---------------------------------------------------------- Lightning-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Thu 09/13/12: 4 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 07:14 AM - Re: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall (James, Clive R) 2. 08:29 AM - Re: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall (Dennis W. Wilt) 3. 03:30 PM - Re: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall (Bill Strahan) 4. 11:54 PM - Re: Re: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall (James, Clive R) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 07:14:31 AM PST US Subject: RE: Lightning-List: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall From: "James, Clive R" R29vZCBpbmZvIHRoYW5rcyBOaWNrLCBhbmQgaW50ZXJlc3RpbmcuIEEgY291cGxlIG9mIHF1ZXN0 aW9ucyBpZiB5b3XigJl2ZSBhIG1vbWVudD8NCg0KIA0KDQpXaGVuIEkgYm91Z2h0IG5ldyBVL0Mg bGVncyBmb3IgbXkgRXNxdWFsIGZyb20geW91IGluIDIwMDkgd2hhdCB3b3VsZCB5b3UgaGF2ZSBz dXBwbGllZD8gTGlnaHRuaW5nIGdlYXIgb3IgRXNxdWFsICjigJhzb21ldGhpbmcgbGlnaHRlciBp biBhbGxveeKAmSkuIA0KDQpBcmUgdGhleSBwaHlzaWNhbGx5IHRoZSBzYW1lIHNpemUgYW5kIHNv IGludGVyY2hhbmdlYWJsZT8NCg0KRG8geW91IGhhdmUgYW55IHN1Z2dlc3Rpb25zIGFzIHRvIGhv dyBJIGNvdWxkIGNoYW5nZSB0aGUgZ2VhciBsZWcgbWF0ZXJpYWwgdG8gbWFrZSB0aGUgbGVncyBt b3JlIHNwcmluZ3k/IE1vcmUgZm9yZ2l2aW5nIG9mIGJ1bXB5IGdyYXNzIHJ1bndheXM/DQoNCiAN 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b250cmlidXRpb24NCiANCiANCg= ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 08:29:31 AM PST US Subject: Re: Lightning-List: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall From: "Dennis W. Wilt" Grumman put the same stall strips on the Cheetah and Tiger. Have a wonderful day, Dennis N616DW (Arion Lightning S/N 132) -----Original Message----- From: James, Clive R Sent: Thu, Sep 13, 2012 10:15 am Subject: RE: Lightning-List: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall Good info thanks Nick, and interesting. A couple of questions if you =99ve a moment? When I bought new U/C legs for my Esqual from you in 2009 what would you ha ve supplied? Lightning gear or Esqual (=98something lighter in alloy =99). Are they physically the same size and so interchangeable? Do you have any suggestions as to how I could change the gear leg material to make the legs more springy? More forgiving of bumpy grass runways? Wing drop at the stall. Regarding the Esqual, I still have the aircraft on a test permit and the LA A engineer is still not 100% happy with the performance. The final (I hope) issue is wing drop at the stall. CS-VLA calls for less 15 degrees and duri ng testing we were getting more than that. So we plan to do some more work with stall strips. Currently I fitted a single strip, see attached. We =99re going to try another one outboard. Appreciate comments anyone has on the wing drop issue? There was talk of VGs but as I think they look awfu l and spoil the clean lines of a wing I=99d like to avoid them. Thanks, Regards, Clive From: owner-lightning-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-lightning-lis t-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Nick Otterback Sent: 12 September 2012 17:03 Subject: RE: Lightning-List: Landing Gear and shimmy I think you might mean springy not stiff. During drop test at gross weight, we have nearly 6=9D deflection of the landing gear system. The littl e tube in a tube is an easy way to check deflection, set against the ground before the drop and see how far it gets displaced. Usually the bounce come s from the nose gear return and the aircraft going back into a flight attit ude with sufficient speed to fly. Attached some pics for fun. The drop test were the funnest testing we did, along with destructive testing of the wing. Nick From: owner-lightning-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-lightning-lis t-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Dennis W. Wilt Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 9:18 AM Subject: Re: Lightning-List: Landing Gear and shimmy My EA-B version of the LSA has the LSA gear just because they are supposed to be a bit more sturdy. My only complaint with the lightning gear is that it is not very forgiving on landing. It is pretty stiff, so if you happen to land a little hard, you will bounce and that means a go around for me. Some of you may be better at saving such a landing, but I choose to go aro und and do it again, hopefully without the bounce. I set my toe to 0 degrees without weight on the wheels and keep my air pres sure around 25 psi. I have never had the shimmy. Have a wonderful day, Dennis N616DW (Arion Lightning S/N 132) -----Original Message----- From: Nick Otterback Sent: Wed, Sep 12, 2012 10:09 am Subject: Lightning-List: Landing Gear and shimmy The original esqual gear was a flat plate steel type which bolted to the fu selage thru the 6 bolts holding the spar box in. the overturn angle of the gear (how much it angled from the fuselage) was very steep. This transfers more load to the attach points and surrounding structure because it wont fl ex as much. The EXP tube gear has greater angle and less load transfer but is more subject to shimmy being a round rod. The Lightning EXP gear is 7075 T6, plenty sturdy for the intended application. The Equal round gear is a d ifferent type alloy, although I do not remember what, experience in the fie ld says it=99s something lighter in alloy than the 7075T6. A