
December 31, 2009 - January 05, 2010

      I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite
      wheels, and a drdt2.
      I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer.
      Sent from my iPod
      On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez 
      > Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10.
      > Sent from my iPod
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
From: ricksked(at)cox.net
Date: Dec 31, 2009
SSBib3VnaHQgYSBTaW91eCBwYWxtIGRyaWxsIGFuZCAzeCByaXZldCBndW4gbmV3Li4udGhleSBh cmUgSU1ITyB0aGUgYmVzdCBvdXQgdGhlcmUuLi5ub3QgY2hlYXAuLi50aGUgYmVzdC4uLlByZWNp c2lvbiBhaXIgdG9vbHMgbWFrZXMgdGhlIGJlc3QgZGltcGxlIGFuZCByaXZldCBkaWVzIHNldCBv biB0aGUgbWFya2V0IGFuZCBJIGFsc28gaGF2ZSBoaXMgcG5ldW1hdGljIHNxdWVlemVyIEtpbSdz IGZhdGhlciB3YXMgYSBSViBidWlsZGVyIGFuZCBzaGVldCBtZXRhbCBtYXN0ZXIuLmhpcyBkaWVz IGFyZSBzdXBlciBwcmVjaXNpb24gQ25jIG1hY2hpbmVkLi4uSSBuZXZlciBicm9rZSBvciBkYW1h Z2Ugb25lLi4uaWYgeW91IGxvb2sgYXQgbXkgUlYgeW91IGNhbiBzZWUgdGhlIHF1YWxpdHkgaWYg dGhlIGRpbXBsZXMgdGhlc2UgbWFrZSAuLi5jYXJlZnVsIG9mIGViYXkgYWlyIHRvb2xzLi4udGhl eSBtYXkgbmVlZCBhIHJlYnVpbGQgd2hlbiB5b3UgZ2V0IHRoZW0uLiAgT2ZmIHRvIHRoZSBhaXJw b3J0IHRvIGJ1cm4gc29tZSBhdmdhcy4uLi5oZWhlaGVoISEhISENCg0KUmljayBTa2VkDQpOMjQ2 UlMuDQoNCg0KU2VudCB2aWEgQmxhY2tCZXJyeSBieSBBVCZUDQoNCi0tLS0tT3JpZ2luYWwgTWVz c2FnZS0tLS0tDQpGcm9tOiBDaHJpcyBDb2xvaGFuIDxydjEwQGNvbG9oYW4uY29tPg0KRGF0ZTog VGh1LCAzMSBEZWMgMjAwOSAwOTo1NToxNiANClRvOiA8cnYxMC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20+ 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From: "Russell Shavitz" <rashvac(at)earthlink.net>
Subject: Back rivet tailcone
Date: Dec 30, 2009
Can someone tell me the exact order to back rivet tailcone and if the radius in the side and top skins can be back riveted Russell Shavitz Arlington Heights IL 847-417-6622 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: "John Cox" <johnwcox(at)pacificnw.com>
Chris, like the subject of Primer, tools bring out the personal side of the RV-10 list. Several will tell you that one brand is better over another. Most like the Beach Boys song "Be true to your school" have not played the field much. The key is the feel, balance and weight in Your Hands. Speed is indeed a factor in improving quality of production. You can always regulate down a faster product for slower cutting or deity forbid "Drill an errant rivet". The inverse is not possible. Trueness of the "chucked bit" is another. Some chucks tend to wear out more quickly than others. Many builders love the keyless chuck. Noise of the pneumatics and consistent speed under load are two metrics to measure your options against. Pilots tend to go deaf from flying without noise cancelling headsets. Builders do it from their pneumatic tools. Be sure and get protection that you enjoy wearing. I have two Sioux palm reversibles and love them. I found the Dotco with ergonomic grip to be even more comfortable. I cannot stand the miniature (hard to find) special size key necessary to change items in the Sioux chuck. I would love to have a keyless chuck in just one of mine but there are tradeoffs when trying to back out a stuck bit that is turning in the chuck. The reason I have two small drives (five in total) is the convenience of have PRE set up a 0.030 bit, another with the 0.040, another with a micro cage for countersinking and another for scotchbrite disks on an arbor. Many of the micro cages will have a bushing rather than a bearing and begin migrating at the end of the build as your QC level becomes more demanding. And yes, I use both reamers and Cogswell Deburr tools. Some of us follow the path of Tiger Woods in life, I have a fetish for tools. A quality tool in the hand of a craftsman, properly applied can be a thing of beauty. For shops to die for, visit the archive of Bob Newman's - TCW workshop. Pictures can be far more eloquent. No one has yet mentioned a 90 or 45 degree drill for those tight spots using 1/4" x 28 threaded bits. I even have a "East Indian" manufactured pancake drill for hard to reach areas with only 1" of headroom. 60% of my stuff has come from Ebay. About 10% gets re-sold so Caveat Emptor. Many are building quality products with the most basic of builder tools. A majority of builders learn about the tool options later in the build rather than in the beginning. Few of them have been willing to sell anything after completion of their kit. Others are fortunate enough to have access to the DRDT2 dimpler or share it around with friends. That will be the hardest tool to sneak past my wife in her random tours of the hangar. Visit Tim Olson's site on how to engage your partner in the build and its rewards. Enjoy the journey and consider engaging one or several EAA Tech Advisors (near you) to share with you the roads less traveled or infrequently repaved by builder mistakes. Visit http://www.eaa.org/video/homebuilders.html . Feel at ease contacting builders Offline - Anytime. John Cox Aurora, OR From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Chris Colohan Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit While I've got the experts on the line... I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start building an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I don't quite know what I need. In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple references (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways when they get older? Chris On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never really felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different than the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many don't, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My examples would focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without it. > > Kelly McMullen wrote: >> >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. >> >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: >>> >>> Score: >>> >>> Ischam 3 >>> Avery. 1 >>> Custom 2 >>> >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! >>> >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite >>> wheels, and a drdt2. >>> >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. >>> >>> Sent from my iPod >>> >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez >>> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Sent from my iPod >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > ========== > Support Your Lists This Month -- > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; > RV10-List Email browse > Photoshare, and much ========== > bsp; via the ========== > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com nk">www.howtocrimp.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List tp://forums.matronics.com ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Cumins" <jcumins(at)jcis.net>
Subject: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
John Nicely said. John G. Cumins 40864 Emp in deburr mode then dimpling then Primer Yes I won the primer war!!!!! From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of John Cox Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:23 AM Subject: RE: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit Chris, like the subject of Primer, tools bring out the personal side of the RV-10 list. Several will tell you that one brand is better over another. Most like the Beach Boys song "Be true to your school" have not played the field much. The key is the feel, balance and weight in Your Hands. Speed is indeed a factor in improving quality of production. You can always regulate down a faster product for slower cutting or deity forbid "Drill an errant rivet". The inverse is not possible. Trueness of the "chucked bit" is another. Some chucks tend to wear out more quickly than others. Many builders love the keyless chuck. Noise of the pneumatics and consistent speed under load are two metrics to measure your options against. Pilots tend to go deaf from flying without noise cancelling headsets. Builders do it from their pneumatic tools. Be sure and get protection that you enjoy wearing. I have two Sioux palm reversibles and love them. I found the Dotco with ergonomic grip to be even more comfortable. I cannot stand the miniature (hard to find) special size key necessary to change items in the Sioux chuck. I would love to have a keyless chuck in just one of mine but there are tradeoffs when trying to back out a stuck bit that is turning in the chuck. The reason I have two small drives (five in total) is the convenience of have PRE set up a 0.030 bit, another with the 0.040, another with a micro cage for countersinking and another for scotchbrite disks on an arbor. Many of the micro cages will have a bushing rather than a bearing and begin migrating at the end of the build as your QC level becomes more demanding. And yes, I use both reamers and Cogswell Deburr tools. Some of us follow the path of Tiger Woods in life, I have a fetish for tools. A quality tool in the hand of a craftsman, properly applied can be a thing of beauty. For shops to die for, visit the archive of Bob Newman's - TCW workshop. Pictures can be far more eloquent. No one has yet mentioned a 90 or 45 degree drill for those tight spots using 1/4" x 28 threaded bits. I even have a "East Indian" manufactured pancake drill for hard to reach areas with only 1" of headroom. 60% of my stuff has come from Ebay. About 10% gets re-sold so Caveat Emptor. Many are building quality products with the most basic of builder tools. A majority of builders learn about the tool options later in the build rather than in the beginning. Few of them have been willing to sell anything after completion of their kit. Others are fortunate enough to have access to the DRDT2 dimpler or share it around with friends. That will be the hardest tool to sneak past my wife in her random tours of the hangar. Visit Tim Olson's site on how to engage your partner in the build and its rewards. Enjoy the journey and consider engaging one or several EAA Tech Advisors (near you) to share with you the roads less traveled or infrequently repaved by builder mistakes. Visit http://www.eaa.org/video/homebuilders.html . Feel at ease contacting builders Offline - Anytime. John Cox Aurora, OR From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Chris Colohan Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit While I've got the experts on the line... I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start building an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I don't quite know what I need. In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple references (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways when they get older? Chris On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never really felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different than the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many don't, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My examples would focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without it. > > Kelly McMullen wrote: >> >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. >> >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: >>> >>> Score: >>> >>> Ischam 3 >>> Avery. 1 >>> Custom 2 >>> >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! >>> >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite >>> wheels, and a drdt2. >>> >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. >>> >>> Sent from my iPod >>> >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez >>> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Sent from my iPod >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > ========== > Support Your Lists This Month -- > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; ========== > RV10-List Email browse > Photoshare, and much ========== > bsp; via the ========== > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com nk">www.howtocrimp.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List tp://forums.matronics.com www.aeroelectric.com www.buildersbooks.com www.homebuilthelp.com www.howtocrimp.com http://www.matronics.com/contribution http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List http://forums.matronics.com ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Back rivet tailcone
From: "Eric_Kallio" <scout019(at)msn.com>
Date: Dec 31, 2009
It has been a long time since I did my tailcone, but with some help I was able to back rivet the radius of the side skins. I bucked the top. I just stared at one end (can't remember front or back) and riveted the radius starting from the bottom and working my way around to the side. When the radius was done, I went to the next bulkhead before doing the side skins. It can be done, but I don't recall it being any easier in the radius that it would have been bucking, and I still needed help to hold the tailcone while I riveted. Eric Kallio N518RV wiring and panel installation Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279457#279457 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: "John Cox" <johnwcox(at)pacificnw.com>
For those who frequent OSH seminars, Champion is often conducting Educational Seminars that can be both informative and entertaining. Then you can take what they say with a grain of salt. The Aviation plug is designed and constructed for an entirely more reliable purpose than automotive. If there were only as many aviation plugs in use as Asian manufactured automotive we might see the competitive forces of price make that subject a Non Issue. There is a big increase in consumable cost. As a youth, when I was drag racing, I had three sets of entirely different plugs for atmospheric changes on the track. We called that a Pit Stop. Mikes post was about cost/benefit. TBO: The original Rotax TBOs were down around 1,000 hours now they are improving to match Lyco/Continental. Turbo powered engines create additional needs on the plug design and the TBO reflects the Trade Off of additional power output yet I have never seen a plug properly rotated, cleaned, gapped and not dropped that went 2,000 TBO... maybe 1000 hours. Rick, when you get back from the airport can you tell us which plug to buy? The Champion Go/No Go gage included a measure of when the anode of the plug has sacrificed enough metal to no longer have enough mass to continue reliably in service (between Annuals - I mean Conditionals). Plugs should be matched for reliability and performance for the environment they operate and the source of power they are provided. Last week there was discussion of blast tubes to the Mag without discussion on when pressurized mags provide additional value - that is another subject. The tubes discussed were for cooling the Mag case and reducing the failure rate of the condenser inside. Till you have seen an auto plug blow out, an anode burn off, an improper heat range plug or the damage from a decaying magneto, or the failure of an electronic ignition system you just have not experienced all the fun that is out there for us all. The decision of cost/benefit is not in VANS hands, it is in the many choices we make as the Manufacturer and the QC that we put on our product before the name goes on. I have respect for both the workmanship of Rick's and Don's aircraft. To me it's not about the $40,000. A close friend once said "When the engine stops in flight, a fire breaks out or you fly without gas.... The aircraft is instantly the property of the insurance company and your estate." Bob Hoover said " It is the job of every good pilot to fly the aircraft to the landing site, walk away with all the passengers that were onboard and assess your estate value over a stiff drink". Sully was this year's hero for following to a T that exact mantra. I have lost a few friends over the years who tried to do the impossible or cut a corner or two while traveling life's highway. Let's have another year of no lost RV-10s or their pilots. Here is a question for New Years Eve - "How many of you check the resistance of your plugs at each annual?" John Cox -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of ricksked(at)cox.net Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:12 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs I'd be willing to bet those plugs John Force runs in his Funny Cars are a bit "different" than standard auto plugs but in theory your right Don. If I recall how it was explained to me, the plug needs to be able to burn off deposits and keep firing even with a buildup. I believe that the plug doesn't know so much what type of engine it is installed in but what type of ignition keeps it firing cleanly. The people using automotive plugs are using electronic ignition designed for automotive plugs, myself I have two conventional mags and I use plugs designed to work with those magnetos. If you keep your plugs rotated, cleaned and gapped properly they should go all the way to TBO. Unless you drop one....then you get to bitch about how expensive they are. Rick Sked N246RS ---- Don McDonald wrote: > > Last time I ck'd, all the race cars with tons more $$$$'s in their engines, use automotive plugs. If aircraft plugs werebetter, trust me, they'd be using them. > Even the plugs Klaus recommends are automotive. > Don > > > --- On Thu, 12/31/09, AirMike wrote: > > > From: AirMike <Mikeabel(at)Pacbell.net> > Subject: RV10-List: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Date: Thursday, December 31, 2009, 8:00 AM > > > > I am not the sharpest tool in drawer, but why would you want to take a chance with an automotive product to save a few bucks on a $40K engine. > Aircraft plugs are designed for A/C engines. Explain me? > > -------- > OSH '10 or Bust > Q/B - testing phase 1 > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279410#279410 > > > > > > > > le, List Admin. > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Back rivet tailcone
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
RG9uJ3QgcmVtZW1iZXIgdGhlIG9yZGVyIEkgZGlkIGl0LCBidXQgaXQgd2FzIGNvbnNpc3RlbnQg d2l0aCB0aGUgcGxhbnMuIA0KDQpFdmVyeXRoaW5nIHdhcyBiYWNrIHJpdmV0ZWQgZm9yIG1lIHdp dGggdGhlIGV4Y2VwdGlvbiBvZiB0aGUgZXh0cmVtZSBhZnQgdGFpbCBjb25lIHdoZXJlIGl0IGJl Y2FtZSB0b28gbmFycm93IHRvIGZpdCB0aGUgcml2ZXQgZ3VuIGludG8uIA0KDQpIb3dldmVyIGlu c3RlYWQgb2YgdXNpbmcgYSBiYWNrIHJpdmV0IHBsYXRlLCB3ZSBiYWNrIHJpdmV0ZWQgYWdhaW5z dCBhIGJ1Y2tpbmcgYmFyLiAgTW92aW5nIHRoZSBidWNraW5nIGJhciBhcm91bmQgZnJvbSByaXZl dCB0byByaXZldCB3YXMgbXVjaCBlYXNpZXIgdGhhbiByb2xsaW5nIHRoZSB0YWlsIGNvbmUgYXJv dW5kIG9uIGEgdGFibGUuIA0KDQpUaGUgd2lmZSBoZWxwZWQgbWUgb3V0IHdpdGggcnVubmluZyB0 aGUgYnVja2luZyBiYXIgd2hpbGUgSSBzaG90IHRoZW0gZnJvbSB0aGUgaW5zaWRlIHdpdGggbXkg QXZlcnkgM3ggUml2ZXQgR3VuIHRoYXQgZml0cyBteSBoYW5kIHBlcmZlY3RseSBhbmQgaGFzIGdp dmVuIG1lIHllYXJzIG9mIHRyb3VibGUtZnJlZSBzZXJ2aWNlLiA6cA0KDQpQaGlsDQoNCg0KDQot LS0tLSBPcmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlIC0tLS0tDQpGcm9tOiBFcmljX0thbGxpbyA8c2NvdXQwMTlA bXNuLmNvbT4NClRvOiBydjEwLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbSA8cnYxMC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmlj cy5jb20+DQpTZW50OiBUaHUgRGVjIDMxIDExOjQyOjMwIDIwMDkNClN1YmplY3Q6IFJWMTAtTGlz dDogUmU6IEJhY2sgcml2ZXQgdGFpbGNvbmUNCg0KLS0+IFJWMTAtTGlzdCBtZXNzYWdlIHBvc3Rl ZCBieTogIkVyaWNfS2FsbGlvIiA8c2NvdXQwMTlAbXNuLmNvbT4NCg0KSXQgaGFzIGJlZW4gYSBs b25nIHRpbWUgc2luY2UgSSBkaWQgbXkgdGFpbGNvbmUsIGJ1dCB3aXRoIHNvbWUgaGVscCBJIHdh cyBhYmxlIHRvIGJhY2sgcml2ZXQgdGhlIHJhZGl1cyBvZiB0aGUgc2lkZSBza2lucy4gSSBidWNr ZWQgdGhlIHRvcC4gSSBqdXN0IHN0YXJlZCBhdCBvbmUgZW5kIChjYW4ndCByZW1lbWJlciBmcm9u dCBvciBiYWNrKSBhbmQgcml2ZXRlZCB0aGUgcmFkaXVzIHN0YXJ0aW5nIGZyb20gdGhlIGJvdHRv bSBhbmQgd29ya2luZyBteSB3YXkgYXJvdW5kIHRvIHRoZSBzaWRlLiBXaGVuIHRoZSByYWRpdXMg d2FzIGRvbmUsIEkgd2VudCB0byB0aGUgbmV4dCBidWxraGVhZCBiZWZvcmUgZG9pbmcgdGhlIHNp ZGUgc2tpbnMuIEl0IGNhbiBiZSBkb25lLCBidXQgSSBkb24ndCByZWNhbGwgaXQgYmVpbmcgYW55 IGVhc2llciBpbiB0aGUgcmFkaXVzIHRoYXQgaXQgd291bGQgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIGJ1Y2tpbmcsIGFu ZCBJIHN0aWxsIG5lZWRlZCBoZWxwIHRvIGhvbGQgdGhlIHRhaWxjb25lIHdoaWxlIEkgcml2ZXRl ZC4NCg0KRXJpYyBLYWxsaW8NCk41MThSViB3aXJpbmcgYW5kIHBhbmVsIGluc3RhbGxhdGlvbg0K DQoNCg0KDQpSZWFkIHRoaXMgdG9waWMgb25saW5lIGhlcmU6DQoNCmh0dHA6Ly9mb3J1bXMubWF0 cm9uaWNzLmNvbS92aWV3dG9waWMucGhwP3A9Mjc5NDU3IzI3OTQ1Nw0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KDQpf LT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PQ0KXy09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgLS0gUGxlYXNlIFN1cHBvcnQgWW91ciBMaXN0cyBUaGlzIE1v bnRoIC0tDQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgIChBbmQgR2V0IFNvbWUgQVdFU09NRSBGUkVFIEdpZnRzISkN Cl8tPQ0KXy09ICAgTm92ZW1iZXIgaXMgdGhlIEFubnVhbCBMaXN0IEZ1bmQgUmFpc2VyLiAgQ2xp Y2sgb24NCl8tPSAgIHRoZSBDb250cmlidXRpb24gbGluayBiZWxvdyB0byBmaW5kIG91dCBtb3Jl IGFib3V0DQpfLT0gICB0aGlzIHllYXIncyBUZXJyaWZpYyBGcmVlIEluY2VudGl2ZSBHaWZ0cyBw cm92aWRlZA0KXy09ICAgYnk6DQpfLT0gICAgICogQWVyb0VsZWN0cmljIHd3dy5hZXJvZWxlY3Ry aWMuY29tDQpfLT0gICAgICogVGhlIEJ1aWxkZXIncyBCb29rc3RvcmUgd3d3LmJ1aWxkZXJzYm9v a3MuY29tDQpfLT0gICAgICogSG9tZWJ1aWx0SEVMUCB3d3cuaG9tZWJ1aWx0aGVscC5jb20NCl8t PSAgICAgKiBIb3dUb0NyaW1wIC93d3cuaG93dG9jcmltcC5jb20NCl8tPQ0KXy09ICAgTGlzdCBD b250cmlidXRpb24gV2ViIFNpdGU6DQpfLT0NCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1hdHJvbmlj cy5jb20vY29udHJpYnV0aW9uDQpfLT0NCl8tPSAgIFRoYW5rIHlvdSBmb3IgeW91ciBnZW5lcm91 cyBzdXBwb3J0IQ0KXy09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtTWF0dCBE cmFsbGUsIExpc3QgQWRtaW4uDQpfLT0NCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgLSBUaGUgUlYxMC1M aXN0IEVtYWlsIEZvcnVtIC0NCl8tPSBVc2UgdGhlIE1hdHJvbmljcyBMaXN0IEZlYXR1cmVzIE5h dmlnYXRvciB0byBicm93c2UNCl8tPSB0aGUgbWFueSBMaXN0IHV0aWxpdGllcyBzdWNoIGFzIExp c3QgVW4vU3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uLA0KXy09IEFyY2hpdmUgU2VhcmNoICYgRG93bmxvYWQsIDctRGF5 IEJyb3dzZSwgQ2hhdCwgRkFRLA0KXy09IFBob3Rvc2hhcmUsIGFuZCBtdWNoIG11Y2ggbW9yZToN Cl8tPQ0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9OYXZpZ2F0b3I/UlYxMC1M aXN0DQpfLT0NCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIE1BVFJPTklDUyBXRUIgRk9SVU1T IC0NCl8tPSBTYW1lIGdyZWF0IGNvbnRlbnQgYWxzbyBhdmFpbGFibGUgdmlhIHRoZSBXZWIgRm9y dW1zIQ0KXy09DQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL2ZvcnVtcy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tDQpfLT0NCl8t PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09DQoNCg0KDQo ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: nicholscatoauto(at)aol.com
Chris, I used a makita cordless drill so far in the build process(currently worki ng on fuselage). I purchased a CP reversible drill and I didn't like havin g to wear ear plugs all the time (kind of loud) or lugging the air hose ar ound with me. As far as the rest of the tools I wouldn't do without my tun gsten bucking bar. I just wish I would have bought it at the beginning. Jeff Nichols #40648 -----Original Message----- From: Chris Colohan <rv10(at)colohan.com> Sent: Thu, Dec 31, 2009 11:55 am Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit While I've got the experts on the line... I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start bu ilding an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I don' t quite know what I need. In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple refere nces (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways whe n they get older? Chris On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never re ally felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is an d upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different tha n the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and man y don't, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My examp les would focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit .rr.com> > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without it. > > Kelly McMullen wrote: >> >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. >> >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: >>> >>> Score: >>> >>> Ischam 3 >>> Avery. 1 >>> Custom 2 >>> >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! >>> >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite >>> wheels, and a drdt2. >>> >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. >>> >>> Sent from my iPod >>> >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez >>> wrote: >>> > >>>> >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Sent from my iPod >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > ========== > Support Your Lists This Month -- > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; ====== ==== > RV10-List Email browse > Photoshare, and much ========== > bsp; via the ========== > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com "_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com k">www.howtocrimp.com blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution et="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List p://forums.matronics.com ======================== =========== - -= -- Please Support Your Lists This Month -- -= (And Get Some AWESOME FREE Gifts!) - -= November is the Annual List Fund Raiser. Click on -= the Contribution link below to find out more about -= this year's Terrific Free Incentive Gifts provided -= by: -= * AeroElectric www.aeroelectric.com -= * The Builder's Bookstore www.buildersbooks.com -= * HomebuiltHELP www.homebuilthelp.com -= * HowToCrimp www.howtocrimp.com - -= List Contribution Web Site: - -= --> http://www.matronics.com/contribution - -= Thank you for your generous support! - -= -Matt Dralle, List Admin. - -======================== ======================== =========== -= - The RV10-List Email Forum - -= Use the Matronics List Features Navigator to browse -= the many List utilities such as List Un/Subscription, -= Archive Search & Download, 7-Day Browse, Chat, FAQ, -= Photoshare, and much much more: - -= --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List - -======================== ======================== =========== -= - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - -= Same great content also available via the Web Forums! - -= --> http://forums.matronics.com - -======================== ======================== =========== ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Agreed. I have not seen a set of aviation plugs go more than 500 hours. I usually have them cleaned, gapped and check by an IA each annual; I don't have the EASY tools. IIRC the Glastar O360A4M and the 10 IO540D4A5 both take the same plug. Normally at about 350-400 hours some of the plugs will not pass the test. At that point I install a new set and keep the serviceable plugs in the tool box (you do have a tool box (including spares) in the baggage area?). In about 4000 hours I have had a single ignition problem (TC177RG) which required an urgent landing. Fortunately the mechanic in Central Kansas had a serviceable plug in his bag of tricks and I was able to be on my way to OSH with little delay. If you are using aviation plugs, check them at the annual; if you are using automotive plugs they are inexpensive enough to check/install new at each annual. If using automotive, I suggest you carry an extra box to avoid a trip to an auto store at an inconvenient time. -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of John Cox Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 12:51 PM Subject: RE: RV10-List: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs For those who frequent OSH seminars, Champion is often conducting Educational Seminars that can be both informative and entertaining. Then you can take what they say with a grain of salt. The Aviation plug is designed and constructed for an entirely more reliable purpose than automotive. If there were only as many aviation plugs in use as Asian manufactured automotive we might see the competitive forces of price make that subject a Non Issue. There is a big increase in consumable cost. As a youth, when I was drag racing, I had three sets of entirely different plugs for atmospheric changes on the track. We called that a Pit Stop. Mikes post was about cost/benefit. TBO: The original Rotax TBOs were down around 1,000 hours now they are improving to match Lyco/Continental. Turbo powered engines create additional needs on the plug design and the TBO reflects the Trade Off of additional power output yet I have never seen a plug properly rotated, cleaned, gapped and not dropped that went 2,000 TBO... maybe 1000 hours. Rick, when you get back from the airport can you tell us which plug to buy? The Champion Go/No Go gage included a measure of when the anode of the plug has sacrificed enough metal to no longer have enough mass to continue reliably in service (between Annuals - I mean Conditionals). Plugs should be matched for reliability and performance for the environment they operate and the source of power they are provided. Last week there was discussion of blast tubes to the Mag without discussion on when pressurized mags provide additional value - that is another subject. The tubes discussed were for cooling the Mag case and reducing the failure rate of the condenser inside. Till you have seen an auto plug blow out, an anode burn off, an improper heat range plug or the damage from a decaying magneto, or the failure of an electronic ignition system you just have not experienced all the fun that is out there for us all. The decision of cost/benefit is not in VANS hands, it is in the many choices we make as the Manufacturer and the QC that we put on our product before the name goes on. I have respect for both the workmanship of Rick's and Don's aircraft. To me it's not about the $40,000. A close friend once said "When the engine stops in flight, a fire breaks out or you fly without gas.... The aircraft is instantly the property of the insurance company and your estate." Bob Hoover said " It is the job of every good pilot to fly the aircraft to the landing site, walk away with all the passengers that were onboard and assess your estate value over a stiff drink". Sully was this year's hero for following to a T that exact mantra. I have lost a few friends over the years who tried to do the impossible or cut a corner or two while traveling life's highway. Let's have another year of no lost RV-10s or their pilots. Here is a question for New Years Eve - "How many of you check the resistance of your plugs at each annual?" John Cox -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of ricksked(at)cox.net Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:12 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs I'd be willing to bet those plugs John Force runs in his Funny Cars are a bit "different" than standard auto plugs but in theory your right Don. If I recall how it was explained to me, the plug needs to be able to burn off deposits and keep firing even with a buildup. I believe that the plug doesn't know so much what type of engine it is installed in but what type of ignition keeps it firing cleanly. The people using automotive plugs are using electronic ignition designed for automotive plugs, myself I have two conventional mags and I use plugs designed to work with those magnetos. If you keep your plugs rotated, cleaned and gapped properly they should go all the way to TBO. Unless you drop one....then you get to bitch about how expensive they are. Rick Sked N246RS ---- Don McDonald wrote: > > Last time I ck'd, all the race cars with tons more $$$$'s in their engines, use automotive plugs. If aircraft plugs werebetter, trust me, they'd be using them. > Even the plugs Klaus recommends are automotive. > Don > > > --- On Thu, 12/31/09, AirMike wrote: > > > From: AirMike <Mikeabel(at)Pacbell.net> > Subject: RV10-List: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Date: Thursday, December 31, 2009, 8:00 AM > > > > I am not the sharpest tool in drawer, but why would you want to take a chance with an automotive product to save a few bucks on a $40K engine. > Aircraft plugs are designed for A/C engines. Explain me? > > -------- > OSH '10 or Bust > Q/B - testing phase 1 > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279410#279410 > > > > > > > > le, List Admin. > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs
From: ricksked(at)cox.net
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Don't you have to overhaul these tractor engines at 500 hours? Hmmm. 2000 hours is GREAT news!!! I retract my TBO plug comment now that I'm correctly informed. :). And for all you rivet pounders out there....I'm 1.5 hours closer to that overhaul!! Rick Sked Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T -----Original Message----- From: "John Cox" <johnwcox(at)pacificnw.com> Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 11:51:00 Subject: RE: RV10-List: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs For those who frequent OSH seminars, Champion is often conducting Educational Seminars that can be both informative and entertaining. Then you can take what they say with a grain of salt. The Aviation plug is designed and constructed for an entirely more reliable purpose than automotive. If there were only as many aviation plugs in use as Asian manufactured automotive we might see the competitive forces of price make that subject a Non Issue. There is a big increase in consumable cost. As a youth, when I was drag racing, I had three sets of entirely different plugs for atmospheric changes on the track. We called that a Pit Stop. Mikes post was about cost/benefit. TBO: The original Rotax TBOs were down around 1,000 hours now they are improving to match Lyco/Continental. Turbo powered engines create additional needs on the plug design and the TBO reflects the Trade Off of additional power output yet I have never seen a plug properly rotated, cleaned, gapped and not dropped that went 2,000 TBO... maybe 1000 hours. Rick, when you get back from the airport can you tell us which plug to buy? The Champion Go/No Go gage included a measure of when the anode of the plug has sacrificed enough metal to no longer have enough mass to continue reliably in service (between Annuals - I mean Conditionals). Plugs should be matched for reliability and performance for the environment they operate and the source of power they are provided. Last week there was discussion of blast tubes to the Mag without discussion on when pressurized mags provide additional value - that is another subject. The tubes discussed were for cooling the Mag case and reducing the failure rate of the condenser inside. Till you have seen an auto plug blow out, an anode burn off, an improper heat range plug or the damage from a decaying magneto, or the failure of an electronic ignition system you just have not experienced all the fun that is out there for us all. The decision of cost/benefit is not in VANS hands, it is in the many choices we make as the Manufacturer and the QC that we put on our product before the name goes on. I have respect for both the workmanship of Rick's and Don's aircraft. To me it's not about the $40,000. A close friend once said "When the engine stops in flight, a fire breaks out or you fly without gas.... The aircraft is instantly the property of the insurance company and your estate." Bob Hoover said " It is the job of every good pilot to fly the aircraft to the landing site, walk away with all the passengers that were onboard and assess your estate value over a stiff drink". Sully was this year's hero for following to a T that exact mantra. I have lost a few friends over the years who tried to do the impossible or cut a corner or two while traveling life's highway. Let's have another year of no lost RV-10s or their pilots. Here is a question for New Years Eve - "How many of you check the resistance of your plugs at each annual?" John Cox -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of ricksked(at)cox.net Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:12 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs I'd be willing to bet those plugs John Force runs in his Funny Cars are a bit "different" than standard auto plugs but in theory your right Don. If I recall how it was explained to me, the plug needs to be able to burn off deposits and keep firing even with a buildup. I believe that the plug doesn't know so much what type of engine it is installed in but what type of ignition keeps it firing cleanly. The people using automotive plugs are using electronic ignition designed for automotive plugs, myself I have two conventional mags and I use plugs designed to work with those magnetos. If you keep your plugs rotated, cleaned and gapped properly they should go all the way to TBO. Unless you drop one....then you get to bitch about how expensive they are. Rick Sked N246RS ---- Don McDonald wrote: > > Last time I ck'd, all the race cars with tons more $$$$'s in their engines, use automotive plugs. If aircraft plugs werebetter, trust me, they'd be using them. > Even the plugs Klaus recommends are automotive. > Don > > > --- On Thu, 12/31/09, AirMike wrote: > > > From: AirMike <Mikeabel(at)Pacbell.net> > Subject: RV10-List: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Date: Thursday, December 31, 2009, 8:00 AM > > > > I am not the sharpest tool in drawer, but why would you want to take a chance with an automotive product to save a few bucks on a $40K engine. > Aircraft plugs are designed for A/C engines. Explain me? > > -------- > OSH '10 or Bust > Q/B - testing phase 1 > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279410#279410 > > > > > > > > le, List Admin. > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: "Robin Marks" <robin1(at)mrmoisture.com>
