---------------------------------------------------------- Europa-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Fri 10/27/06: 8 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 02:56 AM - Re: Project For Sale (Stephen Winn Linton) 2. 03:02 AM - Re: Europa Rescue Service (Trevpond@aol.com) 3. 12:16 PM - DOTH Sunday 29th (Duncan & Ami McFadyean) 4. 02:32 PM - Incident Board on Classic (Ross) 5. 04:42 PM - Re: Incident Board on Classic (Graham Singleton) 6. 07:28 PM - Fuel vent mods (rlborger) 7. 10:01 PM - Re: DOTH Sunday 29th (William Mills) 8. 10:09 PM - Shoulder harness attachment to door frame? () ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 02:56:16 AM PST US From: "Stephen Winn Linton" Subject: Re: Europa-List: Project For Sale TWVzc2FnZUhvdyBtdWNoIHdvdWxkIHlvdSBiZSB3aWxsaW5nIHRvIGdpdmUgZm9yIGl0Pw0KICAt LS0tLSBPcmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlIC0tLS0tIA0KICBGcm9tOiBKYW1lcyANCiAgVG86IGV1cm9w YS1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20gDQogIFNlbnQ6IFRodXJzZGF5LCBPY3RvYmVyIDI2LCAyMDA2 IDk6MTMgUE0NCiAgU3ViamVjdDogUkU6IEV1cm9wYS1MaXN0OiBQcm9qZWN0IEZvciBTYWxlDQoN Cg0KICBJJ2xsIHRha2UgaXQgaWYgbm8gb25lIGVsc2Ugd2lsbCBTdGV2ZS4NCg0KICAgSmltDQog ICAgLS0tLS1PcmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlLS0tLS0NCiAgICBGcm9tOiBvd25lci1ldXJvcGEtbGlz dC1zZXJ2ZXJAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbSBbbWFpbHRvOm93bmVyLWV1cm9wYS1saXN0LXNlcnZlckBt YXRyb25pY3MuY29tXSBPbiBCZWhhbGYgT2YgU3RlcGhlbiBXaW5uIExpbnRvbg0KICAgIFNlbnQ6 IFdlZG5lc2RheSwgT2N0b2JlciAyNSwgMjAwNiA1OjE1IFBNDQogICAgVG86IGV1cm9wYS1saXN0 QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20NCiAgICBTdWJqZWN0OiBSZTogRXVyb3BhLUxpc3Q6IFByb2plY3QgRm9y 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Wx looks promising and free landing voucher in FLyer. Duncan McF. do not archive ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 02:32:53 PM PST US From: Ross Subject: Europa-List: Incident Board on Classic --> Europa-List message posted by: Ross Gentlemen, I have built the wings for the 'Classic' and have fitted incident boards as per the build manual. These are used to set the wing incidence when installing the wings on the fuselage and then the wing root pin sockets are installed to fix the wing at the same incidence. I would like to start filling the wings before installing the wing root pin sockets so the incident boards are in the way. I notice that the XS has another method for aligning the wing on the fuselage which uses a spirit level on the template that was used for fitting the flaps. Has anyone used the 'XS' method instead of the 'Classic' method for wing root pin sockets installation and if so are there any problems by doing this? Ross Classic, wings, flaps, ailerons, tailplane, rudder and some of the fuselage. ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 04:42:53 PM PST US From: Graham Singleton Subject: Re: Europa-List: Incident Board on Classic --> Europa-List message posted by: Graham Singleton Ross the best way to set up the wings is to first fix the left wing as specified in the plans. Now, the right wing needs to be set so that the incidence at the outer end of the flap is identical, this is the part of the wing that will cause roll if its not right, the wing root doesn't really matter with respect to roll... You need a second incidence board for this part of the wing. I use a Vee to locate the nose radius of the wing section and a ramp to locate the top of the trailing edge. In other words a reference for the incidence of the airfoil section. (I hope this is making sense :-D ) Just be sure that the two wings agree at the tips of the flaps. You can safely knock off the incidence boards as soon as you have the left wing incidence set on the fuselage. Graham Ross wrote: > --> Europa-List message posted by: Ross > > Gentlemen, I have built the wings for the 'Classic' and have fitted > incident boards as per the build manual. These are used to set