                           Aviation-List Digest Archive
                     Total Messages Posted Thu 09/01/11: 4
Today's Message Index:
     1. 05:38 AM - [Aviatia.ro] =?us-ascii?Q?calare pe planoare in zbor?  (releu3@seznam.cz)
     2. 12:14 PM - Re: [Aviatia.ro] tarife aterizare  (Endre Lucian MOLNAR)
     3. 11:02 PM - Official Aviation-List FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)  (Matt Dralle)
     4. 11:04 PM - Official Aviation-List Usage Guidelines  (Matt Dralle)
________________________________  Message 1  _____________________________________

Time: 05:38:04 AM PST US
From: releu3@seznam.cz
Subject: Aviation-List: [Aviatia.ro] =?us-ascii?Q?calare pe planoare in zbor?

Interesante poze...

________________________________  Message 2  _____________________________________

Time: 12:14:59 PM PST US
From: "Endre Lucian MOLNAR" 
Subject: Aviation-List: RE: [Aviatia.ro] tarife aterizare

Aviatia e scumpa si asa trebuie sa ramana.

....parerea mea ;) Endy

P.S. Aviatia este ca o femeie frumoasa care cheltuie mult...

Endre Lucian MOLNAR

Ion Luca Caragiale 39, cod 220019

Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinti


E-mail:   office@aeroclubuldrobeta.ro



Fax 0040252206042

Web:   www.aeroclubuldrobeta.ro

Drobeta Aerodrome (picture preview at

http://www.panoramio.com/photo/57310160 )

Pista : 740x68 m - inierbata

Orientarea pistei : 10-28

Coordonate geografice: N44 34 52.6 E22 51 15.7

Elevatie : 358 m

Frecventa radio : 123.450 MHz

Aerodromes and airports in Romania:


Airshows I organized yet




From: aviatia@yahoogroups.com [mailto:aviatia@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Gica Pascariu
Sent: 1 septembrie 2011 15:37
Subject: Re: [Aviatia.ro] tarife aterizare

Numai ce am aterizat la bacau dupa un Zbor la Sibiu LRSB,  unde am platit
cat la Tuzla, interesant nu?

Sunt convins ca cel care a facut factura la Tuzla a facut o greseala.


Gica Pascariu

Flight Design Romania

On 01.09.2011, at 15:14, Luciano Mihaita  wrote:

Perfect de acord cu ce ai spus Matteo... atat timp cat sunt singurii din
zona cu o infrastructura isi pot permite sa stabileasca ce pret vor ei...
daca ai observat omul i-a si spus "nu-ti convine pretul nostru? du-te si
aterizeaza la kogalniceanu"... scurt si clar, nu? :)))
Si atat timp cat nu o sa apara un concurent in zona este "ghischeftul"
lor... ia sa apara un teren concurent... se mai duce cineva la Tuzla? poate
dam o idee unui "intreprinzator" :)

On 31.08.2011 23:46, Daniel MATEI wrote: 

Aaaaa, la Tuzla e parfum! Ieftin ca braga! Ia sa ai curiozitatea sa
aterizezi pe Tulcea! Acolo chiar te lasa aia in c.g. Am zb acolo in
primavara, ca pasager intr-un avion de 4 locuri, si am ramas cu un dezgust
teribil. La ULM au aceleasi tarife...

Si mie mi se par al naibii de trase de par tarifele de operare in Ro. Dar,
acuma pe bune, cand ai pe mana o mina de aur precum un aerodrom la mare
(unicul!) sau in buza Deltei (tot unic), n-ai exploata-o cat mai zdravan?
Cine vrea plateste, cine nu, nu zb acolo.

Chiar daca imi vine sa injur cand ma gandesc cat m-ar costa sa zb acolo, eu,
in locul lor, as face la fel. LA FEL! E un business, nu o opera
binefacere.... Stiti vorba aia ca nu e nebun cine cere...

Si, da, normal ca vor sa se imbogateasca (cred ca deja sunt si nu de curand
:) ). Cine nu vrea? E vreunul caruia nu-i plac banii sau lucrurile minunate
care se pot face cu ei si nu fara eii? De exemplu aviatia/zborul? 

