---------------------------------------------------------- Pietenpol-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sun 03/02/08: 10 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 02:57 AM - Re: food for thought (pietflyr) 2. 03:09 AM - Re: fuel tank thickness (pietflyr) 3. 08:49 AM - Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought (Billy) 4. 09:18 AM - Re: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought (walt evans) 5. 09:21 AM - Re: fuel tank thickness (Brian Kraut) 6. 09:46 AM - Re: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought (Gene Rambo) 7. 02:30 PM - Wood disc, nose cowl (HelsperSew@aol.com) 8. 05:36 PM - Re: Another newbie looking for advise (Rick Holland) 9. 08:19 PM - Re: Spruce Alternatives (allthumbs) 10. 08:49 PM - Re: Another newbie looking for advise (=?utf-8?B?Sm9obiBSZWNpbmU=?=) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 02:57:24 AM PST US From: "pietflyr" Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: food for thought SSBsaXZlIGp1c3Qgb3V0c2lkZSBSYWxlaWdoLCBOQywgYWJvdXQgMjUgbWlsZXMgZnJvbSBSRFUg KFJhbGVpZ2gtRHVyaGFtIEludGVybmF0aW9uYWwpLiAgUHJvdmlkZWQgSSdtIGhvbWUgKEkgdHJh dmVsIGEgZ29vZCBkZWFsIG15c2VsZiBmb3IgYnVzaW5lc3MpLCBhbmQgaGF2ZSBubyBpbnRlcmZl cmluZyBvYmxpZ2F0aW9ucywgSSdtIGFsd2F5cyBoYXBweSB0byB0YWxrIHRvIGEgUGlldCBidWls ZGVyIGFuZCBzaG93IG15IGFpcnBsYW5lLiAgVGhlIHBsYW5lIGlzIGJhc2VkIGF0IENveCBGaWVs ZCAoTkM4MSksIGEgcHJpdmF0ZSBncmFzcyBzdHJpcCBpbiBBcGV4LCBOQywgYWJvdXQgOCBtaWxl cyBTVyBvZiBSRFUuDQoNCkphY2sgUGhpbGxpcHMNCk5YODk5SlANCjkxOS0zNjMtOTQ1OSAoaG9t ZSkNCjkxOS01MjgtNTIxMiAod29yaykNCjkxOS00MjctNDQ0MCAobW9iaWxlKQ0KICAtLS0tLU9y aWdpbmFsIE1lc3NhZ2UtLS0tLQ0KICBGcm9tOiBvd25lci1waWV0ZW5wb2wtbGlzdC1zZXJ2ZXJA bWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbSBbbWFpbHRvOm93bmVyLXBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0LXNlcnZlckBtYXRyb25p Y3MuY29tXU9uIEJlaGFsZiBPZiBBTXNhZmV0eUNAYW9sLmNvbQ0KICBTZW50OiBGcmlkYXksIEZl YnJ1YXJ5IDI5LCAyMDA4IDM6NDMgUE0NCiAgVG86IHBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5j 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PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KXy09ICAgICAgICAgICAg IC0gTGlzdCBDb250cmlidXRpb24gV2ViIFNpdGUgLQ0KXy09ICBUaGFuayB5b3UgZm9yIHlvdXIg Z2VuZXJvdXMgc3VwcG9ydCENCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIC1NYXR0 IERyYWxsZSwgTGlzdCBBZG1pbi4NCl8tPSAgIC0tPiBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20v Y29udHJpYnV0aW9uDQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KDQo ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 03:09:34 AM PST US From: "pietflyr" Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: fuel tank thickness VGhlIHF1ZXN0aW9uIGlzIG5vdCB3aGF0IHRoaWNrbmVzcywgdGhlIHF1ZXN0aW9uIGlzICJXaHkg c3RhaW5sZXNzIHN0ZWVsPyIgIEhlYXZ5LCBhbmQgbmVhcmx5IGFzIGRpZmZpY3VsdCB0byB3ZWxk IGFzIGFsdW1pbnVtLiAgQW5kIG1vcmUgZXhwZW5zaXZlLiAgT3RoZXIgdGhhbiB0aG9zZSB0aHJl ZSBwb2ludHMsIGl0IGlzIGZpbmUuDQoNCkphY2sgUGhpbGxpcHMNCk5YODk5SlANCiAgLS0tLS1P cmlnaW5hbCBNZXNzYWdlLS0tLS0NCiAgRnJvbTogb3duZXItcGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3Qtc2VydmVy QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20gW21haWx0bzpvd25lci1waWV0ZW5wb2wtbGlzdC1zZXJ2ZXJAbWF0cm9u aWNzLmNvbV1PbiBCZWhhbGYgT2YgRG91d2UgQmx1bWJlcmcNCiAgU2VudDogU2F0dXJkYXksIE1h cmNoIDAxLCAyMDA4IDg6MTUgUE0NCiAgVG86IHBpZXRlbnBvbGdyb3VwDQogIFN1YmplY3Q6IFBp ZXRlbnBvbC1MaXN0OiBmdWVsIHRhbmsgdGhpY2tuZXNzDQoNCg0KICBJJ20gdGhpbmtpbmcgb2Yg bWFraW5nIGEgdGFuayB1c2luZyBzdGFpbmxlc3Mgc3RlZWwuICBXaGF0IGlzIHRoZSB0aGlubmVz dCBnYXVnZSBJIGNvdWxkIHVzZT8NCg0KICBEb3V3ZQ0KDQoNCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAg LSBUaGUgUGlldGVucG9sLUxpc3QgRW1haWwgRm9ydW0gLQ0KXy09IFVzZSB0aGUgTWF0cm9uaWNz IExpc3QgRmVhdHVyZXMgTmF2aWdhdG9yIHRvIGJyb3dzZQ0KXy09IHRoZSBtYW55IExpc3QgdXRp bGl0aWVzIHN1Y2ggYXMgTGlzdCBVbi9TdWJzY3JpcHRpb24sDQpfLT0gQXJjaGl2ZSBTZWFyY2gg JiBEb3dubG9hZCwgNy1EYXkgQnJvd3NlLCBDaGF0LCBGQVEsDQpfLT0gUGhvdG9zaGFyZSwgYW5k IG11Y2ggbXVjaCBtb3JlOg0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9OYXZp Z2F0b3I/UGlldGVucG9sLUxpc3QNCl8tPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09DQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIE1BVFJPTklD UyBXRUIgRk9SVU1TIC0NCl8tPSBTYW1lIGdyZWF0IGNvbnRlbnQgYWxzbyBhdmFpbGFibGUgdmlh IHRoZSBXZWIgRm9ydW1zIQ0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly9mb3J1bXMubWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbQ0K Xy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT0NCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAtIExpc3QgQ29udHJpYnV0aW9uIFdlYiBTaXRlIC0NCl8t PSAgVGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3VzIHN1cHBvcnQhDQpfLT0gICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAtTWF0dCBEcmFsbGUsIExpc3QgQWRtaW4uDQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0 