---------------------------------------------------------- KIS-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 01/07/19: 8 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 12:45 AM - Re: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place (Ed Hanson) 2. 01:49 AM - Re: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place (Ed Hanson) 3. 06:08 AM - Re: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place (Galin Hernandez) 4. 06:17 AM - Re: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place (Galin Hernandez) 5. 06:46 AM - Re: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place (M Ketteing) 6. 09:05 AM - Re: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place (Alfred Rosa) 7. 10:12 AM - Re: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place (Robert Reed) 8. 12:54 PM - Re: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place (M Ketteing) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 12:45:06 AM PST US From: Ed Hanson Subject: RE: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place SGkgQm9iLCBnbGFkIHRvIGhlYXIgeW91IGFyZSBnZXR0aW5nIGNsb3NlIHRvIGZseWluZy4gTGlr ZSBtYW55IG9mIHRoZSBvdGhlciByZXNwb25zZXMgbXkgQ3J1aXNlciBoYXMgYSBoaWdoZXIgZW1w dHkgd2VpZ2h0IHRoYW4gcGxhbnMuIFRoZSBwcmljZSB3ZSBwYXkgZm9yIGFkZGluZyB0aGluZ3Mu IE15IGVtcHR5IHdlaWdodCBpcyAxLDQ5MyBsYnMuIExNIDU2NSwgUk0gNTU4LCBhbmQgbm9zZSAz NzAuIENHIDQwLjgw4oCdLg0KSSBsaXN0ZWQgbXkgZ3Jvc3Mgd2VpZ2h0IGFzIDI1MDAgbGJzLiBJ IHRlc3RlZCBpdCB0byBhIG1heGltdW0gd2VpZ2h0IG9mIDI1MDUgaW5jbHVkaW5nIGxhbmRpbmcu IE1hcmsgSyBoYXMgc3VnZ2VzdGVkIHVzaW5nIGhpZ2hlciBncm9zcyB3ZWlnaHRzIHRoYW4gUmlj aCBzcGVjaWZpZWQuIA0KSXQgaGFuZGxlZCBmaW5lIGJ1dCBJIGtuZXcgSSB3YXMgZmx5aW5nIGEg aGVhdnkgcGxhbmUgYW5kIGZsZXcgYWNjb3JkaW5nbHkuIEl0IHNob3VsZCBiZSBub3RlZCBJIGRp ZCBleHRlbmQgdGhlIGVsZXZhdG9yIGJ5IGFib3V0IDIgaW5jaGVzIGFuZCBoYXZlIGEgbGFyZ2Ug dHJpbSB0YWIgYXMgc3VnZ2VzdGVkIGJ5IHNvbWUgYnVpbGRlcnMuIFRoZSBzcGVlZHMgbGlzdGVk IGJ5IEdhbGluIHNob3VsZCB3b3JrIGZpbmUgZm9yIHlvdS4NCkkgZG9u4oCZdCB0aGluayB5b3Ug d2lsbCBuZWVkIHRvIGFubm91bmNlIHlvdXJzZWxmIGFzIOKAnEV4cGVyaW1lbnRhbCBIZWF2eeKA nSBpbiB0aGUgcGF0dGVybi4gDQoNClNlbnQgZnJvbSBNYWlsIGZvciBXaW5kb3dzIDEwDQoNCkZy 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you have to use the term EXPERIMENTAL as your call sign when you first check in with them. It is debatable if you have to continue using the term EXPERIMENTAL for all subsequent radio calls to ATC since the FAR's do not mandate this. I have found out a few ATC Controllers get real snarky if you don't use the term EXPERIMENTAL in all your radio calls. Outside the USA you only use the term NOVEMBER as your call sign. If you do not talk to ATC, like when operating in a non-towered airport, then use of the term EXPERIMENTAL is not mandatory. FWIW: I always use the term EXPERIMENTAL as part of my good Radio Protocol habit, even when operating at an un-towered airport. YMMV On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 10:13 PM Ed Hanson wrote: > Hi Bob, glad to hear you are getting close to flying. Like many of the > other responses my Cruiser has a higher empty weight than plans. The pric e > we pay for adding things. My empty weight is 1,493 lbs. LM 565, RM 558, a nd > nose 370. CG 40.80=9D. > > I listed my gross weight as 2500 lbs. I tested it to a maximum weight of > 2505 including landing. Mark K has suggested using higher gross weights > than Rich specified. > > It handled fine but I knew I was flying a heavy plane and flew > accordingly. It should be noted I did extend the elevator by about 2 inch es > and have a large trim tab as suggested by some builders. The speeds liste d > by Galin should work fine for you. > > I don=99t think you will need to announce yourself as =9CExpe rimental Heavy=9D > in the pattern. > > > Sent from Mail for > Windows 10 > > > *From: *Robert Reed > *Sent: *Sunday, January 6, 2019 7:54 AM > *To: *kis-list@matronics.com > *Subject: *KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place > > > > > All > > > I did my weight yesterday and I am heavy. I expected to be a little > heavier than the prototype but not 300+ lbs. I can account for some of > that with the dual alternator dual battery electrical system and my heavy > interior. > > > Could some of you 4-place builders give me your empty and gross weights > for comparison. Also any comments on handling at near gross. > > > Bob Reed > > Sent from my iPhone > > ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 06:17:32 AM PST US From: Galin Hernandez Subject: