
August 01, 2016 - September 20, 2016

      ________________________________  Message 2  ______________________________
Subject: Re: OSH
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
If I remember correctly, Jill bought a set of brass data plates from me a w hile back. I'll have to ask her if she has them installed on her Piet. I was also pleased and happy to read Bob Coolbaugh's writeup in the newest BPA Newsletter, where he recounts his hopping around the country in his beautif ul "New Piet", Two-Two-Victor Yankee. I sold Bob a set of tail surface hinges a while back, so I may email him to see how they are working out. Sounds lik e he's putting plenty of time on them! -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=458973#458973 ________________________________ Message 3 ______________________________ _______
Subject: no radio, no fly
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com> Well, I tried. After months of not flying, I decided today would be the da y no matter what. I was wrong. The @#$%& battery pack and contacts on my ancie nt little Icom IC-A23 just couldn't make good enough contact for the radio to work and I'm based on a tower-controlled field. I did the next best thing I cou ld though, which was to clean the windscreens, give the airplane a complete pr eflight, top off the oil, and fire it up. Started pretty easily. I taxied out to the pump and put 9.0 in the tank to top it off, then had a bit of a time getting it started again because I flooded it. I've learned to w atch out when it's hot or it will flood. Got it started, taxied back to the han gar, and let the engine get good and warm. Ran it up for about 10 minutes, up and down in irregular stages through the RPM from idle to full static power , tested carb heat and mags (everything good), and finally shut it down after gettin g the oil nice and warm. At least now the airplane is ready to pull out of the hangar and fly whenever I can get the radio back in service. I should probably just buy a better/newer COM or maybe go ahead and mount a battery in the airplane to provide power to the Icom through the external power jack inste ad of using the AA cell piggyback pack. There are 8 dry cells in series in th e pack, so that's a lot of contacts for the current to flow through and a lot of contacts that have to be sparkling clean to get best power out of it. Radi os and wires take a lot of the fun out of simple airplanes like this. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=458992#458992 ________________________________ Message 4 ______________________________ _______ Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: no radio, no fly From: "aerocarjake" <flight.jake(at)gmail.com> Nice.... Sooner or later someone will power a Pietenpol with ELECTRICS and they'll be in real tough shape if their batteries die!!!!! -------- Jake Schultz - curator, Newport Way Air Museum (OK, it's just my home) Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=458998#458998 ________________________________ Message 5 ______________________________ _______ Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: no radio, no fly From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com> Actually, I've got everything figured out and was going to install it years ago but my interest faded. I have a fairly small and light UPS battery that I was going to wire to a simple 3-way cigarette lighter jack that I got at one of the auto supply places so I could plug in the portable intercom, GPS, or an ything else I wanted to keep from hard-wiring. I have a windshield washer pump fo r the smoke system and was going to permanently install that unit and hard-wi re it through a fuse and a spring-loaded toggle switch on the panel so I could reach it with a finger on my throttle hand when I want smoke. The battery will be constant loss since my airplane has no electrics, and I would keep it on a trickle charge while in the hangar. I have the charger for it already. What I don't have is the interest in adding "stuff" to my airplan e, although I may just bungee the UPS battery into the front seat and wire a 1 2VDC power plug into it to power up the handheld to see how that's going to work . It should do the trick, although as I say, I'm overdue for a proper handhel d and should look for one and be done with it. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459003#459003 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Where I'm at
From: Scott Knowlton <flyingscott_k(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 01, 2016
SW4gcmVzcG9uc2UgdG8geW91ciBlbmdpbmUgcGFpbnQgY29sb3VyLCBteSBmYXRoZXIgd2FzIGEg YmlnIEZvcmQgQSBob2JieSBndXkgYW5kIGFjdHVhbGx5IHdhcyB0aGUgdGhlIHByZXNpZGVudCBv ZiB0aGUgRm9yZCBNb2RlbCBBIENsdWIgb2YgT3R0YXdhIE9udGFyaW8gQ2FuYWRhIGZvciBhIGZl dyB5ZWFycy4gSGUgcmVidWlsZCBhIENhbmFkaWFuIGVuZ2luZSBhbmQgSSBhc2tlZCBoaW0geW91 ciBxdWVzdGlvbi4gIEhpcyByZXBseToNCg0KbWluZSB3YXMgQ2FuYWRpYW4gYnVpbHQgZW5naW5l IGhhZCBhIENBIG51bWJlci4gUGFpbnQgaXMgZm9yZCBwYXJ0ICMyOC01MjM3Mi0xIGFuZCBvbmUg Z2FsbG9uIGlzICQyOS45NSBVUyBhbmQgYXZhaWxhYmxlIGZyb20gTWFjJ3MuIEkgd2lsbCB0cnkg dG8gYXR0YWNoIHRoZSBjYXRhbG9ndWUgZGF0YS4gR29vZCBMdWNrIERhZA0KDQpJZiBpdCBpcyBm cm9tIG15IGRhZCwgaXQgaXMgYSBmYWN0ISAgDQoNCkJlc3Qgb2YgbHVjay4gDQoNClNjb3R0IEtu b3dsdG9uLiANCg0KPiBPbiBKdWwgMjksIDIwMTYsIGF0IDEyOjM5IEFNLCBkYm9hcmRlciA8ZGJv YXJkZXJAaW50ZXJub2RlLm9uLm5ldD4gd3JvdGU6DQo+IA0KPiAtLT4gUGlldGVucG9sLUxpc3Qg bWVzc2FnZSBwb3N0ZWQgYnk6IGRib2FyZGVyIDxkYm9hcmRlckBpbnRlcm5vZGUub24ubmV0Pg0K PiANCj4gSGkgUGlldGVycywNCj4gDQo+IFRoYW5rcyBmb3IgeW91ciByZXBsaWVzLg0KPiANCj4g RW5naW5lcyB3b3JrIHRoZSBzYW1lIOKAmERvd24gVW5kZXIsIGhvd2V2ZXIsIEkgaGF2ZSBzZWVu IGEgRGV0cm9pdCB0d28tc3Ryb2tlIGRpZXNlbCDigJxTY3JlYW1pbmcgSmltbXnigJ0gcnVuIGJh Y2t3YXJkcywgY29tcGxldGUgd2l0aCBjbG91ZHMgb2Ygd2hpdGUg4oCYc21va2XigJkuIEFuZCBu bywgd2F0ZXIgZG9lc27igJl0IHRyYXZlbCBkb3duIHRoZSBkcmFpbiBhbnRpLWNsb2Nrd2lzZSwg YnV0IHRoZSBzdW4gZG9lcy4NCj4gVGhlIFdXMiBKZWVwIG1vdG9yIGlzIGJhc2VkIG9uIHRoZSBX aWxseXMgNCB1c2VkIGluIHRoZSBXaGlwcGV0LiBJbnRlcmVzdGluZ2x5LCBhbG1vc3QgYXMgbWFu eSBKZWVwcyB3ZXJlIG1hZGUgYnkgRm9yZCAodW5kZXIgbGljZW5jZSkgZHVyaW5nIFdXMi4NCj4g DQo+IEZvciB0aG9zZSBjb250ZW1wbGF0aW5nIHVzaW5nIGFuIEEgRm9yZCBlbmdpbmUgbWF5IEkg aHVtYmx5IHN1Z2dlc3QgeW91IGJyb2FkZW4geW91ciBzZWFyY2ggdG8gaW5jbHVkZSB0aGUgTW9k ZWwgQiAoMTkzMi0zNCkuIFRoZXNlIGFyZSBzY2FyY2UgKGNlcnRhaW5seSBoZXJlKSBhcyB0aGV5 IGNhbWUgb3V0IGluIHRoZSBEZXByZXNzaW9uIGFuZCBjb21wZXRlZCB3aXRoIHRoZSBuZXcsIGZv ciBGb3JkLCBWOC4gQWxtb3N0IGlkZW50aWNhbCB0byB0aGUgdGhlIEEgZW5naW5lIGJ1dCB3aXRo IGdvb2QgaW50ZXJuYWwgbW9kaWZpY2F0aW9ucywgbW9zdCBub3RhYmx5IGEgY291bnRlci1iYWxh bmNlZCBjcmFua3NoYWZ0LiBNYWtlcyBmb3IgYSBzbW9vdGhlciBydW5uaW5nIGVuZ2luZSBjYXBh YmxlIG9mIGV4dHJhIHJldnMuIFRoZXkgYWxzbyByYW4gYSBiaWdnZXIgdGhyb2F0IFplbml0aCBj YXJieSwgd2hpY2ggY2FuIGJlIHVzZWQgb24gYW4gQSBlbmdpbmUgLSBidXQgYWxzbyBzY2FyY2Uu DQo+IA0KPiBBbGwgdGhlIEZvcmRzIGltcG9ydGVkIGludG8gQXVzdHJhbGlhIHdlcmUgbWFudWZh Y3R1cmVkIGluIENhbmFkYSBhbmQgYXNzZW1ibGVkIGxvY2FsbHkuIFRoZSBlbmdpbmVzIGhhdmUg YSBDIHN0YW1wZWQgaW4gZnJvbnQgb2YgdGhlIGVuZ2luZSBudW1iZXIuIFRoZSBvbmUgSeKAmW0g dXNpbmcgaXMgQ0FPNzYyOCB3aGljaCBpbmRpY2F0ZXMgYSBNYXkgMTkyOCBidWlsZC4NCj4gSeKA mW0gcmVsaWFibHkgaW5mb3JtZWQgdGhhdCBhbGwgQ2FuYWRpYW4gYnVpbHQgZW5naW5lcyB3ZXJl ICBwYWludGVkIGdyZXksIG5vdCB0aGUgRm9yZCBncmVlbiBvZiB0aGUgVVMgYnVpbHQuDQo+IERl c3BpdGUgY29uc2lkZXJhYmxlIHJlc2VhcmNoLCBJIGNhbm5vdCBmaW5kIGFueSByZWZlcmVuY2Ug dG8gdGhpcyBjb2xvdXIuIE1heWJlIG9uZSBvZiB0aGUgQ2FuYWRpYW4gUGlldGVucG9sIGJ1aWxk ZXJzIG1heSBiZSBhYmxlIHRvIHNoZWQgc29tZSBsaWdodC4NCj4gDQo+IFJlc3BlY3RmdWxseSwN Cj4gDQo+IERhdmlkIEJvYXJkZXINCj4gDQo+IExhdW5jZXN0b24gVGFzbWFuaWEgQXVzdHJhbGlh DQo+IA0KPiBUaGUgb3ggaXMgc2xvdywgYnV0IHRoZSBlYXJ0aCBpcyBwYXRpZW50Lg0KPiANCj4g Xy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT0NCj4gXy09ICAgICAgICAgIC0gVGhlIFBpZXRlbnBvbC1MaXN0IEVtYWlsIEZvcnVtIC0N Cj4gXy09IFVzZSB0aGUgTWF0cm9uaWNzIExpc3QgRmVhdHVyZXMgTmF2aWdhdG9yIHRvIGJyb3dz ZQ0KPiBfLT0gdGhlIG1hbnkgTGlzdCB1dGlsaXRpZXMgc3VjaCBhcyBMaXN0IFVuL1N1YnNjcmlw dGlvbiwNCj4gXy09IEFyY2hpdmUgU2VhcmNoICYgRG93bmxvYWQsIDctRGF5IEJyb3dzZSwgQ2hh dCwgRkFRLA0KPiBfLT0gUGhvdG9zaGFyZSwgYW5kIG11Y2ggbXVjaCBtb3JlOg0KPiBfLT0NCj4g Xy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9OYXZpZ2F0b3I/UGlldGVucG9sLUxp c3QNCj4gXy09DQo+IF8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQo+IF8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC0gTUFUUk9OSUNTIFdFQiBG T1JVTVMgLQ0KPiBfLT0gU2FtZSBncmVhdCBjb250ZW50IGFsc28gYXZhaWxhYmxlIHZpYSB0aGUg V2ViIEZvcnVtcyENCj4gXy09DQo+IF8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLm1hdHJvbmljcy5j b20NCj4gXy09DQo+IF8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQo+IF8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgLSBORVcgTUFUUk9OSUNTIExJ U1QgV0lLSSAtDQo+IF8tPSBBZGQgc29tZSBpbmZvIHRvIHRoZSBNYXRyb25pY3MgRW1haWwgTGlz dCBXaWtpIQ0KPiBfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3dpa2kubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbQ0KPiBfLT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0K PiBfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgLSBMaXN0IENvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbiBXZWIgU2l0ZSAtDQo+IF8tPSAg VGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3VzIHN1cHBvcnQhDQo+IF8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC1NYXR0IERyYWxsZSwgTGlzdCBBZG1pbi4NCj4gXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0 dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9jb250cmlidXRpb24NCj4gXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCj4gDQo+IA0KPiAN Cg= ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 01, 2016
From: darmahboy(at)aol.com
Subject: Re: OSH
Yes Greg, Rob was huffing pretty hard by the time we got to the south end. Sure glad I have a tail wheel. Bob. -----Original Message----- From: Greg Cardinal <gcardinal(at)comcast.net> Sent: Sat, Jul 30, 2016 4:06 pm Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: OSH One more noteworthy mention is Rob Busch who helped me walk the airplane from its parking spot to the UL field. It was close to a mile and his help was greatly appreciated. Greg -----Original Message----- From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Ray Krause Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 10:55 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: OSH --> Greg, Thanks for the very enjoyable write-up of your arrival and departure of OSH 2016. Makes me envious! Ray Krause Sent from my iPad > On Jul 30, 2016, at 7:41 AM, Greg Cardinal wrote: > > --> > > Phil, > > Apologies for replying after leaving OSH but I don't access this list > while away.... > > Four Pietenpols were parked in row 361, north of the brown arch and > very close to the Homebuilders HQ. > The four were Bob Poore, Dan Helsper, Jill Oakes and myself. > > A brief recap for anyone interested: > Bob Poore, Dan Helsper and I departed Brodhead on Sunday morning as a > flight of three. We had a groundspeed of 100 mph as we made our way to > Hartford for fuel and to make NORDO arrangements into the UL field at > OSH. The winds at OSH on Sunday would have been a direct 20+ mph > crosswind with a downhill landing on the short UL runway. > > We elected to leave the planes at Hartford for the night and got a > ride to OSH. > > At 6:00 am Monday morning we were given a ride back to Hartford to > pick up the planes for the flight to OSH. > We communicated our progress with ground crew at the UL field to so > they could have the pattern clear for our arrival. We all landed in > quick succession with the fence lined with spectators. > > I heard our arrival was quite a show and I'm hoping it shows up on Youtube. > > We all eventually made our way to the Homebuilt Parking area where we > were met by Charlie Becker and Mary Jones for photos and interviews. > > All week long the crowds were thick around the Pietenpols, especially Dan's. > > Bob and I planned to depart early Friday (yesterday) morning. Just as > we were untying the planes the field went IFR so we were stuck. At > 10:30 the field went VFR so it was a scramble to get back to the UL > field for departure. Heading west we had to stay at 300 - 400' and > maneuver around rain showers. This went on for about 20 - 30 miles and > then only slightly improved. > > We landed at our home fields late in the afternoon after a couple of > fuel stops. > > And finally, I want to add that I am continually amazed at how > Pietenpol people will step up and offer help and generosity whenever > and wherever needed. From ground transportation to and from Hartford > (thank you Pat and Mary Hoyt) to towing my tailskid equipped Piet from > the UL field to my parking spot (thank you Mike Danford) and many other offers of assistance. > > It was an awesome trip and I'm already looking forward to next year. > > Greg Cardinal > Minneapolis > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of > Phillip Perry > Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 9:29 AM > To: pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Pietenpol-List: OSH > > --> > > I'll be at OSH for a few days and was curious where the Piets > typically park on the field. I'm hoping to see a few and ask a few questions. > > Won't be able to make Broadhead. > > Thanks, > PhiL > > Sent from my iPhone > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: posting here
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 01, 2016
I thought I would list some interesting statistics about this list (not necessarily about the Piet Forum, but the entire Matronics Pietenpol Air Camper list). Matt has provided some useful tools in the search engine as well as in the Forum tools. So here goes. 1. The Piet list has by far the most total posts of any of the Matronics lists... currently 48,333 posts since its inception in November 2005. The email list statistics show 64,152 posts to our list but the high poster, Matt Dralle, who is the list admin, accounts for 15,819 of those and most of them are housekeeping and notification messages, not on-topic to the list. 2. This list shows a total number of members at 5,637... give or take the list admin ;o) 3. 51% of the list members have either never posted at all to the list (39%) or have only made one post since joining... probably a "hi, everyone..." intro. We truly have a silent majority here, and a LOT of lurkers, but many of them joined as far back as 10 years ago. 4. Not counting Matt, the top 13 posters to this list are responsible for fully half the posts ever made here. The odd thing to me is that of those top 13 posters, I only recognize the handles of two or three. 5. I knew I spent a lot of time at the keyboard, but I was surprised to find that I am #8 on the list with 1,395 posts. However, the top poster is John Hauck with 4,252 posts... 3 times as many as I've put up here. I vaguely recognize John Hauck's name, if he's the guy who built and flew the heck out of a couple of Kolbs... all over the country, cross-country, up to Alaska (I think), to OSH, everywhere. No idea where he is now. 6. Considering that the current statistical number of pilots in the U.S. is about 600,000 (all types, including student, recreational, private, ATP, commercial, and sport), that means that about 1 in 100 U.S. pilots is on this list, on average. That's really not a bad showing. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459074#459074 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest: 5 Msgs - 07/31/16
From: Scott Knowlton <flyingscott_k(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 02, 2016
One in the same. Scott > On Aug 1, 2016, at 12:34 PM, flygirl Mason wrote: > > Is she the Jill Oakes of the U of Manitoba and author of "Let's Go Flying" ?? > > > From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com <owner-pietenpol-list-serv er(at)matronics.com> on behalf of Pietenpol-List Digest Server > Sent: Monday, August 1, 2016 12:03:28 AM > To: Pietenpol-List Digest List > Subject: Pietenpol-List Digest: 5 Msgs - 07/31/16 > > * > > ========================= > Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive > ========================= > > Today's complete Pietenpol-List Digest can also be found in either of the > two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted > in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes > and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version > of the Pietenpol-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor > such as Notepad or with a web browser. > > HTML Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=ht ml&Chapter 16-07-31&Archive=Pietenpol > > Text Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=tx t&Chapter 16-07-31&Archive=Pietenpol > > > ====================== > EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive > ====================== > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Pietenpol-List Digest Archive > --- > Total Messages Posted Sun 07/31/16: 5 > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > > Today's Message Index: > ---------------------- > > 1. 07:23 AM - Re: Re: OSH (Scott Knowlton) > 2. 09:46 AM - Re: OSH (taildrags) > 3. 02:52 PM - no radio, no fly (taildrags) > 4. 05:54 PM - Re: no radio, no fly (aerocarjake) > 5. 08:16 PM - Re: no radio, no fly (taildrags) > > > > ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________ ________ > > > Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: OSH > From: Scott Knowlton <flyingscott_k(at)hotmail.com> > > > Oscar and all > > Jill Oakes is one amazingly inspiring person to meet. She is based at a sm all grass > strip outside of Winnipeg Manitoba. I'm sure most of you share my view th at > there isn't enough young blood at our little grass fields. I complain that > at 52 I'm the "kid" on our strip and pine for more involvement of younger p eople > on our field. While I complain about the lack of youth Jill arranges a Ces sna > 150 on her field to be flown by the 99s (women in aviation) as a time buil der > for $20.00 and hour. That's Canadian!!! That's like $5.00 US for these gir ls > to build time. She now has a Cherokee available as well, provides free gro undschool > on the field for anyone interested, makes the club house available for > birthday parties, special events and even yoga. Predictably there is now a n > abundance of young involved people (a group of girls stripped and painted t he > 150 recently). > Jill has certainly inspired me to do similar things on my field but I need to remind > myself that I'll have to find the energy that Jill seems to have an abunda nce > of. She is quite the amazing person and a real advocate for our passion > of aviation. > > Scott Knowlton > > > On Jul 30, 2016, at 10:55 PM, taildrags wrote: > > > > > > Wait. Did you say Jill Oakes? Did she fly her Piet down from Canada, e h? Last > I heard she was making some repairs to it. Quite the inspiration, that pi lot! > > > > -------- > > Oscar Zuniga > > Medford, OR > > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=458942#458942 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________ ________ > > > Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: OSH > From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com> > > > If I remember correctly, Jill bought a set of brass data plates from me a w hile > back. I'll have to ask her if she has them installed on her Piet. > > I was also pleased and happy to read Bob Coolbaugh's writeup in the newest BPA > Newsletter, where he recounts his hopping around the country in his beauti ful > "New Piet", Two-Two-Victor Yankee. I sold Bob a set of tail surface hinge s a > while back, so I may email him to see how they are working out. Sounds li ke he's > putting plenty of time on them! > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=458973#458973 > > > ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________ ________ > > > Subject: Pietenpol-List: no radio, no fly > From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com> > > > Well, I tried. After months of not flying, I decided today would be the d ay no > matter what. I was wrong. The @#$%& battery pack and contacts on my anci ent > little Icom IC-A23 just couldn't make good enough contact for the radio to work > and I'm based on a tower-controlled field. I did the next best thing I co uld > though, which was to clean the windscreens, give the airplane a complete p reflight, > top off the oil, and fire it up. Started pretty easily. > > I taxied out to the pump and put 9.0 in the tank to top it off, then had a bit > of a time getting it started again because I flooded it. I've learned to w atch > out when it's hot or it will flood. Got it started, taxied back to the ha ngar, > and let the engine get good and warm. Ran it up for about 10 minutes, up > and down in irregular stages through the RPM from idle to full static powe r, tested > carb heat and mags (everything good), and finally shut it down after getti ng > the oil nice and warm. At least now the airplane is ready to pull out of > the hangar and fly whenever I can get the radio back in service. I should probably > just buy a better/newer COM or maybe go ahead and mount a battery in the > airplane to provide power to the Icom through the external power jack inst ead > of using the AA cell piggyback pack. There are 8 dry cells in series in t he > pack, so that's a lot of contacts for the current to flow through and a lo t of > contacts that have to be sparkling clean to get best power out of it. Rad ios > and wires take a lot of the fun out of simple airplanes like this. > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=458992#458992 > > > ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________ ________ > > > Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: no radio, no fly > From: "aerocarjake" <flight.jake(at)gmail.com> > > > Nice.... Sooner or later someone will power a Pietenpol with ELECTRICS an d they'll > be in real tough shape if their batteries die!!!!! > > -------- > Jake Schultz - curator, > Newport Way Air Museum (OK, it's just my home) > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=458998#458998 > > > ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________ ________ > > > Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: no radio, no fly > From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com> > > > Actually, I've got everything figured out and was going to install it year s ago > but my interest faded. I have a fairly small and light UPS battery that I was > going to wire to a simple 3-way cigarette lighter jack that I got at one o f > the auto supply places so I could plug in the portable intercom, GPS, or a nything > else I wanted to keep from hard-wiring. I have a windshield washer pump f or > the smoke system and was going to permanently install that unit and hard-w ire > it through a fuse and a spring-loaded toggle switch on the panel so I coul d > reach it with a finger on my throttle hand when I want smoke. > > The battery will be constant loss since my airplane has no electrics, and I would > keep it on a trickle charge while in the hangar. I have the charger for i t > already. What I don't have is the interest in adding "stuff" to my airpla ne, > although I may just bungee the UPS battery into the front seat and wire a 1 2VDC > power plug into it to power up the handheld to see how that's going to wor k. > It should do the trick, although as I say, I'm overdue for a proper handhe ld > and should look for one and be done with it. > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459003#459003 > > > > > > ========== > -List Email Forum - > enpol-List">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List > ========== > p; - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - > ums.matronics.com > ========== > p; - NEW MATRONICS LIST WIKI - > matronics.com > ========== > p; - List Contribution Web Site - > p; -Matt Dralle, List Admin. > http://www.matronics.com/contribution > ========== > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: posting here
From: "tkreiner" <tkreiner(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 02, 2016
Bill, Regarding broken threads... There are a few guys here who CONSTANTLY break a thread, thereby making it almost impossible to figure out what the hell they were writing about! This is not only an annoyance, but tends to gobble up lots of the reader's time if he/she wishes to figure out what the post is about. SO - TO ALL OF YOU (DAMN RIGHT, I'M SCREAMING!) WHO CONSTANTLY BREAK THREADS, STOP IT! -------- Tom Kreiner Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459099#459099 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Michael Cuy <michaelcuy1(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 02, 2016
Subject: wheel hub question from Paul Donahue
*Hi Paul, * *I ended up welding on the inside and the outside of my wheel hub flanges but on the outside I didn't use any filler rod---just sealed the disc to the axel tube so that my sintered* *bronze Oil Lite flanged bushings could press in flush. * *The Oil Lite bronze bushings (I think McMaster-Carr carries them or similar) go into the* *hub about 1" deep. Frank Pavliga gave me a good tip---file 3 grooves into the Oil Lite* *bushing in the same direction as the axel on the OD of the bushing flange and wipe good* *with MEK or solvent. Rough up both the bronze bushings with sandpaper as well as the* *ID of your axel hub tube---wipe all with MEK and T-88 the bushings in place so they spin* *with your wheels and rotate on the axel like they should. The grooves you file into the* *bushings help the T-88 hold them in place. * *Mike C.* [image: Inline image 1] ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Michael Cuy <michaelcuy1(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 02, 2016
Subject: Wheel hub question from Paul Donahue
