com class="">http://www.matronics.com/contribution href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List">http://www.matronic s.com/Navigator?Kolb-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c class="">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List class="">http://forums.matronics.com class="">http://www.matronics.com/contribution ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
From: "Mcabbage" <Mc(at)americanbuilding.com>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Thanks Richard. Sorry guys pics easy to resize in windows not quite used to the android experience. will resize in the future. -------- 2007 Firestar 2 503 N203SD Moster 185 flattop PPG/Sky K2 Paraglider Trike Buggy Soaring Trike & Northwing Stratus XP Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443068#443068 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
From: "Mcabbage" <Mc(at)americanbuilding.com>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Thanks Richard. Sorry guys pics pretty easy for me to resize in windows not quite used to the android cellphone experience. will resize in the future. -------- 2007 Firestar 2 503 N203SD Moster 185 flattop PPG/Sky K2 Paraglider Trike Buggy Soaring Trike & Northwing Stratus XP Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443070#443070 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Removing bolt from elevator control mechanism
From: "Mcabbage" <Mc(at)americanbuilding.com>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Testing I think I got it? -------- 2007 Firestar 2 503 N203SD Moster 185 flattop PPG/Sky K2 Paraglider Trike Buggy Soaring Trike & Northwing Stratus XP Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443071#443071 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/20150605_082838_751.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Patrick Ladd <patrickjladd(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Apologies
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Sorry to everyone that my message to Russ was sent to the list by mistake. Finger trouble. Pat ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: 503 DCDI cutting out.
From: "Kirkds" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! -------- Kirk Smith Columbiaville, MI Firestar II Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
From: B Young <byoungplumbing(at)gmail.com>
My first guess would be to see what pressure the pump is putting out, followed by knowing what pressure it goes to when you add the electric pump. Next I would check the fuel passageway on the inlet to the carb, paying special attention to the small opening above the float needle valve. >From there I would have to rethink.. When using only the pulse pump does adding the enrichener help? Boyd On Jun 5, 2015 9:03 AM, "Kirkds" wrote: > > I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I > replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the > electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! > > -------- > Kirk Smith > Columbiaville, MI > > Firestar II > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Kirk Smith" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Haven=99t tried the enrichener. Will have to find a pressure gauge. W hat=99s odd is I=99ve taken off 3 times on just the pulse pump with lots of power, climb to 300 feet to level off and then is when it star ts cutting out so I flip the electric on, land, and go back to the drawing board. I think I=99ll just pull the carbs and clean them. From: B Young Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 11:55 AM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: 503 DCDI cutting out. My first guess would be to see what pressure the pump is putting out, fo llowed by knowing what pressure it goes to when you add the electric pump. Next I would check the fuel passageway on the inlet to the carb, paying spe cial attention to the small opening above the float needle valve. >From there I would have to rethink.. When using only the pulse pump does adding the enrichener help? Boyd On Jun 5, 2015 9:03 AM, "Kirkds" wrote: I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I r eplaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the elect ric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! -------- Kirk Smith Columbiaville, MI Firestar II Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 ========== -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List ========== FORUMS - _blank">http://forums.matronics.com ========== b Site - -Matt Dralle, List Admin. target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution ========== No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
From: Larry Cottrell <lcottrell1020(at)gmail.com>
I have ran a 447- 2-503's, and an HKS on a Firestar. With my fuel line routing the pulse pump has never been enough to run the engine on full throttle. Leave the electric on, it won't hurt anything. Your pulse is not capable or intended to lift that high. I think? that the fuel source is supposed to be within 18 inches of the pump.. Only 700 hours on my Facett so far. Larry On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Kirkds wrote: > > I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I > replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the > electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! > > -------- > Kirk Smith > Columbiaville, MI > > Firestar II > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 > > -- *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Kirk Smith" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Up until recently it has ran fine on the pulse pump but started cutting out so I replaced all the lines, the filter, and pump thinking the pump was go ing bad. Got to quit testing