---------------------------------------------------------- RV4-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Thu 02/10/05: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 07:52 AM - Re: RV4-List Digest: 3 Msgs - 01/17/05 (RV4WGH@aol.com) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 07:52:41 AM PST US From: RV4WGH@aol.com Subject: RV4-List: Re: RV4-List Digest: 3 Msgs - 01/17/05 --> RV4-List message posted by: RV4WGH@aol.com Just wanted to thank all of you who said it was possible to change the fuel pump on an RV-4. It is! I have a Lycoming 0-320 E2A which has the dynafocal and wide deck. All I can say is it is VERY close! Turned out to be very fortunate to receive a call from a local friend with a -4 who had changed his fuel pump. The trick seems to be to be able to keep the "plunger" or actuator ( should have looked up the correct name in the manual) in the UP position and approach the engine from the side. We did that by having the mag off and applying some grease to the pump actuator. The vent fitting is probably only 3/16" or so from the firewall. Would like to dent the FW but the spot requiring more clearance is right over an extrusion. Would be very difficult to dent. Thanks again, Wally Hunt Rockford, IL