---------------------------------------------------------- TeamGrumman-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Mon 09/08/03: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 10:50 AM - Seat Backs (from that other list...) (Aucountry@aol.com) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 10:50:29 AM PST US From: Aucountry@aol.com Subject: TeamGrumman-List: Seat Backs (from that other list...) --> TeamGrumman-List message posted by: Aucountry@aol.com In a message dated 09/08/03 09:04:16 AM, charles.robinson@eglin.af.mil writes: > Jim Hannibal wrote:=A0 > I am going to re upholster my 77 AA5A=A0 seats in leather>=A0 Looking for=20seat > backs from a 78 79 or later Cheetah or Tiger.=A0=A0 Or if any one can tell me > how to change the 77 backs so they look like the 78+ > > Can't speak to how 78+ seat backs look, but here's how I modif > I only read a portion of the response from Charles, but, I'd be willing to bet Cahrles is talking aboout the back seats and Jim the front seats. Jim, I feel your pain. I hated the front seats in my 77 Cheetah. So, much so, that I cut them up with a hack saw when I took them out. The rear seats from a Piper Dakota (pretty sure that's the one) can be modified to go into your plane. They recline. They are very comfortable. And, if you do it the way I did, it also puts you 1/2 inch higher in the seat. They'll give you 3 seat back positions. The only problem with the Piper seats is that the seat bottom is about 4 inches too long. I had mine cut down and rewelded. In the process, I put gussets in the 4 corners with 1/4 inch nut plates on the gussets so I could=20bolt the new seat to the old seat pan. Removal and installation of the seat still used the original Grumman arrangement. Gary www.AuCountry.com/TeamGrumman http://www.matronics.com/subscribe