for a while as the weather is deteriorating now. Thx! From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 12:12 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: 503 DCDI cutting out. I have ran a 447- 2-503's, and an HKS on a Firestar. With my fuel line rout ing the pulse pump has never been enough to run the engine on full throttle . Leave the electric on, it won't hurt anything. Your pulse is not capable or intended to lift that high. I think? that the fuel source is supposed to be within 18 inches of the pump.. Only 700 hours on my Facett so far. Larry On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Kirkds wrote: I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I r eplaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the elect ric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! -------- Kirk Smith Columbiaville, MI Firestar II Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 ========== -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List ========== FORUMS - _blank">http://forums.matronics.com ========== b Site - -Matt Dralle, List Admin. target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution ========== -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email addres s before sending. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 05, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
check the vent on the tank... On 06/05/2015 11:08 AM, Kirk Smith wrote: > Havent tried the enrichener. Will have to find a pressure gauge. > Whats odd is Ive taken off 3 times on just the pulse pump with lots > of power, climb to 300 feet to level off and then is when it starts > cutting out so I flip the electric on, land, and go back to the > drawing board. I think Ill just pull the carbs and clean them. > *From:* B Young > *Sent:* Friday, June 5, 2015 11:55 AM > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Re: Kolb-List: 503 DCDI cutting out. > > My first guess would be to see what pressure the pump is putting > out, followed by knowing what pressure it goes to when you add the > electric pump. > Next I would check the fuel passageway on the inlet to the carb, > paying special attention to the small opening above the float needle > valve. > > From there I would have to rethink.. > > When using only the pulse pump does adding the enrichener help? > Boyd > > On Jun 5, 2015 9:03 AM, "Kirkds" > wrote: > > > > > I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting > out. I replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I > turn on the electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! > > -------- > Kirk Smith > Columbiaville, MI > > Firestar II > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 > > > ========== > -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List > ========== > FORUMS - > _blank">http://forums.matronics.com > ========== > b Site - > -Matt Dralle, List Admin. > target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution > ========== > > > * > > p://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List > ics.com > .matronics.com/contribution > > * > > No virus found in this message. > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com <http://www.avg.com> > > No virus found in this message. > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com <http://www.avg.com> > p> > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 05, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Reading down the list...everyone thought of the tank vents :-) Herb could be a problem with carb bowl vents also.. On 06/05/2015 12:48 PM, Kirk Smith wrote: > Up until recently it has ran fine on the pulse pump but started > cutting out so I replaced all the lines, the filter, and pump thinking > the pump was going bad. Got to quit testing for a while as the > weather is deteriorating now. Thx! > *From:* Larry Cottrell > *Sent:* Friday, June 5, 2015 12:12 PM > *To:* kolb-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Re: Kolb-List: 503 DCDI cutting out. > I have ran a 447- 2-503's, and an HKS on a Firestar. With my fuel line > routing the pulse pump has never been enough to run the engine on full > throttle. Leave the electric on, it won't hurt anything. Your pulse is > not capable or intended to lift that high. I think? that the fuel > source is supposed to be within 18 inches of the pump.. Only 700 hours > on my Facett so far. > Larry > On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Kirkds > wrote: > > > > > I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting > out. I replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I > turn on the electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! > > -------- > Kirk Smith > Columbiaville, MI > > Firestar II > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 > > > ========== > -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List > ========== > FORUMS - > _blank">http://forums.matronics.com > ========== > b Site - > -Matt Dralle, List Admin. > target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution > ========== > > > -- > /If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email > address before sending./ > * > > p://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List > ics.com > .matronics.com/contribution > > * > > No virus found in this message. > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com <http://www.avg.com> > > No virus found in this message. > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com <http://www.avg.com> > p> > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
