---------------------------------------------------------- Europa-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sat 10/26/19: 13 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 12:02 AM - =?utf-8?Q?Re:__AoA_-_Angle_of_Attack_Indicator? () 2. 12:50 AM - Re: Use an I-Phone to measure aileron travel? (John Wighton) 3. 02:08 AM - Re: 914 head bolt (SPURPURA) 4. 06:14 AM - Re: Switch and CB labels (IsaacW) 5. 06:49 AM - Re: Switch and CB labels (SPURPURA) 6. 08:46 AM - AW: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator (A. Buess Aviatik) 7. 02:45 PM - Re: AW: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator (carlp101) 8. 02:53 PM - Re: Use an I-Phone to measure aileron travel? (carlp101) 9. 04:27 PM - Toasty Cabin Heater for XS Rotax Exhaust (carlp101) 10. 04:46 PM - Re: AW: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator (Mallard) 11. 04:59 PM - Re: AW: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator (Mallard) 12. 05:19 PM - Re: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator (Mallard) 13. 07:49 PM - Re: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator (Mike Christine Duane) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 12:02:11 AM PST US From: Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Re:_Europa-List:_AoA_-_Angle_of_Attack_Indicator? DQpKYW1lcywNCg0KV2hlbiBJIHdhcyBidWlsZGluZyBJIHB1cmNoYXNlZCB0aGUgQU9BIFNwb3J0 IFN5c3RlbSBmb3IgQ29tcG9zaXRlIFdpbmcgZnJvbSBBaXJjcmFmdCBTcHJ1Y2UuIFRoZWlyIHBh cnQgIzEwLTA0NzkyLiBCdXQgSSBoYWQgbXkgd2luZyBvcGVuLCBpdCB3YXMgZWFzeSB0byBpbnN0 YWxsIHRoaXMgc3lzdGVtLiBTaW5jZSB0aGUgZGV0ZWN0b3Igc2l0cyBvdXQgYWJvdXQgdHdvIGZl ZXQgZnJvbSB0aGUgZW5kIG9mIHRoZSB3aW5nLCB5b3Ugd291bGQgaGF2ZSB0byBiZSBhYmxlIHRv IGZlZWQgdHdvIHRoaW4gbnlsb24gdHViZXMgZnJvbSB0aGUgZGV0ZWN0b3IgdG8gdGhlIHdpbmcg cm9vdCwgaW5zdGFsbCBhIGNvbm5lY3RvciB0aGF0IGNhbiBiZSBzcGxpdCBhdCB0aGUgd2luZyBy b290IHdoZW4geW91IGhhdmUgdG8gcmVtb3ZlIHRoZSB3aW5nLiBJdCBwcm92aWRlcyBib3RoIHZp c3VhbCBhbmQgYXVkaW8gd2FybmluZ3MuIE9uY2UgZmx5aW5nLCB0aGUgY2FsaWJyYXRpb24gcmVx dWlyZWQgd2FzIGVhc3kgYW5kIHN0cmFpZ2h0IGZvcndhcmQuIFRoZXJlIGlzIGFub3RoZXIgRXVy b3BhIGF0IG15IGFpcnBvcnQgdGhhdCBpcyBmbHlpbmcgdGhpcyBzYW1lIHN5c3RlbS4gSSBob3Bl IHRoaXMgaGVscHMuDQoNCk1pa2UgRHVhbmUgTjM3N0VBDQoNCkV1cm9wYSBYUyBDb252ZW50aW9u YWwgR2Vhcg0KDQpMYXMgVmVnYXMsIE5ldmFkYQ0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KU2VudCBmcm9tIFdpbmRv d3MgTWFpbA0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCkZyb206IE1hbGxhcmQNClNlbnQ6IOKAjkZyaWRheeKAjiwg4oCO T2N0b2JlcuKAjiDigI4yNeKAjiwg4oCOMjAxOSDigI4y4oCOOuKAjjMw4oCOIOKAjlBNDQpUbzog ZXVyb3BhLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbQ0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCi0tPiBFdXJvcGEtTGlzdCBtZXNz YWdlIHBvc3RlZCBieTogIk1hbGxhcmQiIDxqYW1lc0BraW5nZG9tLmllPg0KDQpIYXMgYW55b25l IGV2ZXIgZml0dGVkIGFuIEFvQSBJbmRpY2F0b3IgdG8gdGhlaXIgRXVyb3BhPyBJZiB5ZXMsIHdo YXQgbW9kZWwgZGlkIHlvdSBmaXQgYW5kIHdhcyB0aGVyZSBhIHJlYXNvbiB3aHkgeW91IHNlbGVj dGVkIHRoYXQgcGFydGljdWxhciBtb2RlbD8NCg0KQ2hlZXJzDQpKYW1lcw0KDQotLS0tLS0tLQ0K U2VhdCBvZiBteSBwYW50cw0KDQoNCg0KDQpSZWFkIHRoaXMgdG9waWMgb25saW5lIGhlcmU6DQoN Cmh0dHA6Ly9mb3J1bXMubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS92aWV3dG9waWMucGhwP3A9NDkxOTczIzQ5MTk3 Mw0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAtIFRoZSBFdXJvcGEtTGlzdCBFbWFp bCBGb3J1bSAtDQpfLT0gVXNlIHRoZSBNYXRyb25pY3MgTGlzdCBGZWF0dXJlcyBOYXZpZ2F0b3Ig dG8gYnJvd3NlDQpfLT0gdGhlIG1hbnkgTGlzdCB1dGlsaXRpZXMgc3VjaCBhcyBMaXN0IFVuL1N1 YnNjcmlwdGlvbiwNCl8tPSBBcmNoaXZlIFNlYXJjaCAmIERvd25sb2FkLCA3LURheSBCcm93c2Us IENoYXQsIEZBUSwNCl8tPSBQaG90b3NoYXJlLCBhbmQgbXVjaCBtdWNoIG1vcmU6DQpfLT0NCl8t PSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vTmF2aWdhdG9yP0V1cm9wYS1MaXN0DQpf LT0NCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIE1BVFJPTklDUyBXRUIgRk9SVU1TIC0NCl8t PSBTYW1lIGdyZWF0IGNvbnRlbnQgYWxzbyBhdmFpbGFibGUgdmlhIHRoZSBXZWIgRm9ydW1zIQ0K Xy09DQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL2ZvcnVtcy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tDQpfLT0NCl8tPT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpf LT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgIC0gTkVXIE1BVFJPTklDUyBMSVNUIFdJS0kgLQ0KXy09IEFkZCBzb21l IGluZm8gdG8gdGhlIE1hdHJvbmljcyBFbWFpbCBMaXN0IFdpa2khDQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDov L3dpa2kubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbQ0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIExpc3QgQ29udHJp YnV0aW9uIFdlYiBTaXRlIC0NCl8tPSAgVGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3VzIHN1cHBv cnQhDQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUsIExpc3Qg QWRtaW4uDQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL2NvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbg0K Xy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT0 ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 12:50:45 AM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Re: Use an I-Phone to measure aileron travel? From: "John Wighton" I will go and ask my friend