---------------------------------------------------------- Kolb-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sun 02/21/16: 8 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 11:39 AM - Re: Re: ALASK or bust (undoctor) 2. 12:15 PM - Re: ALASK or bust (west1m) 3. 03:00 PM - AOA revisited (Larry Cottrell) 4. 06:21 PM - Re: Re: Tire Replacement (Brad Nation) 5. 06:28 PM - Re: Re: Tire Replacement (John Hauck) 6. 06:30 PM - Re: Re: Tire Replacement (Gary Aman) 7. 06:38 PM - Re: Re: Tire Replacement (Brad Nation) 8. 08:18 PM - Re: Tire Replacement (George Bearden) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 11:39:55 AM PST US Subject: RE: Kolb-List: Re: ALASK or bust From: undoctor Tm9uLUtvbGIgYWxlcnQuIEFsc28gcm9kZSBteSBjeWNsZSBmcm9tIFBBIHRvIHRoZSBBdGlndW4g UGFzcy4gV2VudCBlYXN0IG9uIFRvcCBvZiB0aGUgV29ybGQgSGlnaHdheSB0b3dhcmQgRGF3c29u IENpdHkgb24gcmV0dXJuIGhvbWUgYW5kIHN0b3BwZWQgYXQgQ2hpY2tlbiBmb3Igc3VwcGVyLiBC b3JkZXIgd2FzIGNsb3NlZCB1bnRpbCBBTSBzbyB3ZSB0YWxrZWQuIEFza2VkIHdoZXJlIHRoZXkg bGl2ZWQgYmVmb3JlIHRoZXkgYm91Z2h0IENoaWNrZW4gYW5kIHNoZSBzYWlkLCAiQSBsaXR0bGUg cGxhY2UgaW4gdGhlIGxvd2VyIDQ4LCBhIHRvd24gaW4gUEEKbmFtZWQgTmV3IEhvcGUuIiDCoCJJ IHJ1biBMYW5zZGFsZSB0byBGbGVtaW5ndG9uIDUgZGF5cyBhIHdlZWsuIiAod2hpY2ggaXMgcmln aHQgdGhyb3VnaCBOZXcgSG9wZSkgSSByZXNwb25kZWQuIFNtYWxsIHdvcmxkIG1vbWVudC7CoAoK U2VudCBmcm9tIG15IFZlcml6b24gV2lyZWxlc3MgNEcgTFRFIHNtYXJ0cGhvbmUKCjxkaXY+LS0t LS0tLS0gT3JpZ2luYWwgbWVzc2FnZSAtLS0tLS0tLTwvZGl2PjxkaXY+RnJvbTogd2VzdDFtIDx3 ZXN0MW1AaG90bWFpbC5jb20+IDwvZGl2PjxkaXY+RGF0ZTowMi8yMC8yMDE2ICA1OjAyIFBNICAo R01ULTA1OjAwKSA8L2Rpdj48ZGl2PlRvOiBrb2xiLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbSA8L2Rpdj48 ZGl2PlN1YmplY3Q6IEtvbGItTGlzdDogUmU6IEFMQVNLIG9yIGJ1c3QgPC9kaXY+PGRpdj4KPC9k aXY+LS0+IEtvbGItTGlzdCBtZXNzYWdlIHBvc3RlZCBieTogIndlc3QxbSIgPHdlc3QxbUBob3Rt YWlsLmNvbT4KCkkgYWxzbyBkaWQgdGhlIHRyaXAgYnkgbW90b3JjeWNsZSBpbiAyMDA2LgpJIHRo aW5rIHRoZSBtb3N0IGZ1biBJIGhhZCB3YXMgaW4gQ2hpY2tlbi4uLgoKLS0tLS0tLS0KV2VzdDFt Ckhhc3RpbmdzLCBNTgoKCgoKUmVhZCB0aGlzIHRvcGljIG9ubGluZSBoZXJlOgoKaHR0cDovL2Zv cnVtcy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL3ZpZXd0b3BpYy5waHA/cD00NTMwMjgjNDUzMDI4CgoKCgpBdHRh Y2htZW50czogCgpodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vL2ZpbGVzL2FsYXNrYV8yNDEu anBnCgoKCgpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PQpfLT0KXy09ICAgICAgIC0tIFBsZWFzZSBTdXBwb3J0IFlvdXIgTGlzdHMg VGhpcyBNb250aCAtLQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgIChBbmQgR2V0IFNvbWUgQVdFU09NRSBGUkVFIEdp ZnRzISkKXy09Cl8tPSAgIE5vdmVtYmVyIGlzIHRoZSBBbm51YWwgTGlzdCBGdW5kIFJhaXNlci4g IENsaWNrIG9uCl8tPSAgIHRoZSBDb250cmlidXRpb24gbGluayBiZWxvdyB0byBmaW5kIG91dCBt b3JlIGFib3V0Cl8tPSAgIHRoaXMgeWVhcidzIFRlcnJpZmljIEZyZWUgSW5jZW50aXZlIEdpZnRz IHByb3ZpZGVkCl8tPSAgIGJ5OgpfLT0gICAKXy09ICAgICAqIFRoZSBCdWlsZGVyJ3MgQm9va3N0 b3JlIHd3dy5idWlsZGVyc2Jvb2tzLmNvbQpfLT0KXy09ICAgTGlzdCBDb250cmlidXRpb24gV2Vi IFNpdGU6Cl8tPQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL2NvbnRyaWJ1dGlv bgpfLT0KXy09ICAgVGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3VzIHN1cHBvcnQhCl8tPQpfLT0g ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUsIExpc3QgQWRtaW4uCl8t PQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgLSBUaGUgS29sYi1MaXN0IEVtYWlsIEZvcnVtIC0KXy09IFVz ZSB0aGUgTWF0cm9uaWNzIExpc3QgRmVhdHVyZXMgTmF2aWdhdG9yIHRvIGJyb3dzZQpfLT0gdGhl IG1hbnkgTGlzdCB1dGlsaXRpZXMgc3VjaCBhcyBMaXN0IFVuL1N1YnNjcmlwdGlvbiwKXy09IEFy Y2hpdmUgU2VhcmNoICYgRG93bmxvYWQsIDctRGF5IEJyb3dzZSwgQ2hhdCwgRkFRLApfLT0gUGhv dG9zaGFyZSwgYW5kIG11Y2ggbXVjaCBtb3JlOgpfLT0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0 cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9OYXZpZ2F0b3I/S29sYi1MaXN0Cl8tPQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAtIE1BVFJPTklDUyBXRUIgRk9SVU1TIC0KXy09IFNhbWUgZ3JlYXQgY29udGVudCBhbHNvIGF2 