---------------------------------------------------------- TeamGrumman-List Digest Archive --- Total Messages Posted Sat 08/19/06: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Today's Message Index: ---------------------- 1. 08:51 PM - That dang Tiger heat! (brewtoo) ________________________________ Message 1 _____________________________________ Time: 08:51:20 PM PST US Subject: TeamGrumman-List: That dang Tiger heat! From: "brewtoo" --> TeamGrumman-List message posted by: "brewtoo" 1979 Tiger. I understand that heat coming in thru the pilot-side vent is a problem on this aircraft. The air from our left vent is nine to twelve degrees warmer than the right vent. When it's 95 degrees OAT and the vent air is 105, well, you notice it. The cooling air for the radios enters at about the same place...not good. CHTs run 375-400 typically. Here's what I've tried...sealed any tiny holes in firewall, no change. Completely taped over every gap on the left side of the cowling - front to back, top to bottom - tiny change, maybe two degrees. Moved the heater hose out from in front of the left outlet in the bottom of the cowl which it was blocking. No change. Climbing, descending, power changes, turning, slips...all can affect the vent temperature. Sometimes there's a bit of an 'engine' scent. We do have a CO monitor. It is quiet. A friend has a '79 Tiger and he has no vent-heat issues. However, he does have the ground adjustable cowl flaps. Ironically, his engine tends to run on the warm side but ours does not. So. Is this curable? I guess it will be great in the winter time but what about the other 3/4 of the year? Cowl flaps? Insulation in the bottom of the cowl, especially the left? Surely someone has licked this problem. Thanks, Brewtoo Hot, humid Alabama Read this topic online here: http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=55831#55831