---------------------------------------------------------- Kolb-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sun 10/17/04: 12 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 01:31 PM - XTRA (Silver Fern Microlights Ltd) 2. 03:46 PM - Re: Kolbs bunches! (John Hauck) 3. 03:52 PM - Re: VG's in the UK (John Hauck) 4. 04:06 PM - Re: VG's in the UK (John Hauck) 5. 04:35 PM - Re: XTRA (Larry Bourne) 6. 04:39 PM - Uncle Craig's Xtra update (Gherkins Tim-rp3420) 7. 05:10 PM - Re: VG's in the UK (Richard Pike) 8. 05:12 PM - MKIII w/912 for sale (Richard Pike) 9. 06:49 PM - Re: VG's in the UK (Land Shorter) 10. 06:55 PM - flight report Mk3/912 vs Rans S-6/582 (H MITCHELL) 11. 08:34 PM - Re: Trenton Flyers Halloween Fly-In (HShack@aol.com) 12. 08:39 PM - Thank you for your email (Dan Viet Newspaper) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 01:31:14 PM PST US From: "Silver Fern Microlights Ltd" Subject: Kolb-List: XTRA --> Kolb-List message posted by: "Silver Fern Microlights Ltd" Have not been getting any lists for the last few days, so just checking to see if this works. Kiwi ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 03:46:12 PM PST US From: "John Hauck" Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Kolbs bunches! --> Kolb-List message posted by: "John Hauck" | picture show lasted a good hour and John could call the name of every | airport, mountain range, highway, lake, town etc. in every picture. He man | is sharp as a razor. John C/Gang: Thanks for the kind words, but I had notes written on both arms with a ball point pen. :-) Take care, john h DO NOT ARCHIVE ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 03:52:59 PM PST US From: "John Hauck" Subject: Re: Kolb-List: VG's in the UK --> Kolb-List message posted by: "John Hauck" | Have just finished testing these little babies and have managed to get the stall speed down to 34 Kt at 431kg from the initial 37 Kt. | | Kiwi Kiwi/All: Was that clean for with full flaperons? Test flew my old MKIIIc last Fri, after repairing and replacing the tail section. With 20 gal (120 lbs) fuel she was stalling at: 35 kts clean. 30 kts 20 deg flaps. 29 kts 40 deg flaps. Stall tests conducted at 2,500 feet ASL without vortex generators. Wondered what it would do with VGs? Take care, john h PS: You are coming through in hauck's holler, alabama, loud and clear. ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 04:06:27 PM PST US From: "John Hauck" Subject: Re: Kolb-List: VG's in the UK --> Kolb-List message posted by: "John Hauck" | | Test flew my old MKIIIc last Fri, after repairing and replacing the | tail section. With 20 gal (120 lbs) fuel she was stalling at: | | 35 kts clean. | | 30 kts 20 deg flaps. | | 29 kts 40 deg flaps. Gang: The above should have read, "Was that clean or with full flaperons?" 