---------------------------------------------------------- Tailwind-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 06/19/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 11:53 PM - Front Spar Carry Through (Rcaprd@aol.com) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 11:53:11 PM PST US From: Rcaprd@aol.com Subject: Tailwind-List: Front Spar Carry Through Jim C. and all, I've been welding up the fuselage, and discovered a mistake that I made when I laid out the sides. It seems the front spar carry through came out about 2" behind the top of the triangle windows at each side of the windshield. I'm thinking of adding a piece of 3/4 X .035 from the underside of the carry through, to the mid door location. The other alternative is to cut the tubing at the windshield slant, and the forward upper door opening, and splice pieces to put it back to plans. Or, cut those pieces out altogether, and weld new ones in. The front spar carry through is just tac welded in. What do you guys think ? I'm including a picture. Chuck Gantzer Wichita, KS Pietenpol NX770CG Attachment: http://www.matronics.com/enclosures/cf36355b885f33a6990686546b585b4d807101c8.jpg