---------------------------------------------------------- Commander-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sat 02/28/04: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 09:14 PM - 222 is airborn (YOURTCFG@aol.com) 2. 10:49 PM - Re: Falcon Jets do not have Tails that "shake" (CloudCraft@aol.com) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 09:14:55 PM PST US From: YOURTCFG@aol.com Subject: Commander-List: 222 is airborn --> Commander-List message posted by: YOURTCFG@aol.com HI KIDS. I flew triple 2 again for the first time since the engine blew. She is flying on a borrowed engine for now (a long story). I have a trip in her to Canada in the Morning and an appraisal on Monday. Man is it good to have her back!! jb ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 10:49:42 PM PST US From: CloudCraft@aol.com Subject: Re: Commander-List: Falcon Jets do not have Tails that "shake" --> Commander-List message posted by: CloudCraft@aol.com In a message dated 02/26/04 13:01:23 Pacific Standard Time, yundt@speakeasy.net writes: You don't have to agree with the French Government's politics (neither do I), but no one builds a better crafted, stronger, more efficient, better handling business jet aircraft than Dassault. Just ask Wing Commander Gordon...he flies one for a living! As I say, "For a people who eat snails and frogs, the French design and build superior airplanes." To add to what George clarified (re: Michael Jackson, wiggling tails and Dassault products) the venerable Falcon 20 is an 8.5 G airframe, a 25 psi pressure vessel, and when it first came to the U.S., the FAA couldn't wrap their minds around the fact that it didn't have an airspeed limit. And that was their first model designed in the early 1960s! If you want to fly have a long career in aviation, fly the best airplanes. In biz jets, it's Falcons.* In propeller driven twins, it's Ted Smith's designs. I think everyone here can appreciate that. *note I said biz jets, Bilbo. I don't want to get in the middle of the Boeing vs. Airbus debate! Wing Commander Gordon