---------------------------------------------------------- Falco-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Wed 01/11/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 09:42 PM - Introductions (Bob McCallum) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 09:42:07 PM PST US From: "Bob McCallum" Subject: Falco-List: Introductions Just to say Hi. Noticed a few introducing themselves the other day to this list. I'll add another new quiet voice in the background from Canada. I'm a participant on the aeroelectric list and a Falcoholic slooowly working on serial #908. Not very far along yet at all, but after the new house is complete next Fall I hope to get going full time on the project and then we'll see how things go. I have virtually nothing to contribute so far, but will follow this list eagerly, hoping that it will impart some helpful knowledge and that through it I'll manage to get to know some of you better. The names that I've seen so far I've already been envious of through the exploits and/or articles on the Sequoia site. Bob McC Falco #908 Toronto, ON Canada