35 kts is 40 mph 30 kts is 35 mph 29 kts is 33 mph Take care, john h ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 04:35:51 PM PST US From: "Larry Bourne" Subject: Re: Kolb-List: XTRA --> Kolb-List message posted by: "Larry Bourne" Yup, you're with us. Do not Archive. Larry Bourne Palm Springs, CA Building Kolb Mk III N78LB Vamoose www.gogittum.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Silver Fern Microlights Ltd" Subject: Kolb-List: XTRA > --> Kolb-List message posted by: "Silver Fern Microlights Ltd" > > > Have not been getting any lists for the last few days, so just checking to > see if this works. > > Kiwi > > > ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ Time: 04:39:03 PM PST US From: Gherkins Tim-rp3420 Subject: Kolb-List: Uncle Craig's Xtra update --> Kolb-List message posted by: Gherkins Tim-rp3420 John Williamson, Will Uribe, Izek and other kolbers inquiring about Uncle Craigs Mark III Xtra rebuild. It is coming along great. For the first few weeks right after the mishap we had a hard time motivating ourselves to open the trailer door and get started.... But we did, and started we have. Repaired the damage and took advantage to add some Extra details to the fuselage that uncle Craig wanted to do with hind site. Painted the newly welded tubing and have the fabric and tapes to start recovering. As for my Firestar II, it is all covered and I am currently masking for painting. Progress has slowed down a bit due to energy and time going toward uncle Craig's Xtra. We are still on the list, but have not contributed much lately. But we are reading daily. John W. - Thanks for your personal inquiry. Sure did enjoy the hop in your Kolbra at MV, I'm still talking about it to any who will listen. Craig and I talk about you often and visit your excellent web site weekly. TG Will U.- Thanks for stopping by and visiting us last week. Good to have a fellow Kolber jab a stick under us to keep us concentrated on the task at hand--That is to GET FLYING! Regards, Tim and uncle Craig www.milows.com do not archive PCFET0NUWVBFIEhUTUwgUFVCTElDICItLy9XM0MvL0RURCBIVE1MIDQuMCBUcmFuc2l0aW9uYWwv L0VOIj4NCjxIVE1MPjxIRUFEPg0KPE1FVEEgSFRUUC1FUVVJVj0iQ29udGVudC1UeXBlIiBDT05U RU5UPSJ0ZXh0L2h0bWw7IGNoYXJzZXQ9VVMtQVNDSUkiPg0KPFRJVExFPk1lc3NhZ2U8L1RJVExF Pg0KDQo8TUVUQSBjb250ZW50PSJNU0hUTUwgNi4wMC4yODAwLjE0NTgiIG5hbWU9R0VORVJBVE9S PjwvSEVBRD4NCjxCT0RZPg0KPERJVj48Rk9OVCBmYWNlPUFyaWFsIHNpemU9Mj48U1BBTiBjbGFz cz05MTQwMDEyMjMtMTcxMDIwMDQ+Sm9obiBXaWxsaWFtc29uLCANCldpbGwgVXJpYmUsJm5ic3A7 SXplayZuYnNwO2FuZCBvdGhlciBrb2xiZXJzIGlucXVpcmluZyBhYm91dCBVbmNsZSBDcmFpZ3Mg TWFyayANCklJSSBYdHJhIHJlYnVpbGQuJm5ic3A7IEl0IGlzIGNvbWluZyBhbG9uZyBncmVhdC4m bmJzcDsgRm9yIHRoZSBmaXJzdCBmZXcgd2Vla3MgDQpyaWdodCBhZnRlciB0aGUgbWlzaGFwIHdl IGhhZCBhIGhhcmQgdGltZSBtb3RpdmF0aW5nIG91cnNlbHZlcyB0byBvcGVuIHRoZSANCnRyYWls ZXIgZG9vciBhbmQgZ2V0IHN0YXJ0ZWQuLi4uPC9TUEFOPjwvRk9OVD48L0RJVj4NCjxESVY+PEZP TlQgZmFjZT1BcmlhbCBzaXplPTI+PFNQQU4gY2xhc3M9OTE0MDAxMjIzLTE3MTAyMDA0PkJ1dCB3 ZSBkaWQsIGFuZCANCnN0YXJ0ZWQgd2UgaGF2ZS4mbmJzcDsmbmJzcDsmbmJzcDtSZXBhaXJlZCB0 