---------------------------------------------------------- Kolb-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Tue 02/18/20: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 05:29 AM - Re: Re: wing transport suggestions (Pfatchantz) 2. 08:35 AM - Re: Re: wing transport suggestions (Charlie England) 3. 01:18 PM - Re: Re: Water and alcohol (Richard Girard) 4. 01:24 PM - Re: Re: wing transport suggestions (Richard Girard) 5. 05:07 PM - Too large of photos (B Young) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 05:29:50 AM PST US From: Pfatchantz Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: wing transport suggestions b25lIHdheSB0byBkbyBwaWNzIGlmIHRoZXkgYXJlIGp1c3QgZm9yIHNob3cgYW5kIHRlbGwuLkhl cmIKCmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnVzZS5jb20vT2Q3SFUKClNlbnQgd2l0aCBbUHJvdG9uTWFpbF0oaHR0 cHM6Ly9wcm90b25tYWlsLmNvbSkgU2VjdXJlIEVtYWlsLgoK4oCQ4oCQ4oCQ4oCQ4oCQ4oCQ4oCQ 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cGxhaW5pbmcuIDk5JSBvZiB1cyBoYXZlIGEgcmVhbCBpbnRlcm5ldCBjb25uZWN0aW9uIGFuZCBs aWtlIHRvIHNlZSBkZXRhaWxzLiBXaHkgZG8gd2UgYWxsIG9mIG5lZWQgdG8gaGVhciB0aGUgY29t cGxhaW50cyBhbmQgZ2l2ZSB1cCB0aGUgcmVzb2x1dGlvbiBzbyBvbmUgb3IgdHdvIGRvbid0IGhh dmUgdG8gd2FpdCBhIGZldyBzZWNvbmRzLiBQYXkgZm9yIHJlYWwgaW50ZXJuZXQgb3IgcXVpdCBj b21wbGFpbmluZyBwbGVhc2UuCj4+Pj4+Cj4+Pj4+IFJpY2sgTmVpbHNlbgo+Pj4+PiBSZWRyaXZl IFZXIFBvd2VyZWQgTUtJSUlDCj4+Pj4+Cj4+Pj4+IE9uIE1vbiwgRmViIDE3LCAyMDIwIGF0IDk6 MjcgQU0gUmljaGFyZCBQaWtlIDx0aGVncmV5YmFyb25AY2hhcnRlci5uZXQ+IHdyb3RlOgo+Pj4+ Pgo+Pj4+Pj4gLS0+IEtvbGItTGlzdCBtZXNzYWdlIHBvc3RlZCBieTogIlJpY2hhcmQgUGlrZSIg PHRoZWdyZXliYXJvbkBjaGFydGVyLm5ldD4KPj4+Pj4+Cj4+Pj4+PiBNYWtlcyB0aGluZ3Mgc28g bXVjaCBlYXNpZXIgdG8gcmVhZDoKPj4+Pj4+IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vZW4t dXMvcC9yZXNpemUtaW1hZ2UvOXA4N205dGtua3ZsP2FjdGl2ZXRhYj1waXZvdDpvdmVydmlld3Rh Ygo+Pj4+Pj4KPj4+Pj4+IC0tLS0tLS0tCj4+Pj4+PiBSaWNoYXJkIFBpa2UKPj4+Pj4+IEtvbGIg TUtJSUkgTjQyMFAgKDQyMGxkUG9vcHMpCj4+Pj4+PiBLb2xiIEZpcmVmbHkgUGFydCAxMDMgbGVn YWwKPj4+Pj4+IEtpbmdzcG9ydCwgVE4gM1ROMAo+Pj4+Pj4KPj4+Pj4+IEZvcmdpdmluZyBpcyB0 b3VnaCwgYmVpbmcgZm9yZ2l2ZW4gaXMgd29uZGVyZnVsLCBhbmQgR29kJ3MgZ3JhY2UgcmVhbGx5 IGlzIGFtYXppbmcu ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 08:35:24 AM PST US Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: wing transport suggestions From: Charlie England And we will continue to disagree about access; not just financial, but literal. Yours is an extremely myopic view of conditions outside your 'bubble' of experience. Your experience and opportunity is not the same as *many* others in the world, or within the USA. Charlie On 2/17/2020 11:46 PM, Rick Neilsen wrote: > Charlie > > One last time then I'm done. Technology has advanced to the point that > photo storage and down loading photos is really a non issue. We are > now in the video age where video storage and video down load speeds > are a concern like photos were maybe as far back as 8-10 years ago. I > share your concern for Matt having to store extremely large photos but > photo level storage is dirt cheep. I just built a 9TB RAID 5 media > server from a NAS box for $400 that could hold app. 9 million 1 MB > photos. Matt needs to update his guidelines. > > I'm sure you are a wonderfulsupporter of our Kolb list and Matt's > efforts, thank you. I'm not sure what you were really trying to say > but you might have seen my name on the contributors list for the last > 30+ years? How long has the list been going? > > Rick Neilsen > Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC > > On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 8:07 PM Charlie England > wrote: > > Look, I share your frustration with poor resolution in photos. But > there's a difference between a grainy 50KB image and a high res > 1MB image (which will fill a computer screen at HD resolution). > Jumping to a 10MB image gets you nothing on your screen (except > possible frustration with having to scroll to see the whole > image), and does indeed cost our generous host more money. Here > you go; copied from the FAQ email that Matt sends all of us about > once a month: > > /*Here are some rules for posting enclosures. Failure to abide by > these rules could result in the removal of a subscriber's email > address from the Lists. 