---------------------------------------------------------- RV8-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Tue 02/25/03: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 08:50 PM - F-804N Channel Cap Installation Heads UP (Vincent) 2. 09:27 PM - Re: F-804N Channel Cap Installation Heads UP (Terry Watson) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 08:50:05 PM PST US From: "Vincent " Subject: RV8-List: F-804N Channel Cap Installation Heads UP --> RV8-List message posted by: "Vincent " Where: RV-8 Fuselage center section F-804C bulkheads Short: Recommend one does not drill the F-804N channel cap to the F-804C bulkheads until after mounting the F-816 cockpit rails. Long: When assembling the right and left control panels to the fuselage, I assumed (yes I know..) that I should drill and cleco the channel caps then also. Not a good idea as in order to align the F-804C flanges properly to the F-816 cockpit rails (much later in the plans) I have to remove the clecoes on the channel cap for proper center line alignment. The holes in the F-804C no longer line up with the pre-punched ones in the channel cap. Fortunately, most of mine lined up but many on the forward side for me did not requiring me to either make new channel caps from scratch or drill new holes between the existing pre punched ones. Haven't decided yet which way I will go. Regards, Vince Himsl RV8(SB) - Fuselage Moscow, ID USA ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 09:27:43 PM PST US From: "Terry Watson" Subject: RE: RV8-List: F-804N Channel Cap Installation Heads UP --> RV8-List message posted by: "Terry Watson" Vince, I drilled my channel caps way too soon and consequently got them spaced wrong, which became obvious when I put the armrests and the switch panel and the throttle quadrant in. Fortunately, mine was far enough off that I could reposition it and re-drill it in the proper location. Terry Where: RV-8 Fuselage center section F-804C bulkheads Short: Recommend one does not drill the F-804N channel cap to the F-804C bulkheads until after mounting the F-816 cockpit rails. Regards, Vince Himsl RV8(SB) - Fuselage Moscow, ID USA