---------------------------------------------------------- Kolb-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Tue 01/24/17: 6 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 05:18 AM - Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends (mojavjoe@comcast.net) 2. 08:03 AM - Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends (Richard Pike) 3. 11:29 AM - Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends (K I) 4. 11:39 AM - Re: Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends (K I) 5. 07:32 PM - Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends (Richard Girard) 6. 08:32 PM - Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends (Richard Pike) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 05:18:23 AM PST US From: mojavjoe@comcast.net Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Trimming raggedy cable ends Richard; You wouldn't have had to trim your cable ends if you had used this little trick. It's called spin welding, and it starts by rough cutting the wire cable aprox. 6in. longer than needed, and then clamping vice grips at the point you want the cable to end. Next chuck a drill set to its lowest speed setting to the rigged end of the cable. Since wire cable can be wound clock wise or counter clock wise set the drill to forward or reverse so the drill will tighten the wire. Insure the vice grips will not move (put a brick on them or clamp in a vice). Next heat the wire close to the vice grip jaws to red hot with a torch slowly tighten the wire with the drill while pulling the drill away. The wire will break with the ends fused. Sometimes there might be a wire end or two sticking out of the weld but a file will take care of that. Joe ----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard Pike" Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 8:22:28 PM Subject: Kolb-List: Trimming raggedy cable ends Spent a few minutes in the garage this afternoon, and this worked so well it needed sharing. Had a set of used rudder & elevator cables that we are going to be using in the Firefly, they are in good shape except that the ends are pretty ratty. How to trim them off without taking a chance on nicking them? Use a round x-acto knife blade. Used a screwdriver to spread the blade tang so it would slip over the cable. Work the tapered edge up against the swedge. Clamp the sheet metal vise grips in the vise, used them to hold the cable, and hold the blade tight against the swedge. Used the cut-off wheel on the Dremel and buzzed off the raggedy wires. Easier to do than tell about. Did all four wires in about ten minutes. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 There are only two kinds of people in the world. Those who say to God; "Thy will be done." And those to whom God says ; "OK then; have it your way." Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=465319#465319 Attachments: http://forums.matronics.com//files/roughjpg_721.jpg http://forums.matronics.com//files/xactojpg_117.jpg http://forums.matronics.com//files/bladejpg_106.jpg http://forums.matronics.com//files/beforejpg_165.jpg http://forums.matronics.com//files/afterjpg_156.jpg ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 08:03:59 AM PST US Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends From: "Richard Pike" Joe, I don't think I would do that. Looking up the latest version of Acceptable Methods and Practices: https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.information/documentID/99861 The part about control cables and heat: https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/Chapter_07.pdf 7-147.b - it says not to use a torch under any circumstances. I use a well-sharpened chisel, set the cable on a heavy steel dolly, and smack it with a big hammer. Cuts it off clean every time, and then slip a length of heat shrink tubing over the cable before you swedge it. then shrink it to cover Since this cable came from a different Firestar, it was a case of someone else making it up, and me just trying to make it convenient. -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 Forgiving is tough. Being forgiven is wonderful. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=465399#465399 ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 11:29:55 AM PST US From: K I Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Trimming raggedy cable ends UmljaGFyZCwNCg0KVXNlIGEgRHJlbWVsIHdpdGggYSBtaW5pIGN1dHRpbmcgYmxhZGUgZm9yIG1l dGFsLiBVc2UganVzdCBhIGxpdHRsZSBtYXNraW5nIHRhcGUgYXJvdW5kIHRoZSBzdHJhbmQgYmVm b3JlIHlvdSBtYWtlIHRoZSBjdXQuIFNpbXBseSB6aXAgdGhyb3VnaCBhbGwgdGhlIHN0cmFuZHMg d2l0aG91dCBkaXN0dXJiaW5nIHRoZW0gYW5kIHVucmF2ZWxpbmcgdGhlbS4NCg0KS3VydA0KTWFy ayBJSUkgY2xhc3NpYw0KU2VudCBmcm9tIG15IGlQYWQNCg0KT24gSmFuIDI0LCAyMDE3LCBhdCAw NjoyMCwgIm1vamF2am9lQGNvbWNhc3QubmV0PG1haWx0bzptb2phdmpvZUBjb21jYXN0Lm5ldD4i IDxtb2phdmpvZUBjb21jYXN0Lm5ldDxtYWlsdG86bW9qYXZqb2VAY29tY2FzdC5uZXQ+PiB3cm90 ZToNCg0KUmljaGFyZDsNCg0KWW91IHdvdWxkbid0IGhhdmUgaGFkIHRvIHRyaW0geW91ciBjYWJs ZSBlbmRzIGlmIHlvdSBoYWQgdXNlZCB0aGlzIGxpdHRsZSB0cmljay4gIEl0J3MgY2FsbGVkIHNw aW4gd2VsZGluZywgYW5kIGl0IHN0YXJ0cyBieSAgcm91Z2ggY3V0dGluZyB0aGUgd2lyZSBjYWJs ZSBhcHJveC4gNmluLiBsb25nZXIgdGhhbiBuZWVkZWQsIGFuZCB0aGVuIGNsYW1waW5nIHZpY2Ug Z3JpcHMgYXQgdGhlIHBvaW50IHlvdSB3YW50IHRoZSBjYWJsZSB0byBlbmQuIE5leHQgY2h1Y2sg YSBkcmlsbCBzZXQgdG8gaXRzIGxvd2VzdCBzcGVlZCBzZXR0aW5nIHRvIHRoZSByaWdnZWQgZW5k IG9mIHRoZSBjYWJsZS4gU2luY2Ugd2lyZSBjYWJsZSBjYW4gYmUgd291bmQgY2xvY2sgd2lzZSBv ciBjb3VudGVyIGNsb2NrIHdpc2Ugc2V0IHRoZSBkcmlsbCB0byBmb3J3YXJkIG9yIHJldmVyc2Ug c28gdGhlIGRyaWxsIHdpbGwgdGlnaHRlbiB0aGUgd2lyZS4gSW5zdXJlIHRoZSB2aWNlIGdyaXBz IHdpbGwgbm90IG1vdmUgKHB1dCBhIGJyaWNrIG9uIHRoZW0gb3IgY2xhbXAgaW4gYSB2aWNlKS4g TmV4dCBoZWF0IHRoZSB3aXJlIGNsb3NlIHRvIHRoZSB2aWNlIGdyaXAgamF3cyB0byByZWQgaG90 IHdpdGggYSB0b3JjaCBzbG93bHkgdGlnaHRlbiB0aGUgd2lyZSB3aXRoIHRoZSBkcmlsbCB3aGls ZSBwdWxsaW5nIHRoZSBkcmlsbCBhd2F5LiBUaGUgd2lyZSB3aWxsIGJyZWFrIHdpdGggdGhlIGVu ZHMgZnVzZWQuIFNvbWV0aW1lcyB0aGVyZSBtaWdodCBiZSBhIHdpcmUgZW5kIG9yIHR3byBzdGlj a2luZyBvdXQgb2YgdGhlIHdlbGQgYnV0IGEgZmlsZSB3aWxsIHRha2UgY2FyZSBvZiB0aGF0Lg0K DQpKb2UNCg0KX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18NCkZyb206ICJSaWNoYXJk IFBpa2UiIDx0aGVncmV5YmFyb25AY2hhcnRlci5uZXQ8bWFpbHRvOnRoZWdyZXliYXJvbkBjaGFy dGVyLm5ldD4+DQpUbzogImtvbGItbGlzdCIgPGtvbGItbGlzdEBtYXRyb25pY3MuY29tPG1haWx0 bzprb2xiLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbT4+DQpTZW50OiBTYXR1cmRheSwgSmFudWFyeSAyMSwg MjAxNyA4OjIyOjI4IFBNDQpTdWJqZWN0OiBLb2xiLUxpc3Q6IFRyaW1taW5nIHJhZ2dlZHkgY2Fi bGUgZW5kcw0KDQotLT4gS29sYi1MaXN0IG1lc3NhZ2UgcG9zdGVkIGJ5OiAiUmljaGFyZCBQaWtl IiA8dGhlZ3JleWJhcm9uQGNoYXJ0ZXIubmV0PG1haWx0bzp0aGVncmV5YmFyb25AY2hhcnRlci5u ZXQ+Pg0KDQpTcGVudCBhIGZldyBtaW51dGVzIGluIHRoZSBnYXJhZ2UgdGhpcyBhZnRlcm5vb24s IGFuZCB0aGlzIHdvcmtlZCBzbyB3ZWxsIGl0IG5lZWRlZCBzaGFyaW5nLg0KSGFkIGEgc2V0IG9m IHVzZWQgcnVkZGVyICYgZWxldmF0b3IgY2FibGVzIHRoYXQgd2UgYXJlIGdvaW5nIHRvIGJlIHVz aW5nIGluIHRoZSBGaXJlZmx5LCB0aGV5IGFyZSBpbiBnb29kIHNoYXBlIGV4Y2VwdCB0aGF0IHRo ZSBlbmRzIGFyZSBwcmV0dHkgcmF0dHkuIEhvdyB0byB0cmltIHRoZW0gb2ZmIHdpdGhvdXQgdGFr aW5nIGEgY2hhbmNlIG9uIG5pY2tpbmcgdGhlbT8NCg0KVXNlIGEgcm91bmQgeC1hY3RvIGtuaWZl IGJsYWRlLiBVc2VkIGEgc2NyZXdkcml2ZXIgdG8gc3ByZWFkIHRoZSBibGFkZSB0YW5nIHNvIGl0 IHdvdWxkIHNsaXAgb3ZlciB0aGUgY2FibGUuIFdvcmsgdGhlIHRhcGVyZWQgZWRnZSB1cCBhZ2Fp bnN0IHRoZSBzd2VkZ2UuIENsYW1wIHRoZSBzaGVldCBtZXRhbCB2aXNlIGdyaXBzIGluIHRoZSB2 aXNlLCB1c2VkIHRoZW0gdG8gaG9sZCB0aGUgY2FibGUsIGFuZCBob2xkIHRoZSBibGFkZSB0aWdo dCBhZ2FpbnN0IHRoZSBzd2VkZ2UuIFVzZWQgdGhlIGN1dC1vZmYgd2hlZWwgb24gdGhlIERyZW1l