
November 09, 2019 - Present

      of these services.  You can pick up a really nice gift for making your Contribution
      You may use a Credit Card or Paypal at the Matronics Contribution Site here:
      or, you can send a personal check to the following address:
              Matronics / Matt Dralle
              581 Jeannie Way 
              Livermore, CA 94550
      Thank you in advance for your generous support!
      Matt Dralle
      Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator
Date: Nov 09, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: A List Contribution - It's Your Personal Squelch Button...
There is an automatic "squelch button" of sorts for the Fund Raiser messages. Here's how it works... As soon as a List member makes a Contribution through the Matronics Fund Raiser web site, their email address is automatically added to this year's Contributor List and they instantly cease to receive further Fund Raiser messages for the rest of the month! Its just that simple! :-) I really do appreciate each and every one of your individual Contributions to support the Lists. It is your support that enables me to upgrade the hardware and software that are required to run a List Site such as this one. It also goes to pay for the commercial-grade Internet connection and to pay the huge electric bill to keep the computer gear running and the air conditioner powered on. I run all of the Matronics Email List and Forums sites here locally which allows me to control and monitor every aspect of the system for the utmost in reliably and performance. Your personal Contribution matters because, when combined with other Listers such as yourself, it pays the bills to keep this site up and running. I accept exactly ZERO advertising dollars for the Matronics Lists sites. I can't stand the pop-up ads and all other commercials that are so prevalent on the Internet these days and I particularly don't want to have it on my Email List sites. If you appreciate the ad-free, grass-roots, down-home feel of the Matronics Email Lists, please make a Contribution to keep it that way!! http://www.matronics.com/contribution or, you can send a personal check to the following address: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore, CA 94550 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator [Note that there are certain circumstances where you might still see a Contribution related message. For example, if someone replies to one of the messages, when using the List Browse feature, or when accessing List message via the Forum. The system keys on the given email address and since most of these are anonymous public access methods, there is no simple way to filter them.] ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 11, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [PLEASE READ] Why I Have A Fund Raiser...
Since the beginning, the Matronics List and Forum experience has been free from advertising. I have been approached by fair number of vendors wanting to tap into the large volume of activity across the various lists hosted here, but have always flatly refused. Everywhere you go on the Internet these days, a user is pummeled with flashing banners and videos and ads for crap that they don't want. Yahoo, Google and that ilk are not "free". The user must constantly endure their barrage of commercialism thrust into their face at an ever increasing rate. Enough is enough, and the Lists at Matronics choose not to succumb to that. That being said, running a service of this size is not "free". It costs a lot of money to maintain the hardware, pay for the electricity, Commercial-greade Internet Connection, air conditioning, maintenance contracts, etc, etc. etc. I choose to hold a PBS-like fund raiser each year during the month of November where I simply send out a short email every other day asking the members to make a small contribution to support the operation. That being said, that contribution is completely voluntary and non-compulsory. Many members choose not to contribute and that's fine. However, a very modest percentage of the members do choose to make a contribution and it is that financial support that keeps the Lists running. And that's it. To my way of thinking, it is a much more pleasant way of maintaining the Lists and Forums. The other 11 months of the year, you don't see a single advertisement or request for support. That's refreshing and that is a List and Forum that I want to belong to. I think other people feel the same way. Won't you please take a minute to make your Contribution today and support these Lists? http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you for your support! Matt Dralle Email List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 13, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Make Sure You're Listed! List of Contributors Coming
Soon! Dear Listers, There's just a few more days left in this year's List Fund Raiser and that means the List of Contributors (LOC) is just around the corner! In December I post a list of everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Won't you take minute and assure that your name is on the upcoming LOC? Tell others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Visa, MasterCard, or Paypal account: http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists running and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 14, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Value of the List...
If you look forward to checking your List email everyday (and a lot of you have written to say that you do!), then you're probably getting at least $20 or $30 worth of Entertainment from the Lists each year. You'd pay twice that for a subscription to some magazine or even a dinner out. Isn't the List worth at least that much to you? Wouldn't it be great if you could pay that amount and get a well-managed media source free of advertising, SPAM, and viruses? Come to think of it, you do... :-) Won't you please take a minute to make your Contribution today and support these Lists? http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA I want to say THANK YOU to everyone that has made a Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser!! These Lists are made possible exclusively through YOUR generosity!! Thank you for your support! Matt Dralle Email List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Carl <b.carl(at)sympatico.ca>
Subject: Value of the List...
Date: Nov 16, 2019
UGxzIHJlbW92ZSBtZSBmcm9tIHRoZSBsaXN0DQoNClNlbnQgZnJvbSBNYWlsIGZvciBXaW5kb3dz IDEwDQoNCkZyb206IE1hdHQgRHJhbGxlDQpTZW50OiBOb3ZlbWJlciAxNSwgMjAxOSAwOjI2DQpU bzogemVuaXRoNzUwLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbQ0KU3ViamVjdDogWmVuaXRoNzUwLUxpc3Q6 IFZhbHVlIG9mIHRoZSBMaXN0Li4uDQoNCi0tPiBaZW5pdGg3NTAtTGlzdCBtZXNzYWdlIHBvc3Rl ZCBieTogTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUgPGRyYWxsZUBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tPg0KDQpJZiB5b3UgbG9vayBm b3J3YXJkIHRvIGNoZWNraW5nIHlvdXIgTGlzdCBlbWFpbCBldmVyeWRheSAoYW5kIGEgbG90IG9m IHlvdSBoYXZlIHdyaXR0ZW4gdG8gc2F5IHRoYXQgeW91IGRvISksIHRoZW4geW91J3JlIHByb2Jh Ymx5IGdldHRpbmcgYXQgbGVhc3QgJDIwIG9yICQzMCB3b3J0aCBvZiBFbnRlcnRhaW5tZW50IGZy b20gdGhlIExpc3RzIGVhY2ggeWVhci4gWW91J2QgcGF5IHR3aWNlIHRoYXQgZm9yIGEgc3Vic2Ny aXB0aW9uIHRvIHNvbWUgbWFnYXppbmUgb3IgZXZlbiBhIGRpbm5lciBvdXQuIElzbid0IHRoZSBM aXN0IHdvcnRoIGF0IGxlYXN0IHRoYXQgbXVjaCB0byB5b3U/IFdvdWxkbid0IGl0IGJlIGdyZWF0 IGlmIHlvdSBjb3VsZCBwYXkgdGhhdCBhbW91bnQgYW5kIGdldCBhIHdlbGwtbWFuYWdlZCBtZWRp YSBzb3VyY2UgZnJlZSBvZiBhZHZlcnRpc2luZywgU1BBTSwgYW5kIHZpcnVzZXM/IENvbWUgdG8g dGhpbmsgb2YgaXQsIHlvdSBkby4uLiAgOi0pDQoNCldvbid0IHlvdSBwbGVhc2UgdGFrZSBhIG1p bnV0ZSB0byBtYWtlIHlvdXIgQ29udHJpYnV0aW9uIHRvZGF5IGFuZCBzdXBwb3J0IHRoZXNlIExp c3RzPyANCg0KICAgICAgICBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vY29udHJpYnV0aW9uDQoN Ck9yLCBkcm9wIGEgcGVyc29uYWwgY2hlY2sgaW4gdGhlIG1haWwgdG86IA0KDQogICAgICAgIE1h dHQgRHJhbGxlIC8gTWF0cm9uaWNzIA0KICAgICAgICA1ODEgSmVhbm5pZSBXYXkgDQogICAgICAg IExpdmVybW9yZSBDQSA5NDU1MA0KICAgICAgICBVU0ENCg0KSSB3YW50IHRvIHNheSBUSEFOSyBZ T1UgdG8gZXZlcnlvbmUgdGhhdCBoYXMgbWFkZSBhIENvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbiB0aHVzIGZhciBkdXJp bmcgdGhpcyB5ZWFyJ3MgTGlzdCBGdW5kIFJhaXNlciEhIFRoZXNlIExpc3RzIGFyZSBtYWRlIHBv c3NpYmxlIGV4Y2x1c2l2ZWx5IHRocm91Z2ggWU9VUiBnZW5lcm9zaXR5ISEgDQoNClRoYW5rIHlv dSBmb3IgeW91ciBzdXBwb3J0ISANCg0KTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUgDQpFbWFpbCBMaXN0IEFkbWluLiAN Cg0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT0NCl8tPQ0KXy09ICAgICAgIC0tIFBsZWFzZSBTdXBwb3J0IFlvdXIgTGlzdHMgVGhp cyBNb250aCAtLQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAoQW5kIEdldCBTb21lIEFXRVNPTUUgRlJFRSBHaWZ0 cyEpDQpfLT0NCl8tPSAgIE5vdmVtYmVyIGlzIHRoZSBBbm51YWwgTGlzdCBGdW5kIFJhaXNlci4g IENsaWNrIG9uDQpfLT0gICB0aGUgQ29udHJpYnV0aW9uIGxpbmsgYmVsb3cgdG8gZmluZCBvdXQg