*Hi Paul, * *I ended up welding on the inside and the outside of my wheel hub flanges but on the outside I didn't use any filler rod---just sealed the disc to the axel tube so that my sintered* *bronze Oil Lite flanged bushings could press in flush. * *The Oil Lite bronze bushings (I think McMaster-Carr carries them or similar) go into the* *hub about 1" deep. Frank Pavliga gave me a good tip---file 3 grooves into the Oil Lite* *bushing in the same direction as the axel on the OD of the bushing flange and wipe good* *with MEK or solvent. Rough up both the bronze bushings with sandpaper as well as the* *ID of your axel hub tube---wipe all with MEK and T-88 the bushings in place so they spin* *with your wheels and rotate on the axel like they should. The grooves you file into the* *bushings help the T-88 hold them in place. * *Mike C.* ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Piet featured in Sport Aviation article
From: "jarheadpilot82" <jarheadpilot82(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 02, 2016
Try this. The Buzzard Way - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-sW1jQ2-f5_TUN0c0RSUWc1Zms/view?usp=sharing I uploaded it to my Google Drive, and those who want to can see it there. I will leave it there until such time that someone complains that I am making copyrighted material available improperly. -------- Semper Fi, Terry Hand Athens, GA Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459134#459134 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Piet featured in Sport Aviation article
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 02, 2016
Excellent, Terry; thank you for sharing the article. I consider quick, casual reads like this to be the equivalent of taking my magazines to the office break room (or "reading room") for others to enjoy after I'm done with them, the intent being to hook them on airplanes and flying too. The article really makes it sound like affordable, fun, simple flying can still be done and a lot of new pilots and builders can be brought into the fold if a simple, basic, affordable airplane like the Air Camper is available. I fly out of a towered field with scheduled commercial flights, so there is a tall security fence around the place, you need a badge to get in, and there is a general feeling of "I'd better not do any little thing wrong or security will come screaming over here". So it's no surprise that other than several times when I've had guests over to my hangar, I've never in five years seen a youngster anywhere inside the fence and I've never had any curious people other than fellow hangar renters come over to look inside my hangar. Not even anyone peering in through the fence, from outside. As much as I love the experience of sliding open my hangar doors and poking around the airplane, I would even more love to share it with others. There is just something about sticking my head down into the forward cockpit when I'm preflighting the airplane and catching the faint scent of avgas, engine exhaust, maybe a hint of wood and fabric... the smell of an airplane. I started my journey in aviation in an old classic, and now that I have one of my own, I realize that it needs to be shared or it's not really doing what Mr. Pietenpol intended for it. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459140#459140 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: Piet featured in Sport Aviation article
Date: Aug 02, 2016
Oscar, Thanks for all your writings, musing, observations and advice. I don't respond to your postings very often because they don't elicit direct responses. But they are very enjoyable and make me think about the wonders of flight and all the joy it brings me and others. Thank you, Ray Krause Building a SkyScout...almost here. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 2, 2016, at 8:44 PM, taildrags wrote: > > > Excellent, Terry; thank you for sharing the article. I consider quick, casual reads like this to be the equivalent of taking my magazines to the office break room (or "reading room") for others to enjoy after I'm done with them, the intent being to hook them on airplanes and flying too. The article really makes it sound like affordable, fun, simple flying can still be done and a lot of new pilots and builders can be brought into the fold if a simple, basic, affordable airplane like the Air Camper is available. > > I fly out of a towered field with scheduled commercial flights, so there is a tall security fence around the place, you need a badge to get in, and there is a general feeling of "I'd better not do any little thing wrong or security will come screaming over here". So it's no surprise that other than several times when I've had guests over to my hangar, I've never in five years seen a youngster anywhere inside the fence and I've never had any curious people other than fellow hangar renters come over to look inside my hangar. Not even anyone peering in through the fence, from outside. As much as I love the experience of sliding open my hangar doors and poking around the airplane, I would even more love to share it with others. There is just something about sticking my head down into the forward cockpit when I'm preflighting the airplane and catching the faint scent of avgas, engine exhaust, maybe a hint of wood and fabric... the smell of an airplane. I started my journey i! > n aviation in an old classic, and now that I have one of my own, I realize that it needs to be shared or it's not really doing what Mr. Pietenpol intended for it. > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459140#459140 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: wire wheel hub question
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 02, 2016
The drawing is on the Westcoastpiet site under 'Landing Gear', 'Wire Wheels', and 'Drawing based on Ken Perkins hubs'. The rings for the spokes are shown to be welded to the axle hub on their inner faces only. You can see it here: http://www.westcoastpiet.com/images/Wire%20Wheel%20Page/Perkins%20Hubs.tif -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459142#459142 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: wire wheel hub question
From: "womenfly2" <Love2Fly.KAP(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
You can weld both sides if you want but one weld fillet with a cross section equal to the parent metal thickness (.090") is fine. A 2nd weld fillet is just a option. BTW, the head end of the spokes have a taper from the underside of the head to the spoke shaft diameter. You should match this when drilling your hub flange for the spoke to set correctly. REF to drawing attached: countersink the 20X 0.157" holes on the outside of the hub assembly. WF2 -------- Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459148#459148 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: wire wheel hub question
From: "bdewenter" <anonymouse(at)woh.rr.com>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
I'm not sure I know what I'm talking about but I wonder if the weld on the outside would interfere with the brake caliper mounting true to the hub without run out. Ill be quiet now. -------- Bob 'Early Builder' Dewenter Dayton OH Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459158#459158 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Corky Corbett greeting
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Pieters; I forgot to recognize Corky Corbett yesterday on his celebrating 93 years since entering this world. Corky built and flew 41CC at the spry age of about 80 years old, then sold it to me in 2004. As near as I can tell, the airplane was started by one builder before eventually being completed and test-flown by Corky and now owned by me. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459162#459162 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Test Post
From: "Speedbrake" <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Hello crew. I have been away for quite some time, but I do check the list now and again. I am using my original log in credentials and just wanted to be sure everything still functions. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459164#459164 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Test Post
From: "Speedbrake" <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Answering my own post to check changes... -------- Mike Perez Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459165#459165 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Steven Dortch <steven.d.dortch(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Subject: Re: Test Post
Did you pass your self test. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Test Post
From: "john francis" <Mrkringles(at)msn.com>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Mike, I've been off myself for a while. Have you posted any pictures of you aircraft any where? John -------- John Francis Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459172#459172 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Test Post
From: "jarheadpilot82" <jarheadpilot82(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Mike, I was wondering where you were. Glad to see you back. Updates on flying? Your Pietenpol? Give us the scoop! -------- Semper Fi, Terry Hand Athens, GA Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459188#459188 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: wire wheel hub question
From: "aviken" <aviken(at)hughes.net>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Hi The hub question , I welded both sides, it is a little difficult to weld the outside near the edge but I felt it was needed. just set the plate in from the edge to give a shelf for the weld. Something I did to help the spokes align easier with the wheel and not bind on a straight sided hub. I am a farm boy and John Deere makes a disk harrow for years using spool between the cutting blades, on each end of the spool the outside portion is a concave shape plate that can be cut off and used for the hub plate . Works well for the hub and the steel is tougher than hell . Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459189#459189 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Michael Cuy <michaelcuy1(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 03, 2016
Subject: Thank you Bob D
Bob! That is so cool for me to learn that Jack Cox's article in the 1999 issue of Sport Aviation inspired you to want to build a Pietenpol!! And I did not realize you are a fellow Ohioan until we talked a few years ago at Brodhead. I am really glad to know that you have not given up your dream but are pursuing your project year by year and eventually there will come a day when all your construction efforts will take flight. Very awesome! On Aug 1, 2016 10:36 AM, "bdewenter" wrote: Mike, Seeing your Piet featured in an EAA recap of Air venture ?98 or 99? - When I saw your plane I said, "I have to have one of those!" It was years later when I learned you had received the Bronze Lindy. Here it is 2016 and I've been building since 2011! You are to blame for getting me hooked on this, but all 'blame' is on me starting out on this awesome journey. I am enjoying every step. Thank you Mike! Bob -------- Bob 'Early Builder' Dewenter Dayton OH Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459020#459020 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Test Post
From: "Speedbrake" <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Date: Aug 04, 2016
John, I have posted a few pictures on this list over the years. Terry, the scoop is simple, I have been removed from aviation over the past year or so to take time to pursue other venues. Plane still at home, flight training to commence (again) next summer. -------- Mike Perez Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459194#459194 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Douwe Blumberg" <douwe(at)douwestudios.com>
Subject: Mike P
Date: Aug 04, 2016
Hey Mike! I too have been wondering how your plane is coming along. Please share progress and any images you have. Good to hear from you Douwe ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Test Post
From: "jarheadpilot82" <jarheadpilot82(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 04, 2016
Welcome back. -------- Semper Fi, Terry Hand Athens, GA Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459196#459196 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Mike P
From: "Speedbrake" <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Date: Aug 04, 2016
Hello Douwe. Once I get my email distribution working, I'll post a couple. -------- Mike Perez Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459197#459197 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Cngrats to Dan Helsper
From: "bdewenter" <anonymouse(at)woh.rr.com>
Date: Aug 04, 2016
See, nice guys do finish first. Congrats to Dan Helsper Plans Champion 2016 Way to go! https://www.eaa.org/en/airventure/eaa-airventure-news-and-multimedia/eaa-airventure-news/eaa-airventure-oshkosh/07-31-2016-2016-airventure-aircraft-awards -------- Bob 'Early Builder' Dewenter Dayton OH Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459198#459198 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Boatright, Jeffrey" <jeffboatright(at)emory.edu>
Subject: Re: Cngrats to Dan Helsper
Date: Aug 04, 2016
SE9MWSBGUkVFSE9MWSEgVGhhdCBpcyBncmVhdCEgQ29uZ3JhdHMhDQoNCuKAlA0KSmVmZnJleSBI LiBCb2F0cmlnaHQsIFBoRCwgRkFSVk8NClByb2Zlc3NvciBvZiBPcGh0aGFsbW9sb2d5DQpFbW9y eSBVbml2ZXJzaXR5IFNjaG9vbCBvZiBNZWRpY2luZQ0KQ29yZSBEaXJlY3RvciAmIFJlc2VhcmNo IEJpb2xvZ2lzdA0KQXRsYW50YSBWQU1DIENlbnRlciBmb3IgVmlzdWFsICYgTmV1cm9jb2duaXRp dmUgUmVoYWJpbGl0YXRpb24NCg0KRnJvbTogYmRld2VudGVyIDxhbm9ueW1vdXNlQHdvaC5yci5j b208bWFpbHRvOmFub255bW91c2VAd29oLnJyLmNvbT4+DQpSZXBseS1UbzogInBpZXRlbnBvbC1s aXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb208bWFpbHRvOnBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20+IiA8 cGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbTxtYWlsdG86cGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9u aWNzLmNvbT4+DQpEYXRlOiBUaHVyc2RheSwgQXVndXN0IDQsIDIwMTYgYXQgOTozMyBBTQ0KVG86 ICJwaWV0ZW5wb2wtbGlzdEBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tPG1haWx0bzpwaWV0ZW5wb2wtbGlzdEBtYXRy b25pY3MuY29tPiIgPHBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb208bWFpbHRvOnBpZXRlbnBv bC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20+Pg0KU3ViamVjdDogUGlldGVucG9sLUxpc3Q6IENuZ3JhdHMg dG8gRGFuIEhlbHNwZXINCg0KLS0+IFBpZXRlbnBvbC1MaXN0IG1lc3NhZ2UgcG9zdGVkIGJ5OiAi YmRld2VudGVyIiA8YW5vbnltb3VzZUB3b2gucnIuY29tPG1haWx0bzphbm9ueW1vdXNlQHdvaC5y ci5jb20+Pg0KDQpTZWUsIG5pY2UgZ3V5cyBkbyBmaW5pc2ggZmlyc3QuICBDb25ncmF0cyB0byBE YW4gSGVsc3BlciBQbGFucyBDaGFtcGlvbiAyMDE2DQoNCldheSB0byBnbyENCg0KaHR0cHM6Ly93 d3cuZWFhLm9yZy9lbi9haXJ2ZW50dXJlL2VhYS1haXJ2ZW50dXJlLW5ld3MtYW5kLW11bHRpbWVk aWEvZWFhLWFpcnZlbnR1cmUtbmV3cy9lYWEtYWlydmVudHVyZS1vc2hrb3NoLzA3LTMxLTIwMTYt MjAxNi1haXJ2ZW50dXJlLWFpcmNyYWZ0LWF3YXJkcw0KDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0KQm9iICdFYXJseSBC dWlsZGVyJyBEZXdlbnRlcg0KRGF5dG9uIE9IDQoNCg0KDQoNClJlYWQgdGhpcyB0b3BpYyBvbmxp bmUgaGVyZToNCg0KaHR0cDovL2ZvcnVtcy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL3ZpZXd0b3BpYy5waHA/cD00 NTkxOTgjNDU5MTk4DQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgLSBUaGUgUGll dGVucG9sLUxpc3QgRW1haWwgRm9ydW0gLQ0KXy09IFVzZSB0aGUgTWF0cm9uaWNzIExpc3QgRmVh dHVyZXMgTmF2aWdhdG9yIHRvIGJyb3dzZQ0KXy09IHRoZSBtYW55IExpc3QgdXRpbGl0aWVzIHN1 Y2ggYXMgTGlzdCBVbi9TdWJzY3JpcHRpb24sDQpfLT0gQXJjaGl2ZSBTZWFyY2ggJiBEb3dubG9h ZCwgNy1EYXkgQnJvd3NlLCBDaGF0LCBGQVEsDQpfLT0gUGhvdG9zaGFyZSwgYW5kIG11Y2ggbXVj aCBtb3JlOg0KXy09DQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL05hdmlnYXRv cj9QaWV0ZW5wb2wtTGlzdA0KXy09DQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgLSBNQVRST05J Q1MgV0VCIEZPUlVNUyAtDQpfLT0gU2FtZSBncmVhdCBjb250ZW50IGFsc28gYXZhaWxhYmxlIHZp YSB0aGUgV2ViIEZvcnVtcyENCl8tPQ0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly9mb3J1bXMubWF0cm9uaWNz LmNvbQ0KXy09DQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIE5FVyBNQVRST05JQ1MgTElTVCBX SUtJIC0NCl8tPSBBZGQgc29tZSBpbmZvIHRvIHRoZSBNYXRyb25pY3MgRW1haWwgTGlzdCBXaWtp IQ0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93aWtpLm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20NCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAg ICAgICAgLSBMaXN0IENvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbiBXZWIgU2l0ZSAtDQpfLT0gIFRoYW5rIHlvdSBmb3Ig eW91ciBnZW5lcm91cyBzdXBwb3J0IQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg LU1hdHQgRHJhbGxlLCBMaXN0IEFkbWluLg0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNz LmNvbS9jb250cmlidXRpb24NCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19f X19fX19fX19fX18NCg0KVGhpcyBlLW1haWwgbWVzc2FnZSAoaW5jbHVkaW5nIGFueSBhdHRhY2ht ZW50cykgaXMgZm9yIHRoZSBzb2xlIHVzZSBvZg0KdGhlIGludGVuZGVkIHJlY2lwaWVudChzKSBh bmQgbWF5IGNvbnRhaW4gY29uZmlkZW50aWFsIGFuZCBwcml2aWxlZ2VkDQppbmZvcm1hdGlvbi4g SWYgdGhlIHJlYWRlciBvZiB0aGlzIG1lc3NhZ2UgaXMgbm90IHRoZSBpbnRlbmRlZA0KcmVjaXBp ZW50LCB5b3UgYXJlIGhlcmVieSBub3RpZmllZCB0aGF0IGFueSBkaXNzZW1pbmF0aW9uLCBkaXN0 cmlidXRpb24NCm9yIGNvcHlpbmcgb2YgdGhpcyBtZXNzYWdlIChpbmNsdWRpbmcgYW55IGF0dGFj aG1lbnRzKSBpcyBzdHJpY3RseQ0KcHJvaGliaXRlZC4NCg0KSWYgeW91IGhhdmUgcmVjZWl2ZWQg dGhpcyBtZXNzYWdlIGluIGVycm9yLCBwbGVhc2UgY29udGFjdA0KdGhlIHNlbmRlciBieSByZXBs eSBlLW1haWwgbWVzc2FnZSBhbmQgZGVzdHJveSBhbGwgY29waWVzIG9mIHRoZQ0Kb3JpZ2luYWwg bWVzc2FnZSAoaW5jbHVkaW5nIGF0dGFjaG1lbnRzKS4NCg= ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 04, 2016
From: Michael Perez <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: Mike P
Below you find the link to the original set of pictures sent to the list in 2014. http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?t=105138 =C2- ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Cngrats to Dan Helsper
From: "aerocarjake" <flight.jake(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 04, 2016
Way to go Dan.....!!!!!! -------- Jake Schultz - curator, Newport Way Air Museum (OK, it's just my home) Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459201#459201 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: John C Black <john(at)jcblack.com>
Subject: Magneto Questions
Date: Aug 04, 2016
Thinking about a Model A Ford engine. I have located a head with 2 spark plugs per cylinder. My question is how to fire the plugs. I have model A cars with WICO model XVD-2339 magnetos mounted on the head and driven by the oil pump shaft. WICOs have 12 degrees of Lag. I have located a casting to allow me to mount a SLIKK magneto run off the cam gear. Some use the SLIKK 4330 RH magneto which has 25 degrees of Lag. And the plans show a magneto driven off crankshaft. Here are my questions : 1) what are people using for crankshaft driven magnetos ? 2) while 12 degrees lag is great for cars, is 25 degrees lag needed for faster turning airplane engines. What Lag is best ? 3) what other magnetos are worth looking at ? John ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: Cngrats to Dan Helsper
Date: Aug 04, 2016
Dan REALLY deserves it. Saw his plane last year. Ray Krause Sent from my iPad > On Aug 4, 2016, at 7:01 AM, Boatright, Jeffrey w rote: > > HOLY FREEHOLY! That is great! Congrats! > > =94 > Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD, FARVO > Professor of Ophthalmology > Emory University School of Medicine > Core Director & Research Biologist > Atlanta VAMC Center for Visual & Neurocognitive Rehabilitation > > From: bdewenter <anonymouse(at)woh.rr.com> > Reply-To: "pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com" > Date: Thursday, August 4, 2016 at 9:33 AM > To: "pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com" > Subject: Pietenpol-List: Cngrats to Dan Helsper > > > See, nice guys do finish first. Congrats to Dan Helsper Plans Champion 20 16 > > Way to go! > > https://www.eaa.org/en/airventure/eaa-airventure-news-and-multimedia/eaa-a irventure-news/eaa-airventure-oshkosh/07-31-2016-2016-airventure-aircraft-aw ards > > -------- > Bob 'Early Builder' Dewenter > Dayton OH > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459198#459198 > > > > > > > ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= > > > > > > > This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of > the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged > information. If the reader of this message is not the intended > recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution > or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly > prohibited. > > If you have received this message in error, please contact > the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the > original message (including attachments). ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: disc brake material
From: "bdewenter" <anonymouse(at)woh.rr.com>
Date: Aug 04, 2016
Paul, What's to worry about? Don Harper and PF Beck have used them for years. PF has flown over 300 different people in his plane. I think there a clever use. Bob -------- Bob 'Early Builder' Dewenter Dayton OH Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459209#459209 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "M W Stanley" <mmrally(at)nifty.com>
Subject: Re: Cngrats to Dan Helsper
Date: Aug 05, 2016
Gotta join in with the "Way to go!"......great stuff and well done Dan! Cheers, Mark Stanley -------------------------------------------------- From: "bdewenter" <anonymouse(at)woh.rr.com> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 10:33 PM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Cngrats to Dan Helsper > > See, nice guys do finish first. Congrats to Dan Helsper Plans Champion > 2016 > > Way to go! > > https://www.eaa.org/en/airventure/eaa-airventure-news-and-multimedia/eaa-airventure-news/eaa-airventure-oshkosh/07-31-2016-2016-airventure-aircraft-awards > > -------- > Bob 'Early Builder' Dewenter > Dayton OH > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459198#459198 > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Semih Oksay <semihoksay(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 05, 2016
Subject: Re: Cngrats to Dan Helsper
Congratulations to Dan from Turkey. Semih=8B On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 2:55 PM, M W Stanley wrote: > > Gotta join in with the "Way to go!"......great stuff and well done Dan! > > Cheers, > > Mark Stanley > > -------------------------------------------------- > From: "bdewenter" <anonymouse(at)woh.rr.com> > Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2016 10:33 PM > To: > Subject: Pietenpol-List: Cngrats to Dan Helsper > >> >> See, nice guys do finish first. Congrats to Dan Helsper Plans Champion >> 2016 >> >> Way to go! >> >> https://www.eaa.org/en/airventure/eaa-airventure-news-and- >> multimedia/eaa-airventure-news/eaa-airventure-oshkosh/ >> 07-31-2016-2016-airventure-aircraft-awards >> >> -------- >> Bob 'Early Builder' Dewenter >> Dayton OH >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459198#459198 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== > > -- Semih Oksay ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Cngrats to Dan Helsper
From: "oldbird" <semihoksay(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 05, 2016
Congratulations to Dan from Turkey. Great achievement. Semih Wire wheels, C90-8F Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459225#459225 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Douwe Blumberg" <douwe(at)douwestudios.com>
Subject: Mike P's plane
Date: Aug 05, 2016
Hey Mike, Absolutely gorgeous airplane! Has she flown yet? I can't remember. Douwe ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 05, 2016
From: Michael Perez <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: Mike P's plane
Thanks Douwe. No, the plane has not flown and it pains me to say so. I have not been able to complete my flight training, have not pursued renting a hangar for and have not done any further work on it. My hopes are to finish training and acquire a hangar next summer. Then at some point soon after, complete final assembly and commence with engine runs, ground tests and...first flight. All in due time. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 09, 2016
Subject: addressed
From: skydiveal(at)aol.com
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From: "Charles N. Campbell" <charlescampbell1924(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 09, 2016
I have not been receiving any posts from pietenpol list members for the last few days. Is it just that quiet or have I been cut off? ________________________________________________________________________________
From: <brian.e.jardine@l-3com.com>
Date: Aug 09, 2016
UXVpZXTigKbigKbigKbigKbigKYNCg0KQnJpYW4NCk1lcmlkaWFuIElkYWhvDQoNCkZyb206IG93 bmVyLXBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0LXNlcnZlckBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tIFttYWlsdG86b3duZXItcGll dGVucG9sLWxpc3Qtc2VydmVyQG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb21dIE9uIEJlaGFsZiBPZiBDaGFybGVzIE4u IENhbXBiZWxsDQpTZW50OiBUdWVzZGF5LCBBdWd1c3QgMDksIDIwMTYgMzoxNiBQTQ0KVG86IHBp ZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20NClN1YmplY3Q6IFBpZXRlbnBvbC1MaXN0Og0KDQpJ IGhhdmUgbm90IGJlZW4gIHJlY2VpdmluZyBhbnkgcG9zdHMgZnJvbSBwaWV0ZW5wb2wgbGlzdCBt ZW1iZXJzIGZvciB0aGUgbGFzdCBmZXcgZGF5cy4gIElzIGl0IGp1c3QgdGhhdCBxdWlldCBvciBo YXZlIEkgYmVlbiBjdXQgb2ZmPw0K ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Boatright, Jeffrey" <jboatri(at)emory.edu>
Subject: Re:
Date: Aug 09, 2016
