---------------------------------------------------------- RV-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Wed 01/11/12: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 01:01 PM - New Gust Lock (Robin Marks) 2. 05:52 PM - Re: New Gust Lock (Garry Stout) 3. 06:30 PM - Re: New Gust Lock (Robin Marks) 4. 07:12 PM - Re: New Gust Lock (Bobby Hester) 5. 07:25 PM - Re: New Gust Lock (Robin Marks) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 01:01:26 PM PST US From: Robin Marks Subject: RV-List: New Gust Lock We recently have been experimenting with a gust lock mechanism for our RV-1 0 that holds the stick in place w/o the use of seat belts etc... The goal w as to design a small unit to lock the control surfaces in a neutral positio n without using the seatbelts or other systems that could shift over time. We played with a number of different designs but most were not completely s uccessful due to the curvature of the stick around the binding area. Ultima tely we decided to place a hard point on the stick to guarantee no movement when attached. I was worried that the stick hard point may get in the way but it is a non-issue. Photos of our final design. [Description: J:\Users\Robin_2\Desktop\Gust Lock RV-10\Gust Lock Bracket RV -10 (1).JPG] [Description: J:\Users\Robin_2\Desktop\Gust Lock RV-10\Gust Lock Bracket RV -10 (2).JPG] [Description: J:\Users\Robin_2\Desktop\Gust Lock RV-10\Gust Lock Bracket RV -10 (4).JPG] [Description: J:\Users\Robin_2\Desktop\Gust Lock RV-10\Gust Lock Bracket RV -10 (6).JPG] The above design is made from solid stock. Had we to start from scratch we would probably build it out of thinner (lighter) aluminum made structurally sound with reinforcement and bends. Also properly designed a single seat s ide pin is all that would be needed. We ended up with two pins because the holes were already there from a prior concept. Mate this with our Rudder Gust Lock (below) and you have a pretty simple & small locking system. I keep both parts in a Ziploc bag stored in the bagga ge area. [Description: J:\Users\Robin_2\Pictures\Airplanes\RV-8A\RV-8A Build Photos\ Baggage door, gust lock, pitot cover 002.jpg] Robin ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 05:52:45 PM PST US From: Garry Stout Subject: Re: RV-List: New Gust Lock Looks great! Would it work on a RV7? Garry Stout Sent from my iPad On Jan 11, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Robin Marks wrote: > We recently have been experimenting with a gust lock mechanism for our RV- 10 that holds the stick in place w/o the use of seat belts etc The g oal was to design a small unit to lock the control surfaces in a neutral pos ition without using the seatbelts or other systems that could shift over tim e. We played with a number of different designs but most were not completely successful due to the curvature of the stick around the binding area. Ultim ately we decided to place a hard point on the stick to guarantee no movement when attached. I was worried that the stick hard point may get in the way b ut it is a non-issue. Photos of our final design. > > > > > > > The above design is made from solid stock. Had we to start from scratch we would probably build it out of thinner (lighter) aluminum made structurally sound with reinforcement and bends. Also properly designed a single seat si de pin is all that would be needed. We ended up with two pins because the ho les were already there from a prior concept. > Mate this with our Rudder Gust Lock (below) and you have a pretty simple & small locking system. I keep both parts in a Ziploc bag stored in the bagga ge