YWlsYWJsZSB2aWEgdGhlIFdlYiBGb3J1bXMhCl8tPQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL2ZvcnVtcy5t YXRyb25pY3MuY29tCl8tPQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgLSBMaXN0IENvbnRyaWJ1dGlv biBXZWIgU2l0ZSAtCl8tPSAgVGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3VzIHN1cHBvcnQhCl8t PSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC1NYXR0IERyYWxsZSwgTGlzdCBBZG1pbi4K Xy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9jb250cmlidXRpb24KXy09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0KCgoK ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 12:15:50 PM PST US Subject: Kolb-List: Re: ALASK or bust From: "west1m" OOPS! more non Kolb, but it a bit slow anyway... My wife and I also went in 1979 when the whole way was dirt. We drove this old Corviar (They use those motors in airplanes right??) and three of my buddies followed us in a VW bus. He went through a couple of motors and I went through a couple of trannies. New parts were non existent. We passed this area. it was a row of signs then, when I saw it in 2006, it was a city of signs. -------- West1m Hastings, MN Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=453041#453041 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/vuescan81_238.jpg ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 03:00:08 PM PST US Subject: Kolb-List: AOA revisited From: Larry Cottrell Well the runway finally dried out and the wind momentarily quit blowing, and I ran out of excuses. I rolled the plane out and went out to do some touch and go'es and I took some videos of the basic AOA indicator, and will work on organizing them later. I wanted to find out how much movement there would be from level flight, Wing at 9 degrees, and stall. I built a vane that was 5 1/2 inches long. Picture is attachment "aoa 1". I then put a piece of tape on the inside of the wind screen marked by inches. I located this entire set up on the wrap around wind screen just in front of my knee, figuring that I could see it out of my perifial vision while I was checking the ASI. It was visible to the eye, but not in a very good position to record on a video camera. Regardless of that I found that the plane flew flat and level at the 9 degree mark that I had put on the screen, and began to burble at a level that was 1 5/8 from that mark. The only surprise was that I would rarely on purpose fly the plane that close to a stall. Of course I have about 655 hours on this plane so it is no surprise that I have developed defenses against screwing it up. The things that I learned from this are: That the plane will be very difficult if not impossible to stall at full throttle. At least it is very difficult for me to pull it up that much. That the vane is not a necessity. a piece of yarn would do just as well, and while not as "swavey" as a lighted AOA, is just as visible. Because of the design of the Kolb, there is very little time and not enough inertia for one to fool around when approaching a stall, and be able to recover before something bad happened. An 11 inch piece of yarn would be showing 3 1/4 inches approaching burble. The yarn would also eliminate the problem of some yoyo messing with a metal vane. It would also give you enough warning that even approaching a stall would be quite obvious. I was happy to learn that I didn't seem to be all that rusty even though I haven't flown for several months, and that I still enjoyed it. The tires as you may remember were secured with some expensive stainless steel 3/4 inch screws, 12 per tire. I put 6 pounds of pressure in them when I originally fixed the tires. One of my landings I was paying more attention to the AOA than landing and I dropped it from about a foot off the ground. The cushion was quite noticeable and not unpleasant. I am quite pleased and happy that I did it. Larry -- *The older I get, the less tolerant I am of those who are intolerant.