---------------------------------------------------------- TeamGrumman-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Fri 10/01/04: 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 01:03 AM - CHTs during climbout (TeamGrumman@AOL.COM) 2. 11:50 AM - Re: CHTs during climbout (Anna3003@AOL.COM) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 01:03:06 AM PST US From: TeamGrumman@AOL.COM Subject: TeamGrumman-List: CHTs during climbout --> TeamGrumman-List message posted by: TeamGrumman@aol.com Over the past 80 hours, now that I have a JPI 800, I've been changing baffles and trying different leaning/enriching techniques to keep the CHTs under 450 during climbout at OATs around 80 F.=A0 My results have managed to get CHTs to stay below 440 during climb and 407 +/- 5 degrees in cruise at 5500 feet and 2700 rpm with EGTs in the 1350 range.=A0 Today, I was climbing out of Bakersfield with an OAT of 80 and a MAP of 29 during the initial roll, when I decided to lean aggressively during the climb just to see what happened.=A0 What I was able to achieve was simultaneously=20417 CHT an all 4 cylinders, climbing at 115 knots and 500-800 fpm and stayed there from 1000 MSL to 4000 MSL.=A0 EGT was in the 1400-1450 range with a maximum spread of 40 degrees.=A0 Throught the climb to 9500 feet, the CHT went as high as 431 without further leaning and the spread between cylinders went from 419 to 431. Seems the engine likes this combination. ________________________________ Message 2 _____________________________________ Time: 11:50:24 AM PST US From: Anna3003@AOL.COM Subject: Re: TeamGrumman-List: CHTs during climbout --> TeamGrumman-List message posted by: Anna3003@aol.com Gary, do you have a vernier mixture control or the regular one? I'm having some trouble getting reproducible results with the regular one, and am thinking about changing to a vernier.