---------------------------------------------------------- Stratus-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Thu 08/14/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 03:26 PM - ICM (The Meiste's) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 03:26:50 PM PST US From: "The Meiste's" Subject: Stratus-List: ICM --> Stratus-List message posted by: "The Meiste's" OK Stratus fliers, if you recall my #1 Stratus supplied coil ended up burning out at 60 hours, I've now replaced it with a NAPA replacement. Also my ignition control module inside the distributor seems to be dead. I have now purchased a GM 4 pin ICM (TP45 from NAPA) to replace the problematic, and pricy Subaru ICM. My question to the group is this ..... has anyone out there done this swap yet, and if so can you please reply and tell me were the wires need to be connected? The stock Subaru ICM has 4 wires coming from it, 2 (a white & red) wires go to the pick-up mounted across the distributor, and 2 more (a black & yellow) wires that run out of the distributor to the # 1 coil. This new GM ICM has posts to connect 4 wires (two on each end). One end has connections marked "B" & "C", the opposite end has "W" & "G". Thanks to anyone who can help! Kelly