Nici vorba sa iau apararea cuiva sau sa combat pe altcineva ci doar arat ca
asta e lumea in care traim si ca e cazul sa fim realisti. Sa nu ne facem
vise... Aviatia e un lux. Nici mie nu-mi place treaba asta cu tarifele
crunte, mi se pare de-a dreptul exorbitant, dar, in ograda lui, fiecare face
ce vrea si, in plus, nu suntem obligati sa mergem acolo. Moca sau almost
moca nu exista decat in socialism si, pana la urma, s-a ajuns la concluzia
ca, de fapt, era tot o tzeapa si ala :)

In addendum, cred ca trebuie spus si aceea ca monopolul naste preturi
monstruoase si politici de piata discretionare. Daca ar fi aparut un
aerodrom, sa zicem, la Mangalia, care ar fi practicat preturi la 1/2 si
incepea concurenta reala, sa vezi cum se ieftinea si Tuzla. Dar, in
conditiile in care ei sunt unicul frunizor de astfel de servicii, pe tot
litoralul, are cineva impresia ca se sinchisesc de sporovaiala noastra
marunta de aici? Are cineva impresia ca ulm-ul lui Gica sau Gica insusi sau
motodelta lui Matteo sau Matteo insusi, conteaza vreunul in politica asta?
Negativ, Sir!

Si, daca apare aerdromul concurent, ala eftin pt tot poporu', te poti trezi
ca Tuzla tripleaza tarifele si se declara aerodrom VIP si, pe fondul unor
aere maneloide si/sau al unor necesitati reale de exclusivism, discretie si
lux, barosanii plus guzganii vor zbura la Tuzla iar noi, plebea, la
concurentza sau asa-zisa concurenta. Pana la urma, acelasi patron, poate sa
tina Tuzla pt segmentul premium si sa mai faca o pista de 500x30 cu o baraca
jumulita si 2 butoaie de benzina cu pompa manuala, pentru plebe. Dar nu cred
ca acest efort renteaza pt ca sunt destul de putini ulemistii care zboara in
mod constant pe litoral. Cam cat de mult contam/atarnam noi in ponderea
veniturilor din taxe de operare pe orice aerodrom/aeroport adevarat? Cam
deloc, adica (virgula) chiar deloc. Deci cine sa se chinuie cu noi si pt ce?

Mai sunt si alte ratiuni: concurenta lesnicioasa, pt noi, in domeniul unor
operatiuni de lucru aerian nu e bine vazuta si sunt destul de multi
operatori "grei" care fac ce si cat pot ca sa ne tina departe (inclusiv
geografic) de lumea si clientela lor. Pe buna si corecta dreptate!

Pe Tuzla vezi, in mod curent, elicoptere de la Tiriac Air si diversi
super-mari si super-tari nababi si aia nu se sinchisesc de maruntisul cu
care noi ne facem un amarat de plin la zmeele noastre de 3 surcele. Are
cineva impresia cu un ULM, chiar de costa 100k Euro, reprezinta ceva in
aviatia de varf? Pt elitele banului gros chiar nu conteaza sumele de genul
asta. Cine e nebun sa lase tarifele mai jos in conditiile in care, fratilor,

E trist pt noi, astia mici, dar perfect functional si justificat pt
circumstantele si obiectivele respectivului business. Daca stam pe campuri,
e ieftin. Daca vrem printre baietii aia jmekeri, costa, tati :) 

Atata vreme cat nu exista concurenta, nu visati la povesti cu zane bune pt
ca nu exista decat  politica de pozitie exclusiva (nici macar dominanta nu
se poate numi) si e normal sa fie asa. La fel as face, nu glumesc!




From: Luciano Mihaita  

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Aviatia.ro] tarife aterizare

Nu, pe bune acum, atatia bani doar pentru o aterizare? da' ce-i face frate,
mananca iarba de pe pista? bauturi incluse? ce consuma sau ce servicii
primeste ca sa justifice aceasta suma?
Multe aerodromuri private din tara nu percep nici o taxa, umul e binevenit
ca un oaspete... si chiar si acele aerodromuri au cheltuieli, paznici,
intretinere etc...