cDovL3d3dy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tL2NvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbg0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCg0K ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 08:49:23 AM PST US From: "Billy" Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought Hi all, This is my first post to this list, though I have been lurking for about 5 months now. I've gleaned a LOT of useful info without even having to ask questions, as many have already asked many of the same questions I've had. I think the idea of a host/vistor list is a great idea. I'd love to meet other builders to take a look at and discuss Piets in person. I've had my plans in hand now since 1995 (1934 Orrin Hoopman plans) but I haven't yet started yet on my build. The lack time, money, or suitable tools and equipment have conspired against me until recently. I'll be constructing my rib jig soon. I plan to build a WW Corvair conversion for power but don't have a core engine yet. So right now, I have nothing to show to any fellow Piet builders who might be in my area. After I've actually made some parts and some progress, I would welcome visits from fellow builders. When I begin my construction, it will be in Urbana, IL where I spend most of my time, and also where all of my woodworking equipment and tools are located. I travel back and forth on a semi-regular basis between Baker, LA (4 miles north of BTR airport) and Champaign/Urbana IL. I also make occasional trips to Charleston, SC, St. Augustine FL, and a few smaller towns in northern NJ where I have family (Oakland, West Milford, Butler, Kinnelon area). I'd love the opportunity to meet fellow Piet builders who live along my travel routes. I really appreciate this forum, everyone here seems very genuine and interested in doing a proper job of constructing their dream airplane. I've previously been part of other forums and mailing lists covering various other topics (cars, guitars, etc...), but this is by far the most civil and useful one I've been a part of. I've seen some great discussions here, and occasionally some friendly disagreement, but I've yet to see anyone put anyone else down here, and I appreciate that. Billy McCaskill usually in Urbana, IL, sometimes in Baker, LA... always thinking about building my Piet! ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 09:18:59 AM PST US From: "walt evans" Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought Billy, I'm in Byram Twsp. NJ,, Near Andover, just west on I80 for a few. My Pietenpol is hangered at Newton (Jump) airport walt evans NX140DL "No one ever learned anything by talking" Ben Franklin ----- Original Message ----- From: "Billy" Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 11:46 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought > > Hi all, > > This is my first post to this list, though I have been lurking for about 5 > months now. I've gleaned a LOT of useful info without even having to ask > questions, as many have already asked many of the same questions I've had. > > I think the idea of a host/vistor list is a great idea. I'd love to meet > other builders to take a look at and discuss Piets in person. I've had my > plans in hand now since 1995 (1934 Orrin Hoopman plans) but I haven't yet > started yet on my build. The lack time, money, or suitable tools and > equipment have conspired against me until recently. I'll be constructing > my rib jig soon. I plan to build a WW Corvair conversion for power but > don't have a core engine yet. So right now, I have nothing to show to any > fellow Piet builders who might be in my area. After I've actually made > some parts and some progress, I would welcome visits from fellow builders. > When I begin my construction, it will be in Urbana, IL where I spend most > of my time, and also where all of my woodworking equipment and tools are > located. > > I travel back and forth on a semi-regular basis between Baker, LA (4 miles > north of BTR airport) and Champaign/Urbana IL. I also make occasional > trips to Charleston, SC, St. Augustine FL, and a few smaller towns in > northern NJ where I have family (Oakland, West Milford, Butler, Kinnelon > area). I'd love the opportunity to meet fellow Piet builders who live > along my travel routes. > > I really appreciate this forum, everyone here seems very genuine and > interested in doing a proper job of constructing their dream airplane. > I've previously been part of other forums and mailing lists covering > various other topics (cars, guitars, etc...), but this is by far the most > civil and useful one I've been a part of. I've seen some great > discussions here, and occasionally some friendly disagreement, but