---------------------------------------------------------- RV7-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 09/15/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 12:43 PM - New SPAM and Virus Filtering Appliance At Matronics... (dralle@matronics.com (Matt Dralle)) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 12:43:16 PM PST US From: dralle@matronics.com (Matt Dralle) Subject: RV7-List: New SPAM and Virus Filtering Appliance At Matronics... --> RV7-List message posted by: dralle@matronics.com (Matt Dralle) Dear Listers, I will be installing a new SPAM and virus blocking appliance this evening or tomorrow. The installation will involve some changes in the Matronics DNS MX records, and will impact how incoming email is handled. While I expect these changes to be transparent to all of the List subscribers, things might go differently... ;-) The Lists get bombarded with tons of SPAM messages and viruses each day and fortunately my custom filters have been extremely effective at filtering most of this from redistribution. Its time to move to the next level of technology, however, and this SPAM and Virus filtering appliance seems like an excellent solution. I will post a follow up message later in the week when things have stabilized and I have some filter statistics to share. Best regards, Matt Dralle Matronics Email List Admin. -- Matt G. Dralle | Matronics | P.O. Box 347 | Livermore | CA | 94551 925-606-1001 Voice | 925-606-6281 FAX | dralle@matronics.com Email http://www.matronics.com/ W.W.W. | Featuring Products For Aircraft