From: "George Alexander" <gtalexander(at)att.net>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Kirkds wrote: > I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! You indicated that you had replaced the pump. Are you sure the replacement was a good one? I would consider rebuilding the original pump. Easy, simple and cheap. If turning the electric on eliminates the problem, I wouldn't suspect venting. You could tie it down and run it like you would on take off. If and when it cuts out, shut it down without turning the electric pump on and drop the bowls. Bowls dry? Both or one? May be a clue there. Worth what you paid for it..... your results may vary.... -------- George Alexander FS II R503 N709FS http://www.oh2fly.net Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443094#443094 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Kirk Smith" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Date: Jun 05, 2015
I=99m going to pull the electric fuel pump and maybe back flush it . There could be some restriction there as it=99s in series with the pu lse pump. The manual says it should be in parallel though it=99s been working a long time in series with no problems. I=99m thinking I sh ould just lower the pulse pump too. From: Herb Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 2:03 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: 503 DCDI cutting out. Reading down the list...everyone thought of the tank vents :-) Herb could be a problem with carb bowl vents also.. On 06/05/2015 12:48 PM, Kirk Smith wrote: Up until recently it has ran fine on the pulse pump but started cutting o ut so I replaced all the lines, the filter, and pump thinking the pump was going bad. Got to quit testing for a while as the weather is deterioratin g now. Thx! From: Larry Cottrell Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 12:12 PM To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Re: Kolb-List: 503 DCDI cutting out. I have ran a 447- 2-503's, and an HKS on a Firestar. With my fuel line ro uting the pulse pump has never been enough to run the engine on full thrott le. Leave the electric on, it won't hurt anything. Your pulse is not capabl e or intended to lift that high. I think? that the fuel source is supposed to be within 18 inches of the pump.. Only 700 hours on my Facett so far. Larry On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Kirkds wrote: I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the ele ctric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! -------- Kirk Smith Columbiaville, MI Firestar II Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 ========== -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List ========== FORUMS - _blank">http://forums.matronics.com ========== b Site - -Matt Dralle, List Admin. target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution ========== -- If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email addr ess before sending. p://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List ics.com .matronics.com/contribution No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Date: 06/05/15 No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com p> No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Kirk Smith" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Date: Jun 05, 2015
I can do that ( tie it down). Thx! I'm thinking the pump I replaced is a good one as it does the same thing on the new one which is why I replaced the old one. Maybe they are both bad .....:>( -----Original Message----- From: George Alexander Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 2:48 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out. Kirkds wrote: > I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I > replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the > electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! You indicated that you had replaced the pump. Are you sure the replacement was a good one? I would consider rebuilding the original pump. Easy, simple and cheap. If turning the electric on eliminates the problem, I wouldn't suspect venting. You could tie it down and run it like you would on take off. If and when it cuts out, shut it down without turning the electric pump on and drop the bowls. Bowls dry? Both or one? May be a clue there. Worth what you paid for it..... your results may vary.... -------- George Alexander FS II R503 N709FS http://www.oh2fly.net Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443094#443094 ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Theodore Cowan <tc1917(at)bellsouth.net>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Subject: Firestar for sale
503, warp drive prop, flip top windscreen, completely reconditioned. Ted Cow an 334-332-3457 Sent from my iPhone

From: "Kirk Smith" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Date: Jun 05, 2015
OK, I tied her up filled the carbs with the electric pump, shut the electric off, and run it wide open. It started sputtering in a minute or so and I shut her down. Both bowls near empty. For whatever reason the pulse pump isn't working right. It will maintain an idle or a bit more on the pulse pump. I did fill the fuel tanks full up to see if maybe raising the fuel level closer to the pump would help. Still no good. Disconnected the fuel lines at the tank and at the filter and blew the fuel out of them backwards into a clear glass jar. Clean as a whistle. Looks like neither one of the pulse pumps are worth a crap. -----Original Message----- From: Kirk Smith Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 3:04 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out. I can do that ( tie it down). Thx! I'm thinking the pump I replaced is a good one as it does the same thing on the new one which is why I replaced the old one. Maybe they are both bad .....:>( -----Original Message----- From: George Alexander Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 2:48 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out. Kirkds