On 31.08.2011 12:39, mugurel toma wrote: 

As intreba urmatoarele:

1 Daca ati consultat AIP RO anterior ref ore operare si tarife,

2 Daca operarea a fost in afara programului declarat si la sfarsit de
saptamana cu stationare atunci cred ca suma este explicabila, depinde de nr
de ore de stationare.

3.Nu ati specificat daca ati avut pasager sau nu.

Din cate imi aduc eu aminte, taxa de operare este de 4 euro/tona dar nu mai
putin de 8 si stationarea este de  0.15 euro/tona/ora cu primele trei ore
gratuite.Deci in conditii normale aveti de platit 9 euro /operare(diferenta
de 1 euro reprezinta serv de dispecerat resp informarea meteo inchidere fpl
etc) adica in jur de 40 RON intr-o zi normala pana la ora 16.00

Oricat am vrea sa fim de prietenosi nu putem sa tinem aerodromul deschis
gratis, dupa cum se stie este o societate comerciala .

4.Va rog deci sa detaliati pentru ce vi s-au cerut acesti bani,dupa cum am
vazut primele reactii sunt ca noi suntem pusi pe jecmanit lumea, ori
realitatea este exact opusa, operatorul Regional Air Serives subventioneaza

5.De asemeni imi aduc aminte ca ati operat in numeroase alte ocazii la noi
presupun ca tarifele de operare va erau cunoscute oricum.De la autorizare
inscrierea in AIP Ro si pana azi Regional Air Services nu a operat nici o
modificare de tarif fiind cred singurul aerodrom care nu a majorat taxele de
operare in ultimii cinci sase ani.

Cu respect

Mugurel TOMA

From: Pascariu Gica  

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 9:38 AM
Subject: [Aviatia.ro] tarife aterizare

Buna ziua

Si pentru ca toata lumea sau ma rog aproape toata lumea zboara,amhotarat sa
fac o iesire la mare aa ca m am dus  la Tuzla.

am aterizat cu ULM ul meu care nu cantareste mai mult de 470 kg,cand vine
omu direct la mine si mi baga sub nas o hartie cu plata,cat credeti? 220 sau
240 ron,extraordinar,deci atentie celor car vre o data vor sa mearga cu ulm
ul la Tuzla.

nu vreau sa intru mai mult in subiect insa in costul 

________________________________  Message 3  _____________________________________

Time: 11:02:27 PM PST US
From: Matt Dralle 
Subject: Aviation-List: Official Aviation-List FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Dear Listers,

Please read over the Aviation-List Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below.  The
complete Aviation-List FAQ including the Usage Guidelines can be found at the
following URL:


Thank you,

Matt Dralle
Matronics Email List Administrator

[ Note: This FAQ was designed to be displayed with a fixed width font such as
         Courier.  Proportional fonts will cause display formatting errors. ]

   This FAQ can also be viewed in HTML online at the following address:


PLEASE READ.  This document contains Aviation-List policies and information
for new and old subscribers.  Understanding the Aviation-List policies will
minimize problems for the Administrator, and will help keep the Aviation-List
running smoothly for all of us.

*** Quick Start Guide to List Features ***

   There are many features available on the Matronics Email Lists and each
   one is described in detailed below.  However, using the List Navigator
   you can quickly access the complete set of features available for this
   List.  The List Navigator can be found at the following URL:


*** How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe ***

   Simply go to the Web Page shown below and enter your email address and
   select the List(s) that you wish to subscribe or unsubscribed from.  You
   may also use the handy "Find" function to determine the exact syntax of 
   your email address as it is subscribed to the List.  Please see the 
   complete instructions at the top of the Web Page for more information.
   The Subscribe/Unsubscribe web page is:


   Note that you will receive TWO conformation emails regarding your subsciption
   process.  The first verifies that your subscription/unsubsciption request
   was received, and the second confirms that the process has been completed.

