---------------------------------------------------------- Pietenpol-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Tue 06/16/15: 16 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 04:52 AM - Re: auto GPS test (Boatright, Jeffrey) 2. 06:28 AM - Marcus' garmin (Douwe Blumberg) 3. 06:31 AM - Tailwheel horn length (Douwe Blumberg) 4. 06:33 AM - iPhone (Douwe Blumberg) 5. 06:38 AM - Re: Marcus' garmin (Marcus Zechini) 6. 06:40 AM - Re: auto GPS test (woodflier) 7. 06:59 AM - Re: auto GPS test (Robert Gow) 8. 07:06 AM - Re: auto GPS test (Marcus Zechini) 9. 07:23 AM - Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine (woodflier) 10. 09:48 AM - Re: auto GPS test (tools) 11. 11:13 AM - Re: iPhone (Steven Dortch) 12. 12:12 PM - Re: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine (Jack Philips) 13. 12:16 PM - Re: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine (Marcus Zechini) 14. 12:19 PM - Re: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine (woodflier) 15. 12:22 PM - Re: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine (woodflier) 16. 07:33 PM - Latex Painting Update at Airventure (gliderx5@comcast.net) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 04:52:55 AM PST US From: "Boatright, Jeffrey" Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test RldJVywgSSB1c2UgRm9yZWZsaWdodCBvbiBteSBpUGhvbmUgYW5kIGFtIHZlcnkgaGFwcHkgd2l0 aCBpdC4NCg0KLS0NCkplZmZyZXkgSC4gQm9hdHJpZ2h0LCBQaEQsIEZBUlZPDQpQcm9mZXNzb3Ig b2YgT3BodGhhbG1vbG9neQ0KRW1vcnkgVW5pdmVyc2l0eSBTY2hvb2wgb2YgTWVkaWNpbmUNCg0K RnJvbTogU2VtaWggT2tzYXkgPHNlbWlob2tzYXlAZ21haWwuY29tPG1haWx0bzpzZW1paG9rc2F5 QGdtYWlsLmNvbT4+DQpSZXBseS1UbzogInBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb208bWFp bHRvOnBpZXRlbnBvbC1saXN0QG1hdHJvbmljcy5jb20+IiA8cGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9u aWNzLmNvbTxtYWlsdG86cGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbT4+DQpEYXRlOiBUdWVz ZGF5LCBKdW5lIDE2LCAyMDE1IGF0IDI6MDQgQU0NClRvOiAicGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9u aWNzLmNvbTxtYWlsdG86cGlldGVucG9sLWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbT4iIDxwaWV0ZW5wb2wt 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I've used them and like them a lot and have a nice little mount for it. If there are no other takers On the iPhone I use fourflight, which is really amazing. You are basically flying over a chart with wx info. This makes it really easy to work with your paper chart. I have never used ailerons on rollout and agree completely that they should be used, (like brakes) but was mainly sharing this because I know people who are tensed up Nd trying to save a situation will often use everything and the aileron will make it worse Douwe Sent from my iPhone ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 06:31:57 AM PST US Subject: Pietenpol-List: Tailwheel horn length From: Douwe Blumberg For those building, here's some wisdom from and old timer is like to pass along The tailwheel control horn length relative to the rudder horn length greatly effects ground handling characteristics. A tailwheel horn shorter will move the wheel more than the rudder for the same control input, the same length will move less, and will feel more neutral and less sensitive. He said make them the same length. I did and it feels just about right. Noticeably less sensitive them a shorter one I tried. Douwe Sent from my ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 06:33:00 AM PST US Subject: Pietenpol-List: iPhone From: Douwe Blumberg Foreflight, not fourflight you idiot... Douwe Sent from my iPhone ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 06:38:08 AM PST US Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Marcus' garmin From: Marcus Zechini I can mail it if you like. To use for trip north. I didn't get data cable, and the one I have, I think belongs to 496 in co - owned Comanche...you would need it to do updates..they may be easy to find On Jun 16, 2015 9:30 AM, "Douwe Blumberg" wrote: > douwe@douwestudios.com> > > Marcus, I'll take your extra 196. I've used them and like them a lot and > have a nice little mount for it. If there are no other takers > > On the iPhone I use fourflight, which is really amazing. You are > basically flying over a chart with wx info. This makes it really easy to > work with your paper chart. > > I have never used ailerons on rollout and agree completely that they > should be used, (like brakes) but was mainly sharing this because I know > people who are tensed up Nd trying to save a situation will often use > everything and the aileron will make it worse > > Douwe > > Sent from my iPhone > > ________________________________ Message 6 _____________________________________ Time: 06:40:11 AM PST US From: woodflier Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test There's an Android app called Naviator that I have on a 7" tablet that also works well for the type of flying I do in the Piet. All sectional charts f or US are available and if you are within 4G range, it will provide weather overlay plus METARS. I think the yearly subscription is $39. Now