wrote: > I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I > replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the > electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! You indicated that you had replaced the pump. Are you sure the replacement was a good one? I would consider rebuilding the original pump. Easy, simple and cheap. If turning the electric on eliminates the problem, I wouldn't suspect venting. You could tie it down and run it like you would on take off. If and when it cuts out, shut it down without turning the electric pump on and drop the bowls. Bowls dry? Both or one? May be a clue there. Worth what you paid for it..... your results may vary.... -------- George Alexander FS II R503 N709FS http://www.oh2fly.net Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443094#443094 ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Theodore Cowan <tc1917(at)bellsouth.net>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Subject: Re: Kolb-List Digest: 4 Msgs - 06/04/15
Friend has Kolb firestar for sale. Been here in my workshop for five or so years after completely reconditioning it. Motor was sent to miss lite for total work up. Taxied and crow hopped almost every month. Registration up to date. Has airworthy cert. has top pop chute not installed. New fab., paint, cables, ten gal tank, electric start, elec. pump and special canopy fashioned after slingshot. Easy access. All paper work. A real hot rod ready to fly to your home if you wish. Oh yeah, seven rib wing of course. A great bird. Take it home for thirteen. Will wait a week or so before it hits barnstormer and other places. Be off line from 12th to 21st. I flew a firestar for abt four years w/447. I loved it. Fixed it and sold it for nine and bought my slingshot. Love these kolbs. If really interested contact me at this email or 334-332-3457. I have authority to sell. Owner has health problems. Will send pics at your request. Real interest only please. I don't know how to put pics on list. Ted Cowan slingshot 912 UK zoom zoom. Ps. This guy out climbs my slingshot Sent from my iPhone > > * > > ================================================= > Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive > ================================================= > > Today's complete Kolb-List Digest can also be found in either of the > two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted > in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes > and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version > of the Kolb-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor > such as Notepad or with a web browser. > > HTML Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 15-06-04&Archive=Kolb > > Text Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 15-06-04&Archive=Kolb > > > =============================================== > EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive > =============================================== > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443062#443062 > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Don't know if your tank outlet into the fuel system is a grommet at the bottom that drains out, or a pickup that hangs down from the top, but either way, if you have a bug/grass strainer as part of that pickup/outlet, check that. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443108#443108 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Kirk Smith" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Date: Jun 05, 2015
2 tubes that hang down into 2 tanks. Had them apart and checked them out too. Thx! -----Original Message----- From: Richard Pike Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 5:03 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out. Don't know if your tank outlet into the fuel system is a grommet at the bottom that drains out, or a pickup that hangs down from the top, but either way, if you have a bug/grass strainer as part of that pickup/outlet, check that. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443108#443108 ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 05, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: motor mounts
Talking to Travis...He indicated that motor mounts cost 45 bucks each.. $180 the set. Here is my solution. I noticed that the Trike that I bought had the two part rubber style...and having a box of those...I decided to make use of them on the Firefly...Just a square of 6061 with 4 holes and a large hole to accommodate the rubber through mount.... I have new ones but managed to use some older ones , will change them out later on. Free vs 180 bucks...I can handle that... Frugal Herb ps first pic shows the 503 mounted on a trike frame...second shows one of the Firefly mounts... ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
From: "Ducati SS" <hiwingflyer6219(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Jun 05, 2015
Did you replace the pulse line? If so how long is the replacement and what hose did you use? The pulse line needs to be as short as possible and of a stiff thick wall material. A long and or flexible ( such as regular fuel line) pulse line will absorb the pulse energy and the pump will not work properly. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443114#443114 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 05, 2015
From: Charlie England <ceengland7(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: motor mounts