aGUgZGFtYWdlIGFuZCB0b29rIGFkdmFudGFnZSB0byBhZGQgDQpzb21lIEV4dHJhIGRldGFpbHMg dG8gdGhlIGZ1c2VsYWdlIHRoYXQgdW5jbGUgQ3JhaWcgd2FudGVkIHRvIGRvIHdpdGggaGluZCAN CnNpdGUuJm5ic3A7IFBhaW50ZWQgdGhlIG5ld2x5IHdlbGRlZCB0dWJpbmcgYW5kIGhhdmUgdGhl IGZhYnJpYyBhbmQgdGFwZXMgdG8gDQpzdGFydCByZWNvdmVyaW5nLiZuYnNwOyA8L1NQQU4+PC9G T05UPjwvRElWPg0KPERJVj48Rk9OVCBmYWNlPUFyaWFsIHNpemU9Mj48U1BBTiANCmNsYXNzPTkx NDAwMTIyMy0xNzEwMjAwND48L1NQQU4+PC9GT05UPiZuYnNwOzwvRElWPg0KPERJVj48Rk9OVCBm YWNlPUFyaWFsIHNpemU9Mj48U1BBTiBjbGFzcz05MTQwMDEyMjMtMTcxMDIwMDQ+QXMgZm9yIG15 IEZpcmVzdGFyIA0KSUksJm5ic3A7aXQgaXMgYWxsIGNvdmVyZWQgYW5kIEkgYW0gY3VycmVudGx5 IG1hc2tpbmcgZm9yIHBhaW50aW5nLiZuYnNwOyANClByb2dyZXNzIGhhcyBzbG93ZWQgZG93biBh IGJpdCBkdWUgdG8gZW5lcmd5IGFuZCB0aW1lIGdvaW5nIHRvd2FyZCB1bmNsZSBDcmFpZydzIA0K WHRyYS4mbmJzcDsgV2UgYXJlIHN0aWxsIG9uIHRoZSBsaXN0LCBidXQgaGF2ZSBub3QgY29udHJp YnV0ZWQgbXVjaCBsYXRlbHkuIEJ1dCANCndlIGFyZSByZWFkaW5nIGRhaWx5LjwvU1BBTj48L0ZP TlQ+PC9ESVY+DQo8RElWPjxGT05UIGZhY2U9QXJpYWwgc2l6ZT0yPjxTUEFOIA0KY2xhc3M9OTE0 MDAxMjIzLTE3MTAyMDA0PjwvU1BBTj48L0ZPTlQ+Jm5ic3A7PC9ESVY+DQo8RElWPjxGT05UIGZh Y2U9QXJpYWwgc2l6ZT0yPjxTUEFOIGNsYXNzPTkxNDAwMTIyMy0xNzEwMjAwND5Kb2huIFcuJm5i c3A7LSANClRoYW5rcyBmb3IgeW91ciBwZXJzb25hbCBpbnF1aXJ5LiZuYnNwOyBTdXJlIGRpZCBl bmpveSB0aGUgaG9wIGluIHlvdXIgS29sYnJhIGF0IA0KTVYsIEknbSBzdGlsbCB0YWxraW5nIGFi b3V0IGl0IHRvIGFueSB3aG8gd2lsbCBsaXN0ZW4uJm5ic3A7IENyYWlnIGFuZCBJIHRhbGsgDQph Ym91dCB5b3Ugb2Z0ZW4gYW5kIHZpc2l0IHlvdXIgZXhjZWxsZW50IHdlYiBzaXRlIHdlZWtseS4m bmJzcDsgDQpURzwvU1BBTj48L0ZPTlQ+PC9ESVY+DQo8RElWPjxGT05UIGZhY2U9QXJpYWwgc2l6 ZT0yPjxTUEFOIA0KY2xhc3M9OTE0MDAxMjIzLTE3MTAyMDA0PjwvU1BBTj48L0ZPTlQ+Jm5ic3A7 PC9ESVY+DQo8RElWPjxGT05UIGZhY2U9QXJpYWwgc2l6ZT0yPjxTUEFOIGNsYXNzPTkxNDAwMTIy My0xNzEwMjAwND5XaWxsIFUuLSBUaGFua3MgZm9yIA0Kc3RvcHBpbmcgYnkgYW5kIHZpc2l0aW5n IHVzIGxhc3Qgd2Vlay4mbmJzcDsgR29vZCB0byZuYnNwO2hhdmUgYSBmZWxsb3cgS29sYmVyIA0K amFiIGEgc3RpY2sgdW5kZXIgdXMgdG8ga2VlcCB1cyBjb25jZW50cmF0ZWQgb24gdGhlIHRhc2sg YXQgaGFuZC0tVGhhdCBpcyB0byBHRVQgDQpGTFlJTkchJm5ic3A7PC9TUEFOPjwvRk9OVD48L0RJ Vj4NCjxESVY+PEZPTlQgZmFjZT1BcmlhbCBzaXplPTI+PFNQQU4gDQpjbGFzcz05MTQwMDEyMjMt MTcxMDIwMDQ+PC9TUEFOPjwvRk9OVD4mbmJzcDs8L0RJVj4NCjxESVY+PEZPTlQgZmFjZT1Bcmlh bCBzaXplPTI+PFNQQU4gDQpjbGFzcz05MTQwMDEyMjMtMTcxMDIwMDQ+UmVnYXJkcyw8L1NQQU4+ PC9GT05UPjwvRElWPg0KPERJVj48Rk9OVCBmYWNlPUFyaWFsIHNpemU9Mj48U1BBTiBjbGFzcz05 MTQwMDEyMjMtMTcxMDIwMDQ+VGltIGFuZCB1bmNsZSANCkNyYWlnPC9TUEFOPjwvRk9OVD48L0RJ Vj4NCjxESVY+PEZPTlQgZmFjZT1BcmlhbCBzaXplPTI+PFNQQU4gY2xhc3M9OTE0MDAxMjIzLTE3 MTAyMDA0PjxBIA0KaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5taWxvd3MuY29tIj53d3cubWlsb3dzLmNvbTwv QT48L1NQQU4+PC9GT05UPjwvRElWPg0KPERJVj48Rk9OVCBmYWNlPUFyaWFsIHNpemU9Mj48U1BB TiBjbGFzcz05MTQwMDEyMjMtMTcxMDIwMDQ+ZG8gbm90IA0KYXJjaGl2ZTwvU1BBTj48L0ZPTlQ+ PC9ESVY+PC9CT0RZPjwvSFRNTD4NCg== ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ Time: 05:10:08 PM PST US From: Richard Pike Subject: Re: Kolb-List: VG's in the UK --> Kolb-List message posted by: Richard Pike If you get the same results I did, - and I can't imagine