As I have only had Dual Mags on now 9 different planes what do people use with one electronic and one Mag? Automotive plugs on the electronic and Aviation plugs on the Mag? Robin ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
From: "johngoodman" <johngoodman(at)earthlink.net>
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Don't forget a Torque Wrench that works in inch-pounds. -------- #40572 QB Fuselage, wings finished. Finish Kit progressing. Engine on floor & Panel delivery soon. N711JG reserved Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279494#279494 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: rudder skins
From: "Ron B." <cfxoa(at)klis.com>
Date: Dec 31, 2009
I found it best to speak with the individual inspector from MD-RA. Our inspector was fine with being able to roll back one skin and look in. I'm sure with the first inspections he will want to see all rivets, both shop and bucked heads. Later , if your work meets his approval he may let you close up small areas so the component will have a larger amount of work completed to inspect. He will use a mirror or bore scope ( if you have access to one) to look inside the closed in areas. Ron Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279503#279503 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Aileron Counterbalance Holes
From: "Ron B." <cfxoa(at)klis.com>
Date: Dec 31, 2009
I used my Drummel , which has the long flexible shaft extension and a small sanding drum. Very quick and easy. Ron Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279504#279504 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Luis Rodriguez <luis(at)cristabelle.net>
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Yes, that's another tool to add. Sent from my iPod On Dec 31, 2009, at 4:47 PM, "johngoodman" wrote: > > > > Don't forget a Torque Wrench that works in inch-pounds. > > -------- > #40572 QB Fuselage, wings finished. Finish Kit progressing. Engine > on floor & Panel delivery soon. > N711JG reserved > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279494#279494 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: David Maib <dmaib(at)mac.com>
Subject: Re: Back rivet tailcone
Date: Dec 31, 2009
That is exactly how Mary and I riveted our tailcone. David Maib 40559 Flying On Dec 31, 2009, at 2:59 PM, Perry, Phil wrote: Don't remember the order I did it, but it was consistent with the plans. Everything was back riveted for me with the exception of the extreme aft tail cone where it became too narrow to fit the rivet gun into. However instead of using a back rivet plate, we back riveted against a bucking bar. Moving the bucking bar around from rivet to rivet was much easier than rolling the tail cone around on a table. The wife helped me out with running the bucking bar while I shot them from the inside with my Avery 3x Rivet Gun that fits my hand perfectly and has given me years of trouble-free service. :p Phil ----- Original Message ----- From: Eric_Kallio <scout019(at)msn.com> Sent: Thu Dec 31 11:42:30 2009 Subject: RV10-List: Re: Back rivet tailcone It has been a long time since I did my tailcone, but with some help I was able to back rivet the radius of the side skins. I bucked the top. I just stared at one end (can't remember front or back) and riveted the radius starting from the bottom and working my way around to the side. When the radius was done, I went to the next bulkhead before doing the side skins. It can be done, but I don't recall it being any easier in the radius that it would have been bucking, and I still needed help to hold the tailcone while I riveted. Eric Kallio N518RV wiring and panel installation Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279457#279457 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: <mauledriver(at)nc.rr.com>
Subject: Most complete tool kit
Yes, very nicely said. Another tool with a lot of variables is a hand squeezer. Yes, you should have a power squeezer. But you will also need a hand squeezer too. Having had the chance to use 3 or 4 different models before buying, I had a definite preference. Others had a different preference. But experience really guided our preferences. If you can find any way to try different types out, it will pay off. But what you don't know won't really hurt you either. Bill ---- John Cumins wrote: > John > > > > Nicely said. > > > > John G. Cumins > > > > 40864 Emp in deburr mode then dimpling then Primer Yes I won the primer > war!!!!! > > > > > > From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of John Cox > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:23 AM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: RE: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > > > Chris, like the subject of Primer, tools bring out the personal side of the > RV-10 list. Several will tell you that one brand is better over another. > Most like the Beach Boys song "Be true to your school" have not played the > field much. The key is the feel, balance and weight in Your Hands. Speed is > indeed a factor in improving quality of production. You can always regulate > down a faster product for slower cutting or deity forbid "Drill an errant > rivet". The inverse is not possible. Trueness of the "chucked bit" is > another. Some chucks tend to wear out more quickly than others. Many > builders love the keyless chuck. Noise of the pneumatics and consistent > speed under load are two metrics to measure your options against. Pilots > tend to go deaf from flying without noise cancelling headsets. Builders do > it from their pneumatic tools. Be sure and get protection that you enjoy > wearing. > > > > I have two Sioux palm reversibles and love them. I found the Dotco with > ergonomic grip to be even more comfortable. I cannot stand the miniature > (hard to find) special size key necessary to change items in the Sioux > chuck. I would love to have a keyless chuck in just one of mine but there > are tradeoffs when trying to back out a stuck bit that is turning in the > chuck. The reason I have two small drives (five in total) is the > convenience of have PRE set up a 0.030 bit, another with the 0.040, another > with a micro cage for countersinking and another for scotchbrite disks on an > arbor. Many of the micro cages will have a bushing rather than a bearing > and begin migrating at the end of the build as your QC level becomes more > demanding. And yes, I use both reamers and Cogswell Deburr tools. > > > > Some of us follow the path of Tiger Woods in life, I have a fetish for > tools. A quality tool in the hand of a craftsman, properly applied can be a > thing of beauty. For shops to die for, visit the archive of Bob Newman's - > TCW workshop. Pictures can be far more eloquent. > > > > No one has yet mentioned a 90 or 45 degree drill for those tight spots using > 1/4" x 28 threaded bits. I even have a "East Indian" manufactured pancake > drill for hard to reach areas with only 1" of headroom. 60% of my stuff has > come from Ebay. About 10% gets re-sold so Caveat Emptor. > > > > Many are building quality products with the most basic of builder tools. A > majority of builders learn about the tool options later in the build rather > than in the beginning. Few of them have been willing to sell anything after > completion of their kit. Others are fortunate enough to have access to the > DRDT2 dimpler or share it around with friends. That will be the hardest > tool to sneak past my wife in her random tours of the hangar. Visit Tim > Olson's site on how to engage your partner in the build and its rewards. > > > > Enjoy the journey and consider engaging one or several EAA Tech Advisors > (near you) to share with you the roads less traveled or infrequently repaved > by builder mistakes. Visit http://www.eaa.org/video/homebuilders.html . > Feel at ease contacting builders Offline - Anytime. > > > > > > John Cox > > Aurora, OR > > From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Chris Colohan > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > > > While I've got the experts on the line... > > > > I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start > building an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I > don't quite know what I need. > > > > In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple > references (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a > drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, > and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. > > > > If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to > be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways when > they get older? > > > > Chris > > On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: > > I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never > really felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one > is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and > upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different than > the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many > don't, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My examples > would focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. > > > > -------------------------------------------------- > From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM > > > To: > > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > > > > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without it. > > > > Kelly McMullen wrote: > >> > >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic > >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for > >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it > >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. > >> > > >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: > >>> > >>> Score: > >>> > >>> Ischam 3 > >>> Avery. 1 > >>> Custom 2 > >>> > >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! > >>> > >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite > >>> wheels, and a drdt2. > >>> > >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. > >>> > >>> Sent from my iPod > >>> > >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez > >>> wrote: > >>> > >>>> > >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> Sent from my iPod > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > ========== > > > > Support Your Lists This Month -- > > > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; ========== > > RV10-List Email browse > > Photoshare, and much ========== > > bsp; via the ========== > > > > > > > > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com > > .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com > ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com > nk">www.howtocrimp.com > _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution > get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List > tp://forums.matronics.com > > > > > > > > www.aeroelectric.com > www.buildersbooks.com > www.homebuilthelp.com > www.howtocrimp.com > http://www.matronics.com/contribution > > http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List > > http://forums.matronics.com > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Back rivet tailcone
From: "Jim Berry" <jimberry(at)qwest.net>
Date: Dec 31, 2009
In addition to all of the above, you can back rivet the J-channel stiffeners to the top skin before clecoing the skin to the bulkheads. Just leave out the rivets where the stiffeners cross a bulkhead. Saves a lot of riveting inside the tailcone. I back riveted all but about a dozen rivets in the narrowest part of the cone by myself, using a couple of pillows to position the cone against the rivet plate. Jim Berry 40482 N15JB Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279515#279515 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: Kelly McMullen <kellym(at)aviating.com>
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
I would disagree on the drill. I got the standard drill in Isham's kit. After completing the empenage I developed trigger finger syndrome, partly because that drill has a stiff trigger that is very difficult to get anything but max rpm. The Chicago Pneumatic I mentioned or a Sioux have far better triggers that take less effort and easy control from 5 rpm to max rpm. John Cumins wrote: > > Louis > > The drill and pneumatic sqeezer are part of the ISM kit you want to get both > from them and I love the feel of the drill fits my hand perfectly. > John G. Cumins > President > > JC'S Interactive Systems > 2499 B1 Martin Rd > Fairfield Ca 94533 > 707-425-7100 > 707-425-7576 Fax > > Your Total Technology Solution Provider ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Pascal" <rv10builder(at)verizon.net>
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
you'll find that any tool will work, you probably saw a post today from someone using a battery powered drill, he might be getting 600rpm max far short of 2000rpm. With that said my Sioux is 2100rpm and it has worked fine. The more I build the more I realize the RV-10 could probably be built with hand tools, in other words, yes you'll be fine with a 2K rpm drill. I also have a 2X riveter, many will say you need a 3X, never saw a need for anything more than my 2x did. Look at the Avery or planetools list and use that as a basis for the ebay search. Pascal From: Chris Colohan Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit While I've got the experts on the line... I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start building an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I don't quite know what I need. In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple references (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways when they get older? Chris On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never really felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different than the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many don't, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My examples would focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM To: Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without it. > > Kelly McMullen wrote: >> >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. >> >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: >>> >>> Score: >>> >>> Ischam 3 >>> Avery. 1 >>> Custom 2 >>> >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! >>> >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite >>> wheels, and a drdt2. >>> >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. >>> >>> Sent from my iPod >>> >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez >>> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Sent from my iPod >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > =========== > Support Your Lists This Month -- > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; > RV10-List Email browse > Photoshare, and much ========== > bsp; via the ========== > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com nk">www.howtocrimp.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List tp://forums.matronics.com ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever <roxianmike(at)msn.com>
Subject: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Chris: Jeff makes a very good point.............there is alot of work like drilling out prepunched holes=2C deburring holes etc. that don't require t he power or rpm of an air drill. I used a light 9v black and decker drill and now using a similar DeWitt drill...........having a second battery mean s you can be charging one while using the other.....and keep on working. Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit Date: Thu=2C 31 Dec 2009 15:16:38 -0500 From: nicholscatoauto(at)aol.com Chris=2C I used a makita cordless drill so far in the build process(currently workin g on fuselage). I purchased a CP reversible drill and I didn't like having to wear ear plugs all the time (kind of loud) or lugging the air hose aroun d with me. As far as the rest of the tools I wouldn't do without my tungste n bucking bar. I just wish I would have bought it at the beginning. Jeff Nichols #40648 -----Original Message----- From: Chris Colohan <rv10(at)colohan.com> Sent: Thu=2C Dec 31=2C 2009 11:55 am Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit While I've got the experts on the line... I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka=2C on the cheap) to start b uilding an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills=2C and realize I do n't quite know what I need. In particular=2C when I read articles on building=2C I've seen multiple ref erences (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a dri ll for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist=2C an d the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay=2C am I likely t o be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways whe n they get older? Chris On Thu=2C Dec 31=2C 2009 at 8:02 AM=2C Pascal wro te: I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux=2C but in the end I never r eally felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one is frugal=2C like me=2C it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different th an the kit itself=2C some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and m any don't=2C others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My ex amples would focus around the landing gear=3B axle=2C extension=2C wheel=2C etc. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> Sent: Thursday=2C December 31=2C 2009 7:20 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit rr.com> > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good=2C so > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without it . > > Kelly McMullen wrote: >> >> IMHO=2C your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic >> is compact=2C light=2C and has a very nice touch teasing trigger=2C for >> $125=2C or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice=2C but is i t >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. >> >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: >>> >>> Score: >>> >>> Ischam 3 >>> Avery. 1 >>> Custom 2 >>> >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! >>> >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch=2C extra clecos=2C extra scotchbrite >>> wheels=2C and a drdt2. >>> >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. >>> >>> Sent from my iPod >>> >>> On Dec 30=2C 2009=2C at 5:56 PM=2C Luis Rodriguez >>> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Sent from my iPod >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > =========== > Support Your Lists This Month -- > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp=3B ====== ==== > RV10-List Email browse > Photoshare=2C and much ========== > bsp=3B via the ========== > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com nk">www.howtocrimp.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List tp://forums.matronics.com =_blank>www.aeroelectric.com m/" target=_blank>www.buildersbooks.com =_blank>www.homebuilthelp.com ank>www.howtocrimp.com _blank>http://www.matronics.com/contribution rget=_blank>http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List tp://forums.matronics.com ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
If I get to choose a hand squeezer, I'm going with the Cleveland "Main Squeeze". It's the cat's meow. Phil -----Original Message----- From: mauledriver(at)nc.rr.com [mailto:mauledriver(at)nc.rr.com] Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 5:49 PM Subject: RE: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit Yes, very nicely said. Another tool with a lot of variables is a hand squeezer. Yes, you should have a power squeezer. But you will also need a hand squeezer too. Having had the chance to use 3 or 4 different models before buying, I had a definite preference. Others had a different preference. But experience really guided our preferences. If you can find any way to try different types out, it will pay off. But what you don't know won't really hurt you either. Bill ---- John Cumins wrote: > John > > > > Nicely said. > > > > John G. Cumins > > > > 40864 Emp in deburr mode then dimpling then Primer Yes I won the primer > war!!!!! > > > > > > From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of John Cox > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:23 AM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: RE: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > > > Chris, like the subject of Primer, tools bring out the personal side of the > RV-10 list. Several will tell you that one brand is better over another. > Most like the Beach Boys song "Be true to your school" have not played the > field much. The key is the feel, balance and weight in Your Hands. Speed is > indeed a factor in improving quality of production. You can always regulate > down a faster product for slower cutting or deity forbid "Drill an errant > rivet". The inverse is not possible. Trueness of the "chucked bit" is > another. Some chucks tend to wear out more quickly than others. Many > builders love the keyless chuck. Noise of the pneumatics and consistent > speed under load are two metrics to measure your options against. Pilots > tend to go deaf from flying without noise cancelling headsets. Builders do > it from their pneumatic tools. Be sure and get protection that you enjoy > wearing. > > > > I have two Sioux palm reversibles and love them. I found the Dotco with > ergonomic grip to be even more comfortable. I cannot stand the miniature > (hard to find) special size key necessary to change items in the Sioux > chuck. I would love to have a keyless chuck in just one of mine but there > are tradeoffs when trying to back out a stuck bit that is turning in the > chuck. The reason I have two small drives (five in total) is the > convenience of have PRE set up a 0.030 bit, another with the 0.040, another > with a micro cage for countersinking and another for scotchbrite disks on an > arbor. Many of the micro cages will have a bushing rather than a bearing > and begin migrating at the end of the build as your QC level becomes more > demanding. And yes, I use both reamers and Cogswell Deburr tools. > > > > Some of us follow the path of Tiger Woods in life, I have a fetish for > tools. A quality tool in the hand of a craftsman, properly applied can be a > thing of beauty. For shops to die for, visit the archive of Bob Newman's - > TCW workshop. Pictures can be far more eloquent. > > > > No one has yet mentioned a 90 or 45 degree drill for those tight spots using > 1/4" x 28 threaded bits. I even have a "East Indian" manufactured pancake > drill for hard to reach areas with only 1" of headroom. 60% of my stuff has > come from Ebay. About 10% gets re-sold so Caveat Emptor. > > > > Many are building quality products with the most basic of builder tools. A > majority of builders learn about the tool options later in the build rather > than in the beginning. Few of them have been willing to sell anything after > completion of their kit. Others are fortunate enough to have access to the > DRDT2 dimpler or share it around with friends. That will be the hardest > tool to sneak past my wife in her random tours of the hangar. Visit Tim > Olson's site on how to engage your partner in the build and its rewards. > > > > Enjoy the journey and consider engaging one or several EAA Tech Advisors > (near you) to share with you the roads less traveled or infrequently repaved > by builder mistakes. Visit http://www.eaa.org/video/homebuilders.html . > Feel at ease contacting builders Offline - Anytime. > > > > > > John Cox > > Aurora, OR > > From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Chris Colohan > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > > > While I've got the experts on the line... > > > > I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start > building an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I > don't quite know what I need. > > > > In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple > references (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a > drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, > and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. > > > > If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to > be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways when > they get older? > > > > Chris > > On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: > > I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never > really felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one > is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and > upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different than > the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many > don't, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My examples > would focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. > > > > -------------------------------------------------- > From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM > > > To: > > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > > > > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without it. > > > > Kelly McMullen wrote: > >> > >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic > >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for > >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it > >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. > >> > > >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: > >>> > >>> Score: > >>> > >>> Ischam 3 > >>> Avery. 1 > >>> Custom 2 > >>> > >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! > >>> > >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite > >>> wheels, and a drdt2. > >>> > >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. > >>> > >>> Sent from my iPod > >>> > >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez > >>> wrote: > >>> > >>>> > >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> Sent from my iPod > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > ========== > > > > Support Your Lists This Month -- > > > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; ========== > > RV10-List Email browse > > Photoshare, and much ========== > > bsp; via the ========== > > > > > > > > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com > > .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com > ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com > nk">www.howtocrimp.com > _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution > get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List > tp://forums.matronics.com > > > > > > > > www.aeroelectric.com > www.buildersbooks.com > www.homebuilthelp.com > www.howtocrimp.com > http://www.matronics.com/contribution > > http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List > > http://forums.matronics.com > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Pascal" <rv10builder(at)verizon.net>
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
I second that. An experience mechanic that has helped me from time to time thought the Sioux was far superior to any drill he has used in his 30 years. He was amazed at the smoothness, "balance" and easy control of the drill. Funny thing is he mentioned that he had the trigger syndrome with some of the drills they have at his job, and none of the drills they use are cheap/inexpensive. (aka no Harbor freight tools). I believe Boeing uses DOTCO, or they did at one point, I say that because when the store was still open to the public they had a few "surplus", DOTCO, sioux, both great tools, Harbor Freight NOT! somewhere in between there are some great smooth less expensive tools and there are some lousy expensive tools. Stick with a name brand and look at VAF for builders feedback on tools. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Kelly McMullen" <kellym(at)aviating.com> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:09 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > I would disagree on the drill. I got the standard drill in Isham's kit. > After completing the empenage I developed trigger finger syndrome, > partly because that drill has a stiff trigger that is very difficult to > get anything but max rpm. The Chicago Pneumatic I mentioned or a Sioux > have far better triggers that take less effort and easy control from 5 > rpm to max rpm. > > John Cumins wrote: >> >> Louis >> >> The drill and pneumatic sqeezer are part of the ISM kit you want to get both >> from them and I love the feel of the drill fits my hand perfectly. >> John G. Cumins >> President >> >> JC'S Interactive Systems >> 2499 B1 Martin Rd >> Fairfield Ca 94533 >> 707-425-7100 >> 707-425-7576 Fax >> >> Your Total Technology Solution Provider > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Bill Schlatterer" <billschlatterer(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone
Date: Dec 31, 2009
OK, I spent an hour last night on Foreflight and bought the annual package. I love the route briefing and particularly the translated METARS. I can read the script but always have to think too hard about the Zulu times. I wonder if they will switch to the new PROG charts with the enhanced graphics. I really like them a lot better than the standard stuff. It is a better package than AOPA because it is specifically designed for the iPhone. It's cool being able to download charts, airport directory, and approachs/stars/sids etc and have them in your hand in the airplane. Not as nice to use as a full size chart but cool for reference or in a pinch. Thanks for the tip! Please post any other good iPhone aviation aps that you come across. Bill S -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Olson Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 7:24 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone I'll reply longer in another post maybe, but for now to answer one question, I think on their site it says all charts total is 5gb. I downloaded most of the is except Alaska and Hawaii. Mainly because we often decide on our vacation destinations the night before, so I have to be prepared for anything. 32gb will do you real well. Tim On Dec 30, 2009, at 6:34 PM, "Bill Schlatterer" wrote: > --> > > > Tim thanks, good answer. So looks like you can actually download the > charts, stars, etc and pull them up even offline and that is part of > the basic 69/annual pricing. Are you downloading all charts or just > the general area of your trip. Can you tell how much data storage is > used in the iP for this app plus charts etc. Haven't found out how to > do that yet but have the 32g version so I think it shouldn't be a > problem. > > If Foreflight actually wrote the stuff that AOPA uses, they do good > work. > The one ap that is missing is the nice listing that Dan Checkoways > does on his Weithermiester site where it just shows a one line Metars > for every site within XX miles of your route. It's color coded so it > is very easy to use/ > > Pretty unbelievable how far we have come in the last year with the iP. > > Do you have any other favorite aps for the iP for flight matters? > > Thanks Bill S > 7a finishing > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Olson > Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 8:52 PM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone > > Bill, > > I'm writing this from back home from the trip down to Florida. Used > Foreflight Mobile (3.0 version) for just tons of the trip. The reason > I could easily read the STAR, and yesterday had my approach plate up > while in flight is that 3.0 will allow you to download all the > approaches state-by-state, and also IFR enroute charts, and VFR > sectionals, state by state. The charts and sectionals also work with > the iphone GPS (and a bluetooth GPS if you hack it). So, I didn't > need data service to use all those chart functions. The AOPA app you > mention is good, but Foreflight already also includes all of that too > (they made the AOPA app), so if you have Foreflight, you don't need > the separate AOPA app. > > I did find that there were plenty of times I didn't have data > coverage, but found many that I did along this trip too. It was very > sporadic. > It seems that when I was near 3G coverage areas, it happened more > often. > When I flew to KSLC earlier this year, it was funny but I had almost > continuous coverage at 10,000' I think, from Wyoming to Utah. So it > really depends on where you are. In Florida I would often get emails > popping in during the flight...and just randomly along the trip. When > I had service near Nashville, I used it to text back and forth with > another RV-10 owner to have them call ahead to make sure I could get a > car at KMYJ. I also a couple times tried to pull up fuel prices on > Airnav just for kicks...and sometimes had luck. Come to think of it, > South Dakota seemed to have reasonable coverage when I was over there > too. > > I did shut the phone off into airplane mode when flying IMC in the > clouds though...the phone is a very electrically noisy device and > although I haven't seen any effects on the plane instruments, I didn't > want to find them out at that time. I get tons of speaker interference > on telephones and PC monitor speakers with the iphone. > > Voyager also actually came in pretty handy on this trip again. > Between the BNA area and near MSP when I was going home, I tried to do > a lot of that VFR for a while, navigating low around a snowstorm > area....just changing our course as needed to try to make the best > forward progress. > This meant we had no defined fuel spot...just wanted to navigate > around the weather. > I was able to slide the map ahead and find a good fuel stop for > something just over $3.60/gal, instead of paying the $4-5 that so many > places try to impose, and ended up at Mexico MO (home of Zenith > aircraft) getting a good fuel price. Probably saved me like $40-60 > just for that one fuel stop. I tried to do as much as I could on this > trip with the iPhone though, which really for me proved it was a > fantastic device to have with you on a trip. > I had a moving-map GPS in the car, found my hotels by the iphone, > found my stores and restaurants that way, and even my inlaws house and > the nearby theatre for a movie. > Without that device I'd have had to do a lot more planning or spend a > lot more time getting around. > > For those thinking about the Foreflight for iphone, you may want to > check their website quick. I think most of the special upgrade pricing > and special intro pricing expires at the end of the year. Might save > a few bucks. I don't know if I'll have a good write-up put together > in time. > > For kicks, I've attached 3 screenshots from the trip. The first was > the crappy weather I had to deal with a couple days ago while we came > home...flying from Florida to Wisconsin. > The turbulence got me..I landed at Nashville because having built the > plane, I KNOW that the only thing holding the front of the horizontal > stab on is those 2 L shaped angle brackets... > and we were getting hammered bad enough that I decided I better just > wait it out. The last shot is a not-zoomed-in-too-far photo of that > arrival in Florida. You can zoom them up just like everything else > and see them well. > > > Tim Olson - RV-10 N104CD > > > Bill Schlatterer wrote: >> --> >> >> Tim, just wondering how that works? I just flew several legs into >> Fort Worth and out and never could get the iPhone to pick up >> consistently. Text messages went OK (not instantly) up to about 2000 >> but higher than that was intermittent. My old crack berry was better >> than > that. Internet access for >> pulling up anything was not useable. My iP is on AT&T. Does >> Foreflight >> cache the plates or do you have to load them up before getting in the >> air? >> >> I have been using the new AOPA Mobile ap and it is also very good! >> It's also free with your AOPA subscription. >> >> Bill S >> 7a almost flying >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com >> [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Olson >> Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 5:15 PM >> To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com >> Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone >> >> >> You get WAY more than that....confirmation AND the full briefing. I >> had an awesome couple of days with 3.0 so far....this should be a >> great trip write-up. Flying the STAR into KLEE as I type this...with >> the star on the iPhone! >> Tim >> >> >> >> On Dec 23, 2009, at 5:30 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: >> >>> >>> If you file your flight plan with Foreflight 3.0, do you get any >>> feedback that the flight plan went thru?? >>> >>> -------- >>> Larry and Gayle N104LG >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Read this topic online here: >>> >>> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=278735#278735 >>> > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Luis <luis(at)cristabelle.net>
