---------------------------------------------------------- TeamGrumman-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sat 04/24/04: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 09:35 AM - Tiger Update (TeamGrumman@aol.com) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 09:35:24 AM PST US From: TeamGrumman@aol.com Subject: TeamGrumman-List: Tiger Update --> TeamGrumman-List message posted by: TeamGrumman@aol.com The log book shows an entry for someone who tried to hook up strobes. Remember, this is a 78 and it comes pre-wired for strobes. Well, as it turns out, the problem they were having with no power to the strobe was a miss wiring at the factory. Yup, the wire from the switch went to an empty hole in the connector. The wire from the connector to the strobes was one hole off.