SSByZWNlaXZlZCB5b3VyIG5vdGUuIE1heWJlIHdl4oCZcmUgYm90aCBpbiB0aGUgVHdpbGlnaHQg Wm9uZSENCg0K4oCUDQpKZWZmcmV5IEguIEJvYXRyaWdodCwgUGhELCBGQVJWTw0KUHJvZmVzc29y IG9mIE9waHRoYWxtb2xvZ3kNCkVtb3J5IFVuaXZlcnNpdHkgU2Nob29sIG9mIE1lZGljaW5lDQpD b3JlIERpcmVjdG9yICYgUmVzZWFyY2ggQmlvbG9naXN0DQpBdGxhbnRhIFZBTUMgQ2VudGVyIGZv ciBWaXN1YWwgJiBOZXVyb2NvZ25pdGl2ZSBSZWhhYmlsaXRhdGlvbg0KDQpGcm9tOiAiQ2hhcmxl cyBOLiBDYW1wYmVsbCIgPGNoYXJsZXNjYW1wYmVsbDE5MjRAZ21haWwuY29tPG1haWx0bzpjaGFy bGVzY2FtcGJlbGwxOTI0QGdtYWlsLmNvbT4+DQpSZXBseS1UbzogInBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1h dHJvbmljcy5jb208bWFpbHRvOnBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20+IiA8cGlldGVu cG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbTxtYWlsdG86cGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNv bT4+DQpEYXRlOiBUdWVzZGF5LCBBdWd1c3QgOSwgMjAxNiBhdCA1OjE1IFBNDQpUbzogInBpZXRl bnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb208bWFpbHRvOnBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5j b20+IiA8cGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbTxtYWlsdG86cGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RA bWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbT4+DQpTdWJqZWN0OiBQaWV0ZW5wb2wtTGlzdDoNCg0KSSBoYXZlIG5vdCBi ZWVuICByZWNlaXZpbmcgYW55IHBvc3RzIGZyb20gcGlldGVucG9sIGxpc3QgbWVtYmVycyBmb3Ig dGhlIGxhc3QgZmV3IGRheXMuICBJcyBpdCBqdXN0IHRoYXQgcXVpZXQgb3IgaGF2ZSBJIGJlZW4g Y3V0IG9mZj8NCg0KX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18NCg0KVGhpcyBlLW1h aWwgbWVzc2FnZSAoaW5jbHVkaW5nIGFueSBhdHRhY2htZW50cykgaXMgZm9yIHRoZSBzb2xlIHVz ZSBvZg0KdGhlIGludGVuZGVkIHJlY2lwaWVudChzKSBhbmQgbWF5IGNvbnRhaW4gY29uZmlkZW50 aWFsIGFuZCBwcml2aWxlZ2VkDQppbmZvcm1hdGlvbi4gSWYgdGhlIHJlYWRlciBvZiB0aGlzIG1l c3NhZ2UgaXMgbm90IHRoZSBpbnRlbmRlZA0KcmVjaXBpZW50LCB5b3UgYXJlIGhlcmVieSBub3Rp ZmllZCB0aGF0IGFueSBkaXNzZW1pbmF0aW9uLCBkaXN0cmlidXRpb24NCm9yIGNvcHlpbmcgb2Yg dGhpcyBtZXNzYWdlIChpbmNsdWRpbmcgYW55IGF0dGFjaG1lbnRzKSBpcyBzdHJpY3RseQ0KcHJv aGliaXRlZC4NCg0KSWYgeW91IGhhdmUgcmVjZWl2ZWQgdGhpcyBtZXNzYWdlIGluIGVycm9yLCBw bGVhc2UgY29udGFjdA0KdGhlIHNlbmRlciBieSByZXBseSBlLW1haWwgbWVzc2FnZSBhbmQgZGVz dHJveSBhbGwgY29waWVzIG9mIHRoZQ0Kb3JpZ2luYWwgbWVzc2FnZSAoaW5jbHVkaW5nIGF0dGFj aG1lbnRzKS4NCg= ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: No Title
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Aug 10, 2016
It's been Very Very quite. I think it's the post Brodhaed Blues. -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459425#459425 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: imovie test
From: "TriScout" <apfelcyber(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Aug 14, 2016
..imovie edit test (short) https://youtu.be/yTpAZetQGSM -------- KLNC A65-8 N2308C Slick 4330's AN Hardware Airframe 755TT W72CK-42 Sensenich Standard Factory GN-1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459496#459496 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: imovie test
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 14, 2016
TriScout: you pass your test! Oh, what fun. I want to go fly! I note that you fly the stick pretty much with your fingertips. There are flight regimes where I do too, but other regimes where I keep a firm grip on the stick, especially close to the ground or in gusty conditions. But what a wonderful video, and thank you! -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459504#459504 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: imovie test
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 14, 2016
Oh, and I forgot to mention- the airplane is very, very nice. Excellent detailing, clean, and apparently flies VERY comfortably! -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459505#459505 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: imovie test
From: "TriScout" <apfelcyber(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Aug 15, 2016
Thanks for the kind words Oscar, I wish I could say I built it, like you guys, but I am on 5th yr flying it (9th owner in it's lifetime). My videos are usually just a minute or two long. It seems when I get around to doing a "test edit", I'm trying out a different editing program. Windows one time.., then the next one is on an ipad editor program, now imovie w/apple mackbook. I need to just stick to one and get a good movie put together .."someday" :-) Larry -------- KLNC A65-8 N2308C Slick 4330's AN Hardware Airframe 755TT W72CK-42 Sensenich Standard Factory GN-1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459527#459527 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: imovie test
From: "aerocarjake" <flight.jake(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 15, 2016
ithink upass da imovie test... :) -------- Jake Schultz - curator, Newport Way Air Museum (OK, it's just my home) Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459539#459539 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: imovie test
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 16, 2016
What, me-? Build an airplane? Never! I bought 41CC from Corky Corbett already complete and flying, and all I've done since then is tweak, change, modify, add, delete, upsize, downsize, relocate, move, adjust, refinish, change, break, fix, readjust, inflate, deflate, tension, retension, replace, swap, add washers, retorque, drain, fill, loosen, tighten, and endlessly fidget and fool with every fixed or movable part on the airplane. Enough is never good enough, too much is never good enough, not enough isn't even good enough... I have to constantly be doing something to, with, about, around, or against the airplane. But build one? Never ;o) I know every square centimeter of my airplane, and I love every square centimeter of it. Well, almost every one. There are a few that I can't reach back in the tailcone that taunt me from time to time and a few out in the wings past where I can reach them from the inspection ports either, but by and large I've grown accustomed to this airplane and fond of it most of the time. Starting the engine when it's hot is usually one time when I feel like it's got a mind and emotions and all I am is a stupid brainless human with no understanding of air, fuel, and spark and how they're supposed to all work together. Other times, like when we're in cruise flight with plenty of fuel and nice cool air to fly through, no place to be and no hurry to get there, I feel like anything below the stratosphere is my apple and my Air Camper is my magic carpet, streaking me along at the speed of... the speed of... an Air Camper ;o) We speak the same language and we appreciate each other for what we each do to make flying happen. Then when we get close to the ground, we tag-team each other about who's going to be the student and who's going to be the instructor. Some days I can make the airplane do everything but make apple strudel with a crispy sugar and cinnamon crust, and other days the airplane makes mincemeat out of me. We teach each other, we love each other, but we never turn our backs to each other because one of us might just pull a fast one ;o) I have done it to 41CC a time or two, but the airplane has done it to me MANY times! It's all fun, it's why we fly these airplanes, and I feel sorry for the pilot who has never flown an open cockpit, wood and fabric, hand-prop taildragger. And even sorryer for one who has not had to try to prop-start a hot little Continental ;o) -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459568#459568 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Jeepenpol
From: "aviken" <aviken(at)hughes.net>
Date: Aug 17, 2016
Just an update on the Jeepenpol. I am finishing up all the little chores and have my registration in hand, I should be ready for my DAR inspection soon. I hope to test fly by mid September. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459572#459572 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: imovie test
Date: Aug 17, 2016
Oscar, Nicely written! I really enjoy your posts. Ray Krause Sent from my iPad > On Aug 16, 2016, at 10:04 PM, taildrags wrote: > > > What, me-? Build an airplane? Never! I bought 41CC from Corky Corbett already complete and flying, and all I've done since then is tweak, change, modify, add, delete, upsize, downsize, relocate, move, adjust, refinish, change, break, fix, readjust, inflate, deflate, tension, retension, replace, swap, add washers, retorque, drain, fill, loosen, tighten, and endlessly fidget and fool with every fixed or movable part on the airplane. Enough is never good enough, too much is never good enough, not enough isn't even good enough... I have to constantly be doing something to, with, about, around, or against the airplane. But build one? Never ;o) > > I know every square centimeter of my airplane, and I love every square centimeter of it. Well, almost every one. There are a few that I can't reach back in the tailcone that taunt me from time to time and a few out in the wings past where I can reach them from the inspection ports either, but by and large I've grown accustomed to this airplane and fond of it most of the time. Starting the engine when it's hot is usually one time when I feel like it's got a mind and emotions and all I am is a stupid brainless human with no understanding of air, fuel, and spark and how they're supposed to all work together. Other times, like when we're in cruise flight with plenty of fuel and nice cool air to fly through, no place to be and no hurry to get there, I feel like anything below the stratosphere is my apple and my Air Camper is my magic carpet, streaking me along at the speed of... the speed of... an Air Camper ;o) > > We speak the same language and we appreciate each other for what we each do to make flying happen. Then when we get close to the ground, we tag-team each other about who's going to be the student and who's going to be the instructor. Some days I can make the airplane do everything but make apple strudel with a crispy sugar and cinnamon crust, and other days the airplane makes mincemeat out of me. We teach each other, we love each other, but we never turn our backs to each other because one of us might just pull a fast one ;o) I have done it to 41CC a time or two, but the airplane has done it to me MANY times! > > It's all fun, it's why we fly these airplanes, and I feel sorry for the pilot who has never flown an open cockpit, wood and fabric, hand-prop taildragger. And even sorryer for one who has not had to try to prop-start a hot little Continental ;o) > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459568#459568 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: imovie test
From: "TriScout" <apfelcyber(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Aug 17, 2016
I hear ya. I "barnstormered" mine, sans engine about 6 yrs ago. Still having the time of my life in it. I built ribs to a Piet before I found this one, but I really dig the idea of finding one that previously flew and bringing it back to flying status. You can have the fun of turning wrenches and getting in the air sooner. I find the andrew king barn find a really interesting project. -------- KLNC A65-8 N2308C Slick 4330's AN Hardware Airframe 755TT W72CK-42 Sensenich Standard Factory GN-1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459577#459577 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: imovie test
From: Don Heringhaus <don.h(at)wcoil.com>
Date: Aug 17, 2016
WHAT A GREAT POST !!! I always wanted to build a plane but completly redid a ole 1941 Delux t-craft bought it in boxes what a learning process but a lot of fun I did it all except pump up the tires by hand love ur post On 8/17/2016 1:04 AM, taildrags wrote: > > What, me-? Build an airplane? Never! I bought 41CC from Corky Corbett already complete and flying, and all I've done since then is tweak, change, modify, add, delete, upsize, downsize, relocate, move, adjust, refinish, change, break, fix, readjust, inflate, deflate, tension, retension, replace, swap, add washers, retorque, drain, fill, loosen, tighten, and endlessly fidget and fool with every fixed or movable part on the airplane. Enough is never good enough, too much is never good enough, not enough isn't even good enough... I have to constantly be doing something to, with, about, around, or against the airplane. But build one? Never ;o) > > I know every square centimeter of my airplane, and I love every square centimeter of it. Well, almost every one. There are a few that I can't reach back in the tailcone that taunt me from time to time and a few out in the wings past where I can reach them from the inspection ports either, but by and large I've grown accustomed to this airplane and fond of it most of the time. Starting the engine when it's hot is usually one time when I feel like it's got a mind and emotions and all I am is a stupid brainless human with no understanding of air, fuel, and spark and how they're supposed to all work together. Other times, like when we're in cruise flight with plenty of fuel and nice cool air to fly through, no place to be and no hurry to get there, I feel like anything below the stratosphere is my apple and my Air Camper is my magic carpet, streaking me along at the speed of... the speed of... an Air Camper ;o) > > We speak the same language and we appreciate each other for what we each do to make flying happen. Then when we get close to the ground, we tag-team each other about who's going to be the student and who's going to be the instructor. Some days I can make the airplane do everything but make apple strudel with a crispy sugar and cinnamon crust, and other days the airplane makes mincemeat out of me. We teach each other, we love each other, but we never turn our backs to each other because one of us might just pull a fast one ;o) I have done it to 41CC a time or two, but the airplane has done it to me MANY times! > > It's all fun, it's why we fly these airplanes, and I feel sorry for the pilot who has never flown an open cockpit, wood and fabric, hand-prop taildragger. And even sorryer for one who has not had to try to prop-start a hot little Continental ;o) > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459568#459568 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Jeepenpol
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 17, 2016
Great news! Hope you can post some videos of taxi testing! -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459585#459585 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Jeepenpol
From: "aerocarjake" <flight.jake(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 17, 2016
Jeepers that's exciting...!!! -------- Jake Schultz - curator, Newport Way Air Museum (OK, it's just my home) Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459587#459587 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Tail hinges - Memphis
From: "Larry M" <marquez(at)att.net>
Date: Aug 18, 2016
I've finished three hinges for the tail. Is anyone in the Memphis area willing to let me visit and get your opinion of them? Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459625#459625 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: imovie test
From: "TriScout" <apfelcyber(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Aug 20, 2016
I do that as well,...blow up tires w/bicycle pump. I had a small Chinese air compressor from harbor freight, but it just wound up making a loud racket for 20 minutes per tire...was lucky to make 12psi. I gave said compressor to a hangar neighbor...everyone's happy :-) -------- KLNC A65-8 N2308C Slick 4330's AN Hardware Airframe 755TT W72CK-42 Sensenich Standard Factory GN-1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459678#459678 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Aug 23, 2016
Oscar, You mentioned that you have a hard time starting your engine when it is hot. Is it a case of it flooding easily? I have a sure fire way of correcting this if it is your case. Maike Madrid would spend 1 or 2 hours trying to start his Aircamper and FlyBaby after fuel stops. I showed him my trick/method and he is on his way now every time without worry. Now on Dad's O-200, he had a bad Mag that we had to cool off the coil before it would restart. If yours is flooded, use this simple 10 step procedure. 1. Tie down the tail 2. Shut off fuel 3. Shut off Mags 4. Open throttle halfway or more. (Very important to do). 5. Pull the prop through 12 blades in the forward direction. (forward direction is very important. It pushes the raw fuel out the exhaust valves. Some folks where taught to pull the prop through backwards. This is not good for three reasons. a. It pushes all the oil out of the oil pump. b. it pushes the raw fuel back into the intake manifold thus still creates a rich fuel system. c. All the fuel in the intake system becomes a fire hazard should it backfire through the intake side when trying to restart). 6. Turn fuel back on. 7. Set throttle for normal starting and idle position. (Very important so your plane doesn't try flying away without you). 8. Turn appropriate mags back on. 9. Prop normally. (it will start on the first or second blade every time. 10. Untie plane and fly away with a big smile on your face. Now you can log more time in the air than on the ground. Keep them flying friends. -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459795#459795 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: Scott Knowlton <flyingscott_k(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 23, 2016
A procedure that gave me good results on my champ with an A65 was to advance the throttle off the idle stop when I shut down. The stromberg has an idle priming circuit that primes when the blades are spinning down after shut down. Taking the throttle off the idle circuit will prevent this priming action from happening. When I did this procedure the airplane would start on the first blade after a couple of blades with the mags off. This was even the case when the engine was hot. I never had a flooded engine after adopting this procedure. Scott Knowlton > On Aug 23, 2016, at 9:49 AM, AircamperN11MS wrote: > > > Oscar, > > You mentioned that you have a hard time starting your engine when it is hot. Is it a case of it flooding easily? I have a sure fire way of correcting this if it is your case. Maike Madrid would spend 1 or 2 hours trying to start his Aircamper and FlyBaby after fuel stops. I showed him my trick/method and he is on his way now every time without worry. > > Now on Dad's O-200, he had a bad Mag that we had to cool off the coil before it would restart. > > If yours is flooded, use this simple 10 step procedure. > > 1. Tie down the tail > 2. Shut off fuel > 3. Shut off Mags > 4. Open throttle halfway or more. (Very important to do). > 5. Pull the prop through 12 blades in the forward direction. (forward direction is very important. It pushes the raw fuel out the exhaust valves. Some folks where taught to pull the prop through backwards. This is not good for three reasons. a. It pushes all the oil out of the oil pump. b. it pushes the raw fuel back into the intake manifold thus still creates a rich fuel system. c. All the fuel in the intake system becomes a fire hazard should it backfire through the intake side when trying to restart). > 6. Turn fuel back on. > 7. Set throttle for normal starting and idle position. (Very important so your plane doesn't try flying away without you). > 8. Turn appropriate mags back on. > 9. Prop normally. (it will start on the first or second blade every time. > 10. Untie plane and fly away with a big smile on your face. > > Now you can log more time in the air than on the ground. > > Keep them flying friends. > > -------- > Scott Liefeld > Flying N11MS since March 1972 > Steel Tube > C-85-12 > Wire Wheels > Brodhead in 1996 > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459795#459795 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Aug 23, 2016
Scott, Excellent point. That should prevent the need for everything above. Great input. -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459800#459800 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ben Charvet <bencharvet(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 23, 2016
I do what Scott said, as I turn off the ignition, advance the throttle to full, return to idle when it stops spinning Sent from my iPhone > On Aug 23, 2016, at 10:07 AM, Scott Knowlton wrote: > > > A procedure that gave me good results on my champ with an A65 was to advance the throttle off the idle stop when I shut down. The stromberg has an idle priming circuit that primes when the blades are spinning down after shut down. Taking the throttle off the idle circuit will prevent this priming action from happening. When I did this procedure the airplane would start on the first blade after a couple of blades with the mags off. This was even the case when the engine was hot. I never had a flooded engine after adopting this procedure. > > Scott Knowlton > >> On Aug 23, 2016, at 9:49 AM, AircamperN11MS wrote: >> >> >> Oscar, >> >> You mentioned that you have a hard time starting your engine when it is hot. Is it a case of it flooding easily? I have a sure fire way of correcting this if it is your case. Maike Madrid would spend 1 or 2 hours trying to start his Aircamper and FlyBaby after fuel stops. I showed him my trick/method and he is on his way now every time without worry. >> >> Now on Dad's O-200, he had a bad Mag that we had to cool off the coil before it would restart. >> >> If yours is flooded, use this simple 10 step procedure. >> >> 1. Tie down the tail >> 2. Shut off fuel >> 3. Shut off Mags >> 4. Open throttle halfway or more. (Very important to do). >> 5. Pull the prop through 12 blades in the forward direction. (forward direction is very important. It pushes the raw fuel out the exhaust valves. Some folks where taught to pull the prop through backwards. This is not good for three reasons. a. It pushes all the oil out of the oil pump. b. it pushes the raw fuel back into the intake manifold thus still creates a rich fuel system. c. All the fuel in the intake system becomes a fire hazard should it backfire through the intake side when trying to restart). >> 6. Turn fuel back on. >> 7. Set throttle for normal starting and idle position. (Very important so your plane doesn't try flying away without you). >> 8. Turn appropriate mags back on. >> 9. Prop normally. (it will start on the first or second blade every time. >> 10. Untie plane and fly away with a big smile on your face. >> >> Now you can log more time in the air than on the ground. >> >> Keep them flying friends. >> >> -------- >> Scott Liefeld >> Flying N11MS since March 1972 >> Steel Tube >> C-85-12 >> Wire Wheels >> Brodhead in 1996 >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459795#459795 > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Barry Davis" <bed(at)mindspring.com>
Subject: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 23, 2016
On my J3 Cub, it was became very difficult to crank while hot. I tried all the stuff like 12 blades with fuel off, etc, etc, etc. The bottom line is that the coils in my mags were breaking down. I cured the problem with a Slick Mag Kit with new mags, wires and plugs. It now starts with one flip, cold or hot, it doesn't matter. I fly my Grandkids a lot, so it was worth the $$. Barry Big Piet NX973BP -----Original Message----- From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of AircamperN11MS Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 9:44 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Hard Starting Cont. Engines --> Oscar, You mentioned that you have a hard time starting your engine when it is hot. Is it a case of it flooding easily? I have a sure fire way of correcting this if it is your case. Maike Madrid would spend 1 or 2 hours trying to start his Aircamper and FlyBaby after fuel stops. I showed him my trick/method and he is on his way now every time without worry. Now on Dad's O-200, he had a bad Mag that we had to cool off the coil before it would restart. If yours is flooded, use this simple 10 step procedure. 1. Tie down the tail 2. Shut off fuel 3. Shut off Mags 4. Open throttle halfway or more. (Very important to do). 5. Pull the prop through 12 blades in the forward direction. (forward direction is very important. It pushes the raw fuel out the exhaust valves. Some folks where taught to pull the prop through backwards. This is not good for three reasons. a. It pushes all the oil out of the oil pump. b. it pushes the raw fuel back into the intake manifold thus still creates a rich fuel system. c. All the fuel in the intake system becomes a fire hazard should it backfire through the intake side when trying to restart). 6. Turn fuel back on. 7. Set throttle for normal starting and idle position. (Very important so your plane doesn't try flying away without you). 8. Turn appropriate mags back on. 9. Prop normally. (it will start on the first or second blade every time. 10. Untie plane and fly away with a big smile on your face. Now you can log more time in the air than on the ground. Keep them flying friends. -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459795#459795 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Aug 23, 2016
Barry, You just hit on why my dads was hard to start when hot. We fixed his long ago. I just wanted to share and get folks thinking about what they are experiencing. All good stuff. There should be no reason to have a hard starting engine as long as everything is in proper working order. We just need to figure out what we are dealing with to prevent the hard starts. Cheers, -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459809#459809 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: Scott Knowlton <flyingscott_k(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 23, 2016