On 6/5/2015 5:10 PM, Herb wrote: > > > Talking to Travis...He indicated that motor mounts cost 45 bucks > each.. $180 the set. > > Here is my solution. I noticed that the Trike that I bought had > the two part rubber style...and having a box of those...I decided to > make use of them on the Firefly...Just a square of 6061 with 4 holes > and a large hole to accommodate the rubber through mount.... I have > new ones but managed to use some older ones , will change them out > later on. Free vs 180 bucks...I can handle that... > > > Frugal Herb > > ps first pic shows the 503 mounted on a trike frame...second shows one > of the Firefly mounts... ~3/8" bolts? http://www.ebay.com/itm/250685285419?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Charlie ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 05, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: motor mounts
7 dollars and change at Aircraft Spruce....37 and change for a set including shipping... On 06/05/2015 07:36 PM, Charlie England wrote: > > On 6/5/2015 5:10 PM, Herb wrote: >> >> >> Talking to Travis...He indicated that motor mounts cost 45 bucks >> each.. $180 the set. >> >> Here is my solution. I noticed that the Trike that I bought had >> the two part rubber style...and having a box of those...I decided to >> make use of them on the Firefly...Just a square of 6061 with 4 holes >> and a large hole to accommodate the rubber through mount.... I have >> new ones but managed to use some older ones , will change them out >> later on. Free vs 180 bucks...I can handle that... >> >> >> Frugal Herb >> >> ps first pic shows the 503 mounted on a trike frame...second shows >> one of the Firefly mounts... > ~3/8" bolts? > http://www.ebay.com/itm/250685285419?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT > > > Charlie > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
From: "olendorf" <olendorf(at)gmail.com>
Date: Jun 06, 2015
Maybe something inside the electric pump is defective. You can remove the electric pump entirely just for the test runs and see if that is causing the flow restriction. -------- Scott Olendorf Original Firestar, Rotax 447, Powerfin prop Schenectady, NY http://sites.google.com/site/kolbfirestar/ Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443131#443131 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Kirk Smith" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Date: Jun 06, 2015
I think the problem might be the pulse line. I used regular fuel tubing for the pulse line and I was reminded it needs to be a heavier tubing than fuel line. So maybe the pulse line is collapsing at high rpms? Anyway I ordered some pulse line. Will know in a few days. Thx! -----Original Message----- From: olendorf Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2015 9:49 AM Subject: Kolb-List: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out. Maybe something inside the electric pump is defective. You can remove the electric pump entirely just for the test runs and see if that is causing the flow restriction. -------- Scott Olendorf Original Firestar, Rotax 447, Powerfin prop Schenectady, NY http://sites.google.com/site/kolbfirestar/ Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443131#443131 ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 06, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Piece of fuel line from your local auto supply works fine..Matter of fact,,,I use it entirely...Herb On 06/06/2015 09:18 AM, Kirk Smith wrote: > > I think the problem might be the pulse line. I used regular fuel > tubing for the pulse line and I was reminded it needs to be a heavier > tubing than fuel line. So maybe the pulse line is collapsing at high > rpms? Anyway I ordered some pulse line. Will know in a few days. Thx! > > -----Original Message----- From: olendorf > Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2015 9:49 AM > To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Kolb-List: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out. > > > Maybe something inside the electric pump is defective. You can remove > the electric pump entirely just for the test runs and see if that is > causing the flow restriction. > > -------- > Scott Olendorf > Original Firestar, Rotax 447, Powerfin prop > Schenectady, NY > http://sites.google.com/site/kolbfirestar/ > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443131#443131 > > > ----- > No virus found in this message. > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com > > > ----- > No virus found in this message. > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
From: "Kirkds" <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com>
Date: Jun 06, 2015
OK...I think I got it fixed. Found a video on Utube on cleaning the pump so I took the old pump apart and cleaned it up . Then I took the replacement pump off and put the old one back on. Tied the plane to the tractor and fired it up. Ran it up to 5200rpms for 3 minutes back down and back up a few times. Ran perfectly on the impulse pump. I'll take her up this evening for a flight check but it looks like it's fixed. Thanks to everyone for the help. -------- Kirk Smith Columbiaville, MI Firestar II Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443142#443142 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Hauck" <jhauck(at)elmore.rr.com>
Subject: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Date: Jun 06, 2015
Replace engine driven fuel pump. john h mkIII Rock House, OR -----Original Message----- From: owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Kirkds Sent: Friday, June 05, 2015 8:58 AM Subject: Kolb-List: 503 DCDI cutting out. I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I replaced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the electric pump the problem goes away. Help!!!! -------- Kirk Smith Columbiaville, MI Firestar II Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 = Photoshare, and much much more: = = = ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 08, 2015
From: GARY JINDRA <gajindra(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: 503 DCDI cutting out.