bW9yZSBhYm91dA0KXy09ICAgdGhpcyB5ZWFyJ3MgVGVycmlmaWMgRnJlZSBJbmNlbnRpdmUgR2lm dHMgcHJvdmlkZWQNCl8tPSAgIGJ5Og0KXy09ICAgDQpfLT0NCl8tPSAgIExpc3QgQ29udHJpYnV0 aW9uIFdlYiBTaXRlOg0KXy09DQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL2Nv bnRyaWJ1dGlvbg0KXy09DQpfLT0gICBUaGFuayB5b3UgZm9yIHlvdXIgZ2VuZXJvdXMgc3VwcG9y dCENCl8tPQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgLU1hdHQgRHJhbGxlLCBM aXN0IEFkbWluLg0KXy09DQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgIC0gVGhlIFplbml0aDc1MC1MaXN0 IEVtYWlsIEZvcnVtIC0NCl8tPSBVc2UgdGhlIE1hdHJvbmljcyBMaXN0IEZlYXR1cmVzIE5hdmln YXRvciB0byBicm93c2UNCl8tPSB0aGUgbWFueSBMaXN0IHV0aWxpdGllcyBzdWNoIGFzIExpc3Qg VW4vU3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uLA0KXy09IEFyY2hpdmUgU2VhcmNoICYgRG93bmxvYWQsIDctRGF5IEJy b3dzZSwgQ2hhdCwgRkFRLA0KXy09IFBob3Rvc2hhcmUsIGFuZCBtdWNoIG11Y2ggbW9yZToNCl8t PQ0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9OYXZpZ2F0b3I/WmVuaXRoNzUw LUxpc3QNCl8tPQ0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC0gTUFUUk9OSUNTIFdFQiBGT1JV TVMgLQ0KXy09IFNhbWUgZ3JlYXQgY29udGVudCBhbHNvIGF2YWlsYWJsZSB2aWEgdGhlIFdlYiBG b3J1bXMhDQpfLT0NCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20NCl8tPQ0K Xy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgLSBORVcgTUFUUk9OSUNTIExJU1QgV0lLSSAtDQpfLT0g QWRkIHNvbWUgaW5mbyB0byB0aGUgTWF0cm9uaWNzIEVtYWlsIExpc3QgV2lraSENCl8tPSAgIC0t PiBodHRwOi8vd2lraS5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tDQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAgIC0gTGlz dCBDb250cmlidXRpb24gV2ViIFNpdGUgLQ0KXy09ICBUaGFuayB5b3UgZm9yIHlvdXIgZ2VuZXJv dXMgc3VwcG9ydCENCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC1NYXR0IERyYWxs ZSwgTGlzdCBBZG1pbi4NCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vY29udHJp YnV0aW9uDQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KDQoNCg0KDQo ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 17, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Coming Soon - The List of Contributors - Please Make A
Contribution Today! Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Please take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)! As a number of members have pointed out over the years, the List seems at least as valuable a building / entertainment tool as your typical magazine subscription! Assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: http://www.matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 19, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Please Make a Contribution to Support Your Lists...
Dear Listers, Just a reminder that November is the Annual List Fund Raiser. Please make a Contribution today to support the continued operation and upgrade of these great List services!! Pick up a really nice free gift with your qualifying Contribution too! The Contribution Site is fast and easy: http://www.matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94551-0347 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Carl <b.carl(at)sympatico.ca>
Subject: Please Make a Contribution to Support Your Lists...
Date: Nov 19, 2019
UGxlYXNlIGRyb3AgbWUgZnJvbSBhbGwgeW91ciBsaXN0LCBUaGFuayB5b3UgDQoNCg0KU2VudCBm cm9tIE1haWwgZm9yIFdpbmRvd3MgMTANCg0KRnJvbTogTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUNClNlbnQ6IE5vdmVt YmVyIDE5LCAyMDE5IDk6MzMNClRvOiB6ZW5pdGg3NTAtbGlzdEBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tDQpTdWJq ZWN0OiBaZW5pdGg3NTAtTGlzdDogUGxlYXNlIE1ha2UgYSBDb250cmlidXRpb24gdG8gU3VwcG9y dCBZb3VyIExpc3RzLi4uDQoNCi0tPiBaZW5pdGg3NTAtTGlzdCBtZXNzYWdlIHBvc3RlZCBieTog TWF0dCBEcmFsbGUgPGRyYWxsZUBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tPg0KDQpEZWFyIExpc3RlcnMsDQoNCkp1 c3QgYSByZW1pbmRlciB0aGF0IE5vdmVtYmVyIGlzIHRoZSBBbm51YWwgTGlzdCBGdW5kIFJhaXNl ci4gIFBsZWFzZSBtYWtlIGEgQ29udHJpYnV0aW9uIHRvZGF5IHRvIHN1cHBvcnQgdGhlIGNvbnRp bnVlZCBvcGVyYXRpb24gYW5kIHVwZ3JhZGUgb2YgdGhlc2UgZ3JlYXQgTGlzdCBzZXJ2aWNlcyEh ICBQaWNrIHVwIGEgcmVhbGx5IG5pY2UgZnJlZSBnaWZ0IHdpdGggeW91ciBxdWFsaWZ5aW5nIENv bnRyaWJ1dGlvbiB0b28hDQoNClRoZSBDb250cmlidXRpb24gU2l0ZSBpcyBmYXN0IGFuZCBlYXN5 Og0KDQogICAgICBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vY29udHJpYnV0aW9uDQoNCm9yIGJ5 IGRyb3BwaW5nIGEgcGVyc29uYWwgY2hlY2sgaW4gdGhlIG1haWwgdG86IA0KDQogICAgICAgIE1h dHQgRHJhbGxlIC8gTWF0cm9uaWNzIA0KICAgICAgICA1ODEgSmVhbm5pZSBXYXkNCiAgICAgICAg TGl2ZXJtb3JlIENBIDk0NTUxLTAzNDcgDQoNClRoYW5rIHlvdSENCg0KTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUNCk1h dHJvbmljcyBFbWFpbCBMaXN0IEFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3INCg0KDQoNCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0NCl8tPSAg ICAgICAtLSBQbGVhc2UgU3VwcG9ydCBZb3VyIExpc3RzIFRoaXMgTW9udGggLS0NCl8tPSAgICAg ICAgICAgKEFuZCBHZXQgU29tZSBBV0VTT01FIEZSRUUgR2lmdHMhKQ0KXy09DQpfLT0gICBOb3Zl bWJlciBpcyB0aGUgQW5udWFsIExpc3QgRnVuZCBSYWlzZXIuICBDbGljayBvbg0KXy09ICAgdGhl IENvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbiBsaW5rIGJlbG93IHRvIGZpbmQgb3V0IG1vcmUgYWJvdXQNCl8tPSAgIHRo aXMgeWVhcidzIFRlcnJpZmljIEZyZWUgSW5jZW50aXZlIEdpZnRzIHByb3ZpZGVkDQpfLT0gICBi eToNCl8tPSAgIA0KXy09DQpfLT0gICBMaXN0IENvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbiBXZWIgU2l0ZToNCl8tPQ0K Xy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9jb250cmlidXRpb24NCl8tPQ0KXy09 ICAgVGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3VzIHN1cHBvcnQhDQpfLT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC1NYXR0IERyYWxsZSwgTGlzdCBBZG1pbi4NCl8tPQ0KXy09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAtIFRoZSBaZW5pdGg3NTAtTGlzdCBFbWFpbCBGb3J1bSAtDQpfLT0g VXNlIHRoZSBNYXRyb25pY3MgTGlzdCBGZWF0dXJlcyBOYXZpZ2F0b3IgdG8gYnJvd3NlDQpfLT0g dGhlIG1hbnkgTGlzdCB1dGlsaXRpZXMgc3VjaCBhcyBMaXN0IFVuL1N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbiwNCl8t PSBBcmNoaXZlIFNlYXJjaCAmIERvd25sb2FkLCA3LURheSBCcm93c2UsIENoYXQsIEZBUSwNCl8t PSBQaG90b3NoYXJlLCBhbmQgbXVjaCBtdWNoIG1vcmU6DQpfLT0NCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8v d3d3Lm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vTmF2aWdhdG9yP1plbml0aDc1MC1MaXN0DQpfLT0NCl8tPT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpf LT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIE1BVFJPTklDUyBXRUIgRk9SVU1TIC0NCl8tPSBTYW1lIGdyZWF0 IGNvbnRlbnQgYWxzbyBhdmFpbGFibGUgdmlhIHRoZSBXZWIgRm9ydW1zIQ0KXy09DQpfLT0gICAt LT4gaHR0cDovL2ZvcnVtcy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tDQpfLT0NCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAg ICAgIC0gTkVXIE1BVFJPTklDUyBMSVNUIFdJS0kgLQ0KXy09IEFkZCBzb21lIGluZm8gdG8gdGhl IE1hdHJvbmljcyBFbWFpbCBMaXN0IFdpa2khDQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3dpa2kubWF0cm9u aWNzLmNvbQ0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIExpc3QgQ29udHJpYnV0aW9uIFdlYiBT aXRlIC0NCl8tPSAgVGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3VzIHN1cHBvcnQhDQpfLT0gICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUsIExpc3QgQWRtaW4uDQpfLT0g ICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL2NvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbg0KXy09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCg0KDQoN Cg0K ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 21, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Reminder
Dear Listers, A quick reminder that November is the annual List Fund Raiser. The Matronics Lists are 100% member supported and all of the operational costs are provided for my your Contributions during this time of the year. Your personal Contribution makes a big difference and keeps all of the Matronics Email Lists and Forums completely ad-free. Please make your Contribution today to keep these services up and running! http://www.matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94551-0347 Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 23, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [Please Read] What are "The Lists" and Who's This Matt