Further to Scott Liefeld's point about making sure everything is working on the little A65 I attended the Stromberg forum at Oshkosh this year. One other factor that can lead to poor hot starting and flooding is a leaky primer. We only want our primer to work when we want to prime. If it leaks past the plunge bulb we are unwittingly supplying raw fuel downstream of the carb which will both flood the engine and create potential fire hazard. There are lots of YouTube videos showing how to test and rebuild a Lufkin or other primer. The easiest test is to pull your primer line and see if it drops when the primer is in and locked. Just another thought. All great points today!!!! Scott K > On Aug 23, 2016, at 5:29 PM, AircamperN11MS wrote: > > > Barry, > > You just hit on why my dads was hard to start when hot. We fixed his long ago. I just wanted to share and get folks thinking about what they are experiencing. All good stuff. There should be no reason to have a hard starting engine as long as everything is in proper working order. We just need to figure out what we are dealing with to prevent the hard starts. > > Cheers, > > -------- > Scott Liefeld > Flying N11MS since March 1972 > Steel Tube > C-85-12 > Wire Wheels > Brodhead in 1996 > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459809#459809 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Steven Dortch <steven.d.dortch(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 23, 2016
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
My buddie's 1947 Aeronca Champ with 65HP continental starter was getting worn out, and would end up panting and laying in the shade of the wing before the engine would fire. So he bought brand new Slick mags and harnesses (they come as a set.) We had a lot of airport bum help putting them on and setting the timeing. They would not fire one lick. He announced that he was tired and we were done for the day and closed up shop. When all the advisors left, he reopened the doors and we pulled out the instructions, took the mags off and started from scratch. Sure enough, they fired first blade! It started so easy I jumped back. On my Piet it has newly overhauled mags but they were just stuck on the engine and not really installed. So I have that to look forward to. Blue Skies, Steve D. On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 4:14 PM, Barry Davis wrote: > > On my J3 Cub, it was became very difficult to crank while hot. I tried all > the stuff like 12 blades with fuel off, etc, etc, etc. The bottom line is > that the coils in my mags were breaking down. I cured the problem with a > Slick Mag Kit with new mags, wires and plugs. It now starts with one flip, > cold or hot, it doesn't matter. I fly my Grandkids a lot, so it was worth > the $$. > Barry > Big Piet NX973BP > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of > AircamperN11MS > Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 9:44 AM > To: pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Pietenpol-List: Hard Starting Cont. Engines > > --> > > Oscar, > > You mentioned that you have a hard time starting your engine when it is > hot. > Is it a case of it flooding easily? I have a sure fire way of correcting > this if it is your case. Maike Madrid would spend 1 or 2 hours trying to > start his Aircamper and FlyBaby after fuel stops. I showed him my > trick/method and he is on his way now every time without worry. > > Now on Dad's O-200, he had a bad Mag that we had to cool off the coil > before > it would restart. > > If yours is flooded, use this simple 10 step procedure. > > 1. Tie down the tail > 2. Shut off fuel > 3. Shut off Mags > 4. Open throttle halfway or more. (Very important to do). > 5. Pull the prop through 12 blades in the forward direction. (forward > direction is very important. It pushes the raw fuel out the exhaust > valves. > Some folks where taught to pull the prop through backwards. This is not > good for three reasons. a. It pushes all the oil out of the oil pump. b. it > pushes the raw fuel back into the intake manifold thus still creates a rich > fuel system. c. All the fuel in the intake system becomes a fire hazard > should it backfire through the intake side when trying to restart). > 6. Turn fuel back on. > 7. Set throttle for normal starting and idle position. (Very important so > your plane doesn't try flying away without you). > 8. Turn appropriate mags back on. > 9. Prop normally. (it will start on the first or second blade every time. > 10. Untie plane and fly away with a big smile on your face. > > Now you can log more time in the air than on the ground. > > Keep them flying friends. > > -------- > Scott Liefeld > Flying N11MS since March 1972 > Steel Tube > C-85-12 > Wire Wheels > Brodhead in 1996 > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459795#459795 > > -- Blue Skies, Steve D ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: The Jeep powered Pietenpol taxi test
From: "aviken" <aviken(at)hughes.net>
Date: Aug 23, 2016
I couldn't resist taxiing my Jeep powered pietenpol today though it was more for enjoyment than experimentation. I still have many small items to tidy up before I call my /Dar to check it out. I hope to fly it very soon. I wish I could add a photo but I simply can't, I am not smart enough to navigate the email list. Someone suggested I use my email to add photos, What the hell is that ? All I managed to do was get my email blown open with every list here. I cant find away to un-do that, so if anyone knows to remove me please be my guest. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459820#459820 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 23, 2016
OK, so first let's take care of the easy items. (1) I do not have a primer on my engine, don't need one, and if ya ain't got one, it can't leak. (2) the engine got brand-new Slick mags and harnesses when it was built back up, and of course new plugs, and everything is perfectly timed and gapped. It's not spark. Now to possible "other stuff" besides operator error. As far as advancing the throttle as the engine is spinning to a stop on dead mags, I've tried that and found it made matters worse because the engine just sucks more raw fuel into the chambers that way and it's all sitting there when I try the next start. I'll try it that way again next time I shut down at the hangar after a flight, but it's never worked for me in the past. As far as there not being a prime circuit open unless the throttle is partially cracked, I recognize most of the intricacies of the Stromberg carb and I am aware that there are two small ports in the carb throat, one on each side of the throttle plate when it is closed (throttle full aft to idle). This is by design, and the outer one pulls fuel till the throttle plate begins to open and there is enough impulse through the throat to pull fuel through the other, and those two provide fuel until there is enough impulse through the venturi for the engine to pull fuel through the main jet. All of this is designed to provide the proper air-fuel mixture from idle to WOT, or so I'm given to understand from all the literature. Some Strombergs will cause an engine stumble or hesitation at some point between coming off of idle and getting to WOT on takeoff, but that's a whole 'nother issue apart from starting. I think my problem is simply technique, and the technique that most interests me is Scott's 10-step narrative. The only new twist is the 12 blades in the forward direction. Like most other hand-proppers, I've always been told to pull the prop through *backwards* with the fuel shut off and throttle wide open, and that helps but there is still plenty of raw fuel in my air box so what I've been doing is leaving the fuel shut off after pulling it through a dozen blades, then just sitting under the wing for 5-7 minutes to let excess fuel evaporate, then making the mags hot with the throttle back to idle and propping it. That worked for me last time and I still had time after the engine caught to nudge the throttle and turn the fuel back on as the engine came to life. I will try Scott's 10-Step "Prop Starters Anonymous" drying-out procedure ;o) -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459824#459824 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Aug 24, 2016
Good morning Oscar, If your engine truly is flooded (which Im sure it is) this will be a big Ah Ha moment. It has never failed me. One other point that hasn't been brought up and I will because someone else brought up the mags. An A65 if put together proper only has one impulse coupling. It should be on the left mag. You should only be starting it on the left mag. If you are experiencing the prop kicking back and sneezing (if you will, the engine, not you) I would guess that you are trying to start it with both mags on. I have however seen engines put together with no impulse couplings or with two couplings. On experimental airplanes you never know what someone may have done. A series engine should only have one impulse coupling. (it should be on the left mag). C series engines should have two couplings. O-200 engines should have two couplings. The impulse couplings will retard the timing and fire the plugs late to prevent kick back when trying to start. Some old radials never had impulse couplings. They an be a real bugger to start. You need to wear your man shoes when starting these. Oh well, enough for this mornings chat. Cheers all, -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459834#459834 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 24, 2016
Scott: oh, no! You're sending me back to my books to read up on Continental ignition systems! Upper plugs, lower plugs, gapping, timing... I know my mags and plugs are set up just the way they're supposed to be but I did all of that work more than a couple of nights ago so I've forgotten it all ;o) Honestly, I *always* prop start it with the mags on Both, and I believe both of my Slicks have impulse couplings. However, this is a good time to learn something (and to teach something) about magneto ignitions, so I'm going to study up and report back. Meanwhile, we've got a couple of wildland fires burning around us so I get to watch a lot of round engines fly overhead as the tankers make their circuits to and from the fires. But I doubt that I could prop-start a P&W Double Wasp on a Convair 340, with or without impulse couplings ;o) -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459859#459859 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Jack Philips" <jack(at)bedfordlandings.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 25, 2016
Oscar, my A65 has Slick Mags, both with Impulse couplings. I start mine with the ignition switch set to BOTH. I have no problem with hot starts, as long as I give a really healthy swing to the prop (I can usually swing it hard enough to get it through two cylinders). If it doesn't start on the first pull when hot, I'm usually in for following the sequence Scott laid out. Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia -----Original Message----- From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of taildrags Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 12:41 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines --> Scott: oh, no! You're sending me back to my books to read up on Continental ignition systems! Upper plugs, lower plugs, gapping, timing... I know my mags and plugs are set up just the way they're supposed to be but I did all of that work more than a couple of nights ago so I've forgotten it all ;o) Honestly, I *always* prop start it with the mags on Both, and I believe both of my Slicks have impulse couplings. However, this is a good time to learn something (and to teach something) about magneto ignitions, so I'm going to study up and report back. Meanwhile, we've got a couple of wildland fires burning around us so I get to watch a lot of round engines fly overhead as the tankers make their circuits to and from the fires. But I doubt that I could prop-start a P&W Double Wasp on a Convair 340, with or without impulse couplings ;o) -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459859#459859 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 25, 2016
From: <marquez(at)att.net>
Subject: posting pictures
Hello, I get the following message when trying to add a picture to a post. Sorry, but the maximum filesize for all Attachments is reached. Please cont act the Board Administrator if you have questions. The picture=C2- is only 16K.=C2- The extension is .jpg=C2- Any sugges tions? Thank you,Larry Marquez ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Aug 25, 2016
Very good, I have seen dual impulse couplings on the A series like you guys have. Which is plenty fine on Experimental aircraft. On certified, It may not be legal. Depends on what the type certificate says. With the dual impulses it helps a lot during starting. Anyway, The fires have been awful all over the western states. We have had our share around here. They are doing taxiway work at our airport and the runway has been shortened from 7201' to 3500' keeping our firefighting aircraft off the field. Note: for me, it means that the runway is still 150' long and only 3500' wide now. Makes it tough in big crosswinds. :) Good luck Oscar. I think the starting procedures will cure you headache. Enough for now, -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459879#459879 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: posting pictures
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Aug 25, 2016
I'll try adding a pic. It won't add for me either. Strange. -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459880#459880 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 25, 2016
From: shad bell <aviatorbell(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:whi te !important; } Jack, do you have any clearance issues running a impulse on the right mag? =C2-Was reading up on it and saw some cautions about th e shaft hitting the forward side of the acc. Case.=C2-Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 9:17 AM, AircamperN11MS <Scott.liefeld@lacity .org> wrote: y.org> Very good, I have seen dual impulse couplings on the A series like you guys have.=C2 - Which is plenty fine on Experimental aircraft.=C2- On certified,=C2 - It may not be legal.=C2- Depends on what the type certificate says. W ith the dual impulses it helps a lot during starting.=C2- Anyway,=C2- The fires have been awful all over the western states. We have had our shar e around here.=C2- They are doing taxiway work at our airport and the run way has been shortened from 7201' to 3500' keeping our firefighting aircraf t off the field.=C2- Note: for me, it means that the runway is still 150' long and only 3500' wide now. Makes it tough in big crosswinds. :) Good luck Oscar.=C2- I think the starting procedures will cure you headac he.=C2- Enough for now, -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459879#459879 S - WIKI - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 25, 2016
OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have them on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the kit will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to install their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse on either the left or right mags, or on both. Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The impulse in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycoming adds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installation of an impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the right side if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impulse coupled magneto. I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "Speedbrake" <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Date: Aug 25, 2016
A little more to chew on... In the Maint. and Overhaul Man. for A-65 and-75, page 47: Item 35-2 Magneto, Eiseman R.H AM-4 (without impulse) 35-4 Magneto, Eiseman L.H. AM-4 (with impulse) This could be nothing more than calling out how the mags are depicted and not indicative to how they should be configured. -------- Mike Perez Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459900#459900 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Jack Philips" <jack(at)bedfordlandings.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 25, 2016
None that I=99ve noticed. Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of shad bell Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 10:34 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines Jack, do you have any clearance issues running a impulse on the right mag? Was reading up on it and saw some cautions about the shaft hitting the forward side of the acc. Case. Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 9:17 AM, AircamperN11MS > wrote: > Very good, I have seen dual impulse couplings on the A series like you guys have. Which is plenty fine on Experimental aircraft. On certified, It may not be legal. Depends on what the type certificate says. With the dual impulses it helps a lot during starting. Anyway, The fires have been awful all over the western states. We have had our share around here. They are doing taxiway work at our airport and the runway has been shortened from 7201' to 3500' keeping our firefighting aircraft off the field. Note: for me, it means that the runway is still 150' long and only 3500' wide now. Makes it tough in big crosswinds. :) Good luck Oscar. I think the starting procedures will cure you headache. Enough for now, -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459879#459879 nbsp; --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-Listhttp://forums.matronihtt p://wiki.matroni <http://wiki.matronics.com> -Mats.com/contribution" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution====== ======= ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 25, 2016
From: shad bell <aviatorbell(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:whi te !important; } I saw a page from Harry Fenton on this. I looked at my en gine and sure enough there is a "rib" in the casting on the forward side of the accessory case that protrudes much further on the right mag than the l eft. The nut on the end of the mag shaft that holds the gear on will touch with my eismans impulse mag. Slick mags may have more clearance thus allowi ng using an impulse on the right side. I believe this is only an issue on t he A series engines.=C2- Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 2:00 PM, Speedbrake wrote: t> A little more to chew on... In the Maint. and Overhaul Man. for A-65 and-75, page 47: Item 35-2 Magneto, Eiseman R.H AM-4 (without impulse) =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- 35-4 Magneto, Eiseman L.H. AM-4 (with impulse) This could be nothing more than calling out how the mags are depicted and n ot indicative to how they should be configured. -------- Mike Perez Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459900#459900 S - WIKI - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Aug 25, 2016
So, There are many different configurations of magnetos. If someone without a proper magneto O/H guide puts together parts from several different cores to build up one that works, you could have issues. I overhauled my mags last year. My mags had the proper dataplates on them for the engine. But after disassembly, I discovered that I had many of the wrong parts inside them. I did manage to rebuild them in the proper configuration to match the dataplate and configuration for my engine. One of the biggest issues was that I had the incorrect rotors in each of the mags. They come in different lengths and mine were not correct. Just this one item may cause a fit interference issue whether the gear goes in too far or not enough. So what I'm getting at is, follow the O/H manuals for the engine and accessories for you engine. The little Stromburg carburetors have a bunch of different configurations as well for each engine size. My engine ran great for a very long time with the mags put together incorrectly. It wasn't until I decided to overhaul them that I even knew they were not right. After the overhaul I gained 300 RPM on climb out. Now I am under propped but that is another story. In conclusion, If you are having any issues at all with engine performance, whether starting, idling, full power, stumbling, It's worth getting the book out and investigating your component part numbers and proper configuration. It just amazes me how much I learn every time I work on anything airplane related or otherwise. I love learning from other peoples experiences. I guess that's why I enjoy this forum so much. Just a note here. I am not an A&P nor do I pretend to be. I Have been a mechanic for most of my life and design fire apparatus for a living for the second largest Fire Department in the country. I have also been an EAA tech counselor for more than twenty years. I helped my dad build my Piet and my daughter helped me rebuild it back in the year 2000. What we do here is enjoy the opportunities this great country affords us. We just happen to like building and flying our own airplanes. Lets do it as safe as we can. Stuff to think about. :D -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459907#459907 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Louie Bakrevski <lupchob(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Oscar Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eisman mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. All of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non impulse mag. Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degrees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swing back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should started on left mag only. Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on both sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Bendix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , needs to be in right position. If you need more information you have to entice me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: > > > OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: > > "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have them on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the kit will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to install their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse on either the left or right mags, or on both. > > Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The impulse in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycoming adds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installation of an impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the right side if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impulse coupled magneto. > > I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 25, 2016
Louie, So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are running properly? Does anyone overhaul them? Thanks, Ray Krause A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote: > > > Oscar > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eisman mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. All of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non impulse mag. Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degrees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swing back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should started on left mag only. Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on both sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Bendix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , needs to be in right position. If you need more information you have to entice me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: >> >> >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: >> >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have them on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the kit will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to install their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse on either the left or right mags, or on both. >> >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The impulse in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycoming adds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installation of an impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the right side if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impulse coupled magneto. >> >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " >> >> -------- >> Oscar Zuniga >> Medford, OR >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 25, 2016