   You should receive the first email within a few minutes of your request.  
   The second conformation will arrive in less than 24 hours.  You cannot post

   until you receive the second conformation email message.

*** How to Post a Message ***

   Send an email message to:


   Your message will be redistributed to everyone currently subscribed
   to the List.

*** SPAM Fighter - You Must be Subscribed to Post ***

   When a new post is received by the system, the From: line of the message
   is checked and compared against the current subscription list.  If the
   email address is found, the message is passed on to the List Processor.
   If the email address isn't found in the current list of subscribers, it
   is dumped.  This serves to very effectively thwart 99% of the SPAM that
   gets posted to the Lists.

   Remember, however, that the syntax of your email address is very important
   with regard to the configuration of your email application such as Outlook
   or Eudora.  For example, the following two email addresses may be
   functionally equivalent, but only one would pass the Matronics Email SPAM
   test depending on which was syntax was subscribed to the given List:



  Either email address syntax is alright, just be sure that you configure
  your email application to match *exactly* the address you've subscibed to 
  the List.

*** Enclosure Support on the Lists *** 

   Limited posting of enclosures such as pictures, documents, and spreadsheets
   is supported on the Lists.  There are a number of restrictions, and these
   are detailed below.  Please abide by the rules put forth regarding the
   content of enclosures.

   These are some of the features and limits of enclosures on the Matronics 

   1) Enclosures will only be posted to the Real Time version of the Lists.

   2) Enclosures will NOT be included in the Daily Digest version of the Lists.

   3) Enclosures WILL BE forwarded on to the BBS Forum Web site.

   4) Enclosures will NOT be appended to the Archives.

   5) Enclosures will NOT be available in the List Browse feature.

   6) Only the following file types and extensions will be allowed:

                 bmp doc dwg dxf gif jpg pdf png txt xls

      All other enclosures types will be rejected and email returned to
      sender.  The enclosure types listed above are relatively safe from
      a virus standpoint and don't pose a particularly large security risk.

   7) !! All incoming enclosures will be scanned for viruses prior to posting
      to the List.  This is done in real time and will not slow down
      the process of posting the message !!

   Here are some rules for posting enclosures.  Failure to abide by these rules

   could result in the removal of a subscriber's email address from the Lists.

   1) Pay attention to what you are posting!!  Make sure that the files
      you are enclosing aren't HUGE (greater that 1MB).  Remember that there
      are still people checking they're email via dial up modem.  If you post
      30MB worth of pictures, you are placing an unnecessary burden on these
      folks and the rest of us, for that matter.

   2) SCALE YOUR PICTURES DOWN!!!  I don't want to see huge 3000 x 2000
      pictures getting posted that are 3 or 4MB each.  This is just 
      unacceptable.  Use a program such as Photoshop to scale the picture
      down to something on the order of 800 x 600 and try to keep the
      file size to less-than 200KB, preferably much less.

      Microsoft has a really awesome utility available for free that allows
      you to Right-Click on a picture in Explorer and automatically 
      scale it down and resave it.  This is a great utility - get it, use it!
      Look for the link "Image Resizer"

   3) !! This would seem to go without saying, but I'll say it anyway.  Do not
      post anything that would be considered offensive by your grandmother.
      And you know what I'm saying; I don't want to see anything even 
      questionable. !!

   4) REMEMBER THIS: If you post a 1MB enclosure to a List with 1000 members
      subscribed, your 1MB enclosure must be resent 1000 times amounting
      to 1MB X 1000 = 1 Gigabyte of network traffic!!  BE CAREFUL and 

   Also see the section below on the Matronics Photo and File Share where
   you can have your files and photos posted on the Matronics web server
   for long time viewing and availability.

*** Digest Mode ***

   Each day, starting at 12 midnight PST US, a new 'digest' will be started.
   This digest will contain the same information that is currently appended 
   to the archive file.  It has all of the headers except for the "From:"
   and "Subject:" lines removed, and includes a message separator consisting 
   of a line of underscores.