Dralle? Dear Listers, Who is Matt Dralle and what exactly are these Lists? Well, I've been working in the information technology industry for over 35 years primarily in computer networking design and implementation. I have also done extensive work in web development and CGI design during that time, along with a fair amount of embedded system and software development as well. I started the Matronics Email Lists back in 1990 with about 30 fellow RV builders from around the world. Since that time, I have added 80 other kinds of aircraft related Lists to the line up and numerous other List related services such as the Forums, Wiki, Archives and Search Engine just to name a few. For flexibility and reliability, I have chosen to run all of my own servers here locally. Other List-related systems include a 1 Gigabit, fully switched network infrastructure, a commercial-grade Netscreen firewall, a Barracuda spam filter, a local 1G Internet router, and a commercial-grade business 1Gb/s Internet connection with full static addressing. The computer servers found here include a quad-processor Xeon Linux server for List web services, a dual-processor Xeon Linux system dedicated to the email processing List functions, and another P4 Linux system serving as a remote storage disk farm for the archives, databases, and for an on-line hard drive-based backup system with 3.2 Terra Bytes of storage! This entire system is protected by three large, commercial-grade uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems that assure the Lists are available even during a local power outage! Speaking of power, imagine how much electricity it takes to run all of these systems. One month a couple of Summers ago, I had a staggering $1368 bill for electricity alone! Recently, I upgraded all of the computer racking infrastructure including new power feeds and dedicated air conditioning for the room that serves as the Computer Center for the Matronics Email Lists. As you can see, I take running these Lists very seriously and I am dedicated to providing an always-on, 24x7x365 experience for each and every Lister. But, building and running this system isn't cheap. As I've stated before, I don't support any of these systems with commercial advertising on the Lists. It is supported 100% through List member Contributions! That means you... and you... and YOU! To that end, I hold a List Fund Raiser each November and ask that members make a small Contribution to support the continued operation and upgrade of this ever-expanding system. Its solely YOUR Contributions that keeps it running! Won't you please take a moment to make a Contribution to support these Lists! http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550-7227 USA There are some great gifts available with qualifying Contribution levels too! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 25, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Make Sure You're Listed!
Dear Listers, The List of Contributors (LOC) is just around the corner with just few more days in this year's Fund Raiser! Later in December I will post a list of everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists this year. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Won't you take minute and assure that your name is on the upcoming LOC? Tell others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Visa, MasterCard, or Paypal account: http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists running and improving! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 28, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: What Are You Thankful For...?
Dear Listers, Here in the United States, Thursday is our National day of Thanksgiving. Many of us will be traveling to be with our families and friends to share in generous feasts of plenty and giving thanks for many blessings that have been bestowed upon us. Many Listers have expressed over the last couple of weeks how thankful they are for the Email Lists and Forums here on the Matronics servers and for all of the assistance and comradery they have experienced being a part of the Lists. One of my favorite kind of comments is when write to me and says something like, "Its the first thing I do in the morning while I'm having my morning coffee!". That's a wonderful tribute to the purpose and function of these Lists. Its always great to hear I'm not the only one that jumps out of bed each morning to check my List email!! Won't you take a minute today and show your appreciation for these Lists and for their continued operation and upgrade? The List Contribution Site is: http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 Thank you in advance for your kind consideration, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 30, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [Please Read] - Last Official Day of List Fund Raiser!
Dear Listers, It's November 30th and that always means a couple of things. Its my birthday again - 56! :-) But it also means that it's that last official day of the Matronics Email List Fund Raiser! If you been thinking about picking up one of those really nice incentive gifts now is the time to jump on it!! If you've been meaning to make a Contribution this month but have been putting it off for some reason, NOW is the time! I will be posting the List of Contributors in a few days, so you'll probably want to be known as a person that supported the Lists! I want to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution this year in support of our Lists. It is your generosity that keeps this operation running and I don't ever forget it. The List Contribution Web Site is fast and easy. Please support our habit by making your Contribution right now: http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 27, 2019
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: 2019 List of Contributors
Dear Listers, The 2019 Matronics Email List and Forum Fund Raiser officially ended a couple of weeks ago and it's time that I published this year's List of Contributors. It is the people on this list that directly make these Email Lists and Forums possible! Their generous Contributions keep the servers and Internet connection up and running! You can still show your support this year and pick up a great gift at the same time. The Contribution Web Site is fast, easy, and secure: http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 And finally, I'm proud to present The 2019 Fund Raiser List of Contributors: http://www.matronics.com/loc Thank you again to everyone that made a Contribution this year!! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: First Message To New Zenith CH750 List...
From: "KatoGilliam" <shery32(at)getnada.com>
Date: Feb 24, 2020
An electronics is followed for the erasure for the team. Implementation of the bestessay reviews (https://www.topratedessayservice.com/bestessay-com-review/) is signed for the fixing of the goals. The room is done for humans. The anticipation is inquired for the fiction for the signs for the placement for the field. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=494973#494973 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Mar 03, 2020
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Test; List Server Issues Resolved...
Dear Listers, The Matronics Email List Server was having some issues and not accepting incoming posts for a couple of days. It is resolved now. Sorry for the hassle... Matt Dralle Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Thank you for sharing!
From: "Drew0309" <bh.drew03(at)gmail.com>
Date: May 18, 2020
Thank you for sharing! Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=496437#496437 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: What's My Contribution Used For?
From: "QuintinMarquis" <stephaniesteph86(at)gmail.com>
Date: Jun 25, 2020
I am glad that you've talked about all your contributions here. I appreciate this from you, and I'll include your contributions in my essay roo reviews (https://aussiessayservices.com/essayroo-com-review/) so that more people can know about the skills you possess, and what you're doing with them. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=497030#497030 ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Over 2000 Courtesy Cars
From: "gbrasch" <airportcars101(at)gmail.com>
Date: Aug 12, 2020
AirportCourtesyCars.com website has just surpassed over 2000 courtesy car listings at over 1,540 locations nationwide. Listings include pilot comments, car pictures and more. The website is kept updated with new listings and corrections by pilots like you. You can contact the owner, Glenn Brasch with updates at airportcars101(at)gmail.com Funding of the site is dependent mostly on donations, which are much appreciated. -------- Glenn Brasch RV-9A Flying Medevac Helicopter Pilot (Ret) Owner, "Airport Courtesy Cars" Website www.airportcourtesycars.com Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=497716#497716 ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 01, 2020
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Matronics List Fund Raiser Postponed During 2020...
Dear Listers, Normally, in November I hold a List Fund Raiser where I ask Listers to make a Contribution to support the operation and upkeep of these List resources. In light of the happenings during this 2020 season, I have decided to postpone the Fund Raiser this year and encourage members to focus on their families and personal needs. I want to thank everyone that has supported the Lists in the past. Despite the uncertain times we're experiencing right now, I want to assure everyone that I fully intend to continue supporting the Lists as I always have; with no anticipated degradation in service levels. Happy Holidays to all my friends around the world! Matt Dralle Matronics List Manager ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Aug 25, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Matronics List Forum Web Site Fully Restored...