Louie: now you're singing my song! The engine that was originally on my airplane was a taper-shaft A65-8 and it had a Bendix-Scintilla lunch box on the starboard side and a Bendix S-series mag with impulse on the port side. This all makes sense with what you suggest about starting that engine setup on the left (impulse) side only, since hand-propping doesn't really spin the engine fast enough where the 30* BTC spark on the non-impulse lunchbox mag would get there in time to ignite the fully-compressed air-fuel mixture at TDC. It can, in fact, ignite the mixture early if the prop isn't spun briskly... resulting in kick-back, exactly as you mention. Did I mention that as a mechanical and electrical engineer, I *love* electromechanical machines??!! This is all good stuff...;o) -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459913#459913 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Semih Oksay <semihoksay(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Please forgive my ignorance. Is this the "Bendix luch box"=8B? Semih On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 6:12 AM, Ray Krause wrote: > raykrause(at)frontiernet.net> > > Louie, > > So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are > running properly? Does anyone overhaul them? > > Thanks, > > Ray Krause > A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. > > Sent from my iPad > > > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski > wrote: > > > lupchob(at)hotmail.com> > > > > Oscar > > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, > eisman mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 > mags. All of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right sid e > non impulse mag. Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NO T > have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 > degrees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props coul d > swing back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . > Should started on left mag only. Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could > usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse > coupling on both sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have pu sh > to start Bendix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is > jumper , needs to be in right position. If you need more information you > have to entice me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > > > Sent from my iPad > > > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: > >> > taildrags(at)hotmail.com> > >> > >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: > >> > >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have > them on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, > the kit will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to instal l > their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse o n > either the left or right mags, or on both. > >> > >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The > impulse in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so > Lycoming adds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the > installation of an impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the > right side if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for > mounting the second impulse coupled magneto. > >> > >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a > Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled > magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " > >> > >> -------- > >> Oscar Zuniga > >> Medford, OR > >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> Read this topic online here: > >> > >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== > > -- Semih Oksay ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "oldbird" <semihoksay(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Please forgive my ignorance. Is this the "Bendix lunch box"? Semih Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459914#459914 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "oldbird" <semihoksay(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Please forgive my ignorance. Is this the "Bendix luch box"? I was trying to attach photo but I couldn't. It is larger, ignition wires coming from the top, z-wire from the back. Heavier. Semih Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459915#459915 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 26, 2016
From: Michael Perez <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: AM-4 Overhaul
=C2-Rather than go further off topic on the Hot Engine Start thread, I th ought I'd start anew. Ray, overhauling the AM-4 is not difficult if you have the AM-4 overhaul ma nual AND the A65 overhaul manual. (Both available on-line in PDF form I bel ieve.) The AM-4 manual will get you through the overhaul and the A65 manual will assist with installation of the mag, timing, etc. I overhauled mine with no difficulty at all. /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAtAC0AAD/4R1sRXhpZgAATU0AKgAAAAgACQEPAAIAAAAGAAAIhgEQAAIA AAAXAAAIjAESAAMAAAABAAEAAAEyAAIAAAAUAAAIpAITAAMAAAABAAEAABABAAMAAAABBkAAABAC AAMAAAABBLAAAIdpAAQAAAABAAAIuOocAAcAAAgMAAAAegAAAAAc6gAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 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lP8ASmPQz7iLKs0M2cfebt+FV1vXVdpGVznb3P1qzPFL97YoPQJnhMetZs0byO2Gye74/lQ9QZ// 2Q= ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 26, 2016
From: shad bell <aviatorbell(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:whi te !important; } I just sent my eismans to aircraft systems Inc in Rockford IL. Overhaul is $300 per mag plus parts. Mine needed a rotor so I had to f ind another mag for parts. Most parts are still available but the rotor was not. I'm looking at about $1500 for my overhaul cost for the 2 mags. They have been sitting for 40 plus years before I got them and were on rough sha pe. Hope to get them back next week.=C2- Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:18 PM, Ray Krause wrote: > Louie, So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are run ning properly? Does anyone overhaul them? Thanks, Ray Krause A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote: > m> > > Oscar > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eisma n mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. A ll of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non imp ulse mag.=C2- Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degr ees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swin g back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should s tarted on left mag only.=C2- Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on b oth sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Ben dix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , ne eds to be in right position. If you need more information you have to entic e me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: >> > >> >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: >> >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have the m on both mags.=C2- If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the kit will come with two impulse coupled mags.=C2- If one wanted to ins tall their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impuls e on either the left or right mags, or on both.=C2- >> >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only.=C2- The i mpulse in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycomi ng adds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installatio n of an impulse coupling.=C2- A spacer could also be added to the right s ide if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impulse coupled magneto.=C2- >> >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " >> >> -------- >> Oscar Zuniga >> Medford, OR >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > S - WIKI - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Corvair College #39 Rescheduled for March 10-12, 2017
From: "jarheadpilot82" <jarheadpilot82(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 26, 2016
This posting just went out from William Wynne and I just want to put it in this forum in order to get the word out - Builders: We unfortunately have to postpone College #39 at Barnwell SC which was scheduled for November. We have previously had 7 outstanding Colleges at Barnwell, and P.F. Beck and crew have set the gold standard for hosting Colleges. However, Barnwell is a county airport, and it's operation is overseen by a local board. January 1, 2017 sees the arrival of a revised board which again welcomes our event. We looked at many dates, eliminating all the January and February dates because of the prevailing temperature We have selected March 10-12th, 2017 as the revised date for Corvair College #39. All other things about the event, the location, quality, facility and traditional welcome, will all remain the same. The choice to reschedule did not come lightly. All of us understand the level of prep work that builders have put in, and the time off from work and travel plans, etc. If there was some way to avoid this, or any other area location that could provide the same quality experience, we would have gladly taken that option over a postponement. After looking at all possible options, postponing the College was the only viable choice. I have spent many hours in discussion with Dan Weseman to provide options for builders who's projects would be delayed by the postponement, or people who can not adjust their scheduled travel. We are very serious about trying to accommodate every individual who doesn't have the option of attending the rescheduled event. While Barnwell has been and will remain the "flagship" Corvair College, and most people will opt to simply transfer their registration to the new date, Dan and I have spoken about running a Finishing School at the SPA/Panther facility in Green Cove Springs FL on the same date that CC#39 was originally scheduled for. We are 250 miles south of Barnwell, and this event would not be a full scale regular college, but it will be an option for builders put in a bind by the rescheduled date. After looking at your personal calendar, I need everyone who is signed up for CC#39 to choose one of the following options this week: 1) Select to attend Corvair College #39 at Barnwell on the rescheduled date in March 2017. Your registration costs will be directly applied, and you will be signed up for the new date, there will be no additional costs. 2) Select a refund for your registration costs. This will be sent back to you in full. Although we don't control the factor causing the postponement, I am more than willing to refund any builders sign up cost, it is just part of treating people as fairly as possible. Keep in mind that we have about 70 people already signed up for #39, and the physical limit of Barnwell is 90 builders. If you opt for a refund, I will gladly provide it, but I am going to announce the revised dates on my website shortly, and if we refund your sign up fee and later fill the college to capacity of 90, I will not be able to fit anyone else in at the revised dates. I understand this is short notice, but I really need everyone signed up for #39 to respond to with their choice to shelleytumino(at)gmail.com, by September 3rd. If you think that your choice hinges on the ability to attend the Florida Finishing School on the original date, please contact Dan, Rachel and I at this address: flywithspa.com/contact-us/ We will give you a quick answer on space available and if the phase of your engine build is better served by a full College or a Finishing School. Keep in mind that you can select to stay signed up for college #39 at the revised date, and potentially still attend the Finishing School. Again, my humble apologies for the problems this change in schedule will cause. While I can not change the situation, I am very willing to try to accommodate builders needs. Thanks in advance for your understanding on this. We don't control everything in life, but we do control how we react to it, and I am most appreciative of everyone's positive attitude about this situation. Thank you. William Wynne flycorvair.com/ - flycorvair.net/ -------- Semper Fi, Terry Hand Athens, GA Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459919#459919 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Jack Philips" <jack(at)bedfordlandings.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Why didn=99t you just buy new Slicks and save yourself about 8 lbs? I had Eismanns on my Cub years ago. They are VERY heavy Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of shad bell Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:39 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines I just sent my eismans to aircraft systems Inc in Rockford IL. Overhaul is $300 per mag plus parts. Mine needed a rotor so I had to find another mag for parts. Most parts are still available but the rotor was not. I'm looking at about $1500 for my overhaul cost for the 2 mags. They have been sitting for 40 plus years before I got them and were on rough shape. Hope to get them back next week. Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:18 PM, Ray Krause > wrote: > Louie, So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are running properly? Does anyone overhaul them? Thanks, Ray Krause A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski > wrote: > > > > Oscar > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eisman mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. All of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non impulse mag. Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degrees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swing back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should started on left mag only. Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on both sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Bendix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , needs to be in right position. If you need more information you have to entice me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags > wrote: >> > >> >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: >> >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have them on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the kit will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to install their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse on either the left or right mags, or on both. >> >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The impulse in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycoming adds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installation of an impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the right side if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impulse coupled magneto. >> >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " >> >> -------- >> Oscar Zuniga >> Medford, OR >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > &gcs.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.comp; &nhttp://====================== == <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 26, 2016
From: shad bell <aviatorbell(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:whi te !important; } I'd have to cut out my cowling for the shielded plugs to fit and repaint it. ""(Blisters) Just want to fly this little bugger before the snow comes back. I do have an old slick 4003 or 4001 forget which, fac tory rebuild from slick back in early 80's still in original box but it's s et up with impulse and has the mag drive gear on it for the a65. It just ne eds the harness. I may see if I can find a cap and harness on eBay and get the slick install kit from aircraft spruce and use it as a backup mag on th e bottom. Won't have any clearance issue on the bottom plugs.=C2- Besides I have to keep as much weight on the front of this thing after swap ping out the metal prop for a wooden one.=C2- Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Friday, August 26, 2016, 8:46 AM, Jack Philips wrote: Why didn=99t you just buy new Slicks and save yourself about 8 lbs? =C2- I had Eismanns on my Cub years ago.=C2- They are VERY heavy =C2- Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia =C2- From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-lis t-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of shad bell Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:39 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines =C2- I just sent my eismans to aircraft systems Inc in Rockford IL. Overhaul is $300 per mag plus parts. Mine needed a rotor so I had to find another mag f or parts. Most parts are still available but the rotor was not. I'm looking at about $1500 for my overhaul cost for the 2 mags. They have been sitting for 40 plus years before I got them and were on rough shape. Hope to get t hem back next week.=C2- =C2- Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:18 PM, Ray Krause wrote: > Louie, So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are run ning properly? Does anyone overhaul them? Thanks, Ray Krause A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote: > m> > > Oscar > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eisma n mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. A ll of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non imp ulse mag.=C2- Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degr ees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swin g back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should s tarted on left mag only.=C2- Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on b oth sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Ben dix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , ne eds to be in right position. If you need more information you have to entic e me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: >> > >> >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: >> >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have the m on both mags.=C2- If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the kit will come with two impulse coupled mags.=C2- If one wanted to ins tall their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impuls e on either the left or right mags, or on both.=C2- >> >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only.=C2- The i mpulse in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycomi ng adds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installatio n of an impulse coupling.=C2- A spacer could also be added to the right s ide if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impulse coupled magneto.=C2- >> >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " >> >> -------- >> Oscar Zuniga >> Medford, OR >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > &gcs.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.c omp; =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- &nhttp://====================== = =C2- ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 26, 2016
From: Michael Perez <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: AM-4 Overhaul
=C2-(Posting again without pictures because of rejected post...) =C2-Rather than go further off topic on the Hot Engine Start thread, I th ought I'd start anew. Ray, overhauling the AM-4 is not difficult if you have the AM-4 overhaul ma nual AND the A65 overhaul manual. (Both available on-line in PDF form I bel ieve.) The AM-4 manual will get you through the overhaul and the A65 manual will assist with installation of the mag, timing, etc. I overhauled mine with no difficulty at all. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 26, 2016
My AM-4's came off my Aeronca and they were supposedly overhauled just befor e I purchased the Aeronca. The AM-4 s worked fine on the Aeronca, but too m uch static to use a hand-held radio. I put new Slicks on the Aeronca. Now I can't get the mags to fire on the Piet. Most likely it's a hurl problem, but I wanted to check the spark strength. How can I do that? I do have the manuals for both the engine and the mags. Any help? Thanks, Ray Krause Sent from my iPad > On Aug 26, 2016, at 5:46 AM, Jack Philips wrote : > > Why didn=99t you just buy new Slicks and save yourself about 8 lbs? I had Eismanns on my Cub years ago. They are VERY heavy > > Jack Phillips > NX899JP > Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia > > From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-li st-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of shad bell > Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:39 AM > To: pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines > > I just sent my eismans to aircraft systems Inc in Rockford IL. Overhaul is $300 per mag plus parts. Mine needed a rotor so I had to find another mag f or parts. Most parts are still available but the rotor was not. I'm looking a t about $1500 for my overhaul cost for the 2 mags. They have been sitting fo r 40 plus years before I got them and were on rough shape. Hope to get them b ack next week. > > Shad > > > Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone > > On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:18 PM, Ray Krause <raykrause@frontiernet. net> wrote: > t> > > Louie, > > So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are ru nning properly? Does anyone overhaul them? > > Thanks, > > Ray Krause > A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. > > Sent from my iPad > > > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote : > > om> > > > > Oscar > > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eism an mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. A ll of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non impu lse mag. Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degr ees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swing back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should sta rted on left mag only. Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will hav e impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on both sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Bendix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , needs to be i n right position. If you need more information you have to entice me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > > > Sent from my iPad > > > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: > >> m> > >> > >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: > >> > >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have th em on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the k it will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to install their m ags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse on either t he left or right mags, or on both. > >> > >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The impul se in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycoming ad ds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installation of a n impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the right side if one s o desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impul se coupled magneto. > >> > >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming , but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is t he way they are typically configured. " > >> > >> -------- > >> Oscar Zuniga > >> Medford, OR > >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> Read this topic online here: > >> > >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > &gcs.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics. comp; &nhttp://============== ========= > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 26, 2016
From: shad bell <aviatorbell(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:whi te !important; } If it has an impulse you can turn the prop thru and pull a plug out and see if it sparks like we did as kids with dirt bike snowmob iles lawnmower etc. just make sure the either all plugs are removed or plug s are disconnected. Not sure how well this will indicate the condition of t he mag though.=C2- Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Friday, August 26, 2016, 11:19 AM, Ray Krause wrote: My AM-4's came off my Aeronca and they were supposedly overhauled just befo re I purchased the Aeronca. =C2-The AM-4 s worked fine on the Aeronca, bu t too much static to use a hand-held radio. =C2- I put new Slicks on the Aeronca. =C2-Now I can't get the mags to fire on the Piet. =C2-Most lik ely it's a hurl problem, but I wanted to check the spark strength. =C2-Ho w can I do that? I do have the manuals for both the engine and the mags.=C2- Any help? =C2-Thanks, Ray Krause Sent from my iPad On Aug 26, 2016, at 5:46 AM, Jack Philips wrote: -- _filtered {panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} _filtered {font-family:Calibri ;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:12.0pt;}a:link, span.MsoHyperlin k {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollow ed {color:purple;text-decoration:underline;}p.yahoo-quoted-begin, li.yahoo- quoted-begin, div.yahoo-quoted-begin {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font -size:12.0pt;}span.EmailStyle18 {color:#1F497D;}.MsoChpDefault {font-size:1 0.0pt;} _filtered {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;}div.WordSection1 {} Why didn=99t you just buy new Slicks and save yourself about 8 lbs? =C2- I had Eismanns on my Cub years ago.=C2- They are VERY heavy =C2- Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia =C2- From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-lis t-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of shad bell Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:39 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines =C2- I just sent my eismans to aircraft systems Inc in Rockford IL. Overhaul is $300 per mag plus parts. Mine needed a rotor so I had to find another mag f or parts. Most parts are still available but the rotor was not. I'm looking at about $1500 for my overhaul cost for the 2 mags. They have been sitting for 40 plus years before I got them and were on rough shape. Hope to get t hem back next week.=C2- =C2- Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:18 PM, Ray Krause wrote: > Louie, So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are run ning properly? Does anyone overhaul them? Thanks, Ray Krause A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote: > m> > > Oscar > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eisma n mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. A ll of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non imp ulse mag.=C2- Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degr ees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swin g back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should s tarted on left mag only.=C2- Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on b oth sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Ben dix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , ne eds to be in right position. If you need more information you have to entic e me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: >> > >> >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: >> >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have the m on both mags.=C2- If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the kit will come with two impulse coupled mags.=C2- If one wanted to ins tall their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impuls e on either the left or right mags, or on both.=C2- >> >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only.=C2- The i mpulse in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycomi ng adds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installatio n of an impulse coupling.=C2- A spacer could also be added to the right s ide if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impulse coupled magneto.=C2- >> >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " >> >> -------- >> Oscar Zuniga >> Medford, OR >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > &gcs.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.c omp; =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- &nhttp://====================== = =C2- ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 26, 2016