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
So the higher rpms on the drill are not needed? The higher RPMs should give a smoother hole. I would think using a lower rpm will lead to stress cracks in the less smooth hole. Anyhow...So if one can use an electric drill, than hey, is there a electric riveter? Then using rattle cans for primer, ya don't even need a compressor..... On Dec 31, 2009, at 7:13 PM, Pascal wrote: > you'll find that any tool will work, you probably saw a post today > from someone using a battery powered drill, he might be getting > 600rpm max far short of 2000rpm. With that said my Sioux is 2100rpm > and it has worked fine. > The more I build the more I realize the RV-10 could probably be > built with hand tools, in other words, yes you'll be fine with a 2K > rpm drill. > I also have a 2X riveter, many will say you need a 3X, never saw a > need for anything more than my 2x did. Look at the Avery or > planetools list and use that as a basis for the ebay search. > Pascal > From: Chris Colohan > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > While I've got the experts on the line... > > I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to > start building an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and > realize I don't quite know what I need. > > In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple > references (including the Sioux web site) which say you need > >5000rpm in a drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill > doesn't seem to exist, and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits > tend to be around 2000rpm. > > If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I > likely to be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in > funny ways when they get older? > > Chris > > On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal > wrote: > I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I > never really felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I > think if one is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying > everything as is and upgrading those things that one really needs > (or wants) no different than the kit itself, some items really > "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many don't, others are fine as it > is even though some have upgraded. My examples would focus around > the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. > > > -------------------------------------------------- > From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM > > To: > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > > > > > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very > good, so > > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being > without it. > > > > Kelly McMullen wrote: > > > >> > >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago > Pneumatic > >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for > >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but > is it > >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the > two. > >> > >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: > > > >>> > >>> Score: > >>> > >>> Ischam 3 > >>> Avery. 1 > >>> Custom 2 > >>> > >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! > >>> > >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite > >>> wheels, and a drdt2. > >>> > >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. > >>> > >>> Sent from my iPod > >>> > >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez > >>> wrote: > >>> > > > >>>> > >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> Sent from my iPod > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > ========== > > > Support Your Lists This Month -- > > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; ========== > > RV10-List Email browse > > Photoshare, and much ========== > > bsp; via the ========== > > > > > > > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com > > .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com > ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com > nk">www.howtocrimp.com > _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution > get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List > tp://forums.matronics.com > > > href="http://www.aeroelectric.com">www.aeroelectric.com > href="http://www.buildersbooks.com">www.buildersbooks.com > href="http://www.homebuilthelp.com">www.homebuilthelp.com > href="http://www.howtocrimp.com">www.howtocrimp.com > href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/chref= > "http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List > href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Subject: Re: Back rivet tailcone
From: Kelly McMullen <apilot2(at)gmail.com>
Rivet the stiffeners to the top skin by back riveting before installing on the bulkheads, then just slide into place. It would be difficult to do any other way. It would be tough to backrivet the radius between bottom and side skins. On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Russell Shavitz wrote: > Can someone tell me the exact order to back rivet tailcone and if the radius > in the side and top skins can be back riveted > > Russell Shavitz > Arlington Heights IL > 847-417-6622 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
From: Kelly McMullen <apilot2(at)gmail.com>
While anything is possible, the pneumatic tools are about power and speed. Yesterday I had a friend to help, and we match drilled & deburred a complete wing bottom skin in a couple hours with two air drills and electric screwdriver running the debur bit. Would have helped to have a pneumatic cleco tool, but I'm too cheap to buy one. Dimpled all the ribs today in about an hour with pneumatic squeezer. I paid less for my Husky compressor than my pneumatic squeezer. Between drilling and riveting, it gets a lot of use. Not to mention powering the die grinder, etc. The Husky 30 gal or Lowes equivalent oil lubed belt driven compressors are under $400 and MUCH quieter than any of the oiless variety. As for rpm versus smooth holes, with a drill that may be true, with a chucking reamer makes no difference. In both cases you still are going to debur, which is what prevents the stress cracks. If drilling, once started, I go to max rpm..2800 on my drill. For reamer I go easy, rpm are not needed. On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Luis wrote: > So the higher rpms on the drill are not needed? The higher RPMs should give > a smoother hole. I would think using a lower rpm will lead to stress cracks > in the less smooth hole. > > Anyhow...So if one can use an electric drill, than hey, is there a electric > riveter? Then using rattle cans for primer, ya don't even need a > compressor..... ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: tools
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Don't forget this one. http://www.ezburr.com/products/ezburr_customs.html ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
From: "johngoodman" <johngoodman(at)earthlink.net>
Date: Dec 31, 2009
Bill's comment reminded me... sometimes slower is better. If you break the speed habit, you will discover that hand files will ultimately do the job, and never make a mistake. John -------- #40572 QB Fuselage, wings finished. Finish Kit progressing. Engine on floor & Panel delivery soon. N711JG reserved Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279552#279552 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Seano" <sean(at)braunandco.com>
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
Date: Dec 31, 2009
High speed is good for aluminum. Low speed for metal and even slower for stainless. ----- Original Message ----- From: Luis To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:18 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit So the higher rpms on the drill are not needed? The higher RPMs should give a smoother hole. I would think using a lower rpm will lead to stress cracks in the less smooth hole. Anyhow...So if one can use an electric drill, than hey, is there a electric riveter? Then using rattle cans for primer, ya don't even need a compressor..... On Dec 31, 2009, at 7:13 PM, Pascal wrote: you'll find that any tool will work, you probably saw a post today from someone using a battery powered drill, he might be getting 600rpm max far short of 2000rpm. With that said my Sioux is 2100rpm and it has worked fine. The more I build the more I realize the RV-10 could probably be built with hand tools, in other words, yes you'll be fine with a 2K rpm drill. I also have a 2X riveter, many will say you need a 3X, never saw a need for anything more than my 2x did. Look at the Avery or planetools list and use that as a basis for the ebay search. Pascal From: Chris Colohan Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit While I've got the experts on the line... I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start building an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I don't quite know what I need. In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple references (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways when they get older? Chris On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never really felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different than the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many don't, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My examples would focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM To: Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without it. > > Kelly McMullen wrote: >> >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. >> >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: >>> >>> Score: >>> >>> Ischam 3 >>> Avery. 1 >>> Custom 2 >>> >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! >>> >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite >>> wheels, and a drdt2. >>> >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. >>> >>> Sent from my iPod >>> >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez >>> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Sent from my iPod >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > =========== > Support Your Lists This Month -- > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; > RV10-List Email browse > Photoshare, and much ========== > bsp; via the ========== > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com nk">www.howtocrimp.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List tp://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.aeroelectric.com">www.aeroelectric.com href="http://www.buildersbooks.com">www.buildersbooks.com href="http://www.homebuilthelp.com">www.homebuilthelp.com href="http://www.howtocrimp.com">www.howtocrimp.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronic s.com/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.aeroelectric.com">www.aeroelectric.com href="http://www.buildersbooks.com">www.buildersbooks.com href="http://www.homebuilthelp.com">www.homebuilthelp.com href="http://www.howtocrimp.com">www.howtocrimp.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c ontribution href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronic s.com/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: Kelly McMullen <kellym(at)aviating.com>
Subject: Re: Automotive Spark Plugs
I check resistance every annual. It is best indicator of whether a plug is still good. Also a lot cheaper than those big Champion blaster/tester rigs. I'd use electronic with auto plugs on a non-turbo aircraft engine...for 50% of plugs, and mags with aircraft plugs for the other half. Throw the auto plugs away every annual, unless evidence pointed towards their being good for more life. John Cox wrote: > > For those who frequent OSH seminars, Champion is often conducting Educational Seminars that can be both informative and entertaining. Then you can take what they say with a grain of salt. The Aviation plug is designed and constructed for an entirely more reliable purpose than automotive. If there were only as many aviation plugs in use as Asian manufactured automotive we might see the competitive forces of price make that subject a Non Issue. There is a big increase in consumable cost. As a youth, when I was drag racing, I had three sets of entirely different plugs for atmospheric changes on the track. We called that a Pit Stop. > > Mikes post was about cost/benefit. > > TBO: The original Rotax TBOs were down around 1,000 hours now they are improving to match Lyco/Continental. Turbo powered engines create additional needs on the plug design and the TBO reflects the Trade Off of additional power output yet I have never seen a plug properly rotated, cleaned, gapped and not dropped that went 2,000 TBO... maybe 1000 hours. > > Rick, when you get back from the airport can you tell us which plug to buy? The Champion Go/No Go gage included a measure of when the anode of the plug has sacrificed enough metal to no longer have enough mass to continue reliably in service (between Annuals - I mean Conditionals). Plugs should be matched for reliability and performance for the environment they operate and the source of power they are provided. Last week there was discussion of blast tubes to the Mag without discussion on when pressurized mags provide additional value - that is another subject. The tubes discussed were for cooling the Mag case and reducing the failure rate of the condenser inside. > > Till you have seen an auto plug blow out, an anode burn off, an improper heat range plug or the damage from a decaying magneto, or the failure of an electronic ignition system you just have not experienced all the fun that is out there for us all. > > The decision of cost/benefit is not in VANS hands, it is in the many choices we make as the Manufacturer and the QC that we put on our product before the name goes on. I have respect for both the workmanship of Rick's and Don's aircraft. To me it's not about the $40,000. A close friend once said "When the engine stops in flight, a fire breaks out or you fly without gas.... The aircraft is instantly the property of the insurance company and your estate." Bob Hoover said " It is the job of every good pilot to fly the aircraft to the landing site, walk away with all the passengers that were onboard and assess your estate value over a stiff drink". Sully was this year's hero for following to a T that exact mantra. I have lost a few friends over the years who tried to do the impossible or cut a corner or two while traveling life's highway. Let's have another year of no lost RV-10s or their pilots. > > Here is a question for New Years Eve - "How many of you check the resistance of your plugs at each annual?" > > John Cox ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 31, 2009
From: Don McDonald <building_partner(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
This is an area where a lot of rookies make a big mistake.....- RPM is im portant.... but even more important is the right pressure.- With stainles s - sure, lower RPM, but keep a lot of pressure on it or your drill bit is history.... similiar-for steel.... make sure the bit is biting. It's usually more pressure than you think there should be.... trust me. Don McDonald --- On Thu, 12/31/09, Seano wrote: From: Seano <sean(at)braunandco.com> Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit Date: Thursday, December 31, 2009, 8:37 PM High speed is good for aluminum.- Low speed for metal and even slower for stainless. ----- Original Message ----- From: Luis Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:18 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit So the higher rpms on the drill are not needed? -The higher RPMs should g ive a smoother hole. -I would think using a lower rpm will lead to stress cracks in the less smooth hole. Anyhow...So if one can use an electric drill, than hey, is there a electric riveter? -Then using rattle cans for primer, ya don't even need a compre ssor..... On Dec 31, 2009, at 7:13 PM, Pascal wrote: you'll find that any tool will work, you probably saw a post today from som eone using a battery powered drill, he might be getting 600rpm max far shor t of 2000rpm. With that said my Sioux is 2100rpm and it has worked fine. The more I build the more I realize the RV-10 could probably be built with hand tools, in other words, yes you'll be fine with a 2K rpm drill. I also have a 2X riveter, many will say you need a 3X, never saw a need for anything more than my 2x did. Look at the Avery or planetools list and use that as a basis for the ebay search. Pascal From: Chris Colohan Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit While I've got the experts on the line... I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start bui lding an RV-10. -I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I don' t quite know what I need. In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple referen ces (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a drill f or working with aluminum. -But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, and th e drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to be happy? -Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways whe n they get older? Chris On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never rea lly felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and up grading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different than the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many don' t, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded.-My examples w ould focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. -------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit rr.com> > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > the Chicago sounds great.- Keyless chuck?- Can't imagine being withou t it. > > Kelly McMullen wrote: >> >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic >> is compact, light, and- has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. >> >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: >>> >>> Score: >>> >>> Ischam 3 >>> Avery.- 1 >>> Custom 2 >>> >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! >>> >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite >>> wheels, and a drdt2. >>> >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. >>> >>> Sent from my iPod >>> >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez >>> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Sent from my iPod >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > =========== > Support Your Lists This Month -- > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp;------------ ----- ========== > RV10-List Email browse > Photoshare, and much ========== > bsp;-- via the ========== > > > _blank">www.aeroelectric.com .com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com ="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com nk">www.howtocrimp.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/cget="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/N avigator?RV10-List tp://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.aeroelectric.com">www.aeroelectric.com href="http://www.buildersbooks.com">www.buildersbooks.com href="http://www.homebuilthelp.com">www.homebuilthelp.com href="http://www.howtocrimp.com">www.howtocrimp.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/chr ef="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics.co m/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.aeroelectric.com">www.aeroelectric.com href="http://www.buildersbooks.com">www.buildersbooks.com href="http://www.homebuilthelp.com">www.homebuilthelp.com href="http://www.howtocrimp.com">www.howtocrimp.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/con tribution href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics. com/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.aeroelectric.com">www.aeroelectric.com href="http://www.buildersbooks.com">www.buildersbooks.com href="http://www.homebuilthelp.com">www.homebuilthelp.com href="http://www.howtocrimp.com">www.howtocrimp.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/chr ef="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics.co m/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com =0A=0A=0A ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: FW: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation
Date: Jan 01, 2010
Heads UP. This is a reservation made with the EAA discount . Check my next email. -----Original Message----- From: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservations [mailto:onlinereservations(at)enterprise.com] Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 9:22 AM Subject: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation Dear d mcnel, Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 10:00 am. If you didn't print your confirmation when you reserved your car, please print this Email or record your confirmation number. You may need it when you pick up your rental. Your rental information is summarized below. P.S. Remember us when you're renting in town. Enterprise is always nearby at more than 6,500 neighborhood locations. ----------------------- RESERVATION INFORMATION ----------------------- Confirmation Number: R0PD9P Name: mcnel, d Pick Up Date: Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 10:00 am Drop Off Date: Monday, January 18, 2010 at 10:00 am Car Provided by: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Tel.: (435) 865-1435 Car Located at: Sphere One Av Office Hours for the week of: January 11, 2010 Monday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Tuesday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Wednesday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Thursday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Friday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am Noon Sunday CLOSED Car and Rate Information for EAA - MEMBER BENEFIT NAT'L ACCT: Intermediate Pontiac G5, Nissan Sentra, Toyota Corolla or similar 93.00 USD (2 Days @ 46.50) 1.34 USD (VEHICLE LICENSE FEE) 94.34 USD (Subtotal) 9.43 USD (AIRPORT ACCESS FEE) 8.93 USD (SALES TAX) Total charges 112.70 USD NOTE: Pricing does not include coverage. ------------------------- ENTERPRISE PICK-UP POLICY ------------------------- PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AT YOUR GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORT. - AFTER BOOKING A RESERVATION PLEASE CALL THE LOCAL RENTAL OFFICE TO ARRANGE FOR SHUTTLE SERVICE. - GEOGRAPHIC RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. ------------------------- ENTERPRISE MILEAGE POLICY ------------------------- MILEAGE IS UNLIMITED WHEN VEHICLE REMAINS IN THE RENTING STATE. IF TRAVELING OUTSIDE OF THE STATE, MILEAGE IS CHARGED AT 150 FREE MILES PER DAY AND .20 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MILE, FOR THE ENTIRE RENTAL. --------------------- ENTERPRISE AGE POLICY --------------------- ALL DRIVERS MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. RENTERS 21 THROUGH 24 YEARS OF AGE MAY ONLY RENT ECONOMY THROUGH FULLSIZE CARS. ----------------------------- ENTERPRISE AFTER HOURS POLICY ----------------------------- PLEASE LOCK CAR DOORS AND THEN PLACE KEYS IN THE KEY DROP BOX. THE RENTER'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR VEHICLE CONDITION ENDS ONCE AN ENTERPRISE-RENT-A-CAR EMPLOYEE INSPECTS THE RENTAL VEHICLE THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY. ------------------------------------ TO MODIFY OR CANCEL THIS RESERVATION ------------------------------------ Please click the link below to modify or cancel this reservation. (Note: Modifying your location, date, or time may result in changes to your rates, taxes, surcharges or underage fee). https://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/deeplinkmap.do?bid=001&confirmnum=R0PD 9P&lastname=mcnel&cnty=US&language=EN ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm34077(at)cox.net>
Subject: FW: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation
Date: Jan 01, 2010
Check this reservation made as unknown individual. Note the $45 decrease in price for same rental. The FBO is adjacent to the airport terminal. -----Original Message----- From: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservations [mailto:onlinereservations(at)enterprise.com] Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 9:27 AM Subject: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation Dear David McNeill, Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 10:00 am. If you didn't print your confirmation when you reserved your car, please print this Email or record your confirmation number. You may need it when you pick up your rental. Your rental information is summarized below. P.S. Remember us when you're renting in town. Enterprise is always nearby at more than 6,500 neighborhood locations. ----------------------- RESERVATION INFORMATION ----------------------- Confirmation Number: R0PFDT Name: McNeill, David Pick Up Date: Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 10:00 am Drop Off Date: Monday, January 18, 2010 at 10:00 am Rental Office Address and Phone Number: CEDAR CITY AP IN TERM 2560 AVIATION WAY CEDAR CITY, UT 84720-8327 Tel.: (435) 865-1435 Office Hours for the week of: January 11, 2010 Monday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Tuesday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Wednesday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Thursday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Friday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am Noon Sunday CLOSED Car and Rate Information: Intermediate Pontiac G5, Nissan Sentra, Toyota Corolla or similar 62.68 USD (2 Days @ 31.34) 1.34 USD (VEHICLE LICENSE FEE) 64.02 USD (Subtotal) 6.40 USD (AIRPORT ACCESS FEE) 6.06 USD (SALES TAX) Total charges 76.48 USD NOTE: Pricing does not include coverage. ------------------------- ENTERPRISE PICK-UP POLICY ------------------------- PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AT YOUR GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORT. - AFTER BOOKING A RESERVATION PLEASE CALL THE LOCAL RENTAL OFFICE TO ARRANGE FOR SHUTTLE SERVICE. - GEOGRAPHIC RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. ------------------------- ENTERPRISE MILEAGE POLICY ------------------------- MILEAGE IS UNLIMITED WHEN VEHICLE REMAINS IN THE RENTING STATE OR BORDERING STATES INCLUDING CALIFORNIA. IF TRAVELING OUTSIDE OF THOSE STATES, MILEAGE IS CHARGED AT 200 MILES FREE PER DAY, 1400 MILES PER WEEK, & 2500 MILES PER MONTH, AND .20 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MILE, FOR THE ENTIRE RENTAL. --------------------- ENTERPRISE AGE POLICY --------------------- ALL DRIVERS MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. RENTERS 21 THROUGH 24 YEARS OF AGE MAY ONLY RENT ECONOMY THROUGH FULLSIZE CARS. ----------------------------- ENTERPRISE AFTER HOURS POLICY ----------------------------- PLEASE LOCK CAR DOORS AND THEN PLACE KEYS IN THE KEY DROP BOX. THE RENTER'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR VEHICLE CONDITION ENDS ONCE AN ENTERPRISE-RENT-A-CAR EMPLOYEE INSPECTS THE RENTAL VEHICLE THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY. --------------------------- TO MAKE ANOTHER RESERVATION --------------------------- If you would like to make another online reservation or need additional information, please visit us again at: http://www.enterprise.com ------------------------------------ TO MODIFY OR CANCEL THIS RESERVATION ------------------------------------ Please click the link below to modify or cancel this reservation. (Note: Modifying your location, date, or time may result in changes to your rates, taxes, surcharges or underage fee). https://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/deeplinkmap.do?bid=001&confirmnum=R0PF DT&lastname=McNeill&cnty=US&language=EN ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: car rental discounts
Date: Jan 01, 2010
Subject: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone
From: "lbgjb10" <lbgjb(at)gnt.net>
Date: Jan 01, 2010
If you are planning a trip from A-B, and using FF 3, will it 'automatically' download the maps you need + approach plates etc, or do you have to manually download the maps, plates etc. And then do you have to 'save' them also?? Happy New Year to everyone. larry b -------- Larry and Gayle N104LG Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279619#279619 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 01, 2010
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone
No, it doesn't automatically download them based on routes. You can do that kind of thing with Voyager but not Foreflight. The foreflight download manager works on a state-by-state basis. So just look at your route and choose to download all of the states along the route. For Andrea's on the last trip I downloaded Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida. It might be handy to download by route sometimes, but at the same time, you don't always know where you'll divert to, so from a practical perspective it's nice to have that easily identifiable way to pick and choose the region you want charts for. You get the same type of selection for IFR Low, VFR Sectional, Approach plates, and such. Then once you have your selections made, you should only have to update every month as the new cycle comes out, and it should be pretty automatic. So in Foreflight you probably go forth with more information than you need. With Voyager I usually download all airport information for every airport within 75 miles of my route. But, on my last trip, my actual route went more than 75 miles out. Tim Olson - RV-10 N104CD lbgjb10 wrote: > > If you are planning a trip from A-B, and using FF 3, will it > 'automatically' download the maps you need + approach plates etc, or > do you have to manually download the maps, plates etc. And then do > you have to 'save' them also?? Happy New Year to everyone. larry b > > -------- Larry and Gayle N104LG > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279619#279619 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Jesse Saint <jesse(at)saintaviation.com>
Subject: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone
Date: Jan 01, 2010
It will not do it automatically. You have to sellect which features you want caches for which states, but then they are cached until deleted or replaced. Jesse Saint Saint Aviation jesse(at)saintaviation.com 352-427-0285 Sent from my iPhone On Jan 1, 2010, at 12:17 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: > > If you are planning a trip from A-B, and using FF 3, will it > 'automatically' download the maps you need + approach plates etc, or > do you have to manually download the maps, plates etc. And then do > you have to 'save' them also?? Happy New Year to everyone. larry b > > -------- > Larry and Gayle N104LG > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279619#279619 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 01, 2010
From: Don McDonald <building_partner(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: FW: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation
If I understand this correctly... it was $76 cheaper renting AT the airport ???? Always ck both, because we found the exact opposite to be true.- In North Vegas, also Enterprise, we saved by renting form them 3 mile from the airp ort....and they still came and picked us up.- Who knows... I guess the mo ral is ck both Don McDonald --- On Fri, 1/1/10, DLM wrote: From: DLM <dlm34077(at)cox.net> Subject: RV10-List: FW: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation Date: Friday, January 1, 2010, 8:41 AM -Check this reservation made as unknown individual. Note the $45 decrease in price for same rental. The FBO is adjacent to the airport terminal. -----Original Message----- From: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservations [mailto:onlinereservations@enterpr ise.com] Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 9:27 AM Subject: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation Dear David McNeill, Thank you for choosing Enterprise.- We look forward to seeing you on Satu rday, January 16, 2010 at 10:00 am.- If you didn't print your confirmatio n when you reserved your car, please print this Email or record your confir mation number.- You may need it when you pick up your rental. Your rental information is summarized below. P.S. Remember us when you're renting in town.- Enterprise is always nearb y at more than 6,500 neighborhood locations. ----------------------- RESERVATION INFORMATION ----------------------- Confirmation Number: R0PFDT Name: McNeill, David Pick Up Date:- Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 10:00 am Drop Off Date:- Monday, January 18, 2010 at 10:00 am Rental Office Address and Phone Number: CEDAR CITY AP IN TERM 2560 AVIATION WAY CEDAR CITY, UT 84720-8327 Tel.: (435) 865-1435 Office Hours for the week of: January 11, 2010 Monday------- 8:30 am--- 6:00 pm----- Tuesday------ 8:30 am--- 6:00 pm----- Wednesday---- 8:30 am--- 6:00 pm----- Thursday----- 8:30 am--- 6:00 pm----- Friday------- 8:30 am--- 6:00 pm----- Saturday----- 9:00 am--- Noon----- Sunday------- CLOSED--------- Car and Rate Information: Intermediate Pontiac G5, Nissan Sentra, Toyota Corolla or similar --------------- 62.68 USD--- (2 Days @ 31.34) -------------- ---------------- 1.34 USD---- (VEHI CLE LICENSE FEE) -------------- ---------------- 64.02 USD--- (Subtot al) -------------- ---------------- 6.40 USD---- (AIRP ORT ACCESS FEE) -------------- ---------------- 6.06 USD---- (SALE S TAX) -------------- - Total charges- 76.48 USD-- - NOTE: Pricing does not include coverage. ------------------------- ENTERPRISE PICK-UP POLICY ------------------------- PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AT YOUR GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORT. - AFTER BOOKING A RESERVATION PLEASE CALL THE LOCAL RENTAL OFFICE TO ARRANG E FOR SHUTTLE SERVICE. - GEOGRAPHIC RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. ------------------------- ENTERPRISE MILEAGE POLICY ------------------------- MILEAGE IS UNLIMITED WHEN VEHICLE REMAINS IN THE RENTING STATE OR BORDERING STATES INCLUDING CALIFORNIA. IF TRAVELING OUTSIDE OF THOSE STATES, MILEAGE IS CHARGED AT 200 MILES FREE PER DAY, 1400 MILES PER WEEK, & 2500 MILES PE R MONTH, AND .20 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MILE, FOR THE ENTIRE RENTAL. --------------------- ENTERPRISE AGE POLICY --------------------- ALL DRIVERS MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. RENTERS 21 THROUGH 24 YEARS O F AGE MAY ONLY RENT ECONOMY THROUGH FULLSIZE CARS. ----------------------------- ENTERPRISE AFTER HOURS POLICY ----------------------------- PLEASE LOCK CAR DOORS AND THEN PLACE KEYS IN THE KEY DROP BOX.- THE RENTE R'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR VEHICLE CONDITION ENDS ONCE AN ENTERPRISE-RENT-A-CAR EMPLOYEE INSPECTS THE RENTAL VEHICLE THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY.- --------------------------- TO MAKE ANOTHER RESERVATION --------------------------- If you would like to make another online reservation or need additional inf ormation, please visit us again at: http://www.enterprise.com ------------------------------------ TO MODIFY OR CANCEL THIS RESERVATION ------------------------------------ Please click the link below to modify or cancel this reservation. (Note: Modifying your location, date, or time may result in changes to your rates, taxes, surcharges or underage fee). https://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/deeplinkmap.do?bid=001&confirmnum =R0PFDT&lastname=McNeill&cnty=US&language=EN =0A=0A=0A ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Grommet supplier