   Each day at 23:55 PST US, the day's messages as described above will be
   combined and sent as a single message to everyone on the digest email list.

   To subscribe to the digest list, use the same subscription web form 
   described above, and just select the Digest version of the List.


   Note that you *can* be subscribed to both the realtime and digest versions
   of the List at the same time.  This is perfectly acceptable.

  Now some caveats:

   * Messages sent to "aviation-list-digest" will be forwarded to the standard
     email list.  In other words, you cannot post messages only to the
     digest List.

   * If you are subscribed to both the regular List and the digest List, you
     will receive the realtime postings as well as the digest at the end of
     the day.

   * If you reply to the digest email, your message will be forwarded to the
     normal list associated with the digest.  Important Note:  Please change
     the subject line to reflect the topic of your response!  Also, please 
     *do not include all or most of the digest in your reply*.

*** List Digest Browser ***

   An archive of all the List Digests can be found online in either plain text
   or HTML format.  These archives contain the exact Digest that was posted to
   the Digest email list on the given day.  The Digest Archives can be found
   at the following location: 


*** The "DO NOT ARCHIVE" Message Flag ***

   At times, your message may concern something that is revelent only to a very

   small number of persons or to a limited area, and you may not wish to archive

   it.  In such a case, simply put the following phrase anywhere in the 

                 do not archive

   Your message will not be appended to the archive, but will be sent to List 
   email distribution as normal.

***** READ THIS - Automatic Unsubscribes *****

   Note that if your email address begins to cause problems such as bounced
   email, mailbox is filled, or any other errors, your address will be promptly
   removed from the List.  If you discover that you are no longer receiving
   messages from the Aviation-List, go to the following Web page, and look
   for your email address and a possible reason for your removal.

   The Matronics Email List uses utility called the "Email Weasel" that 
   automatically looks though the day's bounced email for addresses that 
   caused problems due to common things like "user is unknown", "mailbox 
   full", etc.  If the Email Weasel removes your email address from the 
   Lists you will find record of it at the following URL:


   If the problem listed on the web site above has been resolved, please feel 
   free to resubscribe to the Lists of your choice.

*** List Member Information ***

   If you have not done so already, please email me your phone numbers and 
   paper mail address in the following format:

                 Joe Smith
                 123 Airport Lane
                 Tower, CA 91234-1234
                 098-765-1234 w
                 123-456-7890 h

   Please forward this information to the following email address:


   I have a file of such things, that I typically use to contact you when 
   there are problems with your email address.  The information will NOT 
   be used for any other commercial purpose.

*** Realtime Web Email List Browsing ***

   Recent messages posted to the Aviation-List are also made available on
   the Web for realtime browsing.  Seven days worth of back postings are
   available with this feature.  The messages can be sorted by Subject, 
   Author, Date, or Message Thread.  The Realtime List Browser indexes are 
   updated twice per hour at xx:15 and xx:45.  You can also reply to a message

   or start a new message directly from the List Browser Interface (coming soon).
   You do not have to be subscribed to the given list to use the List
   Browser Interface in view-mode.


*** Web Forums Bulletin Board Interface ***

   A phpBB BBS web Forums front end is available for all Aviation-List content.
   content.  The Forums contain all of the same content available via the email

   distribution and found on the various archive viewing formats such as the 
   List Browse, etc.  Any posts on the web Forums will be cross posted to the 
   respective email List, and posts to the Email List will be cross posted to 
   the web Forums.

   You may view all List content on the Forums without any special login.
   If you wish to post a message via the Web Forum interface, however, you
   will need to Register.  This is a simple process that takes only a few
   minutes.  A link to the Registration page can be found at the top of the
   main web Forums page.  Note that registering on the Forum web site also
   enables you to send email posts to the Lists as well.  You will also need to

   Subscribe to the respective Email List as described above to receive the
   Email Distribution of the List, however.