* *If you forward this email, or any part of it, please remove my email address before sending.* ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 06:21:54 PM PST US From: Brad Nation Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Tire Replacement Thanks for all the suggestions and help. I finally got the tires off with the help of a Harbor Freight mini tire changer. It took a bit but worked like a charm. One question though, there was a busted O-Ring inside one of the tires between the wheel halfs but not the other and I couldn=99t tell where it went. Any comments or suggestions? Brad ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 06:28:47 PM PST US From: "John Hauck" Subject: RE: Kolb-List: Re: Tire Replacement I run tubes in my MKIII. Don't need the o rings in MATCOs with tubes. john h mkIII Titus, Alabama From: owner-kolb-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-kolb-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Brad Nation Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2016 8:21 PM Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Tire Replacement Thanks for all the suggestions and help. I finally got the tires off with the help of a Harbor Freight mini tire changer. It took a bit but worked like a charm. One question though, there was a busted O-Ring inside one of the tires between the wheel halfs but not the other and I couldn=99t tell where it went. Any comments or suggestions? Brad ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ Time: 06:30:36 PM PST US Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Tire Replacement From: Gary Aman Think the o ring makes it tubeless Sent from my iPhone > On Feb 21, 2016, at 9:21 PM, Brad Nation wrote: > > Thanks for all the suggestions and help. I finally got the tires off with the help of a Harbor Freight mini tire changer. It took a bit but worked l ike a charm. > One question though, there was a busted O-Ring inside one of the tires bet ween the wheel halfs but not the other and I couldn=99t tell where it w ent. Any comments or suggestions? > > Brad > ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ Time: 06:38:34 PM PST US From: Brad Nation Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Tire Replacement I=99m using tubs as well. So perhaps the O-ring was left over from the previous owner. Brad Nation MKIII Xtra Albuquerque, NM ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Time: 08:18:01 PM PST US From: "George Bearden" Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Tire Replacement When I change motorcycle tires I use the weight of my F250. I lay the tire under the edge of the truck, somewhere near the middle for convenience. I have a stout long 4x4 I use for a lever. I put a short 2x4 on the tire, extending up. The end of the 4x4 goes under the truck frame, the 2x4 gets pushed down when I push down on the 4x4. You can get 500-700# pressure easily this way. But you'll have to come here to do it unless you supply your own truck. :-) Actually I hinged the short 2x4 to the 4x4 for much easier working, but I dint wanna confuse anyone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message kolb-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/Kolb-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/kolb-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/kolb-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.