From: "Eric_Kallio" <scout019(at)msn.com>
Date: Jan 01, 2010
I have been searching through the normal places for the grommet type thing Ed Hayden used to get the 3 light speed ignition wires through the baffling to get under the plenum. The picture attached is from Deems website, and shows the part I am looking for. Eric Kallio N518RV wiring and panel installation Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279632#279632 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/ignition_wire_pass_through_662.jpg ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: FW: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation
Date: Jan 01, 2010
The difference was $45; enough for a night in the heated hangar. The irony is that stating that you are EAA member gets a 50% increase in price. The key seems to be if the FBO is getting a cut of the rental. At CDC, FBO and terminal are 100 or so feet apart. I found one in So Cal where the nearby off airport site was considerably cheaper than anything on the airport including a pick up at the FBO of an enterprise car. The nearby off airport sites usually will pick and allow drop at the airport. Always carry a copy of the confirming email with you. _____ From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Don McDonald Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 11:24 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: FW: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation If I understand this correctly... it was $76 cheaper renting AT the airport???? Always ck both, because we found the exact opposite to be true. In North Vegas, also Enterprise, we saved by renting form them 3 mile from the airport....and they still came and picked us up. Who knows... I guess the moral is ck both Don McDonald --- On Fri, 1/1/10, DLM wrote: From: DLM <dlm34077(at)cox.net> Subject: RV10-List: FW: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation Date: Friday, January 1, 2010, 8:41 AM Check this reservation made as unknown individual. Note the $45 decrease in price for same rental. The FBO is adjacent to the airport terminal. -----Original Message----- From: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservations [ mailto:onlinereservations(at)enterprise.com] Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 9:27 AM Subject: Confirmed: Enterprise Rent-A-Car Reservation Dear David McNeill, Thank you for choosing Enterprise. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 10:00 am. If you didn't print your confirmation when you reserved your car, please print this Email or record your confirmation number. You may need it when you pick up your rental. Your rental information is summarized below. P.S. Remember us when you're renting in town. Enterprise is always nearby at more than 6,500 neighborhood locations. ----------------------- RESERVATION INFORMATION ----------------------- Confirmation Number: R0PFDT Name: McNeill, David Pick Up Date: Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 10:00 am Drop Off Date: Monday, January 18, 2010 at 10:00 am Rental Office Address and Phone Number: CEDAR CITY AP IN TERM 2560 AVIATION WAY CEDAR CITY, UT 84720-8327 Tel.: (435) 865-1435 Office Hours for the week of: January 11, 2010 Monday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Tuesday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Wednesday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Thursday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Friday 8:30 am 6:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am Noon Sunday CLOSED Car and Rate Information: Intermediate Pontiac G5, Nissan Sentra, Toyota Corolla or similar 62.68 USD (2 Days @ 31.34) 1.34 USD (VEHICLE LICENSE FEE) 64.02 USD (Subtotal) 6.40 USD (AIRPORT ACCESS FEE) 6.06 USD (SALES TAX) Total charges 76.48 USD NOTE: Pricing does not include coverage. ------------------------- ENTERPRISE PICK-UP POLICY ------------------------- PICK-UP OR DELIVERY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AT YOUR GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORT. - AFTER BOOKING A RESERVATION PLEASE CALL THE LOCAL RENTAL OFFICE TO ARRANGE FOR SHUTTLE SERVICE. - GEOGRAPHIC RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. ------------------------- ENTERPRISE MILEAGE POLICY ------------------------- MILEAGE IS UNLIMITED WHEN VEHICLE REMAINS IN THE RENTING STATE OR BORDERING STATES INCLUDING CALIFORNIA. IF TRAVELING OUTSIDE OF THOSE STATES, MILEAGE IS CHARGED AT 200 MILES FREE PER DAY, 1400 MILES PER WEEK, & 2500 MILES PER MONTH, AND .20 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MILE, FOR THE ENTIRE RENTAL. --------------------- ENTERPRISE AGE POLICY --------------------- ALL DRIVERS MUST BE 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. RENTERS 21 THROUGH 24 YEARS OF AGE MAY ONLY RENT ECONOMY THROUGH FULLSIZE CARS. ----------------------------- ENTERPRISE AFTER HOURS POLICY ----------------------------- PLEASE LOCK CAR DOORS AND THEN PLACE KEYS IN THE KEY DROP BOX. THE RENTER'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR VEHICLE CONDITION ENDS ONCE AN ENTERPRISE-RENT-A-CAR EMPLOYEE INSPECTS THE RENTAL VEHICLE THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY. --------------------------- TO MAKE ANOTHER RESERVATION --------------------------- If you would like to make another online reservation or need additional information, please visit us again at: <http://www.enterprise.com/> http://www.enterprise.com ------------------------------------ TO MODIFY OR CANCEL THIS RESERVATION ------------------------------------ Please click the link below to modify or cancel this reservation. (Note: Modifying your location, date, or time may result in changes to your rates, taxes, surcharges or underage fee). https://www.enterprise.com/car_rental/deeplinkmap.do?bid=001&confirmnum=R0PF DT&lastname=McNeill&cnty=US&language=EN _blank rel=nofollow>www.aeroelectric.com /" target=_blank rel=nofollow>www.buildersbooks.com =_blank rel=nofollow>www.homebuilthelp.com nk rel=nofollow>www.howtocrimp.com blank rel=nofollow>http://www.matronics.com/contribution get=_blank rel=nofollow>http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List =nofollow>http://forums.matronics.com ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 01, 2010
From: Linn Walters <pitts_pilot(at)bellsouth.net>
Subject: Re: Grommet supplier
Page 280 of the AA catalog has a lousy picture so I don't know if it's the same type. Linn Eric_Kallio wrote: > > I have been searching through the normal places for the grommet type thing Ed Hayden used to get the 3 light speed ignition wires through the baffling to get under the plenum. The picture attached is from Deems website, and shows the part I am looking for. > > Eric Kallio > N518RV wiring and panel installation > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279632#279632 > > > Attachments: > > http://forums.matronics.com//files/ignition_wire_pass_through_662.jpg > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Grommet supplier
From: ricksked(at)cox.net
Date: Jan 01, 2010
Eric That's a ignition wire grommet available from Spruce under engine ignition accessories Rick S. ------Original Message------ From: Eric_Kallio Sender: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com ReplyTo: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Jan 1, 2010 11:35 AM Subject: RV10-List: Grommet supplier I have been searching through the normal places for the grommet type thing Ed Hayden used to get the 3 light speed ignition wires through the baffling to get under the plenum. The picture attached is from Deems website, and shows the part I am looking for. Eric Kallio N518RV wiring and panel installation Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279632#279632 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/ignition_wire_pass_through_662.jpg Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Bill Schlatterer" <billschlatterer(at)sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone
Date: Jan 01, 2010
Tim, is there any app like FF3 that will allow you to print out the information to a wireless printer? It would be nice to be able to print a hard copy of a few of the approach plates occasionally and a piece of an enroute chart. Is that something that will ever or never happen with the iPhone? I love this thing,... And FF3!! Bill S 7a stilllll finishing - 32 degrees in the hanger tomorrow :-( -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Jesse Saint Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 12:28 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone It will not do it automatically. You have to sellect which features you want caches for which states, but then they are cached until deleted or replaced. Jesse Saint Saint Aviation jesse(at)saintaviation.com 352-427-0285 Sent from my iPhone On Jan 1, 2010, at 12:17 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: > > If you are planning a trip from A-B, and using FF 3, will it > 'automatically' download the maps you need + approach plates etc, or > do you have to manually download the maps, plates etc. And then do > you have to 'save' them also?? Happy New Year to everyone. larry b > > -------- > Larry and Gayle N104LG > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279619#279619 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 01, 2010
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone
That's a tough one. I think maybe there are some hacks out there to print from an iphone, (maybe), but I don't know for sure. Your best bet for the approach plates would be to just look them up online using AOPA or AirNav, or anything else, and then print them I guess. I use Voyager for that, just because it creates a PDF pack with all your route and Wx information and approaches and things like that, and you can print selected parts then to paper. I've never seen anything that does a good job printing a piece of an enroute chart though. My thoughts are, if you need that stuff bigger, the best bet is to use something like a Tablet PC like I've been using for tracking myself over enroute charts. Then you get the big screen. Electronic is such a nice way to go, but I understand why with the iphone's smaller screen it wouldn't be ideal....it's nice having a tablet along for those times. Tim Olson - RV-10 N104CD Bill Schlatterer wrote: > > Tim, is there any app like FF3 that will allow you to print out the > information to a wireless printer? It would be nice to be able to print a > hard copy of a few of the approach plates occasionally and a piece of an > enroute chart. Is that something that will ever or never happen with the > iPhone? > > I love this thing,... And FF3!! > > Bill S > 7a stilllll finishing - 32 degrees in the hanger tomorrow :-( > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Jesse Saint > Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 12:28 PM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone > > > It will not do it automatically. You have to sellect which features you > want caches for which states, but then they are cached until deleted or > replaced. > > Jesse Saint > Saint Aviation > jesse(at)saintaviation.com > 352-427-0285 > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Jan 1, 2010, at 12:17 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: > >> >> If you are planning a trip from A-B, and using FF 3, will it >> 'automatically' download the maps you need + approach plates etc, or >> do you have to manually download the maps, plates etc. And then do >> you have to 'save' them also?? Happy New Year to everyone. larry b >> >> -------- >> Larry and Gayle N104LG >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279619#279619 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Aileron Counterbalance Holes
Date: Jan 02, 2010
From: efdsteve(at)AOL.COM
I took a file that has a curve on one side that matches the curvature of the I.D. of the tube and slid it into the aileron counterbalance tube, th en just slid the file back and forth until the burrs were off. Steve Weinstock 40230 -----Original Message----- From: Shawn Moon <moons1999(at)yahoo.com> Sent: Wed, Dec 30, 2009 2:07 pm Subject: RV10-List: Aileron Counterbalance Holes For all of those who when the slow build route on the wings, how did you deburr the A-1009 aileron counterbalance holes? For the life of me I can 't figure out a good way to do it. I'm sure it needs to be done as the st ainless steel will eat away at the rivets pretty quickly. Ideas? --Shawn ======================== =========== - -= -- Please Support Your Lists This Month -- -= (And Get Some AWESOME FREE Gifts!) - -= November is the Annual List Fund Raiser. Click on -= the Contribution link below to find out more about -= this year's Terrific Free Incentive Gifts provided -= by: -= * AeroElectric www.aeroelectric.com -= * The Builder's Bookstore www.buildersbooks.com -= * HomebuiltHELP www.homebuilthelp.com -= * HowToCrimp www.howtocrimp.com - -= List Contribution Web Site: - -= --> http://www.matronics.com/contribution - -= Thank you for your generous support! - -= -Matt Dralle, List Admin. - -======================== ======================== =========== -= - The RV10-List Email Forum - -= Use the Matronics List Features Navigator to browse -= the many List utilities such as List Un/Subscription, -= Archive Search & Download, 7-Day Browse, Chat, FAQ, -= Photoshare, and much much more: - -= --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List - -======================== ======================== =========== -= - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - -= Same great content also available via the Web Forums! - -= --> http://forums.matronics.com - -======================== ======================== =========== ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Jesse Saint <jesse(at)saintaviation.com>
Subject: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone
Date: Jan 02, 2010
I think you can print from Air Sharing Pro, or at least think I remember reading that. If so, then it's doable from the iP. I always just print from my computer. There is a way to download a chart & print it, but you have to buy it. I did it once, but a 8.5x11 sheet didn't seem very useful for a chart, at least to me. Jesse Saint Saint Aviation jesse(at)saintaviation.com 352-427-0285 Sent from my iPhone On Jan 2, 2010, at 12:35 AM, Tim Olson wrote: > > That's a tough one. I think maybe there are some hacks out there > to print from an iphone, (maybe), but I don't know for sure. > Your best bet for the approach plates would be to just look them > up online using AOPA or AirNav, or anything else, and then print > them I guess. I use Voyager for that, just because it creates a > PDF pack with all your route and Wx information and approaches and > things like that, and you can print selected parts then to paper. > I've never seen anything that does a good job printing a piece of > an enroute chart though. > > My thoughts are, if you need that stuff bigger, the best bet is > to use something like a Tablet PC like I've been using for tracking > myself over enroute charts. Then you get the big screen. Electronic > is such a nice way to go, but I understand why with the iphone's > smaller screen it wouldn't be ideal....it's nice having a tablet > along for those times. > > Tim Olson - RV-10 N104CD > > > Bill Schlatterer wrote: >> > >> Tim, is there any app like FF3 that will allow you to print out the >> information to a wireless printer? It would be nice to be able to >> print a >> hard copy of a few of the approach plates occasionally and a piece >> of an >> enroute chart. Is that something that will ever or never happen >> with the >> iPhone? >> I love this thing,... And FF3!! >> Bill S >> 7a stilllll finishing - 32 degrees in the hanger tomorrow :-( >> -----Original Message----- >> From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com >> [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Jesse >> Saint >> Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 12:28 PM >> To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com >> Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Foreflight Mobile 3.0 for iPhone >> >> It will not do it automatically. You have to sellect which >> features you >> want caches for which states, but then they are cached until >> deleted or >> replaced. >> Jesse Saint >> Saint Aviation >> jesse(at)saintaviation.com >> 352-427-0285 >> Sent from my iPhone >> On Jan 1, 2010, at 12:17 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: >>> >>> If you are planning a trip from A-B, and using FF 3, will it >>> 'automatically' download the maps you need + approach plates etc, >>> or do you have to manually download the maps, plates etc. And >>> then do you have to 'save' them also?? Happy New Year to >>> everyone. larry b >>> >>> -------- >>> Larry and Gayle N104LG >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Read this topic online here: >>> >>> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279619#279619 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Total Age
From: "partner14" <building_partner(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Jan 01, 2010
A month ago, I flew over to another airport and I picked up an ex relative, her daughter, and her neighbor and took them for a short ride. After I got home I added up the total of the passengers age, including me.... 300.... and I was the youngest. Anyone top that? Happy New Year Everyone.... you to Rick and John! Don McDonald -------- Don A. McDonald 40636 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279723#279723 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 02, 2010
Subject: lightning strike-Engine Damage
From: tom.on.the.road(at)juno.com
Many people JUST inspect the airframe for damage after a strike. Not a good idea. Some strikes magnetize the engine components (crankshaft, bearings, etc.) causing metal in the oil to stick. Engines can be demagnetized (after disassembly), inspected, and reassembled. This is covered by insurance and should not be overlooked after a strike. Tom 970-420-1798 ____________________________________________________________ Water Heater Some like it hot. Click now for a reliable new water heater! http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL2141/c?cp=gOspbcepOuiiIQ2q_KZIhQAAJ1A315TiJGQRTntSFamdGWtMAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGIAAAAAA ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Transponder Question
Date: Jan 02, 2010
From: "Robin Marks" <robin1(at)mrmoisture.com>
I am laying out my "Budget" RV-8A panel and have a transponder question. And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I still have privileges here. I am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that will ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is IFR certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx and TIS? It does not appear to be the case. Thanks, Robin Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 02, 2010
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Robin, the 330 is the only one that does Mode-S tis, and therefore would be the only one that you could use with NavWorx Composite-TIS function. If you buy a cheaper one without Mode-S, you'll only get ADS-B targets. With the 330, you can get either, via their box...assuming the G900 uses the same standard interface they use for other things. Tim Robin Marks wrote: > I am laying out my Budget RV-8A panel and have a transponder question. > And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I still have privileges > here. > > I am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that will > ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. > > I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is IFR > certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx and TIS? It > does not appear to be the case. > > > > Thanks, > > Robin > > > > Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): > > 8A Panel 1 Concept.jpg > > Concept 1.5.jpg > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 02, 2010
From: Kelly McMullen <kellym(at)aviating.com>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Keep in mind that a 330 locks you into the 1090ES standard for ADSB, while it looks like UAT will continue to be a more flexible and robust system. If you want to keep options open, buy a low end Mode A/C transponder for now. BTW, there is no such thing as IFR transponder. They all have to meet a single TSO to be legal to use in aircraft. As long as you avoid certain airspace, it is still legal to fly IFR with no transponder. Might get some ATC complaints, however. Tim Olson wrote: > > Robin, the 330 is the only one that does Mode-S tis, and > therefore would be the only one that you could use with > NavWorx Composite-TIS function. If you buy a cheaper > one without Mode-S, you'll only get ADS-B targets. > With the 330, you can get either, via their box...assuming > the G900 uses the same standard interface they use > for other things. > > Tim > > > > Robin Marks wrote: >> I am laying out my Budget RV-8A panel and have a transponder >> question. And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I still have >> privileges here. >> >> I am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that will >> ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. >> >> I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is IFR >> certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx and TIS? >> It does not appear to be the case. >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Robin >> >> >> >> Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): >> >> 8A Panel 1 Concept.jpg >> >> Concept 1.5.jpg >> > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Precision Gasket
From: "jchang10" <jc-matronics_rv10(at)jline.com>
Date: Jan 02, 2010
http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/tv-Umon7X3C6nWQKZVGKbw?authkey=Gv1sRgCI7088GZlYCc2AE&feat=directlink Can someone tell me what this gasket is for? It came in an envelope with the Precision airmotive injector body with the other gaskets that I understand. Also, are there any instructions on how to install this injector body anywhere? I can't seem to find any. I am wanting to look up how much torque to apply on the 5/16 studs when i install the throttle body. thanks, Jae 40533 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279832#279832 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 02, 2010
From: Don McDonald <building_partner(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Precision Gasket
It's been awhile, but IIRC, it's for the oil filter adaptor. Don McDonald --- On Sat, 1/2/10, jchang10 wrote: From: jchang10 <jc-matronics_rv10(at)jline.com> Subject: RV10-List: Precision Gasket Date: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 7:09 PM http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/tv-Umon7X3C6nWQKZVGKbw?authkey=Gv1sR gCI7088GZlYCc2AE&feat=directlink Can someone tell me what this gasket is for? It came in an envelope with th e Precision airmotive injector body with the other gaskets that I understan d. Also, are there any instructions on how to install this injector body anywh ere? I can't seem to find any. I am wanting to look up how much torque to apply on the 5/16 studs when i i nstall the throttle body. thanks, Jae 40533 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279832#279832 le, List Admin. =0A=0A=0A ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Warming up in the -10
From: "bhassel" <bob(at)cozyworld.net>
Date: Jan 02, 2010
On the dark side (in the composite world) we wire our lights (heater) to an AC thermostat on the inside. I tend to use a higher watt bulb in the winter than the summer but this helps maintain the temps I'm looking for on Epoxies in my unheated garage. Bob Hassel Santa Fe, NM Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279840#279840 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 02, 2010
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
I wouldn't say that a 330 locks you into anything, really. It is about the best way to get Mode-S TIS right now, but you don't get the ES part unless you buy the ES upgrade for something like $1200. So in actuality, it would give you the flexibility to go ES as your "OUT" for ADS-B if you needed to, although for not much more money you could go with a UAT and feed the Wx data to an onboard device. You're right, for now you could get a low-end Mode C transponder and save some money, but if you go with a 330 you'll have TIS right now, and, the transponder won't be obsoleted by the ADS-B stuff coming forward. I know Mode S is "going away", but the timeframes are still a ways out there....and look at how VOR's, LORAN, and things like that were also supposed to be "going away". So really, what it comes down to is, if you're really trying to save every dollar you can, and you don't have any care for Mode S TIS, then go ahead and just buy a 327 or something. But, if you buy a 330, you can get Mode S TIS today, and that same box will work fine for you going forward, whether you choose a UAT or go the ES route. What I don't have a clue about is if the 327 is going to have any upgrade path to ES...and if it doesn't, it may be safer to just go the 330 route. The added cost isn't in extreme dollars. Also, just today I was watching Mode S TIS targets in the MSP area coming through the NavWorx ADS600 ADS-B receiver....it can take GTX330 Mode S Targets and output them to your device, along with outputting TIS-B targets. So with something like that, it gives some benefit to having either system. The one thing better would be active traffic, but to really get a good system that gives bearing, range, and altitude to "intruders", you're going to spend maybe 5X or 6X the price, and have to do some real good top and bottom fin antennas. Tim Kelly McMullen wrote: > > Keep in mind that a 330 locks you into the 1090ES standard for ADSB, > while it looks like UAT will continue to be a more flexible and robust > system. If you want to keep options open, buy a low end Mode A/C > transponder for now. BTW, there is no such thing as IFR transponder. > They all have to meet a single TSO to be legal to use in aircraft. As > long as you avoid certain airspace, it is still legal to fly IFR with no > transponder. Might get some ATC complaints, however. > > Tim Olson wrote: >> >> Robin, the 330 is the only one that does Mode-S tis, and >> therefore would be the only one that you could use with >> NavWorx Composite-TIS function. If you buy a cheaper >> one without Mode-S, you'll only get ADS-B targets. >> With the 330, you can get either, via their box...assuming >> the G900 uses the same standard interface they use >> for other things. >> >> Tim >> >> >> >> Robin Marks wrote: >>> I am laying out my Budget RV-8A panel and have a transponder >>> question. And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I still >>> have privileges here. >>> >>> I am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that will >>> ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. >>> >>> I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is IFR >>> certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx and TIS? >>> It does not appear to be the case. >>> >>> >>> >>> Thanks, >>> >>> Robin >>> >>> >>> >>> Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): >>> >>> 8A Panel 1 Concept.jpg >>> >>> Concept 1.5.jpg >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 02, 2010
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
From: Kelly McMullen <apilot2(at)gmail.com>
All nice benefits, which also carry the price of anyone and everyone that wants to track where you go being able to, because your Mode S code is unique to your aircraft, regardless of VFR/IFR status. But if you don't mind, you can see the same thing the controllers see on radar, with a greater time lag, already 6 secs behind when it shows on the scope. I've flown from St Paul to EAU in a TIS equipped aircraft. IIRC it stopped supplying traffic about 50 miles east of St Paul, at outer range of MSP radar. Maybe if I were more used to it I'd want it. On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Tim Olson wrote: > > I wouldn't say that a 330 locks you into anything, really. > It is about the best way to get Mode-S TIS right now, but > you don't get the ES part unless you buy the ES upgrade > for something like $1200. So in actuality, it would give > you the flexibility to go ES as your "OUT" for ADS-B if > you needed to, although for not much more money you could > go with a UAT and feed the Wx data to an onboard device. > > You're right, for now you could get a low-end Mode C > transponder and save some money, but if you go with a 330 > you'll have TIS right now, and, the transponder won't be > obsoleted by the ADS-B stuff coming forward. I know Mode > S is "going away", but the timeframes are still a ways > out there....and look at how VOR's, LORAN, and things like > that were also supposed to be "going away". So really, what > it comes down to is, if you're really trying to save every > dollar you can, and you don't have any care for Mode S TIS, > then go ahead and just buy a 327 or something. But, if you > buy a 330, you can get Mode S TIS today, and that same box > will work fine for you going forward, whether you choose > a UAT or go the ES route. What I don't have a clue about > is if the 327 is going to have any upgrade path to ES...and > if it doesn't, it may be safer to just go the 330 route. > The added cost isn't in extreme dollars. > > Also, just today I was watching Mode S TIS targets in the MSP > area coming through the NavWorx ADS600 ADS-B receiver....it > can take GTX330 Mode S Targets and output them to your device, > along with outputting TIS-B targets. So with something like > that, it gives some benefit to having either system. The one > thing better would be active traffic, but to really get a > good system that gives bearing, range, and altitude to > "intruders", you're going to spend maybe 5X or 6X the price, > and have to do some real good top and bottom fin antennas. > > Tim > > > Kelly McMullen wrote: >> >> >> Keep in mind that a 330 locks you into the 1090ES standard for ADSB, while >> it looks like UAT will continue to be a more flexible and robust system. If >> you want to keep options open, buy a low end Mode A/C transponder for now. >> BTW, there is no such thing as IFR transponder. They all have to meet a >> single TSO to be legal to use in aircraft. As long as you avoid certain >> airspace, it is still legal to fly IFR with no transponder. Might get some >> ATC complaints, however. >> >> Tim Olson wrote: >>> >>> >>> Robin, the 330 is the only one that does Mode-S tis, and >>> therefore would be the only one that you could use with >>> NavWorx Composite-TIS function. If you buy a cheaper >>> one without Mode-S, you'll only get ADS-B targets. >>> With the 330, you can get either, via their box...assuming >>> the G900 uses the same standard interface they use >>> for other things. >>> >>> Tim >>> >>> >>> >>> Robin Marks wrote: >>>> >>>> I am laying out my Budget RV-8A panel and have a transponder question. >>>> And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I still have privileges >>>> here. >>>> >>>> I am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that will >>>> ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. >>>> >>>> I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is IFR >>>> certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx and TIS? It >>>> does not appear to be the case. >>>> >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> >>>> Robin >>>> >>>> >>>> Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): >>>> >>>> 8A Panel 1 Concept.jpg >>>> >>>> Concept 1.5.jpg >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Dave Saylor <dave.saylor.aircrafters(at)gmail.com>
Date: Jan 02, 2010
Subject: Re: Warming up in the -10
Great idea, Tim. As far as temp control at soggy/foggy KWVI goes, we started using electric blankets for some of our larger composite parts. Keeps 'em nice and toasty all night long, and not as nerve wracking as the infra-red heat lamps we used to use. You know, you could add a $15 thermostat to your chem locker and set it at the ideal temp. I think McMaster PN 17395K93 would do it. Dave Saylor AirCrafters LLC 140 Aviation Way Watsonville, CA 95076 831-722-9141 Shop 831-750-0284 Cell ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: com wiring
From: "partner14" <building_partner(at)yahoo.com>
Date: Jan 02, 2010
I had a couple of issues with the wiring of my PS1000 intercom. After wiring the whole thing myself, and then seeing, at Osh, the great job that they do, I went ahead and ordered their harness. Now I need to pull most of my wiring out and install theirs. Without creating noise and/or other issues, is it possible to create a proper junction between their wires and mine.... specifically the wires going to both rear passengers (mic and headset). Thanks guys. Don McDonald Anyone flown with an SR22 to do a 10 vs. 22 comparison? I may tomorrow. Whose got the record for climb rate? With 2 on board last week we saw 2140fpm -------- Don A. McDonald 40636 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279847#279847 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 02, 2010
Subject: Re: Most complete tool kit
From: Chris Colohan <rv10(at)colohan.com>