the > wing incidence when installing the wings on the fuselage and then the > wing root pin sockets are installed to fix the wing at the same > incidence. I would like to start filling the wings before installing > the wing root pin sockets so the incident boards are in the way. I > notice that the XS has another method for aligning the wing on the > fuselage which uses a spirit level on the template that was used for > fitting the flaps. Has anyone used the 'XS' method instead of the > 'Classic' method for wing root pin sockets installation and if so are > there any problems by doing this? > > Ross ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ Time: 07:28:06 PM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Fuel vent mods From: rlborger Fellow Europaphiles, I have come to the conclusion that I do not like the fuel vent system as per installation instructions. I know there are a number of other venting schemes out there. I'd appreciate it if any of you could point me to any pictures and descriptions of these alternates. Thanks in advance to all. Good building and great flying, Bob Borger Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S http://www.europaowners.org/N914XL (85%) tail kit done, wings closed, cockpit module installed, pitch system in, landing gear frame in, rudder system in, outrigger mod in, Fuselage Top on, lift/drag/flap pins in, wing incidence set, tie bar in, flap drive in, Mod 70 done. Baggage bay in. Flaps & Main Gear complete. Working in - 24 Instrument Panel, 25 Electrical, 30 Fuel System, 32 Tail, 34 Door Latches & 35 Doors, 37 Finishing. Airmaster arrived 29 Sep 05. Seat arrived from Oregon Aero. E04 interior kit has arrived. Preparing for ROTAX 914 installation. 3705 Lynchburg Dr. Corinth, TX 76208 Home: 940-497-2123 Cel: 817-992-1117 ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ Time: 10:01:05 PM PST US From: "William Mills" Subject: Re: Europa-List: DOTH Sunday 29th I'll join you, Duncan. What time are you planning to arrive (UTE)? Best wishes, William ----- Original Message ----- From: Duncan & Ami McFadyean To: europa-list@matronics.com Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 8:14 PM Subject: Europa-List: DOTH Sunday 29th Anyone fancy a DOTH to Le Touquet this SUnday? Wx looks promising and free landing voucher in FLyer. Duncan McF. do not archive ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Time: 10:09:27 PM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Shoulder harness attachment to door frame? From: --> Europa-List message posted by: Was looking tonight at the door frame, near the lift strut attach point as a very nice spot to attach shoulder harness (aft side of frame). Looks like a nice piece of 4130 chrome moly, .750" OD .083" wall bent into a roll bar to follow the fuse door frame up and around, with a welded in place 1/2" tapped insert for attachment would do the trick. Weight of the metal is a few pounds (plus glass) for a roll bar that begins just above the shoot bolts. Seems Uni wrapped around the roll bar, lets say 3 ply 4 inches wide and staggered 16", 17" , 18" long three times each side would get it pretty good and stuck nestled against the rear door frame. (can sneak between the Uni wrap around of 3/4" rollbar, 7/16 rigid Poly wiring tube that will punch through top hat stiffener to get you into ceiling panel area, foam can be used to make nice routing for Uni, then Balsa cover to make for very nice transition for headliner from door frame to fuse) I will need to take another look, but think could just tap into the roll bar for Lift Strut pivot ball attachment. Anyone do this? Pictures? Opinions? Thx. Ron Parigoris Unscientific calculation: 200 pound person, lets say 2/3 weight can be on shoulder harness OK 132 pounds Now lets say we want to tolerate 15 Gs, thats 1980 pounds Without grinding numbers, lets say there will be 2000 pounds forward force and 500 pounds downward force on rollbar. This is only 1 side.