---------------------------------------------------------- RV9-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Wed 04/05/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 07:45 AM - Re: RV9 v RV7 - final decisionmaking (Matthew Brandes) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 07:45:11 AM PST US From: Matthew Brandes Subject: RV9-List: RE: RV9 v RV7 - final decisionmaking --> RV9-List message posted by: Matthew Brandes Stephen, There is a SOCAL Yahoo group you should get on.. Dan C. can give you the name of the group. I know there are a couple of RV-9's in the area, so you should be able to get a ride easy.. I would even ask Dan for a recommendation. Everyone has to make the choice and it isn't one that can be made for you.. everyone flies differently and has different wants/needs. When I was in the same boat of making a decision, someone said "choose the model the fits how you fly today, not how you think you'll fly at some point in the future". If you are a 90% cross-country flyer who wants to do IFR, MY OPINION is that the RV-9 would be a better choice but regardless, all of the RV models can be IFR flyers but I think you'l hear a unanimous voice say that if you want to do IFR in an RV you need an autopilot. I'm only 46 hours into my flying but you just have to look away for a few seconds and you'll gain 100-200 feet (or loose it). I think you'll find the RV-9 a bit more stable and docile than the RV-7. The -7 does go faster and you can go upside down if you want. :-) Matthew