I've > yet to see anyone put anyone else down here, and I appreciate that. > > Billy McCaskill > usually in Urbana, IL, > sometimes in Baker, LA... > always thinking about building my Piet! > > > ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 09:21:00 AM PST US From: "Brian Kraut" Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: fuel tank thickness Another problem is that to get the strength needed the material would be pretty thin, but it will oil can like crazy at thickness. That will mean having to weld in a bunch of ribs to make it rigid or using thicker material making it a lot heavier. Brian Kraut Engineering Alternatives, Inc. www.engalt.com -----Original Message----- From: owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com]On Behalf Of pietflyr Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 6:07 AM To: pietenpol-list@matronics.com Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: fuel tank thickness The question is not what thickness, the question is "Why stainless steel?" Heavy, and nearly as difficult to weld as aluminum. And more expensive. Other than those three points, it is fine. Jack Phillips NX899JP -----Original Message----- From: owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com]On Behalf Of Douwe Blumberg Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 8:15 PM To: pietenpolgroup Subject: Pietenpol-List: fuel tank thickness I'm thinking of making a tank using stainless steel. What is the thinnest gauge I could use? Douwe ~ ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ Time: 09:46:24 AM PST US From: "Gene Rambo" Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought I live in DC suburbs and would be happy to have any stop to visit. I travel all the time, and would like to visit anyone near any of my overnights. I usually ask if anyone is nearby when I have a long overnight, but have not managed to arrange any visits yet. Gene short fuselage, wood gear, wire wheels, Model A ----- Original Message ----- From: walt evans To: pietenpol-list@matronics.com Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 12:16 PM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought > Billy, I'm in Byram Twsp. NJ,, Near Andover, just west on I80 for a few. My Pietenpol is hangered at Newton (Jump) airport walt evans NX140DL "No one ever learned anything by talking" Ben Franklin ----- Original Message ----- From: "Billy" > To: > Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2008 11:46 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: Pietenpol-List Digest:food for thought > > > Hi all, > > This is my first post to this list, though I have been lurking for about 5 > months now. I've gleaned a LOT of useful info without even having to ask > questions, as many have already asked many of the same questions I've had. > > I think the idea of a host/vistor list is a great idea. I'd love to meet > other builders to take a look at and discuss Piets in person. I've had my > plans in hand now since 1995 (1934 Orrin Hoopman plans) but I haven't yet > started yet on my build. The lack time, money, or suitable tools and > equipment have conspired against me until recently. I'll be constructing > my rib jig soon. I plan to build a WW Corvair conversion for power but > don't have a core engine yet. So right now, I have nothing to show to any > fellow Piet builders who might be in my area. After I've actually made > some parts and some progress, I would welcome visits from fellow builders. > When I begin my construction, it will be in Urbana, IL where I spend most > of my time, and also where all of my woodworking equipment and tools are > located. > > I travel back and forth on a semi-regular basis between Baker, LA (4 miles > north of BTR airport) and Champaign/Urbana IL. I also make occasional > trips to Charleston, SC, St. Augustine FL, and a few smaller towns in > northern NJ where I have family (Oakland, West Milford, Butler, Kinnelon > area). I'd love the opportunity to meet fellow Piet builders who live > along my travel routes. > > I really appreciate this forum, everyone here seems very genuine and > interested in doing a proper job of constructing their dream airplane. > I've previously been part of other forums and mailing lists covering > various other topics (cars, guitars, etc...), but this is by far the most > civil and useful one I've been a part of. I've seen some great > discussions here, and occasionally some friendly disagreement, but I've > yet to see anyone put anyone else down here, and I appreciate that. > > Billy McCaskill > usually in Urbana, IL, > sometimes in Baker, LA... > always thinking about building my Piet! > > > > > http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List