---------------------------------------------------------- RV7-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Wed 05/31/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 07:46 AM - RV6/7 Cowl Needed (SteinAir, Inc.) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 07:46:41 AM PST US From: "SteinAir, Inc." Subject: RV7-List: RV6/7 Cowl Needed --> RV7-List message posted by: "SteinAir, Inc." Hi All, Does anyone have an extra (or surplus to their needs) RV6 or RV7 "S" cowl laying around they'd like to get rid of? I'm having cowl wars with my other -6 at the moment and would just like to start from scratch. Let me know what you've got! Cheers, Stein Bruch RV6's, Minneapolis Do Not Archive