---------------------------------------------------------- RV8-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Wed 01/29/03: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 08:00 PM - oiling drill and rivet gun (Will & Lynda Allen) 2. 08:07 PM - Re: oiling drill and rivet gun (Michael D. Crowe) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 08:00:02 PM PST US From: "Will & Lynda Allen" Subject: RV8-List: oiling drill and rivet gun --> RV8-List message posted by: "Will & Lynda Allen" Since directions didn't come with my drill or rivet gun and I've never had air tools before, how much oil and how often do I oil them? If there isn't an opening for the oil do I just put some in the connector that the hose attaches to? Thanks, -Will Allen North Bend, Wa RV8 Emp ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 08:07:30 PM PST US From: "Michael D. Crowe" Subject: RE: RV8-List: oiling drill and rivet gun --> RV8-List message posted by: "Michael D. Crowe" Will, About 3 to 4 drops in the connector for each days use. Mike Crowe RV8A waiting on wings Subject: RV8-List: oiling drill and rivet gun --> RV8-List message posted by: "Will & Lynda Allen" Since directions didn't come with my drill or rivet gun and I've never had air tools before, how much oil and how often do I oil them? If there isn't an opening for the oil do I just put some in the connector that the hose attaches to? Thanks, -Will Allen North Bend, Wa RV8 Emp