Dear Listers, There has been an issue with the database used to drive the Matronics Lists Forums Web Site for a few days. I finally got to the bottom of the issue today. It appears the functionality has been fully restored. Matt Dralle Matronics List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 01, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: PLEASE READ - Matronics Email List 2018 Fund Raiser During
November! Dear Listers, Each November I hold a PBS-like fund raiser to support the continued operation and upgrade of the Email List and Fourm Services at Matronics. It's solely through the Contributions of List members (you) that these Matronics Lists are possible. You have probably noticed that there are no banner ads or pop-up windows on any of the Matronics Lists or related web sites such as the Forums site http://forums.matronics.com , Wiki site http://wiki.matronics.com , or other related pages such as the List Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search , List Browse http://www.matronics.com/listbrowse , etc. This is because I believe in a List experience that is completely about the sport we all enjoy - namely Airplanes and not about annoying advertisements. During the month of November, I will be sending out List messages every couple of days reminding everyone that the Fund Raiser is underway. I ask for your patience and understanding during the Fund Raiser and throughout these regular messages. The Fund Raiser is only financial support mechanism I have to pay all of the bills associated with running these lists. YOUR personal Contribution counts! This year we have a really HUGE and TERRIFIC line up of free gifts to go along with the various Contribution levels. In fact, there are 10 great gifts to choose from! There's something for everyone, to be sure. Last year because of the COVID hardships everyone was feeling, I opted to not have a Fund Rasiser, and carried the finicial burden solely myself. I'm hoping this year everyone will dig in make make up for the lost year. Please make your List Contribution using any one of three secure methods including using a Credit Card, PayPal, or by Personal Check. All three methods afford you the opportunity to select one of this year's free gifts with a qualifying Contribution amount!! To make your Contribution, please visit the secure web site: http://www.matronics.com/contribution I would like to thank everyone in advance for their generous financial AND moral support over the years! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator RV-4/RV-6/RV-8 Builder/Rebuilder/Pilot ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 03, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Please Make A Contribution To Support Your Lists
Dear Listers, There is no advertising income to support the Matronics Email Lists and Forums. The operation is supported 100% by your personal Contributions during the November Fund Raiser. Please make your Contribution today to support the continued operation and upgrade of these services. You can pick up a really nice gift for making your Contribution too! You may use a Credit Card or Paypal at the Matronics Contribution Site here: https://matronics.com/contribution or, you can send a personal check to the following address: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore, CA 94550 Thank you in advance for your generous support! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator RV-4/RV-6/RV-8 Builder/Rebuilder/Pilot ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 05, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Coming Soon - The List of Contributors - Please Make A
Contribution Today! Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Please take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)! As a number of members have pointed out over the years, the List seems at least as valuable a building/entertainment tool as your typical magazine subscription! Assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator RV-4/RV-6/RV-8 Builder/Rebuilder/Pilot ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 07, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [PLEASE READ] Why I Have A Fund Raiser...
Since the beginning, the Matronics List and Forum experience has been free from advertising. I have been approached by fair number of vendors wanting to tap into the large volume of activity across the various lists hosted here, but have always flatly refused. Everywhere you go on the Internet these days, a user is pummeled with flashing banners and videos and ads for crap that they don't want. Yahoo, Google and that ilk are not "free". The user must constantly endure their barrage of commercialism thrust into their face at an ever increasing rate. Enough is enough, and the Lists at Matronics choose not to succumb to that. That being said, running a service of this size is not "free". It costs a lot of money to maintain the hardware, pay for the electricity, Commercial-greade Internet Connection, air conditioning, maintenance contracts, etc, etc. etc. I choose to hold a PBS-like fund raiser each year during the month of November where I simply send out a short email every other day asking the members to make a small contribution to support the operation. That being said, that contribution is completely voluntary and non-compulsory. Many members choose not to contribute and that's fine. However, a very modest percentage of the members do choose to make a contribution and it is that financial support that keeps the Lists running. And that's it. To my way of thinking, it is a much more pleasant way of maintaining the Lists and Forums. The other 11 months of the year, you don't see a single advertisement or request for support. That's refreshing and that is a List and Forum that I want to belong to. I think other people feel the same way. Won't you please take a minute to make your Contribution today and support these Lists? https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you for your support! Matt Dralle Email List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 09, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [PLEASE READ] Why I Have A Fund Raiser...
Since the beginning, the Matronics List and Forum experience has been free from advertising. I have been approached by fair number of vendors wanting to tap into the large volume of activity across the various lists hosted here, but have always flatly refused. Everywhere you go on the Internet these days, a user is pummeled with flashing banners and videos and ads for crap that they don't want. Yahoo, Google and that ilk are not "free". The user must constantly endure their barrage of commercialism thrust into their face at an ever increasing rate. Enough is enough, and the Lists at Matronics choose not to succumb to that. That being said, running a service of this size is not "free". It costs a lot of money to maintain the hardware, pay for the electricity, Commercial-greade Internet Connection, air conditioning, maintenance contracts, etc, etc. etc. I choose to hold a PBS-like fund raiser each year during the month of November where I simply send out a short email every other day asking the members to make a small contribution to support the operation. That being said, that contribution is completely voluntary and non-compulsory. Many members choose not to contribute and that's fine. However, a very modest percentage of the members do choose to make a contribution and it is that financial support that keeps the Lists running. And that's it. To my way of thinking, it is a much more pleasant way of maintaining the Lists and Forums. The other 11 months of the year, you don't see a single advertisement or request for support. That's refreshing and that is a List and Forum that I want to belong to. I think other people feel the same way. Won't you please take a minute to make your Contribution today and support these Lists? https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you for your support! Matt Dralle Email List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 11, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: List Contribution - Value of the List...
If you look forward to checking your List email everyday (and a lot of you have written to say that you do!), then you're probably getting at least $20 or $30 worth of Entertainment from the Lists each year. You'd pay twice that for a subscription to some magazine or even a dinner out. Isn't the List worth at least that much to you? Wouldn't it be great if you could pay that amount and get a well-managed media source free of advertising, SPAM, and viruses? Come to think of it, you do... :-) Won't you please take a minute to make your Contribution today and support these Lists? https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA I want to say THANK YOU to everyone that has made a Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser!! These Lists are made possible exclusively through YOUR generosity!! Thank you for your support! Matt Dralle Email List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 13, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: A List Contribution - It's Your Personal Squelch Button...
There is an automatic "squelch button" of sorts for the Fund Raiser messages. Here's how it works... As soon as a List member makes a Contribution through the Matronics Fund Raiser web site, their email address is automatically added to this year's Contributor List and they instantly cease to receive further Fund Raiser messages for the rest of the month! Its just that simple! :-) I really do appreciate each and every one of your individual Contributions to support the Lists. It is your support that enables me to upgrade the hardware and software that are required to run a List Site such as this one. It also goes to pay for the commercial-grade Internet connection and to pay the huge electric bill to keep the computer gear running and the air conditioner powered on. I run all of the Matronics Email List and Forums sites here locally which allows me to control and monitor every aspect of the system for the utmost in reliably and performance. Your personal Contribution matters because, when combined with other Listers such as yourself, it pays the bills to keep this site up and running. I accept exactly ZERO advertising dollars for the Matronics Lists sites. I can't stand the pop-up ads and all other commercials that are so prevalent on the Internet these days and I particularly don't want to have it on my Email List sites. If you appreciate the ad-free, grass-roots, down-home feel of the Matronics Email Lists, please make a Contribution to keep it that way!! https://matronics.com/contribution or, you can send a personal check to the following address: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore, CA 94550 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator [Note that there are certain circumstances where you might still see a Contribution related message. For example, if someone replies to one of the messages, when using the List Browse feature, or when accessing List message via the Forum. The system keys on the given email address and since most of these are anonymous public access methods, there is no simple way to filter them.] ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 15, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Make Sure You're Listed! List of Contributors Coming
Soon! Dear Listers, There's just a few more days left in this year's List Fund Raiser and that means the List of Contributors (LOC) is just around the corner! In December I post a list of everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Won't you take minute and assure that your name is on the upcoming LOC? Tell others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Visa, MasterCard, or Paypal account: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists running and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 17, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Make Sure You're Listed! List of Contributors Coming
Soon! Dear Listers, There's just a few more days left in this year's List Fund Raiser and that means the List of Contributors (LOC) is just around the corner! In December I post a list of everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Won't you take minute and assure that your name is on the upcoming LOC? Tell others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Visa, MasterCard, or Paypal account: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists running and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 19, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Reminder
Dear Listers, A quick reminder that November is the annual Matronics List Fund Raiser. The Lists are 100% member supported and all of the operational costs are covered solely through your Contributions during this time of the year. *Your* personal Contribution makes a difference and keeps all of the Matronics Email Lists and Forums completely ad-free. Please make your Contribution today to keep these services up and running for another great year! Use a credit card or your PayPal account here: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by sending a personal check to: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 21, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Coming Soon - The List of Contributors - Please Make A
Contribution Today! Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Please take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)! As a number of members have pointed out over the years, the List seems at least as valuable a building / entertainment tool as your typical magazine subscription! Assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 23, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Reminder
Dear Listers, A quick reminder that November is the annual Matronics List Fund Raiser. The Lists are 100% member supported and all of the operational costs are covered solely through your Contributions during this time of the year. *Your* personal Contribution makes a difference and keeps all of the Matronics Email Lists and Forums completely ad-free. Please make your Contribution today to keep these services up and running for another great year! Use a credit card or your PayPal account here: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by sending a personal check to: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 26, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: LOC
Dear Listers, Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its sort of my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Won't you take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)? As a number of members have pointed out over the years, the List seems at least - if not a whole lot more - valuable as a building/flying/recreating/entertainment tool as your typical magazine subscription! Please take minute and assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or by popping a personal check in the mail to: Matronics Email Lists c/o Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 29, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Just Two Days Left...
