RV-List Digest Archive

Sat 06/09/12

Total Messages Posted: 3

Today's Message Index:
     1. 05:42 AM - Re: Bi-ennial transponder/encoder/static certifications (RV6 Flyer)
     2. 06:23 AM - Re: Bi-ennial transponder/encoder/static certifications (Tim Olson)
     3. 07:32 AM - Re: Bi-ennial transponder/encoder/static certifications (Kelly McMullen)

Message 1

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    Time: 05:42:20 AM PST US
    From: RV6 Flyer <rv6_flyer@hotmail.com>
    Subject: Bi-ennial transponder/encoder/static certifications
    DQpMb2dib29rLCBOb3Rhcml6ZWQgcGhvdG8gY29weSBvZiBsb2dib29rIHBhZ2UocyksIG9yIGEg c2lnbmVkIGZvcm0gc2hvd2luZyB0aGUgZGF0ZXMgb2YgdGhlIGluc3BlY3Rpb25zLiAgQWxtb3N0 IG5vIG9uZSBoYXMgdGhlaXIgbG9nIGluIHRoZSBhaXJwbGFuZSBzbyBvbmUgb2YgdGhlIHR3byBv dGhlciB3YXlzIGFyZSBmaW5lLg0KDQpHYXJ5IEEuIFNvYmVrIA0KIk15IFNhbml0eSIgUlYtNiBO MTU3R1MgTy0zMjAgSGFydHplbGwsIA0KMiw1OTArIEZseWluZyBIb3VycyBTby4gQ0EsIFVTQSAN Cg0KRGF0ZTogRnJpLCA4IEp1biAyMDEyIDIyOjQwOjQxIC0wNzAwDQpGcm9tOiBiaWN5Y2xvcEBw YWNiZWxsLm5ldA0KVG86IHJ2LWxpc3RAbWF0cm9uaWNzLmNvbQ0KU3ViamVjdDogUmU6IFJWLUxp c3Q6IEJpLWVubmlhbCB0cmFuc3BvbmRlci9lbmNvZGVyL3N0YXRpYyBjZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9ucw0K DQoNCg0KICANCiAgICANCiAgDQogIA0KICAgIEFyZSB5b3Ugc2F5aW5nIHRoYXQgdGhleSByZXF1 aXJlIHlvdSB0byBwcm9kdWNlIHlvdXINCiAgICAgIGxvZ2Jvb2tzPw0KDQogICAgICANCg0KICAg ICAgRWQNCg0KICAgIA0KDQogICAgT24gNi84LzIwMTIgMTo1MCBQTSwgUlY2IEZseWVyIHdyb3Rl Og0KICAgIA0KICAgICAgSUYgeW91IGhhdmUgYSBjYXJkIGZvciBmb3JtYXRpb24gZmxpZ2h0IGFu 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    Time: 06:23:38 AM PST US
    Subject: Re: Bi-ennial transponder/encoder/static certifications
    From: Tim Olson <Tim@MyRV10.com>
    I don't know that it's worth "trying to get away with" anything these days, a nd having a transponder be INOP in any way could cause you many headaches. A s you probably already heard, the FAA is now on both our backs and ATC's too , to report all infractions even minor. They're even being heavy handed to a degree. You miss some radio calls while flying under ATC control, you're b usted, your Mode C stops working, you're busted. You drift on assigned alti tude a little and now they aren't ALLOWED to give you the leeway and just ch ew you out and grumble until you move out of their sector...or say "say alti tude" as a clue. These days, if you're flying in the system or controlling i t, you're being watched and if you mess up even a little you may have some r eal 'splainin' to do and it can cost you hassles or suspensions. So I guess I'd rather get the check and KNoW my transponder and altimeter pass. I'll t ag below my post, two from the Lancair list recently. They had a couple of i nteresting incidents that showed the new kinder FAA's attitude. see below, Tim Wish I were dealing with such a compassionate FAA office. I've been communi cating for 4 weeks with ORL FAA regarding a lost comm episode in my 360. I w as IFR and lost comm (IFR flight, maintained clearance, route, altitude, etc .). When I realized the radio had gone quiet I started calling for radio ch ecks and using comm 2. Consulted charts, reached the next controller (on Co mm 1) and resumed normal flight (ending with instrument approach into my hom e airport). FAA is all worked up because of 23 minutes of lost comm. I recognize it's n ot a short amount of time, but they are indicating they will take administra tive action. I'm frustrated because I feel like I did everything right. 23 minutes of lost comm was probably 15 to 18 minutes of silence before I star ted trying radio checks and consulting the charts. The next week I flew the same route and timed every gap of "silence". It wa s the Sunday that Sun-N-Fun let out and I still had 13 minutes of silence wi th one controller (this was in FL). But the ORL FAA inspector is very worke d up that my lost comm was over 20 minutes So BEWARE and make sure your radios have good reception! And I'm still not sure why I lost comm. The reception has never been great i n my little bird (internal antennas), but the only reasonable explanation is that my wife, who often uses the volume control on the headset cord so she c an take a little cat-nap, accidentally adjusted my volume to zero, then adju sted it back up after we were out of ATC's transmitter range. She could hav e confused the two controls (they both are tucked into the center armrest). So beware of the possible risks. The FAA may or may not be compassionate. Matt e.net>Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:52 AMTo: Lancair List <lml@lancaironli ne.net> Subject: [LML] ensure your transponder works Dear subscribers Last week I flew from my home airport in Ohio to the Linden Airport (KLDJ - about 10 miles south of Newark). I flew into this airport IFR before and I recall the controller asking me if I could finish my flight VFR because of all the traffic in this area. This time I decided not to bother anybody and go VFR from the start since the weather was fine. I had a Garmin 320 transponder and the amber light was happily flashing all the way to New York. What I did not know was that the transponder failed and was not sending out a signal.... When I landed the airport stuff came up immediately and told me to call NY FAA. They filed then a Mode C violation and told me not to move the plane without permission. After I hung up with them I got a call from our front desk at my home airport. Homeland security called them while I was still in the air and asked about this airplane that departed from this airport. Fortunately the girl knew me and gave them the right answers. I got a weather briefing before I left. I don't know if this helped. I haven't heard from Homeland Security so far... When I wanted to move the 4P away from the fuel pump my starter died. I had to stay the night and order a new starter overnight. The folks from the Linden airport let me use their hangar because of my emergency situation for free. Tom Madden from AOG aircraft services helped me with ordering the starter, flew my transponder to another airport for bench check, found me a used Garmin 327 transponder replacement, worked with me on the installation of the starter, let me use all his tools and charged me in the end 600$ !!! - what a positive experience in this whole mess!! After explaining the FAA that the old transponder failed and I had a replacement in place I got permission to leave Linden the next day. The new transponder works and everybody can see me again. The FAA indicated that since I have a work order for testing the old transponder (Tom Madden's recommendation) they will drop my charges. I would have never guessed that you can get yourself in so much trouble by just flying VFR..... Ralf On Jun 8, 2012, at 2:16 PM, Denis Walsh <denis.walsh@comcast.net> wrote: > Excellent input, Stein! You are a valuable asset to this list. > > I would like to add another non-technical, non regulatory view: > > I have never witnessed or even heard of anyone being cited for not having a transponder check by the FAA. I have never seen it asked for on an Airwort hiness inspection. I could say the same for the ELT and for several other c ritical things. > > So if you are looking for something to "get away with", this is a good can didate. > > I, like Stein, consider it penny wise to skip this check. I add further t hat it is stupid and unsafe. In today's flying environment both FAA control lers and many many of our fellow aviators rely immensely on the transponder o utput to keep traffic separated!! > > So wake up guys!! Even though you only see a blinking light once in a whil e, the accurate operation of your transponder is critical to your safety and to all those with in collision distance. > > > Denis Walsh > denis.walsh@comcast.net > > > > On 8Jun, 2012, at 9:57 , Stein Bruch wrote: > >> Gary is correct in the fact that unless you have a TC, you are not a =9CMfgr=9D in the eyes of the FAA. >> >> Not only that, but your =9Ctest equipment=9D must be calibrat ed to certain approved standards and be certified as currently in calibratio n. It=99s also not as simple as verifying the codes and altitude read out in the transponder. You have to test the output frequency and a +/- ran ge variation (+/- 3mHz), the suppression system, receiver sensitivity, peak o utput power, altitude readout, codes, etc.. If it=99s a Mode S, you h ave to add in the Diversity test, the reply address, uplink formats, all cal l, squitter output for ES, and more. >> >> It typically only costs $75-$125 to have it done the right way (and only a bout 15 minutes of time), so no reason to be pennywise on this particular pa rt of the plane. >> >> Just my 2 cents as usual, >> >> Stein >> > > > ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= ========================== ========= >

