---------------------------------------------------------- Seaplane-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Wed 03/12/03: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 04:37 AM - folding wing seaplanes (zoperman@att.net) 2. 04:45 AM - folding wings (zoperman@att.net) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 04:37:03 AM PST US From: zoperman@att.net Subject: Seaplane-List: folding wing seaplanes --> Seaplane-List message posted by: zoperman@att.net ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 04:45:36 AM PST US From: zoperman@att.net Subject: Seaplane-List: folding wings --> Seaplane-List message posted by: zoperman@att.net The submariners had plenty of manpower to fold the things up.The use of towed gyrocopters for observation was a success, but the pilot ran the risk of being abandoned in an attack. I have a kolb mk3 with folding wings, and after 125 hrs the verdict is in- "forget about it". The kitfox style of folding is so superior I get choked up and have to leave when my friend folds his 'fox wings. A 'fox would make a fine floatplane. Del.