to figur e out how to keep the tablet alive for the 2-day trip to Brodhead. I'm thin king a gel-cell 12 volt motorcycle battery connected to a cigarette plus an d use and automobile charger to the tablet. Then a solar trickle charger fo r the battery. Thoughts? Matt Paxton NX629ML -----Original Message----- From: Boatright, Jeffrey Sent: Tue, Jun 16, 2015 7:53 am Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test FWIW, I use Foreflight on my iPhone and am very happy with it. -- Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD, FARVO Professor of Ophthalmology Emory University School of Medicine From: Semih Oksay < semihoksay@gmail.com> s.com> Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 2:04 AM To: " pietenpol-list@matronics.com" < pietenpol-list@matronics.com> Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test Hi Douwe which software did you use on the iphone? Maps only? Semih=8B On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Marcus Zechini wrote: I have an old Nuvi...how long does battery last? When I bought the Grega, it came with 2 Garmin 196s. I downloaded newest s /w, for one, but don't think I'll pay for database update. Anyone want the second? Will bring to Brodhead. On Jun 15, 2015 3:27 PM, "Douwe Blumberg" wrote: Hey all, My early father=99s day present was a Garmin NUVI auto gps. Since my second =9Caviation grade=9D Garmin puked right before Brodhead last year, I flew with my iphone as my primary navigation backed up by cha rts on my knee pad in case it quit. I had used the iphone the previous yea r to back up my garmin so it worked great for two years. Always keep a pap er backup though. Anyways, I got to wondering if this auto gps would work in the plane and se rve as a last ditch gps backup for the iphone. Went flying and sure enough , it works fine. There=99s not much detail or aviation related info, but many airports are there and in =9Coffroad=9D mode, it =99ll show a direct path. Seems like a fine backup gps. Keep the charts though! Douwe " target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List tp:/ /forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution " target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List tp:/ /forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution -- Semih Oksay ==== This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). =EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD~=EF=BD=EF=BD,=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF =BD%=EF=BD=EF=BDM4=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BDx=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF =BD=EF=BDw=EF=BDr=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD ________________________________ Message 7 _____________________________________ Time: 06:59:08 AM PST US From: Robert Gow Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test Years ago we tried to make a small battery charger from a bicycle generator and a model airplane prop. It might have worked if one of the guys had not experimented by holding it out the window in flight to see if it would spin up. it spun up fine but his hand was across the terminals and he was shocked. He dropped the generator. We never built another one but I still think it could work. Robert Gow, ----- Original Message ----- From: "woodflier" Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 9:38:45 AM Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test There's an Android app called Naviator that I have on a 7" tablet that also works well for the type of flying I do in the Piet. All sectional charts for US are available and if you are within 4G range, it will provide weather overlay plus METARS. I think the yearly subscription is $39. Now to figure out how to keep the tablet alive for the 2-day trip to Brodhead. I'm thinking a gel-cell 12 volt motorcycle battery connected to a cigarette plus and use and automobile charger to the tablet. Then a solar trickle charger for the battery. Thoughts? Matt Paxton NX629ML -----Original Message----- From: Boatright, Jeffrey Sent: Tue, Jun 16, 2015 7:53 am Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test FWIW, I use Foreflight on my iPhone and am very happy with it. -- Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD, FARVO Professor of Ophthalmology Emory University School of Medicine From: Semih Oksay < semihoksay@gmail.com > Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test Hi Douwe which software did you use on the iphone? Maps only? Semih On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Marcus Zechini < marcus.zechini@gmail.com > wrote: BQ_BEGIN I have an old Nuvi...how long does battery last? When I bought the Grega, it came with 2 Garmin 196s. I downloaded newest s/w, for one, but don't think I'll pay for database update. Anyone want the second? Will bring to Brodhead. On Jun 15, 2015 3:27 PM, "Douwe Blumberg" < douwe@douwestudios.com > wrote: BQ_BEGIN Hey all, My early fathers day present was a Garmin NUVI auto gps. Since my second aviation grade Garmin puked right before Brodhead last year, I flew with my iphone as my