   The Matroincs Email List Web BBS Forums can be found at the following URL:


*** Matronics Email List Wiki ***

In an attempt to make it easy to store and find structured and often accessed 
information, Matronics has installed a Wiki at:


The Wiki allows individuals to create web pages to contain useful information 
for other users of the mailing lists and web site. Unlike an ordinary web page

where the content needs to be submitted to Matronics for inclusion, the Wiki 
permits the users to construct their own pages and have them visible immediately.

While constructing pages for the Wiki is not difficult, some may not be 
comfortable building pages.  In that case, simply prepare the text and any 
images and email it to:


One of the volunteers on that list will take your submission and construct 
a Wiki page for you.

Often someone produces a particularly useful posting in email one one of the 
Lists that would be of general interest. In that case Matronics may take that 
post and convert it into a Wiki page.

*** List Archives ***

   A file containing of all of the previous postings to the Aviation-List is
   available on line.  The archive file information is available via the 
   Web and FTP in a number of forms.  Each are briefly described below:

   * Aviation-List.FAQ 

            - Latest version of the Aviation-List Frequently Asked Question 
              page (this document).

   * Aviation-Archive.digest.complete 

            - Complete file with most of the email header info removed and 
              page breaks inserted between messages.

   * Aviation-Archive.digest.vol-??  

            - Same as the file above, but broken up into small sections that 
              can more easily handled.

   * Aviation-Archive.digest.complete.zip 

            - Same as the Aviation-Archive.digest.complete file above, but 
              in PKZIP format.  Use "binary" data transfer methods.

   * Aviation-Archive.digest.complete.Z 

            - Same as the Aviation-Archive.digest.complete file above, but in 
              UNIX compress format.  Use "binary" data transfer methods.

  Download Via FTP

   The archive file is available via anonymous FTP from ftp.matronics.com
   in the "/pub/Archives" directory.  It is updated daily and can be found in
   a number of formats as described above. (All filenames are case sensitive.)


  Download Via Web

   The archives are also available via a web listing.  These can be found
   toward the bottom of the following web page:


*** Complete List Web Archive Browsing ***

   All messages posted to the Aviation-List are also available using the
   Email List Archive Browsing feature.  With this utility, all messages
   in the List are indexed, and individual sub-archives can be browsed.


**** High-Speed Archive Search Engine ***

   You can use the custom, high-performance Matronics Email List Search Engine
   to quickly locate and browse any messages that have been posted to the
   List.  The Engine allows the user to easily search any of the currently
   available List archives.


*** File and Photo Share ***

   With the Matronics Email List File and Photo Share you can share pictures
   and other data with members of the List without having to forward a 
   copy of it to everyone.  To share your Files and Photos, simply email 
   them to:


   !! ==> Please including the following information with each submission:

                  1) Email Lists that they are related to.
                  2) Your Full Name.
                  3) Your Email Address.
                  4) One line Subject description.
                  5) Multi-line, multi-paragraph description of topic.
                  6-x) One-line Description of each photo or file

   Prior to public availability of the files and photos, each will be scanned
   for viruses.  Please also note that the process of making the files and
   photos available on the web site is a pseudo-manual process, and I try to
   process them every few days.

   Following the availability of the new Photoshare, an email message will be
   sent to the Email Lists enumerated in 1) above indicating that the new
   Share is available and what the direct URL to it is.

   For a current list of available Photoshares, have a look at the Main
   Index Page:


*** List Archive CDROM ***

   A complete Matronics Email List Archive CD is available that contains
   all of the archives since the beginning of each of the Lists.  The archives
   for all of the Lists are included on the CD along with a freeware search
   engine written by a list member.  The CD is burned the day you order it
   and will contain archive received  up to the last minute.  They make 
   great gifts!


*** List Support Contributions ***

   The Matronics Lists are run *completely* through the support of it members.
   You won't find any PopUpAds, flashing Banner ads, or any other form of
   annoying commercialism on either the Email Messages or the List web pages
   associated with the Matronics Email Lists.  Every year during November
   I run a low-key, low-pressure "Fund Raiser" where, throughout the month,
   I ask List members to make a Contribution in any amount with which they 
   are comfortable.

   I will often offer free gifts with certain contribution levels during the
   Fund Raiser to increase the participation.  The gifts are usually donated
   by companies that are themselves List members.