Your pulse line should be a heavy wall line, if it is just fuel line it can collapse do to being to thin=C2-Gary Jindramark 3912 ul350 hrs =C2- From: Kirkds <kirk.smith(at)frontier.com> To: kolb-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Friday, June 5, 2015 10:58 AM Subject: Kolb-List: 503 DCDI cutting out. I have a Firestar II with a Rotax 503 DCDI and it's been cutting out. I rep laced all the fuel lines, filter, and fuel pump. When I turn on the electri c pump the problem goes away.=C2- Help!!!! -------- Kirk Smith Columbiaville, MI Firestar II Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443078#443078 S - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 08, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: 447 prop
I received three props with my California purchase. Two blade 66 inch Ivo for 503 and 582. and two blade 60 inch Warp. And a three blade medium(503 or better ) pitch, 68 inch ivo minus the quick adjust.. I need a three blade,ul, 60 to 62 inch IVO for the 447 on my Firefly... Also have a three blade electrically adjustable IVO with medium blades...60 inch..for 503 or 582? I notice that some are using the Warp with a b box.. some with hundreds of hours... Thinking that I could use the 60 inch warp without the 2.5 inch extension.. What are the experiences out there...? anyone have a trade? privately of course...Maybe a two blade wooden prop? Herb ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: 447 prop
From: "Richard Pike" <thegreybaron(at)charter.net>
Date: Jun 08, 2015
2 blade 66" Ivo is good for a 503 and also 532 running a B box with a 2.58:1 ratio. A 2 blade 68" is great for a 582 running a B box with 2.58:1. Those are the combinations I have tried and found good, the others I have no opinion. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443242#443242 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 08, 2015
From: Herb <Herbgh(at)nctc.com>
Subject: Re: 447 prop
Thanks Richard Chatted with a fellow at Warp drive...very helpful and friendly...so is IVO... and he said that the two blade 60 inch Warp is ok for the 447 ...with b box...Herb On 06/08/2015 01:51 PM, Richard Pike wrote: > > 2 blade 66" Ivo is good for a 503 and also 532 running a B box with a 2.58:1 ratio. A 2 blade 68" is great for a 582 running a B box with 2.58:1. Those are the combinations I have tried and found good, the others I have no opinion. > > -------- > Richard Pike > Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) > Kingsport, TN 3TN0 > There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.' > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443242#443242 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 08, 2015
Subject: Re: Need measurement on M3X with 912
From: jody morgan <jodymorgan(at)earthlink.net>
Hey All, Big Question? Does the 912 need a prop hub extension when mounted to the M3C or M3X? Wanting to mount the Suzuki 1.3 with Raven Redrive on the M3X I'm building, but the Raven Redrive will not accept a prop hub extension. Trying to match the distance from the 912 to the prop without an extension to match the distance for the Suzuki, so if the 912 requires a prop hub extension when mounted to the M3X it would change my whole set up calculations or maybe eliminate the Suzuki with that Redrive. Tried to look it up in the archives but haven't got that figured out yet. If it does require a prop hub extension, how long of one does it need? Thanks in advance for any help. Jody On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 8:21 AM, jody morgan wrote: > Hey All, > > I'm building a M3X planning to mount a Suzuki 4 cyl engine on it. > I need the distance from the center of the prop hub to the top of the main > boom tube to see what I have to do to get the prop at the same height as > the 912. > > Hope that makes sense. > Thanks, > Jody > > * > > > * > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 08, 2015
Subject: Prop Hub Extension?