Pythagoras Trigonometry who knows about such things. He might need his pal, Ruler and his kids Paper and Pencil to help as well. And an iphone for the Sine table, no doubt. -------- John Wighton Europa XS trigear G-IPOD Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491977#491977 ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 02:08:39 AM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Re: 914 head bolt From: "SPURPURA" Ordered from LEAF, consider them honest, supposed to be Rotax, looks to be hardware store except for the plating on the ends. Perhaps Rotax is having problems with hardened studs failing and new replacements are different. -------- N951EU - Tri-gear & 912ULS, N77EU- Mono & 914 I'D RATHER HAVE A BOTTLE IN FRONT OF ME THAN A FRONTAL LABOTAMY. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491978#491978 ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 06:14:50 AM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Re: Switch and CB labels From: "IsaacW" @rocketman what kind of vinyl cutter do you use? Would you recommend it? I'm looking for a machine which can help me start a side hustle. Sorry for off topic. I haven't decided yet which will be the winner. Main reason is I couldn't find a half decent review. The internet is filled with hype and I bet these people never used a vinyl cutter before. There are so many to choose from. I've found this blog which is different from the rest. The blogger says it as it is. I've read a few reviews and some are real hatchet jobs. And I believe she put together a best article. If you were me which one would you pick from this best article (https://freshlypickedblog.com/best-vinyl-cutting-machines/)? Or maybe you have different recommendation? I would rather hear someone's opinion who is using it not trying to sell it to me. Any hints and tips are welcome Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491980#491980 ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 06:49:27 AM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Re: Switch and CB labels From: "SPURPURA" Try any trophy shop. -------- N951EU - Tri-gear & 912ULS, N77EU- Mono & 914 I'D RATHER HAVE A BOTTLE IN FRONT OF ME THAN A FRONTAL LABOTAMY. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491982#491982 ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ Time: 08:46:09 AM PST US From: "A. Buess Aviatik" Subject: AW: Europa-List: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator Hi James My Europa is equipped with the RiteAngle system from EM Aviation. It is a standalone system with a vane mounted under the wing. Regards Alfred Alfred Buess CH-3700 Spiez, Switzerland Europa XS HB-YKI, Ercoupe 415-E N94804 -----Ursprngliche Nachricht----- Von: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] Im Auftrag von Mallard Gesendet: Freitag, 25. Oktober 2019 23:31 An: europa-list@matronics.com Betreff: Europa-List: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator Has anyone ever fitted an AoA Indicator to their Europa? If yes, what model did you fit and was there a reason why you selected that particular model? Cheers James -------- Seat of my pants Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491973#491973 ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ Time: 02:45:22 PM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Re: AW: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator From: "carlp101" Hi James, I fitted the Dynon heated probe that is also an AoA probe, but you need it to feed a Dynon ADHRS unit. The AoA gauge is displayed in the main Dynon SkyView panel. Regards Carl Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491985#491985 ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Time: 02:53:40 PM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Re: Use an I-Phone to measure aileron travel? From: "carlp101" I checked mine by installing a bubble spirit level app on my phone that also displayed the angle in degrees to two decimal places. Set you aileron to the neutral position, reset the bubble spirit level to zero, then move your aileron in the direction you want to measure. It should show you how many degrees it has moved. All the best Carl Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491986#491986 ________________________________ Message 9 _____________________________________ Time: 04:27:57 PM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Toasty Cabin Heater for XS Rotax Exhaust From: "carlp101" Hi, I tried a heater mod that uses a flap to redirect air from behind the oil cooler into the cabin. Unfortunately it didn't generate a lot of heat. Last year, flying over Mt Snowden at 9500' it was -11 C outside and not much warmer inside even with the heater on full. So, to cope with the winter this year I have developed my own system that directs air through a shroud around the body of a Europa XS CKT silencer and into the cockpit via two vents. It works like a dream, so I thought I'd share