primary navigation backed up by charts on my knee pad in case it quit. I had used the iphone the previous year to back up my garmin so it worked great for two years. Always keep a paper backup though. Anyways, I got to wondering if this auto gps would work in the plane and serve as a last ditch gps backup for the iphone. Went flying and sure enough, it works fine. Theres not much detail or aviation related info, but many airports are there and in offroad mode, itll show a direct path. Seems like a fine backup gps. Keep the charts though! Douwe " target="_blank"> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List tp:// forums.matronics.com _blank"> http://www.matronics.com/contribution " target="_blank"> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank"> http://www.matronics.com/contribution BQ_END -- Semih Oksay http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List-> BQ_BEGIN BQ_BEGIN http://foru========== This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). ~,%M4xwr BQ_END This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). ~,%M4xwr BQ_END BQ_END ________________________________ Message 8 _____________________________________ Time: 07:06:19 AM PST US Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test From: Marcus Zechini Matt, I have a little emer charger...USB, stores s charge or 2....need to experiment Zeke On Jun 16, 2015 10:02 AM, "Robert Gow" wrote: > > Years ago we tried to make a small battery charger from a bicycle > generator and a model airplane prop. It might have worked if one of the > guys had not experimented by holding it out the window in flight to see i f > it would spin up. it spun up fine but his hand was across the terminals a nd > he was shocked. He dropped the generator. We never built another one but I > still think it could work. > > Robert Gow, > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "woodflier" > To: "pietenpol-list" > Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 9:38:45 AM > Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test > > There's an Android app called Naviator that I have on a 7" tablet that > also works well for the type of flying I do in the Piet. All sectional > charts for US are available and if you are within 4G range, it will provi de > weather overlay plus METARS. I think the yearly subscription is $39. Now > to figure out how to keep the tablet alive for the 2-day trip to Brodhead .. > I'm thinking a gel-cell 12 volt motorcycle battery connected to a cigaret te > plus and use and automobile charger to the tablet. Then a solar trickle > charger for the battery. Thoughts? > Matt Paxton > NX629ML > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Boatright, Jeffrey > To: pietenpol-list > Sent: Tue, Jun 16, 2015 7:53 am > Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test > > FWIW, I use Foreflight on my iPhone and am very happy with it. > > -- > Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD, FARVO > Professor of Ophthalmology > Emory University School of Medicine > > From: Semih Oksay < semihoksay@gmail.com > > > > Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 2:04 AM > To: " pietenpol-list@matronics.com " < pietenpol-list@matronics.com > > Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: auto GPS test > > > Hi Douwe > > which software did you use on the iphone? Maps only? > > Semih > > On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Marcus Zechini < > marcus.zechini@gmail.com > wrote: > > BQ_BEGIN > > I have an old Nuvi...how long does battery last? > When I bought the Grega, it came with 2 Garmin 196s. I downloaded newest > s/w, for one, but don't think I'll pay for database update. Anyone want t he > second? Will bring to Brodhead. > On Jun 15, 2015 3:27 PM, "Douwe Blumberg" < douwe@douwestudios.com > > wrote: > > BQ_BEGIN > > Hey all, > > My early father=99s day present was a Garmin NUVI auto gps. Since my second > =9Caviation grade=9D Garmin puked right before Brodhead last year, I flew with > my iphone as my primary navigation backed up by charts on my knee pad in > case it quit. I had used the iphone the previous year to back up my garm in > so it worked great for two years. Always keep a paper backup though. > > Anyways, I got to wondering if this auto gps would work in the plane and > serve as a last ditch gps backup for the iphone. Went flying and sure > enough, it works fine. There=99s not much detail or aviation relat ed info, > but many airports are there and in =9Coffroad=9D mode, it =99ll show a direct > path. Seems like a fine backup gps. > > Keep the charts though! > > Douwe > " target="_blank"> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List > tp:// forums.matronics.com _blank"> http://www.matronics.com/contribution > > > " target="_blank"> http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List tp :// > forums.matronics.com _blank"> http://www.matronics.com/contribution > > BQ_END > > > -- > Semih Oksay > http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List-> > > BQ_BEGIN > > > BQ_BEGIN > > http://foru========= > > > This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of > the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged > information. If the reader of this message is not the intended > recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution > or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly > prohibited. > > If you have received this message in error, please contact > the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the > original message (including attachments). > =EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD~=EF=BD=EF=BD,=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF =BD%=EF=BD=EF=BDM4=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BDx=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF =BD=EF=BDw=EF=BDr=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD > > BQ_END > > > This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of > the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged > information. If the reader of this message is not the intended > recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution > or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly > prohibited. > > If you have received this message in error, please contact > the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the > original message (including attachments). > =EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD~=EF=BD=EF=BD,=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF =BD%=EF=BD=EF=BDM4=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BDx=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF =BD=EF=BDw=EF=BDr=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD=EF=BD > > BQ_END > > > BQ_END > > =========== =========== =========== =========== > > ________________________________ Message 9 _____________________________________ Time: 07:23:13 AM PST US From: woodflier Subject: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine Pietenpols are going mainstream! I gave Ian Twombly from AOPA Pilot magazine a flight about a month ago, and someone just emailed me that a picture of 9MikeLima is in the July issue of AOPA's Flight Training magazine. Twombly writes, "The Piet is aviation at it's best - it's flown low enough to see details on the ground, slow enough to linger, and open to the world with all its smells and sounds. It's freedom from gravity at its finest." I think he gets it! Matt Paxton ________________________________ Message 10 ____________________________________ Time: 09:48:41 AM PST US Subject: Pietenpol-List: Re: auto GPS test From: "tools" 2rn came with a gps designed for hikers. It works great. Lots of road and lake detail. Since no aviation stuff, it forces me to keep good vfr charts, from which I read the lat long of where I'm going, or avoiding, and plug it in with the identifier. Easy on the batteries, small, been super reliable. One set of aa batts lasts about four solid days of flying at least. Hooked up to a small motorcycle battery, I went a year once without so much as a recharge. Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=443629#443629 ________________________________ Message 11 ____________________________________ Time: 11:13:07 AM PST US From: Steven Dortch Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: iPhone A man received message from his neighbor. Sorry sir I am using your wife. I am using day and night. I am using when u r not present at home. Infact I am using more than U R using. I confess this because now I feel very much guilt. Hope U will accept my sincere apologies. Man went home and had a big fight with his wife and shot her dead. Few minutes later he received another message. Sorry Sir spelling mistake ... it's not wife but wifi. On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 8:32 AM, Douwe Blumberg wrote: > douwe@douwestudios.com> > > Foreflight, not fourflight you idiot... > > Douwe > > Sent from my iPhone > > -- Blue Skies, Steve D ________________________________ Message 12 ____________________________________ Time: 12:12:07 PM PST US From: "Jack Philips" Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine Way to go, Matt! Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia From: owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of woodflier Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:23 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine Pietenpols are going mainstream! I gave Ian Twombly from AOPA Pilot magazine a flight about a month ago, and someone just emailed me that a picture of 9MikeLima is in the July issue of AOPA's Flight Training magazine. Twombly writes, "The Piet is aviation at it's best - it's flown low enough to see details on the ground, slow enough to linger, and open to the world with all its smells and sounds. It's freedom from gravity at its finest." I think he gets it! Matt Paxton ________________________________ Message 13 ____________________________________ Time: 12:16:41 PM PST US Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine From: Marcus Zechini Honored to be your wingman! On to Brodhead! On Jun 16, 2015 3:14 PM, "Jack Philips" wrote: > Way