---------------------------------------------------------- Avionics-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sun 12/07/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 09:33 AM - SL-30 andd Softcomm ATC-2P (Amit Dagan) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 09:33:12 AM PST US From: "Amit Dagan" Subject: Avionics-List: SL-30 andd Softcomm ATC-2P --> Avionics-List message posted by: "Amit Dagan" There has been some discussion about the SL-30 built-in intercom. I have the following questions; I hope someone has answers for me: 1. Does anyone have any experience with the SL-30 working together with the Softcomm ATC-2P intercom? 2. If you have, which MIC (1 or 2) did you tie into the Softcomm's Mic Audio? Does it matter? 3. from the schematic on page 18 of the SL-30 installation manual (http://www.garminat.com/dwnlds/sldoc/sl30-ins-03.pdf) I understand that the radio does not know which PTT is pushed, so my guess is both MICs are open at the push of any PTT - is this correct? 4. The SL-30 manual suggests that the audio from the NAV can be mixed with that of the Comm (page 4 of the above). Will this be the output on pin 14 of the COMM part (15 pin connector)? Finally, 5. Is it just a rumor that the internal intercom doesn't work when you monitor the stand by frequency in the SL-30? Thanks, Amit.