---------------------------------------------------------- RVSouthEast-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Thu 07/27/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 09:17 PM - CONGRATS to Len and Ron!!!!!! (James Clark) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 09:17:47 PM PST US From: "James Clark" Subject: RVSouthEast-List: CONGRATS to Len and Ron!!!!!! SERV'ers ... Two of your own, Len L and Ron S passed their FFI Wingman checkrides this past weekend!! And Len got to fly in the Osh 15 ship. (Ron was with family after the clinic and later headed back home.) There will be a lot of pictures available soon. James -- This is an alternate email. Please continue to email me at james@nextupventures.com .