   Your Contributions go directly to supporting the operation of the Lists
   including the high-speed, business-class Internet connection, server
   system hardware and software upgrades, and to partially offset the many
   many hours I spend running, maintaining, upgrading, and developing the
   variety of services found here.

   Generally Contributions range from $20 to $100 and are completely voluntary
   and non-compulsory.  I ask only that if person enjoys the Lists and obtains
   value from them, that they make a Contribution of equal magnitude.

   Contributions are accepted throughout the year, and if you've just 
   subscribed, feel free to make a Contribution when you've settled in.

   The website for making SSL Secure Contributions is listed below.  There are
   a variety of payment methods including Visa and MasterCard, PayPal, and
   sending a personal check.

   If you enjoy and value the List, won't you make a Contribution today to
   support its continued operation?


   Thank you!
   Matt Dralle
   Email List Administrator

                     Aviation-List Usage Guidelines

The following details the official Usage Guidelines for the Aviation-List.
You are encouraged to read it carefully, and to abide by the rules therein.
Failure to use the Aviation-List in the manner described below may result 
in the removal of the subscribers from the List.

Aviation-List Policy Statement

The purpose of the Aviation-List is to provide a forum of discussion for
things related to this particular discussion group.  The List's goals
are to serve as an information resource to its members; to deliver
high-quality content; to provide moral support; to foster camaraderie
among its members; and to support safe operation.  Reaching these goals 
requires the participation and cooperation of each and every member of 
the List.  To this end, the following guidelines have been established:

 - Please keep all posts related to the List at some level.  Do not submit
   posts concerning computer viruses, urban legends, random humor, long
   lost buddies' phone numbers, etc. etc.

 - THINK carefully before you write.  Ask yourself if your post will be
   relevant to everyone.  If you have to wonder about that, DON'T send it.

 - Remember that your post will be included for posterity in an archive
   that is growing in size at an extraordinary rate.  Try to be concise and
   terse in your posts.  Avoid overly wordy and lengthy posts and

 - Keep your signature brief.  Please include your name, email address,
   aircraft type/tail number, and geographic location.  A short line
   about where you are in the building process is also nice.  Avoid
   bulky signatures with character graphics; they consume unnecessary
   space in the archive.

 - DON'T post requests to the List for information when that info is
   easily obtainable from other widely available sources.  Consult the
   web page or FAQ first.

 - If you want to respond to a post, DO keep the "Subject:" line of
   your response the same as that of the original post.  This makes it
   easy to find threads in the archive.

 - When responding, NEVER quote the *entire* original post in your
   response.  DO use lines from the original post to help "tune in" the
   reader to the topic at hand, but be selective.  The impact that
   quoting the entire original post has on the size of the archive 
   can not be overstated!

 - When the poster asks you to respond to him/her personally, DO NOT
   then go ahead and reply to the List.  Be aware that clicking the
   "reply" button on your mail package does not necessarily send your
   response to the original poster.  You might have to actively address
   your response with the original poster's email address.

 - DO NOT use the List to respond to a post unless you have something
   to add that is relevant and has a broad appeal.  "Way to go!", "I
   agree", and "Congratulations" are all responses that are better sent
   to the original poster directly, rather than to the List at large.

 - When responding to others' posts, avoid the feeling that you need to
   comment on every last point in their posts, unless you can truly
   contribute something valuable.

 - Feel free to disagree with other viewpoints, BUT keep your tone
   polite and respectful.  Don't make snide comments, personally attack
   other listers, or take the moral high ground on an obviously
   controversial issue.  This will only cause a pointless debate that
   will hurt feelings, waste bandwidth and resolve nothing.

 - Occasional posts by vendors or individuals who are regularly 
   subscribed to a given List are considered acceptable.  Posts by 
   List members promoting their respective products or items for sale 
   should be of a friendly, informal nature, and should not resemble 
   a typical SPAM message.  The List isn't about commercialism, but 
   is about sharing information and knowledge.  This applies to 
   everyone, including those who provide products to the entire 
   community.  Informal presentation and moderation should be the 
   operatives with respect to advertising on the Lists.


