---------------------------------------------------------- RV9-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 04/17/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 01:05 PM - E-Mags (D.Munz) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 01:05:47 PM PST US From: "D.Munz" <182ppl@comcast.net> Subject: RV9-List: E-Mags --> RV9-List message posted by: "D.Munz" <182ppl@comcast.net> I recently received some distressing news about the E-Mag electronic ignition from a fellow builder. I was very much thinking of installing two P-Mags on my 0-320 that will be installed on my 9A. It has been stated that it is near impossible to use the 39 degree max advance mode without extreme overheating problems. The E-Mag site is full of wonderful verbiage on the product but only three shortly written customer endorsements. I would like to here from anyone who might have test flown this system and has been either happy or unhappy with it. Not to be rude but please no factory reps or someone with an axe to grind and no one who wishes to fly them but just hasn't got there yet. I would like to here the objective truth. Thank you.