Dear Listers, There are just a Two days left for this year's List Fund Raiser! If you've been putting off making a Contribution until the last minute, well, this is it! The last minute, that is... :-) There are some GREAT new gift selections to choose from this year. I personally want at least three of them! There's probably something you can't live without too! And, best of all it supports your Lists! Please remember that there isn't any sort of commercial advertising on the Lists and the *only* means of keeping these Lists running is through your Contributions during this Fund Raiser. Let's make this a "Black Friday" for the Lists! Please make a Contribution today! https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 30, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [Please Read] - Last Official Day of List Fund Raiser!
Dear Listers, It's November 30th and that always means a couple of things. Its my birthday again - 58! :-) But it also means that it's that last official day of the Matronics Email List Fund Raiser! If you been thinking about picking up one of those really nice incentive gifts now is the time to jump on it!! If you've been meaning to make a Contribution this month but have been putting it off for some reason, NOW is the time! I will be posting the List of Contributors in a few days, so you'll probably want to be known as a person that supported the Lists! I want to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution this year in support of our Lists. It is your generosity that keeps this operation running and I don't ever forget it. The List Contribution Web Site is fast and easy. Please support our habit by making your Contribution right now: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 27, 2021
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: 2021 List of Contributors
Dear Listers, The 2021 Matronics Email List and Forum Fund Raiser officially ended a couple of weeks ago and it's time that I published this year's List of Contributors (LOC). It is the people on this list that directly make these Email Lists and Forums possible! Their generous Contributions keep the servers and Internet connection up and running! You can still show your support this year and pick up a great gift at the same time. The Contribution Web Site is fast, easy, and secure: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 And finally, I'm proud to present The 2021 Fund Raiser List of Contributors (LOC): https://matronics.com/loc Thank you again to everyone that made a Contribution this year!! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Zenith750-List Digest: 0 Msgs - 02/10/22
From: Carl Rueck <carl.rueck(at)gmail.com>
Date: Feb 11, 2022
Please remove my name from this distribution Thank you Carl Carl-r(at)telus.net. > On Feb 10, 2022, at 11:53 PM, Zenith750-List Digest Server wrote: > > * > > ================================================= > Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive > ================================================= > > Today's complete Zenith750-List Digest can also be found in either of the > two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted > in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes > and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version > of the Zenith750-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor > such as Notepad or with a web browser. > > HTML Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 22-02-10&Archive=Zenith750 > > Text Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 22-02-10&Archive=Zenith750 > > > =============================================== > EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive > =============================================== > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Zenith750-List Digest Archive > --- > Total Messages Posted Thu 02/10/22: 0 > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > > Today's Message Index: > ---------------------- > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Zenith750-List Digest: 0 Msgs - 02/10/22
From: Carl Rueck <carl.rueck(at)gmail.com>
Date: Feb 11, 2022
Please remove my name from this distribution Thank you Carl Carl-r(at)telus.net. > On Feb 10, 2022, at 11:53 PM, Zenith750-List Digest Server wrote: > > * > > ================================================= > Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive > ================================================= > > Today's complete Zenith750-List Digest can also be found in either of the > two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted > in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes > and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version > of the Zenith750-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor > such as Notepad or with a web browser. > > HTML Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 22-02-10&Archive=Zenith750 > > Text Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 22-02-10&Archive=Zenith750 > > > =============================================== > EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive > =============================================== > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Zenith750-List Digest Archive > --- > Total Messages Posted Thu 02/10/22: 0 > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > > Today's Message Index: > ---------------------- > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Zenith750-List Digest: 0 Msgs - 02/09/22
From: Carl Rueck <carl.rueck(at)gmail.com>
Date: Feb 11, 2022
Please remove my name from this distribution Thank you Carl Carl-r(at)telus.net. > On Feb 9, 2022, at 11:53 PM, Zenith750-List Digest Server wrote: > > * > > ================================================= > Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive > ================================================= > > Today's complete Zenith750-List Digest can also be found in either of the > two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted > in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes > and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version > of the Zenith750-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor > such as Notepad or with a web browser. > > HTML Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 22-02-09&Archive=Zenith750 > > Text Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 22-02-09&Archive=Zenith750 > > > =============================================== > EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive > =============================================== > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Zenith750-List Digest Archive > --- > Total Messages Posted Wed 02/09/22: 0 > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > > Today's Message Index: > ---------------------- > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Subject: Re: Zenith750-List Digest: 0 Msgs - 02/09/22
From: Carl Rueck <carl.rueck(at)gmail.com>
Date: Feb 11, 2022
Please remove my name from this distribution Thank you Carl Carl-r(at)telus.net. > On Feb 9, 2022, at 11:53 PM, Zenith750-List Digest Server wrote: > > * > > ================================================= > Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive > ================================================= > > Today's complete Zenith750-List Digest can also be found in either of the > two Web Links listed below. The .html file includes the Digest formatted > in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes > and Message Navigation. The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version > of the Zenith750-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor > such as Notepad or with a web browser. > > HTML Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=html&Chapter 22-02-09&Archive=Zenith750 > > Text Version: > > http://www.matronics.com/digest/digestview.php?Style=82701&View=txt&Chapter 22-02-09&Archive=Zenith750 > > > =============================================== > EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive > =============================================== > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > Zenith750-List Digest Archive > --- > Total Messages Posted Wed 02/09/22: 0 > ---------------------------------------------------------- > > > Today's Message Index: > ---------------------- > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Carl <b.carl(at)sympatico.ca>
Subject: [Please Read] - Last Official Day of List Fund Raiser!
Date: Mar 03, 2022
SGkgTWF0dCwNClBsZWFzZSByZW1vdmUgbWUgZnJvbSB5b3VyIGxpc3QgYXMgSSBubyBsb25nZXIg Zmx5IGFuZCBvd24gYW4gYWlyY3JhZnQuDQpUaGFuayB5b3UgLg0KQ2FybA0KDQpTZW50IGZyb20g TWFpbCBmb3IgV2luZG93cw0KDQpGcm9tOiBNYXR0IERyYWxsZQ0KU2VudDogTm92ZW1iZXIgMzAs IDIwMjEgMjoxOCBQTQ0KVG86IHplbml0aDc1MC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20NClN1YmplY3Q6 IFplbml0aDc1MC1MaXN0OiBbUGxlYXNlIFJlYWRdIC0gTGFzdCBPZmZpY2lhbCBEYXkgb2YgTGlz dCBGdW5kIFJhaXNlciENCg0KLS0+IFplbml0aDc1MC1MaXN0IG1lc3NhZ2UgcG9zdGVkIGJ5OiBN YXR0IERyYWxsZSA8ZHJhbGxlQG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20+DQoNCkRlYXIgTGlzdGVycywNCg0KSXQn cyBOb3ZlbWJlciAzMHRoIGFuZCB0aGF0IGFsd2F5cyBtZWFucyBhIGNvdXBsZSBvZiB0aGluZ3Mu ICBJdHMgbXkgYmlydGhkYXkgYWdhaW4gLSA1OCEgIDotKSAgQnV0IGl0IGFsc28gbWVhbnMgdGhh dCBpdCdzIHRoYXQgbGFzdCBvZmZpY2lhbCBkYXkgb2YgdGhlIE1hdHJvbmljcyBFbWFpbCBMaXN0 IEZ1bmQgUmFpc2VyISAgSWYgeW91IGJlZW4gdGhpbmtpbmcgYWJvdXQgcGlja2luZyB1cCBvbmUg b2YgdGhvc2UgcmVhbGx5IG5pY2UgaW5jZW50aXZlIGdpZnRzIG5vdyBpcyB0aGUgdGltZSB0byBq dW1wIG9uIGl0ISENCg0KSWYgeW91J3ZlIGJlZW4gbWVhbmluZyB0byBtYWtlIGEgQ29udHJpYnV0 aW9uIHRoaXMgbW9udGggYnV0IGhhdmUgYmVlbiBwdXR0aW5nIGl0IG9mZiBmb3Igc29tZSByZWFz b24sIE5PVyBpcyB0aGUgdGltZSENCg0KSSB3aWxsIGJlIHBvc3RpbmcgdGhlIExpc3Qgb2YgQ29u dHJpYnV0b3JzIGluIGEgZmV3IGRheXMsIHNvIHlvdSdsbCBwcm9iYWJseSB3YW50IHRvIGJlIGtu b3duIGFzIGEgcGVyc29uIHRoYXQgc3VwcG9ydGVkIHRoZSBMaXN0cyENCg0KSSB3YW50IHRvIHRo YW5rIGV2ZXJ5b25lIHRoYXQgaGFzIHNvIGdlbmVyb3VzbHkgbWFkZSBhIENvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbiB0 aGlzIHllYXIgaW4gc3VwcG9ydCBvZiBvdXIgTGlzdHMuICBJdCBpcyB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3NpdHkg dGhhdCBrZWVwcyB0aGlzIG9wZXJhdGlvbiBydW5uaW5nIGFuZCBJIGRvbid0IGV2ZXIgZm9yZ2V0 IGl0Lg0KDQpUaGUgTGlzdCBDb250cmlidXRpb24gV2ViIFNpdGUgaXMgZmFzdCBhbmQgZWFzeS4g IFBsZWFzZSBzdXBwb3J0IG91ciBoYWJpdCBieSBtYWtpbmcgeW91ciBDb250cmlidXRpb24gcmln aHQgbm93Og0KDQogICAgICAgIGh0dHBzOi8vbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9jb250cmlidXRpb24NCg0K