---------------------------------------------------------- Avionics-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sat 03/01/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 03:02 PM - Narco Mark 12 (John Myers) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 03:02:47 PM PST US From: John Myers Subject: Avionics-List: Narco Mark 12 --> Avionics-List message posted by: John Myers Anyone know where I might find a pin out listing on an old MK12 (360) radio on the net. I am trying to rig up an old receiver for the hangar but don't have the jumper cable between the radio and the power supply, or what the pin out is for the small cable out of the power supply. Plans are to use it for a receive only unit. If the cable is pin for pin, no problem but was leery about trusting a pin for pin jumper cable, plus was uncertain how the small cable is wired, (assuming was used for speakers and power). Any help appreciated. A search on the net hasn't produced any results yet--still looking. Thanks, John Myers