why you wouldn't - you would probably see it stalling 5-6 mph slower at each flap setting, but the really neat part is that 10-15 mph faster than stall, it handles as solid as it does at 30 mph faster than stall. IMHO, that's the real payoff. (Just what you need- another winter project...PS - use duct tape to attach them for a trial run, that way if you don't like what you get, you are no worse off. It would be a real killer to take the trouble to paint them all up with the appropriate colors to make things look good, and then find out they didn't work for beans!) Richard Pike MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) do not archive At 06:08 PM 10/17/2004 -0500, you wrote: >--> Kolb-List message posted by: "John Hauck" > > | Was that clean for with full flaperons? >| >| Test flew my old MKIIIc last Fri, after repairing and replacing the >| tail section. With 20 gal (120 lbs) fuel she was stalling at: >| >| 35 kts clean. >| >| 30 kts 20 deg flaps. >| >| 29 kts 40 deg flaps. > >Gang: > >The above should have read, "Was that clean or with full flaperons?" > >35 kts is 40 mph > >30 kts is 35 mph > >29 kts is 33 mph > >Take care, > >john h > > ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Time: 05:12:50 PM PST US From: Richard Pike Subject: Kolb-List: MKIII w/912 for sale --> Kolb-List message posted by: Richard Pike Was at a fly-in this afternoon, and was approached by a flyer from Spartanburg, SC. He said that a local in Spartanburg had built a MKIII, put a 912 on it, flown if for about 20 hours, and then passed away. His widow supposedly wants $20K for it. That's all I know, the phone # is 864-578-2661 Richard Pike MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) do not archive ________________________________ Message 9 _____________________________________ Time: 06:49:22 PM PST US From: Land Shorter Subject: Re: Kolb-List: VG's in the UK --> Kolb-List message posted by: Land Shorter Just a note... use double sided carpet tape (Home Depot, etc) and trim around each VG with a razor knife (stick about 20 VGs down to your tape while it's still on the roll and cut around them with the razor knife and then take them off one at a time with a small pair of smooth jawed needle nosed pliers and apply them to the wing using the template for guidance). If you want a belt-and-suspenders approach you can put *thin* 2' wide clear packing tape over the double-stuck-taped-VGs either with small pieces on each side or with one long piece with slits cut in it for the sails to stick up through. The trick is to not let any of the tape get in front of the forward part of the VG and trip the boundry layer early. You want the VG to do it's job efficiently. You also want all your tapes (double-stick and/or packing tape) to be nice and thin. Oh, don't skimp on the tape- use a good brand like 3M. Joa www.landshorter.com Richard Pike wrote: (Just what you need- another winter project...PS - use duct tape to