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    Time: 07:32:33 AM PST US
    From: Kelly McMullen <kellym@aviating.com>
    Subject: Re: Bi-ennial transponder/encoder/static certifications
    Even with the proper checks, transponders seem to be a source of no end of grief. Flew a trip last fall, all VFR, but went through SLC Class B with clearance, after they had much trouble getting correct code to display. (apparently it was showing with 1200 code instead of assigned code). So on my way back I first called SLC center and they had no problem with my transponder. On hand off to SLC approach they had same issue as before. I learned they have a brand new radar installation, which may explain why it saw something different from the Center's long range radar. As soon as I got home, had transponder checked. (yes it was in its first year after a certification). Sure enough, some portion of the transponder had drifted a little out of alignment, got it fixed and recertified. (and filed the work order in case I got any inquiry). I know our local FAAST Team is bracing for a bunch of referrals to deal with minor infractions. I can't see ATC or FSDO living with this policy too long, because of the increased workload. On 6/9/2012 6:22 AM, Tim Olson wrote: > I don't know that it's worth "trying to get away with" anything these > days, and having a transponder be INOP in any way could cause you many > headaches. As you probably already heard, the FAA is now on both our > backs and ATC's too, to report all infractions even minor. They're > even being heavy handed to a degree. You miss some radio calls while > flying under ATC control, you're busted, your Mode C stops working, > you're busted. You drift on assigned altitude a little and now they > aren't ALLOWED to give you the leeway and just chew you out and > grumble until you move out of their sector...or say "say altitude" as > a clue. These days, if you're flying in the system or controlling it, > you're being watched and if you mess up even a little you may have > some real 'splainin' to do and it can cost you hassles or suspensions. > So I guess I'd rather get the check and KNoW my transponder and > altimeter pass. I'll tag below my post, two from the Lancair list > recently. They had a couple of interesting incidents that showed the > new kinder FAA's attitude. > > see below, Tim > ----- No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

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  •   http://www.matronics.com/emaillists
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  •   http://www.matronics.com/contribution

    These Email List Services are sponsored solely by Matronics and through the generous Contributions of its members.

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