1) Pay attention to what you are posting!! > Make sure that the files you are enclosing aren't HUGE (greater > that 1MB). Remember that there are still people checking they're > email via dial up modem. If you post 30MB worth of pictures, you > are placing an unnecessary burden on these folks and the rest of > us, for that matter. 2) SCALE YOUR PICTURES DOWN!!! I don't want > to see huge 3000 x 2000 pictures getting posted that are 3 or 4MB > each. This is just unacceptable. Use a program such as Photoshop > to scale the picture down to something on the order of 800 x 600 > and try to keep the file size to less-than 200KB, preferably much > less. Microsoft has a really awesome utility available for free > that allows you to Right-Click on a picture in Explorer and > automatically scale it down and resave it. This is a great utility > - get it, use it! *//*http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx*//*Look for the link "Image Resizer" 3) !! This would seem to go > without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Do not post anything that > would be considered offensive by your grandmother. And you know > what I'm saying; I don't want to see anything even questionable. > !! 4) REMEMBER THIS: If you post a 1MB enclosure to a List with > 1000 members subscribed, your 1MB enclosure must be resent 1000 > times amounting to 1MB X 1000 = 1 Gigabyte of network traffic!! BE > CAREFUL and BE COURTEOUS! Also see the section below on the > Matronics Photo and File Share where you can have your files and > photos posted on the Matronics web server for long time viewing > and availability.*/ > > > If you don't like the rules,...well, perhaps this is the wrong sandbox. > > > In addition to a town of 200K 10 miles away from me, there's a town of about 1500 3.5 miles away that has fiber to the home, but that doesn't help anyone in the area where I live. That's also the case for at least 30% of the rest of the citizens in the USA, as well. Yes, like you, I've seen the commercials for sat based internet, but apparently unlike you, I actually know some people who've tried it. It's great, if you want to download 3 or 4 emails at 4:00 AM on a Tuesday. Then you're out of high speed data for a week or two. > > I share your frustration with abbreviated weather coding. And I've been around since the 100 baud days, too. But I've seen reports that there are still weather stations around the world that are still running on teletype grade equipment, and the reason for maintaining the archaic weather codes are to support them. I realize that doesn't fit the rather common US citizen's attitude of "I've got mine; up yours". I guess we should just let those who still depend on teletype delivered weather do without, right? Of course, that teletype speed station might be actually *sending* useful info to *us*...so we'll make allowances for those... > > I wasn't aware that there's a high fatality rate from not being able to see detail in an image posted on an internet email list. Dying from not being able to see a picture really is a 1st world problem. > > 'We' might be well past worrying about a 1MB photo (I've got a 10M/s cell connection now), but that doesn't mean *everyone* is. > > Somebody politely and gently pointed out an easy way to *respect the rules of this email list*, not unlike politely asking a smoker to move to the no-smoking section. Some smokers would respond to those requests by calling the non-smoker rude, and of trying to take away their 'freedom' and 'rights'. > > Again, since you're so free with spending other people's money, how much have you donated (ever) in support of this list? > > > Charlie > > > On 2/17/2020 2:34 PM, Rick Neilsen wrote: >> Well I guess I ruffled a feather. In the summer I live 30 miles >> from any town over 10,000 people and just got 10MB cable internet >> last summer. There are options for satellite that are getting >> less expensive every year. I know it can be difficult to get real >> internet but there are other options if you look around and talk >> to people. >> >> I have been around since the days when weather reports were >> distributed by teletype at a blazing speed of 103 baud. Back then >> they developed a short hand to deal with the slow speeds. When >> dial up internet got to 48K baud there was no need for the short >> hand