---------------------------------------------------------- Tailwind-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sun 10/22/06: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 01:28 PM - Aileron Bellcranks (Rcaprd@aol.com) 2. 01:59 PM - Re: Aileron Bellcranks (Jim Clement) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 01:28:05 PM PST US From: Rcaprd@aol.com Subject: Tailwind-List: Aileron Bellcranks Jim C., Why did you offset the bellcrank pivots from the slanted supports, for the aileron controls ? Why did you increase the angle between the arms from 80=BA to 100=BA ? I've got the 100=BA bellcranks built, and I'm now setting up where the pivot goes. Chuck G. NX770CG ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 01:59:56 PM PST US From: "Jim Clement" Subject: Re: Tailwind-List: Aileron Bellcranks --> Tailwind-List message posted by: "Jim Clement" To keep the load on the bellcrank close to the slanted truss. The bellcrank bushing is longer than the plans bushing to eliminate side play. 100 degree worked out better for the linkage although the 80 degree works ok. 80 was the stock TW but my mods bellcranks are turned upside down compared to the originals. ----- Original Message ----- From: Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 3:27 PM Subject: Tailwind-List: Aileron Bellcranks Jim C., Why did you offset the bellcrank pivots from the slanted supports, for the aileron controls ? Why did you increase the angle between the arms from 80 to 100 ? I've got the 100 bellcranks built, and I'm now setting up where the pivot goes. Chuck G. NX770CG