it hear. In addition to the shroud, I had to remake the ducting that directs the air under the engine and through the oil and water radiators to ensure there was sufficient clearance. The unit is made from 1/2 mm 6061-T6 aluminium. I'm looking forward to freezing weather so I can test it. All the best. Carl G-URMS Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491987#491987 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/20160318_220038_518.jpg http://forums.matronics.com//files/cabin_heater_4_858.jpeg http://forums.matronics.com//files/cabin_heater_5_179.jpeg http://forums.matronics.com//files/cabin_heater_6_331.jpeg http://forums.matronics.com//files/cabin_heater_7_704.jpeg http://forums.matronics.com//files/cabin_heater_8_865.jpeg ________________________________ Message 10 ____________________________________ Time: 04:46:56 PM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Re: AW: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator From: "Mallard" Hi Alfred, Have you a colored Led display in the cabin? If yes, how did you route the wires etc through the wing? (N.B. I didn't build my aircraft) Cheers James -------- Seat of my pants Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491988#491988 ________________________________ Message 11 ____________________________________ Time: 04:59:01 PM PST US Subject: Europa-List: Re: AW: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator From: "Mallard" Hi Carl, I was reading about your model & how it works. One negative thing stood out for me: it said that unlike the Vane Type, the Air Pressure type can't compensate for the use of Flaps! Given that you are normally going to be using Full Flap during Approach and Landing, I would have thought that, that's when it was needed most. Do you normally come in on Full Flap? If yes, how have you found it? Have you compared your POH Full Flap minimum speed with the AoA display. Also, How did you feed your wires and the 2 pipe lines through the wing? Is there an accessible cavity close to the Pitot mounting position? Cheers James -------- Seat of my pants Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491989#491989 ________________________________ Message 12 ____________________________________ Time: 05:19:19 PM PST US Subject: Re: Europa-List: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator From: "Mallard" Hi Mike, I found your AoA system on Aircraft Spruce but they don't show the Vane part, only showing the cabin display. The cost is the cheapest I've seen but I was wondering if it (or any model) could be retro-fitted to an existing 1995 Classic. Would you be able to post photos of your Vane installation? If it protrudes from the end of the wing, is it susceptible to damage? Cheers James -------- Seat of my pants Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491990#491990 ________________________________ Message 13 ____________________________________ Time: 07:49:30 PM PST US From: Mike Christine Duane Subject: Re: Europa-List: AoA - Angle of Attack Indicator James, The type I use is a pressure type. It has two very small plastic hoses that come from the pressure port in the wing, through a pair of connectors at the wing root, to the module behind the instrument panel. There is also a switch that you incorporate into your flap mechanism to tell the module that you have lowered your flaps. During your initial flight testing, you will perform several maneuvers and save the pressure settings during those maneuvers. So your clean stall will have a different parameter saved than your dirty stall. The flap switch tells it which one to use. If you go back to the Aircraft Spruce website, look up the part number again, then click on Documents and itll take you to the install and operating manual. You can then see the tubing, CPU, switches, and indicator. All the info about it is there for you to see. Now as for getting the small tubes through your wing, I dont have any idea what you will have to do to achieve that. Are your wings foam filled? Do you have a channel for any wires, say from your wingtip lights? Sent from my iPhone > On Oct 26, 2019, at 5:19 PM, Mallard wrote: > > > Hi Mike, > I found your AoA system on Aircraft Spruce but they don't show the Vane part, only showing the cabin display. The cost is the cheapest I've seen but I was wondering if it (or any model) could be retro-fitted to an existing 1995 Classic. > > Would you be able to post photos of your Vane installation? If it protrudes from the end of the wing, is it susceptible to damage? > > Cheers > James > > -------- > Seat of my pants > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=491990#491990 > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message europa-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/Europa-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/europa-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/europa-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.