attach them for a trial run, that way if you don't like what you get, you are no --------------------------------- ________________________________ Message 10 ____________________________________ Time: 06:55:15 PM PST US From: "H MITCHELL" Subject: Kolb-List: flight report Mk3/912 vs Rans S-6/582 Seal-Send-Time: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:54:11 -0400 --> Kolb-List message posted by: "H MITCHELL" Rolled the Mk3 out early this morning, gassed her up, did my preflight and was in the air by 8AM. That 66 Deg morning air sure helped my climb rate. 'Flew Northwest up one of the rivers that feed Lake Seminole. I had heard that this stream was feed by fresh water springs and was interesting to see from the air. It was all true and the visibility was great. The 912 purred all the way. When I got back to the field it was fairly busy but I got in the pattern with the rest and we all got down with no problems. During a chat with my friend Rut Fuller and I mentioned that I was still getting used to the 912 after flying my FireFly. He offered to take me up in a Rans S-6 to show me how easy they are to fly. Takeoff was a non-event but when I tried some turns I found that the Rans was really different. Other than flunking turn coordination, level flight and maintaining a heading I did fine. Trading the Kolb quadrant throttle for the Rans/GA pull-twist throttle was no help. The different rudder function would also take some getting used to. This little jewel was fast though, she went to 110 MPH S&L with no hesitation. Generally it was a very GA-like experience. Post flight check on the 912 the throttle doubler link end fitting was found to be loose by several turns. I put some thread lock on it and screwed it tight. It had not effected throttle action but needed fixing. Duane the plane Mitchell, Tallahassee, FL, Mk3/912, 14.2 Hrs ________________________________ Message 11 ____________________________________ Time: 08:34:14 PM PST US From: HShack@aol.com Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Trenton Flyers Halloween Fly-In --> Kolb-List message posted by: HShack@aol.com All are invited to our fly-in on Saturday, 10-30-04. If it fly's, it's welcome. OK, you can drive in if you must...... Food, gas, candy drops, bonfires, etc. Welcome to camp the whole weekend. Edgefield County Airport, Trenton, SC 6J6 N 33 44. 21 W 081 49.17 Com 122.9 Questions? Howard Shackleford hshack@aol.com FS II SC ________________________________ Message 12 ____________________________________ Time: 08:39:11 PM PST US From: "Dan Viet Newspaper" Subject: Kolb-List: Thank you for your email --> Kolb-List message posted by: "Dan Viet Newspaper" Thank you, We have received your email. It will be attended to as soon as we possibly can. Have a nice day! Cam on ban, Chung toi da nhan duoc email cua ban. Chung toi se hoi dap trong thoi gian som nhat. Chuc ban mot ngay vui ve. Tuan bao Dan Viet. (This is an auto reply message)