---------------------------------------------------------- RV4-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 08/04/03: 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 05:54 AM - Helicopter seat (Scott Brown) 2. 05:54 AM - Helicopter seat (Scott Brown) 3. 05:56 AM - Helicopter seat (Scott Brown) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 05:54:47 AM PST US From: "Scott Brown" Subject: RV4-List: Helicopter seat --> RV4-List message posted by: "Scott Brown" Listers, I have a very light helicopter seat for sale. Seat probably weighs no more that 3 #s. Very comfortable. I saw one in Dave Gugger's RV4. He did a very nice installation. I sat in his RV4, it was extremely comfortable. I paid $150 for, will sell for $75. Please respond off-line to: scottbrown@precisionjet.com Thanks for all the help for the necessary paperwork for experimentals to go to the Bahamas. Cheers! Scott ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 05:54:47 AM PST US From: "Scott Brown" Subject: RV4-List: Helicopter seat --> RV4-List message posted by: "Scott Brown" Listers, I have a very light helicopter seat for sale. Seat probably weighs no more that 3 #s. Very comfortable. I saw one in Dave Gugger's RV4. He did a very nice installation. I sat in his RV4, it was extremely comfortable. I paid $150 for, will sell for $75. Please respond off-line to: scottbrown@precisionjet.com Thanks for all the help for the necessary paperwork for experimentals to go to the Bahamas. Cheers! Scott ________________________________ Message 3 _____________________________________ Time: 05:56:11 AM PST US From: "Scott Brown" Subject: RV4-List: Helicopter seat --> RV4-List message posted by: "Scott Brown" Listers, I have a very light helicopter seat for sale. Seat probably weighs no more that 3 #s. Very comfortable. I saw one in Dave Gugger's RV4. He did a very nice installation. I sat in his RV4, it was extremely comfortable. I paid $150 for, will sell for $75. Please respond off-line to: scottbrown@precisionjet.com Thanks for all the help for the necessary paperwork for experimentals to go to the Bahamas. Cheers! Scott