---------------------------------------------------------- Tailwind-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 08/07/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 06:54 AM - TUBEFIT (Hopperdhh@aol.com) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 06:54:59 AM PST US From: Hopperdhh@aol.com Subject: Tailwind-List: TUBEFIT --> Tailwind-List message posted by: Hopperdhh@aol.com Fellow tailwind enthusiasts: I have written a template calculating program which is posted at metalgeek.com. There is also a derivation of the math involved. Best of all it is completely free. Scroll down about 1/3 of the way and click on "Dan Hopper's TUBEFIT Program" on the left side of the screen. Its a very short and simple program that you can download and run offline. This program was originally written for building race car roll cages, but it should apply very well to building metal tube fuselages. There are a number of neat features about the program. You should be able to calculate the length and angles (center-to-center on the longerons) of the tube needed from your plans. You can then use the templates that you print out to cut a piece of tubing that is exactly right, on both ends, the first try. You can also use it to fit more than one tube at a time, such as occurs at a cluster. This program has been a hobby type project of mine for a number of years. I'd like to see someone put it to good use. Regards, Dan Hopper hopperdhh@aol.com Walton, IN