T3IsIGJ5IGRyb3BwaW5nIGEgcGVyc29uYWwgY2hlY2sgaW4gdGhlIG1haWwgdG86DQoNCiAgICAg ICAgTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUgLyBNYXRyb25pY3MNCiAgICAgICAgNTgxIEplYW5uaWUgV2F5DQogICAg ICAgIExpdmVybW9yZSBDQSA5NDU1MA0KICAgICAgICBVU0ENCg0KVGhhbmsgeW91IGluIGFkdmFu Y2UhDQoNCk1hdHQgRHJhbGxlDQpNYXRyb25pY3MgRW1haWwgTGlzdCBBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yDQoN Cg0KDQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgIC0gVGhlIFplbml0aDc1MC1MaXN0IEVtYWlsIEZvcnVt IC0NCl8tPSBVc2UgdGhlIE1hdHJvbmljcyBMaXN0IEZlYXR1cmVzIE5hdmlnYXRvciB0byBicm93 c2UNCl8tPSB0aGUgbWFueSBMaXN0IHV0aWxpdGllcyBzdWNoIGFzIExpc3QgVW4vU3Vic2NyaXB0 aW9uLA0KXy09IEFyY2hpdmUgU2VhcmNoICYgRG93bmxvYWQsIDctRGF5IEJyb3dzZSwgQ2hhdCwg RkFRLA0KXy09IFBob3Rvc2hhcmUsIGFuZCBtdWNoIG11Y2ggbW9yZToNCl8tPQ0KXy09ICAgLS0+ IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9OYXZpZ2F0b3I/WmVuaXRoNzUwLUxpc3QNCl8tPQ0K Xy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC0gTUFUUk9OSUNTIFdFQiBGT1JVTVMgLQ0KXy09IFNh bWUgZ3JlYXQgY29udGVudCBhbHNvIGF2YWlsYWJsZSB2aWEgdGhlIFdlYiBGb3J1bXMhDQpfLT0N Cl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20NCl8tPQ0KXy09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCl8tPSAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgLSBORVcgTUFUUk9OSUNTIExJU1QgV0lLSSAtDQpfLT0gQWRkIHNvbWUgaW5m byB0byB0aGUgTWF0cm9uaWNzIEVtYWlsIExpc3QgV2lraSENCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vd2lr aS5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tDQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAgIC0gTGlzdCBDb250cmlidXRp b24gV2ViIFNpdGUgLQ0KXy09ICBUaGFuayB5b3UgZm9yIHlvdXIgZ2VuZXJvdXMgc3VwcG9ydCEN Cl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC1NYXR0IERyYWxsZSwgTGlzdCBBZG1p bi4NCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwczovL21hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vY29udHJpYnV0aW9uDQpfLT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0K DQoNCg0KDQo ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 23, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Matronics Email & Email List Server Back Online...
Dear Listers, Last week the Matronics email server developed a system problem. I was on travel and unable to address it until today. I'm happyy to report the server is 100% back online now and fully operational. Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: May 23, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Matronics Email & Email List Server Back Online...
Dear Listers, Last week the Matronics email server developed a system problem. I was on travel and unable to address it until today. I'm happyy to report the server is 100% back online now and fully operational. Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jun 23, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Matronics Email & Email List Server Back Online...
Dear Matronics Listers and Matronics Forums Users, Earlier this week, the database that drives the Matronics Forums System developed an issue. I was on travel without myy laptop and unable to address the issue until today. the Forums and Email Lists are 100% back up and full online! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 01, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: PLEASE READ - Matronics Email List 2022 Fund Raiser During
November! Dear Listers, Each November I hold a PBS-like fund raiser to support the continued operation and upgrade of the Email List and Fourm Services at Matronics. It's solely through the Contributions of List members (you) that these Matronics Lists are possible. You have probably noticed that there are no banner ads or pop-up windows on any of the Matronics Lists or related web sites such as the Forums site http://forums.matronics.com , Wiki site http://wiki.matronics.com , or other related pages such as the List Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search , List Browse http://www.matronics.com/listbrowse , etc. This is because I believe in a List experience that is completely about the sport we all enjoy - namely Airplanes and not about annoying advertisements. During the month of November I will be sending out List messages every couple of days reminding everyone that the Fund Raiser is underway. I ask for your patience and understanding during the Fund Raiser and throughout these regular messages. The Fund Raiser is only financial support mechanism I have to pay all of the bills associated with running these lists. YOUR personal Contribution counts! This year we have a really TERRIFIC line up of free gifts to go along with the various Contribution levels. There's something for everyone, to be sure. Please make your List Contribution using any one of three secure methods including using a Credit Card, PayPal, or by Personal Check. All three methods afford you the opportunity to select one of this year's free gifts with a qualifying Contribution amount!! To make your Contribution, please visit the secure web site: https://matronics.com/contribution I would like to thank everyone in advance for their generous financial AND moral support over the years! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator RV-4/RV-6/RV-8 Builder/Rebuilder/Pilot ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 03, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Please Make A Contribution To Support Your Lists
Dear Listers, There is no advertising income to support the Matronics Email Lists and Forums. The operation is supported 100% by your personal Contributions during the November Fund Raiser. Please make your Contribution today to support the continued operation and upgrade of these services. You can pick up a really nice gift for making your Contribution too! You may use a Credit Card or Paypal at the Matronics Contribution Site here: https://matronics.com/contribution or, you can send a personal check to the following address: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore, CA 94550 Thank you in advance for your generous support! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 05, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Reminder
Dear Listers, A quick reminder that November is the annual Matronics List Fund Raiser. The Lists are 100% member supported and all of the operational costs are covered solely through your Contributions during this time of the year. *Your* personal Contribution makes a difference and keeps all of the Matronics Email Lists and Forums completely ad-free. Please make your Contribution today to keep these services up and running for another great year! Use a credit card or your PayPal account here: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by sending a personal check to: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 07, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [PLEASE READ] Why I Have A Fund Raiser...
Since the beginning, the Matronics List and Forum experience has been free from advertising. I have been approached by fair number of vendors wanting to tap into the large volume of activity across the various lists hosted here, but have always flatly refused. Everywhere you go on the Internet these days, a user is pummeled with flashing banners and videos and ads for crap that they don't want. Yahoo, Google and that elk are not "free". The user must constantly endure their barrage of commercialism thrust into their face at an ever increasing rate. Enough is enough, and the Lists at Matronics choose not to succumb to that. That being said, running a service of this size is not "free". It costs a lot of money to maintain the hardware, pay for the electricity, air conditioning, maintenance contracts, etc, etc. etc. I choose to hold a PBS-like fund raiser each year during the month of November where I simply send out a short email every other day asking the members to make a small contribution to support the operation. That being said, that contribution is completely voluntary and non-compulsory. Many members choose not to contribute and that's fine. However, a very modest percentage of the members do choose to make a contribution and it is that financial support that keeps the Lists running. And that's it. To my way of thinking, it is a much more pleasant way of maintaining the Lists and Forums. The other 11 months of the year, you don't see a single advertisement or request for support. That's refreshing and that is a List and Forum that I want to belong to. I think other people feel the same way. Won't you please take a minute to make your Contribution today and support these Lists? https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you for your support! Matt Dralle Email List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 09, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: LOC
Dear Listers, Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. It's sort of my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Won't you take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)? Please take minute and assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or by popping a personal check in the mail to: Matronics Email Lists c/o Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 11, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Please Make a Contribution to Support Your Lists...
Dear Listers, Just a reminder that November is the Annual List Fund Raiser. Please make a Contribution today to support the continued operation and upgrade of these great List services!! Pick up a really nice free gift with your qualifying Contribution too! The Contribution Site is fast and easy: https://matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94551-0347 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 14, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Make Sure You're Listed! List of Contributors Coming
Soon! Dear Listers, There's just a few more days left in this year's List Fund Raiser and that means the List of Contributors (LOC) is just around the corner! In December I post a list of everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Won't you take minute and assure that your name is on the upcoming LOC? Tell others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Visa, MasterCard, or Paypal account: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists running and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 16, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: What's Your Contribution Used For?