bCBhbmQgYnV6emVkIG9mZiB0aGUgcmFnZ2VkeSB3aXJlcy4NCg0KRWFzaWVyIHRvIGRvIHRoYW4g dGVsbCBhYm91dC4gRGlkIGFsbCBmb3VyIHdpcmVzIGluIGFib3V0IHRlbiBtaW51dGVzLg0KDQot LS0tLS0tLQ0KUmljaGFyZCBQaWtlDQpLb2xiIE1LSUlJIE40MjBQICg0MjBsZFBvb3BzKQ0KS2lu Z3Nwb3J0LCBUTiAzVE4wDQoNClRoZXJlIGFyZSBvbmx5IHR3byBraW5kcyBvZiBwZW9wbGUgaW4g dGhlIHdvcmxkLiBUaG9zZSB3aG8gc2F5IHRvIEdvZDsgJnF1b3Q7VGh5IHdpbGwgYmUgZG9uZS4m cXVvdDsNCkFuZCB0aG9zZSB0byB3aG9tIEdvZCBzYXlzIDsgJnF1b3Q7T0sgdGhlbjsgaGF2ZSBp dCB5b3VyIHdheS4mcXVvdDsNCg0KDQoNCg0KUmVhZCB0aGlzIHRvcGljIG9ubGluZSBoZXJlOg0K DQpodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vdmlld3RvcGljLnBocD9wPTQ2NTMxOSM0NjUz MTkNCg0KDQoNCg0KQXR0YWNobWVudHM6DQoNCmh0dHA6Ly9mb3J1bXMubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS8v ZmlsZXMvcm91Z2hqcGdfNzIxLmpwZw0KaHR0cDovL2ZvcnVtcy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tLy9maWxl cy94YWN0b2pwZ18xMTcuanBnDQpodHRwOi8vZm9ydW1zLm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20vL2ZpbGVzL2Js YWRlanBnXzEwNi5qcGcNCmh0dHA6Ly9mb3J1bXMubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS8vZmlsZXMvYmVmb3Jl anBnXzE2NS5qcGcNCmh0dHA6Ly9mb3J1bXMubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS8vZmlsZXMvYWZ0ZT09PT0N Cg0KDQoNCg0K ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 11:39:13 AM PST US From: K I Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends Hi Richard, The easiest way I found to cut strand cables without having them unravel is to use masking tape around the cable before the cut begins. Then use a dermal with a metal cutting disk to sever the cable. That way it does not unravel and remains in the current condition it was in when you put the tape on it. Kurt, Mark III Classic Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 24, 2017, at 09:08, Richard Pike wrote: > > > Joe, I don't think I would do that. Looking up the latest version of Acceptable Methods and Practices: > > https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.information/documentID/99861 > > The part about control cables and heat: > > https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/Chapter_07.pdf > > 7-147.b - it says not to use a torch under any circumstances. I use a well-sharpened chisel, set the cable on a heavy steel dolly, and smack it with a big hammer. Cuts it off clean every time, and then slip a length of heat shrink tubing over the cable before you swedge it. then shrink it to cover > > Since this cable came from a different Firestar, it was a case of someone else making it up, and me just trying to make it convenient. > > -------- > Richard Pike > Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) > Kingsport, TN 3TN0 > > Forgiving is tough. Being forgiven is wonderful. > > > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=465399#465399 > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 07:32:57 PM PST US From: Richard Girard Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Trimming raggedy cable ends Or, you could get one of these: https://smile.amazon.com/Felco-C7-wire-cutter-ea/dp/B0006229UQ/ref=sr_1_1 ?ie=UTF8&qid=1485314793&sr=8-1&keywords=felco+cable+cutters I don't remember what I paid for mine 45 years ago, but back then I was making about $2.50 an hour so I'm sure it wasn't $60. Still they cut like they did when they were new so I guess a quality tool does last a lifetime. Rick Girard On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 1:29 PM, K I wrote: > Richard, > > Use a Dremel with a mini cutting blade for metal. Use just a little > masking tape around the strand before you make the cut. Simply zip > through all the strands without disturbing them and unraveling them. > > Kurt > Mark III classic > Sent from my iPad > > On Jan 24, 2017, at 06:20, "mojavjoe@comcast.net" > wrote: > > Richard; > > You wouldn't have had to trim your cable ends if you had used this little > trick. It's called spin welding, and it starts by rough cutting the wir e > cable aprox. 