---------------------------------------------------------- Rocket-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Tue 09/26/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 06:46 AM - forward looking nose camera (Frazier, Vincent A) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 06:46:41 AM PST US Subject: Rocket-List: forward looking nose camera From: "Frazier, Vincent A" --> Rocket-List message posted by: "Frazier, Vincent A" SNIP For everyone looking for that camera to mount in the nose...... I found a camera that mounts on a rear license plate of a car, suv, rv..etc and is wireless to a color screen for the inside of a vehicle, camera and screen, all for 133 bucks. I have ordered one of the setups and will get it second week of october. I'll let everyone know how decent it works once it gets here. If it stinks I'll say, if it works well enough, I'll let everyone know. SNIP I'd recommend that you keep the packaging until you see if it has enough depth of field to be useful in a plane. Many of the "back-up" cameras used behind your car have a fisheye lens that wouldn't be so good in an airplane forward looking camera. Vince