To all the answers I got to my (seemingly simple) question -- wow. Thank you all for the detailed responses! Now off to buy some tools... ;-) Chris On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 11:22 AM, John Cox wrote: > Chris, like the subject of Primer, tools bring out the personal side of > the RV-10 list. Several will tell you that one brand is better over > another. Most like the Beach Boys song "Be true to your school" have not > played the field much. The key is the feel, balance and weight in Your > Hands. Speed is indeed a factor in improving quality of production. You > can always regulate down a faster product for slower cutting or deity forbid > "Drill an errant rivet". The inverse is not possible. Trueness of the > "chucked bit" is another. Some chucks tend to wear out more quickly than > others. Many builders love the keyless chuck. Noise of the pneumatics and > consistent speed under load are two metrics to measure your options > against. Pilots tend to go deaf from flying without noise cancelling > headsets. Builders do it from their pneumatic tools. Be sure and get > protection that you enjoy wearing. > > > I have two Sioux palm reversibles and love them. I found the Dotco with > ergonomic grip to be even more comfortable. I cannot stand the miniature > (hard to find) special size key necessary to change items in the Sioux > chuck. I would love to have a keyless chuck in just one of mine but there > are tradeoffs when trying to back out a stuck bit that is turning in the > chuck. The reason I have two small drives (five in total) is the > convenience of have PRE set up a 0.030 bit, another with the 0.040, another > with a micro cage for countersinking and another for scotchbrite disks on an > arbor. Many of the micro cages will have a bushing rather than a bearing > and begin migrating at the end of the build as your QC level becomes more > demanding. And yes, I use both reamers and Cogswell Deburr tools. > > > Some of us follow the path of Tiger Woods in life, I have a fetish for > tools. A quality tool in the hand of a craftsman, properly applied can be a > thing of beauty. For shops to die for, visit the archive of Bob Newman's - > TCW workshop. Pictures can be far more eloquent. > > > No one has yet mentioned a 90 or 45 degree drill for those tight spots > using 1/4" x 28 threaded bits. I even have a "East Indian" manufactured > pancake drill for hard to reach areas with only 1" of headroom. 60% of my > stuff has come from Ebay. About 10% gets re-sold so Caveat Emptor. > > > Many are building quality products with the most basic of builder tools. A > majority of builders learn about the tool options later in the build rather > than in the beginning. Few of them have been willing to sell anything after > completion of their kit. Others are fortunate enough to have access to the > DRDT2 dimpler or share it around with friends. That will be the hardest > tool to sneak past my wife in her random tours of the hangar. Visit Tim > Olson's site on how to engage your partner in the build and its rewards. > > > Enjoy the journey and consider engaging one or several EAA Tech Advisors > (near you) to share with you the roads less traveled or infrequently repaved > by builder mistakes. Visit http://www.eaa.org/video/homebuilders.html . > Feel at ease contacting builders Offline - Anytime. > > > John Cox > > Aurora, OR > > *From:* owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto: > owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *Chris Colohan > *Sent:* Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:55 AM > > *To:* rv10-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > > While I've got the experts on the line... > > > I'm currently trying to acquire used tools (aka, on the cheap) to start > building an RV-10. I've been looking at ebay for drills, and realize I > don't quite know what I need. > > > In particular, when I read articles on building, I've seen multiple > references (including the Sioux web site) which say you need >5000rpm in a > drill for working with aluminum. But such a drill doesn't seem to exist, > and the drills that come with RV-10 tool kits tend to be around 2000rpm. > > > If I just buy one of the (many) older Sioux drills on ebay, am I likely to > be happy? Or do these things tend to wear out or break in funny ways when > they get older? > > > Chris > > On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Pascal wrote: > > I looked at putting a keyless chuck on my Sioux, but in the end I never > really felt that it was a big enough deal to actually do it. I think if one > is frugal, like me, it certainly is worth just trying everything as is and > upgrading those things that one really needs (or wants) no different than > the kit itself, some items really "need" to be replaced/upgraded and many > don't, others are fine as it is even though some have upgraded. My examples > would focus around the landing gear; axle, extension, wheel, etc. > > > -------------------------------------------------- > From: "Bill Mauledriver Watson" <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> > Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 7:20 AM > > > To: > > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Most complete tool kit > > MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com> > > > > > I have the red one and not sure the teasing capability is very good, so > > the Chicago sounds great. Keyless chuck? Can't imagine being without > it. > > > > Kelly McMullen wrote: > > >> > >> IMHO, your best deal on a drill is from Avery. The Chicago Pneumatic > >> is compact, light, and has a very nice touch teasing trigger, for > >> $125, or $155 with reversing. Sure a keyless chuck is nice, but is it > >> worth an extra $70? Maybe Avery would make a deal combining the two. > >> > > >> Luis Rodriguez wrote: > >>> > >>> Score: > >>> > >>> Ischam 3 > >>> Avery. 1 > >>> Custom 2 > >>> > >>> Thank you for the responses so far!!! > >>> > >>> I'll definetly add the hole punch, extra clecos, extra scotchbrite > >>> wheels, and a drdt2. > >>> > >>> I'll eBay the air drill and pneumatic sqeezer. > >>> > >>> Sent from my iPod > >>> > >>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Luis Rodriguez > >>> wrote: > >>> > > > >>>> > >>>> Which tool kit is the most complete/best to order for the -10. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> Sent from my iPod > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > ========== > > > > Support Your Lists This Month -- > > > Get Some the Annual Contribution link Terrific Free www.aeroelectric.com > > > HomebuiltHELP Contribution Web bsp; ========== > > RV10-List Email browse > > Photoshare, and much ========== > > bsp; via the ========== > > > > > > > > * * > > * * > > *_blank">www.aeroelectric.com* > > * * > > *.com" target="_blank">www.buildersbooks.com* > > *="_blank">www.homebuilthelp.com* > > *nk">www.howtocrimp.com* > > *_blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution* > > *get="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List* > > *tp://forums.matronics.com* > > * * > > > * * > > * * > > ** > > ** > > ** > > ** > > ** > > ** > > ** > > *www.aeroelectric.com* > > *www.buildersbooks.com* > > *www.homebuilthelp.com* > > *www.howtocrimp.com* > > ** > > *http://www.matronics.com/contribution* > > ** > > ** > > ** > > ** > > *http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List* > > ** > > ** > > *http://forums.matronics.com* > > ** > > * * > > * > > > * > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: cloudvalley(at)comcast.net
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Hi TIme, =C2-My wife, Ruth and I were RV10 builders but sold our empennage a littl e over a year ago, after getting your axle kit. We had to regroup because o ur farm here isn't selling yet, but it is a money- maker and we are sure it will. We may get a moslty done RV-10 when we sell.We see lots of RV ers wh en we fly the 79 Tiger we bought up to Independence for lunch all the time, from Eugene, Oregon. =C2-We bought this low-time Tiger last year and put in a 430 WAAS and a G MX200.( Also bought a 696 which we love)=C2-This year we had a GTX330 ins talled, along with a PMA700 audio panel=C2-when our transponder went out near Gorman in Calif. We love it. At least it shows the traffic vectors for aircraft in the vicinity of busy airspace, and it can be upgraded later... hopefully by someone who buys our Tiger after the farm sells, so we can upg rade our plane. We want to fly all=C2- ver when we move to Ohio near wife 's brother. We keep reading=C2-about all your flying =C2-adventures, an d are jealous. As long as we have this farm we have to work in the summer,s elling produce at the Farmers' market, and ony have time for short trips. O h well..patience.. Talk to you later Tim, and thanks for all your input. Brian and Ruth ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Olson" <Tim(at)MyRV10.com> Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2010 8:02:40 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific Subject: Re: RV10-List: Transponder Question I wouldn't say that a 330 locks you into anything, really. It is about the best way to get Mode-S TIS right now, but you don't get the ES part unless you buy the ES upgrade for something like $1200. =C2-So in actuality, it would give you the flexibility to go ES as your "OUT" for ADS-B if you needed to, although for not much more money you could go with a UAT and feed the Wx data to an onboard device. You're right, for now you could get a low-end Mode C transponder and save some money, but if you go with a 330 you'll have TIS right now, and, the transponder won't be obsoleted by the ADS-B stuff coming forward. =C2-I know Mode S is "going away", but the timeframes are still a ways out there....and look at how VOR's, LORAN, and things like that were also supposed to be "going away". =C2-So really, what it comes down to is, if you're really trying to save every dollar you can, and you don't have any care for Mode S TIS, then go ahead and just buy a 327 or something. =C2-But, if you buy a 330, you can get Mode S TIS today, and that same box will work fine for you going forward, whether you choose a UAT or go the ES route. =C2-What I don't have a clue about is if the 327 is going to have any upgrade path to ES...and if it doesn't, it may be safer to just go the 330 route. The added cost isn't in extreme dollars. Also, just today I was watching Mode S TIS targets in the MSP area coming through the NavWorx ADS600 ADS-B receiver....it can take GTX330 Mode S Targets and output them to your device, along with outputting TIS-B targets. =C2-So with something like that, it gives some benefit to having either system. =C2-The one thing better would be active traffic, but to really get a good system that gives bearing, range, and altitude to "intruders", you're going to spend maybe 5X or 6X the price, and have to do some real good top and bottom fin antennas. Tim Kelly McMullen wrote: > > Keep in mind that a 330 locks you into the 1090ES standard for ADSB, > while it looks like UAT will continue to be a more flexible and robust > system. If you want to keep options open, buy a low end Mode A/C > transponder for now. BTW, there is no such thing as IFR transponder. > They all have to meet a single TSO to be legal to use in aircraft. As > long as you avoid certain airspace, it is still legal to fly IFR with no > transponder. Might get some ATC complaints, however. > > Tim Olson wrote: >> >> Robin, the 330 is the only one that does Mode-S tis, and >> therefore would be the only one that you could use with >> NavWorx Composite-TIS function. =C2-If you buy a cheaper >> one without Mode-S, you'll only get ADS-B targets. >> With the 330, you can get either, via their box...assuming >> the G900 uses the same standard interface they use >> for other things. >> >> Tim >> >> >> >> Robin Marks wrote: >>> I am laying out my =9CBudget=9D RV-8A panel and have a tran sponder >>> question. And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I still >>> have privileges here. >>> >>> I =C2-am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that wi ll >>> ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. >>> >>> I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is IFR >>> certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx and TIS? >>> It does not appear to be the case. >>> >>> =C2- >>> >>> Thanks, >>> >>> Robin >>> >>> =C2- >>> >>> Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): >>> >>> 8A Panel 1 Concept.jpg >>> >>> Concept 1.5.jpg >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > > =========== =========== MS - =========== e - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2--Matt Dralle, List Admin. =========== ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "RV Builder (Michael Sausen)" <rvbuilder(at)sausen.net>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Subject: FWF hoses
Happy New Year everyone! I'm getting ready to order the hoses for my FWF. I didn't get the stock Van's hoses because at the time (they have come down considerably in the la st 2 years) they were more expensive than aftermarket and I also have a dif ferent configuration which requires a few custom lengths. So what I'm wond ering is if I should firesleeve the oil lines while I'm at it. They will a ll be SS sleeved with a Teflon core. It's certainly more than if I don't b ut I'm thinking it would probably be worth it. What's the general concensu s? Michael ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Bob and Karen Brown" <bkbrown(at)minetfiber.com>
Subject: FWF hoses
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Steel fittings and integral firesleeve hoses on all fuel and oil lines FWF, that's what I'd recommend. Bob Brown From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of RV Builder (Michael Sausen) Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 8:43 AM Subject: RV10-List: FWF hoses Happy New Year everyone! I'm getting ready to order the hoses for my FWF. I didn't get the stock Van's hoses because at the time (they have come down considerably in the last 2 years) they were more expensive than aftermarket and I also have a different configuration which requires a few custom lengths. So what I'm wondering is if I should firesleeve the oil lines while I'm at it. They will all be SS sleeved with a Teflon core. It's certainly more than if I don't but I'm thinking it would probably be worth it. What's the general concensus? Michael ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: Linn Walters <pitts_pilot(at)bellsouth.net>
Subject: Re: FWF hoses
FWIW, I ordered my FWF kit which should ship in a few weeks. I ordered the Vans hoses .... but haven't decided to firesleeve yet. Probably won't for oil, but might for fuel. My other aircraft have old black cloth covered Aeroquip hoses and surived OK all these years ..... but I haven't had a fire in the cowl yet. I'd rather practice prevention than pray that a hose containing flammable stuff doesn't burn through. Linn ....... wiring the panel RV Builder (Michael Sausen) wrote: > > Happy New Year everyone! > > > > I'm getting ready to order the hoses for my FWF. I didn't get the > stock Van's hoses because at the time (they have come down > considerably in the last 2 years) they were more expensive than > aftermarket and I also have a different configuration which requires a > few custom lengths. So what I'm wondering is if I should firesleeve > the oil lines while I'm at it. They will all be SS sleeved with a > Teflon core. It's certainly more than if I don't but I'm thinking it > would probably be worth it. What's the general concensus? > > > > Michael > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "RV Builder (Michael Sausen)" <rvbuilder(at)sausen.net>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Subject: FWF hoses
Van's now sends the fuel supply hoses with integral firesleeves so you are already good there. Michael From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server@m atronics.com] On Behalf Of Linn Walters Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 11:12 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: FWF hoses FWIW, I ordered my FWF kit which should ship in a few weeks. I ordered the Vans hoses .... but haven't decided to firesleeve yet. Probably won't for oil, but might for fuel. My other aircraft have old black cloth covered A eroquip hoses and surived OK all these years ..... but I haven't had a fire in the cowl yet. I'd rather practice prevention than pray that a hose con taining flammable stuff doesn't burn through. Linn ....... wiring the panel RV Builder (Michael Sausen) wrote: Happy New Year everyone! I'm getting ready to order the hoses for my FWF. I didn't get the stock Van's hoses because at the time (they have come down considerably in the la st 2 years) they were more expensive than aftermarket and I also have a dif ferent configuration which requires a few custom lengths. So what I'm wond ering is if I should firesleeve the oil lines while I'm at it. They will a ll be SS sleeved with a Teflon core. It's certainly more than if I don't b ut I'm thinking it would probably be worth it. What's the general concensu s? Michael href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics .com/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/co ntribution ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: FWF hoses
Date: Jan 03, 2010
builders who are considering the possibility of fire under the cowl should consider a fire bottle. Stroud in OKC sells them and relatively easy to install. _____ From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Linn Walters Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 10:12 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: FWF hoses FWIW, I ordered my FWF kit which should ship in a few weeks. I ordered the Vans hoses .... but haven't decided to firesleeve yet. Probably won't for oil, but might for fuel. My other aircraft have old black cloth covered Aeroquip hoses and surived OK all these years ..... but I haven't had a fire in the cowl yet. I'd rather practice prevention than pray that a hose containing flammable stuff doesn't burn through. Linn ....... wiring the panel RV Builder (Michael Sausen) wrote: Happy New Year everyone! I'm getting ready to order the hoses for my FWF. I didn't get the stock Van's hoses because at the time (they have come down considerably in the last 2 years) they were more expensive than aftermarket and I also have a different configuration which requires a few custom lengths. So what I'm wondering is if I should firesleeve the oil lines while I'm at it. They will all be SS sleeved with a Teflon core. It's certainly more than if I don't but I'm thinking it would probably be worth it. What's the general concensus? Michael href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics.com /Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/contri bution ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: FWF hoses
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
Hey David, I was looking at yours at OSH... Do you have any FWF photos? Where does it spray to? Phil From: DLM [mailto:dlm46007(at)cox.net] Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 11:51 AM Subject: RE: RV10-List: FWF hoses builders who are considering the possibility of fire under the cowl should consider a fire bottle. Stroud in OKC sells them and relatively easy to install. ________________________________ From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Linn Walters Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 10:12 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: FWF hoses FWIW, I ordered my FWF kit which should ship in a few weeks. I ordered the Vans hoses .... but haven't decided to firesleeve yet. Probably won't for oil, but might for fuel. My other aircraft have old black cloth covered Aeroquip hoses and surived OK all these years ..... but I haven't had a fire in the cowl yet. I'd rather practice prevention than pray that a hose containing flammable stuff doesn't burn through. Linn ....... wiring the panel RV Builder (Michael Sausen) wrote: Happy New Year everyone! I'm getting ready to order the hoses for my FWF. I didn't get the stock Van's hoses because at the time (they have come down considerably in the last 2 years) they were more expensive than aftermarket and I also have a different configuration which requires a few custom lengths. So what I'm wondering is if I should firesleeve the oil lines while I'm at it. They will all be SS sleeved with a Teflon core. It's certainly more than if I don't but I'm thinking it would probably be worth it. What's the general concensus? Michael href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronic s .com/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c o ntribution href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronic s .com/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Engine mount ears
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: efdsteve(at)aol.com
The order is engine bracket, plain 3/8" washer, 3/8" internal teeth lock washer, 3/8-24 plain nut. I didn't see a special torque value listed, so the standard of 30 foot pounds should apply. Steve Weinstock 40230 Schaumburg, IL -----Original Message----- From: Dave Leikam <daveleikam(at)wi.rr.com> Sent: Tue, Dec 29, 2009 12:33 am Subject: RV10-List: Engine mount ears I am having trouble finding specific information on attaching the mounting ears to my Van's supplied IO-540. I know this is a simple procedure, but I am looking for specific washer stacking order and torque values for the nuts along with any other pertinent info. Dave Leikam RV-10 #40496 N89DA Muskego, WI ======================== =========== - -= -- Please Support Your Lists This Month -- -= (And Get Some AWESOME FREE Gifts!) - -= November is the Annual List Fund Raiser. Click on -= the Contribution link below to find out more about -= this year's Terrific Free Incentive Gifts provided -= by: -= * AeroElectric www.aeroelectric.com -= * The Builder's Bookstore www.buildersbooks.com -= * HomebuiltHELP www.homebuilthelp.com -= * HowToCrimp www.howtocrimp.com - -= List Contribution Web Site: - -= --> http://www.matronics.com/contribution - -= Thank you for your generous support! - -= -Matt Dralle, List Admin. - -======================== ======================== =========== -= - The RV10-List Email Forum - -= Use the Matronics List Features Navigator to browse -= the many List utilities such as List Un/Subscription, -= Archive Search & Download, 7-Day Browse, Chat, FAQ, -= Photoshare, and much much more: - -= --> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List - -======================== ======================== =========== -= - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - -= Same great content also available via the Web Forums! - -= --> http://forums.matronics.com - -======================== ======================== =========== ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: 90 degree drills
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
On the topic of tools.............................. Anyone have a 90 degree drill that they're absolutely in love with? The Sioux is $445. I see some imports (Taylor) for $250ish. Then some others for $200. Anyone have any special feelings for their drill? (Easy Mr. Sked) J Phil ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: Bill Mauledriver Watson <MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: 90 degree drills
I don't have a full 90 degree drill. Used this successfully so far: http://www.averytools.com/pc-551-26-right-angle-drill-attachment.aspx Perry, Phil wrote: > > On the topic of tools > > Anyone have a 90 degree drill that theyre absolutely in love with? > > The Sioux is $445. > > I see some imports (Taylor) for $250ish. > > Then some others for $200. > > Anyone have any special feelings for their drill? (Easy Mr. Sked) J > > Phil > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Precision Gasket
From: "jchang10" <jc-matronics_rv10(at)jline.com>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
I thought the box it came in had Precision Airmotive labelling but actually it is labelled Lycoming. Thus, it seems the answer is that it is indeed unrelated. It's just all the gaskets in one envelope for the engine. I guess I needed more practice assembling things without reading the instructions, as i have done in the past. Who knew assembling Ikea furniture by first throwing out those instructions is good practice for assembling lycoming engines! ;) Jae Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279904#279904 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: 90 degree drills
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "Robin Marks" <robin1(at)mrmoisture.com>
eBay... Nearly every combination & style imaginable. Robin ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: 90 degree drills
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
Yeah, that's what I've been using. But I've finally stripped the gears in it. I'm going to go ahead and send it to Bob for repair, but I think I'm going to get a real drill for daily use and keep the adaptor as a backup. Phil -----Original Message----- From: Bill Mauledriver Watson [mailto:MauleDriver(at)nc.rr.com] Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 1:03 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: 90 degree drills I don't have a full 90 degree drill. Used this successfully so far: http://www.averytools.com/pc-551-26-right-angle-drill-attachment.aspx Perry, Phil wrote: > > On the topic of tools.............................. > > Anyone have a 90 degree drill that they're absolutely in love with? > > The Sioux is $445. > > I see some imports (Taylor) for $250ish. > > Then some others for $200. > > Anyone have any special feelings for their drill? (Easy Mr. Sked) J > > Phil > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Yeah, I was wondering how that Tiger was treating you. Do you know how they are on grass? I'm looking for a time builder for Andrea now that she's got her certificate, and I was thinking RV7A/9A, but maybe a Tiger wouldn't be so bad if it can handle grass. Well, hope you have good luck selling the farm eventually! Tim cloudvalley(at)comcast.net wrote: > Hi TIme, > > My wife, Ruth and I were RV10 builders but sold our empennage a little > over a year ago, after getting your axle kit. We had to regroup because > our farm here isn't selling yet, but it is a money- maker and we are > sure it will. We may get a moslty done RV-10 when we sell.We see lots of > RV ers when we fly the 79 Tiger we bought up to Independence for lunch > all the time, from Eugene, Oregon. > > > > We bought this low-time Tiger last year and put in a 430 WAAS and a > GMX200.( Also bought a 696 which we love) This year we had a GTX330 > installed, along with a PMA700 audio panel when our transponder went out > near Gorman in Calif. We love it. At least it shows the traffic vectors > for aircraft in the vicinity of busy airspace, and it can be upgraded > later...hopefully by someone who buys our Tiger after the farm sells, so > we can upgrade our plane. We want to fly all ver when we move to Ohio > near wife's brother. We keep reading about all your flying adventures, > and are jealous. As long as we have this farm we have to work in the > summer,selling produce at the Farmers' market, and ony have time for > short trips. Oh well..patience.. > > Talk to you later Tim, and thanks for all your input. > > Brian and Ruth > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Tim Olson" <Tim(at)MyRV10.com> > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2010 8:02:40 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Transponder Question > > > I wouldn't say that a 330 locks you into anything, really. > It is about the best way to get Mode-S TIS right now, but > you don't get the ES part unless you buy the ES upgrade > for something like $1200. So in actuality, it would give > you the flexibility to go ES as your "OUT" for ADS-B if > you needed to, although for not much more money you could > go with a UAT and feed the Wx data to an onboard device. > > You're right, for now you could get a low-end Mode C > transponder and save some money, but if you go with a 330 > you'll have TIS right now, and, the transponder won't be > obsoleted by the ADS-B stuff coming forward. I know Mode > S is "going away", but the timeframes are still a ways > out there....and look at how VOR's, LORAN, and things like > that were also supposed to be "going away". So really, what > it comes down to is, if you're really trying to save every > dollar you can, and you don't have any care for Mode S TIS, > then go ahead and just buy a 327 or something. But, if you > buy a 330, you can get Mode S TIS today, and that same box > will work fine for you going forward, whether you choose > a UAT or go the ES route. What I don't have a clue about > is if the 327 is going to have any upgrade path to ES...and > if it doesn't, it may be safer to just go the 330 route. > The added cost isn't in extreme dollars. > > Also, just today I was watching Mode S TIS targets in the MSP > area coming through the NavWorx ADS600 ADS-B receiver....it > can take GTX330 Mode S Targets and output them to your device, > along with outputting TIS-B targets. So with something like > that, it gives some benefit to having either system. The one > thing better would be active traffic, but to really get a > good system that gives bearing, range, and altitude to > "intruders", you're going to spend maybe 5X or 6X the price, > and have to do some real good top and bottom fin antennas. > > Tim > > > Kelly McMullen wrote: > > > > Keep in mind that a 330 locks you into the 1090ES standard for ADSB, > > while it looks like UAT will continue to be a more flexible and robust > > system. If you want to keep options open, buy a low end Mode A/C > > transponder for now. BTW, there is no such thing as IFR transponder. > > They all have to meet a single TSO to be legal to use in aircraft. As > > long as you avoid certain airspace, it is still legal to fly IFR with no > > transponder. Might get some ATC complaints, however. > > > > Tim Olson wrote: > >> > >> Robin, the 330 is the only one that does Mode-S tis, and > >> therefore would be the only one that you could use with > >> NavWorx Composite-TIS function. If you buy a cheaper > >> one without Mode-S, you'll only get ADS-B targets. > >> With the 330, you can get either, via their box...assuming > >> the G900 uses the same standard interface they use > >> for other things. > >> > >> Tim > >> > >> > >> > >> Robin Marks wrote: > >>> I am laying out my Budget RV-8A panel and have a transponder > >>> question. And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I still > >>> have privileges here. > >>> > >>> I am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that will > >>> ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. > >>> > >>> I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is IFR > >>> certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx and TIS? > >>> It does not appear to be the case. > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> Thanks, > >>> > >>> Robin > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): > >>> > >>> 8A Panel 1 Concept.jpg > >>> > >>> Concept 1.5.jpg > >>> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > * > > > * ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: FWF hoses
From: "Eric_Kallio" <scout019(at)msn.com>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Between the hoses that Vans now provides in the FWF kit, and the hoses that Aerosport Power sent with my engine, the Manifold pressure line and the line to the oil pressure sender are the only ones not firesleeved. While the MP line doesn't need it, the oil pressure sender line may get firesleeved down the road when I replace lines, but at this point I am leaving it as is. ALL fuel and oil cooler hoses are fire sleeved. Eric Kallio Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279912#279912 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: Fire bottle
Date: Jan 03, 2010
One picture shows the location in the cabin, the other shows the location on the firewall. Note the blue fitting between the red/yellow/white wire bundle (EGT/CHT wiring). That is the bulkhead T fitting through the firewall. From there hard flared lines use the sprayers provided in the kit to spray Halon behind the aft cylinder baffling; one hard line is routed through the aft baffling and sprays over the engine. Because my engine is not carbureted, I do not plumb a line to the carburetor box. On my Glastar, one lines sprays the top of the engine and one line is plumbed to a bulkhead fitting in the carburetor air box. That fitting inside the box is capped and a #40 hole has been drilled in the cap. If you install a carbureted engine I recommend a pinhole plumbed inside the carburetor box. This eliminates most damage done by carburetor fires. Halon leaves no residue and requires no clean up. How do you know if you have a carburetor fire? My Glastar has a Carburetor air temperature sensor and displays on the panel. For fuel injected engines a fire will produce smoke and engine instrument chts/egts will become rapidly erratic. Discharging the bottle, expect to be a glider and prepare to land immediately. I could send some pictures of the FF installation, perhaps next week when I remove the top cowl. Of course, being prepared, in the Glastar (500+) and RV10 (200+) I have not had the requirement to push the red fire handle. Of course in 3000 other hours in certified aircraft I have had no requirement to wish I had a fire handle. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Subject: Re: FWF hoses
From: Kelly McMullen <apilot2(at)gmail.com>
Just had a friend's Cozy light off an engine fire on start this morning. He wishes he had more fire sleeving. He was lucky fire got put out before spreading to fiberglass. Was basically from flooded start. For the extra 15% I think the integral firesleeve teflon hoses are worth it. I have them on my Mooney and will use on RV-10. On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Linn Walters wrote: > FWIW, I ordered my FWF kit which should ship in a few weeks. I ordered the > Vans hoses .... but haven't decided to firesleeve yet. Probably won't for > oil, but might for fuel. My other aircraft have old black cloth covered > Aeroquip hoses and surived OK all these years ..... but I haven't had a fire > in the cowl yet. I'd rather practice prevention than pray that a hose > containing flammable stuff doesn't burn through. > Linn ....... wiring the panel > > RV Builder (Michael Sausen) wrote: > > Happy New Year everyone! > > > Im getting ready to order the hoses for my FWF. I didnt get the stock > Vans hoses because at the time (they have come down considerably in the > last 2 years) they were more expensive than aftermarket and I also have a > different configuration which requires a few custom lengths. So what Im > wondering is if I should firesleeve the oil lines while Im at it. They > will all be SS sleeved with a Teflon core. Its certainly more than if I > dont but Im thinking it would probably be worth it. Whats the general > concensus? > > > Michael > > > href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List > href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com > > href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/contribution > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Les Kearney" <kearney(at)shaw.ca>
Subject: Rudder Pedal Movement
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Happy New Year to all the builders out there! I have a quick question for those who have gone before... What is the movement distance for the rudder cables (i.e. from full forward to full aft) as measured from the rudder pedal attach point? Many thanks Les #40643 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Neal George" <n8zg(at)mchsi.com>
Subject: 90 degree drills
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Phil - I have a 500rpm APT that I love. Bought it used from The Yard. Also have a 2500rpm UAT that I hate - too much starting torque. I have a strong preference for the slower drills - much more control... neal =========== On the topic of tools.......... Anyone have a 90 degree drill that they're absolutely in love with? The Sioux is $445. I see some imports (Taylor) for $250ish. Then some others for $200. Anyone have any special feelings for their drill? (Easy Mr. Sked) J Phil ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
From: "lbgjb10" <lbgjb(at)gnt.net>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
didn't realize that 330 worked with ADS-B, thought it was only S mode. Does my 18 month old 330 have that capacity?? does it need different antenna?? upgrade?? larry -------- Larry and Gayle N104LG Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279930#279930 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Seano" <sean(at)braunandco.com>
Subject: Re: 90 degree drills
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Love this one of mine. http://store-planetools.com/angledrill--2800rpmfor14-28threadedbits.aspx ----- Original Message ----- From: Perry, Phil To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 11:50 AM Subject: RV10-List: 90 degree drills On the topic of tools.......... Anyone have a 90 degree drill that they're absolutely in love with? The Sioux is $445. I see some imports (Taylor) for $250ish. Then some others for $200. Anyone have any special feelings for their drill? (Easy Mr. Sked) J Phil ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Date: Jan 03, 2010
It doesn't.....but Navworx can receive via arinc from the 330 and mix that mode s with their ads-b to send to your display, depending on your avionics choices and configuration. Tim On Jan 3, 2010, at 3:57 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: > > didn't realize that 330 worked with ADS-B, thought it was only S > mode. Does my 18 month old 330 have that capacity?? does it need > different antenna?? upgrade?? larry > > -------- > Larry and Gayle N104LG > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279930#279930 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: FWF hoses
From: ricksked(at)cox.net
Date: Jan 03, 2010
