---------------------------------------------------------- Lom-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 11/10/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 12:15 AM - WLAS... (Matt Dralle) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 12:15:45 AM PST US From: Matt Dralle Subject: Lom-List: WLAS... --> Lom-List message posted by: Matt Dralle Dear Listers, Below are some of the nice things people have been saying about the Lists in that little message box on the Contribution form! Thank you to everyone that has made a Contribution thus far and for all the great feedback! Please know that I really appreciate the comments and support!! If you haven't yet shown your support for these Lists, won't you take a moment and make your Contribution today? The Matronics Lists are always Commercial-Free, SPAM-Free, Virus-Free, and High-performance and its your direct support through this yearly Fund Raiser that enables all of these valuable services you've come to expect. Thank you for your Contribution!! SSL Secure Web Site - http://www.matronics.com/contribution Matt Dralle EMail List Administrator ================================================================ =================== What Listers Are Saying ==================== ================================================================ You provide a service to us kit builders that cannot be measured. -Clifford M. ...great service to the aviation community. -Curt R. Thanks for being there - your List has really been of help. -Thomas R. Your lists have been most helpful to my RV-9A project. -Dean V. ...has been a great help to me. -Jim N. ..."must-have" for RV builders and pilots. -Douglas W. I find something every day on the List that helps me in my project. -Ron P. ...very valuable! -Patrick L. Don't know that I could have persevered and succeeded without the List. -Curt R. ...service continues to be awesome and is one of the most helpful resources for homebuilding that I have ever found. -Jim H. The information and hours of entertainment many of us derive from the Lists is priceless. -Chris R. I learn a lot about my [aircraft] through the Lists... - Lee P. Great source of education and entertainment. Love it!!! -Lar B. Great List & very well organized. -Peter D. I couldn't build my [airplane] without this List. -William G. The List is an important part of my daily routine. -Roger H. ...incredible resource. -Ron P. Excellent facility. -David M. ...unmatched service to all builders and flyers. -Ralph C. Matt G Dralle | Matronics | PO Box 347 | Livermore | CA | 94551 925-606-1001 V | 925-606-6281 F | dralle@matronics.com Email http://www.matronics.com/ WWW | Featuring Products For Aircraft