---------------------------------------------------------- AeroElectric-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Wed 05/21/14: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 02:21 AM - Re: Re: Schematic Z-17 questions (Michael Garmon) 2. 02:10 PM - Need picture for product display at OSH2014 (Robert L. Nuckolls, III) 3. 02:38 PM - Re: Schematic Z-17 questions (Robert L. Nuckolls, III) 4. 04:08 PM - Re: Need picture for product display at OSH2014 (Robert L. Nuckolls, III) 5. 05:47 PM - Aerovoltz and Starter Draw (was Z-17 Schematic) (Matt Stecher) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 02:21:44 AM PST US Subject: RE: AeroElectric-List: Re: Schematic Z-17 questions From: Michael Garmon TWF0dCzCoApJIGFtIG5vdCBzdXJlIGlmIHlvdSBzaG91bGQgZHJpbGwgaG9sZXMgaW4gdGhlIFZh cmktRVogc3BhciwgwqBidXQgSSBrbm93IHRoYXQgdGhlIENvenkgc3BhciBzaG91bGQgbm90IGhh dmUgYW55IGhvbGVzLiBJIHBsYW4gb24gdXNpbmcgY2xpY2tib25kcyBvciBzb21ldGhpbmcgZXF1 aXZhbGVudCBpbnNpZGUgbXkgc3Bhci4gSSBwbGFuIG9uIHVzaW5nIHRoZW0gb24gdGhlIGZpcmV3 YWxsIHRvIG1pbmltaXplIHRoZSBob2xlcyBkcmlsbGVkIGluIHRoZSBmaXJld2FsbC7CoAoKTWlj aGFlbCBHYXJtb24gClNlbnQgZnJvbSBTYW1zdW5nIHRhYmxldAoKLS0tLS0tLS0gT3JpZ2luYWwg bWVzc2FnZSAtLS0tLS0tLQpGcm9tOiBNYXR0IFN0ZWNoZXIgPG1yY2MxMjM0QHNiY2dsb2JhbC5u ZXQ+IApEYXRlOiAwNS8yMC8yMDE0ICA5OjMzIFBNICAoR01ULTA2OjAwKSAKVG86IGFlcm9lbGVj dHJpYy1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20gClN1YmplY3Q6IEFlcm9FbGVjdHJpYy1MaXN0OiBSZTog 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Nuckolls, III" Subject: AeroElectric-List: Need picture for product display at OSH2014 Still looking for a nose-on shot of a OBAM aircraft . . . probably tricycle gear . . . looking right down the center of spinner. Need to see it all out to wing tips. 1024 x 768 resolution or better would be nice too. Selected a/c will figure in table top display of the programmable wig-wag flasher we did here on the List as an open source project last year. It's going to be the first AeroElectric Connection product to be added to B&C's stable of offerings. Thanks! Bob . . . ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 02:38:28 PM PST US From: "Robert L. Nuckolls, III" Subject: RE: AeroElectric-List: Schematic Z-17 questions At 06:06 PM 5/19/2014, you wrote: >Thanks Bob. Good info and I will watch for the Kitplanes articles. I >hear your concern about capacity and I was wondering about that. I >am thinking about an electrically dependent airplane with EFII but >also thinking about two alternators like your figure Z-13/8. Z-13/8 (or similar) is probably the-best- we-know-how-to-do for the down-sizing of battery capacity. I think I recall writing that mounting the SD-8 alternator on the vacated vacuum pump pad validates common practice in both the automotive and light aircraft worlds of flogging the battery until it simply won't crank the engine any more. When your airplane is fitted with THREE sources of energy of which only one is a battery, then you're firmer ground in spite of a flagging battery. By extension we can assert that once the battery is relieved of duties for flight in an endurance mode, then the battery can be (1) routinely flogged to death or (2) down-sized as long as it still cranks the engine. But we're still not very smart with respect to cost of ownership for these little power-houses. The satisfaction of having saved a few pounds may flag in the face of extra-ordinary maintenance to protect their easily insulted physics. In one of the Kitplanes articles I posed a question along the lines: "Okay you've shed 10 pounds of empty weight and freed up 30 cubic inches of volume. How will you used those newly acquired assets? Store sandwiches in the newly opened volume? Will a ten pound delta get you off fields you could not operate out of before . . . can you now climb over taller mountains?" Burt Rutan told us that it takes about 5 pounds of fuel to carry one pound of airplane around the world. So leaving 1 pound behind gave them either 6# lighter gross at t/o . . . or freed up nearly a gallon of gas for end of flight endurance . . . which in that airplane was about 100 miles! Those are the discussions and experiments we can be doing amongst members of the List . . . and Kitplanes offers us a forum to share our findings. Bob . . . ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 04:08:51 PM PST US From: "Robert L. Nuckolls, III" Subject: Re: AeroElectric-List: Need picture for product display at OSH2014 At 06:01 PM 5/21/2014, you wrote: >Not a very interesting background, but is this what you want? EXACTLY! Thanks. Bob . . . ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 05:47:14 PM PST US Subject: AeroElectric-List: Aerovoltz and Starter Draw (was Z-17 Schematic) From: Matt Stecher The Aerovoltz is in the mail as they say and I can report the details as soon as I get it. You probably spell out how to build the cap check curves in your book so I will look into that. Good to know that 4awg should be sufficient at least that saves a little weight. I was having trouble figuring out how much current to assume was being drawn during a cold start to base the wire size calc on. Thanks, Matt > At 09:33 PM 5/20/2014, you wrote: >> >> >> Thanks for your responses Bob, >> >> I have purchased an Aerovolts 12 cell lithium battery to give a try. It is >> billed as the choice for cranking an O-200 and is 4.4"x3.4"x4" and 2.5 lbs. > > Hmmmm . . . I'd sure like to do a family of > cap check curves on it . . . > > I've looked over their website. They seem to offer > a 'special charger' for 'improved life' but also > says 'no special charger necessary'. > > Did any paperwork come with the battery that > cautions about deep discharge and/or making sure > the bus voltage is not too high? > > >> I am shooting for an aft installation and as you said that will let me keep >> my heavy wires short. I would like to put it in the main spar, but not sure >> about drilling holes in it to run the wires out or for mounting the battery. >> If that does not work I am looking at the hell hole above the landing gear >> attachment. >> >> If the aft locations prove more trouble than they are worth than I am >> looking at the traditional battery spot in the nose and 2AWG wires. It warm >> most of the time here near Houston, but we do get a week or two worth of >> almost cold weather. > > 4AWG is about 300 micro-ohms per foot WARM (160F > from cranking). Assuming 24' round trip, a 200A > cranking current will toss off 1.44 volts in the > wire. 2AWG is 200 micro-ohms per foot and wouldn't > warm up as much . . . so figure about 0.9 volts > in wire drop for a net savings of about 0.5 volts > out of a total of 9-10 volts at the starter motor > terminals. 4AWG would probably be fine. > > > Bob . . . > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message aeroelectric-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/AeroElectric-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/aeroelectric-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/aeroelectric-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.