---------------------------------------------------------- Rocket-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Fri 01/02/04: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 07:40 AM - General Rocket Questions (Vuxton, Christopher G.) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 07:40:27 AM PST US Subject: Rocket-List: General Rocket Questions From: "Vuxton, Christopher G." --> Rocket-List message posted by: "Vuxton, Christopher G." While I sit here in Iraq (gratefully not in a foxhole or tent) I have plenty of time to think about the Harmon Rocket II sitting in the back of my head. I have a few questions that have come up before but my uplink is slow as ...well you know so I can't surf as fast as I'd like. Plans are sitting at home as we speak and I have lots of rivets. I see in the FAQs that people use RV 4, 6 and 8 tail feathers. Is there a real difference or benefit of one over the others? And what about a sliding canopy? Thanks, Chris Rocket II (Serial Number unknown) -----Original Message----- From: Frazier, Vincent A [mailto:VFrazier@usi.edu] Subject: Rocket-List: gear leg foam --> Rocket-List message posted by: "Frazier, Vincent A" SNIP I also use the foam, with success, but I have modified my technique a bit. I wrap the gear leg and line the faring with packing tape where the foam goes. This will allow you to remove the farings without having to redo the foam. SNIP This is an old thread... but I'm off over the hoidays and don't check the email. I plan to trim a chunk of soft (pink) temperfoam as needed and use it in this area. My plan is that it will expand and hold the GLF firmly, yet allow movement without crumbing like the hard foam. Can take it out easily if it doesn't work as planned. A couple springs (ala Vans) to hold the GLF up in position should be helpful too. Or maybe just some light rope? YMMV... haven't tried it but can't see why it won't work. Vince == == == ==