Dear Listers, You might have wondered at some point, "What's my Contribution used for?" Here are just a few examples of what your direct List support enables... It provides for the expensive, commercial-grade Internet connection used on the List. It pays for the regular system hardware and software upgrades enabling the highest performance possible for List services such as the Archive Search Engine, List Browser, and the Web Forums. It pays for the over 25 years of on-line archive data always available for instant search and access. And, it offsets the many hours spent writing, developing, and maintaining the custom applications that power these List Service such as the List Browse, Search Engine, Forums, and Wiki. But most importantly, your List Contribution enables a forum where you and your peers can communicate freely in an environment that is free from moderation, censorship, advertising, commercialism, SPAM, and computer viruses. It is YOUR CONTRIBUTION that directly enables all these aspects of Matronics List services. Please support it today with your List Contribution. Its one of the best investments you can make in your Sport! List Contribution Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or, you can send a personal check to the following address: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore, CA 94550 Thank you for your support! Matt Dralle Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 22, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Coming Soon - The List of Contributors - Please Make A
Contribution Today! Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message and link acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Please take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)! As a number of members have pointed out over the years, the List seems at least as valuable a building / entertainment tool as your typical magazine subscription! Assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 25, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: A List Contribution - It's Your Personal Squelch Button...
There is an automatic "squelch button" of sorts for the Fund Raiser messages. Here's how it works... As soon as a List member makes a Contribution through the Matronics Fund Raiser web site, their email address is automatically added to this year's Contributor List and they instantly cease to receive further Fund Raiser messages for the rest of the month! Its just that simple! :-) I really do appreciate each and every one of your individual Contributions to support the Lists. It is your support that enables me to upgrade the hardware and software that are required to run a List Site such as this one. It also goes to pay for the commercial-grade Internet connection and to pay the huge electric bill to keep the computer gear running and the air conditioner powered on. I run all of the Matronics Email List and Forums sites here locally which allows me to control and monitor every aspect of the system for the utmost in reliably and performance. Your personal Contribution matters because, when combined with other Listers such as yourself, it pays the bills to keep this site up and running. I accept exactly ZERO advertising dollars for the Matronics Lists sites. I can't stand the pop-up ads and all other commercials that are so prevalent on the Internet these days and I particularly don't want to have it on my Email List sites. If you appreciate the ad-free, grass-roots, down-home feel of the Matronics Email Lists, please make a Contribution to keep it that way!! https://matronics.com/contribution or, you can send a personal check to the following address: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore, CA 94550 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator [ Note 1: There are certain circumstances where you might still see a Contribution related message. For example, if someone replies to one of the messages, when using the List Browse feature, or when accessing List message via the Forum. The system keys on the given email address and since most of these are anonymous public access methods, there is no simple way to filter them. ] [ Note 2: For part of the 2022 Fund Raiser year, the Squelch Function was broken. It's fixed now. I'm sorry about that... ] ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 28, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Coming Soon - The List of Contributors - Please Make A
Contribution Today! Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Please take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)! As a number of members have pointed out over the years, the List seems at least as valuable a building / entertainment tool as your typical magazine subscription! Assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 29, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Just Two Days Left...
Dear Listers, There are just a Two days left for this year's List Fund Raiser! If you've been putting off making a Contribution until the last minute, well, this is it! The last minute, that is... :-) There are some GREAT new gift selections to choose from this year. I personally want at least three of them! There's probably something you can't live without too! And, best of all it supports your Lists! Please remember that there isn't any sort of commercial advertising on the Lists and the *only* means of keeping these Lists running is through your Contributions during this Fund Raiser. Let's make this a "Black Friday" for the Lists! Please make a Contribution today! https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 30, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [Please Read] - Last Official Day of List Fund Raiser!
Dear Listers, It's November 30th and that always means a couple of things. Today is my birthday again - 59! :-) I've been running these Lists since I was 28! But, it also means that it's that last official day of the Matronics Email List Fund Raiser! If you been thinking about picking up one of those really nice incentive gifts now is the time to jump on it!! If you've been meaning to make a Contribution this month but have been putting it off for some reason, NOW is the time! I will be posting the List of Contributors in a few days, so you'll probably want to be known as a person that supported the Lists! I want to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution this year in support of our Lists. It is your generosity that keeps this operation running and I don't ever forget it. The List Contribution Web Site is fast and easy. Please support our habit by making your Contribution right now: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 15, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: 2022 List of Contributors (LOC)...
Dear Listers, The 2022 Matronics Email List and Forum Fund Raiser officially ended a couple of weeks ago and it's time that I published this year's List of Contributors. It is the people on this list that directly make these Email Lists and Forums possible! Their generous Contributions keep the servers and Internet connection up and running! You can still show your support this year and pick up a great gift at the same time. The Contribution Web Site is fast, easy, and secure: http://www.matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 And finally, I'm proud to present The 2022 Fund Raiser List of Contributors: https://matronics.com/loc Thank you again to everyone that made a Contribution this year!! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
From: Jeremy Lauer <j-lauer(at)live.com>
Subject: Re: 2022 List of Contributors (LOC)...
Date: Dec 15, 2022
How do I get log in access to be able to make posts to this particular forum and the Kolb one? Thanks > On Dec 15, 2022, at 18:30, Matt Dralle wrote: > > > Dear Listers, > > The 2022 Matronics Email List and Forum Fund Raiser officially ended a couple of weeks ago and it's time that I published this year's List of Contributors. It is the people on this list that directly make these Email Lists and Forums possible! Their generous Contributions keep the servers and Internet connection up and running! > > You can still show your support this year and pick up a great gift at the same time. The Contribution Web Site is fast, easy, and secure: > > http://www.matronics.com/contribution > > Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: > > Matt Dralle / Matronics > 581 Jeannie Way > Livermore CA 94550 > > And finally, I'm proud to present The 2022 Fund Raiser List of Contributors: > > https://matronics.com/loc > > > Thank you again to everyone that made a Contribution this year!! > > Matt Dralle > Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator > > > > > > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 16, 2022
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Matronics Email List Digest Operational Change...
Dear Matronics Listers, Beginning December 16, 2022, I am planning to modify the way Matronics List Digest Email is handled. A Digest message will be sent daily ONLY if there is at least ONE message posted to the Realtime List on the given day. If there are no messages posted *No Digest will be sent*. This change is being made to soften the SPAM filtering effect in the Internet at large on the "Matronics.com" domain. Matronics.com is frequently unceremoniously blocked because of perceived "SPAM" content. For example, yahoo.com along with a number of other significant domains has been blocking matronics.com for a long time. Hopefully, this operational change will address the issue. Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 01, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: PLEASE READ - Matronics Email List 2023 Fund Raiser During
November! Dear Listers, Each November I hold a PBS-like fund raiser to support the continued operation and upgrade of the Email List and Fourm Services at Matronics. It's solely through the Contributions of List members (you) that these Matronics Lists are possible. You have probably noticed that there are no banner ads or pop-up windows on any of the Matronics Lists or related web sites such as the Forums site http://forums.matronics.com, or other related pages such as the List Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search , List Browse http://www.matronics.com/listbrowse, etc. This is because I believe in a List experience that is completely about the sport we all enjoy - namely Airplanes and not about annoying advertisements. During the month of November I will be sending out List messages every couple of days reminding everyone that the Fund Raiser is underway. I ask for your patience and understanding during the Fund Raiser and throughout these regular messages. The Fund Raiser is only financial support mechanism I have to pay all of the bills associated with running these lists. YOUR personal Contribution counts! This year we have a really TERRIFIC line up of free gifts to go along with the various Contribution levels. There's something for everyone, to be sure. Please make your List Contribution using any one of three secure methods including using a Credit Card, PayPal, or by Personal Check. All three methods afford you the opportunity to select one of this year's free gifts with a qualifying Contribution amount!! To make your Contribution, please visit the secure web site: https://matronics.com/contribution I would like to thank everyone in advance for their generous financial AND moral support over the years! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator RV-4/RV-6/RV-8 Builder/Rebuilder/Pilot ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 03, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Please Make A Contribution To Support Your Lists
Dear Listers, There is no advertising income to support the Matronics Email Lists and Forums. The operation is supported 100% by your personal Contributions during the November Fund Raiser. Please make your Contribution today to support the continued operation and upgrade of these services. You can pick up a really nice gift for making your Contribution too! You may use a Credit Card or Paypal at the Matronics Contribution Site here: https://matronics.com/contribution or, you can send a personal check to the following address: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore, CA 94550 Thank you in advance for your generous support! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 06, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Coming Soon - The List of Contributors - Please Make A
Contribution Today! Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Please take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)! As a number of members have pointed out over the years, the List seems at least as valuable a building / entertainment tool as your typical magazine subscription! Assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 08, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Reminder
Dear Listers, A quick reminder that November is the annual Matronics List Fund Raiser. The Lists are 100% member supported and all of the operational costs are covered solely through your Contributions during this time of the year. *Your* personal Contribution makes a difference and keeps all of the Matronics Email Lists and Forums completely ad-free. Please make your Contribution today to keep these services up and running for another great year! Use a credit card or your PayPal account here: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by sending a personal check to: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List and Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 10, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Please Make a Contribution to Support Your Lists...