From: <r.r.hall(at)cox.net>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
You might want to be wary of using a 30+ year old mag without overhauling it. If nothing else the bearing grease has probably completely hardened and there could be other problems with the plastic parts depending on how it was stored (heat, ozone, humidity). Rodney Hall ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 26, 2016
From: shad bell <aviatorbell(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:whi te !important; } Yes definitely overhaul them. Mine ran fine on the ground but acted up in flight. I should've sent them in for overhaul Before my te st flight. I guess I was lucky and won't trust old mags that haven't been r ebuilt. Mine sat for at least 30-40 years. Before I flew them.=C2- Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Friday, August 26, 2016, 12:10 PM, r.r.hall(at)cox.net w rote: You might want to be wary of using a 30+ year old mag without overhauling i t. If nothing else the bearing grease has probably completely hardened and there could be other problems with the plastic parts depending on how it wa s stored (heat, ozone, humidity). Rodney Hall S - WIKI - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Louie Bakrevski <lupchob(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Ray My two cents worth. Most small mags like AM-4, slicks and Bendix S-20 And- 200. Need blast tubes. Eisemann AM-4 are small mags and do not get rid of h eat easily. Heat damages coils and that makes them hard to start. I strongl y suggest when using Small magnetos to use blast tubes. If you see any newe r production engines you will see b last tubes. Old engine that used Bendix SF4R-8 do not have blast tubes. Those big Lunch box mags because of their size and internal fan got rid of heat fairly effective. I have argued the n eed for blast tube with Slick representative few times and they no the prob lem. I usually put suspected mag on my mag tester and heated it up. see if spark gets week. Louie PS when in doubt change coil. Hard starting when hot is usually a bad coil. Also holding your mouth just right helps. ________________________________ From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com <owner-pietenpol-list-serve r(at)matronics.com> on behalf of Ray Krause Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 10:19 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines My AM-4's came off my Aeronca and they were supposedly overhauled just befo re I purchased the Aeronca. The AM-4 s worked fine on the Aeronca, but too much static to use a hand-held radio. I put new Slicks on the Aeronca. Now I can't get the mags to fire on the Piet. Most likely it's a hurl prob lem, but I wanted to check the spark strength. How can I do that? I do have the manuals for both the engine and the mags. Any help? Thanks, Ray Krause Sent from my iPad On Aug 26, 2016, at 5:46 AM, Jack Philips > wrote: Why didn=92t you just buy new Slicks and save yourself about 8 lbs? I had Eismanns on my Cub years ago. They are VERY heavy Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com<mailto:owner-pietenpol-list -server(at)matronics.com> [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] O n Behalf Of shad bell Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:39 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines I just sent my eismans to aircraft systems Inc in Rockford IL. Overhaul is $300 per mag plus parts. Mine needed a rotor so I had to find another mag f or parts. Most parts are still available but the rotor was not. I'm looking at about $1500 for my overhaul cost for the 2 mags. They have been sitting for 40 plus years before I got them and were on rough shape. Hope to get t hem back next week. Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:18 PM, Ray Krause > wrote: > Louie, So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are run ning properly? Does anyone overhaul them? Thanks, Ray Krause A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote: > m> > > Oscar > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eisma n mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. A ll of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non imp ulse mag. Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degr ees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swin g back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should s tarted on left mag only. Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on both s ides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Bendix s witch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , needs t o be in right position. If you need more information you have to entice me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: >> > >> >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: >> >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have the m on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the k it will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to install their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse on eithe r the left or right mags, or on both. >> >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The impuls e in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycoming ad ds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installation of an impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the right side if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second im pulse coupled magneto. >> >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " >> >> -------- >> Oscar Zuniga >> Medford, OR >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > &gcs.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List<http://gcs.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List>" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.comp; &nhttp:// ======================= <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Louie Bakrevski <lupchob(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 26, 2016
I have been using Eisemann trouble free for many years. Last year a broke i mpulse spring. But that can happen with any mag. I think Slick kit with plu gs and wires are around 3500.00 plus. That byes a lot of fuel. But a have a about 10 or 20+ Eisamann mags. Forgot to say that I'm AP IA. With 3 hanger s full junk ,I meant treasures. Only one AD on AM-4 coils and no ad on lunch box SF4 mags. But I'm old school Louie ________________________________ From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com <owner-pietenpol-list-serve r(at)matronics.com> on behalf of Jack Philips Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:46 AM Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines Why didn=92t you just buy new Slicks and save yourself about 8 lbs? I had Eismanns on my Cub years ago. They are VERY heavy Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-lis t-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of shad bell Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:39 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines I just sent my eismans to aircraft systems Inc in Rockford IL. Overhaul is $300 per mag plus parts. Mine needed a rotor so I had to find another mag f or parts. Most parts are still available but the rotor was not. I'm looking at about $1500 for my overhaul cost for the 2 mags. They have been sitting for 40 plus years before I got them and were on rough shape. Hope to get t hem back next week. Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:18 PM, Ray Krause > wrote: > Louie, So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are run ning properly? Does anyone overhaul them? Thanks, Ray Krause A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. Sent from my iPad > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote: > m> > > Oscar > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eisma n mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. A ll of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non imp ulse mag. Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degr ees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swin g back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should s tarted on left mag only. Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will have impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on both s ides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Bendix s witch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , needs t o be in right position. If you need more information you have to entice me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: >> > >> >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: >> >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have the m on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the k it will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to install their mags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse on eithe r the left or right mags, or on both. >> >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The impuls e in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycoming ad ds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installation of an impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the right side if one so desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second im pulse coupled magneto. >> >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming, but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is the way they are typically configured. " >> >> -------- >> Oscar Zuniga >> Medford, OR >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > &gcs.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics.c omp; &nhttp://============= <http://www.matronics.com/contribution> ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Semih: yes, you have described the Bendix "lunchbox" mag. If you go on eBay and look for item #131920162785, that is typical of them. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459935#459935 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: AM-4 Overhaul
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Good move, starting this as its own thread. Here's what my A&P said about the AM-4 mags, which agrees with what speedbrake just posted: "Some shops will still work on Eisemann mags, but I don't know which ones. Parts are available through Fresno Air Parts, and some parts are available through Aircraft Spruce. For the most part, they are a pretty simple mag that any competent A&P can repair. The exception is that it needs to go to a magneto shop to have the magnets re-magnetized if they are getting weak." -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459936#459936 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Aug 26, 2016
Louie, I was "told"these mags were overhauled three years ago and the AD is done. B ut I can't find any info on that in the logs, so I'm not sure. Is there a practical way to test the strength of the spark with the mags on t he engine? Is the spark produced by AC or DC? I assume AC, from my experien ces. I'm not too inspired to just hold on to the plug lead and check my refl ection in a mirror, or record a selfie video! I tried a voltage meter and one of the auto store lights that go in the lead . Maybe the light has to be in the dark? Thanks, Ray Krause Sent from my iPad > On Aug 26, 2016, at 12:27 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote: > > I have been using Eisemann trouble free for many years. Last year a broke i mpulse spring. But that can happen with any mag. I think Slick kit with plug s and wires are around 3500.00 plus. That byes a lot of fuel. But a have a a bout 10 or 20+ Eisamann mags. Forgot to say that I'm AP IA. With 3 hangers f ull junk ,I meant treasures. Only one AD on AM-4 coils > > and no ad on lunch box SF4 mags. But I'm old school Louie > > > From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com <owner-pietenpol-list-serv er(at)matronics.com> on behalf of Jack Philips > Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:46 AM > To: pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines > > Why didn=99t you just buy new Slicks and save yourself about 8 lbs? I had Eismanns on my Cub years ago. They are VERY heavy > > Jack Phillips > NX899JP > Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia > > From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-li st-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of shad bell > Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 7:39 AM > To: pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines > > I just sent my eismans to aircraft systems Inc in Rockford IL. Overhaul is $300 per mag plus parts. Mine needed a rotor so I had to find another mag f or parts. Most parts are still available but the rotor was not. I'm looking a t about $1500 for my overhaul cost for the 2 mags. They have been sitting fo r 40 plus years before I got them and were on rough shape. Hope to get them b ack next week. > > Shad > > > Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone > On Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:18 PM, Ray Krause <raykrause@frontiernet. net> wrote: > t> > > Louie, > > So how do you check the spark on Eismann A-4 mags to make sure they are ru nning properly? Does anyone overhaul them? > > Thanks, > > Ray Krause > A-65-8, Eismann mags, impulse on the left. > > Sent from my iPad > > > On Aug 25, 2016, at 5:53 PM, Louie Bakrevski wrote : > > om> > > > > Oscar > > Let's clarified that -8 cases only came with Bendix lunch box mags, eism an mags, case mags (they belong on orange ) tractors , s-200 or s-20 mags. A ll of this mags ONLY have impulse coupling on left side. Right side non impu lse mag. Slick mags have a impulse on BOTH mags. > > All of -8 mags and -9 mags are right turning mags. Lunch box mags do NOT have a impulse coupling on both mags, so you are starting at around 30 degr ees of BTC. You have to swing the prop with authority wood props could swing back. Eisman Bendix S-20 or 200 only have in pulse on left mag . Should sta rted on left mag only. Dash 12 cases C-75 ,C-85 C-90 could usually will hav e impulse coupling on both sides. If you have impulse coupling on both sides should be started on both mags. Now if you have push to start Bendix switch you have to make shure it's set up wright . There is jumper , needs to be i n right position. If you need more information you have to entice me wit few MGD. ( mighty good diner). Louie. > > Ps a have a ton of small continental pars and mags. > > > > Sent from my iPad > > > >> On Aug 25, 2016, at 10:20 AM, taildrags wrote: > >> m> > >> > >> OK, so this is from the A&P who overhauled my A75: > >> > >> "Continentals, if equipped with Impulse Couplers, almost always have th em on both mags. If you buy Slick magneto kit for an A series engine, the k it will come with two impulse coupled mags. If one wanted to install their m ags piecemeal, you could mount mags with no impulse, the impulse on either t he left or right mags, or on both. > >> > >> Lycoming engines come with the impulse on the left mag only. The impul se in the mags for a Lycoming engine takes up a bit of space, so Lycoming ad ds a spacer onto the left magneto mount to accommodate the installation of a n impulse coupling. A spacer could also be added to the right side if one s o desired, but would also require longer studs for mounting the second impul se coupled magneto. > >> > >> I've never seen anyone add a second impulse coupled mag onto a Lycoming , but on both A and C series Continentals, dual impulse coupled magnetos is t he way they are typically configured. " > >> > >> -------- > >> Oscar Zuniga > >> Medford, OR > >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> Read this topic online here: > >> > >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459890#459890 > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > &gcs.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List" target="_blank">http://www.matronics. comp; &nhttp://============== ========= > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 26, 2016
From: shad bell <aviatorbell(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: AM-4 Overhaul
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:whi te !important; } I'll keep my eismans till I can't find parts. Been workin g jets my whole career so I figured I would have a good shop go thru them f irst. Next time they Ned work I will take the time to relearn what I forgot from a&p school 20 years ago. Now that I'm buying aviation parts that Corv air mill on the front of the Piet looks better and better.=C2- Shad Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On Friday, August 26, 2016, 4:25 PM, taildrags wrot e: Good move, starting this as its own thread.=C2- Here's what my A&P said a bout the AM-4 mags, which agrees with what speedbrake just posted: "Some sh ops will still work on Eisemann mags, but I don't know which ones.=C2- Pa rts are available through Fresno Air Parts, and some parts are available th rough Aircraft Spruce.=C2- For the most part, they are a pretty simple ma g that any competent A&P can repair.=C2- The exception is that it needs t o go to a magneto shop to have the magnets re-magnetized if they are gettin g weak." -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459936#459936 S - WIKI - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 27, 2016
From: Michael Perez <speedbrake(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Louie, if you are ever interested in off - loading some of your AM-4 mags, please let me know off line. I would be interested in any A-65, AM-4, =C2 -NAS3 and=C2-MA-3PA (10-4233)=C2-=C2-parts you may want to "part" w ith...as it were. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Tail hinges - Memphis
From: "jerobbins79" <jerobbins3(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 27, 2016
Not sure how much my opinion counts but would be happy to assist. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459966#459966 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Babbitt or insert bearings
From: "Yankee Buzzard" <yankee_buzzard(at)cox.net>
Date: Aug 28, 2016
Hey all you model A guys in here. Are you going with babbitt bearings or bearing inserts. If inserts who do you have doing the machine work? Bill Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=459999#459999 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Babbitt or insert bearings
From: "tools" <n0kkj(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Aug 29, 2016
Have not had to make this decision, but have done a LOT of research... Insert bearings are superior to pure babbit. Bearings on turbines in nuclear power plants are similar, but WAY WAY bigger and ultimately technological. Furthermore, line boring a block, the process of enlarging the bearing seats for inserts, isn't that hard. Any decent machine shop can do it. Pure babbit is completely acceptable PROVIDING it's done correctly. I can and do pour babbit for woodworking machines. It's a dying art... AND requires a fair amount of specialized equipment and jigs do do a engine block. And then it needs to be line bored anyway. In this case the line boring aligns the bearings and puts them to size as they are not poured exactly to size. As you can see it's the same old same old. Total compromise. The cost of materials to pour is probably twenty bucks. The jigging is rare as hens teeth, although totally low tech. An amateur machinist could make the stuff for no money, just a lot of time at the lathe. Once a block is machined for inserts, it's really a no brainer and inserts aren't really that expensive. The key is finding a GOOD reliable machinist. Should I ever get around to rebuilding my model a, I'll probably try to pour it myself just for the satisfaction. Mistakes are easily repaired, just takes time. No wasted materials really. Tools Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460014#460014 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Tail hinges - Memphis
From: "tools" <n0kkj(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Aug 30, 2016
I'll be downtown memphis the afternoon of the 4th. Grab a beer and check them out? Mike Danford, 423 580 1383 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460054#460054 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Airport Courtesy Cars App/Website Update
From: "gbrasch" <gmbrasch(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 02, 2016
ACC's app is still free in the app stores, and on the web. Currently over 11,000 active pilots are using it, and several businesses and FBO' offer fuel and other product discounts. I recently added a Facebook page which will include updates and events. If you are on Facebook please take a look and like it at www.facebook.com/airportcourtesycars Thanks! -------- Glenn Brasch RV-9A Flying Medevac Helicopter Pilot (Ret) Owner, "Airport Courtesy Cars" Smart Phone App and www.airportcourtesycars.com Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460171#460171 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Tail hinges - Memphis
From: "Larry M" <marquez(at)att.net>
Date: Sep 06, 2016
Jim, Would like to hear your opinion. I sent my phone number via PM. Larry Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460300#460300 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Charles N. Campbell" <charlescampbell1924(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 06, 2016
Subject: Wire Sizes
I'm looking for help from someone who has wired up a Pietenpol having a Corvair engine. I wonder what size wire to use from the ignition switch to the small contact (the one going to the solenoid) on the starter (the front-mounted starter sold by William Wynne.) I have misplaced the instructions for the starter. I don't remember whether they covered the wire sizes. Chuck ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Sep 06, 2016
From: Hans van der Voort <nx15kv(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Wire Sizes
Chuck,=C2-That is a temporary load of less than 5 amp. 16 Gauge wire shou ld be OK=C2-Best regards=C2-Hans van der Voort=C2-NX15KV From: Charles N. Campbell <charlescampbell1924(at)gmail.com> To: "pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com" Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2016 11:37 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Wire Sizes I'm looking for help from someone who has wired up a Pietenpol having a Cor vair engine.=C2- I wonder what size wire to use from the ignition switch to the small contact (the one going to the solenoid) =C2-on the starter ( the front-mounted starter sold by William Wynne.) =C2-I have misplaced th e instructions for the starter.=C2- I don't remember whether they covered the wire sizes. Chuck ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ed KTOWN Knouse <ktown069(at)hotmail.com>
Subject: Clif's Piet July 2016
Date: Sep 07, 2016
Hi Clif=2C My sincere apologies for not contacting you sooner. I'm also having issues getting back on the Matronics-Pietenpol site as well. Can't log in! I've somehow lost your personal email and phone number...UGH! Can you please send it to me via this ktown069(at)hotmail.com email and/or via text to (703) 307-3955. I'm ready to talk all things Lycoming 290-G=2C We ight and Balance and also=2C what steel did you use for your wing/strut mou nts. I have on set of plans that calls for 14-18 gauge steel and another t hat calls for 4130 for EVERYTHING! I just had a set of wing/struts hardware made from a copy of the ones that were already made on a completed wing. My welder says that the original set was made out of A36 (mild steel)...tensile strength about 47K psi. I'm ho ping that will be stronger than the spruce so I don't have to pay for anoth er set to be fabricated out of 4130 Chrome Molly. What is a good time to call (what time zone are you in...I'm in Las Vegas a rea). Cheers=2CKTOWNPietenpol Air CamperWire rims"The Piety Project"/a.k.a. "The Fabulous Princess Di"Lycoming 290-G From: cdawson5854(at)shaw.ca Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Clif's Piet July 2016 Date: Fri=2C 22 Jul 2016 23:20:38 -0700 =0A =0A =0A =0A =0A =0A =0A Thanks Jack. It's an O-290.=0A =0A =0A =0A Very =0A nice=2C Clif. What Lycoming is that you=92ve got?=0A =0A Jack =0A Phillips=0A NX899JP=0A Smith =0A Mountain Lake=2C Virginia=0A =0A ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Steven Dortch <steven.d.dortch(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 09, 2016
Subject: Hold short on iPad operating system upgrade.