but it continued. Today they are still sending some weather >> reports using the shorthand and people occasionally die due to >> the confusion of improper decoding and most people and weather >> stations have internet speed well more than the 10MB or ten >> million baud. The point is we are well past the point where we >> need to be concerned with a 1 MB photo. There are always going to >> be people that don't want to move forward. Way too often I can't >> zoom in enough to see enough detail the person was showing us >> because it is too compressed. Is someone going to have to die to >> get the detail we need? In past years I was willing to wait a few >> extra seconds to get a detailed photo. >> >> Rick Neilsen >> Redrive VW powered MKIIIC >> >> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 2:44 PM Charlie England >> > wrote: >> >> Rick, >> >> I'd suggest taking a step back, and doing a little research. >> Both on real world conditions and on your own attitude. >> >> First, here in the 'great' USA, your figure of 99% broadband >> coverage is grossly overstated. Even if we use the current >> (nonsensical) definition of broadband, which the Trump minion >> has rolled back to include DSL, only 85% have access to >> 'real' internet. >> https://www.statista.com/statistics/185602/broadband-and-dial-up-internet-connection-usage-in-the-us/ >> And trust me; DSL is *not* real broadband. Real world numbers >> for true broadband are closer to 50% coverage here in the US. >> I live ~10 miles from a city of 200K people, on a major >> highway (with AT&T fiber running in front of my house), and >> there is currently *no wired internet available* to new >> subscribers in my area, and my old DSL account barely works. >> The only reason I have even imitation 'real' broadband is >> because I got in on an unlimited cellular hotspot plan, which >> is no longer available to new customers. Even that is barely >> 'real' compared to those with access to fiber & cable. Many >> people can't afford to pay for unlimited data plans, >> especially in areas with no real competition. >> >> Second, useful image size for viewing an image on a computer >> screen tops out at well under a megabyte. Sending 10 meg >> images is just a waste, it costs Matt Dralle (Matronics host) >> money for disc storage, and even more significantly, for >> bandwidth every time we upload or download an image. I'd >> suggest reading his FAQs sometime. >> >> Third, you've got a lot of nerve telling someone to just go >> spend money they may not have. Since we're poking around in >> others' financial affairs, how much do you donate to Matt >> each year to maintain this list? >> >> OK; rant mode off... >> >> Charlie >> >> >> On 2/17/2020 12:12 PM, Rick Neilsen wrote: >>> Always complaining. 99% of us have a real internet >>> connection and like to see details. Why do we all of need to >>> hear the complaints and give up the resolution so one or two >>> don't have to wait a few seconds. Pay for real internet or >>> quit complaining please. >>> >>> Rick Neilsen >>> Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC >>> >>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 9:27 AM Richard Pike >>> > >>> wrote: >>> >>> > >>> >>> Makes things so much easier to read: >>> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/resize-image/9p87m9tknkvl?activetab=pivot:overviewtab >>> >>> -------- >>> Richard Pike >>> Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) >>> Kolb Firefly Part 103 legal >>> Kingsport, TN 3TN0 >>> >>> Forgiving is tough, being forgiven is wonderful, and >>> God's grace really is amazing. >>> >> > ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 01:18:19 PM PST US From: Richard Girard Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: Water and alcohol Many of the failures of most any sealer is failure to read and follow the instructions. At least with a product called "Creme" it worked quite well. Getting the tank prepped was a real workout. My buddy, Rog, put fine grade sharp rocks (chat I think is the correct term) and a little gas into his Harley tanks then shook them at all angles for 45 minutes each. The chat is to knock off all the rust flakes and roughen the surface. Drained and let dry out for a few days and applied the sealer. No problems. The venerable Stearman bi-plane had wooden fuel tanks sealed with fabric and Goodyear Plio-Bond cement. 