---------------------------------------------------------- RVSouthEast-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 06/05/06: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 08:16 AM - RV-10 Flight Training at CUB in Sept (Patty Hamilton) 2. 11:36 AM - Plane fuel ramblings (sportav8r@aol.com) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 08:16:32 AM PST US From: "Patty Hamilton" Subject: RVSouthEast-List: RV-10 Flight Training at CUB in Sept Mike Seager will be in Columbia, SC (CUB) on Sept 5 & 6. He will be giving flight training in the factory RV-10. The cost is 60 per hour for Mike and the plane rents for 75 per hour for a total of $ 135 per hour. If you are interested in flying with Mike, please email me at Hamilton@sc.e du Once I get a feel for who and how many would like to fly with Mike I will set up a schedule to hopefully accommodate everyone's agenda. Thanks, Patty Hamilton ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 11:36:02 AM PST US From: sportav8r@aol.com Subject: RVSouthEast-List: Plane fuel ramblings Wow; sticker-shock at the gas pump! I miss the old days of $1.95 avgas and $.99 mogas, but who doesn't?! Figuring I'd better grab the early summer driving season local price of 2.79 for 93 octane, I loaded up the ferry tank into the pickup truck with the tractor and bale spear, and made 4 round-trips yesterdsay to the nearby gas-mart to stock up the Stormy Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Unloading 400 gallons of fuel by a hand-cranked pump will wear you out. It hurts in the wallet, too, over $1000 worth. Discover declined my card on the third trip, and I had to call fraud protection to convince them that repeated $280 purchases the same day were legit. Hopefully, I'm done with aircraft fuel purchases for the most part for 2006. My budgeting software agrees with that sentiment. My last case of AeroShell 15W-50 reflected the recent rise in petroleum prices as well: 65 bucks for 12 qts. That right there makes me feel justified changing oil every 50 hours! I guess we're competing with oil-hungry and newly-prospering India and China now, and the reality of the worldwide petroleum market will henceforth always reflect that, unless supply surges somehow. Meanwhile, back on the farm, I got the brakes relined and the 55 amp Isuzu alternator lashed up; all seems to be 100% operational. Nice to see 14.2 volts at idle rpm with all electrical loads on, and nothing pulsating or flickering, and no LV warning lights like I always had with the external regulator and Van's 35 amp Honda alternator. I'm almost sure there was a diode bad in there. Rascal sure gets hot to touch after 5 minutes fast idle uncowled, but I guess this is normal for an alternator under full load. This is why we run a blast tube to the ass-end, isn't it ;-0) Looks like we'll be mostly ready for the fly-in June 24th. The Amish Country gazebo people have delayed my delivery until June 20th, so I'm going to be scrambling to have that part of the deck ready for visitors by then. I love being busy with house and yard projects this time of year, so I have no complaints . -Stormy