I agree they are compact and worth the cost to fabricate to the correct length let alone safer...flame away!! Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T -----Original Message----- From: Kelly McMullen <apilot2(at)gmail.com> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 14:07:21 Subject: Re: RV10-List: FWF hoses Just had a friend's Cozy light off an engine fire on start this morning. He wishes he had more fire sleeving. He was lucky fire got put out before spreading to fiberglass. Was basically from flooded start. For the extra 15% I think the integral firesleeve teflon hoses are worth it. I have them on my Mooney and will use on RV-10. On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Linn Walters wrote: > FWIW, I ordered my FWF kit which should ship in a few weeks. I ordered the > Vans hoses .... but haven't decided to firesleeve yet. Probably won't for > oil, but might for fuel. My other aircraft have old black cloth covered > Aeroquip hoses and surived OK all these years ..... but I haven't had a fire > in the cowl yet. I'd rather practice prevention than pray that a hose > containing flammable stuff doesn't burn through. > Linn ....... wiring the panel > > RV Builder (Michael Sausen) wrote: > > Happy New Year everyone! > > > Im getting ready to order the hoses for my FWF. I didnt get the stock > Vans hoses because at the time (they have come down considerably in the > last 2 years) they were more expensive than aftermarket and I also have a > different configuration which requires a few custom lengths. So what Im > wondering is if I should firesleeve the oil lines while Im at it. They > will all be SS sleeved with a Teflon core. Its certainly more than if I > dont but Im thinking it would probably be worth it. Whats the general > concensus? > > > Michael > > > href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List > href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com > > href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/contribution > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: 90 degree drills
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "John Cox" <johnwcox(at)pacificnw.com>
Teaser triggers can give you the best of both. I passed on a 90 and 45 with either at $250. I still regret the day that I passed. Couldn't justify more for the RV-10 build. John Cox ________________________________ From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com on behalf of Neal George Sent: Sun 1/3/2010 1:39 PM Subject: RE: RV10-List: 90 degree drills Phil - I have a 500rpm APT that I love. Bought it used from The Yard. Also have a 2500rpm UAT that I hate - too much starting torque. I have a strong preference for the slower drills - much more control... neal =========== On the topic of tools.............................. Anyone have a 90 degree drill that they're absolutely in love with? The Sioux is $445. I see some imports (Taylor) for $250ish. Then some others for $200. Anyone have any special feelings for their drill? (Easy Mr. Sked) J Phil ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Warming up in the -10
From: "Ron B." <cfxoa(at)klis.com>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
I can't believe you let your 10 get that cold? Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279944#279944 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "Robin Marks" <robin1(at)mrmoisture.com>
I think you do need an additional antenna 4' away from the Transponder antenna. About $110.00 from Navworx. I forgot what type of antenna but it's a common aviation antenna. I plan the add the Navworx to two ships so I will figure it out sooner or later (most likely later). Robin -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Olson Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 2:39 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Transponder Question It doesn't.....but Navworx can receive via arinc from the 330 and mix that mode s with their ads-b to send to your display, depending on your avionics choices and configuration. Tim On Jan 3, 2010, at 3:57 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: > > didn't realize that 330 worked with ADS-B, thought it was only S > mode. Does my 18 month old 330 have that capacity?? does it need > different antenna?? upgrade?? larry > > -------- > Larry and Gayle N104LG > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279930#279930 > > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 01/02/10 08:22:00 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Date: Jan 03, 2010
It's just a normal shark-fin Transponder antenna. One wire. Oh and you'll add a GPS antenna. On mine I put the GPS antenna under the vertical stab fairing, since I don't consider this as "critical to navigation". You can feed GPS in to the box from some other source, but the requirements of that GPS spec are pretty stringent, per ads-b requirements, so I figured the simple way was to just use the built-in GPS. The active traffic systems use like 4 wires for the antenna, or something like that, and the blade is much larger. The antenna for Ads-b is smaller and mounts on the belly. Tim On Jan 3, 2010, at 5:53 PM, "Robin Marks" wrote: > > I think you do need an additional antenna 4' away from the Transponder > antenna. About $110.00 from Navworx. I forgot what type of antenna but > it's a common aviation antenna. I plan the add the Navworx to two > ships > so I will figure it out sooner or later (most likely later). > > Robin > > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Olson > Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 2:39 PM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Transponder Question > > > It doesn't.....but Navworx can receive via arinc from the 330 and mix > that mode s with their ads-b to send to your display, depending on > your avionics choices and configuration. > Tim > > > On Jan 3, 2010, at 3:57 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: > >> >> didn't realize that 330 worked with ADS-B, thought it was only S >> mode. Does my 18 month old 330 have that capacity?? does it need >> different antenna?? upgrade?? larry >> >> -------- >> Larry and Gayle N104LG >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279930#279930 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com > 01/02/10 08:22:00 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Rudder Pedal Movement
From: "jkreidler" <jason.kreidler(at)regalbeloit.com>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
4.5" comes to mind (IIRC) -------- Jason Kreidler 4 Partner Build - Sheboygan Falls, WI Tony Kolar, Kyle Hokel, Wayne Elser, Jason Kreidler N44YH - Flying - #40617 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279955#279955 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: com wiring
From: "Bob Turner" <bobturner(at)alum.rpi.edu>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
To answer your direct question: Yes, you can splice (crimp joint or solder/shrink tubing) the mike and phone wires. Try to keep the length which is not inside the shield to a minimum. If you are really anal you can put a braided shield over the splice area (connected to the cable shield) when you're done, but it shouldn't be necessary. Here is what is necessary, for the lowest noise: Do not allow the shield to touch the airframe anywhere except at the audio panel ground connection. This includes the splice, and the jacks. The jacks should be isolated with non-conducting washers (Stein sells them), and the "ground" side of the jack brought back to the audio panel with its own wire, not the braid. Do not connect the braid to anything at the jack end. This means that you need to have multi-conductor (2 plus shield, 3 if stereo) installed. -------- Bob Turner RV-10 QB Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279957#279957 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Officially you need 6 ft between your UAT antenna and the Garmin transponder. 4 ft may work. UAT antenna is a DME antenna. -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Robin Marks Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 4:54 PM Subject: RE: RV10-List: Re: Transponder Question I think you do need an additional antenna 4' away from the Transponder antenna. About $110.00 from Navworx. I forgot what type of antenna but it's a common aviation antenna. I plan the add the Navworx to two ships so I will figure it out sooner or later (most likely later). Robin -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Olson Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 2:39 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Transponder Question It doesn't.....but Navworx can receive via arinc from the 330 and mix that mode s with their ads-b to send to your display, depending on your avionics choices and configuration. Tim On Jan 3, 2010, at 3:57 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: > > didn't realize that 330 worked with ADS-B, thought it was only S mode. > Does my 18 month old 330 have that capacity?? does it need different > antenna?? upgrade?? larry > > -------- > Larry and Gayle N104LG > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279930#279930 > > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 01/02/10 08:22:00 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal
From: "AirMike" <Mikeabel(at)Pacbell.net>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
It is a real pain to install/remove the cowl with the baffle interface seal on the FAB. I know at least one RV10 builder who has eliminated the baffle seal material at the interface. In discussing this problem with another builder, I was wondering if any builder has come up with a unique solution to this problem or the technical ramifications of leaving the seal material off. -------- OSH '10 or Bust Q/B - testing phase 1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279960#279960 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Total Age
From: "AirMike" <Mikeabel(at)Pacbell.net>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
How do you make an ex-relative? -------- OSH '10 or Bust Q/B - testing phase 1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279968#279968 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Pascal" <rv10builder(at)verizon.net>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Tim; You mention the shark fin transponder, is that a specific requirement or does any transponder antenna work the same? Thanks! -------------------------------------------------- From: "Tim Olson" <Tim(at)myrv10.com> Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 4:13 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Transponder Question > > It's just a normal shark-fin Transponder antenna. One wire. Oh and > you'll add a GPS antenna. On mine I put the GPS antenna under the > vertical stab fairing, since I don't consider this as "critical to > navigation". You can feed GPS in to the box from some other source, but > the requirements of that GPS spec are pretty stringent, per ads-b > requirements, so I figured the simple way was to just use the built-in > GPS. > > The active traffic systems use like 4 wires for the antenna, or something > like that, and the blade is much larger. > The antenna for Ads-b is smaller and mounts on the belly. > Tim > > > On Jan 3, 2010, at 5:53 PM, "Robin Marks" wrote: > >> >> I think you do need an additional antenna 4' away from the Transponder >> antenna. About $110.00 from Navworx. I forgot what type of antenna but >> it's a common aviation antenna. I plan the add the Navworx to two ships >> so I will figure it out sooner or later (most likely later). >> >> Robin >> >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com >> [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Olson >> Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 2:39 PM >> To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com >> Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Transponder Question >> >> >> It doesn't.....but Navworx can receive via arinc from the 330 and mix >> that mode s with their ads-b to send to your display, depending on >> your avionics choices and configuration. >> Tim >> >> >> >> >> On Jan 3, 2010, at 3:57 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: >> >>> >>> didn't realize that 330 worked with ADS-B, thought it was only S >>> mode. Does my 18 month old 330 have that capacity?? does it need >>> different antenna?? upgrade?? larry >>> >>> -------- >>> Larry and Gayle N104LG >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Read this topic online here: >>> >>> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279930#279930 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com >> 01/02/10 08:22:00 >> >> >> >> > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever <roxianmike(at)msn.com>
Subject: additional latch for 10 doors
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Has anyone added an additional latching mechanism at the bottom of their do ors. As I am finishing my door latches I am considering adding an '"L" sha ped catch in the bottom of the door (inserted into the bottom door frame/fu se) that would move aft (attached to the aft rod) through a slot and provid e assurance that the door can not move upward=2C both to improve fit and fo r safety against door opening. Any thoughts on this? ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal
From: Jesse Saint <jesse(at)saintaviation.com>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
What some have done is leave a bigger gap and use a thicker seal material to bridge the gap. The main loss would be a little of the ram air effect on Manifold Pressure. I've heard this is mainly an issue at altitude. Jesse Saint Saint Aviation, Inc. jesse(at)saintaviation.com Cell: 352-427-0285 Fax: 815-377-3694 On Jan 3, 2010, at 8:18 PM, AirMike wrote: > > It is a real pain to install/remove the cowl with the baffle interface seal on the FAB. I know at least one RV10 builder who has eliminated the baffle seal material at the interface. In discussing this problem with another builder, I was wondering if any builder has come up with a unique solution to this problem or the technical ramifications of leaving the seal material off. > > -------- > OSH '10 or Bust > Q/B - testing phase 1 > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279960#279960 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "RV Builder (Michael Sausen)" <rvbuilder(at)sausen.net>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Subject: Re: Total Age
Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome. ;-) -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of AirMike Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:26 PM Subject: RV10-List: Re: Total Age How do you make an ex-relative? -------- OSH '10 or Bust Q/B - testing phase 1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279968#279968 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
From: Jesse Saint <jesse(at)saintaviation.com>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
The 330 doesn't provide ADS-B, it just allows the Mode-S information to go to the ADS-B, and somehow show both on the same display. I don't know the details, but your 330 can't provide ADS-B. Jesse Saint Saint Aviation, Inc. jesse(at)saintaviation.com Cell: 352-427-0285 Fax: 815-377-3694 On Jan 3, 2010, at 4:57 PM, lbgjb10 wrote: > > didn't realize that 330 worked with ADS-B, thought it was only S mode. Does my 18 month old 330 have that capacity?? does it need different antenna?? upgrade?? larry > > -------- > Larry and Gayle N104LG > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279930#279930 > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal
From: ricksked(at)cox.net
Date: Jan 04, 2010
I left mine off and have at the most a gap of 3/16" between the FAB and the snorkel. I was hoping someone could tell me if it's an issue because the engine runs fine. I admit that it bothers me that I don't have the seal but I may go with the Harmon Rocket scoop Don McDonald used....I love that look:! Rick Sked N246RS ------Original Message------ From: AirMike Sender: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com ReplyTo: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Jan 3, 2010 5:18 PM Subject: RV10-List: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal It is a real pain to install/remove the cowl with the baffle interface seal on the FAB. I know at least one RV10 builder who has eliminated the baffle seal material at the interface. In discussing this problem with another builder, I was wondering if any builder has come up with a unique solution to this problem or the technical ramifications of leaving the seal material off. -------- OSH '10 or Bust Q/B - testing phase 1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279960#279960 Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: FW: Z-14 Switch Combos
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
Greetings, I sent this to the aeroelectric list, but I'm not surprised that it went unanswered. That being said, THANKS to the RV-10 flyers and builders for their assistance. One of the great things about this list is the flyers still stick around! For those of you who employed Z-14 (Dual Alt/Dual Battery) what have you experienced with your contactor switch settings? I'd hate to make one wrong flip of a switch and fry a G430. I know Bob Condrey and Rick are using this setup. Bill "flying soon" Watson will be using it eventually too. Thanks, Phil From: Perry, Phil Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 9:09 PM Subject: Z-14 Switch Combos I'm getting a handle on Z-14 from an operational perspective and have a couple of questions about the switch combinations that could create issues. Obviously with the added complexity of managing two batteries, two alternators, and a cross feed can create some interesting combinations. Are there any combo's that we should be aware of that would create over voltage or any other scenarios of concern? In the event of a failure (for example Alt 2 failure), is there a specific order for shutting off the bad alt and then enabling the cross feed? Thanks, Phil ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: additional latch for 10 doors
From: ricksked(at)cox.net
Date: Jan 04, 2010
Mike, There was a builder in Oz who made a really nice cent er latch, I will need to check my RV photos to see if I still have them. It was a spring loaded latch wi th a small lift arm inside...IIRC everyone tore it up(sur prise) because you could not open from the outside in an emergency Rick Sked N246RS Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T -----Original Message----- From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever <roxianmike(at)msn.com> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 18:33:34 Subject: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Has anyone added an additional latching mechanism at the bottom of their doors. As I am finishing my door lat ches I am considering adding an '"L" shaped catch in th e bottom of the door (inserted into the bottom door fra me/fuse) that would move aft (attached to the aft rod) through a slot and provide assurance that the door can not move upward, both to improve fit and for safety aga inst door opening. Any thoughts on this? ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Rudder Pedal Movement
From: ricksked(at)cox.net
Date: Jan 04, 2010
And two foot pounds of pressure to move them....one per pedal!! ): ------Original Message------ From: jkreidler Sender: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com ReplyTo: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Jan 3, 2010 4:48 PM Subject: RV10-List: Re: Rudder Pedal Movement 4.5" comes to mind (IIRC) -------- Jason Kreidler 4 Partner Build - Sheboygan Falls, WI Tony Kolar, Kyle Hokel, Wayne Elser, Jason Kreidler N44YH - Flying - #40617 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279955#279955 Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 04, 2010
From: cloudvalley(at)comcast.net
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Hi TIm, =C2-Ruth told me that the Tiger does well on grass. She has landed it on grass and taxied...does well. She has 2000 hrs, mostly in Tigers (110 hrs i n an overpriced Cirrus SR20 we had for 6 months).=C2-When we sell (we do have two interested clients now), I will have to get my certificate before we sell it. But it will be so great to move on with our lives. Talk to you later Tim. Brian ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Olson" <Tim(at)MyRV10.com> Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2010 11:33:51 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific Subject: Re: RV10-List: Transponder Question Yeah, I was wondering how that Tiger was treating you. =C2-Do you know how they are on grass? =C2-I'm looking for a time builder for Andrea now that she's got her certificate, and I was thinking RV7A/9A, but maybe a Tiger wouldn't be so bad if it can handle grass. Well, hope you have good luck selling the farm eventually! Tim cloudvalley(at)comcast.net wrote: > Hi TIme, > > =C2-My wife, Ruth and I were RV10 builders but sold our empennage a lit tle > over a year ago, after getting your axle kit. We had to regroup because > our farm here isn't selling yet, but it is a money- maker and we are > sure it will. We may get a moslty done RV-10 when we sell.We see lots of > RV ers when we fly the 79 Tiger we bought up to Independence for lunch > all the time, from Eugene, Oregon. > > =C2- > > =C2-We bought this low-time Tiger last year and put in a 430 WAAS and a > GMX200.( Also bought a 696 which we love) This year we had a GTX330 > installed, along with a PMA700 audio panel when our transponder went out > near Gorman in Calif. We love it. At least it shows the traffic vectors > for aircraft in the vicinity of busy airspace, and it can be upgraded > later...hopefully by someone who buys our Tiger after the farm sells, so > we can upgrade our plane. We want to fly all =C2-ver when we move to Oh io > near wife's brother. We keep reading about all your flying =C2-adventur es, > and are jealous. As long as we have this farm we have to work in the > summer,selling produce at the Farmers' market, and ony have time for > short trips. Oh well..patience.. > > Talk to you later Tim, and thanks for all your input. > > Brian and Ruth > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Tim Olson" <Tim(at)MyRV10.com> > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2010 8:02:40 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Transponder Question > > > I wouldn't say that a 330 locks you into anything, really. > It is about the best way to get Mode-S TIS right now, but > you don't get the ES part unless you buy the ES upgrade > for something like $1200. =C2-So in actuality, it would give > you the flexibility to go ES as your "OUT" for ADS-B if > you needed to, although for not much more money you could > go with a UAT and feed the Wx data to an onboard device. > > You're right, for now you could get a low-end Mode C > transponder and save some money, but if you go with a 330 > you'll have TIS right now, and, the transponder won't be > obsoleted by the ADS-B stuff coming forward. =C2-I know Mode > S is "going away", but the timeframes are still a ways > out there....and look at how VOR's, LORAN, and things like > that were also supposed to be "going away". =C2-So really, what > it comes down to is, if you're really trying to save every > dollar you can, and you don't have any care for Mode S TIS, > then go ahead and just buy a 327 or something. =C2-But, if you > buy a 330, you can get Mode S TIS today, and that same box > will work fine for you going forward, whether you choose > a UAT or go the ES route. =C2-What I don't have a clue about > is if the 327 is going to have any upgrade path to ES...and > if it doesn't, it may be safer to just go the 330 route. > The added cost isn't in extreme dollars. > > Also, just today I was watching Mode S TIS targets in the MSP > area coming through the NavWorx ADS600 ADS-B receiver....it > can take GTX330 Mode S Targets and output them to your device, > along with outputting TIS-B targets. =C2-So with something like > that, it gives some benefit to having either system. =C2-The one > thing better would be active traffic, but to really get a > good system that gives bearing, range, and altitude to > "intruders", you're going to spend maybe 5X or 6X the price, > and have to do some real good top and bottom fin antennas. > > Tim > > > Kelly McMullen wrote: com> > =C2-> > =C2-> Keep in mind that a 330 locks you into the 1090ES standard for AD SB, > =C2-> while it looks like UAT will continue to be a more flexible and r obust > =C2-> system. If you want to keep options open, buy a low end Mode A/C > =C2-> transponder for now. BTW, there is no such thing as IFR transpond er. > =C2-> They all have to meet a single TSO to be legal to use in aircraft . As > =C2-> long as you avoid certain airspace, it is still legal to fly IFR with no > =C2-> transponder. Might get some ATC complaints, however. > =C2-> > =C2-> Tim Olson wrote: > =C2->> > =C2->> Robin, the 330 is the only one that does Mode-S tis, and > =C2->> therefore would be the only one that you could use with > =C2->> NavWorx Composite-TIS function. =C2-If you buy a cheaper > =C2->> one without Mode-S, you'll only get ADS-B targets. > =C2->> With the 330, you can get either, via their box...assuming > =C2->> the G900 uses the same standard interface they use > =C2->> for other things. > =C2->> > =C2->> Tim > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> Robin Marks wrote: > =C2->>> I am laying out my =9CBudget=9D RV-8A panel and hav e a transponder > =C2->>> question. And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I sti ll > =C2->>> have privileges here. > =C2->>> > =C2->>> I =C2-am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that will > =C2->>> ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. > =C2->>> > =C2->>> I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is I FR > =C2->>> certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx an d TIS? > =C2->>> It does not appear to be the case. > =C2->>> > =C2->>> =C2- > =C2->>> > =C2->>> Thanks, > =C2->>> > =C2->>> Robin > =C2->>> > =C2->>> =C2- > =C2->>> > =C2->>> Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): > =C2->>> > =C2->>> 8A Panel 1 Concept.jpg > =C2->>> > =C2->>> Concept 1.5.jpg > =C2->>> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2-> > =C2-> > =C2-> > =C2-> > > > * > > > * =========== =========== MS - =========== e - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2--Matt Dralle, List Admin. =========== ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: Don McDonald <building_partner(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Total Age
Ok, it was an ex-wife's mothers sister.- Don --- On Sun, 1/3/10, AirMike wrote: From: AirMike <Mikeabel(at)Pacbell.net> Subject: RV10-List: Re: Total Age Date: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 5:26 PM How do you make an ex-relative? -------- OSH '10 or Bust Q/B - testing phase 1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279968#279968 le, List Admin. =0A=0A=0A ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Carl Froehlich" <carl.froehlich(at)verizon.net>
Subject: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal
Date: Jan 03, 2010
On the 8A I modified the cowl inlet, extending it forward and adding a shark fin between the inlet and the top of the bottom cowl. The FAB was modified to accept a 3" SCAT hose. I made and then glassed in a 2" long tube to the inside of the cowl inlet, the tube diameter such that the 3" hose slides over it. The hose is attached to the FAB with a hose clamp, and slides on the outside of the lower cowl tube. As the hose is slightly longer than the gap between the cowl and the FAB, the hose spring keeps it in place. I'll do something similar for the 10. Attached is a photo of the second cowl mod - still in primer gray at that point. I had to move the intake back 3/4" for prop clearance when I upgraded to a Hartzell CS prop on the 8A. Carl -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of AirMike Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 8:19 PM Subject: RV10-List: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal It is a real pain to install/remove the cowl with the baffle interface seal on the FAB. I know at least one RV10 builder who has eliminated the baffle seal material at the interface. In discussing this problem with another builder, I was wondering if any builder has come up with a unique solution to this problem or the technical ramifications of leaving the seal material off. -------- OSH '10 or Bust Q/B - testing phase 1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279960#279960 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: Don McDonald <building_partner(at)yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Total Age
Nope, not aviation induced.....happenned before the sailing and the airplan e... got a really good one now... fights for the right hand seat! --- On Sun, 1/3/10, RV Builder (Michael Sausen) wrot e: From: RV Builder (Michael Sausen) <rvbuilder(at)sausen.net> Subject: RE: RV10-List: Re: Total Age Date: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 5:43 PM ausen.net> Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome.- ;-) -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server@m atronics.com] On Behalf Of AirMike Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:26 PM Subject: RV10-List: Re: Total Age How do you make an ex-relative? -------- OSH '10 or Bust Q/B - testing phase 1 Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279968#279968 le, List Admin. =0A=0A=0A ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Condrey, Bob (US SSA)" <bob.condrey(at)baesystems.com>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Subject: Re: FW: Z-14 Switch Combos
UGhpbCwNCg0KR2l2ZSBtZSBhIGNhbGwgZGlyZWN0IGFuZCBJIGNhbiBhbnN3ZXIgd2hhdGV2ZXIg cXVlc3Rpb25zIHlvdSd2ZSBnb3QuIDQwMi42NTEuMDQwMg0KDQpCb2INCg0KX19fX19fX19fX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18NCkZyb206IG93bmVyLXJ2MTAtbGlzdC1zZXJ2ZXJAbWF0cm9u aWNzLmNvbSA8b3duZXItcnYxMC1saXN0LXNlcnZlckBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tPg0KVG86IHJ2MTAt bGlzdEBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tIDxydjEwLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbT4NClNlbnQ6IFN1biBK YW4gMDMgMTc6NDk6NTYgMjAxMA0KU3ViamVjdDogUlYxMC1MaXN0OiBGVzogWi0xNCBTd2l0Y2gg Q29tYm9zDQoNCkdyZWV0aW5ncywNCg0KSSBzZW50IHRoaXMgdG8gdGhlIGFlcm9lbGVjdHJpYyBs aXN0LCBidXQgSeKAmW0gbm90IHN1cnByaXNlZCB0aGF0IGl0IHdlbnQgdW5hbnN3ZXJlZC4gIFRo YXQgYmVpbmcgc2FpZCwgVEhBTktTIHRvIHRoZSBSVi0xMCBmbHllcnMgYW5kIGJ1aWxkZXJzIGZv ciB0aGVpciBhc3Npc3RhbmNlLiAgT25lIG9mIHRoZSBncmVhdCB0aGluZ3MgYWJvdXQgdGhpcyBs aXN0IGlzIHRoZSBmbHllcnMgc3RpbGwgc3RpY2sgYXJvdW5kIQ0KDQpGb3IgdGhvc2Ugb2YgeW91 IHdobyBlbXBsb3llZCBaLTE0IChEdWFsIEFsdC9EdWFsIEJhdHRlcnkpIHdoYXQgaGF2ZSB5b3Ug ZXhwZXJpZW5jZWQgd2l0aCB5b3VyIGNvbnRhY3RvciBzd2l0Y2ggc2V0dGluZ3M/ICBJ4oCZZCBo YXRlIHRvIG1ha2Ugb25lIHdyb25nIGZsaXAgb2YgYSBzd2l0Y2ggYW5kIGZyeSBhIEc0MzAuICAg SSBrbm93IEJvYiBDb25kcmV5IGFuZCBSaWNrIGFyZSB1c2luZyB0aGlzIHNldHVwLiAgQmlsbCDi gJxmbHlpbmcgc29vbuKAnSBXYXRzb24gd2lsbCBiZSB1c2luZyBpdCBldmVudHVhbGx5IHRvby4N Cg0KVGhhbmtzLA0KUGhpbA0KDQoNCg0KRnJvbTogUGVycnksIFBoaWwNClNlbnQ6IFNhdHVyZGF5 LCBKYW51YXJ5IDAyLCAyMDEwIDk6MDkgUE0NClRvOiBhZXJvZWxlY3RyaWMtbGlzdEBtYXRyb25p Y3MuY29tDQpTdWJqZWN0OiBaLTE0IFN3aXRjaCBDb21ib3MNCg0KSeKAmW0gZ2V0dGluZyBhIGhh bmRsZSBvbiBaLTE0IGZyb20gYW4gb3BlcmF0aW9uYWwgcGVyc3BlY3RpdmUgYW5kIGhhdmUgYSBj b3VwbGUgb2YgcXVlc3Rpb25zIGFib3V0IHRoZSBzd2l0Y2ggY29tYmluYXRpb25zIHRoYXQgY291 bGQgY3JlYXRlIGlzc3Vlcy4NCg0KT2J2aW91c2x5IHdpdGggdGhlIGFkZGVkIGNvbXBsZXhpdHkg b2YgbWFuYWdpbmcgdHdvIGJhdHRlcmllcywgdHdvIGFsdGVybmF0b3JzLCBhbmQgYSBjcm9zcyBm ZWVkIGNhbiBjcmVhdGUgc29tZSBpbnRlcmVzdGluZyBjb21iaW5hdGlvbnMuDQoNCkFyZSB0aGVy ZSBhbnkgY29tYm/igJlzIHRoYXQgd2Ugc2hvdWxkIGJlIGF3YXJlIG9mIHRoYXQgd291bGQgY3Jl YXRlIG92ZXIgdm9sdGFnZSBvciBhbnkgb3RoZXIgc2NlbmFyaW9zIG9mIGNvbmNlcm4/DQoNCklu IHRoZSBldmVudCBvZiBhIGZhaWx1cmUgKGZvciBleGFtcGxlIEFsdCAyIGZhaWx1cmUpLCBpcyB0 aGVyZSBhIHNwZWNpZmljIG9yZGVyIGZvciBzaHV0dGluZyBvZmYgdGhlICBiYWQgYWx0IGFuZCB0 aGVuIGVuYWJsaW5nIHRoZSBjcm9zcyBmZWVkPw0KDQpUaGFua3MsDQpQaGlsDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0K Xy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAtIFRoZSBSVjEwLUxpc3QgRW1haWwgRm9ydW0gLQ0KXy09IFVz ZSB0aGUgTWF0cm9uaWNzIExpc3QgRmVhdHVyZXMgTmF2aWdhdG9yIHRvIGJyb3dzZQ0KXy09IHRo ZSBtYW55IExpc3QgdXRpbGl0aWVzIHN1Y2ggYXMgTGlzdCBVbi9TdWJzY3JpcHRpb24sDQpfLT0g QXJjaGl2ZSBTZWFyY2ggJiBEb3dubG9hZCwgNy1EYXkgQnJvd3NlLCBDaGF0LCBGQVEsDQpfLT0g UGhvdG9zaGFyZSwgYW5kIG11Y2ggbXVjaCBtb3JlOg0KXy09DQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3d3 dy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL05hdmlnYXRvcj9SVjEwLUxpc3QNCl8tPQ0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgIC0gTUFUUk9OSUNTIFdFQiBGT1JVTVMgLQ0KXy09IFNhbWUgZ3JlYXQgY29udGVu dCBhbHNvIGF2YWlsYWJsZSB2aWEgdGhlIFdlYiBGb3J1bXMhDQpfLT0NCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRw Oi8vZm9ydW1zLm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20NCl8tPQ0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIExp c3QgQ29udHJpYnV0aW9uIFdlYiBTaXRlIC0NCl8tPSAgVGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVy b3VzIHN1cHBvcnQhDQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtTWF0dCBEcmFs bGUsIExpc3QgQWRtaW4uDQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL2NvbnRy aWJ1dGlvbg0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCg0KDQo ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: additional latch for 10 doors
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
