---------------------------------------------------------- Skymaster-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Thu 02/06/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 10:13 AM - Anyone interested? (Roger Chastain) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 10:13:34 AM PST US From: "Roger Chastain" Subject: Skymaster-List: Anyone interested? --> Skymaster-List message posted by: "Roger Chastain" I have had my 336 for 25 years and plan on flying it that much longer. Parts are hard to find, very little information available and you hope and pray for no problems as the solution may be long and painful. I have the list of 336 owners from the feds. Of about 200 built there are less than 100 registered. That means there are quite a number out there good for parts, etc. I have considered writing a letter to all registered owners and asking for an e-mail address so we could start a chain e-mail exchanging information. We could consolidate a data base of the salvage yards with 336 hulks, etc. We could get fancy and do it on Yahoo but to start I think the chain e-mail to all would be pretty simple. What are your thoughts on this matter. Tell me about your 336. Regards, Roger Chastain N-336RC Skymaster N-217BC Tigermoth RV-7 SlowBuild Regards, Roger Chastain N-336RC Skymaster N-217BC Tigermoth RV-7 SlowBuild