---------------------------------------------------------- Commander-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sat 04/09/05: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 09:42 PM - Re: Pressurization, Turbocharging problem (YOURTCFG@aol.com) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 09:42:00 PM PST US From: YOURTCFG@aol.com Subject: Re: Commander-List: Pressurization, Turbocharging problem --> Commander-List message posted by: YOURTCFG@aol.com In a message dated 4/4/2005 8:10:57 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, hcourier@cox.net writes: I've checked the manual on power settings and seem to be running right where the book says to run things. If anyone has some input about the problem let me know. Right now I told maintenance to take a brake for a while... As the MP of the "good" engine climbs above the questionable one, does the airplane yaw?? If the "bad" engine is truly running out of boost, the airplane will start to fly out of trim. If the airplane flies straight, rudder trim normal, as you climb above the point where the MP matches up, it is the gauge. jb jb