Here you go Rick.... G'Day all, I am a 3 time offender (two RV6's and now a 10). I have about 1400 hrs on RV's and 2000hrs TT. Never had an incident or accident till about a year ago when my passenger door flew open on T/O!!! I remembered Van's advice to fly the plane and did a circuit. The passenger managed to grab the door as I turned downwind and applied rudder - the slip helped close the door. I sent a very detailed report to Van but no comment or reply. The RV10 is a magnificent A/C but the doors are its Achilles' heal! Over the past year I put my thinking cap on and came up with a very simple but highly effective solution. I have passed it on to Ken and Richard but still no reply. Thought I might share the solution with this forum as I believe ALL RV10's should have a similar device. It can only improve A/C safety. I got to thinking that the bonnet of a car has the same potential to cause total havoc if it were to open during travel. A car bonnet has a safety latch which automatically engages when the bonnet closes. My door latch works in a similar fashion: First there is a striker plate that is secured onto the lower cabin frame (as seen below). The fiberglass of the cabin door entry has to be reduced both vertically and on the inside, to accommodate the plate, which is "Z" shaped in cross section, so as to provide some undercut on the inside of the door jamb (which engages the latch on the door). The striker plate is pop riveted and epoxied into place - an easy retro-fit. http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39472qo0.jpg <http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp39472qo0.jpg> The top of the plate is at the same level as the edge of the lower cabin frame. http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39422fc2.jpg <http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp39422fc2.jpg> Next the door latch was made up - I cut a hole in the inner door skin and made the latch as seen below. The latch pivots on a U-shaped bracket secured to the base of the door and there is a powerful hinge spring that ensures that the latch engages the undercut of the Z-plate. The name "Staniforth latch" is to honour the poor victim who was sitting in the plane when the door unexpectedly opened!!!!! I recently asked him to come for a fly (and to see his latches) but strangely, he refused!! http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39492gw2.jpg <http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp39492gw2.jpg> The wire spring can just be seen in the photo below. http://img177.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39462nm1.jpg <http://img177.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp39462nm1.jpg> As the door closes, the spring loaded latch lifts over the striker plate and then drops down and engages the undercut of the striker plate. Very simple, works every time; it cannot not work!! http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39442xo6.jpg <http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp39442xo6.jpg> Both the striker plate and latch are made of stainless steel. Note the undercut on the latch in the photo below. http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39452ip0.jpg <http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp39452ip0.jpg> It also has a rod that exits through the outside door skin (sticks out about an inch) so that it can be deactivated when opening the door from outside. http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39392os9.jpg <http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp39392os9.jpg> The latch has three functions, one expected and two not: (i) once the door closes, there is an obvious "clunk" as the spring loaded latch engages the striker plate and drops into place, and even if the pilot/passenger fail to close the main door latch (pins), the door cannot open - this function I expected. Additional (unexpected) functions are: (ii) once the latch/striker have engaged, it pulls the door inward SO THAT THE DOOR PINS HAVE NO OPTION BUT TO ENGAGE - this overcomes the problem of the opening effect of the gas strut and the door seal pushing the rear of the door outward, and the rear pin failing to engage. (iii) in-flight, the latch carries load. This means that the doors actually flex outward because of aerodynamic forces, which are carried by the latch! I have tried to open the safety latch in-flight and they become really tight because of the load they are carrying. This reduces the forces that have to be carried by the door pins. At a recent SAAA (Australia) fly-in I had several RV10 builders have a look at my plane and especially the doors, and comments were very favorable. All of the other three RV10's at the meeting, had damage to the fibreglass associated with the rear door pins!! BTW, I have fitted an air-conditioning unit and this really increases comfort in this very, very hot country - a MUST, I would say! I fitted a FlightLine system and it works as advitised! Cheers Andre Viljoen Follow-up Message: Went out to the A/P recently and took a few more photos with the latch cover off - hopes this helps with understanding the design. http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?i...3120866kx1.jpg <http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=83120866kx1.jpg> The photo above shows the latch with the cover plate removed and we can see: * Two stainless steel 'L' shaped brackets that have been bolted and epoxied to the base of the door. * An AN3 bolt goes through a rod welded to the inner edge of the latch to make a hinge. * On top of the latch is a rod that protrudes through the outer skin of the door. http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?i...0296171dk7.jpg <http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=70296171dk7.jpg> This is a shot from underneath showing the rod that goes through the door for external opening. Also note how the spring goes into the head of the latch. The spring is essential for the latch to work. Also seen are the two countersunk bolts that secure the 'L' shaped brackets. http://img257.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp41302gq7.jpg <http://img257.imageshack.us/my.php?image=imgp41302gq7.jpg> Here the latch is being held up from the outside - note the powerful spring that pulls the latch downwards and ensures that it engages securely with the striker plate. From: ricksked(at)cox.net [mailto:ricksked(at)cox.net] Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:48 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Mike, There was a builder in Oz who made a really nice center latch, I will need to check my RV photos to see if I still have them. It was a spring loaded latch with a small lift arm inside...IIRC everyone tore it up(surprise) because you could not open from the outside in an emergency Rick Sked N246RS Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 04, 2010
From: cloudvalley(at)comcast.net
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
Hi again TIm, I was ambiguos about the word sell. I meant that we have two interested cli ents in the farm, not the plane..we are about to put some leather seats in it also. Got a very good bid from someone in Aurora, Oregon near Vans. I kn ow we won't get our money all back when we sell 179GT, but we will at least have some fun with it before we move, and perhaps for a short while after. Th epanel pics are from before we had the GTX 330 and PMA 7000 audio panel installed. Al so hard wired the 696 on the co-pilot's side. It shows traff ic also. Brian ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Olson" <Tim(at)MyRV10.com> Sent: Sunday, January 3, 2010 11:33:51 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific Subject: Re: RV10-List: Transponder Question Yeah, I was wondering how that Tiger was treating you. =C2-Do you know how they are on grass? =C2-I'm looking for a time builder for Andrea now that she's got her certificate, and I was thinking RV7A/9A, but maybe a Tiger wouldn't be so bad if it can handle grass. Well, hope you have good luck selling the farm eventually! Tim cloudvalley(at)comcast.net wrote: > Hi TIme, > > =C2-My wife, Ruth and I were RV10 builders but sold our empennage a lit tle > over a year ago, after getting your axle kit. We had to regroup because > our farm here isn't selling yet, but it is a money- maker and we are > sure it will. We may get a moslty done RV-10 when we sell.We see lots of > RV ers when we fly the 79 Tiger we bought up to Independence for lunch > all the time, from Eugene, Oregon. > > =C2- > > =C2-We bought this low-time Tiger last year and put in a 430 WAAS and a > GMX200.( Also bought a 696 which we love) This year we had a GTX330 > installed, along with a PMA700 audio panel when our transponder went out > near Gorman in Calif. We love it. At least it shows the traffic vectors > for aircraft in the vicinity of busy airspace, and it can be upgraded > later...hopefully by someone who buys our Tiger after the farm sells, so > we can upgrade our plane. We want to fly all =C2-ver when we move to Oh io > near wife's brother. We keep reading about all your flying =C2-adventur es, > and are jealous. As long as we have this farm we have to work in the > summer,selling produce at the Farmers' market, and ony have time for > short trips. Oh well..patience.. > > Talk to you later Tim, and thanks for all your input. > > Brian and Ruth > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Tim Olson" <Tim(at)MyRV10.com> > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2010 8:02:40 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Transponder Question > > > I wouldn't say that a 330 locks you into anything, really. > It is about the best way to get Mode-S TIS right now, but > you don't get the ES part unless you buy the ES upgrade > for something like $1200. =C2-So in actuality, it would give > you the flexibility to go ES as your "OUT" for ADS-B if > you needed to, although for not much more money you could > go with a UAT and feed the Wx data to an onboard device. > > You're right, for now you could get a low-end Mode C > transponder and save some money, but if you go with a 330 > you'll have TIS right now, and, the transponder won't be > obsoleted by the ADS-B stuff coming forward. =C2-I know Mode > S is "going away", but the timeframes are still a ways > out there....and look at how VOR's, LORAN, and things like > that were also supposed to be "going away". =C2-So really, what > it comes down to is, if you're really trying to save every > dollar you can, and you don't have any care for Mode S TIS, > then go ahead and just buy a 327 or something. =C2-But, if you > buy a 330, you can get Mode S TIS today, and that same box > will work fine for you going forward, whether you choose > a UAT or go the ES route. =C2-What I don't have a clue about > is if the 327 is going to have any upgrade path to ES...and > if it doesn't, it may be safer to just go the 330 route. > The added cost isn't in extreme dollars. > > Also, just today I was watching Mode S TIS targets in the MSP > area coming through the NavWorx ADS600 ADS-B receiver....it > can take GTX330 Mode S Targets and output them to your device, > along with outputting TIS-B targets. =C2-So with something like > that, it gives some benefit to having either system. =C2-The one > thing better would be active traffic, but to really get a > good system that gives bearing, range, and altitude to > "intruders", you're going to spend maybe 5X or 6X the price, > and have to do some real good top and bottom fin antennas. > > Tim > > > Kelly McMullen wrote: com> > =C2-> > =C2-> Keep in mind that a 330 locks you into the 1090ES standard for AD SB, > =C2-> while it looks like UAT will continue to be a more flexible and r obust > =C2-> system. If you want to keep options open, buy a low end Mode A/C > =C2-> transponder for now. BTW, there is no such thing as IFR transpond er. > =C2-> They all have to meet a single TSO to be legal to use in aircraft . As > =C2-> long as you avoid certain airspace, it is still legal to fly IFR with no > =C2-> transponder. Might get some ATC complaints, however. > =C2-> > =C2-> Tim Olson wrote: > =C2->> > =C2->> Robin, the 330 is the only one that does Mode-S tis, and > =C2->> therefore would be the only one that you could use with > =C2->> NavWorx Composite-TIS function. =C2-If you buy a cheaper > =C2->> one without Mode-S, you'll only get ADS-B targets. > =C2->> With the 330, you can get either, via their box...assuming > =C2->> the G900 uses the same standard interface they use > =C2->> for other things. > =C2->> > =C2->> Tim > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> Robin Marks wrote: > =C2->>> I am laying out my =9CBudget=9D RV-8A panel and hav e a transponder > =C2->>> question. And yes I know this is the -10 list but I think I sti ll > =C2->>> have privileges here. > =C2->>> > =C2->>> I =C2-am unclear what is the lowest priced Garmin Transponder that will > =C2->>> ultimately work with ADS-B and other traffic warning systems. > =C2->>> > =C2->>> I understand that the GTX-330 is their top of the line and is I FR > =C2->>> certified but will the GTX-237 work with things like Navworx an d TIS? > =C2->>> It does not appear to be the case. > =C2->>> > =C2->>> =C2- > =C2->>> > =C2->>> Thanks, > =C2->>> > =C2->>> Robin > =C2->>> > =C2->>> =C2- > =C2->>> > =C2->>> Phase 1 of Panel design (~$30K): > =C2->>> > =C2->>> 8A Panel 1 Concept.jpg > =C2->>> > =C2->>> Concept 1.5.jpg > =C2->>> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2->> > =C2-> > =C2-> > =C2-> > =C2-> > > > * > > > * =========== =========== MS - =========== e - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2--Matt Dralle, List Admin. =========== ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Miller John <gengrumpy(at)aol.com>
Subject: Re: additional latch for 10 doors
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Phil, Very clever and simple design. Wish someone with machining capabilities would make these for others to use! grumpy N184JM On Jan 3, 2010, at 8:12 PM, Perry, Phil wrote: > Here you go Rick=85. > > > G=92Day all, > > I am a 3 time offender (two RV6=92s and now a 10). I have about 1400 > hrs on RV=92s and 2000hrs TT. Never had an incident or accident till > about a year ago when my passenger door flew open on T/O!!! I > remembered Van=92s advice to fly the plane and did a circuit. The > passenger managed to grab thedoor as I turned downwind and applied > rudder ' the slip helped close the door. > > I sent a very detailed report to Van but no comment or reply. The > RV10 is a magnificent A/C but the doors are its Achilles=92 heal! > > Over the past year I put my thinking cap on and came up with a very > simple but highly effective solution. I have passed it on to Ken and > Richard but still no reply. Thought I might share the solution with > this forum as I believe ALL RV10=92s should have a similar device. It > can only improve A/C safety. > > I got to thinking that the bonnet of a car has the same potential to > cause total havoc if it were to open during travel. A car bonnet has > a safety latch which automatically engages when the bonnet closes. > > My door latch works in a similar fashion: > > First there is a striker plate that is secured onto the lower cabin > frame (as seen below). The fiberglass of the cabin door entry has to > be reduced both vertically and on the inside, to accommodate the > plate, which is "Z" shaped in cross section, so as to provide some > undercut on the inside of the door jamb (which engages the latch on > the door). The striker plate is pop riveted and epoxied into place - > an easy retro-fit. > > http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39472qo0.jpg > > The top of the plate is at the same level as the edge of the lower > cabin frame. > > http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39422fc2.jpg > > Next the door latch was made up - I cut a hole in the inner door > skin and made the latch as seen below. The latch pivots on a U- > shaped bracket secured to the base of the door and there is a > powerful hinge spring that ensures that the latch engages the > undercut of the Z-plate. The name "Staniforth latch" is to honour > the poor victim who was sitting in the plane when the > doorunexpectedly opened!!!!! I recently asked him to come for a fly > (and to see his latches) but strangely, he refused!! > > http://img115.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39492gw2.jpg > > The wire spring can just be seen in the photo below. > > http://img177.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39462nm1.jpg > > As the door closes, the spring loaded latch lifts over the striker > plate and then drops down and engages the undercut of the striker > plate. Very simple, works every time; it cannot not work!! > > http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39442xo6.jpg > > Both the striker plate and latch are made of stainless steel. > > Note the undercut on the latch in the photo below. > > http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39452ip0.jpg > > It also has a rod that exits through the outside door skin (sticks > out about an inch) so that it can be deactivated when opening the > door from outside. > > http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp39392os9.jpg > > The latch has three functions, one expected and two not: > > (i) once the door closes, there is an obvious "clunk" as the spring > loaded latch engages the striker plate and drops into place, and > even if the pilot/passenger fail to close the main door latch > (pins), the door cannot open - this function I expected. > > Additional (unexpected) functions are: > > (ii) once the latch/striker have engaged, it pulls the door inward > SO THAT THE DOOR PINS HAVE NO OPTION BUT TO ENGAGE - this overcomes > the problem of the opening effect of the gas strut and thedoor seal > pushing the rear of the door outward, and the rear pin failing to > engage. > > (iii) in-flight, the latch carries load. This means that the doors > actually flex outward because of aerodynamic forces, which are > carried by the latch! I have tried to open the safety latch in- > flight and they become really tight because of the load they are > carrying. This reduces the forces that have to be carried by the > door pins. > > At a recent SAAA (Australia) fly-in I had several RV10 builders have > a look at my plane and especially the doors, and comments were very > favorable. All of the other three RV10's at the meeting, had damage > to the fibreglass associated with the rear door pins!! > > BTW, I have fitted an air-conditioning unit and this really > increases comfort in this very, very hot country - a MUST, I would > say! I fitted a FlightLine system and it works as advitised! > > Cheers > > Andre Viljoen > > > Follow-up Message: > > Went out to the A/P recently and took a few more photos with the > latch cover off - hopes this helps with understanding the design. > > http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?i...3120866kx1.jpg > > The photo above shows the latch with the cover plate removed and we > can see: > * Two stainless steel =91L=92 shaped brackets that have been bolted and > epoxied to the base of thedoor. > * An AN3 bolt goes through a rod welded to the inner edge of the > latch to make a hinge. > * On top of the latch is a rod that protrudes through the outer skin > of the door. > > http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?i...0296171dk7.jpg > > This is a shot from underneath showing the rod that goes through the > door for external opening. Also note how the spring goes into the > head of the latch. The spring is essential for the latch to work. > Also seen are the two countersunk bolts that secure the =91L=92 shaped > brackets. > > http://img257.imageshack.us/my.php?i...gp41302gq7.jpg > > Here the latch is being held up from the outside ' note the powerful > spring that pulls the latchdownwards and ensures that it engages > securely with the striker plate. > > > From: ricksked(at)cox.net [mailto:ricksked(at)cox.net] > Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:48 PM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: Re: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors > > Mike, > > There was a builder in Oz who made a really nice center latch, I > will need to check my RV photos to see if I still have them. It was > a spring loaded latch with a small lift arm inside...IIRC everyone > tore it up(surprise) because you could not open from the outside in > an emergency > > Rick Sked > N246RS > Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T > > ======================== ============ ======================== ============ ======================== ============ ======================== ============ > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal
2 problems... 1) You will lose some intake pressure where you may have had a little RAM air effect. 2) The bigger problem....you may leak air and pressurize your lower cowling, which would then cause it to be at a higher pressure, which would then cause the differential from above the cylinders to below the cylinders to be less, which could cause cooling problems from both cylinders, and/or oil cooling. I know it's a pain, but the best move is to just rework that area until it's bearable. Mine is a very good close seal. I save some headaches by doing plain oil changes without removing the lower cowl. Tim Olson - RV-10 N104CD AirMike wrote: > > It is a real pain to install/remove the cowl with the baffle > interface seal on the FAB. I know at least one RV10 builder who has > eliminated the baffle seal material at the interface. In discussing > this problem with another builder, I was wondering if any builder has > come up with a unique solution to this problem or the technical > ramifications of leaving the seal material off. > > -------- OSH '10 or Bust Q/B - testing phase 1 > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279960#279960 > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: FW: Z-14 Switch Combos
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
VGhhbmtzIEJvYuKApi4NCg0KIA0KDQpJ4oCZbGwgZ2l2ZSB5b3UgYSBzaG91dCB0b21vcnJvdyBl dmVuaW5n4oCmDQoNCiANCg0KUGhpbA0KDQogDQoNCiANCg0KRnJvbTogQ29uZHJleSwgQm9iIChV UyBTU0EpIFttYWlsdG86Ym9iLmNvbmRyZXlAYmFlc3lzdGVtcy5jb21dIA0KU2VudDogU3VuZGF5 LCBKYW51YXJ5IDAzLCAyMDEwIDg6MTEgUE0NClRvOiAncnYxMC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20n DQpTdWJqZWN0OiBSZTogUlYxMC1MaXN0OiBGVzogWi0xNCBTd2l0Y2ggQ29tYm9zDQoNCiANCg0K UGhpbCwNCg0KR2l2ZSBtZSBhIGNhbGwgZGlyZWN0IGFuZCBJIGNhbiBhbnN3ZXIgd2hhdGV2ZXIg cXVlc3Rpb25zIHlvdSd2ZSBnb3QuIDQwMi42NTEuMDQwMiANCg0KQm9iDQoNCiANCg0KX19fX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18NCg0KRnJvbTogb3duZXItcnYxMC1saXN0LXNlcnZl ckBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tIDxvd25lci1ydjEwLWxpc3Qtc2VydmVyQG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20+IA0K VG86IHJ2MTAtbGlzdEBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tIDxydjEwLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbT4gDQpT ZW50OiBTdW4gSmFuIDAzIDE3OjQ5OjU2IDIwMTANClN1YmplY3Q6IFJWMTAtTGlzdDogRlc6IFot MTQgU3dpdGNoIENvbWJvcyANCg0KR3JlZXRpbmdzLA0KDQogDQoNCkkgc2VudCB0aGlzIHRvIHRo ZSBhZXJvZWxlY3RyaWMgbGlzdCwgYnV0IEnigJltIG5vdCBzdXJwcmlzZWQgdGhhdCBpdCB3ZW50 IHVuYW5zd2VyZWQuICBUaGF0IGJlaW5nIHNhaWQsIFRIQU5LUyB0byB0aGUgUlYtMTAgZmx5ZXJz IGFuZCBidWlsZGVycyBmb3IgdGhlaXIgYXNzaXN0YW5jZS4gIE9uZSBvZiB0aGUgZ3JlYXQgdGhp bmdzIGFib3V0IHRoaXMgbGlzdCBpcyB0aGUgZmx5ZXJzIHN0aWxsIHN0aWNrIGFyb3VuZCENCg0K IA0KDQpGb3IgdGhvc2Ugb2YgeW91IHdobyBlbXBsb3llZCBaLTE0IChEdWFsIEFsdC9EdWFsIEJh dHRlcnkpIHdoYXQgaGF2ZSB5b3UgZXhwZXJpZW5jZWQgd2l0aCB5b3VyIGNvbnRhY3RvciBzd2l0 Y2ggc2V0dGluZ3M/ICBJ4oCZZCBoYXRlIHRvIG1ha2Ugb25lIHdyb25nIGZsaXAgb2YgYSBzd2l0 Y2ggYW5kIGZyeSBhIEc0MzAuICAgSSBrbm93IEJvYiBDb25kcmV5IGFuZCBSaWNrIGFyZSB1c2lu ZyB0aGlzIHNldHVwLiAgQmlsbCDigJxmbHlpbmcgc29vbuKAnSBXYXRzb24gd2lsbCBiZSB1c2lu ZyBpdCBldmVudHVhbGx5IHRvby4NCg0KIA0KDQpUaGFua3MsDQoNClBoaWwNCg0KIA0KDQogDQoN CiANCg0KRnJvbTogUGVycnksIFBoaWwgDQpTZW50OiBTYXR1cmRheSwgSmFudWFyeSAwMiwgMjAx MCA5OjA5IFBNDQpUbzogYWVyb2VsZWN0cmljLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbQ0KU3ViamVjdDog Wi0xNCBTd2l0Y2ggQ29tYm9zDQoNCiANCg0KSeKAmW0gZ2V0dGluZyBhIGhhbmRsZSBvbiBaLTE0 IGZyb20gYW4gb3BlcmF0aW9uYWwgcGVyc3BlY3RpdmUgYW5kIGhhdmUgYSBjb3VwbGUgb2YgcXVl c3Rpb25zIGFib3V0IHRoZSBzd2l0Y2ggY29tYmluYXRpb25zIHRoYXQgY291bGQgY3JlYXRlIGlz c3Vlcy4NCg0KIA0KDQpPYnZpb3VzbHkgd2l0aCB0aGUgYWRkZWQgY29tcGxleGl0eSBvZiBtYW5h Z2luZyB0d28gYmF0dGVyaWVzLCB0d28gYWx0ZXJuYXRvcnMsIGFuZCBhIGNyb3NzIGZlZWQgY2Fu IGNyZWF0ZSBzb21lIGludGVyZXN0aW5nIGNvbWJpbmF0aW9ucy4NCg0KIA0KDQpBcmUgdGhlcmUg YW55IGNvbWJv4oCZcyB0aGF0IHdlIHNob3VsZCBiZSBhd2FyZSBvZiB0aGF0IHdvdWxkIGNyZWF0 ZSBvdmVyIHZvbHRhZ2Ugb3IgYW55IG90aGVyIHNjZW5hcmlvcyBvZiBjb25jZXJuPyANCg0KIA0K DQpJbiB0aGUgZXZlbnQgb2YgYSBmYWlsdXJlIChmb3IgZXhhbXBsZSBBbHQgMiBmYWlsdXJlKSwg aXMgdGhlcmUgYSBzcGVjaWZpYyBvcmRlciBmb3Igc2h1dHRpbmcgb2ZmIHRoZSAgYmFkIGFsdCBh bmQgdGhlbiBlbmFibGluZyB0aGUgY3Jvc3MgZmVlZD8NCg0KIA0KDQpUaGFua3MsDQoNClBoaWwN Cg0KIA0KDQogDQoNCiANCiANCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgLSBUaGUgUlYxMC1MaXN0IEVt YWlsIEZvcnVtIC0NCl8tPSBVc2UgdGhlIE1hdHJvbmljcyBMaXN0IEZlYXR1cmVzIE5hdmlnYXRv ciB0byBicm93c2UNCl8tPSB0aGUgbWFueSBMaXN0IHV0aWxpdGllcyBzdWNoIGFzIExpc3QgVW4v U3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uLA0KXy09IEFyY2hpdmUgU2VhcmNoICYgRG93bmxvYWQsIDctRGF5IEJyb3dz ZSwgQ2hhdCwgRkFRLA0KXy09IFBob3Rvc2hhcmUsIGFuZCBtdWNoIG11Y2ggbW9yZToNCl8tPQ0K Xy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9OYXZpZ2F0b3I/UlYxMC1MaXN0DQpf LT0NCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIE1BVFJPTklDUyBXRUIgRk9SVU1TIC0NCl8t PSBTYW1lIGdyZWF0IGNvbnRlbnQgYWxzbyBhdmFpbGFibGUgdmlhIHRoZSBXZWIgRm9ydW1zIQ0K Xy09DQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL2ZvcnVtcy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tDQpfLT0NCl8tPT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpf LT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgLSBMaXN0IENvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbiBXZWIgU2l0ZSAtDQpfLT0gIFRoYW5r IHlvdSBmb3IgeW91ciBnZW5lcm91cyBzdXBwb3J0IQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgLU1hdHQgRHJhbGxlLCBMaXN0IEFkbWluLg0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cu bWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9jb250cmlidXRpb24NCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQogDQoNCn4sIA0KX19fX19fX19fX19f X19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18NCg0KZydre3cvDQoNCg= ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
From: Tim Olson <Tim(at)MyRV10.com>
Subject: Re: Transponder Question
I think I asked that question of them during my install too, and was just highly encouraged to use a shark fin. From an aerodynamic perspective I think it's better too. You want a DME/Transponder antenna that works in that range from 960-1220mhz. I think mine is the RAMI AV-74 Tim Olson - RV-10 N104CD Pascal wrote: > > Tim; > You mention the shark fin transponder, is that a specific requirement or > does any transponder antenna work the same? > Thanks! > > -------------------------------------------------- > From: "Tim Olson" <Tim(at)myrv10.com> > Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 4:13 PM > To: > Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Transponder Question > >> >> It's just a normal shark-fin Transponder antenna. One wire. Oh and >> you'll add a GPS antenna. On mine I put the GPS antenna under the >> vertical stab fairing, since I don't consider this as "critical to >> navigation". You can feed GPS in to the box from some other source, >> but the requirements of that GPS spec are pretty stringent, per ads-b >> requirements, so I figured the simple way was to just use the built-in >> GPS. >> >> The active traffic systems use like 4 wires for the antenna, or >> something like that, and the blade is much larger. >> The antenna for Ads-b is smaller and mounts on the belly. >> Tim >> >> >> >> On Jan 3, 2010, at 5:53 PM, "Robin Marks" wrote: >> >>> >>> I think you do need an additional antenna 4' away from the Transponder >>> antenna. About $110.00 from Navworx. I forgot what type of antenna but >>> it's a common aviation antenna. I plan the add the Navworx to two ships >>> so I will figure it out sooner or later (most likely later). >>> >>> Robin >>> >>> >>> -----Original Message----- >>> From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com >>> [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Olson >>> Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 2:39 PM >>> To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com >>> Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: Transponder Question >>> >>> >>> It doesn't.....but Navworx can receive via arinc from the 330 and mix >>> that mode s with their ads-b to send to your display, depending on >>> your avionics choices and configuration. >>> Tim >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> On Jan 3, 2010, at 3:57 PM, "lbgjb10" wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> didn't realize that 330 worked with ADS-B, thought it was only S >>>> mode. Does my 18 month old 330 have that capacity?? does it need >>>> different antenna?? upgrade?? larry >>>> >>>> -------- >>>> Larry and Gayle N104LG >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Read this topic online here: >>>> >>>> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279930#279930 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com >>> 01/02/10 08:22:00 >>> >>> >>> >>> >> > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever <roxianmike(at)msn.com>
Subject: additional latch for 10 doors
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Yes i recall. I am considering attaching it to the existing push rod so it would open from the outside with the existing mechanism. Just am hoping so meone smarter than I has already done the design. Subject: Re: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors From: ricksked(at)cox.net Date: Mon=2C 4 Jan 2010 01:47:38 +0000 Mike=2C There was a builder in Oz who made a really nice center latch=2C I will nee d to check my RV photos to see if I still have them. It was a spring loaded latch with a small lift arm inside...IIRC everyone tore it up(surprise) be cause you could not open from the outside in an emergency Rick Sked N246RS Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever <roxianmike(at)msn.com> Date: Sun=2C 3 Jan 2010 18:33:34 -0700 Subject: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Has anyone added an additional latching mechanism =3Bat the bottom of&n = bsp=3Btheir doors. =3B As I am finishing my door latches I am consi deri= ng adding an '"L" shaped catch in the bottom of the door (inserted into the= =3Bbottom door =3Bframe/fuse) =3Bthat would move aft (at tached= to the aft rod) through a slot and provide assurance that the doo r can not= move upward=2C both to improve fit and for safety against do or opening.&nb= sp=3B Any thoughts on this? = 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D )=AD=E6=DF=A2{l=8B7=B7=0Fg('=8A=D3M4=D1=F6=9C{p=DC=A2=EAz=B9=DE=C1 =CA.=AE'=AB=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3 =DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC ==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC= =C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC4=E1y=15u=D0=B8 =AC=B4I=9A=8AQh=AE=E9=B7 K=1E=B6=17=8Cj=DA=E8=9E'=2C.+-=15=E6=AD=BA=B7=AC5 =AB=81=ABh=AE=DA=1B=AE=8C=2C{p=ED=85=E9=9A=9F"=B2=DB=AD=8AX=AD=89=EB =2C=B9=C8Z=B0=B8=AC=B5I=FFJ=E6=ECr=B8=A9=B6*'=DC0+r=18=AFy'=9A=AD=C8C=A3 =E5=A1=A7{ =AC=81=AE=8C=2Cx(Z=B4P=10=DC3=E1=A2=DA=2C=85=DEjwf=B9=C8f=B9 =C8f=A2=B7=B7=0Fp=DA=86=B7=9F=DC8m=B6=9F=FF=C3 &j=DA=E8=9E'=2Cr=895=AB =81=ABh=AD=15u=D0=B8=AC=B6=1Bm=A7=FF=F0=C3 =9A=B6=BA'=89=CB=1C=A2o=CDj =F8 j=DA+E]t.+-=FD=AD=C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC= =C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3 =DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC ==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC3&# 0=3BM=13=8D $'=10=11NEC=12=DC4=9A=99=E8+y=AB\=A2{^=9E=D6=A5=B2=86=AFj)ZnW =AF=89=ABayg=9B=16=8A=EE=9A=CD=C3=DC6=A1=AD=E7=F7=0E=1Bm=A7=FF=DF=A2=BB =B2f=AD=AE=89r=C7(=9A=1Bm=A7=FF=DF=A2=BB=B2f=AD=AE=89r=C7(=9B=F6 =B7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7 =0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp =F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=CB =8A=CBB=A2{k=89=BB=AD=8A=89=D6y=B4=A2=B5=ED=C3N=16=A7=93*.~=8A=F2=A2=EA=E0z w=AB=A2=EB=2C=BA=9Ah=AE=DD=C31=ABm=0E=B6=A5-=B2=D0=1D=9A)=F7 =A8ky =FD=C3=86=DBi=FF=FC0=C2f=AD=AE=89r=C7(=9B=F7(=9E=DAn=EBb=A2xm=B6=9F =FF=C3 &j=DA=E8=9E'=2Cr=89r=89=ED=AE&=EE=B6*'=FD=AD=C3=DC==C3=DC==C3 =DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC ==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC= =C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3 =DC==C3=DC==C3=DC?=DB=FD=FA'=B7=FAk{=F6=E8w/=E1=B6i ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Subject: Re: 90 degree drills
From: William Curtis <wcurtis(at)nerv10.com>
No need to spend like the military with their $400 hammers--$57.25! http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/tightfittoolkit.php On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 6:29 PM, John Cox wrote: > Teaser triggers can give you the best of both. I passed on a 90 and 45 > with either at $250. I still regret the day that I passed. Couldn't > justify more for the RV-10 build. > > John Cox > > ------------------------------ > *From:* owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com on behalf of Neal George > *Sent:* Sun 1/3/2010 1:39 PM > > *To:* rv10-list(at)matronics.com > *Subject:* RE: RV10-List: 90 degree drills > > Phil ' > > I have a 500rpm APT that I love. Bought it used from The Yard. > > Also have a 2500rpm UAT that I hate ' too much starting torque. > > I have a strong preference for the slower drills - much more control... > > neal > > > =========== > > On the topic of tools=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85=85 > > > Anyone have a 90 degree drill that they=92re absolutely in love with? > > > The Sioux is $445. > > I see some imports (Taylor) for $250ish. > > Then some others for $200. > > > Anyone have any special feelings for their drill? (Easy Mr. Sked) J > > > Phil > > * > * > > ** > > > -- > William > N40237 - http://wcurtis.nerv10.com/ > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Seano" <sean(at)braunandco.com>
Subject: Re: additional latch for 10 doors
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Speaking of doors......I am installing mine at this time. After reading a lot of write ups on the doors my father and I have been looking at a third pin for my doors. I have been building the plane in my father's machine shop. I told him about the doors coming open in flight and he has worked on several different ways to make a third pin or latch that actuates with the stock handle. He has been successful making some test models that would work. So as time went on we have had the opportunity to look at Scott's RV. Scott has done a beautiful job with his plane and made the doors work like they are supposed to. He also installed the prox. switches to show the doors are fully latched. After my dad and I went out to Scott's hangar and on a few flights with Scott we decided that it is not necessary to make the third pin. If the door is not latched, the light is still on. Pretty simple. Now if my doors don't come out as good as Scott's did, I may add one. One good thing about the stock door handles are the locking mechanism on the handle to avoid inadvertant opening. I notice after market latches don't have this lock but look a lot nicer than Van's. Robin came up with a fix for this also. If builders and flyers out there think I'm crazy and I should make the third pin please tell me why. I am looking for a reason to build these. ----- Original Message ----- . From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:38 PM Subject: RE: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Yes i recall. I am considering attaching it to the existing push rod so it would open from the outside with the existing mechanism. Just am hoping someone smarter than I has already done the design. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Re: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors From: ricksked(at)cox.net Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 01:47:38 +0000 Mike, There was a builder in Oz who made a really nice center latch, I will need to check my RV photos to see if I still have them. It was a spring loaded latch with a small lift arm inside...IIRC everyone tore it up(surprise) because you could not open from the outside in an emergency Rick Sked N246RS Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever <roxianmike(at)msn.com> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 18:33:34 -0700 To: Subject: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Has anyone added an additional latching mechanism =3Bat the bottom of&n= bsp=3Btheir doors. =3B As I am finishing my door latches I am consideri= ng adding an '"L" shaped catch in the bottom of the door (inserted into the= =3Bbottom door =3Bframe/fuse) =3Bthat would move aft (attached= to the aft rod) through a slot and provide assurance that the door can not= move upward=2C both to improve fit and for safety against door opening.&nb= sp=3B Any thoughts on this? = 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D )=AD=E6=DF=A2{l=8B7=B7=0Fg('=8A=D3M4=D1=F6=9C{p=DC=A2=EAz=B9=DE=C1 =CA.=AE'=AB=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3 =DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC ==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC= =C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC4=E1y=15u=D0=B8 =AC=B4I=9A=8AQh=AE=E9=B7 K=1E=B6=17=8Cj=DA=E8=9E',.+-=15=E6=AD=BA=B7=AC5=AB=81=ABh=AE=DA=1B=AE=8C ,{p=ED=85=E9=9A=9F"=B2=DB=AD=8AX=AD=89=EB,=B9=C8Z=B0=B8=AC=B5I=FFJ=E6=EC r=B8=A9=B6*'=DC0+r=18=AFy'=9A=AD=C8C=A3 =E5=A1=A7{ =AC=81=AE=8C,x(Z=B4P=10=DC3=E1=A2=DA,=85=DEjwf=B9=C8f=B9=C8f=A2=B7=B7=0F p=DA=86=B7=9F=DC8m=B6=9F=FF=C3 &j=DA=E8=9E',r=895=AB=81=ABh=AD=15u=D0=B8=AC=B6=1Bm=A7=FF=F0=C3 =9A=B6=BA'=89=CB=1C=A2o=CDj=F8 j=DA+E]t.+-=FD=AD=C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3 =DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC ==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC= =C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC3� ;M=13=8D $'=10=11NEC=12=DC4=9A=99=E8+y=AB\=A2{^=9E=D6=A5=B2=86=AFj)ZnW=AF=89=ABa yg=9B=16=8A=EE=9A=CD=C3=DC6=A1=AD=E7=F7=0E=1Bm=A7=FF=DF=A2=BB=B2f=AD=AE =89r=C7(=9A=1Bm=A7=FF=DF=A2=BB=B2f=AD=AE=89r=C7(=9B=F6=B7=0Fp=F7 =0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0F p=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7 =0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=F7=0Fp=CB=8A=CBB=A2 {k=89=BB=AD=8A=89=D6y=B4=A2=B5=ED=C3N=16=A7=93*.~=8A=F2=A2=EA=E0zw=AB=A2=EB ,=BA=9Ah=AE=DD=C31=ABm=0E=B6=A5-=B2=D0=1D=9A)=F7 =A8ky=FD=C3=86=DBi=FF=FC0=C2f=AD=AE=89r=C7(=9B=F7(=9E=DAn=EBb=A2xm=B6 =9F=FF=C3 &j=DA=E8=9E',r=89r=89=ED=AE&=EE=B6*'=FD=AD=C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3 =DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC ==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC= =C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3=DC==C3 =DC==C3=DC?=DB=FD=FA'=B7=FAk{=F6=E8w/=E1=B6i ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Dave Saylor <dave.saylor.aircrafters(at)gmail.com>
