---------------------------------------------------------- Sonerai-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Fri 11/18/05: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 05:07 PM - Brian's annual cleaning out the hanger sale (Brian Kraut) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 05:07:10 PM PST US From: "Brian Kraut" Subject: Sonerai-List: Brian's annual cleaning out the hanger sale --> Sonerai-List message posted by: "Brian Kraut" I have finally gotten around to gathering up some odds and ends that have accumulated that I will sell to a good home for the right price. As always, email me direct at brian@engalt.com, not to the entire list. You can also call me at 904-536-1780. Here is what I have at the moment: Midget Mustang, 103 hours TT, O-200 with about 1,100 hours SMOH, 167 MPH cruise, new Imron paint job, custom stainless exhaust, VFR day/night - $22,000 OBO Sonerai II, 450 hours TT, 1835 VW with 55 hours SMOH, good flying condition - $9,000 OBO KR-2, 45 hours TT, Revmaster 2100 turbo with 45 hours TT, was flying, but one wing water damaged, have new spars to build another. Whole plane - $8,000, engine only with Hegy prop - $3,500, will sell cowl, engine mount, and rest of firewall forward package for $500 with engine, brand new Grove gear and mounting brackets $1,100. Will not sell gear separate unless someone else buys the plane without it. Vacuum pump, mounting bracket for VW, filter, regulator, vacuum gauge, attitude indicator, and heading indicator - $1,000. Brand spanking new Garmin GTX 320A transponder in original box with tray and all connectors - $1,000. Props Inc 52 X 50 prop in excellent condition drilled for Great Plains VW hub - $200. Nice small IFR radio package including Terra TX720 com radio, Terra TN200 nav receiver with ILS and glideslope, Arnav 20 loran, Terra Trinav C display with digital CDI for nav or loran, ILS indicator, and glideslope indicator, ICS intercom with 3 light marker beacon - $3,000 for complete package with all trays and wiring harnesses. Bendix TR-641 A transponder with brand spanking new ACK encoder already wired to it - $700. RT-359A transponder with ACK encoder already wired to it - $700. Sportys SP-200 handheld with headset adaptor cables - $220. Garmin GPS-90 aviation handheld GPS with yoke mount, external power cord, external antenna suction cup mount, original manual, and cigarette lighter plug $120. Whelen HDA-DF-14 strobe power supply for 2, 3, or 4 strobes - $150 with connectors included. Cessna 150 seats and seat rails in real good shape - $150/pair. 1965 bomber emergency parachute with C9 canopy freshly certified and repacked - $400. Sigtronics S-20 headset - $80.00 MG-40 headsets - $50.00. MG-40 headsets with aftermarket ANR installed - $120.00. All located in Jacksonville, FL. And no, I am not getting out of flying, just need more room at the moment. Once two of the planes go the other one comes off the market until I get my KR-2S done. Brian Kraut Engineering Alternatives, Inc. www.engalt.com