to go, Matt! > > > Jack Phillips > > NX899JP > > Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia > > > *From:* owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com [mailto: > owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com] *On Behalf Of *woodflier > *Sent:* Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:23 AM > *To:* pietenpol-list@matronics.com > *Subject:* Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine > > > Pietenpols are going mainstream! I gave Ian Twombly from AOPA Pilot > magazine a flight about a month ago, and someone just emailed me that a > picture of 9MikeLima is in the July issue of AOPA's Flight Training > magazine. > > > Twombly writes, "The Piet is aviation at it's best - it's flown low enough > to see details on the ground, slow enough to linger, and open to the world > with all its smells and sounds. It's freedom from gravity at its finest." > > > I think he gets it! > > > Matt Paxton > > > *http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List * > > *http://forums.matronics.com * > > *http://www.matronics.com/contribution * > > > * > > > * > > ________________________________ Message 14 ____________________________________ Time: 12:19:59 PM PST US From: woodflier Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine He contacted me out of the blue last fall and we never could set up a time for him to come down. He seemed to really enjoy the flight. I told him he ought to stop off at Brodhead on the way to Oshkosh to see a real fly-in. Matt -----Original Message----- From: Jack Philips Sent: Tue, Jun 16, 2015 3:12 pm Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine Way to go, Matt! Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia From: owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of woodflier Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:23 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine Pietenpols are going mainstream! I gave Ian Twombly from AOPA Pilot magazine a flight about a month ago, and someone just emailed me that a picture of 9MikeLima is in the July issue of AOPA's Flight Training magazine. Twombly writes, "The Piet is aviation at it's best - it's flown low enough to see details on the ground, slow enough to linger, and open to the world with all its smells and sounds. It's freedom from gravity at its finest." I think he gets it! Matt Paxton http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List http://forums.matronics.com http://www.matronics.com/contribution ________________________________ Message 15 ____________________________________ Time: 12:22:02 PM PST US From: woodflier Subject: Re: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine Hey, it's under a month to go now! Matt -----Original Message----- From: Marcus Zechini Sent: Tue, Jun 16, 2015 3:17 pm Subject: RE: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine Honored to be your wingman! On to Brodhead! On Jun 16, 2015 3:14 PM, "Jack Philips" < jack@bedfordlandings.com> wrote: Way to go, Matt! Jack Phillips NX899JP Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia From: owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-pietenpol-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of woodflier Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:23 AM Subject: Pietenpol-List: Piet in AOPA Flight Training magazine Pietenpols are going mainstream! I gave Ian Twombly from AOPA Pilot magazine a flight about a month ago, and someone just emailed me that a picture of 9MikeLima is in the July issue of AOPA's Flight Training magazine. Twombly writes, "The Piet is aviation at it's best - it's flown low enough to see details on the ground, slow enough to linger, and open to the world with all its smells and sounds. It's freedom from gravity at its finest." I think he gets it! Matt Paxton http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List http://forums.matronics.com http://www.matronics.com/contribution " target="_blank">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?Pietenpol-List tp://forums.matronics.com _blank">http://www.matronics.com/contribution ________________________________ Message 16 ____________________________________ Time: 07:33:18 PM PST US From: gliderx5@comcast.net Subject: Pietenpol-List: Latex Painting Update at Airventure I just got the schedule for the forums at Airventure and I will be presenting on Wednesday at 11:30 in Forum Bldg 1. This year I will try to share what I've learned on the Micro Mong project and discuss issues that others have encountered with spraying, rolling, brushing, sanding, polishing, and selecting paint. I hope to see some of you there so please stop in and say hi. I will also try to post the updated powerpoint on the wienerdogaero.com site. Malcolm Morrison ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message pietenpol-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/Pietenpol-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/pietenpol-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/pietenpol-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.