---------------------------------------------------------- RVSouthEast-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sun 08/13/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 10:02 AM - Emailing: DoorOpenLside.jpg (Ed Anderson) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 10:02:08 AM PST US From: "Ed Anderson" Subject: RVSouthEast-List: Emailing: DoorOpenLside.jpg Ok, folks. Here it is, the hangar door completely open. Minor sag at the junction of 2x4 on front-most edge and some torquing of metal beam at the ends where it meets the supporting post. Will stiffen with some plate and angle iron. Given no sheathing (yet) to stiffen the structure, I am very pleased with the results. If anyone wants more photos, send me an e mail Ed The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: DoorOpenLside.jpg