Just in case y'all missed it Foreflight is telling people to hold short before upgrading to iOS 10. Foreflight will test iOS 10 with foreflight and clear it for use. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Sep 09, 2016
From: Elizabeth Cooper <eacooper9(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Wire Sizes
Hi, IMO if Will Wynne sold you the starter, would he not be able to supply that information or even a new copy of the instructions? I'm just sayin'. Good luck with it. Scott -------------------------------------------- On Tue, 9/6/16, Charles N. Campbell wrote: Subject: Pietenpol-List: Wire Sizes To: "pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com" Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 12:37 PM I'm looking for help from someone who has wired up a Pietenpol having a Corvair engine. I wonder what size wire to use from the ignition switch to the small contact (the one going to the solenoid) on the starter (the front-mounted starter sold by William Wynne.) I have misplaced the instructions for the starter. I don't remember whether they covered the wire sizes. Chuck ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Gardiner Mason <airlion2(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest: 0 Msgs - 09/08/16
Date: Sep 10, 2016
Sent from my iPad > On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:02 AM, Pietenpol-List Digest Server wrote: > > * > > ================================================= > Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive > ================================================= > > Today's complete Pietenpol-List Digest can also be found in either of the > two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted > in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes > and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version > of the Pietenpol-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor > such as Notepad or with a web browser. > > HTML Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 16-09-08&Archive=Pietenpol > > Text Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 16-09-08&Archive=Pietenpol > > > =============================================== > EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive > =============================================== > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Pietenpol-List Digest Archive > --- > Total Messages Posted Thu 09/08/16: 0 > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > > Today's Message Index: > ---------------------- > > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Gardiner Mason <airlion2(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest: 0 Msgs - 09/08/16
Date: Sep 10, 2016
Sent from my iPad > On Sep 9, 2016, at 3:02 AM, Pietenpol-List Digest Server wrote: > > * > > ================================================= > Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive > ================================================= > > Today's complete Pietenpol-List Digest can also be found in either of the > two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted > in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes > and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version > of the Pietenpol-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor > such as Notepad or with a web browser. > > HTML Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 16-09-08&Archive=Pietenpol > > Text Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 16-09-08&Archive=Pietenpol > > > =============================================== > EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive > =============================================== > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Pietenpol-List Digest Archive > --- > Total Messages Posted Thu 09/08/16: 0 > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > > Today's Message Index: > ---------------------- > > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Sep 10, 2016
Scott Liefeld is my new best friend!!! Flooded the engine and decided to try the method Scott described, although I didn't hold out much hope that it would work. Pulled it through the prescribed TWELVE blades in the forward direction (twelve is a lot of blades!), made the mags hot, and voila-! She fired on the first pull, as advertised! Thank you, Scott. Put 1.6 in the logbook after a very enjoyable flight. My first in a LONG time, actually, and the day was perfect for Pietenpoling. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460396#460396 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Sep 10, 2016
Was that 12 blades with the throttle wide open? That many blades would not be so bad if your engine was worn out, like most old Piet engines! Fly the damn thing more! Thanks, I'm getting old, Ray Krause Sent from my iPad > On Sep 10, 2016, at 5:11 PM, taildrags wrote: > > > Scott Liefeld is my new best friend!!! Flooded the engine and decided to try the method Scott described, although I didn't hold out much hope that it would work. Pulled it through the prescribed TWELVE blades in the forward direction (twelve is a lot of blades!), made the mags hot, and voila-! She fired on the first pull, as advertised! Thank you, Scott. > > Put 1.6 in the logbook after a very enjoyable flight. My first in a LONG time, actually, and the day was perfect for Pietenpoling. > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460396#460396 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Sep 10, 2016
Ray: yes, that was with the throttle wide open, but pulling the prop through to clear excess fuel doesn't mean throwing yourself into it... just pulling it through. And my A75 is still quite tight... only about 160 hours on the tach since the engine was converted to an A75 and rebuilt back to zero time. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460403#460403 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Sep 10, 2016
Oscar, I looked it up: 12 blades forward with the throttle open, not necessarily WOT, fuel off, mags off. Start with throttle in normal low RPM range....a little open. Thanks, Ray Sent from my iPad > On Sep 10, 2016, at 7:28 PM, Ray Krause wrote: > > > Was that 12 blades with the throttle wide open? That many blades would not be so bad if your engine was worn out, like most old Piet engines! Fly the damn thing more! > > Thanks, I'm getting old, > > Ray Krause > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Sep 10, 2016, at 5:11 PM, taildrags wrote: >> >> >> Scott Liefeld is my new best friend!!! Flooded the engine and decided to try the method Scott described, although I didn't hold out much hope that it would work. Pulled it through the prescribed TWELVE blades in the forward direction (twelve is a lot of blades!), made the mags hot, and voila-! She fired on the first pull, as advertised! Thank you, Scott. >> >> Put 1.6 in the logbook after a very enjoyable flight. My first in a LONG time, actually, and the day was perfect for Pietenpoling. >> >> -------- >> Oscar Zuniga >> Medford, OR >> Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" >> A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460396#460396 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
Date: Sep 10, 2016
Thanks, you're the MAN! Ray Sent from my iPad > On Sep 10, 2016, at 7:52 PM, taildrags wrote: > > > Ray: yes, that was with the throttle wide open, but pulling the prop through to clear excess fuel doesn't mean throwing yourself into it... just pulling it through. And my A75 is still quite tight... only about 160 hours on the tach since the engine was converted to an A75 and rebuilt back to zero time. > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460403#460403 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: afternoon flying
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Sep 11, 2016
Pretty quiet on the list, so I don't feel too bad posting about just an ordinary afternoon flight. As I wrote yesterday, Scott's "flooded engine start" routine worked perfectly and I put three landings and 1.6 hr in the logbook. I now know for sure that I'm going to rig up an air/oil separator for my crankcase breather. It's just a fine mist that the propwash picks up in cruise flight and brings up onto the port side of the passenger's windscreen, but after an hour or more in cruise, it begins to get noticeable. I'm going to fabricate a separator to mount to the firewall to put an end to it. I forgot that I was going to put a level on my top longeron in cruise flight to see what angle the fuselage is at in cruise. As I mentioned in another post when the subject came up, I have a very nice little (free) app on my iPhone that gives both a digital readout as well as a "bubble" analog picture of the angle, and the numbers are big enough that I can read them without my reading glasses. I don't remember who had asked about the fuselage attitude in flight, but I've been curious to find out. I'll try to remember it next time. Nothing extraordinary about my afternoon flight. The first leg was over to Beagle Sky Ranch (OR96), a one-way dirt strip, for a pretty decent landing and takeoff. Next leg was over to Prospect (64S), a nice little 4000x50 paved strip in some very scenic country. Lost Creek Lake is on the way over there and one end of the strip is at the edge of a steep dropoff to Mill Creek Falls and the "Avenue of the Boulders" on the Rogue River. It's always gusty there on a warm afternoon and I admit that I ballooned pretty good on initial flare and also on the first bounce, but saved it and lived to fly again ;o) My third and final landing was back home at Rogue Valley International... main runway is 8800x150 and you really have to try hard to mess up so badly that you have to go around. My guess is that you could blow a half-dozen approaches one after the other, save each one, power back up after you save one, and still not run off the far end of the runway. Don't ask me how I know ;o) This time all I needed was 1.5 landings to stick it onto the pavement and make the turnoff at A3 (less than 2000' from the numbers). You really get spoiled on big wide runways when you make your final approach almost at cruise speed, come down with big bright PAPI lights with the throttle still in, and just pull the power over the numbers and start scrubbing off speed. I have to keep telling myself not to carry too much airspeed on final and to keep the stick coming back. It's just hard to do when there is a regional jet full of passengers fanning themselves holding for takeoff behind you and the runway distance markers just seem to be creeping by. My final comment: I was absolutely flabbergasted when I saw how many new marijuana grows have sprung up around the Rogue Valley just in the last 6-9 months. They are everywhere! So much for Oregon's once-famous Christmas tree farms... "Cannabis Green" is the new state color. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460421#460421 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Ray Krause <raykrause(at)frontiernet.net>
Subject: Re: afternoon flying
Date: Sep 12, 2016
Thanks, Oscar! I needed that. Keep it up and you will have me back on my project! Ray Krause SkyScout project Sent from my iPad > On Sep 11, 2016, at 9:17 PM, taildrags wrote: > > > Pretty quiet on the list, so I don't feel too bad posting about just an ordinary afternoon flight. As I wrote yesterday, Scott's "flooded engine start" routine worked perfectly and I put three landings and 1.6 hr in the logbook. I now know for sure that I'm going to rig up an air/oil separator for my crankcase breather. It's just a fine mist that the propwash picks up in cruise flight and brings up onto the port side of the passenger's windscreen, but after an hour or more in cruise, it begins to get noticeable. I'm going to fabricate a separator to mount to the firewall to put an end to it. > > I forgot that I was going to put a level on my top longeron in cruise flight to see what angle the fuselage is at in cruise. As I mentioned in another post when the subject came up, I have a very nice little (free) app on my iPhone that gives both a digital readout as well as a "bubble" analog picture of the angle, and the numbers are big enough that I can read them without my reading glasses. I don't remember who had asked about the fuselage attitude in flight, but I've been curious to find out. I'll try to remember it next time. > > Nothing extraordinary about my afternoon flight. The first leg was over to Beagle Sky Ranch (OR96), a one-way dirt strip, for a pretty decent landing and takeoff. Next leg was over to Prospect (64S), a nice little 4000x50 paved strip in some very scenic country. Lost Creek Lake is on the way over there and one end of the strip is at the edge of a steep dropoff to Mill Creek Falls and the "Avenue of the Boulders" on the Rogue River. It's always gusty there on a warm afternoon and I admit that I ballooned pretty good on initial flare and also on the first bounce, but saved it and lived to fly again ;o) > > My third and final landing was back home at Rogue Valley International... main runway is 8800x150 and you really have to try hard to mess up so badly that you have to go around. My guess is that you could blow a half-dozen approaches one after the other, save each one, power back up after you save one, and still not run off the far end of the runway. Don't ask me how I know ;o) This time all I needed was 1.5 landings to stick it onto the pavement and make the turnoff at A3 (less than 2000' from the numbers). You really get spoiled on big wide runways when you make your final approach almost at cruise speed, come down with big bright PAPI lights with the throttle still in, and just pull the power over the numbers and start scrubbing off speed. I have to keep telling myself not to carry too much airspeed on final and to keep the stick coming back. It's just hard to do when there is a regional jet full of passengers fanning themselves holding for takeoff behind you and th! > e runway distance markers just seem to be creeping by. > > My final comment: I was absolutely flabbergasted when I saw how many new marijuana grows have sprung up around the Rogue Valley just in the last 6-9 months. They are everywhere! So much for Oregon's once-famous Christmas tree farms... "Cannabis Green" is the new state color. > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460421#460421 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Charles N. Campbell" <charlescampbell1924(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 12, 2016
Subject: Re: afternoon flying
Yeah!. Oscar, Keep those fingers flying on the keys! It makes those of us who lose interest in our Piet projects get our noses back to the grind stone. Incidentally, I was hoping to fly mine this summer but I have moved the projected project completion to the Fall of 2016. Will let you know if it gets pushed out any further. Chuck On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Ray Krause wrote: > raykrause(at)frontiernet.net> > > Thanks, Oscar! I needed that. Keep it up and you will have me back on my > project! > > Ray Krause > SkyScout project > > Sent from my iPad > > > On Sep 11, 2016, at 9:17 PM, taildrags wrote: > > > > > > > > Pretty quiet on the list, so I don't feel too bad posting about just an > ordinary afternoon flight. As I wrote yesterday, Scott's "flooded engine > start" routine worked perfectly and I put three landings and 1.6 hr in the > logbook. I now know for sure that I'm going to rig up an air/oil separator > for my crankcase breather. It's just a fine mist that the propwash picks > up in cruise flight and brings up onto the port side of the passenger's > windscreen, but after an hour or more in cruise, it begins to get > noticeable. I'm going to fabricate a separator to mount to the firewall to > put an end to it. > > > > I forgot that I was going to put a level on my top longeron in cruise > flight to see what angle the fuselage is at in cruise. As I mentioned in > another post when the subject came up, I have a very nice little (free) app > on my iPhone that gives both a digital readout as well as a "bubble" analog > picture of the angle, and the numbers are big enough that I can read them > without my reading glasses. I don't remember who had asked about the > fuselage attitude in flight, but I've been curious to find out. I'll try > to remember it next time. > > > > Nothing extraordinary about my afternoon flight. The first leg was over > to Beagle Sky Ranch (OR96), a one-way dirt strip, for a pretty decent > landing and takeoff. Next leg was over to Prospect (64S), a nice little > 4000x50 paved strip in some very scenic country. Lost Creek Lake is on the > way over there and one end of the strip is at the edge of a steep dropoff > to Mill Creek Falls and the "Avenue of the Boulders" on the Rogue River. > It's always gusty there on a warm afternoon and I admit that I ballooned > pretty good on initial flare and also on the first bounce, but saved it and > lived to fly again ;o) > > > > My third and final landing was back home at Rogue Valley > International... main runway is 8800x150 and you really have to try hard to > mess up so badly that you have to go around. My guess is that you could > blow a half-dozen approaches one after the other, save each one, power back > up after you save one, and still not run off the far end of the runway. > Don't ask me how I know ;o) This time all I needed was 1.5 landings to > stick it onto the pavement and make the turnoff at A3 (less than 2000' from > the numbers). You really get spoiled on big wide runways when you make > your final approach almost at cruise speed, come down with big bright PAPI > lights with the throttle still in, and just pull the power over the numbers > and start scrubbing off speed. I have to keep telling myself not to carry > too much airspeed on final and to keep the stick coming back. It's just > hard to do when there is a regional jet full of passengers fanning > themselves holding for takeoff behind you and ! > th! > > e runway distance markers just seem to be creeping by. > > > > My final comment: I was absolutely flabbergasted when I saw how many new > marijuana grows have sprung up around the Rogue Valley just in the last 6-9 > months. They are everywhere! So much for Oregon's once-famous Christmas > tree farms... "Cannabis Green" is the new state color. > > > > -------- > > Oscar Zuniga > > Medford, OR > > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460421#460421 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Jack Textor <jack(at)textors.com>
Subject: Re: afternoon flying
Date: Sep 12, 2016
Thank you Oscar for all your input and inspiration! Much needed at this stage of my build. Jack Textor Sent from my iPad > On Sep 11, 2016, at 11:17 PM, taildrags wrote: > > > Pretty quiet on the list, so I don't feel too bad posting about just an ordinary afternoon flight. As I wrote yesterday, Scott's "flooded engine start" routine worked perfectly and I put three landings and 1.6 hr in the logbook. I now know for sure that I'm going to rig up an air/oil separator for my crankcase breather. It's just a fine mist that the propwash picks up in cruise flight and brings up onto the port side of the passenger's windscreen, but after an hour or more in cruise, it begins to get noticeable. I'm going to fabricate a separator to mount to the firewall to put an end to it. > > I forgot that I was going to put a level on my top longeron in cruise flight to see what angle the fuselage is at in cruise. As I mentioned in another post when the subject came up, I have a very nice little (free) app on my iPhone that gives both a digital readout as well as a "bubble" analog picture of the angle, and the numbers are big enough that I can read them without my reading glasses. I don't remember who had asked about the fuselage attitude in flight, but I've been curious to find out. I'll try to remember it next time. > > Nothing extraordinary about my afternoon flight. The first leg was over to Beagle Sky Ranch (OR96), a one-way dirt strip, for a pretty decent landing and takeoff. Next leg was over to Prospect (64S), a nice little 4000x50 paved strip in some very scenic country. Lost Creek Lake is on the way over there and one end of the strip is at the edge of a steep dropoff to Mill Creek Falls and the "Avenue of the Boulders" on the Rogue River. It's always gusty there on a warm afternoon and I admit that I ballooned pretty good on initial flare and also on the first bounce, but saved it and lived to fly again ;o) > > My third and final landing was back home at Rogue Valley International... main runway is 8800x150 and you really have to try hard to mess up so badly that you have to go around. My guess is that you could blow a half-dozen approaches one after the other, save each one, power back up after you save one, and still not run off the far end of the runway. Don't ask me how I know ;o) This time all I needed was 1.5 landings to stick it onto the pavement and make the turnoff at A3 (less than 2000' from the numbers). You really get spoiled on big wide runways when you make your final approach almost at cruise speed, come down with big bright PAPI lights with the throttle still in, and just pull the power over the numbers and start scrubbing off speed. I have to keep telling myself not to carry too much airspeed on final and to keep the stick coming back. It's just hard to do when there is a regional jet full of passengers fanning themselves holding for takeoff behind you and th! > e runway distance markers just seem to be creeping by. > > My final comment: I was absolutely flabbergasted when I saw how many new marijuana grows have sprung up around the Rogue Valley just in the last 6-9 months. They are everywhere! So much for Oregon's once-famous Christmas tree farms... "Cannabis Green" is the new state color. > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460421#460421 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Wood straight axle or split landing gear?
From: "hall698" <webdatasoft(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Sep 12, 2016
I am steadily working my way towards the time to decide which landing gear type to go with. As with the nature of the question I confess that I am a new to building aircraft. Is one better than the other? I like the nostalgia of the wood, but have concerns over rough landings. Thoughts? Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460452#460452 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Wood straight axle or split landing gear?
From: "tools" <n0kkj(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 12, 2016
I like the wood gear on the Piet. It IS plenty strong, no worries there. On the practical side, wood gear is somewhat easier in that you can't misalign it, making for a poor ground handling plane. No welding required at all if that's a concern. On the other hand, the small wide aircraft tires are easier landing than the tall narrow ones IF the gear is aligned properly. So what it comes down to is which are you more comfortable making, and which looks best to you. Tools Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460453#460453 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Hard Starting Cont. Engines
From: "AircamperN11MS" <Scott.liefeld(at)lacity.org>
Date: Sep 13, 2016
Oscar, Glad it worked for you. You can try using fewer blades as time goes on. Maybe next time use 11 blade, then ten and so on. My plane needs 10 blades. anything less and it was all for nothing. Your results may vary. I'm happy it worked for you. Now you can fly more. Now you will look like a professional when it comes to propping aircraft. Happy landings, -------- Scott Liefeld Flying N11MS since March 1972 Steel Tube C-85-12 Wire Wheels Brodhead in 1996 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460459#460459 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: joining the fuse halves
From: "Pocono John" <tinmotion(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 14, 2016
I'm about to join both fuselage halves. I brought both tail posts together to see how well the edges of the fuselage sides line up with marks I made (showing where the cross struts go). It seems like my sides are just inside my marks. It'll actually be more pronounced as I've not yet sanded the tail posts and they're still 1" wide each. So, if I make the cross struts first, it seems my sides will make a bit of a steeper bend to meet at the tail. Should I just bring the tail posts together, sand to 1" total, then fit in the cross struts? Thank you. -------- John Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460473#460473 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: joining the fuse halves
From: "Catdesigns" <Catdesigns(at)att.net>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
I think I put spacers between the two sides so it bent a bit closer to the true dimensions but still a smooth curve. Sanded the tail to 1-inch wide and glued together. Then I added the cross braces. Don't force the cross pieces in or you can twist the fuselage. -------- Chris Sacramento, CA WestCoastPiet.com Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460479#460479 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Wood straight axle or split landing gear?
From: "Catdesigns" <Catdesigns(at)att.net>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
Agree with Tools 100%. I will add that the split axle gear is probably lighter. -------- Chris Sacramento, CA WestCoastPiet.com Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460480#460480 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: TC Pitenpol
From: "oldbird" <semihoksay(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
I started the wings, finally. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460483#460483 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/img_4362_custom_193.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: joining the fuse halves
From: "Pocono John" <tinmotion(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
Thank you Chris. I'll give that a try. -------- John Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460486#460486 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Jack Textor <jack(at)textors.com>
Subject: Re: TC Pitenpol
Date: Sep 15, 2016
Very nice Semih! What is your reason for the hanging weights on the tip and trailing edges? Jack Textor Sent from my iPad > On Sep 15, 2016, at 12:05 PM, oldbird wrote: > > > I started the wings, finally. > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460483#460483 > > > > > Attachments: > > http://forums.matronics.com//files/img_4362_custom_193.jpg > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: joining the fuse halves
From: "tools" <n0kkj(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
I had to replace a tail post that got ripped out, scarfing in all four longerons. I clamped them together, full width. Then ran down the joint with a circular saw. Now they were 3/32 (a saw blade kerf width) apart. Reclamped until touching, lather rinse repeat until they were one inch total. Worked quite well. Tools Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460497#460497 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: joining the fuse halves
From: "Pocono John" <tinmotion(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
Thank you for that suggestion Tools. I thought of that, but I decided to make a board tall enough to reach the top of the tail and long enough to make a handhold in. I'll glue sandpaper to both sides of that board and clamp the two tail posts against it. I'll run the sandpaper board through there and sand them down, re-clamping to keep it tight. My main concern is the shape of the fuselage. I think if I make the sides fit to my marks (based on plans measurements), that last part by the tail will bend a bit too steeply. I'm going to cut regular lumber to the size of the cross pieces, place them in the correct locations, and see what I end up with; if the tail meets OK. -------- John Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460503#460503 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: joining the fuse halves
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
Tools: if you don't mind my asking, how did you keep the clamped tailpost halves from binding the saw blade as you started in with your cut? I could see how you might slip some shims into the cut behind the blade, but if I were to try that trick I'd probably just end up with blade burns, which are not conducive to the wood taking up glue. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460509#460509 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: TC Pitenpol
From: "oldbird" <semihoksay(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
Hi Jack Thanks for your comment. When I cut the bottom capstrip for the fittings and spars, front and rear of the butt rib flexed up a little. When epoxying it in place, I hung the weights to get it back to the original shape. Now it is ok and no more weights. Semih Oksay Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460511#460511 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Glen Schweizer <glenschweizer(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
Subject: Re: TC Pitenpol
Hi Semih Your work looks excellent. One day you'll have a fine airplane. Where did you get plans for your spars? Glen > On Sep 15, 2016, at 10:06 PM, oldbird wrote: > > > Hi Jack > > Thanks for your comment. > When I cut the bottom capstrip for the fittings and spars, front and rear of the butt rib flexed up a little. When epoxying it in place, I hung the weights to get it back to the original shape. Now it is ok and no more weights. > > Semih Oksay > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460511#460511 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: TC Pitenpol
From: "oldbird" <semihoksay(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 15, 2016
Thank you Glen. I designed them myself. If you like, I have the cad drawings of everything I built. Also, the ribs are not original except for the profile. Semih Oksay Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460514#460514 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: joining the fuse halves
From: "tools" <n0kkj(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 16, 2016
Clamped just enough basically. Actually stabilized the clamping a few inches from the back with jam pieces kind of thing. I've been known to use a circular saw like some folks use a Dremel tool.... Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460539#460539 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: joining the fuse halves
From: "tools" <n0kkj(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 16, 2016
Clamped just enough basically. Actually stabilized the clamping a few inches from the back with jam pieces kind of thing. I've been known to use a circular saw like some folks use a Dremel tool.... Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460540#460540 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: joining the fuse halves
From: "aviken" <aviken(at)hughes.net>
Date: Sep 17, 2016
I like that Tools, I have been known to use tools a little un-conventionally my self from time to time Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460549#460549 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: MacBook Pro <dboarder(at)internode.on.net>
Subject: Fuselage joining
Date: Sep 18, 2016
Hi Pieters, In joining the two fuselage sides, I placed the =BD in x 1in struts and braces in the vertical, ie, with the =91thin=92 side to the gusset. I=92ve been told this is incorrect as there is only half the surface area to the gusset compared with the other way round. Looking at various construction photos on West Coast Piet and this forum, I have noticed that others have appeared to do the same as I have. Is there a =91correct=92 way? Do I need to re-do the construction? I=92d rather do it before I go any further, if it needs to be done. Regards, David Boarder (Tasmania) ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Jack Philips" <jack(at)bedfordlandings.com>
Subject: Fuselage joining
Date: Sep 18, 2016
David, I did mine as you did, with the 1=94 dimension aligned with the width of the longerons. This is the correct way to do it so that gussets on the interior of the fuselage can be applied across the longerons and the braces and verticals. See photo below: Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of MacBook Pro Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2016 6:33 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Fuselage joining Hi Pieters, In joining the two fuselage sides, I placed the =BD in x 1in struts and braces in the vertical, ie, with the =91thin=92 side to the gusset. I=92ve been told this is incorrect as there is only half the surface area to the gusset compared with the other way round. Looking at various construction photos on West Coast Piet and this forum, I have noticed that others have appeared to do the same as I have. Is there a =91correct=92 way? Do I need to re-do the construction? I=92d rather do it before I go any further, if it needs to be done. Regards, David Boarder (Tasmania) ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Glen Schweizer <glenschweizer(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Fuselage joining
Date: Sep 18, 2016
I added space blocks inside of the "v"shape and 1/8"ply gussets top and bott om of the fuse. Ain't goin no where Glen > On Sep 18, 2016, at 4:22 AM, Jack Philips wrote : > > David, > > I did mine as you did, with the 1=9D dimension aligned with the widt h of the longerons. This is the correct way to do it so that gussets on the interior of the fuselage can be applied across the longerons and the braces and verticals. See photo below: > > > > Jack Phillips > NX899JP > Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia > > From: owner-pietenpol-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-li st-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of MacBook Pro > Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2016 6:33 AM > To: pietenpol-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Pietenpol-List: Fuselage joining > > Hi Pieters, > In joining the two fuselage sides, I placed the =C2=BD in x 1in struts and braces in the vertical, ie, with the =98thin=99 side to the gus set. I=99ve been told this is incorrect as there is only half the sur face area to the gusset compared with the other way round. Looking at vario us construction photos on West Coast Piet and this forum, I have noticed tha t others have appeared to do the same as I have. > Is there a =98correct=99 way? > Do I need to re-do the construction? I=99d rather do it before I go a ny further, if it needs to be done. > Regards, > David Boarder (Tasmania) > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Fuselage joining
From: "Pocono John" <tinmotion(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 18, 2016
Here's my photos: http://imageevent.com/hatz/piet/fuselage -------- John Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460562#460562 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: electronic item for peace
From: "jamlieleven" <jamlieleven(at)muchomail.com>
Date: Sep 18, 2016
Mobile phone is a very helpful device, but it will become our trouble if it is used incorrectly-so we need mobile phone jammer (http://www.skybuying.com/category-177-b0.html) in many places. For example, when you are watching an Olympic games, will you get mad if suddenly a mobile phone rings beside you? In a football game, will it disappoint you if the team that you like is going to shoot when a man near you start talking to his mobile phone loudly? Is there a sample way to get you out of mobile phone noise? Yes, the solution is mobile phone jammer. All of us like mobile phones, today we depend on the mobile phones too much that we could not live without mobile phones. But it is not good to use mobile phones at any time in many situations. There are many other places that mobile phone is not welcome besides of the gymnasium. That kind of places include exam room, hospital, library, restaurant, gas station, law court, theatre, lounge, concert, gallery, conference room, and so on. In this kind of places we need to find a way to stop the use of mobile phones. It must stop people to use the mobile phone, but not hurt it. How? The answer is a kind of device called mobile phone signal jammer or mobile phone blocker. The mobile phone jammer is a kind of electronic device that could block mobile phone signal, all mobile phone service in it's working range will be disabled. Want to know more about this high technology device? We could see it throught some mobile phone blocker (http://www.skybuying.com/category-177-b0.html) sample. Please find below a good and helpful mobile phone jammer that could meet our purpose in most situations: the 5 Antennas 25W High Power 3G mobile Phone and WiFi Jamme. Take a closer look at this great jammer product. With Stronger and Longger Omni-directional antennas, Good cooling fan inside and Stable capability, you will be lucky enough to be born into the era of mobile phone jammer. Popular with most of us, this 5 Antennas 25W High Power 3G mobile Phone and WiFi Jammer are mainly used in meeting rooms, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and other places. For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations or churches,etc, you also meet with them often. Please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrument if you are going to order it directly. Technical Specification Affected Frequency Ranges: -CDMA: 850-894MHz 37.5dBm 15dBm/30KHz(min) -GSM: 935-960MHz 37.5dBm 12dBm/30KHz(min) -DCS/PCS: 1805-1990MHz 36.5dBm 5dBm/30KHz(min) -3G: 2110-2170MHz 36.5dBm 4dBm/30KHz(min) -WIFI: 2400-2500MHz 33dBm 2dBm/30KHz (min) Total output power: 25W Jamming range: up to 60m, the jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given area External Omni-directional antennas all the TX frequency covered down link only Power supply: 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC,with AC adapter (AC100-240V DC5V20A), Dimension: 210 x 50 x210mm Weight: 3.5kg Do you have some general ideas about the mobile phone jammer? Do you want to see more mobile phone jammers? Just come to our website, you will see more of them. Here we have many mobile phones jammers and other jammers waiting for your selection. And we offer very good online service, you could place order and finish the payment in our website. We will dispatch the goods to you in just two days after we get your payment. And we provide one year guarantee to our customers for all products. You are welcome in our website. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460564#460564 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: electronic item for peace
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Sep 18, 2016
"Jammer"-? Did you mean "spammer" instead? ;o) I like my toast with jam, but not on my Pietenpol list. -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460569#460569 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Steven Dortch <steven.d.dortch(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 19, 2016
Subject: VERY OT my recent Instrument training.