80 years on still good. For a more modern approach contact KBS coatings. I used it to make sure there were no leaks in a welded up auminum header tank for a JA Highlander. Used their prep and sealer as directed and five years on no sign of problems. KBS is the only sealer I know of that specifically approves using their sealer in fiberglass tanks. I can say that I made a mistake when using their prep solution. There was a chemical reaction with the aluminum and the tank got quite hot and became pressurized. Blew the tank up like a balloon and reshaped all the tank's panels from flat to convex. My bad not KBS's prep. The folks at KBS are quite friendly and knowledgeable about their products and I would urge anyone to contact them for specifics. Last, for fiberglass tanks do NOT use epoxy resin systems, use vinyl ester resin instead. Rick ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 01:24:10 PM PST US From: Richard Girard Subject: Re: Kolb-List: Re: wing transport suggestions Wow, things have really changed. When I was a moderator on the canard aviators forum (not on Matronics) I advocated adding photos. I got personal attacks with lots of swearing and several members literally wished me dead. You guys are lightweights. :-} Rick On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 7:32 AM Pfatchantz wrote : > one way to do pics if they are just for show and tell..Herb > > https://www.use.com/Od7HU > > > Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. > > =90=90=90=90=90=90=90 Original Message =90=90=90=90=90=90=90 > On Monday, February 17, 2020 11:46 PM, Rick Neilsen > wrote: > > Charlie > > One last time then I'm done. Technology has advanced to the point that > photo storage and down loading photos is really a non issue. We are now i n > the video age where video storage and video down load speeds are a concer n > like photos were maybe as far back as 8-10 years ago. I share your concer n > for Matt having to store extremely large photos but photo level storage i s > dirt cheep. I just built a 9TB RAID 5 media server from a NAS box for $40 0 > that could hold app. 9 million 1 MB photos. Matt needs to update his > guidelines. > > I'm sure you are a wonderful supporter of our Kolb list and Matt's > efforts, thank you. I'm not sure what you were really trying to say but y ou > might have seen my name on the contributors list for the last 30+ years? > How long has the list been going? > > Rick Neilsen > Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC > > On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 8:07 PM Charlie England > wrote: > >> Look, I share your frustration with poor resolution in photos. But >> there's a difference between a grainy 50KB image and a high res 1MB imag e >> (which will fill a computer screen at HD resolution). Jumping to a 10MB >> image gets you nothing on your screen (except possible frustration with >> having to scroll to see the whole image), and does indeed cost our gener ous >> host more money. Here you go; copied from the FAQ email that Matt sends all >> of us about once a month: >> >> *Here are some rules for posting enclosures. Failure to abide by these rules >> could result in the removal of a subscriber's email address from the Lists. >> >> 1) Pay attention to what you are posting!! Make sure that the files >> you are enclosing aren't HUGE (greater that 1MB). Remember that t here >> are still people checking they're email via dial up modem. If you post >> 30MB worth of pictures, you are placing an unnecessary burden on t hese >> folks and the rest of us, for that matter. >> >> 2) SCALE YOUR PICTURES DOWN!!! I don't want to see huge 3000 x 2000 >> pictures getting posted that are 3 or 4MB each. This is just >> unacceptable. Use a program such as Photoshop to scale the pictur e >> down to something on the order of 800 x 600 and try to keep the >> file size to less-than 200KB, preferably much less. >> >> Microsoft has a really awesome utility available for free that all ows >> you to Right-Click on a picture in Explorer and automatically >> scale it down and resave it. This is a great utility - get it, us e it! >> **http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowerto ys.mspx ** >> Look for the link "Image Resizer" >> >> 3) !! This would seem to go without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Do not >> post anything that would be considered offensive by your grandmoth er. >> And you know what I'm saying; I don't want to see anything even >> questionable. !! >> >> 4) REMEMBER THIS: If you post a 1MB enclosure to a List with 1000 mem bers >> subscribed, your 1MB enclosure must be resent 1000 times amounting >> to 1MB X 1000 = 1 Gigabyte of network traffic!! BE CAREFUL and >> BE COURTEOUS! >> >> Also see the section below on the Matronics Photo and File Share wher e >> you can have your files and photos posted on the Matronics web server >> for long time viewing and availability.* >> >> >> If you don't like the rules,...well, perhaps this is the wrong sandbox. >> >> >> In addition to a town of 200K 10 miles away from me, there's a town of a bout 1500 3.5 miles away that has fiber to the home, but that doesn't help anyone in the area where I live. That's also the case for at least 30% of t he rest of the citizens in the USA, as well. Yes, like you, I've seen the c ommercials for sat based internet, but apparently unlike you, I actually kn ow some people who've tried it. It's great, if you want to download 3 or 4 emails at 4:00 AM on a Tuesday. Then you're out of high speed data for a we ek or two. >> >> I share your frustration with abbreviated weather coding. And I've been around since the 100 baud days, too. But I've seen reports that there are s till weather stations around the world that are still running on teletype g rade equipment, and the reason for maintaining the archaic weather codes ar e to support them. I realize that doesn't fit the rather common US citizen' s attitude of "I've got mine; up yours". I guess we should just let those w ho still depend on teletype delivered weather do without, right? Of course, that teletype speed station might be actually *sending* useful info to *us *...so we'll make allowances for those... >> >> I wasn't aware that there's a high fatality rate from not being able to see detail in an image posted on an internet email list. Dying from not bei ng able to see a picture really is a 1st world problem. >> >> 'We' might be well past worrying about a 1MB photo (I've got a 10M/s cel l connection now), but that doesn't mean *everyone* is. >> >> Somebody politely and gently pointed out an easy way to *respect the rul es of this email list*, not unlike politely asking a smoker to move to the no-smoking section. Some smokers would respond to those requests by calling the non-smoker rude, and of trying to take away their 'freedom' and 'right s'. >> >> Again, since you're so free with spending other people's money, how much have you donated (ever) in support of this list? >> >> >> Charlie >> >> >> >> >> On 2/17/2020 2:34 PM, Rick Neilsen wrote: >> >> Well I guess I ruffled a feather. In the summer I live 30 miles from any >> town over 10,000 people and just got 10MB cable internet last summer. Th ere >> are options for satellite that are getting less expensive every year. I >> know it can be difficult to get real internet but there are other option s >> if you look around and talk to people. >> >> I have been around since the days when weather reports were distributed >> by teletype at a blazing speed of 103 baud. Back then they developed a >> short hand to deal with the slow speeds. When dial up internet got to 48 K >> baud there was no need for the short hand but it continued. Today they a re >> still sending some weather reports using the shorthand and people >> occasionally die due to the confusion of improper decoding and most peop le >> and weather stations have internet speed well more than the 10MB or ten >> million baud. The point is we are well past the point where we need to b e >> concerned with a 1 MB photo. There are always going to be people that do n't >> want to move forward. Way too often I can't zoom in enough to see enough >> detail the person was showing us because it is too compressed. Is someon e >> going to have to die to get the detail we need? In past years I was will ing >> to wait a few extra seconds to get a detailed photo. >> >> Rick Neilsen >> Redrive VW powered MKIIIC >> >> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 