Date: Jan 03, 2010
Subject: Re: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal
I built up the inlet of the airbox so it has a flat face parallel to the crank flange, then glued a smooth plastic "O" to it made from something like .032 PVC sheet. Aluminum would work too. Then I built the inside of the cowl aft to within a half-inch of the "O" and filled the half-inch gap with a soft foam seal. The seal is glued to the cowl and it just compresses about 1/8" when the cowl goes on. The smooth plastic is the sealing surface that the foam contacts. There's no mechanical connection so the FAB can move around all it wants. You hardly notice it's there, and it can't fold down to block the inlet. I'll look for some pictures tomorrow. Dave Saylor AirCrafters LLC 140 Aviation Way Watsonville, CA 95076 831-722-9141 Shop 831-750-0284 Cell On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 5:18 PM, AirMike wrote: > > It is a real pain to install/remove the cowl with the baffle interface seal > on the FAB. I know at least one RV10 builder who has eliminated the baffle > seal material at the interface. In discussing this problem with another > builder, I was wondering if any builder has come up with a unique solution > to this problem or the technical ramifications of leaving the seal material > off. > > -------- > OSH '10 or Bust > Q/B - testing phase 1 > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279960#279960 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: additional latch for 10 doors
Date: Jan 04, 2010
From: "Robin Marks" <robin1(at)mrmoisture.com>
VGhhbmtzIFNlYW4sDQoNCiAgICAgICAgICAgIEkgd291bGQgbm90IGNhbGwgbXkgcGF0Y2ggYSDi gJxmaXjigJ0gYnV0IHJhdGhlciDigJxhbm90aGVyIHRoaW5nIHRvIGdldCBpbiB0aGUgd2F5IG9m IGluYWR2ZXJ0ZW50IHVubGF0Y2hpbmcu4oCdIE15IOKAnGFkZCBvbuKAnSBnaXZlcyBtZSBtdWNo IGdyZWF0ZXIgc2VjdXJpdHkgYnV0IHRoZXkgYXJlIG5vdCB0aGUgc29sdXRpb24uIEkgdGhpbmsg dGhlIHRoaXJkIHBpbiBjb25jZXB0IGhhcyBhIGxvdCBvZiBtZXJpdCBhbmQgSSBzYXcgc29tZW9u ZeKAmXMgZGVzaWduIHRoYXQgc2VlbWVkIGxpa2UgYSBzbGFtIGR1bmsgd2l0aCBtaW5vciByZWRl c2lnbiB0byB0aGUgcGl2b3RpbmcgcGFydCBvZiB0aGUgaGFuZGxlIChsb3VzeSBkZXNjcmlwdGlv bikuIEhPV0VWRVIgdGhlICJTdGFuaWZvcnRoIGxhdGNoIiBzb2x2ZXMgYSBwcm9ibGVtIHRoZSB0 aGlyZCBwaW4gY2FuIG5ldmVyIHNvbHZlLiBJbmFkdmVydGVudCB1bmxhdGNoaW5nLiBUaGVyZSBp cyBtZWNoYW5pc20gZmFpbHVyZSBhbmQgaW5hZHZlcnRlbnQgdW5sYXRjaGluZyBJIGJldCB0aGUg V0hPT1BTIGVzcGVjaWFsbHkgZnJvbSB0aGUgUEFYIHNpZGUgaXMgYSByZWFsIHBvc3NpYmlsaXR5 LiBJZiBzb21lb25lIGFjY2lkZW50bHkgdW5sYXRjaGVz4oCmIHRoYXTigJlzIGdvb2RieWUgZ3Vs bCB3aW5nLiBJIGd1ZXNzIEkgaGF2ZSB0byBnaXZlIGEgc2hvdXQgb3V0IHRvIEplc3NpZeKAmXMg 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IC0gTGlzdCBDb250cmlidXRpb24gV2ViIFNpdGUgLQ0KXy09ICBUaGFuayB5b3UgZm9yIHlvdXIg Z2VuZXJvdXMgc3VwcG9ydCENCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC1NYXR0 IERyYWxsZSwgTGlzdCBBZG1pbi4NCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20v Y29udHJpYnV0aW9uDQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KIA0KDQpObyB2aXJ1cyBmb3VuZCBpbiB0aGlzIGluY29taW5n IG1lc3NhZ2UuDQpDaGVja2VkIGJ5IEFWRyAtIHd3dy5hdmcuY29tDQpWZXJzaW9uOiA4LjUuNDMx IC8gVmlydXMgRGF0YWJhc2U6IDI3MC4xNC4xMjMvMjU5NSAtIFJlbGVhc2UgRGF0ZTogMDEvMDMv MTAgMDk6NDE6MDANCg0K ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Condrey, Bob (US SSA)" <bob.condrey(at)baesystems.com>
Date: Jan 04, 2010
Subject: FW: Z-14 Switch Combos
Phil, I suspect you have more questions but short story is that there is no switc h setting on a Z-14 configuration that will "fry" anything. We can discuss when you call. Bob N442PM (flying) From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server@m atronics.com] On Behalf Of Perry, Phil Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:50 PM Subject: RV10-List: FW: Z-14 Switch Combos Greetings, I sent this to the aeroelectric list, but I'm not surprised that it went un answered. That being said, THANKS to the RV-10 flyers and builders for the ir assistance. One of the great things about this list is the flyers still stick around! For those of you who employed Z-14 (Dual Alt/Dual Battery) what have you ex perienced with your contactor switch settings? I'd hate to make one wrong flip of a switch and fry a G430. I know Bob Condrey and Rick are using th is setup. Bill "flying soon" Watson will be using it eventually too. Thanks, Phil From: Perry, Phil Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 9:09 PM Subject: Z-14 Switch Combos I'm getting a handle on Z-14 from an operational perspective and have a cou ple of questions about the switch combinations that could create issues. Obviously with the added complexity of managing two batteries, two alternat ors, and a cross feed can create some interesting combinations. Are there any combo's that we should be aware of that would create over vol tage or any other scenarios of concern? In the event of a failure (for example Alt 2 failure), is there a specific order for shutting off the bad alt and then enabling the cross feed? Thanks, Phil ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Seano" <sean(at)braunandco.com>
Subject: Re: additional latch for 10 doors
Date: Jan 04, 2010
There are some important factors for the door mechanism: Lightweight Emergency exit - if the plane is on fire you want the pax to easily open the door Strong - there is some mechanical leverage on the main handle Ease of use for passengers to close the doors without a long explanation on how they work - part of the breifing Be maintainable The third pin we designed is a little heavy. It would add a little weight to the doors and might require a stronger gas strut. It is also expensive. It would cost about 200 bucks for materials alone from Vans' price sheet do fit both doors. ----- Original Message ----- From: Robin Marks To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 10:29 PM Subject: RE: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Thanks Sean, I would not call my patch a =9Cfix=9D but rather =9Canother thing to get in the way of inadvertent unlatching.=9D My =9Cadd on=9D gives me much greater security but they are not the solution. I think the third pin concept has a lot of merit and I saw someone=99s design that seemed like a slam dunk with minor redesign to the pivoting part of the handle (lousy description). HOWEVER the "Staniforth latch" solves a problem the third pin can never solve. Inadvertent unlatching. There is mechanism failure and inadvertent unlatching I bet the WHOOPS especially from the PAX side is a real possibility. If someone accidently unlatches that=99s goodbye gull wing. I guess I have to give a shout out to Jessie=99s strap, that will hold the door in place too and probably the easiest retrofit. That is why I like the Staniforth latch. Problem solved. Thanks for the write up Andre. My non-solution, solution. Note: these same mechanisms with the latch handle in the proper orientation (arm pointing out) are an accident waiting to happen by just catching on a sleeve. Turned pointing in reduces the chances significantly. Adding the leaver lock gets you even further down the road. Robin From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Seano Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:00 PM To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Re: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Speaking of doors......I am installing mine at this time. After reading a lot of write ups on the doors my father and I have been looking at a third pin for my doors. I have been building the plane in my father's machine shop. I told him about the doors coming open in flight and he has worked on several different ways to make a third pin or latch that actuates with the stock handle. He has been successful making some test models that would work. So as time went on we have had the opportunity to look at Scott's RV. Scott has done a beautiful job with his plane and made the doors work like they are supposed to. He also installed the prox. switches to show the doors are fully latched. After my dad and I went out to Scott's hangar and on a few flights with Scott we decided that it is not necessary to make the third pin. If the door is not latched, the light is still on. Pretty simple. Now if my doors don't come out as good as Scott's did, I may add one. One good thing about the stock door handles are the locking mechanism on the handle to avoid inadvertant opening. I notice after market latches don't have this lock but look a lot nicer than Van's. Robin came up with a fix for this also. If builders and flyers out there think I'm crazy and I should make the third pin please tell me why. I am looking for a reason to build these. ----- Original Message ----- . From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 7:38 PM Subject: RE: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Yes i recall. I am considering attaching it to the existing push rod so it would open from the outside with the existing mechanism. Just am hoping someone smarter than I has already done the design. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Subject: Re: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors From: ricksked(at)cox.net Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 01:47:38 +0000 Mike, There was a builder in Oz who made a really nice center latch, I will need to check my RV photos to see if I still have them. It was a spring loaded latch with a small lift arm inside...IIRC everyone tore it up(surprise) because you could not open from the outside in an emergency Rick Sked N246RS Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- From: Roxanne and Mike Lefever <roxianmike(at)msn.com> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 18:33:34 -0700 To: Subject: RV10-List: additional latch for 10 doors Has anyone added an additional latching mechanism =3Bat the bottom of&n= bsp=3Btheir doors. =3B As I am finishing my door latches I am consideri= ng adding an '"L" shaped catch in the bottom of the door (inserted into the= =3Bbottom door =3Bframe/fuse) =3Bthat would move aft (attached= to the aft rod) through a slot and provide assurance that the door can not= move upward=2C both to improve fit and for safety against door opening.&nb= sp=3B Any thoughts on this? = 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= 3D=3D=3D=3D )=C2=AD=C3=C3=9F=C2=A2{l=B97=C2=B7g(=93=C5-=C3=B4=C3=93M 4=C3=91=C3=B6=C5=93{p=C3=9C=C2=A2=C3=C3=A2z=C2=B9=C3=9E=C3=81=C3=8A.=C2 =AE'=C2=AB=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3 =9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3 =9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3 =9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3 =9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3 =9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3 =9C==C3=83=C3=9C4=C3=A1y=15u=C3=90=C2=B8=C2=AC=C2=B4I=C5=A1=C5-Qh=C2=AE =C3=A9=C2=B7 K=91=C2=B6=C5=92j=C3=9A=C3=A8=C5=BE',.+-=15=C3=C2=AD=C2=BA=C2=B7 =C2=AC5=C2=AB=C3=A2=C2=81=C2=ABh=C2=AE=C3=9A=C2=AE=C5=92,{p=C3=AD =C3=A9=C5=A1=C5=B8"=C3=A2=C2=B2=C3=9B=C2=AD=C5-X=C2=AD=B0=C3=AB,=C2 =B9=C3=88Z=C2=B0=C2=B8=C2=AC=C2=B5I=C3J=C3=C3=ACr=C2=B8=C2=A9=C2=B6 *'=C3=9C0+r=C2=AFy'=C5=A1=C2=AD=C3=88C=C2=A3 =C3=A5=C2=A1=C2=A7{ =C2=AC=C2=81=C2=AE=C5=92,x(Z=C2=B4P=C3=9C3=C3=A1=C2=A2=C3=9A,=C2 =C3=9Ejwf=C2=B9=C3=88f=C2=B9=C3=88f=C2=A2=C2=B7=C2=B7p=C3=9A-=C2 =B7=C5=B8=C3=9C8m=C2=B6=C5=B8=C3=C3=83 &j=C3=9A=C3=A8=C5=BE',r=B0=C25=C2=AB=C3=A2=C2=81=C2=ABh=C2=AD=15 u=C3=90=C2=B8=C2=AC=C2=B6m=C2=A7=C3=C3=B0=C3=83 =C5=A1=C2=B6=C2=BA'=B0=C3=8B=1C=C2=A2o=C3=8Dj=C3=B8 j=C3=9A+E]t.+-=C3=BD=C2=AD=C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3 =83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3 =83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3 =83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3 =83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3 =83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3 =83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C3�M=13=C2=8D $=93=11NEC=12=C3=9C4=C5=A1=84=A2=C3=A8+y=C2=AB\=C2=A2{^=C5=BE=C3 '=C2=A5=C2=B2-=C2=AFj)ZnW=C2=AF=B0=C2=ABayg=BA=C5- =C3=AE=C5=A1=C3=8D=C3=83=C3=9C6=C2=A1=C2=AD=C3=A7=C3=B7 m=C2=A7=C3=C3=9F=C2=A2=C2=BB=C2=C2=B2f=C2=AD=C2=AE=B0=C3=A2r=C3 =87(=C5=A1m=C2=A7=C3=C3=9F=C2=A2=C2=BB=C2=C2=B2f=C2=AD=C2=AE=B0 =C3=A2r=C3=87(=BA=C3=B6=C2=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3 =B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7 p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3 =B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=B7p=C3=8B=C5-=C3=8BB=C2=A2{k=B0=C2=BB=C2=AD =C5-=B0=C3'y=C2=B4=C2=A2=C2=B5=C3=AD=C3=83N=C2=A7=9C*.~=C5 -=C3=B2=C2=A2=C3=C3-zw=C2=AB=C2=A2=C3=AB,=C2=BA=C5=A1h=C2=AE=C3=9D =C3=831=C2=ABm =C2=B6=C2=A5=A2=C3=A2=C3=A2=C2=B2=C3=90=C5=A1)=C3=B7 =C2=A8ky=C3=BD=C3=83-=C3=9Bi=C3=C3=BC0=C3=82f=C2=AD=C2=AE =B0=C3=A2r=C3=87(=BA=C3=B7(=C5=BE=C3=9A=C3=A2n=C3=ABb=C2=A2xm=C2=B6 =C5=B8=C3=C3=83 &j=C3=9A=C3=A8=C5=BE',r=B0=C2r=B0=C3=AD=C2=AE&=C3=AE=C2=B6 *'=C3=BD=C2=AD=C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C= =C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C= =C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C= =C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C= =C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C= =C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C==C3=83=C3=9C= =C3=83=C3=9C?=C3=9B=C3=BD=C3=BA'=C2=B7=C3=BAk{=C3=B6=C3=A8w/=C3=A1=C2=B6i href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronic s.com/Navigator?RV10-Listhref="http://forums.matronics.com">http://foru ms.matronics.comhref="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www .matronics.com/c ======================= No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 01/03/10 09:41:00 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Albert Gardner" <ibspud(at)roadrunner.com>
Subject: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal
Date: Jan 04, 2010
I left a small extension on the cowl inlet that fits inside of a short length of SCAT tube. The SCAT tube is inserted into a recess built into the filtered air box. There are two fingers attached to the outside of the FAB that hold the SCAT tube in a retracted position while the bottom cowl is raised into position. After the cowl is positioned the fingers are pushed aside and that allows the SCAT tube to spring forward around the cowl inlet extension. Since I have a 3 blade prop the bottom cowl must be raised straight up into position. This works well for me. Albert Gardner N991RV Yuma, AZ ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 04, 2010
From: Deems Davis <deemsdavis(at)cox.net>
Subject: Re: FAB - Filtered Air Box Intake Plenum/ interface seal
I'm not sure what the plans call for in the way of a seal, but The James cowl/plenum uses neoprene cylinders to bridge the gap between the cowl and the plenum. I also used this same method to bridge the gap between the induction air cowl intake and the Rod Bowers Ram/Filtered air. Seeing this thread makes e wonder if it would also work in this application. http://deemsrv10.com/album/Final%20Assembly/slides/DSC07042.html It's flexible enough to not interfere with the removal/install of the lower cowl. While installation of the cowl ususllay results in a 'kink' in the cylinder, I can reach in from the front of the cowl with my fingers and easily get the neoprene to slip over the air canister. Deems Davis N519PJ www.deemsrv10.com Jesse Saint wrote: > > What some have done is leave a bigger gap and use a thicker seal material to bridge the gap. The main loss would be a little of the ram air effect on Manifold Pressure. I've heard this is mainly an issue at altitude. > > Jesse Saint > Saint Aviation, Inc. > jesse(at)saintaviation.com > Cell: 352-427-0285 > Fax: 815-377-3694 > > On Jan 3, 2010, at 8:18 PM, AirMike wrote: > > >> >> It is a real pain to install/remove the cowl with the baffle interface seal on the FAB. I know at least one RV10 builder who has eliminated the baffle seal material at the interface. In discussing this problem with another builder, I was wondering if any builder has come up with a unique solution to this problem or the technical ramifications of leaving the seal material off. >> >> -------- >> OSH '10 or Bust >> Q/B - testing phase 1 >> >> >> >> >> Read this topic online here: >> >> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279960#279960 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 04, 2010
Subject: Re: Loose steps
From: Rob Kochman <rv10rob(at)gmail.com>
I used the insert that Bob (TCW) sells: http://tcwtech.com/RV-10-construction-project.htm One change is I drilled the holes in the steps and mounts to 1/4 and in the insert to 5/16 to enable the use of an AN4 bolt. They're rock solid now. -Rob On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:12 PM, wrote: > > I still have not flown (DAR tomorrow then wait for runway(s) to de-ice) and > already my pilotside step is a little loose. I remember that TCW had > machined an insert that they said worked well. Are those commercially > avialable or are there any other "fixes" out there. I did construct access > panels so I can get to those pesky AN-3 bolts. Jay Rowe > > -- Rob Kochman RV-10 "Finishing" Kit Woodinville, WA (near Seattle) http://kochman.net/N819K ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 04, 2010
From: <jfrjr(at)roadrunner.com>
Subject: grt users group
Back (way back) when I was planning my panel I remember logging on to a blog or users group for Grand Rapids Tech. products. Now that I am ready to fly (waiting for de-iced runways) I am updating the EFIS screens and, of course, am having the usual difficulties. Does anyone know of such a users group and is it still active or any site that gives/shares advice? Jay Rowe ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: additional latch for 10 doors
From: "Jim Berry" <jimberry(at)qwest.net>
Date: Jan 04, 2010
There is a modification to the Staniforth or Oz latch that will be available very soon from a reliable source. It can be opened from the outside. As a beta tester I just finished installing them on my doors, and I think builders are going to find them a good solution. It took about 8-10 hours to fabricate the parts and install in both doors. No problem retrofitting the latches to finished and painted doors. I have been sworn to secrecy for another 1-2 weeks, so please don't ask for more info at this time. Jim Berry 40482 N15JB Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=280080#280080 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Bob Leffler" <rv(at)thelefflers.com>
Subject: grt users group
Date: Jan 04, 2010
There is a Yahoo GRT list. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GRT_EFIS/?yguid=327154950 -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of jfrjr(at)roadrunner.com Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 1:51 PM Subject: RV10-List: grt users group Back (way back) when I was planning my panel I remember logging on to a blog or users group for Grand Rapids Tech. products. Now that I am ready to fly (waiting for de-iced runways) I am updating the EFIS screens and, of course, am having the usual difficulties. Does anyone know of such a users group and is it still active or any site that gives/shares advice? Jay Rowe ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Rene Felker" <rene(at)felker.com>
Subject: grt users group
Date: Jan 04, 2010
You can try... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GRT_EFIS/ Also, there is some info at Vans Air Force, glass panel forum..... Rene' Felker RV-10 N423CF Flying 801-721-6080 -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of jfrjr(at)roadrunner.com Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 11:51 AM Subject: RV10-List: grt users group Back (way back) when I was planning my panel I remember logging on to a blog or users group for Grand Rapids Tech. products. Now that I am ready to fly (waiting for de-iced runways) I am updating the EFIS screens and, of course, am having the usual difficulties. Does anyone know of such a users group and is it still active or any site that gives/shares advice? Jay Rowe ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: grt users group
Date: Jan 04, 2010
It is in yahoo.com -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of jfrjr(at)roadrunner.com Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 11:51 AM Subject: RV10-List: grt users group Back (way back) when I was planning my panel I remember logging on to a blog or users group for Grand Rapids Tech. products. Now that I am ready to fly (waiting for de-iced runways) I am updating the EFIS screens and, of course, am having the usual difficulties. Does anyone know of such a users group and is it still active or any site that gives/shares advice? Jay Rowe ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Cumins" <jcumins(at)jcis.net>
Subject: 90 degree drills
Date: Jan 04, 2010
I too have this same drill worth the cost and is very easy to control the speed of the drill. John G. Cumins President JC'S Interactive Systems 2499 B1 Martin Rd Fairfield Ca 94533 707-425-7100 707-425-7576 Fax Your Total Technology Solution ProviderFrom: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Seano Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 2:12 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: 90 degree drills Love this one of mine. http://store-planetools.com/angledrill--2800rpmfor14-28threadedbits.aspx ----- Original Message ----- From: Perry, Phil <mailto:Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com> Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 11:50 AM Subject: RV10-List: 90 degree drills On the topic of tools.......... Anyone have a 90 degree drill that they're absolutely in love with? The Sioux is $445. I see some imports (Taylor) for $250ish. Then some others for $200. Anyone have any special feelings for their drill? (Easy Mr. Sked) J Phil href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronics.com /Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "John Cumins" <jcumins(at)jcis.net>
Subject: Re: FWF hoses
Date: Jan 04, 2010
OK here is my 2 cents worth again and yes the A&P hat is on. ALL FLUID LINES UNDER THE COWL NEED TO BE FIRE SLEEVED NO MATTER IF THERE RUBBER OR TEFLON LINES. This is a very BIG Safety issue. I have seen several fires on plane engine compartments on receps and turbines, it is not a pretty site at all. They usually always include an offsite landing that causes the plane to get trashed in the process. And the fire was caused by lines never getting replaces at over haul or 5 years for rubber hoses. My butt is worth more than a few bucks, then not to make sure all fluid lines are not protected and the best lines available. Your butt relies on it. John G. Cumins President JC'S Interactive Systems 2499 B1 Martin Rd Fairfield Ca 94533 707-425-7100 707-425-7576 Fax Your Total Technology Solution Provider -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Eric_Kallio Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 11:35 AM Subject: RV10-List: Re: FWF hoses Between the hoses that Vans now provides in the FWF kit, and the hoses that Aerosport Power sent with my engine, the Manifold pressure line and the line to the oil pressure sender are the only ones not firesleeved. While the MP line doesn't need it, the oil pressure sender line may get firesleeved down the road when I replace lines, but at this point I am leaving it as is. ALL fuel and oil cooler hoses are fire sleeved. Eric Kallio Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279912#279912 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: AMSAFE rotary belts
Date: Jan 04, 2010
If anyone is considering the use of the AMSAFE rotary belts for their RV10 you might want to visit the <http://www.inertialbelts.com> www.inertialbelts.com site. AMSAFE has raised their prices to me another 5% and indicated that any order place before 1/31/2010 will still receive the 2009 price. I will be adjusting prices on the website by 1/31/2010. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: AMSAFE rotary belts
From: "Ron B." <cfxoa(at)klis.com>
Date: Jan 04, 2010
Is there a reason we cannot use the 3/8" hole in the inertial real mounting frame to secure the real to the RV-10 canopy using the Van's supplied bolt? Our fuselage is painted and complete in that area. We are now in the market for our belts and would like the front occupants to have inertial reals. Ron Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=280128#280128 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "RV Builder (Michael Sausen)" <rvbuilder(at)sausen.net>
Date: Jan 04, 2010
Subject: Re: AMSAFE rotary belts
Check the archives, there were conversations about this exact subject in the past. Michael -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Ron B. Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 6:29 PM Subject: RV10-List: Re: AMSAFE rotary belts Is there a reason we cannot use the 3/8" hole in the inertial real mounting frame to secure the real to the RV-10 canopy using the Van's supplied bolt? Our fuselage is painted and complete in that area. We are now in the market for our belts and would like the front occupants to have inertial reals. Ron Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=280128#280128 ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Miller John <gengrumpy(at)aol.com>
Subject: Re: FWF hoses
Date: Jan 04, 2010
Well said! grumpy On Jan 4, 2010, at 3:06 PM, John Cumins wrote: > > OK here is my 2 cents worth again and yes the A&P hat is on. ALL > FLUID LINES > UNDER THE COWL NEED TO BE FIRE SLEEVED NO MATTER IF THERE RUBBER OR > TEFLON > LINES. > > This is a very BIG Safety issue. I have seen several fires on plane > engine > compartments on receps and turbines, it is not a pretty site at > all. They > usually always include an offsite landing that causes the plane to get > trashed in the process. And the fire was caused by lines never > getting > replaces at over haul or 5 years for rubber hoses. > > My butt is worth more than a few bucks, then not to make sure all > fluid > lines are not protected and the best lines available. Your butt > relies on > it. > > John G. Cumins > President > > JC'S Interactive Systems > 2499 B1 Martin Rd > Fairfield Ca 94533 > 707-425-7100 > 707-425-7576 Fax > > Your Total Technology Solution Provider > > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com > [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Eric_Kallio > Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 11:35 AM > To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com > Subject: RV10-List: Re: FWF hoses > > > Between the hoses that Vans now provides in the FWF kit, and the > hoses that > Aerosport Power sent with my engine, the Manifold pressure line and > the line > to the oil pressure sender are the only ones not firesleeved. While > the MP > line doesn't need it, the oil pressure sender line may get > firesleeved down > the road when I replace lines, but at this point I am leaving it as > is. ALL > fuel and oil cooler hoses are fire sleeved. > > Eric Kallio > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=279912#279912 > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: Re: AMSAFE rotary belts
Date: Jan 04, 2010
The bolt or nut in the inside would interfere with the rotary wheel; that was the reason for designing the block so that the internal fasteners would be flush with the bracket and that the external side did not hve screw thread and nuts externally. -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Ron B. Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 5:29 PM Subject: RV10-List: Re: AMSAFE rotary belts Is there a reason we cannot use the 3/8" hole in the inertial real mounting frame to secure the real to the RV-10 canopy using the Van's supplied bolt? Our fuselage is painted and complete in that area. We are now in the market for our belts and would like the front occupants to have inertial reals. Ron Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=280128#280128 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 04, 2010
Subject: Re: FWF hoses
From: Kelly McMullen <apilot2(at)gmail.com>
The integral firesleeve hoses are the easiest way to accomplish this, because they have none of the inconveniences of external firesleeve, most if not all have teflon core, making them last at least as long as the engine TBO. IIRC William Curtis has a list of all the hoses with lengths and fittings on his website, so even ordering is easy. Of course if Vans is supplying some of the hoses integral firesleeve, that reduces the number you have to get from other sources. And yes, I agree with John, you want any hose that carries flammable liquids in front of the firewall to be firesleeve protected one way or another. On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 2:06 PM, John Cumins wrote: > My butt is worth more than a few bucks, then not to make sure all fluid > lines are not protected and the best lines available. Your butt relies on > it. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "RV Builder (Michael Sausen)" <rvbuilder(at)sausen.net>
Date: Jan 05, 2010
Subject: Re: FWF hoses
Thanks to everyone, that pretty much confirmed what my impressions were. All fluid lines will be fire sleeved. One data point on the integral vs. add on fire sleeve, Bonaco is more than HALF ($457 vs. $1015) what Aircraft Hose is for a $558 savings for my configuration. The only difference is that Bonaco's fire sleeve isn't integral. I'll sacrifice the good looks and couple other minor advantages for more than 50% savings. :) Michael -----Original Message----- From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Kelly McMullen Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 10:40 PM Subject: Re: RV10-List: Re: FWF hoses The integral firesleeve hoses are the easiest way to accomplish this, because they have none of the inconveniences of external firesleeve, most if not all have teflon core, making them last at least as long as the engine TBO. IIRC William Curtis has a list of all the hoses with lengths and fittings on his website, so even ordering is easy. Of course if Vans is supplying some of the hoses integral firesleeve, that reduces the number you have to get from other sources. And yes, I agree with John, you want any hose that carries flammable liquids in front of the firewall to be firesleeve protected one way or another. On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 2:06 PM, John Cumins wrote: > My butt is worth more than a few bucks, then not to make sure all fluid > lines are not protected and the best lines available. Your butt relies on > it. ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: AMSAFE inflatable belts
Date: Jan 05, 2010
From: "Dawson-Townsend,Timothy" <tdawson-townsend(at)aurora.aero>
Has anyone asked AmSafe if they'd sell their air bag inflatable aviation belts to homebuilders? And how much they would cost? Or would one have to let AmSafe's authorized service center install them? TDT 40025 Wiring the radio stack Tim Dawson-Townsend Aurora Flight Sciences tdt(at)aurora.aero 617-500-4812 (office) 617-905-4800 (mobile) ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "Seano" <sean(at)braunandco.com>
Subject: Re: AMSAFE inflatable belts
Date: Jan 05, 2010
I'm interested in this too and can't find anything about it for homebuilders. I'm a big believer that this would be a life saver or at least be able to walk away from an engine failure. ----- Original Message ----- From: Dawson-Townsend,Timothy To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 7:29 AM Subject: RV10-List: AMSAFE inflatable belts Has anyone asked AmSafe if they'd sell their air bag inflatable aviation belts to homebuilders? And how much they would cost? Or would one have to let AmSafe's authorized service center install them? TDT 40025 Wiring the radio stack Tim Dawson-Townsend Aurora Flight Sciences tdt(at)aurora.aero 617-500-4812 (office) 617-905-4800 (mobile) ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: AMSAFE inflatable belts
Date: Jan 05, 2010
I have forwarded this to my AMSAFE contact. The question has been asked before with non committal results _____ From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Dawson-Townsend,Timothy Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 7:30 AM Subject: RV10-List: AMSAFE inflatable belts Has anyone asked AmSafe if they'd sell their air bag inflatable aviation belts to homebuilders? And how much they would cost? Or would one have to let AmSafe's authorized service center install them? TDT 40025 Wiring the radio stack Tim Dawson-Townsend Aurora Flight Sciences tdt(at)aurora.aero 617-500-4812 (office) 617-905-4800 (mobile) ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: AMSAFE inflatable belts
Date: Jan 05, 2010
From: "Perry, Phil" <Phil.Perry(at)netapp.com>
They were taking names and model numbers at OSH last year just to get a feel for how successful the homebuilt market would be and which models they should be concerned with. Ditto with the BRS chute folks too.... Not sure if anything ever happened with the data though. From: Seano [mailto:sean(at)braunandco.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 8:53 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: AMSAFE inflatable belts I'm interested in this too and can't find anything about it for homebuilders. I'm a big believer that this would be a life saver or at least be able to walk away from an engine failure. ----- Original Message ----- From: Dawson-Townsend,Timothy To: rv10-list(at)matronics.com Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 7:29 AM Subject: RV10-List: AMSAFE inflatable belts Has anyone asked AmSafe if they'd sell their air bag inflatable aviation belts to homebuilders? And how much they would cost? Or would one have to let AmSafe's authorized service center install them? TDT 40025 Wiring the radio stack Tim Dawson-Townsend Aurora Flight Sciences tdt(at)aurora.aero 617-500-4812 (office) 617-905-4800 (mobile) href="http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV10-List">http://www.matronic s .com/Navigator?RV10-List href="http://forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com href="http://www.matronics.com/contribution">http://www.matronics.com/c ________________________________________________________________________________
From: "DLM" <dlm46007(at)cox.net>
Subject: AMSAFE inflatable belts
Date: Jan 05, 2010
The problem with both items are the attach points and the fail safe activation of the item. Considerable design would be required to implement inflatable belts or BRS in an experimental. With many experimentals, the volume required to justify the design costs would not exist. In addition there is no guarantee that each experimental of a given class would be structurally identical to the others. With a small market and little control over the construction process, the risk of accident/lawsuit would far exceed the rewards. IIRC the costs per inflatable seat restraint was going to be about $2500+ each assuming that an acceptable installation design could be determined. . _____ From: owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv10-list-server(at)matronics.com] On Behalf Of Perry, Phil Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 8:06 AM Subject: RE: RV10-List: AMSAFE inflatable belts They were taking names and model numbers at OSH last year just to get a feel for how successful the homebuilt market would be and which models they should be concerned with. Ditto with the BRS chute folks too.. Not sure if anything ever happened with the data though. From: Seano [mailto:sean(at)braunandco.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 8:53 AM Subject: Re: RV10-List: AMSAFE inflatable belts I'm interested in this too and can't find anything about it for homebuilders. I'm a big believer that this would be a life saver or at least be able to walk away from an engine failure. ----- Original Message ----- From: Dawson-Townsend,Timothy <mailto:tdawson-townsend(at)aurora.aero> Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 7:29 AM Subject: RV10-List: AMSAFE inflatable belts Has anyone asked AmSafe if they'd sell their air bag inflatable aviation belts to homebuilders? And how much they would cost? Or would one have to

December 31, 2009 - January 05, 2010