Dear Listers, Just a reminder that November is the Annual List Fund Raiser. Please make a Contribution today to support the continued operation and upgrade of these great List services!! Pick up a really nice free gift with your qualifying Contribution too! The Contribution Site is fast and easy: https://matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94551-0347 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 13, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [PLEASE READ] Why I Have A Fund Raiser...
Since the beginning, the Matronics List and Forum experience has been free from advertising. I have been approached by fair number of vendors wanting to tap into the large volume of activity across the various lists hosted here, but have always flatly refused. Everywhere you go on the Internet these days, a user is pummeled with flashing banners and videos and ads for crap that they don't want. Yahoo, Google and that ilk are not "free". The user must constantly endure their barrage of commercialism thrust into their face at an ever increasing rate. Enough is enough, and the Lists at Matronics choose not to succumb to that. That being said, running a service of this size is not "free". It costs a lot of money to maintain the hardware, pay for the electricity, Commercial-greade Internet Connection, air conditioning, maintenance contracts, etc, etc. etc. I choose to hold a PBS-like fund raiser each year during the month of November where I simply send out a short email every other day asking the members to make a small contribution to support the operation. That being said, that contribution is completely voluntary and non-compulsory. Many members choose not to contribute and that's fine. However, a very modest percentage of the members do choose to make a contribution and it is that financial support that keeps the Lists running. And that's it. To my way of thinking, it is a much more pleasant way of maintaining the Lists and Forums. The other 11 months of the year, you don't see a single advertisement or request for support. That's refreshing and that is a List and Forum that I want to belong to. I think other people feel the same way. Won't you please take a minute to make your Contribution today and support these Lists? https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you for your support! Matt Dralle Email List Admin. ________________________________________________________________________________
From: David Banahan <fliguy750(at)gmail.com>
Date: Nov 13, 2023
Subject: Please unsubscribe
Dave > On Nov 13, 2023, at 2:18PM, Matt Dralle wrote: > > > Since the beginning, the Matronics List and Forum experience has been free from advertising. I have been approached by fair number of vendors wanting to tap into the large volume of activity across the various lists hosted here, but have always flatly refused. > Everywhere you go on the Internet these days, a user is pummeled with flashing banners and videos and ads for crap that they don't want. Yahoo, Google and that ilk are not "free". The user must constantly endure their barrage of commercialism thrust into their > face at an ever increasing rate. Enough is enough, and the Lists at Matronics choose not to succumb to that. > > That being said, running a service of this size is not "free". It costs a lot of money to maintain the hardware, pay for the electricity, Commercial-greade Internet Connection, air conditioning, maintenance contracts, etc, etc. etc. I choose to hold a PBS-like > fund raiser each year during the month of November where I simply send out a short email every other day asking the members to make a small contribution to support the operation. That being said, that contribution is completely voluntary and non-compulsory. > Many members choose not to contribute and that's fine. > > However, a very modest percentage of the members do choose to make a contribution and it is that financial support that keeps the Lists running. And that's it. To my way of thinking, it is a much more pleasant way of maintaining the Lists and Forums. The other > 11 months of the year, you don't see a single advertisement or request for support. That's refreshing and that is a List and Forum that I want to belong to. I think other people feel the same way. > > Won't you please take a minute to make your Contribution today and support these Lists? > > https://matronics.com/contribution > > Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: > > Matt Dralle / Matronics > 581 Jeannie Way > Livermore CA 94550 > USA > > Thank you for your support! > > Matt Dralle > Email List Admin. > > > > ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 15, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: A List Contribution - It's Your Personal Squelch Button...
There is an automatic "squelch button" of sorts for the Fund Raiser messages. Here's how it works... As soon as a List member makes a Contribution through the Matronics Fund Raiser web site, their email address is automatically added to this year's Contributor List and they instantly cease to receive further Fund Raiser messages for the rest of the month! Its just that simple! :-) I really do appreciate each and every one of your individual Contributions to support the Lists. It is your support that enables me to upgrade the hardware and software that are required to run a List Site such as this one. It also goes to pay for the commercial-grade Internet connection and to pay the huge electric bill to keep the computer gear running and the air conditioner powered on. I run all of the Matronics Email List and Forums sites here locally which allows me to control and monitor every aspect of the system for the utmost in reliably and performance. Your personal Contribution matters because, when combined with other Listers such as yourself, it pays the bills to keep this site up and running. I accept exactly ZERO advertising dollars for the Matronics Lists sites. I can't stand the pop-up ads and all other commercials that are so prevalent on the Internet these days and I particularly don't want to have it on my Email List sites. If you appreciate the ad-free, grass-roots, down-home feel of the Matronics Email Lists, please make a Contribution to keep it that way!! https://matronics.com/contribution or, you can send a personal check to the following address: Matronics / Matt Dralle 581 Jeannie Way Livermore, CA 94550 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator [ Note 1: There are certain circumstances where you might still see a Contribution related message. For example, if someone replies to one of the messages, when using the List Browse feature, or when accessing List message via the Forum. The system keys on the given email address and since most of these are anonymous public access methods, there is no simple way to filter them. ] ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 17, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Coming Soon - The List of Contributors - Please Make A
Contribution Today! Each year at the end of the List Fund Raiser, I post a message acknowledging everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Please take a moment and assure that your name is on that List of Contributors (LOC)! As a number of members have pointed out over the years, the List seems at least as valuable a building / entertainment tool as your typical magazine subscription! Assure that your name is on this year's LOC! Show others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Credit card or Paypal on the Secure Web Site: https://matronics.com/contribution or by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far in this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists going and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Best regards, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 21, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Just A Few Days Left...
Dear Listers, There are just a few days left for this year's List Fund Raiser. If you've been putting off making a Contribution until the last minute, well, this is it! The last minute, that is... :-) There are some GREAT new gift selections to choose from this year. I personally want at least three of them! There's probably something you can't live without too! And, best of all it supports your Lists! Please remember that there isn't any sort of commercial advertising on the Lists and the *only* means of keeping these Lists running is through your Contributions during this Fund Raiser. Please make a Contribution today! https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 27, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Make Sure You're Listed! List of Contributors Coming
Soon! Dear Listers, There's just a few more days left in this year's List Fund Raiser and that means the List of Contributors (LOC) is just around the corner! In December I post a list of everyone that so generously made a Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists. Won't you take minute and assure that your name is on the upcoming LOC? Tell others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Visa, MasterCard, or Paypal account: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, drop a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists running and improving! Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have helped you! Thank you! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Nov 30, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: [Please Read] - Last Official Day of List Fund Raiser!
Dear Listers, It's November 30th and that always means a couple of things. Its my birthday again - 60! :-) But it also means that it's that last official day of the Matronics Email List Fund Raiser! If you been thinking about picking up one of those really nice incentive gifts now is the time to jump on it!! If you've been meaning to make a Contribution this month but have been putting it off for some reason, NOW is the time! I will be posting the List of Contributors in a few days, so you'll probably want to be known as a person that supported the Lists! I want to thank everyone that has so generously made a Contribution this year in support of our Lists. It is your generosity that keeps this operation running and I don't ever forget it. The List Contribution Web Site is fast and easy. Please support our habit by making your Contribution right now: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 USA Thank you in advance! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Dec 22, 2023
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: 2023 List of Contributors (LOC)...
Dear Listers, The 2023 Matronics Email List and Forum Fund Raiser officially ended a couple of weeks ago and it's time that I published this year's List of Contributors. It is the people on this list that directly make these Email Lists and Forums possible! Their generous Contributions keep the servers and Internet connection up and running! You can still show your support this year and pick up a great gift at the same time. The Contribution Web Site is fast, easy, and secure: https://matronics.com/contribution Or, by dropping a personal check in the mail to: Matt Dralle / Matronics 581 Jeannie Way Livermore CA 94550 And finally, I'm proud to present The 2023 Fund Raiser List of Contributors: https://matronics.com/loc Thank you again to everyone that made a Contribution this year!! Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Jan 23, 2024
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Matronics Web Forums Back Online...
There was a database issue impacting the Matronics Web Forums for a few day. I have resolved the issue and am happy to report the Forums are fully back online and operational. Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: Feb 21, 2024
From: Matt Dralle <dralle(at)matronics.com>
Subject: Matronics Web Repaired - Now Back Online...
The main Matronics Web Server had a pretty major disk corruption. After a LOT of work I was able to rebuild it and fully restore it from a recent backup. I am a believer in regular backups, especially now! Sorry it took so long, but I was really pulling my hair out on this one... Matt Dralle Matronics Email List & Forum Administrator

November 09, 2019 - Present