spring steel gear is not necessarily stronger than aluminum. The RV are s pring steel an too subject to shimmy, I have experienced in a few of the R V models I have flown. IT is just a matter of a round tube subject to it. T he Steel has a higher frequency and may not exhibit a shimmy at the same sp eed and aircraft weight of the aluminum. I have even experienced in a Rans S7S with round tube gear, just at a lower speed around 12-15mph on roll out . What we have found works here, covered multiple times. Is about 1 degree to e out on the EXP gear. This coupled with air-pressure in the 22-25psi range with keep drag on the gear and minimize it from moving around . Higher air -pressure just causes the tire to skip and shimmy better. Also it seems tha t the Better tires help, I believe from the squared off tire tread they hav e instead of the round tread. If all of this does not help we have almost completely eliminated it on air craft when bonding hardwood to the gear leg. Simply clamping the hard wood to the Leg will not help. I have used wood like Oak. A piece of hard wood t hat it fitted to within =C2=BC=9D of the bottom of the fuselage to th e lower socket. Mill out one side =C2=BD round to fit the gear leg. The woo d should be at least the 1=9D wide that the gear is, by about 2 =9D aft of it. Mill the trailing edge to fit under the leg fairing. Lightly sand the aft side of the gear leg. Bond the gear leg to the back of the ge ar leg with 24hr epoxy and flox, clamp in place to cure. After cure wrap th e wood and leg with 10oz glass. The glass should be cut in sections the sam e length as the hard wood by about 7=9D wide to completely wrap the g ear. Also it is critical to cut these sections out of the glass cloth on a 45 degree bias to the weave. IF you simply use the glass in the direction o f the weave it will not resist the fore and aft movement of the gear. I hav e use about 4 layers of glass. I suppose if you wished 2 layers of carbon c ut a laminated the same way should work. The wood does stiffen the gear, but keeps the spring it needs, What the woo d does is change the frequency that the gear shimmy=99s at and helps dampen out any that may occur. Lighter or softer materials will not work. S imply adding glass to the gear will not help. As for the LSA wide track landing gear. We set the gear at 0 toe, straight ahead, with the wings off the aircraft. Actually we set this with the spar box out of the aircraft during the build process. With a little weight on t he gear it may toe out slightly. We very rarely run into shimmy with the bi g gear, if we do it usually goes back to over inflated tires, flat spots, o r infrequent flying that flat spots the tires and creates a skip. The overt urn angle of the LSA gear is much greater than the EXP gear. The LSA gear i s 2.125=9D at the top and 1.25=9D at the bottom VS 1.375 =9D and 1=9D on the EXP gear just for FYI. Nick Otterback Arion Aircraft LLC R&D Technical Support 931-680-1781 nick@flylightning.net " target="_blank" saprocessedanchor="true">http://www.matronics.com/Nav igator?Lightning-List processedanchor="true">http://forums.matronics.com _blank" saprocessedanchor="true">http://www.matronics.com/contribution http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Lightning-List http://forums.matronics.com http://www.matronics.com/contribution ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 03:30:13 PM PST US Subject: Lightning-List: Re: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall From: "Bill Strahan" dwwilt wrote: > Grumman put the same stall strips on the Cheetah and Tiger. > > Have a wonderful day, > > Dennis > N616DW (Arion Lightning (http://www.flylightning.net/)S/N 132) > > > > -- Yep. One on the inboard 3rd, one on the middle 3rd. No strip on the outer 3rd of the wing panel. The one on the inboard 3rd is right at the front of the leading edge. The middle strip is much further down, about where the leading edge would be at a 15 degree angle of attack. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=383010#383010 ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 11:54:09 PM PST US Subject: RE: Lightning-List: Re: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall From: "James, Clive R" Thanks Bill, just surfing to buy some balsa wood -----Original Message----- From: owner-lightning-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-lightning-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Bill Strahan Sent: 13 September 2012 23:30 Subject: Lightning-List: Re: Landing Gear and wing drop at the stall dwwilt wrote: > Grumman put the same stall strips on the Cheetah and Tiger. > > Have a wonderful day, > > Dennis > N616DW (Arion Lightning (http://www.flylightning.net/)S/N 132) > > > > -- Yep. One on the inboard 3rd, one on the middle 3rd. No strip on the outer 3rd of the wing panel. The one on the inboard 3rd is right at the front of the leading edge. The middle strip is much further down, about where the leading edge would be at a 15 degree angle of attack. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=383010#383010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message lightning-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/Lightning-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/lightning-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/lightning-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.