2:44 PM Charlie England >> wrote: >> >>> Rick, >>> >>> I'd suggest taking a step back, and doing a little research. Both on >>> real world conditions and on your own attitude. >>> >>> First, here in the 'great' USA, your figure of 99% broadband coverage i s >>> grossly overstated. Even if we use the current (nonsensical) definition of >>> broadband, which the Trump minion has rolled back to include DSL, only 85% >>> have access to 'real' internet. >>> >>> https://www.statista.com/statistics/185602/broadband-and-dial-up-intern et-connection-usage-in-the-us/ >>> And trust me; DSL is *not* real broadband. Real world numbers for true >>> broadband are closer to 50% coverage here in the US. I live ~10 miles f rom >>> a city of 200K people, on a major highway (with AT&T fiber running in f ront >>> of my house), and there is currently *no wired internet available* to n ew >>> subscribers in my area, and my old DSL account barely works. The only >>> reason I have even imitation 'real' broadband is because I got in on an >>> unlimited cellular hotspot plan, which is no longer available to new >>> customers. Even that is barely 'real' compared to those with access to >>> fiber & cable. Many people can't afford to pay for unlimited data plans , >>> especially in areas with no real competition. >>> >>> Second, useful image size for viewing an image on a computer screen top s >>> out at well under a megabyte. Sending 10 meg images is just a waste, it >>> costs Matt Dralle (Matronics host) money for disc storage, and even mor e >>> significantly, for bandwidth every time we upload or download an image. I'd >>> suggest reading his FAQs sometime. >>> >>> Third, you've got a lot of nerve telling someone to just go spend money >>> they may not have. Since we're poking around in others' financial affai rs, >>> how much do you donate to Matt each year to maintain this list? >>> >>> OK; rant mode off... >>> >>> Charlie >>> >>> >>> On 2/17/2020 12:12 PM, Rick Neilsen wrote: >>> >>> Always complaining. 99% of us have a real internet connection and like >>> to see details. Why do we all of need to hear the complaints and give u p >>> the resolution so one or two don't have to wait a few seconds. Pay for real >>> internet or quit complaining please. >>> >>> Rick Neilsen >>> Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC >>> >>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 9:27 AM Richard Pike >>> wrote: >>> >>>> thegreybaron@charter.net> >>>> >>>> Makes things so much easier to read: >>>> >>>> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/resize-image/9p87m9tknkvl?activetab =pivot:overviewtab >>>> >>>> -------- >>>> Richard Pike >>>> Kolb MKIII N420P (420ldPoops) >>>> Kolb Firefly Part 103 legal >>>> Kingsport, TN 3TN0 >>>> >>>> Forgiving is tough, being forgiven is wonderful, and God's grace reall y >>>> is amazing. >>>> >>> > -- =9CBlessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light.=9D Groucho Marx ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 05:07:09 PM PST US From: B Young Subject: Kolb-List: Too large of photos I change the subject to more accurately reflect the discussion. I have a slow DSL line in the pictures don't bother me. what does bother me is people are quoting four five six times the entire previous message and it gets extremely long. where we should be quoting one or two sentences so that people know what the discussion is and then at our new bit. I have a relatively inexpensive Android phone. when I hit reply the text subject transfer to the new message. also the entire text of the previous post is reduced down to a "..." If I briefly tap the "... " It will expand the previous message text if I long touch the "..." It gives me the option to delete it. If things Auto expand on your operating system highlight even a single word find the menu that says "select all" then "cut" then just type in what you need without having to perpetuate all of the complete messages in the thread . Please Do not archive Boyd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message kolb-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/Kolb-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/kolb-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/kolb-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.