area. > > > > Robin > ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 06:30:57 PM PST US From: Robin Marks Subject: RE: RV-List: New Gust Lock R2FycnksDQpJbiBhIHdvcmQgbm8uIFRoaXMgaXMgYSBwaG90byBvZiBteSA2QSAoYmVsb3cpLiBJ IGJlbGlldmUgdGhlIDcncyBiYXNpY2FsbHkgaWRlbnRpY2FsIGluIHRoZSBzZWF0aW5nIC8gc3Rp Y2sgY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbi4gSSBkb27igJl0IHNlZSBhIHdheSB0byB1c2UgdGhlIHNhbWUgc3R5 bGUgZGV2aWNlIGluIHRoaXMgc2V0IHVwLiBUaGVyZSBtYXkgYmUgYSB3YXkgdG8gcmVtb3ZlIHRo ZSBib290IHN0aWNrIGNvdmVyIGFuZCBmaXQgYSBsb2NraW5nIGRldmljZSBpbiB0aGF0IGFyZWEg YnV0IEkgbm8gbG9uZ2VyIG93biBteSA2QSB0byBjaGVjayBpdCBvdXQuDQpUaGF0IGJlaW5nIHNh aWQgbXkgUnVkZGVyIExvY2sgZGVzaWduIHBpY3R1cmVkIGluIHRoZSBwcmlvciBlbWFpbCB3b3Jr cyBncmVhdCBvbiB0aGUgMiBwbGFjZSBSVidzLiBJbiBmYWN0IHRoZSBwaG90byBvZiB0aGUgcnVk ZGVyIGxvY2sgaXMgZnJvbSBteSA4QS4NCg0KaHR0cDovL3BhaW50dGhld2ViLmNvbS9wYWludHRo ZXdlYi9ydi02YS9JbnRlcmlvci5hc3B4DQpbRGVzY3JpcHRpb246IGh0dHA6Ly9wYWludHRoZXdl Yi5jb20vcGFpbnR0aGV3ZWIvcnYtNmEvaW1hZ2VzL1JWLTZBJTIwUElDVFVSRVMvSW50ZXJpb3Iv RFNDMDgzMDIuSlBHXQ0KDQpSb2Jpbg0KDQpGcm9tOiBvd25lci1ydi1saXN0LXNlcnZlckBtYXRy b25pY3MuY29tIFttYWlsdG86b3duZXItcnYtbGlzdC1zZXJ2ZXJAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbV0gT24g QmVoYWxmIE9mIEdhcnJ5IFN0b3V0DQpTZW50OiBXZWRuZXNkYXksIEphbnVhcnkgMTEsIDIwMTIg NTo0OCBQTQ0KVG86IHJ2LWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbQ0KU3ViamVjdDogUmU6IFJWLUxpc3Q6 IE5ldyBHdXN0IExvY2sNCg0KTG9va3MgZ3JlYXQhICBXb3VsZCBpdCB3b3JrIG9uIGEgUlY3Pw0K DQpHYXJyeSBTdG91dA0KDQoNClNlbnQgZnJvbSBteSBpUGFkDQoNCk9uIEphbiAxMSwgMjAxMiwg YXQgMzo1NiBQTSwgUm9iaW4gTWFya3MgPHJvYmluQHBhaW50dGhld2ViLmNvbTxtYWlsdG86cm9i aW5AcGFpbnR0aGV3ZWIuY29tPj4gd3JvdGU6DQpXZSByZWNlbnRseSBoYXZlIGJlZW4gZXhwZXJp bWVudGluZyB3aXRoIGEgZ3VzdCBsb2NrIG1lY2hhbmlzbSBmb3Igb3VyIFJWLTEwIHRoYXQgaG9s ZHMgdGhlIHN0aWNrIGluIHBsYWNlIHcvbyB0aGUgdXNlIG9mIHNlYXQgYmVsdHMgZXRj4oCmIFRo ZSBnb2FsIHdhcyB0byBkZXNpZ24gYSBzbWFsbCB1bml0IHRvIGxvY2sgdGhlIGNvbnRyb2wgc3Vy ZmFjZXMgaW4gYSBuZXV0cmFsIHBvc2l0aW9uIHdpdGhvdXQgdXNpbmcgdGhlIHNlYXRiZWx0cyBv ciBvdGhlciBzeXN0ZW1zIHRoYXQgY291bGQgc2hpZnQgb3ZlciB0aW1lLiBXZSBwbGF5ZWQgd2l0 aCBhIG51bWJlciBvZiBkaWZmZXJlbnQgZGVzaWducyBidXQgbW9zdCB3ZXJlIG5vdCBjb21wbGV0 ZWx5IHN1Y2Nlc3NmdWwgZHVlIHRvIHRoZSBjdXJ2YXR1cmUgb2YgdGhlIHN0aWNrIGFyb3VuZCB0 aGUgYmluZGluZyBhcmVhLiBVbHRpbWF0ZWx5IHdlIGRlY2lkZWQgdG8gcGxhY2UgYSBoYXJkIHBv aW50IG9uIHRoZSBzdGljayB0byBndWFyYW50ZWUgbm8gbW92ZW1lbnQgd2hlbiBhdHRhY2hlZC4g SSB3YXMgd29ycmllZCB0aGF0IHRoZSBzdGljayBoYXJkIHBvaW50IG1heSBnZXQgaW4gdGhlIHdh eSBidXQgaXQgaXMgYSBub24taXNzdWUuIFBob3RvcyBvZiBvdXIgZmluYWwgZGVzaWduLg0KDQo8 aW1hZ2UwMDkuanBnPg0KPGltYWdlMDEwLmpwZz4NCjxpbWFnZTAxMS5qcGc+DQo8aW1hZ2UwMTIu anBnPg0KDQpUaGUgYWJvdmUgZGVzaWduIGlzIG1hZGUgZnJvbSBzb2xpZCBzdG9jay4gSGFkIHdl IHRvIHN0YXJ0IGZyb20gc2NyYXRjaCB3ZSB3b3VsZCBwcm9iYWJseSBidWlsZCBpdCBvdXQgb2Yg dGhpbm5lciAobGlnaHRlcikgYWx1bWludW0gbWFkZSBzdHJ1Y3R1cmFsbHkgc291bmQgd2l0aCBy ZWluZm9yY2VtZW50IGFuZCBiZW5kcy4gQWxzbyBwcm9wZXJseSBkZXNpZ25lZCBhIHNpbmdsZSBz ZWF0IHNpZGUgcGluIGlzIGFsbCB0aGF0IHdvdWxkIGJlIG5lZWRlZC4gV2UgZW5kZWQgdXAgd2l0 aCB0d28gcGlucyBiZWNhdXNlIHRoZSBob2xlcyB3ZXJlIGFscmVhZHkgdGhlcmUgZnJvbSBhIHBy aW9yIGNvbmNlcHQuDQpNYXRlIHRoaXMgd2l0aCBvdXIgUnVkZGVyIEd1c3QgTG9jayAoYmVsb3cp IGFuZCB5b3UgaGF2ZSBhIHByZXR0eSBzaW1wbGUgJiBzbWFsbCBsb2NraW5nIHN5c3RlbS4gSSBr ZWVwIGJvdGggcGFydHMgaW4gYSBaaXBsb2MgYmFnIHN0b3JlZCBpbiB0aGUgYmFnZ2FnZSBhcmVh Lg0KDQo8aW1hZ2UwMTQuanBnPg0KDQpSb2Jpbg0KDQoNCg0KDQoNCg0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCg0KXy09ICAg ICAgICAgIC0gVGhlIFJWLUxpc3QgRW1haWwgRm9ydW0gLQ0KDQpfLT0gVXNlIHRoZSBNYXRyb25p Y3MgTGlzdCBGZWF0dXJlcyBOYXZpZ2F0b3IgdG8gYnJvd3NlDQoNCl8tPSB0aGUgbWFueSBMaXN0 