http://www.matronics.com/contribution ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ Time: 02:30:26 PM PST US From: HelsperSew@aol.com Subject: Pietenpol-List: Wood disc, nose cowl Hi all, Well, as you may remember a few days ago, I asked the question, whether or not the "pine disc" as referred to by the 1934 Hoopman plans, stayed with the airplane, or was discarded after formation of all the cowling pieces (this is for the Ford A motor). I got varied responses, but I would like to share two of those with you that I received from two well-respected members of the Pietenpol-builders fraternity. Ken Perkins wrote: Dan: Yes, the disc stays on the engine. Warning: The top right hand bolt that holds disc on Engine goes into oil galley. You need to seal the threads on the two top bolts or you will have a big oil leak. Taper the outside of Disc to line up with firewall. Ken Forrest Lovley wrote: In the original airplanes, Bernard used a wooden disc on the front of the cowling. It was used to make the transition from the side cowls to the nose cowl used on the Ford. The disc was fit loosely on the front of the engine, not bolted tight. The sheet metal was NAILED to the wooden disc. This was common practice in those days. Waco nailed their sheet metal on the early airplanes also. Those airplanes were not meant to last long enough to have to take it apart. It would be easy enough to make an aluminum bulkhead to join the aluminum for the Ford cowl when building one today. However, the wood worked just fine for the job it was asked to do. Forrest Lovley Submitted by: Dan Helsper Poplar Grove, IL. **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living. (http://living.aol.com/video/how-to-please-your-picky-eater/rachel-campos-duffy/ 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598) ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Time: 05:36:17 PM PST US From: "Rick Holland" Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Another newbie looking for advise > Right now the forum is a little busy with an unusually large wave of > builders and opinions. > > That is an understatement, I have never seen this newsgroup so busy in the four years I have been tuning in. This years Broadhead get together should be a worlds record (I hope). For all you newer Pietenpolers out there who have never been to Broadhead, I guarantee you will learn more in one day seeing flying Piets (and maybe even riding in one) and talking to successful builders than you will in a year of reading Internet groups and staring at the plans (and you may even have some fun). Rick Rick Holland ObjectAge Ltd. Castle Rock, Colorado ________________________________ Message 9 _____________________________________ Time: 08:19:00 PM PST US Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: Spruce Alternatives From: "allthumbs" I have to disagree, what makes the box beam better is using plywood that has grain orientation running 45 degrees with the parallel grain. This puts wood fibers in tension in shear which makes a stronger beam. Can be built lighter and stronger. Lamination of wood have the same strength as a perfect piece of wood that has no flaws. Or it could depend on how the laminate is done. -------- Russell Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=167349#167349 ________________________________ Message 10 ____________________________________ Time: 08:49:35 PM PST US Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Another newbie looking for advise From: "=?utf-8?B?Sm9obiBSZWNpbmU=?=" I plan to be there. Who knows maybe even get a ride this time John Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry -----Original Message----- From: "Rick Holland" To:pietenpol-list@matronics.com Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Another newbie looking for advise Right now the forum is a little busy with an unusually large wave of builders and opinions. That is an understatement, I have never seen this newsgroup so busy in the four years I have been tuning in. This years Broadhead get together should be a worlds record (I hope). For all you newer Pietenpolers out there who have never been to Broadhead, I guarantee you will learn more in one day seeing flying Piets (and maybe even riding in one) and talking to successful builders than you will in a year of reading Internet groups and staring at the plans (and you may even have some fun). Rick Rick Holland ObjectAge Ltd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message pietenpol-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/Pietenpol-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/pietenpol-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/pietenpol-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.