[This is an automated posting.]

do not archive

________________________________  Message 4  _____________________________________

Time: 11:04:26 PM PST US
From: Matt Dralle 
Subject: Aviation-List: Official Aviation-List Usage Guidelines

Dear Listers,

Please read over the Aviation-List Usage Guidelines below.  The complete
Aviation-List FAQ including these Usage Guidelines can be found at the
following URL:


Thank you,

Matt Dralle
Matronics Email List Administrator

                     Aviation-List Usage Guidelines

The following details the official Usage Guidelines for the Aviation-List.
You are encouraged to read it carefully, and to abide by the rules therein.
Failure to use the Aviation-List in the manner described below may result 
in the removal of the subscribers from the List.

Aviation-List Policy Statement

The purpose of the Aviation-List is to provide a forum of discussion for
things related to this particular discussion group.  The List's goals
are to serve as an information resource to its members; to deliver
high-quality content; to provide moral support; to foster camaraderie
among its members; and to support safe operation.  Reaching these goals 
requires the participation and cooperation of each and every member of 
the List.  To this end, the following guidelines have been established:

 - Please keep all posts related to the List at some level.  Do not submit
   posts concerning computer viruses, urban legends, random humor, long
   lost buddies' phone numbers, etc. etc.

 - THINK carefully before you write.  Ask yourself if your post will be
   relevant to everyone.  If you have to wonder about that, DON'T send it.

 - Remember that your post will be included for posterity in an archive
   that is growing in size at an extraordinary rate.  Try to be concise and
   terse in your posts.  Avoid overly wordy and lengthy posts and

 - Keep your signature brief.  Please include your name, email address,
   aircraft type/tail number, and geographic location.  A short line
   about where you are in the building process is also nice.  Avoid
   bulky signatures with character graphics; they consume unnecessary
   space in the archive.

 - DON'T post requests to the List for information when that info is
   easily obtainable from other widely available sources.  Consult the
   web page or FAQ first.

 - If you want to respond to a post, DO keep the "Subject:" line of
   your response the same as that of the original post.  This makes it
   easy to find threads in the archive.

 - When responding, NEVER quote the *entire* original post in your
   response.  DO use lines from the original post to help "tune in" the
   reader to the topic at hand, but be selective.  The impact that
   quoting the entire original post has on the size of the archive 
   can not be overstated!

 - When the poster asks you to respond to him/her personally, DO NOT
   then go ahead and reply to the List.  Be aware that clicking the
   "reply" button on your mail package does not necessarily send your
   response to the original poster.  You might have to actively address
   your response with the original poster's email address.

 - DO NOT use the List to respond to a post unless you have something
   to add that is relevant and has a broad appeal.  "Way to go!", "I
   agree", and "Congratulations" are all responses that are better sent
   to the original poster directly, rather than to the List at large.

 - When responding to others' posts, avoid the feeling that you need to
   comment on every last point in their posts, unless you can truly
   contribute something valuable.

 - Feel free to disagree with other viewpoints, BUT keep your tone
   polite and respectful.  Don't make snide comments, personally attack
   other listers, or take the moral high ground on an obviously
   controversial issue.  This will only cause a pointless debate that
   will hurt feelings, waste bandwidth and resolve nothing.

 - Occasional posts by vendors or individuals who are regularly 
   subscribed to a given List are considered acceptable.  Posts by 
   List members promoting their respective products or items for sale 
   should be of a friendly, informal nature, and should not resemble 
   a typical SPAM message.  The List isn't about commercialism, but 
   is about sharing information and knowledge.  This applies to 
   everyone, including those who provide products to the entire 
   community.  Informal presentation and moderation should be the 
   operatives with respect to advertising on the Lists.


[This is an automated posting.]

do not archive


                       Other Matronics Email List Services
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Other Email Lists                http://www.matronics.com/emaillists
Contributions                    http://www.matronics.com/contribution

These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the 
generous Contributions of its members.