IHV0aWxpdGllcyBzdWNoIGFzIExpc3QgVW4vU3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uLA0KDQpfLT0gQXJjaGl2ZSBT ZWFyY2ggJiBEb3dubG9hZCwgNy1EYXkgQnJvd3NlLCBDaGF0LCBGQVEsDQoNCl8tPSBQaG90b3No YXJlLCBhbmQgbXVjaCBtdWNoIG1vcmU6DQoNCl8tPQ0KDQpfLT0gICAtLT4gaHR0cDovL3d3dy5t YXRyb25pY3MuY29tL05hdmlnYXRvcj9SVi1MaXN0DQoNCl8tPQ0KDQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KDQpfLT0gICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAtIE1BVFJPTklDUyBXRUIgRk9SVU1TIC0NCg0KXy09IFNhbWUgZ3JlYXQgY29u dGVudCBhbHNvIGF2YWlsYWJsZSB2aWEgdGhlIFdlYiBGb3J1bXMhDQoNCl8tPQ0KDQpfLT0gICAt LT4gaHR0cDovL2ZvcnVtcy5tYXRyb25pY3MuY29tDQoNCl8tPQ0KDQpfLT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQ0KDQpfLT0gICAg ICAgICAgICAgLSBMaXN0IENvbnRyaWJ1dGlvbiBXZWIgU2l0ZSAtDQoNCl8tPSAgVGhhbmsgeW91 IGZvciB5b3VyIGdlbmVyb3VzIHN1cHBvcnQhDQoNCl8tPSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgIC1NYXR0IERyYWxsZSwgTGlzdCBBZG1pbi4NCg0KXy09ICAgLS0+IGh0dHA6Ly93d3cu bWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbS9jb250cmlidXRpb24NCg0KXy09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NCg0KDQo ________________________________ Message 4 _____________________________________ Time: 07:12:46 PM PST US Subject: Re: RV-List: New Gust Lock From: Bobby Hester Are you selling them? How much for the rudder lock? Sent from my Verizon iPhone On Jan 11, 2012, at 8:29 PM, Robin Marks wrote: > Garry, > In a word no. This is a photo of my 6A (below). I believe the 7's basicall y identical in the seating / stick configuration. I don=99t see a way t o use the same style device in this set up. There may be a way to remove the boot stick cover and fit a locking device in that area but I no longer own m y 6A to check it out. > That being said my Rudder Lock design pictured in the prior email works gr eat on the 2 place RV's. In fact the photo of the rudder lock is from my 8A. > > http://painttheweb.com/painttheweb/rv-6a/Interior.aspx > > > Robin > > From: owner-rv-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv-list-server@matr onics.com] On Behalf Of Garry Stout > Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 5:48 PM > To: rv-list@matronics.com > Subject: Re: RV-List: New Gust Lock > > Looks great! Would it work on a RV7? > > Garry Stout > > > Sent from my iPad > > On Jan 11, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Robin Marks wrote: > > We recently have been experimenting with a gust lock mechanism for our RV- 10 that holds the stick in place w/o the use of seat belts etc The g oal was to design a small unit to lock the control surfaces in a neutral pos ition without using the seatbelts or other systems that could shift over tim e. We played with a number of different designs but most were not completely successful due to the curvature of the stick around the binding area. Ultim ately we decided to place a hard point on the stick to guarantee no movement when attached. I was worried that the stick hard point may get in the way b ut it is a non-issue. Photos of our final design. > > > > > > > The above design is made from solid stock. Had we to start from scratch we would probably build it out of thinner (lighter) aluminum made structurally sound with reinforcement and bends. Also properly designed a single seat si de pin is all that would be needed. We ended up with two pins because the ho les were already there from a prior concept. > Mate this with our Rudder Gust Lock (below) and you have a pretty simple & small locking system. I keep both parts in a Ziploc bag stored in the bagga ge area. > > > > Robin > > > ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= > ________________________________ Message 5 _____________________________________ Time: 07:25:17 PM PST US From: Robin Marks Subject: Re: RV-List: New Gust Lock No. Just flying in the Exp. Category and loving it. Robin Sent from my Galaxy Nexus Bobby Hester wrote: Are you selling them? How much for the rudder lock? Sent from my Verizon iPhone On Jan 11, 2012, at 8:29 PM, Robin Marks > wrote: Garry, In a word no. This is a photo of my 6A (below). I believe the 7's basically identical in the seating / stick configuration. I don=92t see a way to use the same style device in this set up. There may be a way to remove the boo t stick cover and fit a locking device in that area but I no longer own my 6A to check it out. That being said my Rudder Lock design pictured in the prior email works gre at on the 2 place RV's. In fact the photo of the rudder lock is from my 8A. http://painttheweb.com/painttheweb/rv-6a/Interior.aspx Robin From: owner-rv-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-rv-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Garry Sto ut Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 5:48 PM Subject: Re: RV-List: New Gust Lock Looks great! Would it work on a RV7? Garry Stout Sent from my iPad On Jan 11, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Robin Marks > wrote: We recently have been experimenting with a gust lock mechanism for our RV-1 0 that holds the stick in place w/o the use of seat belts etc=85 The goal w as to design a small unit to lock the control surfaces in a neutral positio n without using the seatbelts or other systems that could shift over time. We played with a number of different designs but most were not completely s uccessful due to the curvature of the stick around the binding area. Ultima tely we decided to place a hard point on the stick to guarantee no movement when attached. I was worried that the stick hard point may get in the way but it is a non-issue. Photos of our final design. The above design is made from solid stock. Had we to start from scratch we would probably build it out of thinner (lighter) aluminum made structurally sound with reinforcement and bends. Also properly designed a single seat s ide pin is all that would be needed. We ended up with two pins because the holes were already there from a prior concept. Mate this with our Rudder Gust Lock (below) and you have a pretty simple & small locking system. I keep both parts in a Ziploc bag stored in the bagga ge area. Robin ============ -List Email Forum - p> o:p> or?RV-List">http://www.matronics.com/Navigator?RV-List ============ sp; - MATRONICS WEB FORUMS - p> p://forums.matronics.com ============ sp; - List Contribution Web Site - > sp; -Matt Dralle, List Admin. ution">http://www.matronics.com/contribution ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Matronics Email List Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Post A New Message rv-list@matronics.com UN/SUBSCRIBE http://www.matronics.com/subscription List FAQ http://www.matronics.com/FAQ/RV-List.htm Web Forum Interface To Lists http://forums.matronics.com Matronics List Wiki http://wiki.matronics.com Full Archive Search Engine http://www.matronics.com/search 7-Day List Browse http://www.matronics.com/browse/rv-list Browse Digests http://www.matronics.com/digest/rv-list Browse Other Lists http://www.matronics.com/browse Live Online Chat! http://www.matronics.com/chat Archive Downloading http://www.matronics.com/archives Photo Share http://www.matronics.com/photoshare Other Email Lists http://www.matronics.com/emaillists Contributions http://www.matronics.com/contribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.