---------------------------------------------------------- RV8-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sat 03/27/04: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 01:04 PM - relay from Kitfox list (Michel Gordillo) 2. 02:20 PM - Santa Maria CA Fly-In (April 30-May 2) (Cory Emberson) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 01:04:25 PM PST US From: "Michel Gordillo" Subject: RV8-List: relay from Kitfox list --> RV8-List message posted by: "Michel Gordillo" I just put my Rocky Mountain Instruments MicroEncoder on ebay if anyone is interested. It's a great unit, but I already had all the flight instruments installed and decided not to use it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=26436&item =2470134705 If anyone is also on the RV list and I would appreciate passing this info on to them. SteveZ Calgary ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 02:20:09 PM PST US From: "Cory Emberson" Subject: RV8-List: Santa Maria CA Fly-In (April 30-May 2) --> RV8-List message posted by: "Cory Emberson" Hello everyone! With Matt Dralle's blessing (thank you, Matt!), I'm pleased to post this announcement for a terrific aviation fly-in weekend. SMXgig (in Santa Maria, CA) has become the year's largest face-to-face get-together of electronically networked aviators. We hope you'll plan to attend because we expect this year's gig to be the best ever. People come from all over the country (and sometimes overseas) to attend, and most of the sessions qualify for FAA Wings cards. The dates are 4/30-5/2/04 (Friday-Sunday) - it's a lot of fun, and a great chance for pilots from all over to mingle and share aviation stories, ideas, etc. The announcement below contains most of the crucial information, and you can get the rest from the website (www.smxgig.org). If you have any questions at all, just let me know, and thanks! ~~Cory Emberson KHWD >>> NOTICE TO AIRMEN! <<< Announcing the Sixteenth Annual SMXgig to be held on April 30 - May 2, 2004 at the Radisson on the Santa Maria (CA) Airport (aka SMX) www.smxgig.org SMXgig will be April 30 - May 2, 2004, at the Santa Maria Radisson. This year, our featured speaker after Friday night's dinner will be Rod Machado! "MACH 2 WITH MACHADO" is the byline Rod Machado has earned for his rapid fire delivery at his lively safety seminars and keynote speeches. His programs are information-packed, energetic, and humorous. He has spoken in all fifty of the United States and in Europe sharing his fresh approach to aviation education. If you can make it, please do. It's going to be pretty special. More information and the announcement/ registration info is available at www.smxgig.org You may also contact me by email at: cory@smxgig.org. All technical sessions will be held in the Enterprise Ballroom at the SMX Radisson. Each session will last about an hour. We schedule four tech sessions on Saturday morning, and four on Sunday morning. Most of the speakers are set (I'm still firming up a couple of slots - I'm working on a session about Experimentals): MIKE BUSCH - The Art and Science of Troubleshooting Your A frequently, that person is you. That's particularly true of problems that occur only in-flight and/or are intermittent. This session offers methodology for troubleshooting aimed at aircraft owners who aren't A&Ps. ED WILLIAMS - GPS - How It Works, and How to Work It Ed is a nuclear physicist working at Lawrence Livermore Labs. Ed does a remarkable job of making physics phun! BRENT BLUE, M.D. - Pilot Medicals: How to Avoid Problems with the FAA Brent is an AME Advocate, who specializes in helping the tough cases renew their medicals. He's a former member of EAA's medical advisory committee. DOUG RITTER - Equipping Yourself To Survive - Personal Survival Gear for Pilots Doug is a survival evangelist, personally driven to help pilots live through whatever comes next. www.equipped.org PAUL MILLNER - The Future of Avgas Paul works with ChevronTexaco, and is right in the middle of the industry developments regarding our fuel of choice. MARY DUFFY & UWE LEMKE - Flying in Europe Mary and Uwe are a Scot and a German who live in the San Francisco Bay Area, but return "home" often. As always, each qualifying session will get you a WINGS Safety Session card. Our Saturday evening event should be a delicious one! At 5:45 p.m., the BFUB (Big Fat Ugly Bus) will arrive at the Santa Maria Radisson to bring us to the Far Western Tavern for dinner in beautiful Guadalupe (www.farwesterntavern.com). DOLLARS AND CENTS Just as in previous years, there will be one flat all-encompassing "gig" fee that covers all events that involve significant out-of-pocket costs for the organizers. The fee is $160 per person, and will cover: - Friday afternoon welcome party - Friday evening dinner banquet - Saturday and Sunday tech sessions - Saturday afternoon lunch - Saturday evening dinner at the Far Western Tavern in Guadalupe - Meeting rooms and coffee service at the Santa Maria Radisson - Transportation to (and from) the Far Western Tavern Lodging at the SMX Radisson will cost $89.00/night for either a single or double room, which is far below the regular hotel room rate. Be sure you check in as a SMXgig attendee and get the special rate. We have our definitive preference listed with the hotel for rampside rooms - early registration can only help, but of course, the rampside rooms are subject to availability depending on how many existing guests are in those rooms. You do not need to register with the hotel - just give me your preferences, and I will take care of the reservations. Important: This year, our final rooming lists are due to the hotel on April 11, 2004 (the even of Sun 'n Fun), which will guarantee space and the group rate. The hotel will accept additional room reservations after that, on a space- and rate-available basis. They will try their best to accommodate us after that date, but the hotel is already sold out for the weekend. The website (www.smxgig.org) has detailed information about the schedule, meals, hotel accommodations, and online registration. If you'd like your own announcement/registration emailed to you, or have any other questions, just let me know. (cory@smxgig.org or bootless@earthlink.net ). Thanks, and see you there! best, Cory Emberson