From: jody morgan <jodymorgan(at)earthlink.net>
> Hey All, > > Does the 912 need a prop hub extension when mounted to the M3C or M3X? > Wanting to mount the Suzuki 1.3 with Raven Redrive on the M3X I'm > building, but the Raven Redrive will not accept a prop hub extension. > > Trying to match the distance from the 912 to the prop without an extension > to match the distance for the Suzuki, so if the 912 requires a prop hub > extension when moounted to the M3X it would change my whole set up > calculations or maybe eliminate the Suzuki with that Redrive. > > Tried to look it up in the archives but haven't got that figured out yet. > > If it does require a prop hub extension, how long of one does it need? > > Thanks in advance for any help. > Jody > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 09, 2015
Subject: Re: Prop Hub Extension?
From: B Young <byoungplumbing(at)gmail.com>
Jody I have a mark3 with a 912. It mounted ok with enough clearance for the prop and ran ok.. but when I added a 3 inch prop extension I ended up with two benefits. 1. Ended up with 2 to 3 mph faster speed. 2. It cut the noise in the cabin enough to be worth the time and expense. I think rotax said that 4 inch extension was the maximum you could go. Hope this is helpful. Boyd Young. Mk3c. Utah On Jun 8, 2015 6:18 PM, "jody morgan" wrote: > > Hey All, >> >> Does the 912 need a prop hub extension when mounted to the M3C or M3X? >> Wanting to mount the Suzuki 1.3 with Raven Redrive on the M3X I'm >> building, but the Raven Redrive will not accept a prop hub extension. >> >> Trying to match the distance from the 912 to the prop without an >> extension to match the distance for the Suzuki, so if the 912 requires a >> prop hub extension when moounted to the M3X it would change my whole set up >> calculations or maybe eliminate the Suzuki with that Redrive. >> >> Tried to look it up in the archives but haven't got that figured out yet. >> >> If it does require a prop hub extension, how long of one does it need? >> >> Thanks in advance for any help. >> Jody >> >> >> >> >> >> ========== >> -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >> ========== >> FORUMS - >> _blank">http://forums.matronics.com >> ========== >> b Site - >> -Matt Dralle, List Admin. >> target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >> ========== >> >> >> >> > * > > > * > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Prop Hub Extension?
From: Jody Morgan <jodymorgan(at)earthlink.net>
Date: Jun 09, 2015
Thanks Boyd Very helpful. Jody Sent from my iPhone On Jun 9, 2015, at 6:16 AM, B Young wrote: > Jody > > I have a mark3 with a 912. It mounted ok with enough clearance for the p rop and ran ok.. but when I added a 3 inch prop extension I ended up with t wo benefits. > 1. Ended up with 2 to 3 mph faster speed. > 2. It cut the noise in the cabin enough to be worth the time and expense. > I think rotax said that 4 inch extension was the maximum you could go. > Hope this is helpful. > Boyd Young. Mk3c. Utah > > On Jun 8, 2015 6:18 PM, "jody morgan" wrote: >> >>> Hey All, >>> >>> Does the 912 need a prop hub extension when mounted to the M3C or M3X? >>> Wanting to mount the Suzuki 1.3 with Raven Redrive on the M3X I'm buildi ng, but the Raven Redrive will not accept a prop hub extension. >>> >>> Trying to match the distance from the 912 to the prop without an extensi on to match the distance for the Suzuki, so if the 912 requires a prop hub e xtension when moounted to the M3X it would change my whole set up calculatio ns or maybe eliminate the Suzuki with that Redrive. >>> >>> Tried to look it up in the archives but haven't got that figured out yet . >>> >>> If it does require a prop hub extension, how long of one does it need? >>> >>> Thanks in advance for any help. >>> Jody >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> ========== >>> -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >>> ========== >>> FORUMS - >>> _blank">http://forums.matronics.com >>> ========== >>> b Site - >>> -Matt Dralle, List Admin. >>> target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >>> ========== >> >> >> >> get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >> tp://forums.matronics.com >> _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >> > > > ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 09, 2015
Subject: Re: Prop Hub Extension?
