---------------------------------------------------------- RV8-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Wed 06/25/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 01:19 PM - Oshkosh RV-8 Builders' Meetings (N8RV@gte.net) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 01:19:57 PM PST US From: N8RV@gte.net Subject: RV8-List: Oshkosh RV-8 Builders' Meetings --> RV8-List message posted by: N8RV@gte.net OK, gang, it's fast becoming "that time of the year" again -- Oshkosh b'gosh! For the last several years, a group of RV-8/-8A builders has gathered under the trees in the Theater in the Woods at Oshkosh to swap lies, tips and generally just put faces to the names of those with whom we've swapped lies and tips online for months or even years. It's nothing formal, and every builder or even builder wannabe is invited. I haven't looked at the calendar yet to see what days might be best to meet, but in the past we've used Thursday and either Saturday or Sunday for meeting times and it's worked well. We've had anywhere from a handful to a couple dozen participants in years past, and the group keeps growing. If anyone on (or off) the list would like to take the bull by the horns and plan something else for a get-together, please step up -- no offense will be taken. I've been a rather slow builder (it happens when college tuition exceeds the cost of an engine!) and perhaps a more active builder would like to plan the event. Let me know. If nobody is just itchin' to host meetings, I'll just post some dates and times for the usual meetings and we'll all just have a jolly ol' time. I'll bring the nametags and Sharpies and, as usual, Bob Dimeo will forget the donughts. :-) -- Don McNamara N8RV