Hit delete NOW. This is a long winded OT report on my Instrument training. None of it is Pietenpol related. Don=99t Bitch about having read it i f you don't want to, just hit delete. Yesterday, I completed my IFR checkride and did quite well. After 25 plus years as an off and on VFR pilot who had dabbled at IFR training, I decided to use my GI Bill for a post Army retirement flying career. I just want someone else to pay for my flying hobby. Step one was to get a instrument ticket. After looking at quite a few schools, I selected of Tempus Training Solutions in San Marcos, Texas. I wanted a school with a good reputation and they had to be able to do Part 141 training and be able to get GI Bill approval. Redbird Proflight Academy moved Flight training operations to Tempus Training. (BTW there is a CFI shortage that has affected most schools.) Tempus met these requirements and was $3500 cheaper than the other part 141 programs due to extensive Sim use. Tempus is the flight training laboratory for Redbird and uses Redbird full motion flight simulators and has an agreement with the FAA that allows them to do a majority of the training in the Sim with the student proving his knowledge in the aircraft. The flight sim closely replicates the 2006 Cessna 172Ses used by the flight academy, including the G1000. The aircraft are well maintained. The Chief pilot for Tempus (a retired F16 driver) has been able to attract good CFIs by understanding that they were going to move on and by helping them get ratings and resume enhancing jobs. (IE my instructor took a break from teaching to fly a Pilatus PC12 from Nairobi, Back to Virginia via Europe and then North sea.) He also treats them as professionals and expects them to act accordingly. Several instructors who became Airline or Corporate pilots come back on their days off to teach (and earn a little change.) The first thing I had to overcome was 25 years of lazy VFR habits such as simply getting close to an altitude or letting the plane drift off heading. I did however get complements on my ability to fly the plane, do cross wind landings At week two, I started having equilibrium problems (Dizzy) , more in the sim than in the plane. I had to cancel several flights and end some sim sessions early. I called a retired Army National Guard buddy who had been the Flight Surgeon for the Texas Army National Guard and told him my problem. He told me several things to try. There has been a huge mold problem in South Texas and the mold count was so high that even those not allergic were having problems. So he told me to take Allegra (NOT Allegra-D) and use Flonase on my nose every day. Also to Shower often to get the mold off of me. He told me to start wearing my reading glasses for every IFR session and any time I read or used a computer. I had not used them early in the day since I could focus, but as my eyes got tired and would not focus, I would put them on. I had been swimming with my grandsons and he told me not to get my head more than three feet below the surface. He ended by saying sleep and eat at the right times and drink water. I think it was a combination of the mold and my aging eyesight. Though I am not sure which one it was, it worked. In two days I was fine. I felt really good about my learning curve at first, but after about 3 weeks I simply felt like I would never get it. If I looked away from the Attitude Inidcator, I climbed, dove, turned or a combination of all three. Taking time to write things down, read them, change frequencies, set up the GPS flight plan, get my tablet set up on an approach procedure, change a freq, check the engine gauges or anything else resulted in a deviation from heading and/or altitude. I called Vernon Foster, a 99 year old buddy. Vern was once a pilot for United Airlines and became their manager of flight simulator engineering and maintenance. He did my tailwheel signoff two years ago at the young age of 97. I told Vern of my problems and how I would never get it. He listened patiently and then laughed and said "you are at the right place in your training. Every pilot thinks that they just aren't going to figure out Instrument flight! It will start to come together and when it does it will get easier." He questioned me about what I was doing and his pearl of wisdom was. "Let Go of the yoke when you look away from the AI!. If the plane is trimmed and flying level it will continue on course while you take 5 seconds to do something. So just let go!" That fixed my problem. I was steering the way I was looking! This school uses iPads to manage the Simulators and all of the instructors have drank the Foreflight Koolaide. So I had to get an iPad, buy foreflight and learn to use it. (I joined NAFI and got a good enough foreflight discount that it almost paid for the NAFI membership.) It took me a while to get down the G1000 buttonology. This High tech device will do a lot of things including providing IFR certified GPS guidance for the pilot (or an autopilot), show a moving map. display all the needed instruments for IFR flight, Show required altitudes, and so on and so forth. I spent many hours in the sim just figuring out ho w to do simple things like activating the next leg on an approach, or how to delete and add an approach. I finally learned to use all the needed functions of a G1000 but it has MANY functions that I have not figured out. I had to learn the balance between trying to get ahead of the plane (IE setting the next approach up) and just flying with what I needed to get to heading and altitude. For example, I had to not try to extract more info from the G1000 while on approaching an ILS approach, "just intercept and fly the localizer and glide slope." About two and a half weeks ago, I had to cancel my scheduled IFR checkride due to a lot of Cumulus activity in our area. Also, I felt marginally ready. Then there was a sudden shortage of DPEs. Many students in the Houston area were scheduling with "our" DPEs. It took me until yesterday to get my checkride and that was on a Sunday morning. My checkride went very well. Even with trainee ATC controllers and the PTT on the DPE side failing 10 minutes into the flight. I asked for a RNAV approach to 31 with a circle to runway 13. But the controller told me we had to use 13 and we could circle at ORALE (confusing a circle with a hold pattern). My DPE explained I had to explain that I was on a checkride and had to do an approach and circle to a different runway. This confused them and the DPE PTT quit right then. So I requested an approach to 13, holding at the IAF and a circle to 31 and proposed that I to do a low approach. I was able to take all this in stride, the DPE was pleased with my ability to communicate and execute. My Checkride was much easier than my "pre check ride" with the Tempus chief pilot. The DPE said he wished all checkrides went so well. All in all, a good experience and glad I did it. I did not enjoy instrument training though I did get comfortable doing it. It is not near as fun VFR flight, but it sure adds to my ability. Next Step is my commercial ticket. BTW I was driving back from lunch and saw the distinctive curve of a Pietenpol wing in a hangar. Slammed on the brakes and who do I find but our own "Axle" working on his AirCamper. Man it sure looks purty! He is a true craftsman. (Pietenpol Content!) Blue Skies, Steve D ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Steven Dortch <steven.d.dortch(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 19, 2016
Subject: Re: electronic item for peace
The Phone that bothers me the most is mine! ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: VERY OT my recent Instrument training.
From: "taildrags" <taildrags(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Sep 19, 2016
I'm responding to this OT post with more OT material in the context of several things: (1) Steve is one of the few individuals with the nerve to have gone up with me in Scout, (2) Steve is one of the few individuals who came out to help me disassemble and help load Scout into the big yellow Penske truck for the 2100 mile journey from Texas to Oregon, (3) all of my instrument time has been at the same time extremely enjoyable and extremely challenging, and (4) my last flight review was in a C172 with the Garmin G1000 full glass panel and I was so impressed with it that my eyeballs nearly fell out. Moving right along, I don't care to talk about items (1), (2) or (4) other than to again tip my hat to Steve for always being ready to lend a hand and to tip my already-tipped hat to anyone who can learn the dials and buttons on the G1000 so as to use even 1/10th of its capabilities. If not for the fact that the G1000 panel costs about as much as four or five nice Air Campers, it would be fun to keep writing about it but that's not my world anymore, I'm finally conceding. So now to comment on item (3). Every moment that I've spent under the hood or in 'actual' has been some of the most enjoyable and rewarding time that I've ever spent in airplanes, but it was about as different a flying experience from an open-cockpit Air Camper as you can imagine. I am an engineer with a completely logical outlook and mindset and I completely 'get' instrument flying. I can visualize everything about instrument flying in my head, and I can almost always translate that to the instrument actions as I manipulate the controls, but it's a completely different flying experience, period. I've flown jet and prop sims and I've flown real single and twin hardware, and I always love the challenge. I envy those who have the rating and wish I had gotten mine too, but now my flying is all about stick and rudder and just the sensations of flight and the airplane. Nothing much on the instrument panel is of interest to me anymore if it does nothing to keep the airplane in the air or help me keep it so. Every now and then I have a weak moment when I open the latest AOPA Pilot magazine (I get the Turbine Edition!) and see the super cool panels and instruments, but then it passes and I remember that I much prefer the smell of too-rich Continental exhaust to looking at a glass panel. Sometimes I regret not going for my instrument. As Marlon Brando said in the classic movie "On The Waterfront": "You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it." -------- Oscar Zuniga Medford, OR Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460606#460606 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: VERY OT my recent Instrument training.
From: "tools" <n0kkj(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Sep 20, 2016
My hat is off to ya! Light civil instrument flying is quite a handful... My first exposure was being a safety pilot for a bud in a 172 in about 1995. The glide slope and azimuth were different instruments! Not even built into the attitude gyro! Wow. The second was my ATP check ride in a very old Beech Travel Air twin in 1998. To this day the only time I've ever even sat in a light civil twin. First, my two hours in that 172 meant nothing as everything was so different. Second, turns out it can't fly on one engine... What? My third, this is quite funny, was as a CFII giving a lesson about two years ago! Again, despite my other two forays and about a DOZEN military and commercial instrument capable plane types, NOTHING was the same. Isn't there any real standardization out there? The instrument part of flying, pitch power and attitude are quite similar, but the stuff that gives you situational awareness horizontally and vertically are not. Not even close. In the last two years I've been flying some trips with a bud who's company owns a couple citations and rents one. Again, everything is SO different between the planes. Trust me, you've gutted through the worst of it. When you get a paying job with decent equipment, your life will get better. Can't imagine anything less fun than manipulating the controls of an underpowered marginal flying 172 under the hood on a hot summer bumpy day. When you get decent aerodynamics and some power, it is a lot more fun, useful and in my opinion, safe. Light civil equipment teaches habits and the ability to formulate a scan pattern. Also, and probably the most relevant aspect, is you'll be able to maintain some real proficiency. After five years of dabbling in light civil aviation, I'm finally to the point where I'm flying weekly as I have access to a number of planes, doing some instructing, BFRs, etc. for the first time I feel really proficient. It's a nice feeling, even better than the proficiency of being a student. Congratulations! Let us know how the commercial is going! Tools Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460609#460609 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Jack <fastnaught(at)windstream.net>
Date: Sep 20, 2016
Subject: Re: VERY OT my recent Instrument training.
Oscar, You have a great way of describing things. I, as well, am a MEII and have co nsiderable experience behind the panel in instrument conditions. But, I agre e with you that flying my Piet (Abe's Babe II) ( my wife is Abe's Babe I) ju st to clarify, is absolutely the most fun and full of satisfaction I've ever had in an airplane. It redefines the flying experience. I have a radio in m y airplane but rarely turn it on. Thanks for the reminder of what and why we fly our beloved Piets. I do have a question about you last post. Please clarify how Steve flew with you in your Scout? Surely he didn't share the cockpit with you=F0=9F=98=89 As always, thanks for your input. I enjoy your posts. Jack N144JF Model A Wire wheels Sent from my iPad > On Sep 20, 2016, at 12:55 AM, taildrags wrote: > > > I'm responding to this OT post with more OT material in the context of sev eral things: (1) Steve is one of the few individuals with the nerve to have gone up with me in Scout, (2) Steve is one of the few individuals who came o ut to help me disassemble and help load Scout into the big yellow Penske tru ck for the 2100 mile journey from Texas to Oregon, (3) all of my instrument t ime has been at the same time extremely enjoyable and extremely challenging, and (4) my last flight review was in a C172 with the Garmin G1000 full glas s panel and I was so impressed with it that my eyeballs nearly fell out. > > Moving right along, I don't care to talk about items (1), (2) or (4) other than to again tip my hat to Steve for always being ready to lend a hand and to tip my already-tipped hat to anyone who can learn the dials and buttons o n the G1000 so as to use even 1/10th of its capabilities. If not for the fa ct that the G1000 panel costs about as much as four or five nice Air Campers , it would be fun to keep writing about it but that's not my world anymore, I 'm finally conceding. > > So now to comment on item (3). Every moment that I've spent under the hoo d or in 'actual' has been some of the most enjoyable and rewarding time that I've ever spent in airplanes, but it was about as different a flying experi ence from an open-cockpit Air Camper as you can imagine. I am an engineer w ith a completely logical outlook and mindset and I completely 'get' instrume nt flying. I can visualize everything about instrument flying in my head, a nd I can almost always translate that to the instrument actions as I manipul ate the controls, but it's a completely different flying experience, period. I've flown jet and prop sims and I've flown real single and twin hardware, and I always love the challenge. I envy those who have the rating and wish I had gotten mine too, but now my flying is all about stick and rudder and j ust the sensations of flight and the airplane. Nothing much on the instrume nt panel is of interest to me anymore if it does nothing to keep the airplan e ! > in the air or help me keep it so. Every now and then I have a weak moment when I open the latest AOPA Pilot magazine (I get the Turbine Edition!) and see the super cool panels and instruments, but then it passes and I remembe r that I much prefer the smell of too-rich Continental exhaust to looking at a glass panel. > > Sometimes I regret not going for my instrument. As Marlon Brando said in t he classic movie "On The Waterfront": "You don't understand. I coulda had cl ass. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, wh ich is what I am, let's face it." > > -------- > Oscar Zuniga > Medford, OR > Air Camper NX41CC "Scout" > A75 power, 72x36 Culver prop > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460606#460606 > > > > > > > ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: VERY OT my recent Instrument training.
From: "jarheadpilot82" <jarheadpilot82(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Sep 20, 2016
Jack, "Scout" is Oscar's name for his Pietenpol Air Camper, not the name of his aircraft model. -------- Semper Fi, Terry Hand Athens, GA Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=460612#460612 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Steven Dortch <steven.d.dortch(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sep 20, 2016
Subject: Re: VERY OT my recent Instrument training.
Jack, Oscar and I are quite comfortable with each other. Scout is the name of Oscars AirCamper! two holes. (we ain't that comfortable with each other! ) Bleu Skies, Steve D On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Jack wrote: > Oscar, > You have a great way of describing things. I, as well, am a MEII and have > considerable experience behind the panel in instrument conditions. But, I > agree with you that flying my Piet (Abe's Babe II) ( my wife is Abe's Bab e > I) just to clarify, is absolutely the most fun and full of satisfaction > I've ever had in an airplane. It redefines the flying experience. I have a > radio in my airplane but rarely turn it on. Thanks for the reminder of wh at > and why we fly our beloved Piets. > I do have a question about you last post. Please clarify how Steve flew > with you in your Scout? Surely he didn't share the cockpit with you=F0=9F =98=89 > As always, thanks for your input. I enjoy your posts. > Jack > N144JF > Model A > Wire wheels > > Sent from my iPad > > On Sep 20, 2016, at 12:55 AM, taildrags wrote: > > > I'm responding to this OT post with more OT material in the context of > several things: (1) Steve is one of the few individuals with the nerve t o > have gone up with me in Scout, (2) Steve is one of the few individuals wh o > came out to help me disassemble and help load Scout into the big yellow > Penske truck for the 2100 mile journey from Texas to Oregon, (3) all of m y > instrument time has been at the same time extremely enjoyable and extreme ly > challenging, and (4) my last flight review was in a C172 with the Garmin > G1000 full glass panel and I was so impressed with it that my eyeballs > nearly fell out. > > Moving right along, I don't care to talk about items (1), (2) or (4) othe r > than to again tip my hat to Steve for always being ready to lend a hand a nd > to tip my already-tipped hat to anyone who can learn the dials and button s > on the G1000 so as to use even 1/10th of its capabilities. If not for th e > fact that the G1000 panel costs about as much as four or five nice Air > Campers, it would be fun to keep writing about it but that's not my world > anymore, I'm finally conceding. > > So now to comment on item (3). Every moment that I've spent under the > hood or in 'actual' has been some of the most enjoyable and rewarding tim e > that I've ever spent in airplanes, but it was about as different a flying > experience from an open-cockpit Air Camper as you can imagine. I am an > engineer with a completely logical outlook and mindset and I completely > 'get' instrument flying. I can visualize everything about instrument > flying in my head, and I can almost always translate that to the instrume nt > actions as I manipulate the controls, but it's a completely different > flying experience, period. I've flown jet and prop sims and I've flown > real single and twin hardware, and I always love the challenge. I envy > those who have the rating and wish I had gotten mine too, but now my flyi ng > is all about stick and rudder and just the sensations of flight and the > airplane. Nothing much on the instrument panel is of interest to me > anymore if it does nothing to keep the airplane ! > in the air or help me keep it so. Every now and then I have a weak momen t > when I open the latest AOPA Pilot magazine (I get the Turbine Edition!) a nd > see the super cool panels and instruments, but then it passes and I

August 01, 2016 - September 20, 2016