From: jody morgan <jodymorgan(at)earthlink.net>
Boyd, What prop are you using? Jody On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 6:16 AM, B Young wrote: > Jody > > I have a mark3 with a 912. It mounted ok with enough clearance for the > prop and ran ok.. but when I added a 3 inch prop extension I ended up > with two benefits. > 1. Ended up with 2 to 3 mph faster speed. > 2. It cut the noise in the cabin enough to be worth the time and expense. > I think rotax said that 4 inch extension was the maximum you could go. > Hope this is helpful. > Boyd Young. Mk3c. Utah > On Jun 8, 2015 6:18 PM, "jody morgan" wrote: > >> >> Hey All, >>> >>> Does the 912 need a prop hub extension when mounted to the M3C or M3X? >>> Wanting to mount the Suzuki 1.3 with Raven Redrive on the M3X I'm >>> building, but the Raven Redrive will not accept a prop hub extension. >>> >>> Trying to match the distance from the 912 to the prop without an >>> extension to match the distance for the Suzuki, so if the 912 requires a >>> prop hub extension when moounted to the M3X it would change my whole set up >>> calculations or maybe eliminate the Suzuki with that Redrive. >>> >>> Tried to look it up in the archives but haven't got that figured out yet. >>> >>> If it does require a prop hub extension, how long of one does it need? >>> >>> Thanks in advance for any help. >>> Jody >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> ========== >>> -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >>> ========== >>> FORUMS - >>> _blank">http://forums.matronics.com >>> ========== >>> b Site - >>> -Matt Dralle, List Admin. >>> target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >>> ========== >>> >>> >>> >>> >> * >> >> get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >> tp://forums.matronics.com <http://forums.matronics.com> >> _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >> >> * >> >> * > > > * > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 09, 2015
Subject: Re: Prop Hub Extension?
From: B Young <byoungplumbing(at)gmail.com>
68 inch warp drive 3 blade... can't remember but I think it is pitched near 8 1/2. To 9deg. I am at 4200 feet sea level. Using the 80 hp 912 On Jun 9, 2015 8:49 AM, "jody morgan" wrote: > Boyd, > > What prop are you using? > > Jody > > On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 6:16 AM, B Young wrote: > >> Jody >> >> I have a mark3 with a 912. It mounted ok with enough clearance for the >> prop and ran ok.. but when I added a 3 inch prop extension I ended up >> with two benefits. >> 1. Ended up with 2 to 3 mph faster speed. >> 2. It cut the noise in the cabin enough to be worth the time and expense. >> I think rotax said that 4 inch extension was the maximum you could go. >> Hope this is helpful. >> Boyd Young. Mk3c. Utah >> On Jun 8, 2015 6:18 PM, "jody morgan" wrote: >> >>> >>> Hey All, >>>> >>>> Does the 912 need a prop hub extension when mounted to the M3C or M3X? >>>> Wanting to mount the Suzuki 1.3 with Raven Redrive on the M3X I'm >>>> building, but the Raven Redrive will not accept a prop hub extension. >>>> >>>> Trying to match the distance from the 912 to the prop without an >>>> extension to match the distance for the Suzuki, so if the 912 requires a >>>> prop hub extension when moounted to the M3X it would change my whole set up >>>> calculations or maybe eliminate the Suzuki with that Redrive. >>>> >>>> Tried to look it up in the archives but haven't got that figured out >>>> yet. >>>> >>>> If it does require a prop hub extension, how long of one does it need? >>>> >>>> Thanks in advance for any help. >>>> Jody >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> ========== >>>> -List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >>>> ========== >>>> FORUMS - >>>> _blank">http://forums.matronics.com >>>> ========== >>>> b Site - >>>> -Matt Dralle, List Admin. >>>> target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >>>> ========== >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> * >>> >>> get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Kolb-List >>> tp://forums.matronics.com <http://forums.matronics.com> >>> _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution >>>

April 28, 2015 - June 09, 2015