Re: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place EXPERIMENTAL HEAVY is optional. ;) On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 8:58 AM Robert Reed wrote: > > All > > I did my weight yesterday and I am heavy. I expected to be a little > heavier than the prototype but not 300+ lbs. I can account for some of > that with the dual alternator dual battery electrical system and my heavy > interior. > > Could some of you 4-place builders give me your empty and gross weights > for comparison. Also any comments on handling at near gross. > > Bob Reed > Sent from my iPhone > > ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 06:46:11 AM PST US From: M Ketteing Subject: RE: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place I am the current owner of J. Krasinski's TR-4 N150JK and the empty was 1595 lbs. When loaded with 72 lbs of fuel (1667 lbs) the nose was 519 lbs, left main was 578 lbs and right main was 572 lbs. This aircraft had a Franklin 220hp engine and a MT 3 blade constant speed prop and I am sure this was a fair amount of the weight. It also had a very heavy panel due to the use of an interesting choice of instruments and avionics. The numbers for N150JK and the others provided show a problem with the main gear location. Keep in mind that the nose gear should have a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 25% of the weight at all weights and CG locations. Since the CG is limited to the range of 13% MAC to 28% MAC you can not achieve this 10% to 25% nose gear load without moving the gear. While moving the nose gear forward would help this is difficult. Moving (tilting) the main gear forward is simple and fixes this problem. Mark K. -------------------------------------------- On Sun, 1/6/19, wrote: Subject: RE: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place To: kis-list@matronics.com Date: Sunday, January 6, 2019, 11:34 PM Weight Station Nose Wheel 420.50 -8.00 Left Main 585.00 59.00 Right Main 551.00 59.00 Total 1,556.50 My weights are also much higher than spec. I knew I was building heavy but it was a lot more than I expected. That explains where all the extra gallons of resin and yds of cloth that I got went. I know where 150 lbs are but I'm not sure I'm prepared for the effort to remove it. Robert, could you please give us a breakdown of how much of your weight is on the nose wheel and how much on the mains Good luck Mike ---Original Message----- From: owner-kis-list-server@matronics.com On Behalf Of Robert Reed Sent: January 6, 2019 5:54 AM To: kis-list@matronics.com Subject: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place Robert Reed All I did my weight yesterday and I am heavy. I expected to be a little heavier than the prototype but not 300+ lbs. I can account for some of that with the dual alternator dual battery electrical system and my heavy interior. Could some of you 4-place builders give me your empty and gross weights for comparison. Also any comments on handling at near gross. Bob Reed Sent from my iPhone --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus Support Your Lists This Month -- (And Get Some AWESOME FREE Gifts!) Fund Raiser. Click on to find out more about Incentive Gifts provided www.mypilotstore.com support! -Matt Dralle, List Admin. The KIS-List Email Forum - Navigator to browse List Un/Subscription, 7-Day Browse, Chat, FAQ, - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - via the Web Forums! - NEW MATRONICS LIST WIKI - Email List Wiki! - List Contribution Web Site - support! -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ Time: 09:05:32 AM PST US From: Alfred Rosa Subject: Re: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place Bob, Good to hear your that far along and sad to hear you have another obstacle to hurdle. As far as factory specs go I dont think any Cruiser can match them. In my opinion the prototype was seriously under built to achieve impressive numbers. My plane, had I finished it would have been at least 150 lbs overweight. Yours being 300 lbs over is a daunting problem because of the reduced load capacity making your plane a 2 or 3 seater. You can probably overcome this deficit with a bigger engine. The specs are figured with the prototypes 180 hp Lyc. I believe youre using the 200 hp Lyc. Which would accommodate some of the added weight. If you get rid of the redundant battery you can save considerable weight and you may have near the specified load capacity for the plane. My nickles worth. Al Rosa > On Jan 6, 2019, at 11:34 PM, wrote: > > > Weight Station > > Nose Wheel 420.50 -8.00 > Left Main 585.00 59.00 > Right Main 551.00 59.00 > Total 1,556.50 > > My weights are also much higher than spec. I knew I was building heavy but > it was a lot more than I expected. > That explains where all the extra gallons of resin and yds of cloth that I > got went. > I know where 150 lbs are but I'm not sure I'm prepared for the effort to > remove it. > Robert, could you please give us a breakdown of how much of your weight is > on the nose wheel and how much on the mains > > Good luck > > Mike > > > ---Original Message----- > From: owner-kis-list-server@matronics.com > On Behalf Of Robert Reed > Sent: January 6, 2019 5:54 AM > To: kis-list@matronics.com > Subject: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place > > > All > > I did my weight yesterday and I am heavy. I expected to be a little heavier > than the prototype but not 300+ lbs. I can account for some of that with > the dual alternator dual battery electrical system and my heavy interior. > > Could some of you 4-place builders give me your empty and gross weights for > comparison. Also any comments on handling at near gross. > > Bob Reed > Sent from my iPhone > > > > > > > --- > This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. > https://www.avast.com/antivirus > > > > ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ Time: 10:12:10 AM PST US From: Robert Reed Subject: Re: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place Mike and Others, Nose Wheel - 359Left Main =C2- - =C2-=C2- 611Right Main=C2- - =C2 - 618TOTAL------ =C2- 1588 That includes EVERYTHING needed to fly (Day or Night) including an extra 5l bs for the second Dynon unit which is not installed yet.=C2- The plane is outfitted with dual batteries, dual alternators, duel electric fuel pumps, dual electronic ignition, Dynon 10" Skyview, dual com radios, intercom, AD SB, Transponder, Dual NAV Antenna (not connected for future IFR Unit), Dual Com Antenna, Dual GPS Antenna, Dual Pitot Systems, Dual ADHRS,=C2- and f ully upholstered (poor workmanship on my part) interior.=C2- Only thing m issing is second DYNON (7") Skyview and Autopilot servos.=C2- It did incl ude wheel pants which I am working on and were not complete but were at lea st a couple of pounds over what I expect the finished weight to be. =C2-I am aware of the added weight for the seats which are over weight by at least 25-30 lbs for the seat rails and attachments.=C2- The comfort f actor for my wife and the ability to fully recline was worth the added weig ht.=C2- (She will have to learn to pack light)=C2- I believe I can find some light weight rails that will save 10-20 lbs but the seats are still h eavy.=C2- The two batteries are under the front seats and conversion to E arth-X would save another 22 lbs.=C2- There are several other areas where I can knock off a pound or two but it is still going to end up in the 1500 + lb range.=C2- What I am pleased with is the distribution of the weight had kept the nose wheel weight lower than I have seen with some of the othe r examples.=C2- I haven't worked up the numbers for w&b with various load factors but will try to do that this week. My mission for the aircraft was for a cross country cruiser that would carr y myself (170lbs) and my wife (< 110lbs with her purse) and all the baggage she wanted to carry (put in back seat).=C2- A full load of fuel would be optional since at our age we only have 3 hour bladders anyway.=C2- ;-( =C2- I am looking at setting the Gross as 2500 which is based in part on conversations I had with Rich many years ago regarding the gross weight.=C2 - He indicated even back then that the 2500 gross would be a safe weight based on the increased strength of the carbon fiber main spar reinforcement that I have compared to the original all glass main spar and their testing of various loads.=C2- The comments from the rest of you indicate similar findings. =C2- I will start out with the current configuration and weigh t for initial testing and work to reduce some of the weight as testing proc eeds if necessary.=C2- I am expecting to get good numbers from the engine with the dual electronic ignition (FLYEFII) and fuel injection combined wi th the tuned four-into-one exhaust system. =C2- I am not sure where the rest of the weight is but suspect it is well distri buted throughout the entire plane.=C2- I would go on a diet myself but ha ve already dropped 20lbs and if my wife gets any smaller I won't be able to find her.