6in. longer than needed, and then clamping vice grips at the > point you want the cable to end. Next chuck a drill set to its lowest spe ed > setting to the rigged end of the cable. Since wire cable can be wound clo ck > wise or counter clock wise set the drill to forward or reverse so the dri ll > will tighten the wire. Insure the vice grips will not move (put a brick o n > them or clamp in a vice). Next heat the wire close to the vice grip jaws to > red hot with a torch slowly tighten the wire with the drill while pulling > the drill away. The wire will break with the ends fused. Sometimes there > might be a wire end or two sticking out of the weld but a file will take > care of that. > > Joe > > ------------------------------ > *From: *"Richard Pike" > *To: *"kolb-list" > *Sent: *Saturday, January 21, 2017 8:22:28 PM > *Subject: *Kolb-List: Trimming raggedy cable ends > > > > Spent a few minutes in the garage this afternoon, and this worked so well > it needed sharing. > Had a set of used rudder & elevator cables that we are going to be using > in the Firefly, they are in good shape except that the ends are pretty > ratty. How to trim them off without taking a chance on nicking them? > > Use a round x-acto knife blade. Used a screwdriver to spread the blade > tang so it would slip over the cable. Work the tapered edge up against th e > swedge. Clamp the sheet metal vise grips in the vise, used them to hold t he > cable, and hold the blade tight against the swedge. Used the cut-off whee l > on the Dremel and buzzed off the raggedy wires. > > Easier to do than tell about. Did all four wires in about ten minutes. > > -------- > Richard Pike > Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) > Kingsport, TN 3TN0 > > There are only two kinds of people in the world. Those who say to God; > "Thy will be done." > And those to whom God says ; "OK then; have it your way." > > > Read this topic online here: > > http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=465319#465319 > > > Attachments: > > http://forums.matronics.com//files/roughjpg_721.jpg > http://forums.matronics.com//files/xactojpg_117.jpg > http://forums.matronics.com//files/bladejpg_106.jpg > http://forums.matronics.com//files/beforejpg_165.jpg > http://forums.matronics.com//files/afte=== > > -- =9CBlessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light.=9D Groucho Marx ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ Time: 08:32:31 PM PST US Subject: Kolb-List: Re: Trimming raggedy cable ends From: "Richard Pike" Kurt - Rick - Joe - Thank you for your ideas. But the original control cables from the original Firestar we got were destroyed, so we trashed them and kept the cables from the FSII basket case / kit that we sold, these are the cables pictured. These cables are what we are going to use in our do-it-yourself Firefly. These cables are all fuzzed, and the point of this post was to help someone whose cables are also fuzzed. Your ideas are great for someone making up cables from scratch. Great ideas. (Except for the torch. Not so sure about the torch) Thanks -------- Richard Pike Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) Kingsport, TN 3TN0 Forgiving is tough. Being forgiven is wonderful. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=465415#465415 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message kolb-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/Kolb-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/kolb-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/kolb-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.