=C2- So it's down to making it work with what we have until I n eed to replace the batteries and can find some lighter seat rails. Wish me luck, and thanks to all who have responded. Bob Reed PS:=C2- Memory foam for the seats is HEAVY but the comfort factor may wel l be worth it.=C2- Also sound absorption adds weight but for long trips c an be worth it too.=C2- On =8ESunday=8E, =8EJanuary=8E =8E6 =8E, =8E2019=8E =8E10=8E:=8E36=8E: =8E13=8E =8EPM=8E =8ECST, mike@vision499.com wrote: =C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- Weight=C2-=C2-=C2- Station =C2-=C2-=C2- Nose Wheel=C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- 420.50 =C2-=C2-=C2- -8.00 Left Main=C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- 585.00=C2 -=C2-=C2- 59.00 Right Main=C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- 551.00 =C2-=C2-=C2- 59.00 Total=C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2-=C2- =C2-=C2- =C2- 1,556.50=C2-=C2-=C2- My weights are also much higher than spec. I knew I was building heavy but it was a lot more than I expected. That explains where all the extra gallons of resin and yds of cloth that I got went. I know where 150 lbs are but I'm not sure I'm prepared for the effort to remove it. Robert, could you please give us a breakdown of how much of your weight is on the nose wheel and how much on the mains Good luck Mike ---Original Message----- From: owner-kis-list-server@matronics.com On Behalf Of Robert Reed Sent: January 6, 2019 5:54 AM Subject: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place All I did my weight yesterday and I am heavy.=C2- I expected to be a little h eavier than the prototype but not 300+ lbs.=C2- I can account for some of that w ith the dual alternator dual battery electrical system and my heavy interior. Could some of you 4-place builders give me your empty and gross weights for comparison. Also any comments on handling at near gross. Bob Reed Sent from my iPhone --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. S - WIKI - - =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- =C2- -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Time: 12:54:46 PM PST US From: M Ketteing Subject: Re: KIS-List: Weights for KIS Cruiser 4-place The factory TR-4 prototype was not under built to save weight. Every part except the rudder was the same as delivered in the kits. All layups were done as in the manuals. Give Rich the credit that was due, he knew how to build light without compromising strength. In fact his layups were probably stronger than most others. He did use the O-360 A1A that is about the lightest. Used a small battery as near to the engine as possible. He kept the interior to a minimum. There was no muffler. Minimum instruments and avionics. I can't remember for sure but at least one of the prototypes (TR-1 or TR-4) did not have lights! While few of us can build as light and as strong as Rich that is not the only reason for the large increases in weights. Most of us add more stuff and make modifications and much of this is not needed and at times is detrimental. I have seen lots of things done to "make it stronger" that just make it heavier since the additions were not at the point of first failure. In some cases they reduced the strength. Most of the changes snowball. For example using a heavier engine can require moving the battery to the back. This then requires the use of long and heavy cables and maybe a larger battery. So 30 lbs added to the engine could end up costing you 50 lbs or more. A long time ago a friend bought a real nice GlasAir 3. It was a winner at OSH. It had a dual 24V battery system with dual alternators and tons of extra crap. There were 2 electric systems and a DC to DC converter since there were many 12volt avionics. The reason the original builder went with the 24V system in the first place was to save weight since smaller wire could be used. In the end he used the same size wire as required for a 12V system. When my friend ripped it all out and converted to a single 12V system he reduced the weight by 300 lbs! His aircraft finally became a useful 2 seat aircraft. Mark Kettering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message kis-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/KIS-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/kis-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/kis-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.